Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

Absolutely Beautiful Lockport Park Model Loft RV For Sale from Park Models Direct

For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful Lockport Park Model Loft RV For Sale from Park Models Direct - Duration: 2:18.


Don´t Ask For Too Much - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Don´t Ask For Too Much - Duration: 8:36.


Goldie and Bear Interesting Stories Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 226 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 3:59.

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For more infomation >> Goldie and Bear Interesting Stories Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 226 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 3:59.


Madagasca The Red Squirrel#3 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Welch - Duration: 3:31.

That doesn't even make sense

These are our friends, they can't be red squirrel agents can't they?

I think we could trust the instincts of history's greatest penguin agent

Okay, this red squirrel stuff has gone way too far

But maybe we can stopped I don't much like our chances

Those penguins are a Wiley Bunch true true

But I just happen to have a secret inside source now for his own protection

My source cannot reveal his identity

Everything goes back to normal if we just get rid of buck rockgut in. How're we gonna do that?

That guy's not going anywhere until he catches some kind of red squirrel

precisely Maurice

So you want me to pretend to be a squirrel you are a squirrel?

Yeah, but I never been a pretend one before I'll be following. Ow

Come quickly, it's the red squirrel

Sweet enemy of the state

It's really him

Hope you kept your dance card open bushy tail cuz I'm gonna play a little chin music

And watch you all the way back to the Laz house. Um, I'm gonna run away now after boys

Okay, only a hundred yards for the nearest tree stupid eye patch crazy face bucks

I'm sure they kept his cell warm red

So what's our next mission but that's it for me boys. I'm out of the game

So I was put on this earth for one reason and one reason only and now it's sitting in the back of the

Wait a minute. Where's Doughboy private? He's right


Thanks a million Fred. No problem. I always wanted a ride in a box, you know, they got cardboard on the inside, too

Fred why would you make a phony red squirrel?

Burning my ear holes

He's thrown all our friends into a detention cell and for what?

Because he thinks some enemy from 47 years ago is still out there plotting against him. I

Get it now the red squirrel hates penguins


Okay, he's talking nonsense, I don't know private you did get caught red squirrel hand clever game

I'll give him that plant in the decoy to cover up your penguin plastic surgery Thanks

You think private is the red squirrel, uh, that's not really

Possible. That sounds like squirt talk maybe

For more infomation >> Madagasca The Red Squirrel#3 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Welch - Duration: 3:31.


Glitter heart Drawing and Coloring Page | Learn Colors for kids, Toddlers | Magic Toy Art ♡ - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> Glitter heart Drawing and Coloring Page | Learn Colors for kids, Toddlers | Magic Toy Art ♡ - Duration: 11:49.


The Lion Guard Memorable moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 263 - Grace Connor - Duration: 3:59.

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For more infomation >> The Lion Guard Memorable moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 263 - Grace Connor - Duration: 3:59.


ToonMarty Jack: Stunt Mole#1 Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirldren - Skye Murray - Duration: 3:59.

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For more infomation >> ToonMarty Jack: Stunt Mole#1 Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirldren - Skye Murray - Duration: 3:59.


Oscar's Oasis Lizard: Wanted#2 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Mollie Kirk - Duration: 3:05.

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For more infomation >> Oscar's Oasis Lizard: Wanted#2 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Mollie Kirk - Duration: 3:05.


Affiliate marketing for beginners tips - Affiliate marketing programs: - Duration: 21:01.

