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23 Notes a Second, Olympic Record for Pianists or not? Isidor Philipp and Beethoven's legacy {Ep.1} - Duration: 26:49.23 notes a second, that is the exact number of notes the famous pianist and teacher Isidor
Philipp would have wanted you to play.
At least if you were one of his students back in the days.
In case you would wonder: that are no less than 1380 notes per minute.
If you as a pianist already have a low self
esteem because you're teacher keeps pushing you for higher tempi that you feel are just
impossible, or even hurt your hand, arm, neck or back in your daily attempt to achieve them,
but never had the courage to share your doubts, then this video is for you, since I will cure
you from that feeling once and for all.
To start with the best part which is an obvious truth you will not hear often if ever: not
a single professional pianist living on this planet can reach the number of 23 notes a
Nor the 'slower' 15 to 19 notes a second someone like Carl Czerny wants you to play.
Not your teacher, not the greatest virtuoso on earth.
No one.
And so it's time to tackle this once and for all and look for the real reasons behind
these tempo indications.
Because don't make a mistake: Isidor Philip was one of the most influential pianist and
teachers from the early 20th century.
And he was very, I would say extremely serious on his tempo indications or, in other words:
his metronome indications.
Stay with me in this series of four videos of which this is the first and I promise you
not only a better understanding of the history of piano playing and piano technique, but
a renewed feeling of pianistic power, because, yes, also you can play Czerny's School of
Velocity in his 'extreme' tempi and Isidor Philipp is going to help us achieving that
So a few weeks ago, I shared with you this, what I called a 'mystery' score, containing
a selection of Clementi's Gradus ad parnassum, with a kind of unusual stamp on the first
page, saying U.S.A Copyright 1891 by Richault & company.
After I shot the video, I saw this edition was made as reprint of an much earlier 19th
century edition by Richault, which I happen to have as well (show it).
The plate numbers of both editions are the same, but the added introduction page has
a different number.
On that first page, we see the initials of the responsible editor for this score: I.PH,
or in full, Isidor Philipp student of the Chopin pupil Matthias, Saint Saens and close
friend with many of the great musicians of his time, under which Claude Debussy as one
of the closest.
The essence of that story was the fact that Philipp not only kept the original Clementi
metronome marks and credited them as being actual realistic tempi, but in many cases,
he added his own tempo indications as well, substantially faster than what Clementi had
in mind.
The fact that Philipp explicitly wrote in the short preface that all of the metronome
numbers in this book were actual playing speeds, so not at all a kind of targets hanging as
unreachable goals high in the sky, as many pianists and piano teachers today tell you,
is a remarkable statement made around 1900.
This is important enough to underline again.
Isidor Philipp write in this preface as he did on other prefaces that his metronome numbers
are perfectly possible to reach.
Remember that.
Let's read the particular quote together again, it's an important piece in our tempo
puzzle: "Pour arriver à jouer ces études dans
le mouvement indiqué, il faut travailler préalablement- nous ne saurions trop insiter
sur ce point essentiel- lentement et fort'- or in English meaning nothing else than in
order to arrive at the indicated tempi – thus the metronome numbers - , one needs to practice
very slow and forte.
In these episodes we will make clear that the statements of Philipp on the correctness
of his metronome numbers combined with lots of impossible metronome indications indeed
climbing as high to an unbelievable 23 notes a second, will proof that also for this man,
who lived from 1863 to 1958, the historical metrical use of the metronome must have been
still in use.
When applying the metronome as a metrical time device, one does not take a single tick
as equivalent to the note value in the metronome equation, but rather two ticks.
These two ticks serve as a unity of time- hence the term metrical and hence the name
of this device: metronome- as in earlier times the up and down movement of the leading musician
was seen as one beat or Schlag in German.
That these two ticks equal one unity, so represent one beat, and that this use of the metronome
still was in practice in the middle of the 19th century needs no doubt.
Read for instance the way Edward Jeu describes this in 1838 in Paris, the place and time
of Liszt and Chopin.
I translate directly in English.
One or better two oscillations of the pendulum – by pendulum meaning the pendulum of the
metronome as well - could be taken for a comparable 'unity'.
To show this 'binary unity' (that consists so to speak out of two movements), we use
the sign ♩ which we call a 'crotchet', without pretending of adhering to the crotchet
an absolute duration; the crotchet only reminds us of the two movements more or less pressed,
but 'isochrones', that is equal among themselves, by which they mark the unity.
This quote by Jue is one of the most explicit descriptions of what we today call double
beat, a practice that went back to the 16th century and perhaps even earlier.
The implication of this to music from Mozart till Chopin and beyond indeed is immense.
