Wonderful develop in all departments in a very short period in whole the history of pakistan
ALCOHOL IS BAD | Q&A ft. Amy - Duration: 12:22.-------------------------------------------
Kürdistan Kurulursa Ne Olur ? Kürt Nedir? - Duration: 8:41.Kurdistan state for many years, the founder of this dream and the interests of the curlers have in this video
What would happen if the state of Kurdistan was to be established?
Do not think that I'm embracing, and most importantly, whoever watches this video, regardless of the origin of the Kurds should never think I offended good.
The Kurdish word has been thousands of years, and this is how it is. Kurds are the oldest peoples of the Middle East and are the people of the Indian-European language group who live in the geography that stretches from the Taurus Mountains to the Zagros Mountains.
The name of the geography they live in is historically curative, and another one can be called northern mesopotamia. historical sources lead the history of the Kurds back 5000 years.
The source of the Kurdish name is historically very old. According to some researchers, the term kel Kurds olup is based on the term kel Kurds ürt. in the sümerce, the mountain means.
the word kurti means the people of the mountain. history of this name. It is based on up to 3000s. Kurdistan geography is a mountainous region as it is known.
In those ages people were given names associated with their geography or lifestyles. Kurds in this mountainous geography for thousands of years because of this name has been claimed to have been called. The name Kurti in the sümerkedeki, greklerede 2200 years ago kurdienne (the hometown of Kurdish) has passed.
This information here let you know what the word Kurdish is. If we ask what happens if Kurdistan is established, the answers are simple.
To be able to bring a country's flag, language, alphabet, at least an anthem, geography, boundaries, and the continuity of governing that state, it must be a mission and vision of that country.
Yes, this country has a flag and they accept a color and pattern in the same way in a language there is no need to talk to them, but the alphabet, this state diplomatic relations written documents so that you can write text
it has to be an alphabet and it needs to be known by the people but it is not. Therefore, the most logical writing language is Turkish or Arabic olucam to divide the turkey and logically divided into sections that kürdistan
the state language will be written this language will be Turkish. While it is, it is obvious that the name of the state is kurdistan and the language of writing is Turkish. The anthem may be written in later times, but the
alphabets should be written in alphabet and give them a meaning.
If you can create a sentence with the knitting language and if you can create a sentence at the end of the poem to write and for each of the stones I have counted at the beginning of each of these if you sit in them, then rhyme redif like writing
the rules must come out and solve them. They create the boundaries of geography and say God bless that they divide the turkey took part here and there from Iraq and form a so-called Kurdish citizens built this state
again, my aim is not to offend the Kurds but to break a big perception. When the state was founded, let's say let's say the alphabet diplomats did what was necessary in science. Now that I will
Please consider the example please do not misunderstand. Her husband may be incorrect, according to figures on the subject in 2017 of 50 million Kurdish people in the world and the majority of them in a little bit of turkey arabic these people in such a country kurulsa
what happens if they put into this country is a big mess up the uncharacteristic dispute the system is not seated in a building block, almost never think of what happens in the state of the simplest example of a Turkish cured arabic cedied
some of them, some of them speak some Arabic, some of them speak Kurdish, while the people of this state are trying to stand on their feet.
you are still in a situation that continued for a further divide the people deceived by turkey kurdistan valley begins to come blow with a mandate from the people who plan to exploit policy no need to explain them the date you're already anlamışs
I want to see what the mission of the country has the vision of what is the mission of the state to establish this state to remove the api and the so-called cases to spend the current missions in our country, but why or why not sit down and think
Forget the vision of what is important now that the missions are important. In our country, whether Kurds or Turks, we have lost many people in all kinds of imagination.
As a source of income to use as slaves illegal cigarette diesel drugs are doing everything they can to your mind most importantly they take orders from the external states so that they support them with the imagination of the so-called Kurdistan State
I do not understand that I do not understand so bad things to do a so-called new sprouting state will establish a filthy condemn and heads to the beginning of the new free peaceful state of the state of Kurdistan our children, the future of this state
we are the heirs of our sayers are really nuts that I want to tell this site is wanted to be established in the middle of a state, but why people are not what you want to set up what is going to end, but
If you ask, we never let you say that the important thing is not ethnic, your idea is thought, you feel like a Turkish flag.
For the sake of the ideas and rilor is being built, however, if a day is established, the other states under the auspices of a dairy cows will continue their lives as a cow and now they will call this country wax.
If you've watched over here, you like the video. You may subscribe to my channel, like the video, or you can specify comments and comments with the next video.
The Power of Difference: Why Diversity is an Organisation's Biggest Asset - Duration: 2:05.you know here at Slater and Gordon we're so fortunate we have over 2,000
different perspectives backgrounds characters sets of strengths 2,000 ways of
solving problems for customers and the potential in that I find mind-blowing
and that's why I'm committed to doing everything I can to harness the power of
these amazing differences some people call this diversity some people call it
inclusion for me it's about building a better balanced business it makes sense
doesn't it for customer obsessed firms like ours how can we expect customers to
love what we do until we love it first and for us to love what we do we need to
feel that we can thrive and be ourselves where we work and that means
irrespective of who we love or where we were born or our age race our background
the gender with which we were born or indeed perhaps the gender that we choose
to transition to later in life that's why here at Slater and Gordon we're
building on the great work that we've already done by putting some structure
behind me we've created four networks gender balance BAME and accessibility are
three the fourth is LGBT plus of which I'm a proud sponsor and we're already
making great progress in this space working with Stonewall on accreditation
through the workplace equality index we want to be a top 100 LGBT
plus this isn't the tick box exercise it can't
be it's about driving real change so maybe you work here as part of the
Slater Gordon team maybe you're a partner maybe you're even a competitor
but if you're interested in building better balanced businesses where people
can thrive and be themselves we all have something to gain by working together
join the conversation because together we can truly harness extraordinary power
of our differences
Is Mendota the worst place to live? Residents say that's a distorted view - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
IS SPITFIRE BEST WEAPON IN GAME??? | Victory with 11 kills - Apex Legends - Duration: 17:34.Do you wanna go skull town?
How are you doing, are u going out?
Naah, i'm not
Are you getting in fight?
