Hi everyone, it's Emily
and welcome back to my channel emsessentials!
upbeat instrumental music
in today's video I wanted to
talk about goals and new year's resolutions
and how to achieve your goals and stick to your resolutions
because it's February and I can't believe that the month is already here,
like the second month of the year
and I know a lot of people, including myself are really motivated in January
to make changes in your life and just like make lots of improvements
and work on your goals and stuff
and then sometimes when February comes around
you've kind of lost some motivation
so I put together a blog post with a bunch of tips for how to achieve your goals
and your resolutions
I will be referring to the blog post during this video because I already wrote everything down
and I don't want to forget to mention stuff to you guys
so if I keep looking over to the side over here it's because my laptop is here
and I have my blog post open
I'll also link it down below in case you want to refer back to it as well
So the first tip I have is to just write down your goals
and I know that's really straightforward
and it might seem silly because you already know to do that
um but I just wanted to mention it
because it actually
is really important, if you write them down it makes them seem more concrete
and seem like more of like a committment
and something that you have to work on
and it's also good maybe if you like write them and put the list
up in your room or something
it's a good reminder when you glance at the list, you'll be like "oh yeah, I should do that, or this"
it'll help you actually work on your goals
so the second tip is to
have actual solid reasons for why your goals are what they are
because if you're doing something just because you want to impress someone else
that might not be the best goal for you
because goals should be something that is going to like
improve yourself and your life or
the life or people around you or your community or something
and you'll have a lot more motivation to do something
if it benefits you and other people you care about
rather than just doing something because
you want to impress someone else
and I hope I kind of explained that in a way that makes sense to you guys
so I'm not saying that you shouldn't
do things that will end up impressing someone else
because maybe one of your goals is to lift a hundred pounds or something
and that would impress some people
so I'm not saying that's a bad goal to have
I'm just saying don't have a goal that's solely to impress someone else
because then you'll be less motivated to actually work on it
rather than if it was something that was actually going to actually make a difference (in the world)
the third tip
is to talk to someone else about your goals
and just share them with your friends or maybe your family members
because they may have a goal that's similar
or what your goals are may have been something that they've already achieved
so then they can give you pointers
and tips and help you out with achieving your goals
and then if one of your goals is similar to someone else's
maybe my goal is to go to the gym like 3 times a week
and if my friend has the same goal
then we can go to the gym together
and it'll just be a lot more fun
to achieve that goal, and having someone
to go with will give you a lot more motivation
as well as hold you accountable
so even if someone doesn't have the same goals as you
if you've told them your goals
then they might like periodically ask you
how you're doing with them
and then having them ask about your progress will
kind of like "force" you to make progress
like force you in a good way
to make progress because
when they ask you about them
you'll want to show that you've actually made progress
so that will be motivation for you to
actually make progress on your goals
the next tip, I would be saying the number but I can't remember how many tips I've already said
so I'm just gonna say, the next one
is to break your goals down or your resolutions down
into smaller steps
so if your goal is to drink 8 glasses of water a day
because that's what's recommended
and maybe you only drink like 2 or 3 glasses right now
instead of just vaguely saying "oh I just want to drink more water"
if you break it down into specific steps
that will be really helpful
so like I said, maybe if you only drink 3 glasses of water a day now
then just try to work on drinking 4 glasses a day
everyday for a week
and once 4 glasses a day becomes second nature
and it's really easy for you to do
and you don't have to think about it 'cause you're already in the habit of doing it
then the next week try to drink 5 glasses a day
uh for a week
and so on until you reach your goal
so that was just one example but
you can figure out how to apply this
method, I guess that's what we can call it
a method
um to your own goals
and another thing about that is
when you have a goal or a resolution that's
really vague
it's hard to see if you've actually made progress because
if your resolution is to eat healthier
like I said that's really vague
so maybe say like
instead of just saying "I'll eat healthier"
you can say "I'll eat like 2 fruits and 3 vegetables a day"
and then if it's something quantifiable
then it'll be easier to see if you're actually making progress
because you can tell
like how many you're eating everyday
and instead of just being like "oh yeah I ate some vegetables today"
and then the next day you only eat like 1 fruit (and no vegetables)
and you'll be like, oh yeah I'm eating healthier
but that's actually not making as much progress
as if you actually were specific about it
and kind of going off the last tip
another one is to make a real plan for how you're going to achieve what you want to
so if your goal is to, or your resolution is to
go to the gym more often
actually put it in your planner
or your phone calendar or somewhere
and actually schedule in when you're gointg to the gym
because like I mentioned before this will make it seem like more of a committment
and like something that you actually have to do
and you'll be less likely to come up with an excuse
if you've already allotted a certain amount of time
to doing that activity
and another thing you can do is
buy a certain number of classes at a gym or a fitness place
or something, so just buy a package ahead of time
and that way you'll be forced to go to the classes
I say "forced" but like you know what I mean
um so even if you don't know exactly when you can go to the classes
you should just buy the package ahead of time
so that way you will go to the classes
unless you want to waste your money
so only do this tip if you have the means to do it
and if it's realistic for you
but I think it, it's helpful because then you won't come up with as many excuses
and you will actually take the classes
instead of just being like "oh yeah I want to do this" " I want to do that"
if you've already bought the classes
then you're more likely to go
moving on to a different piece of advice,
is to just put reminders in your phone
for things that you need to do
so like I said before if you need to drink water
maybe every couple of hours have a reminder
in your phone that says like "did you drink water?"
