Design is not only Design | VLOG 007 | Sono Motors - Duration: 5:03.As always, there is a lot to do at Sono Motors.
We are talking about current milestones, the latest state of development,
and are working on the final design of the Sion.
Speaking of design, you may still remember my colleague Norman.
Today, I want to show you what he has to do with this topic.
Hey Norman!
How are you doing?
Everything's great!
I got a social media comment here from that I would like to read out to you.
Daniel writes:
"Great, now you only need a designer and then this project could actually become quite something."
I came to Sono Motors the year before last, so we are actually working on the design for a long time.
In the end, we have already started working on the first drafts in December 2017.
And how big is your team now?
We have an internal team with three people, but are also working with external partners.
My two colleagues are Achim and Therese.
Therese takes care of all the color topics and related features.
We have different sun visors, and we check them for size, color, functionality.
These are, for example, samples for the textures, for the surfaces.
This means that the respective components in the exterior and in the interior must be defined so the toolmakers know:
What degrees of glossiness we use, which materials are we using and so on.
Also, which fabrics, of course.
Actually, I'm totally interested in what you did before working for Sono Motors.
What are your biggest passions?
Well, of course, automotive design, cars in general, motorsport ...
So, since 1995, my biggest passion is racing, cars, and, motorcycles.
As a race driver, it's usually about sound and emotions...
As far as my experience goes, this is the exact same case with electric mobility.
I started getting into these topics when I started working for Audi after completing my studies in the early 1990s.
I was doing interior design, for over seven years actually.
One of the most important things I did was working in the team of the Audi TT, the first Audi TT.
After Audi, I went to Honda, where I lead the interior design in Europe.
Why did you come to Sono Motors, what was the decisive impulse?
So, at the company I worked for over 10 years, our focus was on how we integrate solar technology into vehicles.
As early as 2007, we were trying to make this technology ready for the market.
Most of the other companies always emphasized that there is no business case for solar integration, that it does not make sense...
So, I asked myself: do I continue working with traditional companies,
or am I trying to concentrate on bringing truly innovative ideas to the market?
That's why I'm sitting here, and that's why it's so much fun working for a company who is exactly doing that.
It is not just about design, about making a nice sketch, it is about the car being on the road.
You have to be able to touch it, you have to be able to smell it, you have to have an experience of it.
And there is a lot of work to it, this process never stops.
Unfortunately, what isn't such a perfect match as Norman and Sono Motors,
is the size of our office and the size of our team.
In order to cope with this problem of space, we have come up with something.
During the last year, we have grown extremely fast, and now our team is four times bigger than last January.
That's why we are building a new office inside of here.
For this, we are expanding our office to a large part.
But there is still a lot to of work to do before our entire team can move in here.
We will definitely keep you updated.
So Noel, finally, I have prepared something special for you.
OK. So, that's the rim of the Sion.
Wow, looks nice!
How big is it?
This is a 16-inch steel rim.
And what about the design and the color? Is this fixed?
We still want to involve the community in the color decision-making process.
Okay, they will surely be happy!
I think so too!
Feb 17, 2019. Change Part 6: What is My Faith? - Duration: 17:19.Twenty-something years ago, a passer-by
walked into the front office of Boston's Arlington Street Church,
where I was sitting around talking with a few of my coworkers.
Not quite knowing to whom she might
best address her question,
the woman immediately asked
if anyone could recall a quote about faith
that had been recently displayed on a sign outside the church.
Without skipping a beat, I blurted out:
"To choose what is difficult all one's days,
as if it were easy— that is faith."
I added that it was from Auden.
The woman was grateful to have her niggling question
so swiftly answered.
But everyone else in the office was a bit dumbstruck by my
facility to summon up snippets of obscure poetry on demand.
But the truth is that I knew that bit from
W. H. Auden's epic Christmas poem, "For the Time Being"—
and I knew it by heart—
because it had also resonated so deeply with me,
just a few weeks before when I, too, had spotted it on the sign.
Across the intervening weeks, I had been wrestling
with what it meant, and with whether or not I agreed.
"To choose what is difficult all one's days,
as if it were easy— that is faith."
Over two decades later, I'm still not completely sure.
The years have convinced me that this much is true:
that faith, that having faith, that being faithful
often involves choosing the more challenging path.
And there is certainly something that strongly resonates
about choosing the difficult over the easy—
and doing so, as if it were easy, even when it is not.
Something in that accords with what I have experienced as faith—
and what I have learned about keeping the faith—
that I can very often choose the more difficult route
and hopefully do so with some degree of grace and composure,
because I have an unshakable trust
that it is the right, or the loving, or the more life-giving thing to do.
The question, of course, is where such trust comes from—
which I'll return to later.
Where I continue to argue with Auden, after all these years,
is the notion that the faithful path is always particularly hard.
Not always, I say.
And not every day.
Sometimes making a true leap of faith
can be a very easy thing for us to do,
because it flows so readily
from the deepest convictions of our being.
We find, be it from within us or from beyond us,
the needed power of will, or courage, or strength
to act— or to not act—
because we feel a profound confidence
that gives us with what some have called a "Blessed Assurance."
I believe faith is rooted in what we set our hearts to—
what we most profoundly know and trust,
sometimes in ways that are beyond all explaining.
Several months ago, I had dinner with Anne Murdock,
who had purchased today's sermon topic
in the fundraising auction that we had last year.
Anne's question centered on the meaning of faith.
How one lives it out.
And how one leans into it, in times of need.
I loved that Anne was posing such wonderfully theological questions—
and ones that, we, admittedly, as Unitarians,
spend little time really discussing, at least directly.
Part of that, I believe, owes to the discomfort many of us feel
upon hearing, let alone using, theological terms.
Words like faith, and belief, and religion are "wounded words"—
terms that have been sullied by centuries of religious abuse.
It's no wonder that some of us have
such strong allergic reactions to them!
And, yet, I find that such words often point
to deeply meaningful concepts
we just can't get at as easily— if at all—
by offering up watered-down euphemisms in their place.
Humanist UU minister David Bumbaugh puts it this way:
"We have raced to the ramparts of reason
"and are prepared to defend the citadel of the mind,
"but in the process of defending, we have lost the ability to speak
"of that which is sacred, and holy,
and of ultimate importance to us."
The challenge, I believe,
is that we have been left very little language
upon which to draw
to speak with intellectual integrity
while also giving voice to our fullest religious imaginations.
So, as imperfect as they are,
words are what we have to work with
to convey to others the inmost experience of our lives.
My hope is, if you struggle with such words,
that this sermon will provide a bit of immunotherapy,
and that maybe even you will find
some rehabilitation of these terms,
as we seek more life-giving ways to understand and to use them.
Now, to suss out the meanings of the words faith and belief,
I draw on the wisdom of my friend and colleague Jackie Clement,
who, not too long ago,
went canoeing with her husband John.
"At the end of a trip around the lake
"she climbed out of the canoe first,
"with one foot in the lake and one foot in the canoe.
"And that's when things went wrong.
"While taking her foot out of the canoe,
"she caught her heel on the edge,
"and losing her balance, she instinctively reached
"for the most solid thing within her grasp—the canoe."
As she says, "There are times when grabbing on
"to what appears most solid and stable
"is exactly the wrong thing to do."
"When she resurfaced,
"her husband was sitting in half a metre of water
"fishing for his glasses on the lake bottom."
In her attempt to save herself,
she "took out an innocent bystander as well."
She tells the story to help us understand
the fine distinction between faith and beliefs,
though the two words are often
"taken to mean much the same thing."
When we are feeling steady—
When we're not feeling steady,
when we're fearing that we will tip over,
it's understandable that we reach
for what seems solid, secure, and certain.
In a religious sense, she says that this can be
like clinging too tightly to our beliefs,
when what we need to hold onto is our faith.
"Faith," she explains, "is a deeply seated confidence,
"that is vital to our very existence;
"while belief is only what we think is true,
"though we wouldn't necessarily stake our lives on it."
"Faith leaves room for mystery, where belief does not."
For me, I tend to think of beliefs
as what we hold onto with our heads.
Whereas faith is what we hold onto with our hearts—
and with a much firmer grip.
Both serve their purpose.
And faith and beliefs certainly can and do overlap.
But as Jackie says, the "things that appear more ethereal,
"that may seem to be the toughest to grasp,
"are in fact sometimes the most stable and secure."
"Love, faith, and community may seem to be intangible ideals,
"but if nurtured they can serve as the very bedrock of our lives."
