Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

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For more infomation >> Max with Friend -FLOOR IS FIRES!! - George Matthews - Duration: 2:20.


Tebow is all the rage as Mets full squad begins at First Data Field - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Tebow is all the rage as Mets full squad begins at First Data Field - Duration: 1:30.


Munich Conference Showed That America Is Losing Ground (Ruslan Ostashko) - Duration: 5:58.

Munich Conference Showed That America Is Losing Ground

The annual Security Conference, traditionally hosted by Germany in Munich,

this time was not attended by neither the leader of Russia nor by the head of the United States.

The latter was replaced by Vice President Mike Pence, who tried to convince the audience that America is strong.

This came out not very convincing.

It has been 12 years since Vladimir Putin delivered his famous "Munich speech."

It was dubbed the starting point for a new "Cold War" between Russia and the West.

A year and a half later an "Olympic war" commenced

and ended with bringing Georgia to its senses despite it being pumped up by the "most advanced" American weapons.

And going on further, everything following was deepening of the conflict.

Now, after 12 years, we can sum up some results.

The first and the main result: a "unipolar world" has been destroyed.

Flown in from Washington, the Vice President of the United States, of course, puffed up his cheeks.

But his demands weren't concerning Russia, but the European vassals of America, who reacted to Pence's demands without usual enthusiasm.

Here's what was written on this by my friend and colleague Ivan Danilov.

"By and large, on the Munich stage, the world was shown a completely different America,

its new image only seen so far by very few people: it's an image of a Hegemon affronted by the entire world,

which is experiencing mental suffering from the fact that its desires are no longer fulfilled like before.

Pence presented Germany in particular and the European Union as a whole a fairly large list of grievances that cause irritation in Washington.

Vice President of the US criticized the Nord Stream 2 and virtually accused Germany that support for this project, Berlin contributes to the increasing dependency of the EU on Russia.

'We cannot protect the West if our allies depend on the East,' he said.

The European Union was required to immediately abandon attempts to circumvent American sanctions against Iran and possibly join them."

The fact that Pence did not want to talk about cooperation, and demanded submission, has been noticed even by the American media.

The New York Times wrote that the Vice President of the United States "focused on the list of requirements for American allies."

How exactly these same allies took Pence's demands is clearly demonstrated in the title of the German magazine Spiegel.

"America is not the leader, it is losing ground," the newspaper writes in response to Pence's words

that 'the US has become the leader of the free world.'

If we translate from politically correct into Russian, the German journalists actually declared that the "king of democracy" is naked.

The Russian delegation, that had enough of the slogan "America is the strongest," was adding fuel to the fire. This is what Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said:

"The West, with its self-conceit, self-aggrandizement, and its belief in the infallibility of its own approaches to civilization,

world development, values, should stop and think for a moment: if you value your world order so much, can you increase the risks of your existence

for the sake of the pursuit of ephemeral establishment of a universal, God forbid, New Order for the rest of the world?"

It sounds sarcastic and in its form and in its content. Actually, our delegation headed by Sergey Lavrov, focused on shaking the "Euro-Atlantic unity" in Munich.

For example, the Russian Foreign Minister sarcastically pointed to the duality of the behavior of representatives of the EU.

They were publicly stigmatizing Moscow, but in private whined about the fact that they needed the normalization of relations with Russia.

"Apparently, while this has not happened, they somehow have to be guided by their mutual responsibility and follow the course,

which is fixed in the European Union under the pressure of an aggressive Russophobic minority.

But we patiently explain our readiness to resume relations on an equal basis to the extent and with such speed in which it will be convenient to our partners."

That is, the second result of the "Cold War 2.0" can be formulated as follows: "the US sustainable sovereignty over the EU is no more."

Sergey Lavrov used constructive terms to describe the situation:

"The common European house needs major repairs. The tasks are really large-scale. They can only be effectively addressed together, on a universal basis."

The participants of the conference who listened to these words burst into thunderous applause.

They only applauded more to Angela Merkel, while Mike Pence did not receive any applause at all.

I thank you for your attention, and I'm ready to answer your questions.

*Loud applause*

Finally, about the third result of the Cold War 2.0.

It's the fact that the plan to strangle Russia with the notorious "isolation" failed.