or "time to drink another glass of water"
and you can also
write little notes to yourself
in your planner, so if you use
an actual planner or maybe in an online calendar
if there's like a notes section
you can write notes to yourself
about what you need to do
and you can write like little motivational things
for yourself, so flip ahead in your planner to
a couple months from now
and then write some little motivational things like
"you can do it!" "keep going!"
um and it'll just
help motivate you when you do get there in the future
like when you flip to those pages it'll be a nice suprise
that you see that you're encouraging yourself
and hopefully that will give you some more motivation again
to keep going and achieving your goals
it's also helpful to reflect on your progress
maybe at the end of each month
you can look back and see how far you've come
with working towards your goals
and working on your resolutions
and again this can motivate you to keep going
because once you see
the progress you've alreay made
then you can keep going with that, uh positive attitude
and this is also helpful maybe if you didn't make as much progress as you want
like I said, you can just reflect on it
and then see what changes you need to make
so that for the next month you can make a lot more progress
and be really proud of where you're at
an additional tip is to maybe give yourself mini deadlines
or mini finish lines
so if your goal, again let's say is to drink more water
and um you're doing like the method that I talked about earlier
with like drinking a certain number of glasses each week
maybe if you start off at the beginning of the month
with drinking 3 glasses of water and then
the second week is 4
and the third week is 5
and the fourth week is 6 glasses of water
make that your like mini finish line
is by the end of the month
be drinking 6 glasses of water a day
so even though your overall goal is
8 glasses a day
first you can work towards drinking 6 glasses a day
by the end of the month
and then like I said that can be your little mini, mini deadline
and again this is to just help hold you accountable
and give you motivation
then another thing you can do is
to kind of reward yourself
after you've made a certain amount of progress
on your goal
so once you specify, and the example I just used was
6 glasses a day by the end of the month
so once you specify your mini goal
then you can give yourself a reward at the end of the month
if you've achieved what you wanted to so far
and you don't have to do this, but again it can act as more motivation to you
say like you wanted to go out to your favorite restaurant or something, maybe that can be your reward
for making progress on your goal
and if you really want to go to that restaurant that's another reason to work towards your goal
now this piece of advice is different from the other ones I've shared already
but I think that it's really beneficial if one of your goals is something that helps someone else
so maybe your goal is to volunteer consistently
at an animal shelter or something
and if you've committed to going a certain number of times a week or a certain number of times a month
you'll be very likely to go and do that
because other people are depending on you
and you're doing something good in your community
and when you do something good for others it makes you feel good too
and also if you're able to stay consistent with doing that
then you can see that you are capable
of doing what you set your mind to
and then that can correlate to your other goals too
because you can see that you can achieve something that you've committed to doing
and you can make progress and the final tip I have in this video goes along with those
because it's to just believe in yourself!!
and I know I have trouble doing this too
and it does sound kind of cheesy
but it is really important and I think that it really does work
so I know a lot of people like practice doing like positive affirmations and stuff
and so I want to implement those more into my life
but again like I said with the previous tip
once you see that you are capable of doing so much
then you like allow yourself to keep going and do those things that you want to do
because you've seen that you can succeed, that you have succeeded
and it just helps you have a much more positive mindset
and it's kind of related to the whole manifestation thing
so if you are positive in your life
and you believe that you can do the things you want to do
you're much more likely to actually achieve those things!
okay guys so I hope that you found these tips to be helpful
I will link my blog post again, if you want to look at that because I wrote out all these tips
or maybe you just wanna like bookmark it so you can look back at it when you need more motivation
and I will see you in my next video!
remember to like and subscribe
and comment down below what one of your favorite tips is for achieving your goals
or maybe let me know what one of your goals is in the comments because I'd love to read them!
and I'll see you in my next video, bye
upbeat instrumental music
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