"Beliefs can fall away.
"But the things that seem most insubstantial—
"perhaps because they are the hardest to come by—
"have the greatest worth,
"and provide the steadiest base" to lean on.
As I was becoming a minister,
in my work as a hospital chaplain,
I often encountered people who tried,
in their times of greatest need,
to hold onto their beliefs instead of their faith.
It didn't tend to turn out well.
I remember one woman, in particular, late one night,
who was having a serious surgery the next morning.
As I sat with her, she repeated over and over to me
the assurances her religion had taught her to believe.
On an intellectual level, I think she truly believed them.
But the tears that were streaming down her face
said to me that there was so much more going on.
In her heart of hearts,
she had little faith that she would be okay,
and she doubted she was truly being held in the arms of her God.
What this taught me—
about her, and about myself, and I think about all of us—
is that there can be a painful gap
between what we profess as our religion,
and what we depend on when times are tough.
This tradition, especially compared to other religions,
is quite modest in the assurances that we venture to offer.
We make no promises about an afterlife.
We can't provide a signed and dotted contract
that ensures safe passage through this life.
We affirm instead that our journey through life on this fragile planet
is marked by suffering and struggle.
It is also marked by wonder and by grace,
and by the resilience of the human heart,
and the strength that comes in knowing we are not alone,
but held together in the great web of life.
I know that some find cold comfort in this.
But it is enough for me, and I will tell you why.
I have come to know, though I often forget,
that it isn't all about me.
But when I do remember,
and when I know that I am connected,
through and through, with everything else on this planet,
I am stronger and whole.
And while I sometimes worry about my own well-being,
I take comfort in knowing myself
as part of something so much larger,
part of something that is more,
part of something that is everything.
And in that bright and sacred light,
at once intimate and ultimate,
I see myself, barely beginning to grasp
that I am a part— as you are a part—
of all that is, all that ever has been,
and all that ever shall be.
And in that deepest, elusive knowing,
in conceding ours is but a tiny sliver of eternity,
I find tremendous freedom,
and I find the very foundations of my faith.
I find the source of enduring confidence
that helps me to understand, in life's largest frame,
that all shall be well.
That in no way is meant to deny reality.
If anything, it amplifies it.
For I know I will die.
I know the sun will burn out.
And I know we may well blow our big chance
long before humans get that far.
But I find comfort in trusting that all shall be well—
and that having come from the stars,
the universe will take us into herself
once again in eons to come.
One response to this stark set of circumstances
would be to grow cynical and selfish.
To decide life isn't worth living, if not on our own terms.
But the better path, I believe, is to lean into life.
To see ourselves as ambassadors of life and agents of change,
in the unfolding story of the universe,
doing what we can to bring more love and justice into being
while we are gifted with the breath of life.
Recently, I heard a story told by my dear friend Aaron,
who is part of my ongoing study group from seminary.
The story moved me, because it speaks so powerfully and poignantly
to everything that I am trying to say to you this morning about faith.
"Last summer," Aaron writes, "my family sat with awe
"as we watched baby turtles hatch and climb into the sea.
"Almost every year, my family rents a beach house
"with a group of friends in North Carolina.
"We pack all our families together in the fun chaos
"of adults and kids of all ages.
"This year, we received a surprise.
"Right next to the house,
"a loggerhead sea turtle laid 82 eggs in a nest.
"Incredibly attentive volunteers
"furiously protected the eggs all week.
"They put a little fence around them
"and warned any adult or child not to get anywhere near it.
"They told us to turn the lights off in the house at night,
"so the babies would follow the light of the moon to the sea
"and not end up on our porch.
"The volunteers built the equivalent
"of a little turtle highway with sand curbs.
"And this sandy path led right to the water,
"so there would be no mistakes when it was time to be born.
"They told us the eggs would hatch days after we left,
"and so the extent of our excitement would be seeing this nest.
"But, on the last night of the trip, something changed.
"We packed up our bags, and the kids were in bed,
"and the adults still up playing games.
"When suddenly, in the glass window out onto the porch,
"appeared an excited volunteer.
"With her face pressed right against the glass, she said,
"It's time! They are hatching!"
"My six-year-old kid is named after Henry David Thoreau
"and knows about every animal there is,
"so I knew he could not miss this.
"I woke him up in bed and said, "Do you want to get up
"and go and watch sea turtles hatching right now?"
"He flew out of bed!
"When we got down there, 30 or 40 people joined us
"as we watched these little sea turtles
"crawling in the darkness toward the ocean.
"In what felt like a celebration of reverse evolution,
"we clapped and cried and hugged each other
"as life crawled back into the sea.
"One of the excited volunteers pulled me aside
"and told me the odds of all of this.
"The chances that any of these baby turtles
"would survive the year was about 1 in 1000.
"The chances they would survive long enough to mate,
"and find this exact same spot on the beach,
"and lay eggs themselves, was even smaller.
"And yet, despite the odds,
"people with tears in their eyes celebrated.
"Despite the odds, volunteers carefully guided turtles
"who had gotten off the path and helped them into the water.
"We cheered these 82 new creatures,
"on their first day of life,
"crawling their way back into the sea.
"To choose what is difficult all one's days,
"as if it were easy— that is faith."
You can see yourselves as the turtles scampering to the sea,
or the volunteers building that little turtle highway.
You can see yourself in the sand,
and in the water, and in the moonlight.
For the wonderous truth of it all,
is that we are part of all of this great happening that is life,
here and now,
and hopefully still for a very long time to come.
Finding ourselves a part of this larger sacred story,
may we find our way to faith
that we are held by the universe,
and called by life and by love
to serve this marvelous venture
for all the days that we are given.
Blessed Be.
Is Facebook Work From Home Program Legit - Duration: 7:41.Is the Facebook work at home program legit?
Is that real?
Can you just hang out on Facebook all day and have money in your face?
I'm going to go over at it in this video.
So, my guess is you've been to a certain number of sides that look like this.
I'm going to flash some sites here.
That tell you that you can earn millions of dollars working at home.
You know, working for Facebook or something to that extent or that Mark Zuckerberg is
just handing away money for people to work for Facebook.
There's a lot of scams out there people.
And you need to be aware of what's real and what's not.
Most of the things you see online...
Almost everything that you see online about Facebook working at home with Facebook will
be a scam, okay?
Will be a scam.
And what they don't tell you is that to really make money with Facebook, you need to have
at least a million followers on your page.
You need really have at least a million followers to really make a full-time income.
I'm going to go over exactly how to make money on Facebook in a second here.
I'm going to show you on my computer.
But first, I want to tell you what is a scam and then we'll get into how you really make
money with Facebook.
So, I've seen a lot of things say that you can make money posting links on Facebook.
And wow!
My business is affiliate marketing.
And is posting links and earning commissions.
That is not Facebook paying you money.
So, you're not actually working for Facebook if you're posting links on Facebook.
That is not Mark Zuckerberg paying you money.
Also, if you found some like Facebook work at home program through an add, then it's
Because Facebook would never advertise any of their work at home programs, okay?
That's another thing.
They simply do not do.
And third off, if you've found some sort of program which is making you pay to get some
sort of work at home kit to work for Facebook, you know, that is a scam as well.
Because Facebook would not make you pay them to work for them.
It's not just how it works.
So, let's go into what is not a scam.
Okay, so first off, to give a little context here, I've made a lot of money using Facebook.
But what I do is I buy ads on Facebook.
I've spent millions of dollars.
I've actually given Facebook let's say about a million dollars.
But I've made back about 3 to 4 million dollars.
So, I advertise products on Facebook and I get people to buy them.
But that's not Facebook paying you money.
And that's not what we're going to talk about here.
We're going to talk about how to actually have Facebook pay you money.
Facebook's name is on the checks.
Now, on the screen here, I have one of my acquaintances, Rob Dial.
And his channel is on Facebook is Rob Dial Jr.
And what you'll see here is "I travel the world.
I make videos.
And I run iTunes motivational podcast.
So, he has a few different things going on here.
But he makes a good amount of money with Facebook.
Because Facebook will pay him to put ads in the videos he produces.
And he produces viral videos.
Now, what Facebook does is they'll pay him money to put ads in the videos he puts online.
So, you see he has a lot of popular videos.
This video got 49 million views on Facebook.
Now, he has 1.4 million followers on Facebook.
And what I kind of advise to you is you were just looking to create a business around getting
money from ads that Facebook posts on your videos, a full-time income of $10,000 a month,
you'll need to have roughly a million subscribers.