hello and welcome to another day of my 100 day to prosperity challenge I am so

glad to have you here today my name is Timesha. thanks for hanging out with me

and today we're talking about a subject I love which is affiliate marketing okay

this is a guide to help you step by step so that you may actually become a

successful affiliate marketer and we all want to be successful we all want to

make money and again if you do not know what affiliate marketing is it's

basically where you as the affiliate marketer bring the customer to the

clients or the company and when money has been exchanged then you get it

committed okay so that's how it works I love the

business model and so previously we've been talking about finding your niche

and this is the third and final video about finding your niche and so today

we're going to be talking about can you market your business and accept in a

successful way and so before I delve into that make sure that you have

checked out my other videos in the description of the videos there should

be a link to some worksheets some free downloads courtesy you know looking out

for you always thinking about you guys and so make sure that you check out

those free downloads they are basically worksheets checklists to help you on

your affiliate marketing journey and something that you can pull together so

as you take action you can check it off or you can do the work and that you a

you have proof and so as you build out your affiliate marketing business if

there's something else on those sheets you can always go back to it and do the

business again you know right slather repeat ok so and that's how you build

multiple streams of income so what I'm doing is I'm trying to give you tools to

help you be organized so that when you actually

take action and you start doing this you could always just go back to the

beginning and start the process all over again

and you know get momoney momoney momoney and that's what we're here for right

okay so let's go to the question of the day can your mark can you market your

business in a successful way all right so there's a few layers to that so the

first layer is is there enough room in your niche for another marketer and

generally the answer to this is yes okay and the way the answer is yes is because

you are your own unique person you bring your own style your own experiences your

own way that you do things your swagger your style whatever you want to call it

you bring your own thing to this affiliate marketing business nobody is

going to do it like you and so what you can do and what would be smart is if you

are in a very highly competitive niche and let me tell you what that is

so of course we've been talking about drawing we've been talking about

photography we've been talking about pets and sports and all those other

things and those are great niches but there are three niches that will always

make money okay the first one is the health niche the

second one is the wealth niche and the last one is the relationship niche okay

and so those are the three top profitable niches it doesn't matter who

gets in them if you take action you do what you're supposed to do you will get

money okay and though they already have a whole lot of affiliate marketers in

those niches you bring something special because you are special you bring your

own type of style to it and what you can do as far as research goes as you can

you know well of course Google the best biggest

search engine in the world and you can google you know a billion in whatever

niche you want to get into in health ok in the health niche and you'll see

people come up and once you see them come up you can see you know Oh are they

you know what are they doing or get on YouTube which is even better platform

and look up videos in the niches that you want to you know provide content in

and see what they're doing see what you like about them and see what you don't

like about them see how you can do their video better see how you can do another

person's vlog better you know all you know there's nothing new Under the Sun

so there's no reason to reinvent the wheel

you know no reason to you know try to come up with all of this on top of your

head there's no no reason for it there are so many people that have already

done it that are already successful they have blueprints out there to help you

just follow the blueprints just do what they did and you will be successful too

and so that's the same thing with the niche you know doing non competitive

niches is crazy because there's nothing new Under the Sun people have done it

and the reason that they're non-competitive is because people aren't

making money off of it all right so get into competitive niches people you want

to be where the people are at and making money because if you're in a place or

nobody's making money then that means you're not going to make money ok so yes

I there is not many niches that can't handle another affiliate marketer if

you're creative enough if you're unique enough if you can out teach talents

funny the next affiliate marketer then you

have a space in that place but if you do not want to do all of that work and if

you're not sure if you can make it and then then choose another niche you

should have five right five all right so the next thing you need to think about

is there enough interest or demand for your product in your niche is there

enough demand and I'm looking at my notes I know it looks weird I'm looking

to the side it's okay but is there enough interest or demand for your

products in your niche and like I said you can go on clickbank and look to see

are there products in that niche you know if they're products that generally

and you look at the gravity and see how many people are making money and if it's

high gravity then that means that people are buying the products so that's a good

thing also like I said use keywords everywhere type in what solution that

your the people in your niche will need into the search big search box and I did

that in the previous video and like I said your goal is to be between ten

thousand and two hundred searches a month and if you are coming up with

people constantly searching for that then you know that you have a winner on

your hands people are now are they going by that's a different thing but you know