Hence the often very emotional reactions of musicians when learning about something that
almost is as obvious as the sun is rising every day.
Adding to this such a late obviously clear practice of the same habit as by Isidor Philipp
is opening a complete new chapter in this fascinating tempo research.
The clear and undeniable confirmation by Philipp that the metronome numbers of his editions
are actual playing speeds, no unreachable targets, is an incredibly strong statement
in our search for how people could have interpreted these metronome indications.
Similar statements one finds very often in the 19th century, but not by someone who lived
only a few generation before us, in a time moreover with much less interest in metronomic
tempo indications.
And Philipp wrote this more than once.
Also in his exercises for the left hand for instance.
Let's also read this passage together: "Le but de ces exercices est le perfectionnement
et l'indépendance de la main gauche et du poignet gauche.
Pour l'attendre, il faut les travailler lentement tout d'abord, plus vite ensuite,
jusqu'aux mouvements de métronome indiqués.'
Or in English: 'the goal of these exercises are the perfection of the independence of
the left hand and the left wrist.
In order to achieve this, one must practice slowly first, then faster, until the indicated
metronome numbers are reached.
End of quote.
So in other words exactly the same philosophy here as in the Clementi's preface and again
an absolute confirmation of his metronome numbers to be actual playing speeds.
(ep2 scan 2).
Seeing such strong confirmation on the accuracy of the given metronome numbers as late as
early 20th century is a unique contribution in our tempo research.
Of course, Philipp does not speak about metrical use of the metronome, double beat or single
beat so to speak.
Why would he mention something that for that generation still must have been crystal clear?
As for instance Raoul Pugno, the famous student of George Matthias writes in his book on Chopin
in 1909 on Chopin's nocturne opus 15 number 2:
"Malgré l'indication du métronome, je pense que ce nocturne est généralement houé
trop vite'.
So in other words: in spite of the metronome indication, I believe this piece is generally
played much too fast.
We'll come back to this important statement, also in the light of the performance practice
in the early 20th century which indeed showed a kind of ambiguity, but hear Pugno implicitly
say that the metronome number should be enough for musicians to know how fast to play this
Well the metronome number is quarter note 40.
Pugno adds to that that his own tempo for this nocturne is... 8th note 52, almost double
But if that is not enough, he recorded this nocturne to showcase this statement in eactly
half of the chopin number, so 8th note 40.
Almost as if he checked the Chopin tempo right before recording.
(music) So just a quick in-between while I'm editing
this video for you, to underline that this performance, by Raoul Pugno of the nocturne
in F sharp Major by Chopin, is not just a slower performance compared to the metronome
number, it's a performance in double beat.
It's exactly the half, that's very interesting and very important to understand.
Now, before you run to Youtube and search for early acoustical recordings thinking that
that generation to which Pugno belongned will give you a kind of impression of how Chopin
or Liszt played, well, that's simply not true, I made some videos in the recent past
and I will do again in the near future.
They were not thinking in terms of keeping the tradition alive.
However, sometimes, in cases of Chopin nocturnes and some other pieces to which they in a way
were emotional attached, to that particular way of performing, you hear that sometimes,
those echos of a very far distance.
(music) What my point here is in this video and I
will come back to that, is that Pugno in his book is making clear that he is aware of this
metronome mark of Chopin, quarter note 40 which he explains as eight note 52 and eight
note 40 in his own performance.
In other words, in one sentence, he gives Chopin's metronome mark of 40 for the quarter
note and his own metronome number of 8th note 52 and 8th note 40 for his own performance.
So he equals quarter note 40 with the double beat interpretation and that's not everything
: it is in one sentence, without mentioning the different readings.
Not a word from his editor, not a word from his contemporaries.
So it's a fact that his contemporaries of Raoul Pugno, 1909, were perfectly aware of
the metronome numbers in double beat which they themselves gave at that time – and
that's the time in which this changed- as single beat.
So that's a fact, that's not an opinion, that's not a believe, that's not an assumption,
that's a fact.
And an important one.
Now, we'll come back to that, but let's now return to Isidor Philipp.
The reason why we can be so sure of this practice to be an actual fact, exactly lies in the
dozens and dozens of metronome numbers that no human ever will be able to actually play.
Yes, 23 notes a second is an absolute record, that in the metrical sense still will give
you a whopping 11,5 notes a second, but in the case of Phillip's etudes it is beyond
discussion that the majority of them are simply unplayable.
Combine this with the absolute absence of any remark of his contemporaries about the
fact that indeed these speeds make no sense, and the only conclusion one can draw is that
what is simply in front of us.