Hahaha yeeee
After walking you're returnig home like u we're in war
One guy here
Here it is
He's knocked
One more is here
He's teammate is knocked to
Goog job
How stupid i am, i threw my shield for nothing
Nah who cares, is there any LMG?
Or spitfire?
Then i need energy ammo
I don't have it same
Nah, we will find some i guess
Oh my brother
Here is a peacekeeper if u want it
I don't need it
I found energy ammo for you
I'm coming
You know what?
I think there's somebody else with me
Maybe, maybe not
Yes, maybe no
I'm mad, i can hear a chest somewhere around here but can't see it
It's on roof
On roof?
Holy s%$#
Where did u found energy ammo?
Huh, back there
I'm going there
Somebody is reviving here
Let's push him while he's low hp
They're there
One knocked
Second is knocked
Did u killed him? Does he have energy ammo?
We have more enemy
Where is he?
He's on right side
Wait im shielding
Here he is, straight
He's knocked
I saw spitfire
Thanks for saving me
We're doing good so far
He're a guy infront of me
I don't know where they are
Where they are Aco?
One knocked
I need ammo
Wich one?
Nah, i've found it
They are dead
Somebody is here with me
Come with me
Did u saw him? Where he was?
Let's rush them
I'll try to help you
Holy s$%^ that was so close
I'm dead
I'll recover you
I dont have phoenix kit to heal faster
I'm gona create a portal so you can get back faster
This one is not working
He revived you?
He revived you? I was running like fool to get ur banner
I'm going to pick up my loot
Come here, loot is right here
I'm coming
4 squads left
How many kills do you have
I have 10
Guy here
Somewhere is a guy with a sniper
One knocked
Second is knocked
Thank you
Do you see them
We rock
Easy story
What was that?
Is this guy speaking english or what?
I don't know
Come here
They are not all inside the circle
Is South Florida more susceptible to measles than other places? - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Folge 2275: Hohe Erwartungen (Dahoam is Dahoam v. 19.02.) - Duration: 27:51.-------------------------------------------
5G Technology Explained By Max Igan. The Future Is Nigh! - Duration: 20:50.Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings this ...
is over to ask if we are changed over here in ...
Acapulco Mexico and today we are joined by the one and ...
only philosopher researcher Max Egan and where to be ...
getting into a lot of very interesting topics in this video ...
with regarding 5G regarding people's emotional states and ...
pretty much as you told me yesterday how life is just ...
pretty much a big old emotional mirror so bit hippy ...
bit of technological technocratic talk but I think ...
the most important aspect that I think we could get into ...
and you're very eloquent when you describe this ...
you've been talking about this for a number of years now ...
you're very kind of Clairvoyant you been right on ...
the money so many times but the bigger issue that I want to ...
talk to you about his of course 5 G 5 G of course is ...
being subsidized by many governments out there it's a ...
new kind of faster technological advancement of ...
Internet out there there's 20,000 satellites going up ...
into space to provide it but what are the convenience of ...
course is always a double cash.
Something for free for a reason it's a really free ...
anyway but the reason the government subsidizing ...
missing the bigger issue is Max I think you've been ...
warning about for a very long time tell us what if you need ...
to know about 5G budgie is military grade technology ...
that's the Pro Bowl prices at anything that you can think of ...
any electromagnetic weapons system any active denial ...
system or you going to do is go and look at the dog off of ...
website look at the on Titans on your phone all the stuff I ...
can do this anymore than you can think of it it piggyback ...
soft G that's the signal that I used to do it cost to being ...
with you know that would sure we'll get as fast as ...
bandwidth but I'm the lying it is the ability to put military ...
grade technology in place and at Target anybody they ...
want you can talk to people individually set up people fact ...
I need to know my kids are always things like microwave ...
cannons Liza Cannons all this old all Isaac and his butt ...
microwave cannons the good stuff like yeah I can change ...
your emotional state that can put voices in your head but ...
visions. Everything I did in the first ...
Gulf War when they put the voice of God in the minds of ...
the araki Soulja so they gave up their arms I admitted that ...
did this all of this is 5G capable so that's the problem ...
and also whether with the Internet of Things in the mess ...
of violence in the social crediting and everything that ...
goes with it gives you the ability to track you in real time ...
and to penalize you in real time and too tired of you who ...
acted in all in real-time you know he said something ...
wrong he's down on his social credit points or just ...
disabled him until the police arrive to pick him up and put ...
him in the spot prison this is what they can do with it so ...
it's very very dangerous I pop in the hope that specs as well ...
I mean just the fact that it is this heavy millimeter wave ...
radiation and say it's a whole new ballgame than the 3rd or ...
4th generation of Internet do we yawn when you think of ...
the other J behind all this 1G 2G 3G 4G this is fourth and ...
fifth-generation but with this it isn't an evolution of the same ...
technology to shift over into a new.
Military grade technology that just all the testing on with all ...
these Wards for the last 10 years than our woods and as ...
I said I didn't order that stuff is run by some critics be like ...
this would never happen we got a whole bunch of ...
peacocks here to I'm going to put the camera on there but ...
there's going to be a whole bunch of people saying you ...
need to understand people's iPhones are keeping a social ...
credit score on you rating your phone calls in your text ...
messages in your interactions without you even knowing or ...
having access to it look what's happening in China ...
right now in system that's going throughout their entire ...
country's population controlling people's ability to ...
have high-speed internet have a job to put their kids ...
into a good school be able to travel even based on a social ...
credit score if there are critical of the government of ...
course journalists already being hit with this now this is ...
interesting point with the conversation from God that ...
the Iraqi. Iraqi War soldiers heard can ...
you tell us more about that as well as the documents that ...
you talked about yesterday on our livestream that was ...
also surrounding and discovered around 5G the ...
voice of God is what I put in the Rocky songs you can find ...
their own reports at this is what we did you know when ...
you can do stuff I was test I did things in Japan a couple ...
of years ago that I can put the Holograms in front of the ...
shorts in Japan and it was sitting shops with a voice in ...
your head telling you to go in and shop and the people ...
walking past complained about it because I told this is ...
an invasion of privacy this is why I didn't mind string that's ...
what I just told you you must lay down your weapons and ...
gone surrender to the friendly allies you know and they're ...
wet fart bomb so I can do this stuff but not only that when ...
you look at what we wear electrical bangs and all this ...
stuff affects your how hard would it be to get a title ...
population we might be a population of dissident so ...
perhaps in anneke's community or whatever and ...
just tired of them and perhaps in Juice also I'm as ...
in that until I can. So they don't have dementia ...
and I don't know what they doing what it's like over ...
country so this is what's possible with all this like ...
quitting and I can do everything you can think of ...
what I said go look at the website and look at some of ...
the tests are done in cultures only song to be experiencing ...
and your electrical experiments I do what's it all ...
for you know and I've done all the tests and now they're ...
putting this blanket systemic roast everybody for a ...
convenience and even people who eat organic food and ...
stuff like this with this this radiation that is Guy Anthony ...
is changing the cell structure of us so it's also changing the ...
cell structure of all the food we're eating a base and ...