that people are looking for it all right and so that is something to

work for also you can try Google Trends and let's go over to Google Trends real

quick and let me show you what I'm talking about

alright so Google Trends coming up okay so Google Trends and let's see we're

talking about dog training last time so let's look up dog training so basically

what Google Trends does is it takes a composite of all of the searches over a

year and it shows you you know how likely people are to search for it and

so if I go here and what I've been taught is if this

line is above 50 then this this niche is okay so that means that like

95% of the people were searching for dog training total and how let me make sure

I'm saying it right okay so the numbers represent it search

interest relative to the highest point on the chart for a given region in time

so a value of 100 is the peak of popularity for the term okay so if it's

at a hundred then it's very popular at that particular time the value of 50

means that the term is half as popular so it's not as popular as its peak and a

score of zero means that there's not enough data for this term so if I look

at doc dog training I mean it's generally pretty much

between 75 to 100 so that means that there is a lot of interest in this arena

and it goes it spans the whole year I mean you look at from February 11 2018

all the way to January 13 2009 teen it stays above 75% or basically 75% so 70%

5% interest of the highest peak it stays above that area meaning this is a very

good search very good niche to get into something

that people are searching for something that people want and you generally want

to do what the people want okay um the next question that you need

to ask yourself in order to make sure that you can market and make money in

this niche is are there affiliate programs in your niche so if there are

no affiliate programs in your niche then you then that is a very high probability

that you are not going to be able to make money okay so affiliate programs so

there are major ones there are the ones that I know that you

can generally just get in and you don't have to sign up or apply for that's

Clickbank is one of them jvzoo is another Walmart Amazon I mean you have

to apply but you know they most most of the time they say yes okay offer volts

warrior plus all of these are basically affiliate programs that you can go ahead

and get in and you don't have to jump any through any hoops to get in them

okay also make sure you check out the

description box I'm also putting all this information in my checklist so if

you are not sure what I said you don't remember you have a trouble spelling

like I do sometimes then I got you is in the description box all the information

that I'm getting you okay so what was I so if you can check those major

affiliate networks to see if there are products in there and you know buyers

beware okay just because they have products in them does not mean that

their products are worth anything and I'm gonna talk about that more in my

next video but just beware and be cautious you know just because there are

products you know you know people ask an affiliate marketer to and you know

people who make money the way they make money and that's not always the best way

for the consumer the best way for you the best way for the public in general

so you want to make sure that whoever you hook up with is a reliable company

reputable company company they'll actually take take care of you and your

consumer okay so if you just have no idea they're like oh my god I do not

know what affiliate programs are out there for them then of course you can go

to the number one search engine Google and find out and so this is how you find

out so I'm at Google and you could just type in without my dog training right

just typing dog training oops affiliate programs and number one top ten dog

training affiliate programs to make fluffy earn his rent I love it he needs

to make money everybody in the house is making money he needs to make money I

love it okay so so all of this all of these are affiliate programs that you

can make money off of basically advertising or on promoting dog trainer

okay and so every time and I don't know all the specifics of this so don't don't

don't quote me you have to do your own research okay

but generally the way this works every time that they get a client you get

money okay so but you can check it out for

yourself make sure that that is what you want to do alright let me make sure that

I didn't miss anything from my notes alright so the last thing that I want to

talk about is how to grow your business online I can take off the share because

yes alright so the last thing I want to talk

about is how to grow your business how to grow any business and there's three

ways that you can grow your business and this comes from Jay Abraham so you can

you're free to look it up if you don't want to take my word for it it's fine

okay so there's three ways in order for you to grow your business and you want

to find programs that will help you do this okay

so or you want to be in a niche that will allow you to do at least two of

these things so the first thing is to get more customers and that's

self-explanatory you want to make sure that whatever you're in people are

constantly going to be coming into that market you know dog training there's

always going to be new people getting a dog there's always going to be new

people you know trying to train a dog okay so you want to make sure that you

are in a niche that has new has the potential of getting new customers in on

a regular basis the second one is to increase the average transaction of your

your business or your increase the average transaction of the customers

coming in and what that means is basically you want your customers to pay

more or have enough products but yeah they can come in

maybe the little five dollar book but you know you have something in the back

end you know we still talking about dog training they can come in on the five

dollar book or how to train their dog but at the end they may be able they may

be you know doing nothing reoccurring yet but they may be doing appointments

at a training facility that would you know give you a hundred dollars a

thousand dollars you know per time that they come okay or

purse you know number of sessions or whatever okay so you want to have

different offers in your marketplace and we'll talk about that at the next video

that will actually you know give you more money over time okay so you want to

be able to increase the transaction amount of each customer that you get so

that everybody's not just paying the five dollar book and the last way that

you can make money is to increase the frequency of transactions so like I was

saying if you know Fido is going to this training you know three times a week

you know you know three times a week of every two months or whatever for two

months then that is a reoccurring transaction and you're getting money

based on that he does your product and give memberships

is there a T because that's what I was involved in checking out an affiliate

product and they were taking a hundred dollars out of my account every month

okay because it wasn't recurring it was a recurring subscription for T so

does your offer or what a niche have the ability to have a recurring subscription