Early 20th century there still was a consistent use of that old, Beethovenish way of using
the metronome.
The best part of it all?
Our classical repertoire suddenly becomes so much more human.
The Gods Beethoven Chopin and others come down from high in the sky to talk and speak
with us on equal terms and you know what: that feels ridiculously good!
Now, let's have a look to some of Philipp's own etudes.
In his technical exercises (ep 1 scanA), one could say that starting out in 16th notes
already is slow enough when considering the tempo indication to be single beat.
In the first exercise (ep1 scanB) one would start in single beat with 1,2 notes a second,
which on its own is already very slow.
In double beat, this would result obviously in half of that number, which is really really
really really slow.
Now, if we go to the other end of the spectrum, the tempo we are supposed to end this particular
etude in, requires a speed of almost 10 notes a second, which not a lot pianists, even the
virtuoso of today, will be able to do for the length of a complete etude.
Certainly if one takes the additional requests by the author into consideration: that of
the extreme rhythmical variations we are supposed to make, the fact the piece needs to be transposed
and also, we must repeat the whole process with the left hand, it becomes clear that
the demand of 10 notes per second actually is useless if still possible.
In number 6 Philipp increases the tempo even more.
Here we must reach no less than 12 notes a second.
I would like you to try that! A rather similar tempo with 11,2 notes a second
in single beat, we see also in etude n°10
However, here one starts practicing in a tempo of 7,2 notes a second if the metronome number
indeed were to be read in single beat.
In double beat that would still be rather fast, with 3,6 notes per second.
Also here with the requests so typical for Philipp of making rhythmical variations, playing
the etude with the left hand as well, and transpose it.
In this particular case, Philipp wants us to play the etude in C major as well, increasing
the tempo to 132, which, if indeed Philipp would use the metronome in single beat, would
result in a whopping tempo of 13.2 notes a second.
I will not make the claim that absolutely nobody on this planet can play this, but it
is something one can doubt to be possible.
Yet again we read nowhere that Philipp reserves these tempi for the absolute unique wonder
boy or girl.
Not even a single word about extremity of tempi.
Please do not go over this lightly, a speed of over 13 notes a second is rare in pianoplaying.
This is a tempo of 198 beats per minute (yes 198), while playing 4 notes every tick.
So your fingers should give almost 800 pulses per minute.
Even for a simple C major scale this is a tempo that, for most of us, if not for all
of us, simply is impossible, certainly if you consider the fact of keeping this tempo
up for a while.
Let's return now to our Clementi mystery score.
We can draw 3 objective conclusions: 1.
Isidor Philipp validates the fact that these metronome marks are actual, accurate and exact
tempo indications.
This implies that also the faster metronome marks he added are accurate and realistic
tempo indications.
The fact that he increased the Clementi numbers proof that in his opinion these original metronome
marks were not fast enough.
That is an important fact, because Philipp confirms directly Clementi's tempi to be
By the way: if someone tells you Clementi's tempi are perfectly possible to play in single
beat, in other words according to our modern reading of his metronome numbers, please ask
him or her to sit down and demonstrate.
Because they are not.
Let me finish this episode by giving you a short overview of these new tempi Philipp
had in mind for these Clementi etudes.
A selection, I'll put the complete scan of this score on my webpage in the future.
Exercise number 2: a constant speed of 13.6 notes a second,
Exercise number 5: a constant speed of 10 notes a second,
Exercise number 6: a constant speed of 9 thirds a second,
Exercise number 12: a constant speed of 12 notes a second,
Exercise number 14: a constant speed of 11 notes a second,
And the maximum number of notes per second we'll find in number 24.
Here Philipp wants you to perform at a constant rate of 14 notes (yes 14) a second.
That's still far from our absolute record of 23 notes a second, but do me a favor if
you are still in doubt here: Do pause this video, open your piano.
To realize what 14 notes a second is: put your metronome on 208 and play a simple C
major scale.
Every single tick you'll have to hit 4 notes per metronome click.
208, in case you are not familiar with metronome tempi, is like this.
And remember, don't just try two seconds, you'll have to keep going 2 or 3 minutes,
as this etude is no shorter than 4 pages.
Let me know in the comments below what your experience is, really looking forward to that.
O, and by the way: this tempo is still below what Czerny asks you in his famous school
of velocity.
So if you still are in doubt those metronome numbers are to be read metrically, we live
in another universum I'd say.
So here we have factum, a factum, meaning a statement that needs to be solved or passed
before anything else can be taken into consideration again.
And also: if your teacher keeps asking you to push your tempi to unknown heights of speed,
do confront him or her with this information.