Wildlife and insects falling off every way people noticing ...
you noticing any bugs in your windscreen any more fights ...
you got driving at dusk is not bumps on your windscreen ...
you speak thousands terrible time to go driving cuz she ...
had to clean your windscreen so much we don't see that ...
anymore. Just done notice and I wants ...
this food chain breaks down and I we're heading into ...
really really Dangerous Waters.
Will need to pay attention to it and the government doesn't ...
subsidize something and give you these foggy devices if ...
they didn't want you to have this and if they want you to ...
have it and they are able to induce certain wives and ...
carrier wife's throat affect your biology affect your ...
neurology this is very dangerous and of course this ...
is why they're doing it need to be aware of all these is not a ...
matter of if but when you got historical record it's been ...
predominantly governments and mobs Mafia is that I've ...
been ruining The Human Experience on his Planet ...
causing a lot of suffering the kind of valve for power and ...
with this new technological advancements they're going ...
to have the ability to have unlimited power and do really ...
really crazy Sinister things then why wouldn't a state or ...
private corporation that profits off usually predominately ...
your own misery won't do that is the question is is it's it's ...
foolish not to be skeptical not to look into these things and ...
the way that this discussion is not even happening with this ...
just being implemented especially.
Does absolutely terrifying but 5G before we get into the the ...
other topic anything specifically you think people ...
should know or or can do even something about this ...
larger topic other than just moved to Peru everywhere I ...
think we will have to become aware of it but I got to stop ...
complying with the system stop pulling away from it ...
realizes what's happening is a digital bear has been ...
constructed between Austin nature bicycle E Yeah and ...
they're removing rx's seen you need a mobile phone to ...
getting to the park you know what a man like you need in ...
my ball finder everything they are removing landlines ...
removing newspapers magazines or information is ...
becoming digital which means I can change it ...
anytime I want rewrite it anytime I want and you need ...
to be getting meeting passwords and biometric ...
scans and things saint of buildings sorry it's going in a ...
really really scary direction if you put all that in place and ...
you got this whole digital barrier between us and reality ...
with the ability to Target and disciple anybody you want for ...
erected to know this is a very die.
Spicy and you have it based on social credit system ...
Sunday you get home on your phone that you can and ...
she unharmed because of what you said in the pot that ...
died and it's pretty scary stuff so I think we really need to ...
look at what this is the best thing we can do is just not ...
use it looking for the donut shop at Amazon fights gun ...
shop it all these places out of the bank can I use cash cash ...
is bad enough but it's better than leaving a pipe of trial ...
and it's better than having this device on you the tracks ...
you everywhere you go listens to everything you do ...
and realize the messages back to paper cuz every cell ...
tower you see he's not a transmitter it's a.
Ahava stuff I have a stole your stuff from your cell ...
phones every time you got pause every 3rd child so why ...
would such thing in the system now or they can just ...
pull the net out and just dragging nice people I want ...
you know I mean we have the cell towers and they're ...
spread out but the 5G Towers going to be very ...
closely located of course. Central of Adam location ...
along major kind of light poles as well very close to ...
each other a lot of room for concern here I'm always on a ...
very skeptical side and people need to understand ...
here the reality of the situation is this is ...
encroaching all around us and it's really our compliance ...
our kind of laziness our foolishness that's allowing ...
this to happen Amazon is one of them it's been hard for me ...
not to use Amazon I'll be honest because it's so ...
convenient one day I'll just be here I'm forcing myself to not ...
use them because of just a larger implications if this is a ...
company that's working on artificial intelligence this is a ...
company artificial intelligence extremely terrifying when you ...
look at the bigger applications are working on ...
facial recognition AI systems that they give to government ...
police departments that they gave to ice this is a total ...
game-changer laws in France were just passed where you ...
can't come rub your face anymore because of the ...
bigger Revolution that's happening there it's all ...
encroaching towards less and less and less rights as ...
people are just being in a day.
With just their comfort zones just sitting down feel like it's ...
so convenient one click of a button I got my Chinese slave ...
made Goods right here and I think we could get into and I ...
think it would be very important for me and you to ...
discuss is of course the bigger deeper psychological ...
emotional aspects of this because as you were talking ...
about a lot of people usually tried to fill in a lot of empty ...
voids are usually placed into my Society on purpose ...
through consumerism through the want of of money ...
and end the end of the kind of greed of trying to be rich ...
you have a totally different perspective on this which I ...
appreciate I utilize it in my own ways but one thing you ...
told me I want you to go from here is I try to spend money ...
and you can't yeah it's a difficult thing like what how ...
much anything you know what I have to pay to be a lot ...
but. Is something I really want to ...
go if I had a lot of money that I don't know what I'd spend it ...
on you know I saw I tend to give a little why you know I ...
got to help people have a water to house of people and ...
stuff like this as much as I try to spend it just it just seems ...
to come back to me all the time it's a freaking thing a ...
couple of years ago I left the strategy with $5,000 in my ...
pocket and I use credit cards and I went away for about ...
three months ended up being a wife for 19 months went ...
around the world 2 and 1/2 * and I end up in Virginia and I ...
had $230 left in my pocket so I go around the world with ...
219 months two and a half times on $5,000 and then ...
right when I decided what I've only got $130 in my pocket ...
it's time for me to book a ticket I'm as soon as I book ...
The Ticket I want to come out to me and said you changed ...
my life you saved my life last year my husband died and ...
you always in a really really dark place and you you ...
saved my life and she handed me an envelope with ...