Moreover, as admitted by the same Lavrov before leaving for Moscow, Russian diplomats would not mind a bit of "isolation."

"We would even like to see some isolation, because the negotiations went back-to-back for more than two dozen meetings. Our entire delegation worked without a break."

What is 12 years on the historical scale? Nothing.

To destroy in such a short period of time all that the United States has built up over the decades since the creation of NATO

and to the peak of its power at the beginning of the XXI century - is something remarkable.

It will take another 12 years to compare the "overhaul" of the world order with the situation today.

Do you have any predictions about what our country will achieve by February 2031?

For more infomation >> Munich Conference Showed That America Is Losing Ground (Ruslan Ostashko) - Duration: 5:58.


DuckTales | Who is Gizmoduck?! | Episodes 3 - Golden Bear - Duration: 3:59.

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whatever it is you're doing hey remember me Yui from the bank

you saved me I cherished it I have some questions about your gear possibly some

upgrade you're gonna overload the core processor you kill us all oh I'd say

that's overkill initiating over

applications running through you interesting hypothesis an organic

process circus

are you hurt you appear to be crying just some wind in my eyes

wonderful wonderful wind

mr. Beeks I am so sorry I'm sorry you saved me but the missile actually came

from come on I have an island where I blow up helicopters for fun it happens

anyway I am your biggest fan I've been looking everywhere for you you remember

me totally awesome robot duck that can't

help but stand out that's quality bakes baked tell me what is your deal

well I have a ton of untapped potential I completely agree with my help you

could help all of duck burn help off doc Burke that's right and I have the money

resources and positive buzz you need see right now you're a bad meme I want to

make you a good meme breakdancing toddler turtle eats a pancake you feel

me uh not really listen I can give you access to the

waddle phone network imagine responding to calls from across the city a hero for

everyone you can see it can't you join us at team Waddell your destiny


I already have a propeller and a boss who gave me this suit thanks but I got a

fly seed planted you will be mine hey I'm stuck on the roof gonna need you to

send up another helicopter stairs you're fired

dr. Q loose if mr. McDuck finds out about this I'm finished I'm scrapping

the project I saved a man from an exploding helicopter which you exploded

next armor I'm losing all the gizmos but don't mean it's not gizmo duck there

is no gizmo duck you are an intern and you're not even that anymore

go away Manny incinerate the armor huh we don't need it falling into the wrong


I've been going over your suits design and I think you could be doing so much

more off to save

For more infomation >> DuckTales | Who is Gizmoduck?! | Episodes 3 - Golden Bear - Duration: 3:59.


Is Any Gaming Chair Worth Over $400? - Duration: 9:54.

For more infomation >> Is Any Gaming Chair Worth Over $400? - Duration: 9:54.


Lexus IS SportCross 200 Sport MOET GEZIEN WORDEN !!!!!! YOUNG TIMER !!!!!!!!! DEALER ONDERHOUDEN !! - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Lexus IS SportCross 200 Sport MOET GEZIEN WORDEN !!!!!! YOUNG TIMER !!!!!!!!! DEALER ONDERHOUDEN !! - Duration: 1:22.


Sister Of Missing Grand Prairie Woman Believes She Is Alive - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Sister Of Missing Grand Prairie Woman Believes She Is Alive - Duration: 2:50.


Hoppa! Café-eigenaar is overlast tuigkrakers en lakse Amsterdamse overheid helemaal zat, sloopt dakk - Duration: 3:42.

 Wat doe je als je in het links-extremistische walhalla Amsterdam woont, en je wil krakers je pand uit krijgen en hóúden? Dan zit er voor deze ondernemer nog maar één ding op: het recht in eigen hand nemen

Of liever gezegd: het recht in eigen graafmachine nemen.  Wat krijg je als je in Nederland een uiterst passieve overheid mixt met anti-kraakwetgeving waarvoor je eerst tien keer naar de rechter moet stappen om je eigen pand weer in bezit te kunnen nemen? Precies: hele gefrustreerde hardwerkende Nederlanders

Want terwijl iedereen z'n hypotheek of huur betaalt, leven deze uitvreters gratis en voor niets

 Minstens zo gefrustreerd is ook de klasse der huiseigenaren, die hun eigendom voor hun ogen gesloopt en vertrapt zien worden