Certainly at a conservatory, on a professional level so to speak, these tempi, considered
perfectly normal in the entire 19th century and also by Isidor Philipp, should be no problem
for someone teaching on that level.
They probably will when taking the historical approach into consideration but they will
either ask the right questions after giving this a try, or simply deny the whole point.
Listen, my purpose is not to convince you changing your habits or the way you play or
want to play, or simply the way you'd like to enjoy music.
But that doesn't change the fact that if we cannot play these etudes in these tempi,
particularly in the case of this edition, it puts a lot of pressure on the single beat
interpretation of these tempi.
Playing is the bench mark for tempo research: one needs always, no exception, to start from
the given metronome mark.
Another great showcase is Philipp's interpretation of Chopin's famous C major etude opus 10
number 1.
Click here if you'd like to find out more on this.
We'll be discovering the 23 notes per second in episode 3.
In the meantime thanks for watching, hit the subscribe button if you're not subscribed
already, and then, we'll see each other soon again.
Впервые показан запуск "Посейдона" - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Learn Arabic: Arabic Lessons For Beginners #3/5 - Duration: we're going to learn how to say
'where are you from?' 'I am from' here...
we're also going to learn how to say 'I am originally from here'
and 'I'm living in...'
ok so quite a lot to learn here but let's go with it so...
my name is Mike I teach Arabic on YouTube
so you get the idea...
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support for it however as time passed companies started to pull support for
their watch OS apps Google included the good news is that it looks like Google
has started making apps for the Apple watch again the company has recently
released an update for the Google keep app on heõs where it will now be
compatible with the Apple watch for those unfamiliar Google keep is a
note-taking app and the Apple watch version more or less does the same as
its mobile counterpart users will be able to see their existing notes in the
form of cards where they can view up to two lines of text per card users will
also be able to add new cards where their notes can be taken down using
either voice scribbling using their finger or EMA geez granted it's not that
best way to be taking notes on a SmartWatch but in the event you want to
make a quick note of something then this could be one way to go about it it will
also be useful for viewing notes such as a grocery list
things you need to do today and so on the support for Apple watch marks
Google's return to the Apple watch the company had previously pulled its Google
Maps app from the Apple watch but stated that the app would return in the future
and hopefully Google keep is the start of things to come
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Special Agent OSO For Sleepy Eyes Only Part 2 - Pink Fish - Duration: 3:49.PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
Special Agent Oso. Mr. Dose here. It's a matter that must be put to bed
Nadia's birthday party is tomorrow, but she's so excited. She's having trouble falling asleep your special assignment
Help Nadia go to sleep. I'm on it. Mr. Nose
Will you help me with this special assignment?
Great pilot what special steps will I need for this assignment?
Josefin your specialist I administer now we'll show you
So now, you know
You need
A real so Nadia needs to get to sleep soon. I'm on my way
What's the code name for this special assignment
For sleepy eyes only
Sleepy time sleepy time. It's time for bed
Just lay yourself down
and rest
Like how to keep to reach your
Thanks pop pilot special assignment for sleepy eyes only accepting
Almost there. Oh so early
Nadia is trying to sleep. We should keep it down. You want to go down? Okay No
It's all part of the plan more or less
Now to get to Nadia's room
Especially Jeannot, so are you here to help me go to sleep? Yes, I am. That's wonderful. Thank you
Oh, so Paul pilot. What's our first step step 1 close your eyes
Got it, except well, no, I can't see anything
Here's a tip. Oh, so don't close your eyes until you're in bed
Good tip pilot, but for now, I'll just pretend to close my eyes
That way I can still see you and I'll really close my eyes. So I'm really going to sleep
Timon & Pumbaa - Cute Moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Episodes 30 Part 6 - Alicia Miller - Duration: 2:51.Nevermind yeah unimportant really? Okay, come on stand down it's time to get you out of that key an agent that aligns
Rat thing nice try ban, but we know not to believe anything you say
They'll believe you it's true he's - moans no, he's not Pumbaa
I'm the real Timon don't believe him Pumbaa
Did you know I'm the real Timon now, what do we do beats me? Come on, boomba. Tell them who the real Timon ease
But I know a way we can find out
You big bullies cracking a guy's shell don't look at me
You see only two Canton has a specialized
saw-edged l designed for season
Two and Dan
Drats, and I believe that makes you my bestest best pal Oh real
Gee, I'm glad you figured it out so quickly
Sofia The First Funny Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 686 Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Luxury Modern Tiny House on Wheels For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
KOKO Too Late And Missing The School Bus Learn Color For Kids - Lucy Brooks - Duration: 2:17.PLEASE, LIKE, , SHARE and SUBCRIBEA my video! Thank you very much!