$5,000 in it to go home with exactly the same.
Are you sure this is a hell of a die nice and she was like I ...
don't know please please take it and I,
I didn't spend it I just said let it sit in an envelope and I like ...
I just didn't spend it all you just throw this is too much of ...
a guy nice and it's a my guide me and I sent her an ...
e-mail months later to say like how I is it all good amount of ...
stupid this money here and she was like no other place ...
have it you know but that's the thing and are you lose ...
attachment to a Papal who who always worried about ...
having my money will find that never got any money ...
people who are worried about their health all the time with ...
one of their wives having health problems you know if ...
you have no stake in the outcome you lose attachment ...
to it is an emotional mirror Nessa how it works and the ...
laws of dama dama you do the right thing and the right ...
way at the right time for the right reason and what is right ...
well if you find the one Lord corporation which is ...
unconditional love and service to Creation which ...
doesn't mean you serve yourself at the expense of ...
others are you don't serve others at the expense of ...
yourself you put yourself on a TV.
Kill Squad finish every writer show in lak'ech I'm another ...
yourself you know and I just gave all that I can everything ...
websites for free all my films of my fat free the book all ...
right I gave away free and since I started giving ...
everything for free and anytime I've got anything ...
spare I give it to someone for free who needs it I just leave ...
in the side of where everything I need is always ...
there for me it just works and I have a lot of money at all ...
but but what if I needed it just comes the way that beautiful ...
woman come and just gave me everything that I just ...
spent on the last 19 month so it's been going around the ...
world trying to wake the world up and I just got that straight ...
back to me now you can go home resting place.
You got that that you got the funding to go and do it again ...
next time you want.
NSL works and it's an emotional mirror some people ...
need to lose stake in the outcome you know if you or ...
the the the rules of dama and the end that are in a side of ...
unconditional love with you throw yourself to the way you ...
can write it and I'm living proof that it works and the ...
more you resisted the more difficult to get that I can tell ...
you in my own personal life every time I try to control a ...
specific aspect or start worrying and stressing out ...
like a crap I'm broke I have no money or crap I'm having this ...
problem this medical issue if it only gets worse from here ...
and I had so many times in my life where I'm just at work ...
out I'll be fine and just the same thing at alternative ...
media especially early on I didn't have much money ...
random person came to me right as I had zero and I was ...
like you know it will be fine I'll be okay first comes up to me ...
as like here's you know a hundred bucks allows me to ...
eat for the next day which was incredible God had so ...
many moments like that not only what money but like ...
random places like being at the G20 not having a place to ...
stay and then being like know it's going to be okay it's going ...
to be fine and literally a hotel manager coming.
Give me in the hotel that I'm just having a drinking ...
because I don't know what else to do tell him hey you ...
want anything you need anyting yours a hotel magic ...
kind of synchronicity and magic magic live to get so ...
much easier once you release a you just like let-go ...
and your line. Find a workout has less ...
stress you put on yourself that use your it is if you want ...
to say it didn't cut me off anytime because I can talk ...
about this for a while and are now you could throw yourself ...
that when you can draw that you really can you know and ...
people you have if you are having a hard time I can save ...
you stressing out about some universities going to go really ...
have a little bit more I have a little bit more you getting it ...
yet you know so you got to lose attachment to all that ...
United States a beautiful world full of beautiful people ...
and everybody really wants to help each other you know ...
that I really do and if you don't have a stake in the ...
outcome if you can give to people unconditionally on ...
your phone the universe gives back to you when we ...
gave him we we expect something in return it doesn't ...
work gif. Give something to you I'm not ...
giving you a debt you never asked for I'm actually giving ...
you a gift there's nothing attached to that you're not ...
and people need to be able to do that every was a time is ...
not money you know if we can just open up your heart ...
to yourself and see the beauty and trueness of ...
yourself than you want to give to others it's a beautiful ...
thing and I and that's how I live my life that's why I give ...
everything there's nothing to go on my website it's all free I ...
give it all away and the University of scars made out ...
of work should my if we we could adopt that attitude all I ...
believe we could change the world so I quickly we really ...
could you know but the fact we go to Pi to be Lord is ...
always that stress dripping in the back of everyone's mind ...
so matter how much I try to let go and tell him all this and ...
I just so you know I was never part of that I walked ...
away from the system in in early and school and become ...
a musician so I've never been part of it so I know why it's ...
easy for me and I can see that but I can still say that ...
other people can do this. I've met all the people that ...
have done unto mean you're doing what I mean is it works ...
fine she really was let me know it's perfect we all have ...
our negative negative sides and we all have our negative ...
traits that we have to fight through and it's not an easy ...
fight what are the things you said to me that really spoke ...
to me is like when you're giving a gift you're not giving ...
someone debt that they never wanted cuz that's what you ...
people do I give you this now you better do this and this ...
and this and I used to conduct my relationships like ...
this before time to actually do some introspection to ...
meditation have some third-party professional work ...
work with me and be like hey.
Wow I wasn't sometimes especially earlier on in my life ...
especially my teenage years in my early twenties I wasn't ...
the kind of detrimental behaviors and we're all ...
making mistakes but it's about recognizing them ...
admitting them to to him and not making sure you never do ...
them again because the way in the philosophies that you ...
speak about her very very important a lot of people are ...
adverse to a lot of this a lot of people are adverse to this ...
because they don't hear it in the mainstream media they ...
don't hear it in the schools they don't hear it in society in ...
this is an important message that needs to be spread ...
around because a lot of people are so uncomfortable ...
would even just having free time to think as individuals ...
themselves that they have to drown this out with TVs being ...
on in their rooms all the time that's a drowned this out with ...
radios being on the on the side with constant constant ...
noise that the jaundice out with constantly being on their ...
phone and never having a free moment to even freely ...
think because of all the horrible thoughts because of ...
the fear they have in themselves to even critically ...
analyze the truth of this. Which are difficult to swallow ...
and that's why the the 5G industry is becoming as ...
prevalent as they are because people are like well I ...
get faster internet I could Pastor distract myself from ...
life and the realities of life and the harder truth of this ...
life and and the heart or emotions that I have a ...
process and I could just get out of those but just more ...
bull crap and you're not a part of that system you're not ...
part of that Paradigm and I always appreciate you Max I ...