De nieuwe eigenaar van Café Kadoelen in Amsterdam-Noord was het echter zat. Hij liet de krakers uit z'n pand gooien, en om te zorgen dat ze niet terugkeerden sloopte hij ook ogenblikkelijk het gebouw zelf:  "De krakers die eind januari het voormalig café Kadoelen in Noord in gebruik hebben genomen, zullen niet langer in het pand kunnen wonen

De eigenaar maakt het gebouw onbewoonbaar door onder meer de ruiten in te gooien

 Ook wordt het dak van het leegstaande café gehaald."  Prachtig toch? Nou, niet voor de gemeente Amsterdam

Terwijl ze uiterst laks op krakers reageren, waren ze er hier echter als de kippen bij om de sloop van dit kraakpand een halt toe te roepen:  "Volgens een woordvoerder van stadsdeel Noord had de eigenaar van Kadoelen wel een vergunning aangevraagd voor de sloop, maar is deze niet verleend omdat het gebouwtje deel uitmaakt van een beschermd dorpsgezicht

 Een inspecteur van het stadsdeel was vanmiddag aanwezig en heeft de afbraak stopgezet

Morgen komt de inspecteur weer terug om te controleren of de vernielingen niet stiekem zijn doorgezet

Er wordt dan ook met de eigenaar in gesprek gegaan over hoe het nu verder moet gaan

"  Moraal van het verhaal? Vermijd Amsterdam koste wat het kost. Die plaats is op grandioze wijze naar de filistijnen aan het gaan

Krakers worden gefeteerd, hardwerkende burgers bestraft. Wat een poepstad.   Waardeer jij de artikelen op DagelijkseStandaard

nl? Volg ons dan op Twitter!

For more infomation >> Hoppa! Café-eigenaar is overlast tuigkrakers en lakse Amsterdamse overheid helemaal zat, sloopt dakk - Duration: 3:42.


Hoppa! Café-eigenaar is overlast tuigkrakers en lakse Amsterdamse overheid helemaal zat, sloopt dakk - Duration: 3:42.

 Wat doe je als je in het links-extremistische walhalla Amsterdam woont, en je wil krakers je pand uit krijgen en hóúden? Dan zit er voor deze ondernemer nog maar één ding op: het recht in eigen hand nemen

Of liever gezegd: het recht in eigen graafmachine nemen.  Wat krijg je als je in Nederland een uiterst passieve overheid mixt met anti-kraakwetgeving waarvoor je eerst tien keer naar de rechter moet stappen om je eigen pand weer in bezit te kunnen nemen? Precies: hele gefrustreerde hardwerkende Nederlanders

Want terwijl iedereen z'n hypotheek of huur betaalt, leven deze uitvreters gratis en voor niets

 Minstens zo gefrustreerd is ook de klasse der huiseigenaren, die hun eigendom voor hun ogen gesloopt en vertrapt zien worden

De nieuwe eigenaar van Café Kadoelen in Amsterdam-Noord was het echter zat. Hij liet de krakers uit z'n pand gooien, en om te zorgen dat ze niet terugkeerden sloopte hij ook ogenblikkelijk het gebouw zelf:  "De krakers die eind januari het voormalig café Kadoelen in Noord in gebruik hebben genomen, zullen niet langer in het pand kunnen wonen

De eigenaar maakt het gebouw onbewoonbaar door onder meer de ruiten in te gooien

 Ook wordt het dak van het leegstaande café gehaald."  Prachtig toch? Nou, niet voor de gemeente Amsterdam

Terwijl ze uiterst laks op krakers reageren, waren ze er hier echter als de kippen bij om de sloop van dit kraakpand een halt toe te roepen:  "Volgens een woordvoerder van stadsdeel Noord had de eigenaar van Kadoelen wel een vergunning aangevraagd voor de sloop, maar is deze niet verleend omdat het gebouwtje deel uitmaakt van een beschermd dorpsgezicht

 Een inspecteur van het stadsdeel was vanmiddag aanwezig en heeft de afbraak stopgezet

Morgen komt de inspecteur weer terug om te controleren of de vernielingen niet stiekem zijn doorgezet

Er wordt dan ook met de eigenaar in gesprek gegaan over hoe het nu verder moet gaan

"  Moraal van het verhaal? Vermijd Amsterdam koste wat het kost. Die plaats is op grandioze wijze naar de filistijnen aan het gaan

Krakers worden gefeteerd, hardwerkende burgers bestraft. Wat een poepstad.   Waardeer jij de artikelen op DagelijkseStandaard

nl? Volg ons dan op Twitter!