You'll need to have roughly a million followers to make $10,000 per month using Facebook's
ad revenue.
Now, the way you make it is called the audience network, okay?
We see the audience network by Facebook.
And the audience network is, they deliver ads for you.
Again, they're cutting all the deals with the advertisers.
All the stuff.
And they're just putting ads on your videos.
And they explain all this on Facebook.com/audiencenetwork.
They put ads on mobile devices, everything.
So, that's a good idea.
But again, to do that, to have a full time income, you need to have a lot of followers.
So, it's not an instant thing.
It takes a lot of work.
Rob for instance, works very hard to create.
And he's extremely creative person to create these videos that are going...
That are so popular.
And also, keep in mind he has multiple strings of income.
He has a lot of different...
He is also the top motivational podcast on apple.
He has a lot of things going for me is other products and services he offers to people.
It's not just ad revenue for him.
But that gives you an idea of what is takes to actually make money from Facebook.
Now, in regards to me, you know, what I do.
Kind of backing up to that is...
What I did to make money is I used Facebook...
Facebook connects with over a billion of people.
Or maybe it's 2 billion people now all over the world.
And I used it to you know, I paid Facebook to put ads on there.
And I used Facebook to target ads.
And sell products to specific groups of people.
And I just, you know, I got good at marketing which is basically sales.
And I would buy their ads and I'd hope that if I spent $100 in advertising on Facebook
that I would make $200 dollars back.
And that's the business I'm in.
And that's actually the average return.
It's a 50% margin that most affiliate marketers see.
If you want to learn more about how I buy ads on Facebook and use them to get in front
of people and sell products to them, you can sign up for my free training which is in the
descriptions somewhere.
Something like that.
So, make sure you like this video if you got something from this.
And leave a message in the comments of what you found the most interesting.
Or what helped you out the most that..
You know, just understanding the most of those things are scams or understanding there are
certain ways to kind of make money either with Facebook or utilizing Facebook products.
Let me know in the comments.
Make sure to subscribe if you'd like more...
To see more videos on just how you can make money online.
If you'd like to learn how I made this massive stack of cash in front of you, make sure you
check out my free training.
Dog Is This Cat's Guardian Angel.. | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:58.This dog and cat are #relationshipgoals
Bbobbi takes care of the cat with injured legs
I took the cat in because I felt sorry for it
Bbobbi licks the cat's legs
They used to fight at first
But they became close
Waits for the cat to finish eating
Sharing is caring
Bbobbi's friend, Kkami
Bbobbi gets protective over the cat
What's the matter?
Takes the cat in for a massage
Bbobbi waits outside
As if knowing that Bbobbi is waiting,
rushes outside
Since the cat has a hard time walking
The owner prepared a nice house for the cat
The real ride-or-die fam..
This Racist Plastic Surgery Is…Yikes (with Ali Siddiq & Chris Cotton) - Duration: 12:36.I'm doing what aunties do when they're at a party,
a white aunt goes to.
Guys, burgers are ready.
There's a white girl, a black guy's white
mother-in-law going to his house for the first time.
Hey. Burgers...
Am I doing it?
Burgers are up. Put those Goddamn hands down.
Am I doing it?
Put those Goddamn hands down.
Chris does your family like me? I'm doing it.
I swear to God if you don't put your motherfucking hands down.
I'm doing the thing, I'm like you guys.
I like spicy sauces.
I swear to God.
I love being here. Black barbecues are a mood.
Black Lou sent us this story that I love and I figure Ali,
Chris, you guys have your fingers
on the pulse of white people who identify as black Americans.
You know this weird fucked up version of blackface
that some people are doing?
I mean Rachel Dolezal, I thought she would have deterred this
from ever happening again.
I don't know man.
But it started a new faction I guess.
It's crazy.
I haven't even read the story, I just saw the pictures.
I believe...
I saw the screen capture...
I believe the chosen ones, the Jews, have said it best
where it's a lot of chutzpah to do this.
Which means sack, it's sack.
It takes a lot of swinging, hairy sack
to fucking do this on a talk show.
Why dashiki?
Why a dashiki?!
Oh, they're black! They don't,
they identity as black and they'll hold onto that.
She's got nothing to do with it. He just came...
That's merch from a Michael Blackman show
I went to last night.
But he supports live comedy and buys the merch.
You gotta appreciate that. Mothersucker.
Mothersucker on the back.
The guy does one thing right. He supports live comedy.
He supports live comedy and the merch of said comedian.
White glamor model Martina Big made headlines for her
thirty-two S breasts...
White glamor model?
...In black skin
which she obtained from tanning injections.
What the fuck?
One year there she traveled to Kenya
to be baptized as black. Is that even a thing?
Never heard of that. Never heard of that.
You can't even do that.
The best part is, as she claimed local clergyman
even declared her to be a true African woman.
So she ... exactly what happened is,
she went up to an African guy ...
she was like...
can you baptize me as black? Here's seven thousand dollars.
She wasn't bad.
He was like, "Yeah."
That was her?
You want to be me?
Why do you say?
What'd you say, white woman?
This is a trap.
This is a trap? You are trappin' me.
Is this some sort of amusement for you?
Oh yeah? Fuck you.
You are fucking with me? I want to be white.
But she wasn't bad!
She wanted to have black babies, all she had to do was just wait.
Somebody would've got her!
She Little Kimed herself.
She Little Kimed her fuckin' self.
How does that look like...
That's her in the white?! Yeah.
I would have took the white one down.
She would have got this black baby.
She would have got this black baby.
Why doesn't she get it fuckin' old school style.
Yeah, she even looks pretty fucked up.
They can't stop. They can't stop.
She like good thick.
The one on the right looks like when
Sweet D does that Puerto Rican character on
Always Sunny. Shut up, stupid!
See, this is when white people don't have nothin' else to do.
This is pure boredom.
I've done everything, now,
I'm gonna have aspirations of bein' black.
But she can quit. She can quit whenever she wants to.
She sure can. Even though, it'd be funny if she does.
She goes, "You know what, I'm goin' back to bein' white."
And the guy goes.
"Hey, you cannot change. I went through whole ceremony."
"I am the only one who can bring you back."
I mean, it wasn't solidified
until she put that black girl's right chain around her neck.
That's how you know.
That was double middle fingers.
That's the necklace?
I thought that was a screen, they put the screen...
No, that's a real necklace. That's a real necklace, bro.
That's a black girl...
She did the same thing. She did a Little Kim thing.
Do you think she got emotional
when someone gave her that chain?
Oh she cried.
By the way, go back to the...
When she's in the pink right there,
she actually looks like a racist Sambo drawing.
Ah, man. That's crazy.
She should be singing "Is you, is you, is you, ain't my baby.
If you is come on give me a kiss."
This is fucked up.
You could see this woman is just clearly mentally insane from...
I mean...
I could also see she's white.
Yeah, but she went and got like beach ball tits
and then was like,
"This isn't doin' it enough, let me get some tan injections."
Who like that though? The breasts that big.
Who like... What do you do with that?
I love big titties.
No, that's too much.
Like real big breasts?
Oh yeah, of course. I don't mind implants.
Big implants are cool. That's crazy.
Dan's treadin' light.
No, I goes Double D.
You get to E, you start gettin' a little dangerous.
After G, I mean who's that for?
That's gotta be uncomfortable.
Like what do you do with those?
You carryin' weight like you're squattin'
three fifteen the time.
Here's the power of pussy...
Let's just sit back and revel in awe of it.
Cause she has some fuckin' dude
who looks like a fat used car dealership owner
who's also sittin' down next to her and goin' "You were black".
He goes, "Yeah, baby, I'm black too. Look at me.
Whatever you wanna be. What are you sayin', baby.
Listen, I've got some black guys
that say we're black we're fuckin' black."
Party of two, me and my wife. We're blacks.
Yeah. So, you know, bring us black food.
Yeah, you know. I don't know. Jesus.
Doesn't he look like a guy who says that?
He don't even know what food.
You know, the other parts of the meat or whatever.
The other parts of the thing.
How do you say that?
What's in that?
Oh you're gonna feed people that.
You treat me like a
I'm a black man walkin' in here.
Hey, it's me. I'm a Nubian Prince.
Fuckin' leave me alone. What is this fuckin' guy?
You treat my Queen like that?
Tell me what? Go back to Africa? Go back to Africa?
I'll fuckin' send you back to Africa.