Happy song for baby - Mason Vincent - Duration: 2:12."PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!"
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 14 - BoBo TV - Duration: 10:01.Princess adventure club
Sure, it's all yours
Princess Lily, you know me not yet. Well my family used to travel all the time
So I just had private tutors until now
But I've never stayed in one place long enough to go to school or call someplace home or Clio
It's good to meet you Carrie. Hey there and Laxmi
Hello, Zoe's pearl diving off the coast of western binya and it was underneath and a light. Oh
It's a rock that fell all the way from outer space. Who are you? I'm Zoe
I'm new, excuse me, but I'm still talking
Amber, oh, you can hold it to Sofia until that princess came up interrupted me and then blamed me for it
I was the new girl once too and I know it's hard
Around no
You could host a summer party. What's a slumber party?
Well, if you like going an adventure up an I'll be your first member
We won't know until we ask them
So what's a carabiner you can hook it on to anything thank you. Don't forget to take a pair of permission form
to more members
Then we come back Wow
What did he ever do to her love's first adventure climb aboard everyone to the misty forest of outer market
What's so special about the mist? It's not just missed
You guys
Okay, it was so much fun. And look what we brought back Zoe's princess adventure club
We have to join amber up Sally Zooey and luckily for you. I want to be in it
We'll meet after school tomorrow for the next invention free see you tomorrow since when since just now
Sorry, it took sound sorry. Yeah, and I don't water in my club
And then you came over and interrupted her she interrupted me no and now she's leaving me out on purpose now it please
I'm sure you two could patch things up if you just talk to each other. Oh
They're just oversized paper clips. The amber Adventure Cup tiaras are yes, it can be in both clubs
But you'll like mine better right? I have an announcement. I am starting
Sofia's already in
Starting my own Club the amber Adventure Club. Why don't you two join your clubs together?
It'll be the one big happy adventure club could possibly be if it doesn't come with an adventure tiara?
It's the kind of adventure. No other Club can offer. How dare you
Diamonds but we'll do something else if you soon. What about you Sofia?
I don't want to be part of a club that leaves out my sister
Well, you and I are going someplace even better than those of rinky-dink tide pool and meteors meteorites
Meteorites are so much better than boreal diamond
Sophia didn't change her mind or anything. Nope. I've still got a whole hydrofoil for friends. It's just what I wanted
Still figuring out these gears princess
Of course we're Chad look we're here
Take us in sleep diamonds. Here I come
Really excited for this adventure. Um, it's just
Look for help. Maybe there's a village on the far side of the island
Maybe you can be the bigger princess here and help her even though you two aren't getting along
It's Sofia amber what they're flying right toward us
Sofia amber we are so happy to see you
We saw your balloon and thought you might need some help Oh, does anyone have a screwdriver? Oh
Then you could lower me down to the balloon, but I don't think you can do it on your own I
I don't know what I would have done without you both of you
You can do it. There's no way they can do it. Oh, I see it there
Yeah, I think so Oh, be careful
Good news I found enough wood to make a raft wheels all fixed who's ready to see those tackles. I am count me in
it's about time I
Understand and I'm sorry if I was rude you were it's a fan feet
Well, this is heavy little knick-knack
We'll be one big happy
Adventure club Oh, see, that one's mine, Hildy
Don't get it Sofia all this for some royal jelly beans
Presenting its majesty king magnus of brutus them the Royal steward of enchancia
I am slickwell. Yes sir of you so I bought a small token of my admiration
May bring you good luck Queen Cecily and princess Vivian
It isn't I haven't seen you since the big school reunion
same old gray top same old Kendrick Cedric
Slickwell your majesty that's nice of you but baileywick here sees to all our name first
There will be a welcome luncheon. Then the adults will take part in the Royal croquet match Greylock
The grand has kindly volunteered to entertain you with his feats of magic, but nowhere near as fun. We'll just see about that
I'll show you who's
the best sorcerer you
Recall putting your majesty
I'm so sorry. Let me clean
Thanks to slick well if you'll excuse me your Majesties, are you all right apparently not
I don't know what's wrong with me. It was only an accident
I'm afraid so allow me it pains me to say it. But even the greatest stewards eventually grow too old
Everyone gets a little clumsy sometimes
Well, at least this one did you're not really thinking about quitting are you being right? Because I'm going to help you
Oh, you don't have to do that princess. I
Am ready to serve nice outfits, but it's missing one thing
We have a Jubilee to host after you princess. Oh
If you put it in order hey hat trick would you like one -
Your Majesties it is time for the Royal croquet match
Masterful shot go Madison, you chose the perfect mallet for me slick. Well, I
Think I need a heavier mallet for this one you don't have to but
Your mallet sire
All right baileywick, I don't know your majesty perhaps look well is right perhaps it is time I retire
Do that. We need you. Oh, I'm sure king Roland could find an able replacement. That's someone with you
Okay, princess Sofia
Show off
The grand you don't think I've going to let you get all the glory do you
Who is he billing to come back down? Yes, but keeping all that powdered sugar from falling off will require a steady house after you
This one is from the kingdom of wei-ling
No, that one's from me. It's a gift fit for a king
Your Majesties may I present the Royal Jubilee birth?