For more infomation >> Hoppa! Café-eigenaar is overlast tuigkrakers en lakse Amsterdamse overheid helemaal zat, sloopt dakk - Duration: 3:42.


Alabama Severe Weather Awareness Week is underway - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Alabama Severe Weather Awareness Week is underway - Duration: 1:35.


Sırf o mutlu diye (just because he is happy) - Duration: 0:45.

Yes, I'm in love!

Yes, I love him!

Yes, I'm freaking out in case any harm touches to even a hair on his head!

Yes, I'm making bad dua to everyone who ever wiped off his beautiful smile!

Yes Derin, I'm afraid in case one day he walks away!

I say it's okay to everything just so that he could be happy!

He wants to be happy with you? Okay fine, I'm doing everything I can, I'm wearing myself off here so that you won't break up!

But you don't even care!!

I even love the scab on his elbow!

Do you know how it is like to love like this?!

You wouldn't know because you're a lover of sweet water, Derin!

But I'm fighting with storms!

For more infomation >> Sırf o mutlu diye (just because he is happy) - Duration: 0:45.


Is Celery Juice the cure all some claim it to be? - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Is Celery Juice the cure all some claim it to be? - Duration: 0:54.


Pike County sheriff says Rhoden case is creating budget problems - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Pike County sheriff says Rhoden case is creating budget problems - Duration: 1:45.


Are Panthers, Patriots good fits for Colin Kaepernick? Is another NFL team? - Duration: 9:44.

CLOSE Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid and the NFL agreed to settle on Friday, but the case won't truly be resolved until Kaepernick is back on the field

USA TODAY Sports CONNECT11TWEET11LinkedIn11COMMENT11EMAIL11MORE11With a collusion grievance against the league now settled, is an NFL return imminent for Colin Kaepernick?The former 49ers quarterback's attorney, Mark Geragos, told CNN's Ana Cabrera recently that he believed Carolina and New England were among three teams he believed might be in the market to sign his client "within the next two weeks

" (Geragos made only a vague reference to a third potential suitor.)"(T)he natural would be if Cam Newton is out, then the natural place to be is to play with Eric (Reid) in Carolina

I mean can you imagine? And you've got an owner there," Geragos explained, a reference to David Tepper, the Panthers' progressive new boss who greenlit the signing and subsequent extension of Reid, the safety who played with Kaepernick in San Francisco and also settled his own collusion grievance against the NFL

 Would Colin Kaepernick (7) be well suited as Cam Newton's backup in Carolina? (Photo11: Kevin C

Cox, Getty Images)"I will tell you besides the Panthers, it would not surprise me if (Patriots owner) Bob Kraft makes a move

"Geragos added of Kaepernick, 31: "He absolutely wants to play. He wants to compete at the highest level

I mean this is a competitive young man. . This is someone who's in his prime. You get smarter at that position, and he's wise beyond his years

"But would the Panthers or Patriots be "wise" landing spots for Kaepernick if either team comes calling? Let's examine

Jarrett Bell: Colin Kaepernick's NFL career has made history, in more ways than oneNancy Armour: Colin Kaepernick proves to be a winner again with settlement with NFLDoes Kaepernick fit in Carolina?Definitively, yes

 Kap's game pretty closely mirrors that of Newton, the Panthers' starter for eight years  — plus arm strength, extends plays, great athleticism on the move, capably limits turnovers

but also not especially accurate, particularly on touch throws.Kaepernick (6-4, 230) isn't as sturdily built as the 6-5, 245-pound Newton — it's probably safe to assume he's lighter than his listed playing weight while Newton appears even heavier

But Kap also doesn't invite the kind of punishment as the 2015 league MVP, who just underwent shoulder surgery, when he tucks the ball and runs or tries to barrel over the line on sneaks

Like Seattle's Russell Wilson, Kaepernick excels at gaining maximum yardage with his legs while knowing when to get down or out of bounds