for something so that people are paying more frequently so that you know that

money is coming in I know with biz ops you know there are certain tools that

affiliate marketers have to have in order for them to be successful online

and those we have to pay for monthly I mean

your way around it so paying monthly that means somebody is getting paid a

commission on it and they're getting a check off of me every month okay so that

is the way it works ain't no reason to be mad about it because I'm sure I'm

getting money for somebody else so every bus because that's the way it goes and

you know what goes around comes around and so that's the way you have to handle

think about your business that's the way you want to think about your business

that's how you will grow your affiliate marketing business you need customers

you need to make sure that you're a niche that will bring more customers you

need to make sure you increase the average transaction sale amount you need

to increase the amount or the frequency that your customers are paying and once

you are in a niche where you know that you can get that on a regular basis at

least two out of the three is giving you revenue then you are in a one then you

are at a winning niche okay you will be successful all right so I hope I gave

you value a hope this content helped you if it did make sure that you give me a

like and click in the click the subscribe button I lost my train of

thought click the subscribe button in the Bell I'm giving you fresh fresh

daily content every day and I want you to be in a note I want you to be

successful just as much as I want to be successful and so we can do this

together we can be an unstoppable team it's all up to you okay also if you want

to learn more information on how to be an affiliate marketer how to be a

legendary affiliate marketer make sure that all of the stuff that I'm learning

all the content that I'm giving you I'm getting it from somewhere and so I if

you want to know what I'm learning and how I'm learning it and from whom I'm

learning and even more then make sure you check out the first link in my

description box that gives you all the information that you need you can get

hooked up you can join me really join me on this journey and if you need help

got you I'm your girl I can help you out alright so until next time my friend

make sure that you think big dream big take action so that you may own the life

of your dreams bye now

For more infomation >> Affiliate marketing for beginners tips - Affiliate marketing programs: - Duration: 21:01.


Proof for the 90 Day Rule || STEVE HARVEY - Duration: 3:33.

- Now I been saying this for 10 years

and I'm gon keep saying it.

You should withhold your benefit.

We gon call it a benefit

from a man that you first meet for 90 days.

Now, many women say to me,

"But Steve, if I do that, I'll never find a man."

Well today, I'm gon prove once and for all

that the 90 day rule really does work.

But first, I believe I have another challenger here.

So please welcome Shelise.


So Shelise, what's your question?

- So, actually about the time that your book came out,

I was seriously dating someone.

I was still a virgin,

I was planning on waiting til marriage.

He wasn't a virgin but he was also religious,

so he was like, "OK, let's do this together."

Then he came to me and he said,

"I've cheated on you with two separate women.

"They were just sluts, but I wanted to do that

"because I needed sex and I didn't wanna corrupt you."

I was like, "Ugh, how sweet of you."

So I was very upset by that

and I feel like men under the age of 35

don't put in the time to take a woman out on a date,

don't put in any effort and they just expect affetion

immediately so it's been really difficult

for me to find someone who is willing to put in the time

and someone who would be willing to wait around

for 90 days or even 30 days.


So, what is your advice for me on that?

- Well, here's what I tell women all the time.

A man can be taught how to treat you.

We're teachable.

If you the one, you can teach us.

If you say, "In order to have me,

"this is the behavior your have to exhibit towards me,"

I promise you, if he wants you, that's what he gon do.

You just gotta get to the one.

You have to get to the one.

And the only way to get to the one,

you have to maintain the standards.

Now look, every person has slept with a person

and then later on, found out some information

that had they known the information,

they would not have slept with them.

So if I create a way for you to find out the information

you need before you give yourself to them,

why would you not do that?

- My thing is, where are these men that are willing

to put in the effort?