Allow me your majesty
your majesty
I'm afraid I can no longer serve as castle steward of enchancia
All you need is a little rest a vacation
Doc McStuffins Kirby and the King Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Bailey Price - Duration: 10:01.Kirby and the cakes they made you look like a big movie star superstar. Lemmy your wish is my command
Those sunglasses must possess some sort of magical powers use me fancy lamp
But you have a spider on your finger. There was no spider and now the margin fiend
Oh, look at me thick head. There's sunglasses only work when worn by a cute little lamb. I
Shall chop your castle down
And still in llama sunglasses
You see you. Ah
You are a naughty naughty naughty knight fighting is a nice either but lady McStuffins freeze it like you mean it toys
Doc I pasted it together myself
Are you sure your monsters paste is dry?
Why don't you take your toys to your room until it dries? Okay, doc. I'll complain with you when your paste is dry
What are you doing? You silly King unhand my neck
Seem to be stuck to your leg
Trick is this go? Don't blame me. I didn't do it. You silly dilly. It's only made of cardboard
Oh, I cannot believe I'm stuck to you
Your voice is irritating
Uniforms I can't escape his Highness try to fight free, but I've been
For once I completely agree we could try to climb up there
Look there's doc. I hope Donny's cardboard monster, doesn't he?
Will you're just getting over a cold
All this looking at cloud is making me hungry
Maybe we can sneak out and find doc
You trapped us here we're doomed
Second we are not trapped. I have a plan. Can you throw it around the door handle? I think sure
You did it was an excellent plan we did it together
You bet kid up, how can we make it past dog's father
Excellent climber, but we never would have got out of Donny's room. Great. You were great
No, you were no, but we should take you to the clinic to figure out why you're stuck together
Let's see. I
Never knew wicked kings with ticklish
I have to examine you to see if I can figure out why you're stuck together then when Donny carried you upstairs
I have a diagnosis we better stick this one in the big book of boo-boos
Don't worry guys. I'll be able to cure you
Operating table ready to go doc
Thanks Allie first I'm just gonna put some water on the paste to loosen it up
That should soften it up a little now lady McStuffins. I offer you my
Fear I
Feel better so much better. I dare say it is nice to be free again
But it was good. You are great. Is it just me or is it weird to see those two getting along?
Give them back you silly King. He's still the same wicked King
Ajan flight. Oh
Yes, duffy right
Know it stuffy's. Oh
Right going stuff. Now. Do you see how he acts he can find a bomb like a real dog to?
Find out are you kidding? I'd love to throw the bone
Let me try again oh
That's definitely not his bone and he's not gonna like a dog chewing her outfit, I think he might need a checkup
What are we waiting for
Don't worry she'll be back. Oh
Wait at the truth waiting for the doctor is hard time
There's no reasoning with
Come here find. Oh, come on boy. Find only barks like a real dog
if he can't talk the doctors chilly and they only fix different kinds of problems an optometrist helps you with your eyes a
Surgeon helps you if you need an operation
But animals a vet helped you take care of your pet
So if your pets acting kind of funny like fetch and find him not fetching his phone it's a good idea to take
Care we are
the McStuffins
Veterinary clinic for toy animals. You ready? Doc. This vet is all set. But
Hmm that's okay Tilly. You don't have to be a vet tech if you don't want Oh doc. I have lots of experience
chuckling toy animals pretty
That tack stuffy ready for action
Let's go great. Now you to hold fidos to calm voice and pet him. Okay?