Bottom line: The skill sets are similar enough that Carolina probably wouldn't experience much drop-off (or have to drastically redesign the offense or alter play calling) if Kaepernick were to replace Newton

And to suggest Taylor Heinicke or Kyle Allen are better options is simply silly.Does Kaepernick fit in New England?Meh

Maybe.Let's not discount that he could bring a new dimension to this attack — perhaps even running point on certain packages the way Taysom Hill does in New Orleans

And if anyone knows how to leverage a given player's talents — and Kaepernick presumably still has plenty of it — it's Bill Belichick

But in that same vein, it never seems like a particularly good idea when the Saints effectively take the ball out of Drew Brees' hands

And though no one would suggest that Tom Brady's current backup, veteran Brian Hoyer, has Kaepernick's upside, he's also infinitely more familiar with the playbook and wouldn't require New England to reconfigure its attack on the fly if Brady went down

 Accuracy and efficiently cycling through his progressions are Brady's bread and butter,  yet have never been Kaepernick's strengths

Maybe he could get there under the tutelage of Belichick and offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels, but this could also be a square peg, round hole situation

Does Kaepernick fit in .There are other patently obvious teams that could immediately benefit from Kap's services

Baltimore Ravens: Joe Flacco's moving to Denver, and Robert Griffin III is unsigned

The franchise has flirted with Kaepernick in the past, and he'd seem to plug in nicely to what's being built around Lamar Jackson

Houston Texans: Deceased owner Bob McNair probably would not have signed off, but they could obviously do much better than Brandon Weeden, Joe Webb et

al. — reference the lost 2017 season — if Deshaun Watson goes down again.Jacksonville Jaguars: No explanation required

Miami Dolphins: They're rebooting, and Ryan Tannehill's future with the franchise seems tenuous at best

New Orleans Saints: Teddy Bridgewater is headed for free agency, and Kaepernick is almost surely a better option behind Brees (and how much time does he have left?) on a regular basis than Hill

Oakland Raiders: A little competition for Derek Carr wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, and it would be interesting to see what Jon Gruden's offense would look like with a player like Kaepernick at the controls

Philadelphia Eagles: Perhaps the ideal locker room fit, and a roster that's about to need a new Plan B behind oft-injured Carson Wentz

Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Jameis Winston is the only experienced quarterback they have under contract for 2019, and he's not signed for 2020

Be nice to have a capable reserve if new coach Bruce Arians ultimately concludes Winston is not the answer he's banking on

Tennessee Titans: Marcus Mariota always seems to be banged up. And we saw what happened in Week 17 with their playoff aspirations riding on Blaine Gabbert

Washington Redskins: The need is obvious given Alex Smith's uncertain outlook. Of course, that was also painfully apparent in the final two months of 2018

when Washington threw away its playoff hopes by employing much less capable backups

***Follow Nate Davis on Twitter @ByNateDavisFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInTop potential NFL free agents of 2019 Fullscreen Posted!A link has been posted to your Facebook feed

1. Jadeveon Clowney, DE/OLB, Texans Troy Taormina, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen2. Le'Veon Bell, RB, Steelers Charles LeClaire, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen3

Nick Foles, QB, Eagles Eric Hartline, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen4. Demarcus Lawrence, DE, Cowboys Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen5

Grady Jarrett, DT, Falcons Brett Davis, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen6. Trey Flowers, DE, Patriots Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen7

Earl Thomas, S, Seahawks Ron Chenoy, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen8. Frank Clark, DE, Seahawks Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen9

Dee Ford, OLB, Chiefs Jake Roth, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen10. C.J. Mosley, ILB, Ravens Tommy Gilligan, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen11

Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, S, Redskins Kim Klement, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen12. Preston Smith, OLB, Redskins Brad Mills, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen13

Brandon Graham, DE, Eagles Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen14. Matt Paradis, C, Broncos Mark J

Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen15. Ndamukong Suh, DT, Rams Robert Deutsch, Robert Deutsch-USA TODAY SportsFullscreen16

Landon Collins, S, Giants Brad Penner, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen17. Mark Ingram, RB, Saints Derick E

Hingle, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen18. Teddy Bridgewater, QB, Saints Chuck Cook, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen19

