milk is good for you and eight other lies you still believe this statement
melts good for the body is a lie according to some medical professionals
milk is actually bad for you everyone has been told this lie at some point in
their lives if you were told that Santa Claus the Easter Bunny or the tooth
fairy were real then we hate to tell you but you were lied to those lies were not
harmful to us because we were children and we wanted something to believe in
but the claim that milks good for the body is a lie and may have serious
consequences according to some leading medical professionals dr. Walter Willett
believes it is more harmful than helpful to the body why don't we tell you a
little more about this and the other lies you were told before we begin this
video don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more daily tips like this
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alright so on to milk you're probably thinking I use milk in my coffee and my
teeth and it's even found in some of my delicious treats you'd be right milk's
good for getting your daily calcium potassium and protein intake but you
could also get that through fruits and vegetables but the dairy industry does
not want you to know that so they've been spending billions of dollars trying
to prove otherwise dr. Willett has conducted several
studies and has done extensive research on the topic and he believes that the
dairy product may be more harmful to the body than an aid one of the reasons dr.
Willett believes that milks good for the body is a lie is because of the
non-factor it plays in regards to bone fractures the dairy industry and the
government have been telling society that milk will make your bones strong
and will reduce the risk of fracturing a bone
to try and prove this theory wrong dr. Willett published research that he and
his colleagues conducted on 96 thousand men and women from their two
long-running decades studies the Nurses Health Study and the health
professionals follow-up study you can find the study in the journal J AMA
pediatrics what the team found was that higher milk consumption during teen
years of both men and women did not translate into a reduced risk of hip
fractures when people age this just goes on to prove that milks good for the body
is a lie if it wasn't wouldn't you see a decrease in fractures from those who
consumed it on a daily basis dr. Willett also added that his team knows that
consuming milk as a child could increase their chances of being tall but he also
mentioned that taller individuals are at a higher risk for some fractures in fact
according to that same study dairy could increase the risk of certain fractures
by almost 50% what's alarming about this finding is that countries that have low
dairy consumption like Asia and Africa have the lowest rates when it comes to
osteoporosis this could also prove that milks good for the body is a lie in
addition to those findings statistics show that 3/4 of the world are actually
unable to digest milk or any other dairy products so if you cannot digest a
product that is supposedly good for you then it just further proves that milks
good for the body is a lie then who are we to blame then for selling a product
that most people in the world can't consume the consumer know the consumer
has been taught that milks good for the body but what they should be told is
that milks good for the body is a line but there are health risks that come
with drinking milk that we have not discussed according to medical news
today cancer is one of them and you're probably thinking you can get cancer
from everything and you're probably right but why is a good chunk of the
population unaware that high calcium intake from dairy products is associated
with an increased risk of ovarian cancer also by calcium from any source could
potentially cause cancer in men you're not hearing this from celebrities that
endorse the dairy industry or advertisements that tell you how milks
good for you the dairy industry has been around for decades and they have to
protect their products in any way they can but eventually people will catch on
you're already seeing an increase in dairy-free products and almond milk
cells have increased by over two hundred and fifty percent from the year 2000 to
2015 alright so now that we've discussed how
the dairy industry your teachers and especially your parents lied to you
why don't we talk about other lies you were told throughout your life lie
number one Twinkies never expire yes unfortunately this delectable pastry
food won't last forever during in apocalypse apparently the people at 22
words tell us they can only last about 45 days on the shelf
typically stores will keep them there for about seven to ten
there goes storing Twinkies for when the bombs drop hmm
what about Ho Hos though line number two a shot of espresso has more caffeine
than coffee Wow for all the people who enjoy
drinking coffee and love to have an extra boost in the morning we bet your
mind is blown now let's clarify some things before we
get too carried away bounce 4 ounce expresso has more caffeine
unfortunately you usually drink a shot of espresso but you drink a lot more
than a shot of coffee so if you're looking for a morning boost from
espresso just do like 6 shots we can promise you'll be so wired you won't
even notice the lies about food and drinks that are being told to you lie
number 3 fortune cookies aren't from China we bet there are some of you out
there saying well duh besties they originated in San Francisco they're
really uncommon in China and are in fact an American invention well thanks for
ruining our beautiful reality viewer we bet you feel really good about yourself
don't you we're not crying you are line number 4
no witches were burned at the stake in Salem history buffs have already felt
the pain of discovering this lie however the rest of us are just finding out
about it right now what happened to the accused you asked same thing that
happened to most of them those days hanging about 15 died in prison 19 were
hanged and here's the story that'll make up for the fact that we just broke up
your worldview one of the men accused of witchcraft
Giles Corey was pressed to death by rocks after he refused to plead guilty
or not guilty his last words as the rocks were
crushing his body more weight now that guy is an inspiration line number 5
Napoleon was short ladies and gentlemen this is line number 5 turns out that
little corporal wasn't so little after all he was about 5 7 the average height
of a Frenchman in those days but not tall enough to impress your average
tinder girl there are a couple of reasons for this
confusion number one a lot of British propaganda portrayed the legendary
French Emperor as small and number two when he died his weight was recorded as
five - in French feet translated to Imperial that comes out to our original
number of five seven and three he was constantly surrounded by the
French Imperial Guard who were chosen for their large stature which is
probably why he looked small in comparison poor litter we mean average
sized guy line number six Buddha was fat but wait a minute we hear you crow in
defiance what about all those statues of the fat guy sitting cross-legged we
always associate it with Buddhism well dear viewer that's actually a 10th
century folk hero named boo died he will become the Buddha after the teachings of
the historical Buddha an entity named Siddhartha Gautama our forgotten if
you're interested in ancient religion then you should really check out the
story of Buddhism it's incredibly interesting just don't expect the Buddha
to be fat line number seven the Vikings wore horned helmets yes our image of a
berserker charging into battle with bull's horns on his head is indeed
untrue apparently they just used to wear regular iron helmets which makes them a
lot less cool where did the false idea of horned warriors pillaging the beaches
of historical England come from apparently it was from an 1876
production of during's des nibelungen an opera by the famous Richard Wagner you
know that piece from flight of the valkyries that opera features this song
line number eight putting metal and microwaves won't damage the electronics
what now you're lying to us aren't you Bessie we would never lie to you dear
viewer so no we're not playing around with this one apparently putting metal
in your microwave is almost totally fine says the people at 22 words why almost
you'll notice electrical arcing in the microwave as the metal cooks which could
damage the interior of your skin if you get too close our advice just continue
to avoid putting metal in the microwave if at all possible and that's it what
were the most despicable lies that you were told as a kid were you surprised of
our expose of the dairy industry and of milk in general what food or drink are
you surprised aren't actually all that good for you
answer all these questions in the comment section below
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