always appreciate the time we spent I appreciate ...
everything you say just wanted to say thank you and ...
deep down appreciate you and your energy and and just ...
the person you are cuz this is a message that people need ...
to hear and I had my own Falls I was one of those ...
people people need to understand I was literally so ...
traumatized before I had a hard time not having the TV ...
on constantly because when I was left in my thoughts I said ...
think about traumas or the bigger darker horrible ...
aspects of this world that I didn't want to process and I ...
just kept medicating myself with the subconscious ...
propaganda as being thrown. Let me buy them that makes ...
me be like oh but I get it in the day shift to Mio but it's ...
going to be so quick to download on my movies and ...
everything else in a matter of seconds now it is 5G is going ...
to be so great that kind of ideology is perpetrated by the ...
larger ecosystem by this larger problem so I'm going ...
on around nose supposed to be in to be on you but I feel ...
so emotionally attached to this because I was at fault ...
and your words are kind of medicine medical therapeutic ...
nature so appreciate you leave you with the last words ...
because appreciated this video share with your friends ...
and family members but last words Max again preciate you ...
very much and you do it because you want five is from ...
that person you haven't given him a gift you've given him a ...
debt I never asked. I give this poison now you've ...
given Sunday to yourself if you can give unconditionally ...
no stake in the outcome and sometimes I didn't even pay ...
for the the person shopping next to me just because.
I look like I need some money so I'll just run this stuff ...
through the chick at and walk away if I can before they even ...
see me do it you know and that's so the stuff it it it just ...
attracts good when you did go to the track school so I do ...
good price and believe in yourself because we can all ...
get through this yet his home this whole thing is just an ...
idea that somebody had and it's time for new idea I think ...
it's about to be born.
Study Proves Government-Run Healthcare Is Better Than Private Insurance - Duration: 4:29.According to a new analysis by the urban institute.
Government run health programs like Medicare and Medicaid are better at controlling costs
than private health insurance companies.
Here's what they found between 12 uh, 2006 and 2017 so over an 11 year span.
Medicare spending per enrollee increased by 2.4% per year.
During that time, Medicaid spending grew by 1.6% per year.
Meanwhile, private insurance spending grew by 4.4% annually.
So we have two government run healthcare programs, one for the poor, one for the elderly, and
both of those were somehow able to control costs better then what those of us with private
insurance had.
I mean almost double the amount of spending per person growth among private health insurance
compared to the government programs.
We have seen studies like this come out in the past too, except they weren't necessarily
focusing on here in the United States.
They were focusing on other countries and countries with government run.
Healthcare programs tend to spend less and see far slower growth in spending per person
for healthcare services than those countries like us that have to rely on private health
The point I'm trying to get at here is that not just all over the world in these countries
with socialized medicine, but even here in the United States, for the few people that
are on our socialized medicine programs, they're getting better coverage, they're getting better
prices, they're getting better deals than the rest of us who have to go through private
It is nearly impossible to look at these numbers and you actually, when you look at the numbers,
you see that more and more people had enrolled in these programs and yet they still manage
to keep the costs lower.
I mean logically you would think that more people go on it, you're going to spend more
money, but these programs are actually so efficient that they didn't have to increase
their spending.
I mean obviously they did increase the spending overall because there were more people, but
their costs, I should say the costs did not increase.
Meanwhile, for those of us from private health insurance, we're averaging 4.4% increase in
cost per year.
That's inefficient.
You can't look at these numbers and tell me that a medicare for all program here in the
United States would not be a better system and I know there's always those big conversations
of how are we going to pay for it?
How are we going to pay for it?
Well, maybe we don't need to spend close to $800 billion a year on our military.
I mean the next seven or eight countries who spend as much on their military combined,
we still spend more than double what all of those countries spend.
Again combined, we could cut that in half.
We could cut it into a quarter of what it is still be spending more than everybody else
and provide better quality health care coverage for people here in the United States, run
by a government program that knows damn well had to get things done.
The private market, the private industry, the private sector has failed us and that's
why we're in this position.
That's why we do have to move to a drastic new system like a medicare for all had the
private sector corrected itself decades ago.
Nobody today would be calling from Medicare for all, but they let their greed get in the
way, and because of that, they're going to have to be the ones to pay the price.
Now, medicare for all is the only solution to these problems because the private sector
has proven time and time again that as long as they can gouge us and make us pay as much
as possible, they're damn sure gonna make us do it.
{Zurik 23M}Vikings Ivar The Boneless There is No Happiness-Hunsub - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Wilders onverbiddelijk na energiekosten-echec kabinet: 'Rutte is een LEUGENAAR' - Duration: 3:10.Geert Wilders wil niets weten van rekenfoutjes die het kabinet al dan niet gemaakt zou hebben bij het vaststellen van de vermoedelijke stijging van de energierekening
Staatssecretaris Mona Keijzer beriep zich op een vergissing met oude gegevens, maar de PVV-voorman ziet er niets minder dan opzet in: er is bewust gelogen, en dat maakt premier Rutte een "leugenaar", zo stelt hij onomwonden op Twitter
Rutte: "Mensen zullen ook merken in de portemonnee dat het wat beter gaat." De energierekening stijgt toch met gemiddeld € 334, de ziektekostenpremie is gestegen, de boodschappen zijn duurder door de hogere btw, de huren stijgen, pensioenen gekort etc
#StemRutteWeg #StemPVV pic.twitter.com/upVLxmR852 — Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) February 19, 2019 Een ernstige blamage voor het kabinet vanochtend
Over een maand gaan we naar de stembus, maar nu moest het kabinet toegeven flink geblunderd te hebben met getallen over de energiekosten
Als er dit jaar al een stijging was, zou deze miniem zijn, aldus staatssecretaris Keijzer eind vorig jaar
Vandaag moest ze door het stof: de verhoging was meer dan €330 per huishouden. Niets 'valt wel mee', dus
PVV-leider Geert Wilders vindt dat onvergeeflijk. Hij toog dan ook naar Twitter om daar premier Rutte uit te maken voor LEUGENAAR, groot gephotoshopt op een beeltenis van de premier in de Tweede Kamer
Wilders somt op wat er allemaal duurder is geworden: "De energierekening stijgt toch met gemiddeld € 334, de ziektekostenpremie is gestegen, de boodschappen zijn duurder door de hogere btw, de huren stijgen, pensioenen gekort etc
" En het medicijn? Tja, het is campagnetijd. Dus dat laat zich raden: "Stem Rutte weg
Stem PVV" Hoe kan het ook anders, hè? Waardeer jij de artikelen op DagelijkseStandaard
nl? Volg ons dan op Twitter!