Where is the book that you write to men

that say, "This is how you treat a woman

"and take her on vacation

"and pull out the chair and open doors."

Those are the men that are gone,

that are not willing to do this.

- I'll admit, chivalry is

dead in so many guy's life. - Dead and buried.

- But it's not over, trust me.

The one that wants you, he gon' ride it out.

We can only give you the behavior that you accept,

so even when you run into these guys

that don't have it together,

doesn't mean you have to accept it.

You could just go, "Hold up, this is not how this works."

You have every right.

You've got the goods!

You're the possessor of it.

Hey, when we come back, we're gonna meet a married couple

that waited well over the 90 days.

Don't move, we'll be right back.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Proof for the 90 Day Rule || STEVE HARVEY - Duration: 3:33.


Fort Carson Soldiers Return For Emotional Homecoming - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Fort Carson Soldiers Return For Emotional Homecoming - Duration: 0:33.


Littlest Pet Shop Scrappers Keepers#1 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Ben Chandler - Duration: 3:59.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> Littlest Pet Shop Scrappers Keepers#1 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Ben Chandler - Duration: 3:59.


PJ Masks Interesting Stories Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 275 - Charlie Day - Duration: 3:59.



Why why didn't I listen to cowboy ink echo

Meals almost caught up with his lab but

Because I was in such a rush

Are you all right? Yes, but I'm sorry

Every time you meet a plan rushed ahead without you and then it didn't work. It's okay

You were just really excited about us running the tree. I'll take care of this robot arm

But now, I've got a plan and for it to work I'm going to have to wait it's time to be a hero

In their PJ masks, but not for long

What you plan out what we're going to stop this train for good and we're going to do it together

Cat-boy you leap up and grab some tree branches. Gecko you call down next to the tracker. Whacker got it

Oh Allah, then it's my turn

I'll fly the branches to you and you can use them to jam the tractor whacker and stop the tracks without

Tracks this train will ever catch Romeo's lap

Pre-plan Oh what I think it'll work. As long as I wait for you guys to do your thing first

Remember outlet don't rush your turn cat-boy. I'll just you know wait

Okay, now it's my turn nice and easy

PJ pet too late bromium go sham that tractor wacker


Hey Romeo, I told you we could catch your lab I

Might have lost my train

For more infomation >> PJ Masks Interesting Stories Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Part 275 - Charlie Day - Duration: 3:59.


Gaint Gorilla Color Gorilla Animals Finger Family Song For Kids,Lion,Tiger,bear,children,NASHTOON Tv - Duration: 1:49.

gorilla finger family

For more infomation >> Gaint Gorilla Color Gorilla Animals Finger Family Song For Kids,Lion,Tiger,bear,children,NASHTOON Tv - Duration: 1:49.


Panel considering appropriations for Corrections department - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Panel considering appropriations for Corrections department - Duration: 2:27.


Junior Achievement is getting kids ready for life after graduation - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Junior Achievement is getting kids ready for life after graduation - Duration: 2:44.


Bears Beat Loyola on the Road, Tied for First in The Valley - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Bears Beat Loyola on the Road, Tied for First in The Valley - Duration: 1:09.


Skilling NSW for the future and tackling youth unemployment - Career Advice Hub - Duration: 1:32.

We started in 1992 when my husband and now business partner, Ian, decided he

wanted to be an electrical contractor and go out on his own

we bought a van at the auctions and off he went

we love what we do but we really like

to see young people coming through

you get an 18 year old that starts out on his first day

and they're so nervous and they're just not really sure what they want to do

but four years later if they've come through an apprenticeship...

they're out there in a van they're out there serving customers

doing the jobs on their own showing their confidence

and you go home and you say well we've actually achieved that with them

I think a Career Advice Hub would be amazing

the biggest problem in encouraging young people to think about the trades is the lack of knowledge in the schools

because the teachers are there doing their jobs

they don't know about what's going on outside in the industry necessarily

continued funding so employers can attract more young people is key to Keeping NSW Number 1

For more infomation >> Skilling NSW for the future and tackling youth unemployment - Career Advice Hub - Duration: 1:32.