I would love to return to the cradle of civilization.
Original man. Original man came through there.
The white devil's out there tryin' to steal your shit.
Don't make me put my big black fist across your fuckin' face.
I'm gonna go home and fuck my wife big fat ass.
Fuckin' fat ass.
Black Italian.
We're gonna go home, she's gonna fry us up some grits
and I'm gonna forget about my day.
I swear to God. I swear to God,
you're gonna get me to fuckin' sing us all a song.
What? They're runnin' Good Times reruns on TV one?
Well dynamite!
I'll tell you this.
I'm done! I'm done!
That information is... dynamite!
Please pull the video up.
Please say we have audio of this guy.
We've given him a whole life.
Just from one picture we got a whole thing.
He goes, good news is didn't have to trade in the Cadillac.
It's the one thing that made it to the other side.
Cadillac holds up. And my Brasure was doin' good.
And of course they're from some goofy fuckin' nation.
...havin' babies. You've been told by a doctor
that your children will be black.
Yup. They said they will be black.
We are not having plans,
but I am discussing labor with my doctor with everything...
Is she Swedish?
That sounds like some goofy ass Scandinavian.
Did she get a surgery where they sewed her cheeks to her teeth?
Why is she talking like...
She sounds, she sounds Scandinavian.
If you hear it, she's like,
"The doctor says that we have the black baby,
but they also, they injection did not work."
It's like Engrish.
And also
is my black boyfriend. Dude, this chick is...
I can't wait till he talks. I hope he just goes, "Ah, yeah!
What up, what up? What's good, talk show?!"
What if he Ali G's it? He's British.
Please just have his voice.
That's what we're all waitin' for.
This goofy shithead. Can't talk.
We gotta hear his voice.
Yeah, her fuckin' Swedish chef voice
was buggin' the word out've me.
flerky flerky turkey
And the baby, the baby flerkin' with the
He was almost tradin' places, that's crazy.
Dude, what's up with his contacts.
Ah, Hell man.
Does he have fuckin' contacts.
He got a method man eye?
How ever do you want it? How ever do you need it?
I'd like to identify as a black kitten.
Does he have a method man eye?
Just one of 'em?
Dude, that'd be so great if just one of 'em was widened out.
He's got half his hair corn road.
Dude, that' great. That's their first dance?
Hey, let me take my fang grill out.
He goes, "Sorry, bro. I wasn't...
I watched tales, I was watchin' Tales from the Hood."
Oh, the production was lovely.
They had sandwiches in the back for us.
cappicola, prosicutto, mozzerella
Oh man.
She should have stopped right there
with the massive tits, not the huge tits.
She should have stopped right there.
When she was white, when she was in the white outfit
lookin' like a Dallas cowgirl cheerleader,
she should have stopped right there.
That's when she would've got that money.
She would have got the baby money shot right there.
On the left? Right there on the left.
You're tellin' me there's not a low level
Russian gangster that won't fuckin' ...
Of course.
You know my lady friend.
She'd make herself a cartoon. That's fuckin' crazy.
But we say it goes that way with all of 'em.
You think she has an ex-boyfriend
that fucked her when she was there
and then she showed back up and he was like, "Yes!"
What happened to you?
If you gonna let her get one or two surgeries like that,
that's the moment when you're like yeah, perfect.
I think she either attacks you to fuck like Rambo
or it's you think you're against a mud wall
and then she just opens her eyes.
You just see the eyes and the pink.
That's predator!
Dude, that'd be funny if you were fuckin' her
and you were like, "What the Hell are you?"
What the Hell are you?
She comes in the room
and you get the three red dots on your chest.
If you completely can kill it. She's just in her face.
What the Hell are you? She'd suck his...
We were talkin' before you came in early about Little Kim.
She could have stopped that surgery.
If she stopped the surgery at fuckin' Notorious K.I.M.
She should have stopped it after the second one.
She should have never had...
She should have put whatever little breasts...
but the squat joint was the best.
She should have never went past Little Kim
squattin' down that album. That was it.
I think that's no surgery.
That's no surgery.
We're tellin' people who're gonna go for it anyway.
People who are gonna go for it no matter what.
Michael Jackson could have stopped at Thriller
and been alright.
Yeah, he was burnt, but yeah he could have stopped at Thriller.
He had the vitiligo after that.
Yeah he had the vitiligo, but...
And the fact that it wasn't as cool as it is now.
She could have stopped right there.
There weren't catalogs tellin' kids at school.
Yeah, now it's just...
Like Sammy Sosa.
She could have stopped right there.
Sammy Sosa is creepy as fuck.
And that's just the cartoon version.
That's not even the real Kim version.
Kim could have stopped right there and it was a wrap.
Oh that lady's weird tits.
So she just went mentally insane and then just fuckin' was like,
"I'm just gonna... How do I get the most attention possible?
I just dye my skin."
And druga dude down with her.
Editing Landscape Photography in Lightroom, how much is too much? - Duration: 14:42.how much is too much is the question and this is also a very
interesting topic when it comes to landscape photography how much is too
much editing in Lightroom how much is too much post-processing in Photoshop we
will talk about this and I will share my thoughts while editing some landscape
photography in Lightroom of course so don't go anywhere stay here
welcome to my channel here we talk about photography and I make videos just just like
this one where I share my thoughts about editing landscape photography in
Lightroom so if you're here for the very first time it might be a great idea to
subscribe not sure what's going on with my hair today maybe time for haircut
look at this I am sure that if you are a photographer like me and you post your
images on different social media you have received this question how much did
you work on this image did you use Lightroom how much did you edit in
Lightroom how much did you change these colors how much did you do what did you
do I get very annoyed by those kind of questions because in my opinion it
doesn't really matter this is not the point how much is too much it's a very
personal question yes I don't think there is too much I don't think there is
a limit the limit is yourself the limit is your vision the limit is what you see
when I shoot my landscape photography and I have eventually a vision of what I
will do in Lightroom
this vision might change over time this vision might
change by the time I get back it doesn't really matter while editing
this photo the limit is what is compelling to my eyes to my vision
in the only thing that matters to me is that the result is pleasing my eyes yes I
do post images on social media and people will ask questions but in the end
I will only share an image that is compelling to me that is pleasing to my
eyes there is the result of my vision both while I take the shot and while I
edit that photo but then you might have the objection that there is people that
are using multiple photos sometimes of even different places to create a
composite image that does not exist that does not correspond to reality well you
know if that's what they like if that's what they envision why not
maybe personally I'm not a big fan of that kind of photography at the same
time I am guilty too because in my lady in red series I do some composite too
basically I take two shots one long exposure and one short exposure in order
to freeze the subject in that landscape the frame is the same the composition is
the same but that scene does not really exist and by the way since I mentioned
those photos let's see what I'm talking about
so it is up to you to decide what you like what you don't what you like for
your photography and what you like for other people photography and in the end
as usual the most important thing is just to create so rather than sitting at
the desk judging other people photos why don't
you just go out take photos for yourself create your own landscape embrace your
vision and bring it to life - talking about this I think we should move to
Lightroom and see how I edit my landscapes you will tell me how much is
too much here I am at my desk in front of Lightroom and I have this lady in red
series picture taken in Iceland in this beautiful place which is the Vestrahorn
headland I was lucky enough that nobody else was there and this is the beauty of
traveling alone this lady in red shot is different from most of the
others as a matter of fact this is only one shot I'm not actually merging two
images together and not using a long exposure f8 iso 100 one twentieth of a
second with my loyal 20 millimetres f 1.8 it's a cloudy day low clouds and in
my vision I see the lady in red which is harmless but fearless that is facing the
strength and the drama of nature so I want to create drama in the sky but
because I wanted to retain the details in the foreground I exposed my image all
the way to the right as you can see from my histogram and I will be able to
retrieve a lot of details from the sky I do want to create drama with this image
let's get started as usual xxxxxxxx really no Siri no leave me alone
as usual I will start from the aspect ratio in this case I'd like to
use this image for my thumbnail so let's see if the sixteen by nine crop will
work and I believe so I open the basic panel i changed the profile to Adobe
landscape which already brings some saturation in you can see and I already
have more details even in the upper part of the image I didn't use any ND filter
for this photo but at the same time I want to check my white balance so I go
and pick up a white neutral target and as you can see this does not work at all I
will try cloudy and I think I like cloudy better first thing first I want
to fix whites and blacks I hold down the shift key double click on whites and
double click on blacks and I already expanded a little bit my histogram to
the left this time I will decrease the exposure a little bit add a little bit
of contrast decrease the highlights by a lot I go all the way to minus 100
just a little bit of shadows, a touch of clarity I will work with the dehaze quite
a bit and you can see how the mood is changing already very quickly a little
bit of vibrance you will remember from my previous Lightroom tutorials the
vibrance is increasing the saturation to the more muted colors present in the
image while the saturation is actually increasing the saturation to every
single color I will give it a touch of saturation as well now let's go to the
tone curve and I will see if the medium automatic contrast will work for me I
think it does I'm not going to touch the hue saturation and luminance panel for
now I will go straight into the split toning details as you know Lightroom will apply
a little bit of sharpening right away but I will change the radius want a
smaller radius but I will increase the details I will hold the Alt key move the
masking slider to the right in order to see where the sharpening will affect