Is The Umbrella Academy Dad Reginald Hargreeves an Alien? | Heavy.com - Duration: 8:30.Is The Umbrella Academy Dad Reginald Hargreeves an Alien? | Heavy.com
One big mystery from Netflix's The Umbrella Academy involves the billionaire eccentric dad, Reginald Hargreeves.
We never see him exhibit any kind of strange powers.
But there's a prologue right before the final episode of Season 1 that doesn't make a lot of sense.
It's led fans to wonder if Reginald isn't at all that he appears.
This post has major spoilers for the finale scene involving Reginald Hargreeves.
In that scene, we see Reginald in a flashback, years earlier.
The caption simply reads: "Long Ago…".
His wife is dying and he brings her a violin.
She says he should take the violin and give it someone who will love the violin as much as she did.
He ultimately lets Vanya have the violin, many years later.
What's interesting about this scene is how much emotion Reginald has.
He loves his wife desperately.
This is a type of emotion we never see in all the flashbacks with his children.
When Reginald looks outside, we see a field with farming robots and rockets taking off.
This is obviously not Earth, as this type of technology didn't exist during that period of time in Earth's history.
He's either in the future or somewhere else.
(But considering that Five is trying to stop an apocalypse on Earth, he's likely not on Earth's future unless it's in a parallel universe of some sort.).
We also see Reginald carrying some kind of jar filled with glowing lights, which escape like pixie dust into the sky as he looks out the window onto the fields.
It's unclear what this means.
Is this dust a magical power of some sort that allows him to travel to Earth? Is this what caused all those women to give birth unexpectedly?.
The second theory isn't likely.
When Reginald arrives on Earth, it's 1928.
The women don't give birth until 1989.
The years do tell us that Reginald is aging much slower than a human would.
We also learn that when Reginald arrives at his destination in the United States, it's via a ship called Hargreeves, which he named himself after.
So he went through the Immigration Bureau when he arrived.
This likely wasn't his first arrival on Earth, I would guess.
This is the only hint that the TV series gives us about Reginald.
He's either from another planet or another time period.
Rockets were taking off and ferrying people away from his planet.
Either that was pretty common for his world, or they were leaving before some kind of apocalypse.
He did say to his wife (or lover): "I can't leave you, there must be another way." And she said, "There isn't.
I will die here, but you won't.
I won't allow it.
The world needs you, Reggie.".
Perhaps Reginald was so obsessed with finding the children because their powers could somehow save his planet.
Or maybe because their powers were from his world.
I'm going to guess the latter, because through all those years it appears he never made much of an effort to bring them in on his past life.
Also, notice that his wife says "the world needs you." She must be talking about their world, but Reginald never brings the children in on a plan to save their world.
This might lend itself to a theory that Reginald is from Earth, just a different time period or a parallel version.
The comics do provide an explanation for Reginald, although it's not apparent if this will be used in the TV series.
Read on for a spoiler from the comic series. .
In the comics, Reginald is revealed to be an alien.
Not much else is said about his origins.
It's said that he's a world-renowned scientist and entrepreneur who invented the "televator," the "levitator," the "mobile umbrella communicator" and "clever crisp cereal." It also notes that he worked in the "cerebral advancement of the chimpanzee." The comics say that he set out with his bodyguard aboard his private vessel, "rumoured to be powered by the remains of King Amen-Kharej IV (an Egyptian monarch.)".
In the comics, he removes his mask and there's a caption that reads "space alien," but his true form isn't shown.
This obviously isn't being repeated in the TV series, since he and his wife spoke in their true form, and they look exactly like humans.
So there are some divergences between the comics and the series.
But it's likely, however, that Reginald remains an alien, just like in the comics.
You can stay updated on all the new scifi and fantasy stories written by this article's author by joining the email list here and choosing the scifi and fantasy TV category.
Survivor Host Jeff Probst Says This Is Who He Thinks Will Win Edge of Extinction - Duration: 1:35.Survivor Host Jeff Probst Says This Is Who He Thinks Will Win Edge of Extinction
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There are a few Survivorsuper fans who have watched the show from its very first season nearly 20 years ago, but theres also been and thats . The has loved the game since conception and continues to host the series today. Hes witnessed the most surprising tribal councils and seen some underdogs thrive and win the dollar 1 million prize. And now, hes ready to make some predictions in regards to whos going to win Survivor:EdgeofExtinction.
So, whos Jeffs pick, and why? Heres what we know.
Weve seen plenty of twists and turns on past Survivorseasons, but none have been like whats about to happen on . In this season, the castaways who are voted off the island will be given a choice as theyre exiting that they had no idea existed and that choice is to either leave the game completely or try their luck on a different deserted island with a chance to get back in. As for who will play the best game, we have yet to see but Jeff thinks returning player Kelley Wentworth has an excellent shot.
Shes who I would align with, Jeff . I just think Kelley has it all, and shes got just enough physical skills, great social skills, very aggressive in terms of finding idols, and she can lie like crazy. I think its her time. Jeff also predicts that Kelley will make a strong alliance early on with other players that will last and protect her through the game, too. I dont think shell see Extinction Island, I think shell be in deep, he added.
Kelleys played the game twice before, which may put a target on her back for other players early on but may also prove to be to her advantage. And how much shes had to fight to get far in both of her past seasons. During Survivor:CambodiaSecondChance, we recall how Kelley was one day away from making the final three and perhaps even collecting a check of dollar 1 million. And shes ready to give it a go, even though she did note that she might be totally out of her mind for returning.
I just feel ready, Kelley told Entertainment Weekly. I feel like you cant always let opportunities pass you by. And, still no kids. Im married now, but its just like you never know in the next few years what might be in my life and this just seemed like the perfect time. She also mentioned that this time might be her last, so she hopes to come out with a win. I dont know if I could do four times. This game takes so much out of you, so my only goal this time is to win so that I dont even have to entertain the thought of coming back, she said.