Golden Tate, WR, Eagles Bill Streicher, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNot ranked: Za'Darius Smith, OLB, Ravens Tommy Gilligan, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Tyrann Mathieu, S, Texans Troy Taormina, Troy Taormina-USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Anthony Barr, LB, Vikings Harrison Barden, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Ronald Darby, CB, Eagles Brad Penner, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Sheldon Richardson, DT, Vikings Brace Hemmelgarn, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Adrian Amos, S, Bears Mike Dinovo, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Lamarcus Joyner, S, Rams Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Trent Brown, OT, Patriots Charles LeClaire, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Rodger Saffold, G, Rams Mark J

Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Bryce Callahan, CB, Bears Patrick Gorski, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Clay Matthews, OLB, Packers Jeff Hanisch, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Dante Fowler, OLB, Rams Gary A

Vasquez, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Terrell Suggs, OLB, Ravens Geoff Burke, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Kareem Jackson, CB, Texans Troy Taormina, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Jared Cook, TE, Raiders Cary Edmondson, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Cole Beasley, WR, Cowboys Gary A

Vasquez, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Donovan Smith, OT, Buccaneers Aaron Doster, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Randall Cobb, WR, Packers Jeff Hanisch, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Jay Ajayi, RB, Eagles Jonathan Dyer, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Thomas Davis, LB, Panthers Jeremy Brevard, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: John Brown, WR, Ravens Evan Habeeb, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Tevin Coleman, RB, Falcons Kim Klement, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNR: Cameron Wake, DE, Dolphins Rich Barnes, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen Interested in this topic? You may also want to view these photo galleries:Replay1 of 422 of 423 of 424 of 425 of 426 of 427 of 428 of 429 of 4210 of 4211 of 4212 of 4213 of 4214 of 4215 of 4216 of 4217 of 4218 of 4219 of 4220 of 4221 of 4222 of 4223 of 4224 of 4225 of 4226 of 4227 of 4228 of 4229 of 4230 of 4231 of 4232 of 4233 of 4234 of 4235 of 4236 of 4237 of 4238 of 4239 of 4240 of 4241 of 4242 of 42AutoplayShow ThumbnailsShow CaptionsLast SlideNext SlideCONNECT11TWEET11LinkedIn11COMMENT11EMAIL11MORE11

For more infomation >> Are Panthers, Patriots good fits for Colin Kaepernick? Is another NFL team? - Duration: 9:44.


Japanese car maker Honda 'is to close its Swindon plant in 2022 - with the loss of 3,500 jobs' - Duration: 4:31.

Japanese car maker Honda is set to close its Swindon factory in 2022, putting 3,500 jobs at risk, it was claimed today

Honda, Britain's fifth largest car producer, will announce the closure of its Wiltshire plant tomorrow according to Sky News

The Swindon Honda branch employs 3,500 workers and is currently the firm's only factory inside the EU

Closure claims come after Honda Europe bosses said the UK crashing out of the EU without a deal would cost them 'tens of millions of pounds', but last year insisted they were 'right behind' the Swindon plant and would not move it out of the UK after Brexit

Honda will retain its European headquarters in Bracknell, Berkshire, and its Formula One operation in the UK, it was reported today

The car manufacturing industry has taken several hits since Britain voted to leave the EU in 2016

Last year Nissan announced it would no longer build its X-Trail car at its plant in Sunderland and Jaguar Land Rover recently said it would cut 4,500 UK jobs

Ford bosses have warned a no deal Brexit would be 'catastrophic' and would cost them 1,000 jobs - mainly at its Bridgend plant in Wales

Local Conservative MP Justin Tomlinson insisted the decision is not down to Brexit

The North Swindon MP said: Honda's decision to close its Swindon plant by 2022 is "based on global trends and not Brexit

' The Swindon Honda plant produces around 160,000 Civics, 90 per cent of which are exported to Europe and the US

It has been running for more than 30 years and is integral to the local economy.Ian Howells, senior vice president for Honda Europe, said last September: 'The UK forms part of our global network of manufacturing plants, it's not just for the European market

'The only place we produce the vehicle we produce at Swindon is in Swindon itself

So from that point of view it's a very big decision to take a different approach.'Certainly we are right behind our Swindon approach, and really it hasn't come up that we would have to look at putting Swindon somewhere else

'The logistics of moving a factory the size of Swindon would be huge, and as far as we're concerned from a European (perspective), and as far as our Japanese head office is concerned, we're right behind supporting continued production at Swindon and indeed our whole European operation to continue there

'In terms of the impact of Brexit, I think we are looking at hopefully relatively short-term disruption as we get used to the new rules and new ways of doing business

For more infomation >> Japanese car maker Honda 'is to close its Swindon plant in 2022 - with the loss of 3,500 jobs' - Duration: 4:31.