everything that is going to be white will be touched by the sharpening
whatever is black will not be touched that I don't want any sharpening in the
clouds and now I can increase the sharpening and I will be sure that will
only affect the areas that I care let's zoom in to see if that's too much you
can see that the edging here is creating some kind of weird artifacts and so
sometimes is the image that is telling you it's too much so move it back and I
think it's better my chromatic aberration and my profile Corrections
are happening at the moment of my import check out my previous videos to see how
that can be set and I will go to the effects panel because I want to add some
vignette into my shot and let's see with these quick general adjustments what kind of
results we have this is the before very flat this is the after before after now
let's add some local adjustments and the main thing I want to do is to increase
the drama in the sky so I will use a graduated filter I will double click on
effect in order to reset all the sliders I will hold the shift key and drag down
my filter from the top release let's decrease the highlights here let's
increase actually the contrast I want to decrease the blacks
I want to decrease the exposure maybe too much maybe not I will add some
dehaze and I want to decrease the saturation also I would like to remove
this filter from this part of the mountains that are becoming very very
dark here to the left and to the right and in order to do so I will I will
click on the bottom left corner in order to see which part of the images are
affected and then I will select the brush within the graduated filter and I
will click on erase in this way I can create a brush that will erase the
filter from the area that I don't want to be touched you can see that the red
is disappearing
and for the sake of the video I'm doing this in a very quick way because I want
this video to last forever at the same time if there are areas of the photo
that are not touched by the graduated filter like the clouds on the left and
the clouds on the right I can use a brush and instead of erasing I will
actually stay to the a brush and fill in those area that were not actually
touched by the graduated
okay this is that let's see how it looks before after before after
what do you think is this too much so in my opinion we should not put any limit to
creativity it sounds like a crazy contradiction in terms
I believe instead that we should follow our vision trust our taste please our
eyes without trying to please everybody else and it is also natural that over
time our way of seeing things will develop will change in my own experience
my way of seeing my way of editing in Lightroom changed a lot over time not
only because I learned new techniques but mainly because my tastes changed and
I think it's a good thing it means that we are still searching but I am curious
to know what do you think about this so don't be shy don't be lazy just a few
words in the comments below easy I appreciate that I hope you
enjoyed this video I hope you learnt something new and if you did I think he
should or could hit the like button maybe share the video with the wife husband
boyfriend friend thanks for watching and I will
see you in the next well wait a second actually I would like to know who is
watching until the very very end if you do just write in the comment I do now
thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video
THIS IS WHY YOU REALLY NEED YOUR FAMILY by Dr Myles Munroe (WOW WOW WOW!!!) - Duration: 8:44.the ten fundamental principles of the family you want to write these down
there are ten fundamental principles of the family that you should remember the
first one is that the family is the foundational unit for reproduction now
we hear a lot of talk about this lately we have questions about same-sex
marriages where we have two women wanting to create a in a legal marriage
and then create what they call a family we got two males talking about coming
together legally in a matrimonial relationship and say they're creating a
family well my problem with this is that according to the to the way God planned
the human development the family is the only perfect environment for
reproduction because it is the only qualified unit for effective and total
development when a child is born into a ideal family it is very rare for you to
experience a child who has social problems my mother and father and my
father's here today had eleven children and all of us are saying no one is a
criminal and we were not rich we were born into a family 11 kids in one of the
poorest part of our country in the midst of a whole lot of difficulties where
there was a lot of poverty a lot of stress and strain and frustration matter
of fact where we were born is where one of the first gangs in the Bahamas was
conceived and on both sides of our houses were drinking bar rooms how come
my mother and father produced such good children like myself and others here my
mother my mother father produced young people who are respectable and will
respect people because the home was the most
stable place for our development now I know that God has blessed many of you
single parents and your kids came out well but I tell you that there are still
some defects that you probably don't want to deal with because when there is
a dysfunctional family there will be in some unconscious ways some defects will
develop because people need whatever God put in the family structure it is the
ideal place for reproduction number two the family is the prototype of society
when God created a family he created a small Society so if you want to know
what a society looks like study the families number three Society is only as
strong as the family no matter what we say about our country about economic
development and projects going on and investors coming in and all of this uh
be talking about we got folks going to these jobs who came from homes that are
full of difficulties as a matter of fact I was talking to one of the general
managers of an hotel and he said that he needs me to come in and talk to his
staff because most of his staff are coming to work either angry bitter or
just out of a fight and they're trying to get these people to love the customer
or to love the tourists that come I think people come from homes where
there's broken families there's beatings there's incest there's frustration and
they're trying to be productive on the job and that's why there's so much
difficulty like drinking and alcoholism and and drugs on the job because these
young people are coming out of homes where there is no structure and guidance
and sense of belonging and they find it somewhere else with friends that are
doing activities that are not healthy the family is the key to the strain of
society number four society is a reflection of the condition of the
family you can tell what's happening in the family but what's happening in the
nation you study our society and it's a clear indication of what's happening in
our families because you cannot produce a nation better than your families your
family is a collection of nations and nations rather collection of families so
if the family is the nation would be sick in the family
is this integrated the nation will be disintegrated if the family is
frustrated that nature would be frustrated if there's anger in the
family he'll show up in the community and so their family determines the
condition of the nation number five the purpose of the family is to secure
society God created the family to protect society we should not focus so
much on society we should focus on the family because when you focus on the
family you automatically strengthen society and that's why any nation that
builds a strong family concept and a strong family priority you'll find that
nation prospering they'll be less poverty less crime less depression
matter of fact one of the weird things you should study is the Jewish
communities because they place family above government they place family above
education they face family above prosperity and that's why those Jewish
communities anywhere in the world you find them prospering there's low crime
rates among the Jewish people why because they focus on family well number
six it's kind of an explanation for that the purpose of the family is to secure
society and the safety of the family is the bedrock for human survival
if we don't sanctify the family again respected we are going to have a nation
that's integrating I put it to you number seven the family is not a product
of the state say then the government cannot create a family and the
government is not produced the family and we got to be very serious about this
because sometimes we want the government to bring up our kids government to
correct our husbands who maintain family responsibilities we want the government
to to take care of our our day care needs we want the government to punish
our kids for us you want the government to teach our kids for us and so we
basically have kids and then we dump them on the doorstep of the government
and say educate them discipline them correct them protect them while I go to
work and make some money the state did not create the family
as matter of fact was even more really that a family is a product of the state
no the state is a product of the family in other words the government is only as
good as their family that produced them some of you may wonder okay our worry of
politicians corrupt check the family in other words you cannot produce a
government better than the families in that society so we have government
leaders who commit adultery who shack up with people well study the
family that guy came from or that lady came from you'll find that the family
cannot produce a state better than itself so if you want a better
government you got to have a better work family many government leaders in these
countries through the Caribbean in the world are corrupt and they have moral
questions values that are so low but when you get your values from in your
morality from from your family not from the government so when they ended up and
they bring their values with them and now we get national immorality the
family produces the state number nine the dissolution of the family therefore
is the dissolution of the state in other words many destroy the family you really
destroy the country so society can be destroyed by destroying the family and
that's why there's so much attack going on on the path
hi thank you so much for watching please remember you can support our work on our
patreon page and you get access to exclusive content and full videos and
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Bernie's 2020 Campaign Is Off To An Impressive Start | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Is Slavery Biblical - Duration: 9:09.-------------------------------------------
Rückkehr: Was sollen wir mit IS-Terroristen tun? | Schnellste Nachrichten - Duration: 6:37.Diese Ankündigung hat Europa kalt erwis.cht: Vergangene Woche drohte US-Präsident Donald Trump damit,
die in den Kriegsgebieten inhaftierten ausländischen IS-Kämpfer auf freien Fuß setzen zu wollen,
sollten sie nicht von den europäischen Staaten zurückgenommen und vor Gericht gestellt werden.