At the time of the Entertainment Weekly interview, Kelley knew she was returning with one other player but she also had a feeling there may be more veterans shed have to compete with. Her inkling was right. four past Survivor players are set to go for the million dollars on EdgeofExtinction. They include Aubry Bracco from GamesChangers and KaohRong, David Wright from Millennialsvs.GenX,and Joe Anglim from WorldsApart and CambodiaSecondChance.
All four players will be gunning for the win, and theyre all coming back a little wiser than they were before. And Jeff is particularly excited about the players, old and new. I love this next group of players, the host said. We were looking for specific types of stories and we found them. I think the audience is going to enjoy the ride. Were continuing to live up to our promise to our fans.
Check out on Facebook!
Today, Accept 'What Is' - Duration: 3:03.Hi everybody! Dr. Jen here. This month we're talking about mindfulness and
mindful parenting. And one of the big pillars of mindful parenting that I want to talk
about today is the idea of acceptance of 'what is'. This is a really hard one for
the human brain I think to wrap its head around. If you think about your own
life, we spend a lot of time wishing that things were different than they actually
are. And that doesn't mean that we can't work
towards goals, but what it means is that we are a lot happier if we can see our
thoughts, our feelings, the good and the bad, the struggle... and accept that that
just is part of life and move through that. Lean into that more directly
instead of constantly trying to avoid or change the things that are happening. So,
when it comes to your kids, how you can apply this, is by making sure that the
expectations you're setting for them are realistic and based on the acceptance of
who your child is at that present moment and not what you're hoping that they'll
be somewhere down the road. A great example of this is my son last year
wasn't doing a great job of listening in class.
Those of you with seven-year-old boys you might be familiar with this specific
challenge and so our expectations for him, were not that he became the best
listener in class. That's not taking into account what is and 'what is' is that he
was a seven-year-old boy who was struggling with listening in class. So what our
expectation was for him is just to see some improvement in the regulation of
that behavior. So I remember getting his report card back and looking at the -
those parts of the report card and his mark had gone from satisfactory
to good and we had a big party about this. We were thrilled. And we made sure
we knew, and that he knew, that we were very happy with that change that he had
shown. Now it wasn't excellent, it wasn't even very good, but it was an improvement,
it was him working towards being better in that capacity within a
reasonable and realistic expectation of what he could achieve and the more we
can set those realistic expectations about life for our kids, the easier it
will be for them to be mindful of their own capacity, their own thoughts, and
their own feelings instead of working so hard to avoid 'what is' because that leads
to a lot of suffering and unhappiness. In fact, that probably leads to more
suffering and unhappiness than those challenges, other challenges along our
way. So we want to make sure that we're letting our kids know that they can
accept 'what is' and still work towards positive change if they need to but that
base level acceptance is so important.
SBC President on Baptist sex abuse scandal The world is watching al.com - Duration: 3:29.SBC President on Baptist sex abuse scandal The world is watching al.com
Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear told denominational leaders in a meeting Monday night that sexual abuse is not a fabricated story with an agenda, according to Baptist Press.
"It is time for change, Greear said at a meeting of the SBC Executive Committee in Nashville. The world is watching."
A study committee reported that an SBC database of offenders should be considered, discussed and evaluated. The idea was rejected by SBC Executive Committee more than a decade ago, in 2008.
The study committee was formed in July and had been looking at the issue prior to the publication last week of
Some Southern Baptist churches have "ignored" or "silenced" victims, Greear said.
The SBCs culture needs to change, he said.
"Weve got to look deeply at our culture," see how abuse has been allowed and make sure it doesnt happen again, Greear said.
Our goal is for our response to abuse to match the Gospel we proclaim with our mouths, he said. The Gospel declares Jesus laid down His life for the vulnerable. We need to defend them.
Greear, pastor at The Summit Church in Durham, N.C., announced a Sexual Abuse Advisory Study in July. More than half of study group is women, Greear said.
Initial recommendations of the study group include calling for repentance "for decades of inaction."
Denominational culture has made abuse, evasion and cover up "far too easy," Greear said.
The SBC also must repent for using local church autonomy as an excuse, he said.
The study group developed a resource entitled "Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused." It is a free 12 lesson training for ministry leaders.
All six seminaries have agreed to incorporate this resource into their curricula, Greear said.
The 10 member team that conducted the study includes Rachael Denhollander, Mika Edmondson, Brad Hambrick, Samantha Kilpatrick, Diane Langberg, Chris Moles, Andrea Munford, Karla Siu, Darby Strickland and Leslie Vernick.
All six seminaries, the officers of the Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders and all state conventions have agreed to three documents on a "Statement of Principles on Abuse."
Churches, conventions, associations and entities should review their policies on abuse, the study committee recommended. It also recommended requiring background checks for all SBC standing committees and trustee appointments.
The study group recommended Southern Baptists reexamine the ordination process for pastors and deacons.
The 2019 SBC annual meeting June 11 12 at Legacy Arena in Birmingham will address abuse through several programs and resources.
State convention partners and LifeWay should work together to identify additional questions related to abuse that can be added to the Annual Church Profile, the study group said.
The SBCs governing documents should be amended to address the definition of a cooperating church and make clear that churches with "a wanton disregard" for sexual abuse are not in friendly cooperation.
Greear listed specific churches that should be asked to give an answer for their actions related to sexual abuse. The goal is never to disfellowship, he said.
If we do not get this right, our churches will not be a safe place for the lost, Greear said.
In 2007, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution urging churches to perform criminal background checks on clergy and employees. The statement also renounced child abusers and those who cover up their actions.