You've got it jack. That's a good boy find
Oh now let's figure out why a great what have gotten in there when I tossed the bone in the sandbox
I have a doggy diagnosis and that means of no entry in the fat vet book
Father he should be fetching like normal again
There we go good boy Fido I
Don't can't tell us if his nose is better
So we'll need to go outside and see if he can find his bone. Then as your bravest vet tech. I'll take the leash
Find Oh
Hey Tommy
Fine go find who had sand in his electronic nose. That's why he wasn't finding his bunk had a boyfriend
Oh, thanks. Doc. Sure, Donny. I'm glad to see fine goes back to his old fence himself
Meet the new toys I got at the Acrobat show
I wish I had a twin it'll be so great to have someone who always knew just what I was thinking
Then again, I'd have to worry for two
Biggest star make up this side of the backyard
I haven't seen an act like y'all since I started it or own show before but this is our dream
We won't
Tangled | Best Cartoon For Children & Kids | Episode 106 - Emily Ford - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
Oh, I guess the good thing is she got you painting again, I mean it looks like
Well, maybe I don't need to put my own spin on everything Eugene
Renard isn't an easy one. Is it mr. Strongbow braun untold riches
That I've given them all a special project to work on together both
What are you doing put it at the wrong spot? You're right I just like
I'm just looking for some missing people and usually when something bad goes down bad
is missing I
Thought I'd be clip
Painted that open
Or has the princess been acting a little off lately hi
Okay, what is going on here your being or not ribbon all that you haven't been yourself lately ever since that storm
You've changed your for you
Listen, listen, I know you had to make
His life a tough call tell you what you difficult choices
But do you know what's going on with Rapunzel
One thing in common Rapunzel's painting
Bring your mouth shut I mean obviously do you want to tell me what's going on? I don't know
She's not what she says use the de manitous device to stop the great storm
we unwittingly free lured the manatees was in a constant battle with Sun - saying is that when we use this device
we may have freed one of those evil spirits and
You are allegiance to sound theory and it will be that I can't
Let her go sugar B
She could be with merely the vessel I chose to stick with a sweet old lady form because I'm kind of missing her already
Eugene humor
It's me
My dear whether or not they fall is completely a think about how much simpler and easier everything
It's good to have you back blondie
It's good to be back. That's fine. I'm not gonna question the creative process. I
Suppose your painters block is gone for good. I sure hope so, but it's
Merman welcoming that archway is an important line of defense Rapunzel
better yet, turn the archway into it marks a
We're eating
Next time then
Colons for that archway. I think that idea got some real traction with your dad. I'm sure Dean's ideas
I think he would just say so. Yeah, he's never been shy about calling me mail ignore an idea
He always says I'll take it under advisement
Oh those suggestions
Under this changes everything. I cannot have a father-in-law who doesn't take me
Maybe there are times. You could be a bit more selective about the kinds of things. You think it's fine
I can fix this quick name things your dad likes
Mm-hmm. What's that got to do with my dad's statue? Why is it faced on dad's statue?
I can't imagine any intelligent person finding this always manages to thoroughly embarrass your father
I can hear still don't get it. I'll explain later trevor has been trying to lure me into but I
Must partake. I can't take the gree but how yes?
Equus but your majesty the castle of Equus is impenetrable
You guys talking about me that doesn't sound like a great idea did you know that they have over a thousand guards
By stealing ish. Oh well then let me come with you. I'm pretty
Let's go partner. Wait, I'm sorry. You want to come with me of course as humiliation firsthand? Oh
See, id son, of course. It's important and I specifically King. Come on. Let's do this
How'd you put it before tea work?
Okey-dokey, nevermind
So your majesty I've drawn up this map based upon the walls right through the front door
We're not doing that. We're not Eugene as this is the perfect spot to do it
the Northeast
What's so fun about prank a joke, but only the person responsible for it thinks it's funny. Oh, it's basically entertainment for morons
Unexpected I won't even know what hit him. I can't wait to see the look on his face all is clear
Just follow my lead
First of all, don't tell me what I don't like let's just get this done. Okay, you start cleaning the Spears
I'll work on the sword. Ah
I just polished all up or is it soon to be called Rapunzel?
The Royal Seal
It's a seal
Seal not a royal seal to be kidding. You know what you know what?
At this point never mind. What what are you doing leaving a calling card? So Trevor knows it was I who did by me?
None of those things should you paint?
Yeah, let us go
You're the expert what are we going to do now Royal us because it still sounds like it's just me
I asked you to come so that we could get this
Guy's hey
This whole prank was my big chance to get you to take me seriously take you serious
For years
If there's one man enough, can I ask then water Asian?
What you should have done was stayed in your own kingdoms at best. Oh, yeah. Well, I don't think your seals too. Happy there. Oh,
I'll let you go but not until I parade you through town and nothing but a jesters habit of your own defeat
Plus it's mostly sealed. I meant I
Deserve he showed himself to be the more accomplished prankster who is pranks are always more grating than they are
humorously the question is
Are you willing to try it month?
Small House For 6 People In Denmark | Big Tiny House - Duration: 1:55.Small House For 6 People In Denmark | Big Tiny House
Learn everything for baby - Isobel Mistry - Duration: 2:20."PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!"