Anthropologie Is Having an Epic Sale on Sale — Shop Our 5 Favorites! - US News - Duration: 6:51.

 Here at Us, we're the first to admit that any time is a good time to take a moment and peruse through the endless sale options to see if anything new sparks our interest

It goes without saying that when it comes to a good sale, it's also always an ideal time to take stock on our current closet inventory

This is the perfect opportunity to not only go through what items we already have but to start thinking about whether or not we need to refresh, revamp or replenish anything we currently own

 Maybe we need an extra sweater or a new dress or have an event coming up we want something new for

Maybe we just need that extra sweater to make it through the rest of winter and seasons to come

Or maybe we're spending these final winter weeks getting our closets ready for the spring

No matter what our goal is,  is having a sale on sale that will help us spring ahead in style

 There's no better time than now to go ahead an freshen up our closets with some fresh picks

From tie blouses to satin skirts and even the most versatile dress, we've rounded up a few everyday essentials that are actually anything but basic

Thanks to  and its epic sale on sale, we'll be able to transition our closet from this season to the next and keep our wardrobe fresh and fun for future seasons to come!       The Cloth & Stone Sleeveless Blouse is not just major, it's beyond major

Sure, it seems red is always having a moment, but when wearing this blouse, shoppers are sure to, as well! Designed with a neck-tie detail and buttoned front, this blouse pays homage to the classic blouse features we've already come to love

Pair this blouse to perfection with light-wash denim and add a of sleek suede booties to look the part!         The Tessa Sweater features a wrapped silhouette and an oh-so-flattering V-neck design

Available in three bold but bright colors including chartreuse, dark grey and ivory, certainly any color option is a good choice! Whether the Tessa is tucked into high-waisted denim or paired with luxe leather leggings, there is surely no wrong way to style this timeless and traditional sweater!          The Grace Satin Skirt is the most versatile piece every wardrobe needs

Whether paired with a graphic tee during warmer days or tucked into an oversized funnel neck sweater during the colder ones, this is the one piece that can survive any season

Fashion lovers will agree that a good satin skirt can be just as transitional as a pair of denim

           The AMO Pop Cropped Denim Jacket is the perfect example of what an investment piece looks like

When it comes to individual items of clothing, fashion girls everywhere will tell anyone that if it can be worn more than once or twice, it's a must

If the item can be worn more than three times, it's an actual necessity. Case in point? This denim jacket

Featuring intricate roses throughout, this distressed denim is equal parts feminine as it is rugged

Whether thrown over our shoulder with an effortless mididress or worn buttoned-up as a top, the styling options here are endless

 See it: Grab the AMO Pop Cropped Denim Jacket now 59% off, available at !  The Amber Embroidered Dress is a must-have in every closet

When building a wardrobe, any fashion lover will admit that a great dress can get us through anything life throws at us

A good dress can not only be worn to several occasions but last several years, as well

This dress is no exception. In the colder months, add a black turtleneck underneath, and pair with tights and platform Mary Jane heels

Strip those layers off in the warmer months and reach for black velvet platform sandals for a more relaxed look

Regardless of the styling, we're confident this dress will not only remain timeless and tradition, but trendy as well!        Check out more of our picks and deals here! This post is brought to you by Us Weekly's Shop With Us

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For more infomation >> Anthropologie Is Having an Epic Sale on Sale — Shop Our 5 Favorites! - US News - Duration: 6:51.


MP demands law of treason is restored over Brit ISIS bride Shamima Begum - News Today - Duration: 5:02.