Stanford's B team is beating some of college golf's best schools at PGA West (including Stanford's A - Duration: 2:01.The Stanford men's golf program has always been a deep one, and all the proof of that is on their legendary list of alumni that's made it to the PGA Tour
One of the most shining examples of this depth came in 2014, when Cameron Wilson won the NCAA Individual title despite being the third or fourth best player on a roster that included Patrick Rodgers and Maverick McNealy
Stanford is the type of program that could throw out its B squad and still compete
literally.Don't believe it? This week, Stanford sent its top five players as well as its second five players to The Prestige, a highly competitive men's college golf tournament played over three days on the Greg Norman Course at PGA West in La Quinta, Ca
The tournament is hosted by UC Davis, and this year's event, the 19th annual, features some of the top programs in the country, including No
1 ranked Oklahoma State, Oregon, Pepperdine and UCLA. Early in Monday's first round, Stanford's B squad was beating all of those teams, including Stanford's A team:The B team is led by Dakota McNealy, brother of Maverick, who won the 2015 Haskins Award as a member of the Cardinal and is currently in his second season on the Web
com Tour. Actually, we're not even sure if "the B team is led by" Dakota is the right wording, considering the fact But the junior ended up carding the low round of the day for the B team, an even-par 71
By day's end, the B team wound up in a tie for sixth with the A team, still ahead of 25th-ranked Arkansas, 35th-ranked Northwestern, 46th-ranked Iowa State, Notre Dame and Utah
As second round play begins, the B team trails 14th-ranked Pepperdine and Oregon by just three shots
Oklahoma State, led by and U.S. Amateur winner Viktor Hovland, is leading the event by one over LSU
Check out both the team an Brandon Wu, a senior at Stanford, is the individual leader after firing a first-round 65
Dr Tom Talks #4: What is Heartburn? - Duration: 0:55.Welcome to "Dr. Tom Talks", powered by BioDigital.
Today, what is heartburn in 60 seconds or less?
Heartburn, also know as acid reflux, also known as GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease,
or, if you're English, GORD: gastro-oesophageal (with an "O") reflux disease, is when acid
goes from your stomach into your esophagus, the food tube between your stomach and your
Why does it happen?
Usually there is a band of muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter which keeps the
acid down there, but in acid reflux through things like alcohol, maybe medications, maybe
certain medical conditions, the acid gets back up there and causes certain symptoms.
What are the symptoms?
Heartburn, which is where you have pain around your heart (it's got nothing to do with your
heart actually) and around your abdomen which is worse after a meal or when you're lying
down, painful swallowing, chronic cough, and then also even things, if you've had it for
a while, like tooth erosion or stained teeth.
That is heartburn in 60 seconds or less.
SBC President on Baptist sex abuse scandal The world is watching al.com - Duration: 3:24.SBC President on Baptist sex abuse scandal The world is watching al.com
Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear told denominational leaders in a meeting Monday night that sexual abuse is not a fabricated story with an agenda, according to Baptist Press.
"It is time for change, Greear said at a meeting of the SBC Executive Committee in Nashville. The world is watching."
A study committee reported that an SBC database of offenders should be considered, discussed and evaluated. The idea was rejected by SBC Executive Committee more than a decade ago, in 2008.
The study committee was formed in July and had been looking at the issue prior to the publication last week of
Some Southern Baptist churches have "ignored" or "silenced" victims, Greear said.
The SBCs culture needs to change, he said.
"Weve got to look deeply at our culture," see how abuse has been allowed and make sure it doesnt happen again, Greear said.
Our goal is for our response to abuse to match the Gospel we proclaim with our mouths, he said. The Gospel declares Jesus laid down His life for the vulnerable. We need to defend them.
Greear, pastor at The Summit Church in Durham, N.C., announced a Sexual Abuse Advisory Study in July. More than half of study group is women, Greear said.
Initial recommendations of the study group include calling for repentance "for decades of inaction."
Denominational culture has made abuse, evasion and cover up "far too easy," Greear said.
The SBC also must repent for using local church autonomy as an excuse, he said.
The study group developed a resource entitled "Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused." It is a free 12 lesson training for ministry leaders.
All six seminaries have agreed to incorporate this resource into their curricula, Greear said.
The 10 member team that conducted the study includes Rachael Denhollander, Mika Edmondson, Brad Hambrick, Samantha Kilpatrick, Diane Langberg, Chris Moles, Andrea Munford, Karla Siu, Darby Strickland and Leslie Vernick.
All six seminaries, the officers of the Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders and all state conventions have agreed to three documents on a "Statement of Principles on Abuse."
Churches, conventions, associations and entities should review their policies on abuse, the study committee recommended. It also recommended requiring background checks for all SBC standing committees and trustee appointments.
The study group recommended Southern Baptists reexamine the ordination process for pastors and deacons.
The 2019 SBC annual meeting June 11 12 at Legacy Arena in Birmingham will address abuse through several programs and resources.
State convention partners and LifeWay should work together to identify additional questions related to abuse that can be added to the Annual Church Profile, the study group said.
The SBCs governing documents should be amended to address the definition of a cooperating church and make clear that churches with "a wanton disregard" for sexual abuse are not in friendly cooperation.
Greear listed specific churches that should be asked to give an answer for their actions related to sexual abuse. The goal is never to disfellowship, he said.
If we do not get this right, our churches will not be a safe place for the lost, Greear said.
In 2007, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution urging churches to perform criminal background checks on clergy and employees. The statement also renounced child abusers and those who cover up their actions.
✅ Breaking News - Bournemouth handed injury blow as Brooks is ruled out for five weeks - Duration: 1:57.Bournemouth have been dealt an injury blow with in-form winger David Brooks out for five weeks with an ankle injury
The Welshman was the star of the show in the 4-0 demolition of Chelsea in midweek but the 21-year-old picked up an issue and Eddie Howe will have to make do without him for the next month
According to the Sun, physios have diagnosed five weeks away from the action for Brooks which will see him miss yet now faces being sidelined for crunch clashes against Liverpool, Wolves and Arsenal
Share this article Share 12 shares Brooks made the move to the south coast last summer in an £11million switch from Sheffield United and has enjoyed a breakthrough season
He has six goals and four assists to his name this term and has shown maturity beyond his years which has seen him linked to Manchester United
It is the latest setback for Bournemouth boss Howe having already lost Jefferson Lerma to an ankle injury and striker Callum Wilson through a knee issue
Bournemouth produced one of their finest performances of the campaign against a below-par Chelsea side with Brooks netting along with Charlie Daniels and a brace from Joshua King
Saturday sees Howe take his side to South Wales in what will be Cardiff's first home game since the disappearance of striker Emiliano Sala
The Welsh club put on a number of tributes in their midweek trip to Arsenal and there will be an emotional atmosphere inside the ground on Saturday afternoon in front of a sell-out crowd
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