Angesichts dieses Drucks drängt auch hierzulande eine rasche Entscheidung: Was soll mit den österreichischen IS-Kämpfern getan werden?
konkret geht es um rund 100 sogenannte Foreign Fighters aus Österreich, die sich in den Kriegsgebieten aufhalten sollen.
Knapp 30 von ihnen besitzen auch die österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft.
Nun ist der IS so gut wie besiegt und die meisten IS-Kämpfer in kurdischer Gefangenschaft.
Hinzu kommen deren Frauen und Kinder.
Es geht um Schuld, Moral und Recht.
In ganz Europa ist nun die Diskussion entbrannt, was mit ihnen passieren soll.
Es ist ein unbequemes Thema und auch ein Dilemma.
Es geht um Schuld, Moral und Recht, eine gesamteuropäische Antwort auf die Frage „Zurückholen - ja oder nein" gibt es nicht.
Die heimische Regierung zeigt sich indes zurückhaltend, Außenministerin Karin Kneissl (FPÖ) möchte „jede einzelne Biografie" einer klaren Prüfung unterziehen.
Doch angesichts der Trump-Drohung drängt die Zeit.
Die europäischen Staaten müssen sich entscheiden.
Rücknahme? Bei dem Gedanken läuft es einem kalt den Rücken herunter.
Alleine der Gedanke, dass hochgefährliche Mörder, Vergewaltiger, Schänder oder auch verblendet-radikale Mitläufer wieder in unsere Gesellschaft zurückkommen sollen, erschaudert.
Jemand, der sich freiwillig dazu entschlossen hat, Österreich zu verlassen, um sich einer pseudo-religiösen,
mörderischen Ideologie anzuschließen, sollte sich auch der Tragweite der dazugehörenden Konsequenzen bewusst sein.
Ein Krieg ist kein Erlebnisurlaub.
Sich einer fundamentalistischen Terrorgruppe anzuschließen, aber dann auf ein Gerichtsverfahren bzw.
eine Haftstrafe nach europäischen Standards zu hoffen, passt beim besten Willen nicht zusammen.
Wer aus freien Stücken in ein Kriegsgebiet geht und sich dem Kampf für den vermeintlichen „Gottesstaat" anschließt,
dem sollten auch die dortigen, nahöstlichen Haftbedingungen zumutbar sein.
Auch, wenn sie wohl weniger lauschig sind als hierzulande.
Es gibt jedoch ein kleines „Aber"
Aber: Die rechtliche Komponente ist - auch wenn es in diesem Fall bitter ist - verzwickt.
Generell hat ein Bürger mit österreichischem Pass nämlich durchaus das Recht, hierher zurückzukehren.
Die Aberkennung der Staatsbürgerschaft ist laut Experten nicht so einfach möglich.
Schwierig ist auch die Frage, wie mit Minderjährigen oder Kindern von IS-Kämpfern umgegangen werden soll.
Ein gangbarer Weg könnte es sein, die IS-Kämpfer vor ein internationales Sondergericht auf syrischem Boden zu stellen, wie die von Kurden angeführte Anti-IS-Allianz SDF forderte.
Das klingt nach einer vernünftigen Lösung, der man internationales Gehör schenken sollte
vielleicht schon beim heutigen Vieraugengespräch von Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz mit Donald Trump? Es wäre eine gute Gelegenheit.
Royal news : Meghan Markle's baby shower gifts REVEAL why Duchess is expecting baby girl - Duration: 3:32.Meghan Markle's friends threw a lavish baby shower for the Duchess on Wednesday in New York
The baby shower was organised by her close friends including Amal Clooney and Serena Williams
But, following the event, some US panellists on the Today programme claimed the colour of many of the gifts suggest Meghan is expecting a baby girl
The host, Sheinelle Jones, said: "There were a lot of pink things, so now everybody is speculating, 'oh maybe they know something we don't'
" Jenna Bush Hager stepped in insisting Meghan's gusts "didn't know" the gender of the baby
Jones quipped back: "They say they don't know." The host also joked she was "working" on getting the gender reveal for the US Today breakfast show
Other friends who attended Meghan's baby shower were stylist Jessica Mulroney, Gayle King, Misha Nonoo, Markus Anderson, Daniel Martin, Taryn Toomey
Guests were seen leaving the event with dozens of £172 (US$225) suitcases from "Away" Luxury Luggage brand, believed to be party favours for those invited to the baby shower
Harpist Erin Hill was seen pushing her instrument into the venue, with speculations Ms Williams and Ms Clooney hired the musician for the evening soiree
The baby shower was held in a £57,600-a-night penthouse at the Mark Hotel located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan
On Monday, Kensington Palace confirmed Meghan's trip was "privately funded" but did not comment on details of her visit or her security plans
A source told US magazine Harper's Bazaar that Meghan's five-day trip was a chance to catch up with friends
The source said: "The trip is a lovely chance to catch up with friends and spend time in a city she loves
"This will be the last time a lot of them will see Meg until after the baby is born so it's nice to share precious moments
"It's been a relaxing visit. Nothing beats face time with your friends. "Meg will be flying home refreshed and relaxed - and with a lot of new baby clothes
" Meghan has now landed back in the UK, but there are more travel plans to come for the pregnant Duchess, as this coming weekend she will fly to Morocco for an official visit with her husband
Meghan is expected to give birth in April or May with the gender of the baby still unknown
Jack Whitehall's Little Mix jibe is most complained about moment of Brits 2019 - Duration: 2:56.The video will start in 8 Cancel Comedian turned compère Jack Whitehall took shots at everyone from Prince Phillip to Simon Cowell at Wednesday night's raucous Brit Awards
And it was his jibes about pop fivesome Little Mix that really struck a nerve with viewers at home
At the time of reporting, 25 complaints were made to regulators Ofcom about an x-rated gag Jack made following the band's performance
Perrie Edwards, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Jesy Nelson and Jade Thirlwall had stormed the 02 stage clad in pink PVC outfits for a raunchy performance of single Woman Like Me
After the girls left the stage, Jack quipped: "Dads up and down the country are awkwardly fumbling for a scatter cushion right now
" There have been 38 complaints about the show in total. And disgruntled viewers weren't the only ones taking issue with host Jack on the night
Some of the Fresh Meat stars's material didn't go down too well with some of the famous faces in attendance - Little Mix included
Sitting down for a live chat with the band, Jack began by saying: "I love Little Mix, I don't care who knows, I am a 'Mixer'
" He then stunned the band when he addressed Jesy Nelson and said: "I've been instructed not to bring up the Jamaican accent
" The dig was in relation to an embarrassing video of Jesy imitating the accent during an interview that emerged in 2014
While Jesy looked less than impressed, things got even more toe-curling when Jack brought up the 'bad blood' between the girls and their ex boss Simon Cowell
"Can we bring up exes?" he asked. "When you left Simon Cowell it raised a few eyebrows, obviously not on in his head because there's too much Botox," he joked
Jack then attempted to move on by referencing Jesy's recent kebab shop hookup with Love Island's Chris Hughes
He joked about the girls bumping into the girls at the after-parties or 'kebab shops' later - leaving Jesy mortified
But it was his digs about Piers Morgan that appeared to really rile the foursome as Jade rolled her eyes in disgust
At the end, he added: "Ok this was awkward."
Jack Whitehall's Little Mix jibe is most complained about moment of Brits 2019 - Duration: 2:56.The video will start in 8 Cancel Comedian turned compère Jack Whitehall took shots at everyone from Prince Phillip to Simon Cowell at Wednesday night's raucous Brit Awards
And it was his jibes about pop fivesome Little Mix that really struck a nerve with viewers at home
At the time of reporting, 25 complaints were made to regulators Ofcom about an x-rated gag Jack made following the band's performance
Perrie Edwards, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Jesy Nelson and Jade Thirlwall had stormed the 02 stage clad in pink PVC outfits for a raunchy performance of single Woman Like Me
After the girls left the stage, Jack quipped: "Dads up and down the country are awkwardly fumbling for a scatter cushion right now
" There have been 38 complaints about the show in total. And disgruntled viewers weren't the only ones taking issue with host Jack on the night
Some of the Fresh Meat stars's material didn't go down too well with some of the famous faces in attendance - Little Mix included
Sitting down for a live chat with the band, Jack began by saying: "I love Little Mix, I don't care who knows, I am a 'Mixer'
" He then stunned the band when he addressed Jesy Nelson and said: "I've been instructed not to bring up the Jamaican accent
" The dig was in relation to an embarrassing video of Jesy imitating the accent during an interview that emerged in 2014
While Jesy looked less than impressed, things got even more toe-curling when Jack brought up the 'bad blood' between the girls and their ex boss Simon Cowell
"Can we bring up exes?" he asked. "When you left Simon Cowell it raised a few eyebrows, obviously not on in his head because there's too much Botox," he joked
Jack then attempted to move on by referencing Jesy's recent kebab shop hookup with Love Island's Chris Hughes
He joked about the girls bumping into the girls at the after-parties or 'kebab shops' later - leaving Jesy mortified
But it was his digs about Piers Morgan that appeared to really rile the foursome as Jade rolled her eyes in disgust
At the end, he added: "Ok this was awkward."