Babies jumping on the bed
Babies jumping on the bed
Those baby straight
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 901 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
Now where did I leave on my
Cottages just across this bridge. Oh
The bridge is broken
But that might make me wait for the princess test Oh Sophia dear. I understand if you need to go back. Oh
Yeah, you're such a dear for going out of your way to help me
You know that a princess meets kings and queens from all around the world
So, let's see how well imagine you're visiting the kingdom of wei-ling. How would you greet the Emperor?
I can't remember. It's okay, dear princess May. It's your turn. I can't believe I forgot the answer
Where's Sofia? She isn't back yet back from where?
Where this circle over here then just put an X here and an X here and tic-tac-toe I win
My cottage is just up this way and it's ibut. Let's go
I'm so sorry a proper princess would have done the polite thing and let you go first
Oh, oh, don't be silly. From what I've seen Sofia. I think you'll make a wonderful
Princess, thanks. Mrs. Higgins. Very nice fan fluttering princess. Amber
Hilde what's going on? Why are you standing? I need to UM a warm up my fingers. You should be out there
Fluttering I know but what if I mess up again, no, it's getting late. The test must be halfway over by now
We're almost there, dear
How the guard said fan fluttering is a huge part of the test
I'm sure besides my gown still looks nice and my sister said that that's the most important part of the test
Just through those trees
we're not far I
Told or you might do really right, but you definitely won't pass you get scared and quit for you
Now everyone
Looking good all situations
Can't do it
I did it I did it
Thanks for convincing me to give it another try em, it's right
There well fail the test for sure
The last thing in the world I want is to ruin your chances on the test. I
Know I'll just hope my dress up like this
Mrs. Eakins
You know dear I couldn't have made it home without you Thank You Sophia
We may still get you back in time
really, but how
You'll see
But how do we get here wait
I used magic to make myself. Look at mrs. Higgins, so
Why oh
It was all part of the princess test is are commendable
Thank you miss flora and Jude
Your Fanning is one of the most important things about being a princess is kindness help the person in need
Even if it means giving up something very important to you
But since you Sophia were the only princess to stop and help mrs
Bast and because of your excellent work today dear. Thank you so much
Enchanted science fair. We are having an enchanted science fair
Everyone will be making project Santa prism
Amber um Desmond, we'll work together on a project. Yes with your brains and my flair for performance
I don't care what project we make - we never know is it?
Would have been it was too big a project for my partner and me to finish in time
Maybe one of you will bring home the trophy this year, I will daddy
Just try your best
What enough then maybe next we could pair we just need to get all these magical ingredients ooh
Where are we gonna get all that stuff?
Full school supplies. No, we came to you the greatest sorcerer in the universe birch bark. It doesn't grow on trees, you know
Crocodile tears very hard to find the real food one jar is all I have
When two-thirds been killed
There you are take it
At the top of mist bow mountain a single hocus crocus flower grows, it should be enough
Have fun
and watch out for the old or
Choose another project amber, but the others change projects I have to win the trophy for daddy
Are you doing making sure we staying
James please there are friends. Come on Sofia. Do you want to get that trophy for dad or not?
We have a bit of a problem your Majesties. I'm afraid we can't land on the mountain peak
It's too steep the trail starts right there. Allow me to escort you
That's right nice pink white finally, sorry, sorry
Thank we're careful
Unless we could try climbing over it. Well, maybe we should just turn back. Let's go around it
Looks like we go this way do we have to run the whole way? We have to catch up to them Vivian? Okay
Only amber, I guess, huh?
Don't you think all this racing is making everyone kind of mean I think we need to get the hocus-crocus
If we want to win the fair musical miss geysers you better watch out
You never know when they're gonna blow but there's the peak the hocus-crocus is so close
And how to get around them exactly follow me
Don't help them why not just because we're altering to get the hocus-crocus
59 let's follow them. Good idea. I
Am the ogre of mist bio melting protector of the precious ok stroke ascend wait, yeah
What's more valuable than gold but doesn't cost a penny and I never find well, it's not a sock
What's not a sock the answer to the ogres riddle huger? Oh
It's not a sock. Oh, oh, I've got it. Is it a friend a friend ha
And they're easy to lose if you don't treat them, right?
You buy pop
Actually, yes, it must be easier than I thought right you may pause
He does how here we go again
KOKO Wants A Pizza Learn Color For Kids - Ruby Brennan - Duration: 2:19.PLEASE, LIKE, , SHARE and SUBCRIBEA my video! Thank you very much!
Learn everything for babies - Isobel Mistry - Duration: 1:58."PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!"
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