Talk to an Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist for Managing Anxiety and Depression via Skype - Duration: 9:13.

So if you're interested in Mindfulness Therapy and you would like to talk to a psychotherapist

like myself who specializes in Mindfulness Therapy for treating anxiety and depression

then do please go to my website, learn more about this service and contact me if you would

like to schedule some online therapy sessions with me.

So I offer online Mindfulness Therapy using Skype.

Skype is important.

It makes online therapy much more effective when you can see each other.

When you can see each other then there's really no difference between Skype Therapy when compared

to meeting a therapist in person.

So Mindfulness Therapy is quite different than conventional talking therapy or counseling

that you may have already tried.

The whole focus in Mindfulness Therapy is changing the underlying process that causes

your anxiety or depression or addiction or whatever form of emotional suffering that

you may have.

There's always an underlying process, a psychological process going on that produces that emotional

state, and most of the time we are not really very aware of how we create anxiety or depression.

It becomes an automatic habit and like all habits it operates out of consciousness, so

we're not really aware of how it works.

The whole purpose Mindfulness Therapy is to look very carefully inside to see how it works,

to see how the mind creates anxiety or depression or any other form with emotional suffering.

And the primary way to do this is through learning how to meditate on our emotions.

So this is quite a novel concept for many people.

They don't normally think about meditating on their emotions.

People are more likely to want to escape from their emotions.

But it is very clear from the work that I have done over the years, that the primary

problem for healing is avoidance and also aversion, hating the internal emotional pain.

When me react to painful emotions with avoidance or with aversion then that has the definite

effect of reinforcing that emotional suffering and the habit that produces it.

So in mindfulness we learn how to change our relationship to any emotions that are creating


You learn how to form a conscious and non-reactive relationship with them.

That's the most important first step in helping them heal.

So we do this by meditating on our emotions.

We bring the emotion into the mind.

Imagining it, but on purpose and on our terms, which is quite different than the normal habitual


We look at it and the first thing we look for is the constellation of reactive thoughts,

habitual reactive thoughts, that feeds the anxiety or depression.

So thoughts are essentially a form of fuel that feeds the emotional suffering.

Thoughts to not cause anxiety or depression, they feed it.

Now when we learn how to see these thoughts clearly then we can begin to change our relationship

to them and overcome this habit of identifying with those thoughts and beliefs that tend

to feed the underlying suffering.

So breaking the habit of reactive identification is a key feature of mindfulness training and


We can hold the emotion in the mind.

We can hold the constellation of thoughts in the mind and not become overwhelmed by

them, not become a prisoner of those mental objects.

So developing this objectivity is essential for healing and it's a central focus of Mindfulness


I will train you how to do this.It Is really quite surprising.

It's not that difficult.

People are always amazed that they can sit with their own emotional pain and not suffer.

So then we can begin to respond with compassion, helping the emotion heal itself.

So first we stop the fuel source of reactive thoughts and then we address the emotion itself

and help it heal by developing a compassionate and mindful relationship with it.

And this approach is extremely effective and very practical.

I will teach you how to do this.

I will teach you methods that you can practice yourself between sessions so that you can

build on this natural healing process that leads to the resolution of emotional suffering.

Typically people see changes within three to four sessions when they apply themselves

in this focused way using mindfulness.

So if you're interested in learning more about Mindfulness Therapy and you like the idea

of working with a therapist online, then please contact me and schedule a session.

So I see people worldwide.

Most of my clients live in America.

I'm based in Boulder, Colorado.

But I see lots of people in Europe and the UK and as far away as Australia.

All you need is a good internet connection and a quiet place to conduct your Skype Therapy

sessions and then we can get started.

So I invite you to consider this and to schedule a trial session with me.

You will know after the first session if this approach is right for you and most people

find it tremendously effective and a lot better than just talking about your feelings and

certainly it's a great advance over medications.

Medications have the place for treating symptoms on a short-term basis, but medications are

never going to change the underlying habits, those psychological habits that cause your


That you must do by developing a different way of relating to your emotions, developing

a compassionate and mindful relationship is what really makes the difference and promotes


So if you would like to get started with me then please send me an email and let's schedule

a session.

Thank you.

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