美国女子加入IS结婚3次并生子 被剥夺国籍禁入境 - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
★ Loyal Dog Is Abandoned On Dirt Road, Then Rescuer Exposes The 'Heartless Scumbag' On Facebook - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
'A Star Is Born' Costume Designer Reveals What Lady Gaga Is Really Like: She Has 'A Really Kind Hear - Duration: 3:10.Ahead of the Academy Awards on Feb. 24, we spoke to costume designer Erin Benach about what it was really like working with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper! Lady Gaga, 32, is quite the enigma
The constantly-changing singer has put on many personas throughout her music career, seemingly adapting her character and style with each album era
Most recently, with her starring in her first feature film, A Star Is Born, Lady Gaga took center stage by undoing all of that facade, and playing fresh-faced Ally
We EXCLUSIVELY spoke to Erin Benach, the costume designer behind the film, at the 21st Annual Costume Designers Guild Awards in Beverly Hills, California about what it was like working on the huge Oscar-nominated set with Gaga and Bradley
Erin said that going in, costume-wise, she knew that Gaga's look as her character Ally would be far different than her typical "theatrical" way of dressing in real life
"We knew we were going in the complete opposite direction but we needed to know what that direction was," Erin EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife
"We knew we were leaving all of that behind." Ally's look throughout the film was more toned down than Gaga's
Ally often rocked jeans, t-shirts, and even once she found success as a singer, her wildest style choice was her orange hair
Erin also noted that Gaga would be singing in her trailer in the morning. "I would have a private concert and it was awesome," Erin said
"She would be practicing the songs from the movie. She would be doing the alphabet — 'I, E, O
' Warmup!" We can't even imagine how cool it would be to walk into Gaga's trailer and hear her doing an a capella version of "Shallow!" But underneath all of her theatrics, Erin stated that deep down, Gaga just keeps it real
"[She has a] really kind heart and [is] very engaging when you're one-on-one with her," she said
"She's very engaging and real." As for Bradley Cooper, 44, the Oscar-nominated actor, and director of the film, Erin spoke to his method as the person in charge
"[Bradley] was involved [as a director]," Erin said. "I think every director kind of has a different way of doing it, but his method was he knew when something wasn't right and he knew when something was right
[He was] kind of creating a creative space for everybody to find the character." They definitely seemed to all succeed in their roles – the film has been winning audiences since it was released in fall 2018, and has been nominated and winning awards left and right during awards season this year
Best of luck to the cast and crew of A Star Is Born at the Oscars this upcoming Sunday!
Samsung's Galaxy S10 is '5G-ready' - but you might not want to buy one yet - News Today - Duration: 3:47.Samsung launched its latest range of Galaxy devices last night, including a version of the Galaxy S10 smartphone that is "5G-ready"
The handset is aimed at "those who want more of everything and are ready for the fastest available speeds and the most powerful features", according to Samsung
The company promised that customers who use the device on a 5G network will be able to "download a full season of a TV show in minutes, play graphics-rich cloud games with virtually no lag, and keep in touch with real-time 4K video calls"
There's just one problem - none of the major UK mobile networks have rolled out 5G yet
So what's the point in buying a 5G handset? As it turns out, the next generation of mobile connectivity may be closer than you think
EE and O2 have both announced that they will begin the rollout of their 5G networks this year in the UK's four capital cities - Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London
EE has committed to switching on 5G in a further 12 UK cities in 2019, including Birmingham, Manchester,Glasgow, Newcastle, Liverpool, Leeds, Hull, Sheffield, Nottingham, Leicester, Coventry and Bristol
"We'll be launching 5G across 16 UK cities this year with leading partners such as Samsung to give our customers the very best experience," said Marc Allera, CEO of BT's Consumer division, which owns EE
O2 said its 5G network will be expanded to other areas of the UK from 2020, to coincide with the wider availability of 5G handsets
"5G will benefit customers from launch, with better speeds and improved customer experience," said Mark Evans, chief executive of Telefónica UK, which owns O2
The company is already taking part in a range of 5G trials across the country, and has set up a 5G testbed network at The O2 Arena in London, to test the robustness and effectiveness of the technology
Meanwhile, Vodafone and Three have both been participating in 5G trials in the UK
Earlier this week, Vodafone switched on 5G at Manchester Airport, allowing holidaymakers and travellers to download a film or TV boxset over the super-fast network ahead of their flight
And Three used London Fashion Week to debut its 5G network, with a special "mixed reality" catwalk show, featuring world-renowned model, Lennon Gallagher
Read More So when will 5G technology go mainstream? And should you rush out and buy a 5G-ready handset now? Dan Adams, head of telecommunications at Deloitte, thinks we still have a while to wait
"The introduction of 5G handsets expected this year will look a lot like 2010, when 4G phones first entered the market," he said
"There will be a lot of noise in the first year from vendors vying to be first to market, and relatively little action from consumers
"We're not talking about an overnight switch to faster connectivity with lower latency, we will see 5G used by consumers in hotspot locations in the next two to three years, with mass adoption by 2025
What is Intermittent Fasting? | Fasting Guide 101 | The Keto Foodie - Duration: 9:45.Intermittent fasting
What is it?
Do I have to do it?
Do I really not have to eat anything for a really long time?
Stick around I'll explain
All right, so what is intermittent fasting and is it absolutely necessary to have success on Keto?
Intermittent fasting all it is is the time period where you're not eating versus the time period where you are
now before a keto we were probably eating three meals three snacks and whatever we felt like during the day and
That means our insulin levels were always constantly going up and down up and down up and down throughout the day
with intermittent fasting
Well with keto first of all with keto there's a bigger time
period between
blips right because once you are on keto you're eating less and you're not eating all of the snacks in between
So you're eating your breakfast and you're eating enough?
Dietary fat that keeps you satisfied
then you can go for longer periods of time then have your lunch so insulin goes up and then you can go and have your
time period where you're not eating any snacks
Until you get to dinner and then you have your dinner and your insulin goes up because you've eaten the meal
with intermittent fasting
We're looking to push that back to the point where you're actually only eating two meals
So you're like skipping breakfast or if you want you can skip dinner
one or the other
So, how do we do that and why do we do that again it's about insulin so
With intermittent fasting we're looking to keep our insulin low and steady for as long as we can
Because that helps us in our bodies to get through
glucose and from the carbs then and and and work through our proteins and and get through the food we've eaten so
That we can then start receiving new food
For the purposes of this video. I'm going to go with the one is usually the most popular and that is a 16-8
intermittent fast
Which means you're not eating for 16 hours and then you have an eight hour window where you can eat
And then you're probably thinking well 16 hours, holy moly, what the hell
but really
We're counting your sleep time in there as well. So what does it look like? Well, if if I'm doing a 16-8 intermittent fast and
I stop eating I'm done. I'm not putting anything else in my mouth
At 8:00 p.m. The night before I
Don't eat again until
12:00 noon the next day
So it means I go to bed I sleep I get up
Don't have breakfast I skip breakfast and then I have lunch at 12 noon
And then from that point I've got another eight hours to fit my dinner in there somewhere
Seams are breathable and if I need a snack then I'll have a snack
But these days I don't
Really need a snack
But you have that eight hour
Window where you can eat as you need to and how much you need to this is not about restricting calories
This is not about saying well
I'm going to intermittent fast for 22 hours and only have a two-hour window where I'm eating and I'm only going to eat
Three lettuce leaves and two tomatoes. No, it is not about calorie restriction
It is about keeping your insulin levels low
Okay calorie restriction will shut down your metabolism?
okay, so just make sure that if you are practicing intermittent fasting that you are also
Eating enough calories to keep your body from shutting down as far as metabolically because it thinks you're in
starvation mode
when it comes to the intermittent fasting
Again if you're doing 16 hours of fasting versus eight hours of
You know you're eating window
you eat normally as you do on keto during those eight hours when you're
Fasting you can drink things like coffee
Diet soda or water things that don't necessarily
Increase your blood sugars. It's different from regular fasting where the only thing that you'd probably be able to drink is water
There's a difference here because this is about not increasing your insulin
so people will have bulletproof coffee because you have coffee which won't raise your insulin and then you have fat which
Barely raises your insulin not like carbs or protein
so they'll have
Bulletproof coffee in the morning as they walk out or when they get to work or before they go to work or before they go
to school or wherever and
Then that helps them stay
noon or until whatever time they're
eating window is
so bulletproof coffee
You can use MCT oil for it. You can use coconut oil butter
double cream
or heavy cream
you can mix those up into your coffee and
Have your bulletproof coffee and that can help you keep you going
until you're ready to start eating. I
don't recommend that you do this right at the beginning. If you're going from a standard diet
to - not just the keto diet - [talking to noisy cat]
She's being noisy today.
If you're going from the standard diet - not just to a keto diet - but keto diet and intermittent fasting,
it's not gonna go well for you. You're gonna have a horrible time, and you're gonna give up. [Laughs]
Unless you're a person who normally already
skips breakfast. And again, it doesn't have to be breakfast that you skip it can be dinner that you skip - just...
you're basically skipping one, but ensuring that for the other two meals, you have
enough calories to keep you from going into starvation mode.
Okay, so you are eating less, but you're not eating less in a way because again, it's not about calories
or calorie restriction. This is about keeping your insulin low.
So don't just go straight into intermittent fasting,
especially if you haven't done Keto for a while. Now on my challenge
We are about to
break into step two - which is month two -
which is the adjust period. And this is why I haven't touched on intermittent fasting until now, because you need
about a month's worth of being on Keto and trying it out and getting used to real food and
cooking in a different way,
before you can then say does this work for me?
Should I continue to eat three meals a day? And if it does work for you,
then do not be bullied into going into intermittent fasting, If it works for you health-wise and weight-wise,
then stick with your three meals a day.
or, you know, three small meals a day - whatever you want to do.
you feel that intermittent fasting would help you, and for people who are diabetic or insulin resistance or have metabolic issues,
this might be something that would be good for you to do, because of your
sluggish metabolism and your
difficulties with getting
through the food that you're eating. You might want to,
you know, extend that period where you're not eating.
How long
the period that you're not eating lasts, is up to you
but again, one of the most popular ones is 16 hours of not eating and 8 hours where you can eat in that window
that's intermittent fasting. Is it absolutely necessary? No. A lot of people do recommend it, but it's not
absolutely necessary. You can still do Keto without it, Okay?
Whatever works best for you.
This is where you try to adjust and find that sweet spot between what you eat and
when you eat it, and what you don't eat and how long you're not eating.
And that's that. So I do hope that this video has helped you... has helped clarify
...maybe not... and if it hasn't, please feel free to ask more questions down below.
I'm happy to answer those questions at any point in time. And if it was helpful, then please click the thumbs
for this video and if you have a friend or a loved one, who
talked about intermittent fasting, or might need some information on it and please feel free to share this video.
Thank you so much for watching. Thank you to my patrons and
I will look to see you next time, and until then have a very wonderful Keto journey, and
Foodie bye.
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A Coast Guard officer's arrest is the latest example of the rising problem of right-wing terrorism i - Duration: 11:10.A Coast Guard lieutenant and self-proclaimed white nationalist was arrested on charges of illegal drug and weapons possession on Friday
But authorities say the charges are just the "proverbial tip of the iceberg" and that the man is a "domestic terrorist, bent on committing acts dangerous to human life
" Christopher Paul Hasson, a 49-year-old resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, had stockpiled weapons and ammunition and was allegedly planning to kill a number of prominent Democratic politicians and journalists as well as professors, judges, and "leftists in general," federal prosecutors said in a court filing on Tuesday
The filing details disturbing allegations, including Hasson's writings about a potential race war, where he asserts that "much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch," and his study of Anders Breivik, a Norwegian far-right domestic terrorist who killed 77 people in 2011
Law enforcement agents discovered 15 firearms and more than 1,000 rounds of mixed ammunition when they searched Hasson's home on Friday
Authorities allege that Hasson had created a spreadsheet of potential targets of violence, including Sens
Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Tim Kaine, Kamala Harris, and Richard Blumenthal
He listed Blumenthal as "Sen blumen jew" and Warren as "poca warren," presumably a reference to President Donald Trump's nickname for her, "Pocahontas
" Other of his targets included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Sheila Jackson, and Maxine Waters, and journalists Chris Cuomo, Chris Hayes, and Ari Melber
Authorities say that Hasson conducted internet searches on whether senators and Supreme Court justices have Secret Service protection
They also describe a December 2018 instance in which Hasson looked up MSNBC host and former Rep
Joe Scarborough after seeing a headline where Scarborough called Trump "the worst ever
" He looked at Scarborough's Wikipedia page and website and then tried to find where his show was hosted and where he used to live
In an email draft in 2017, Hasson wrote that he was "dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth" and discussed ways to carry out his plans
After racist violence erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, Hasson sent himself a draft letter — which he allegedly had written to a neo-Nazi leader — identifying himself as a "long time White Nationalist" and a "skinhead" for more than 30 years
In the letter, he called for a "white homeland." From January 2017 to January 2019, authorities say, he conducted searches and made "thousands of visits" to websites containing pro-Russian, neo-fascist, and neo-Nazi literature
It's not clear when or if Hasson intended to carry out his plot. He compiled the list of targets on January 17, 2019
The same day, he performed Google searches including "what if trump illegally impeached, "best place in dc to see congress people," "where in dc to congress live," "civil war if trump impeached," and "social democrats usa
" Hasson appeared to take advice from Breivik's manifesto, which he spent three years creating prior to his attacks
He took cues for creating a list of and categorizing victims and for taking steroids prior to an attack
Agents found more than 30 bottles labeled as human growth hormones in Hasson's residence
Hasson is expected to appear in federal court on Thursday at 1 pm. Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer Barry Lane, a spokesperson for the Coast Guard, said in a statement to multiple media outlets that Hasson's arrest was part of an ongoing probe by the Coast Guard Investigative Service
"An active duty Coast Guard member, stationed at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC, was arrested last week on illegal weapons and drug charges as a result of an ongoing investigation led by the Coast Guard Investigative Service, in cooperation with the FBI and Department of Justice
Because this is an open investigation, the Coast Guard has no further details at this time," Lane said
White nationalist and right-wing domestic terrorism is a major threat in the US Right-wing extremism is a growing problem in the United States, and threats such as those posed by individuals like Hasson are becoming more common, not less
Take the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in October, in which 11 people were killed; the pipe bombs that were sent to multiple prominent politicians the same month; or the 2017 shooting at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine people dead
According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the number of terrorist attacks in the US by far-right perpetrators more than quadrupled between 2016 and 2017
From 2007 to 2011, there were five or fewer attacks by right-wing extremists per year
In 2017, there were 31. According to the Anti-Defamation League, right-wing extremists were responsible for 71 percent of extremist-related murders from 2008 to 2017
Islamic extremists were responsible for 26 percent of the killings. As Janet Reitman explained in the New York Times Magazine in November, law enforcement for years failed to see the threat white nationalism could pose in the US and was instead focused on Islamic extremism
The piece details how a report from a Homeland Security senior intelligence analyst named Daryl Johnson on the rising threat of white nationalism and right-wing extremism was crushed by political backlash
Republicans vehemently objected to descriptions of "right-wing extremism," and DHS withdrew the report
But report or not, as the Washington Post laid out in November, the problem has only become worse, under President Barack Obama and now Trump: Terrorism researchers say right-wing violence sprouted alongside white anxiety about Obama's presidency and has accelerated in the Trump era
Trump and his aides have continuously denied that he has contributed to the rise in violence
But experts say right-wing extremists perceive the president as offering them tacit support for their cause
After the violence in Charlottesville, for example, Trump asserted that "both sides" were equally to blame and that there were "some very fine people" among the far-right demonstrators, many of whom wore "Make America Great Again" caps while chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans
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