 Tory MP Julian Lewis called for Parliament to "restore the law of treason" in an attempt to deal with those returning to the UK from the so-called Islamic State

 He added it should "specify that it is treason to support a group that one knows intends to attack the UK or is fighting UK forces"

 The dilemma for the UK in how to treat British mum Shemima Begum has thrown the wider issue of responding the returning jihadists into sharp relief

 Ms Begum left Bethnal Green in London when she was 15  to join the Islamic State group in Syria

 Dr Lewis told MPs: "Though the law on treason is antiquated the act of treason most certainly is not

 He added: "It's quite obvious that there'll be many people coming back whom it will not be possible to establish by normal standards in a court of law that they committed crimes whilst volunteering and spending time in the so-called Caliphate

"  He argued that the government could resurrect the law of treason to tackle such cases citing an article by Oxford Professor Richard Ekins in the Sunday Telegraph

 He argued that such a statute could be used to specify it is treason to support a group that one knows intends to attack the UK or is fighting UK forces

 Home Secretary Sajid Javid did not rule out bringing back the law which  He said: "This is a complex situation and we should always be looking to see what tools that we have at our disposal to ensure that those who are guilty of terrorism and supporting terrorist groups are brought to justice and that means making sure that we have the right laws in place

"  He added that he had read the article that Mr Lewis referred to and had heard what the Professor said in the past

 The last treason trial was that of William Joyce, "Lord Haw-Haw" who broadcast Nazi propaganda to Britain from Germany during the Second World War and  who was executed by hanging in 1946

 Dr Lewis's comments came after Home Secretary Sajid Javid warned Ms Begum: "If you back terror, there must be consequences

"  Mr Javid warned 100 "dangerous" Brits with dual nationality have already been stripped of their UK citizenship to prevent their return

 But he said he could only take this move if jihadis have dual citizenship - not if they have UK citizenship alone

 Mr Javid did not confirm if Ms Begum can be permanently excluded - saying he was not at liberty to discuss the individual case

 However, he said: "Whatever role they took in the so-called caliphate, they all supported a terrorist organisation and in doing so they have shown they hate our country and the values we stand for

 "This is a death cult that enslaved and raped thousands of Yazidi girls and that celebrated attacks on our shores including the tragic Manchester bombing that targeted young girls

 "Now that this so-called caliphate is crumbling, some of them want to return.  "And I have been very clear where I can and where any threat remains I will not hesitate to prevent this

"    The Home Secretary said in recent years, 900 people went to Syria or Iraq to join terrorist organisations

 Of those he said 20% were killed in the battlefield, 40% returned and 40% are still somewhere in the region

 Tory MPs piled on the Home Secretary to demand stronger action.  Conservative former minister Sir Desmond Swayne suggested "internment" for returning jihadi supporters "until they've been sufficiently quarantined"

  Tory MP Philip Hollobone said just 40 British nationals have been prosecuted for supporting IS - also referred to as Daesh - in Syria and Iraq, telling Mr Javid: "This simply isn't good enough

"  But some urged caution with the government's response.  Tory ex-minister Andrew Mitchell told the House of Commons: "We cannot just close our eyes and pull up the drawbridge

"   And SNP MP Gavin Newlands said the UK has a responsibility to Ms Begum, who he said was "thought to be the victim of a grooming campaign

"  He added: "She's a vulnerable young woman with a newborn child and the government should follow international law, allow her to return to face the consequences of her actions

"  Mr Javid refused to comment on the individual case, but replied: "Our first priority, is to protect this country and do whatever is necessary

" Read More ISIS Bride Shamima Begum

For more infomation >> MP demands law of treason is restored over Brit ISIS bride Shamima Begum - News Today - Duration: 5:02.


Meghan Fashion - Meghan baby shower: Is Meghan having a secret baby shower in New York with best fr - Duration: 4:00.

 Meghan has jetted off to New York for a few days of relaxation ahead of the birth of her first child

A source has said her friends are throwing her a baby shower before she heads back to London

The Duchess of Sussex's best friend Jessica Mulroney is reportedly in charge of the shower

 A source close to the duchess said: "The trip is a lovely chance to catch up with friends and spend time in a city she loves

 "This will be the last time a lot of them will see Meg until after the baby is born so it's nice to share precious moments

" Sources have said her friends will be throwing her a private baby shower at a private location for 15 guests on Tuesday

 Meghan and her best friend Jessica Mulroney were spotted in a private space at Laduree in the SoHo district on Saturday, where they enjoyed macrons and tea in one of the bakery's private spaces

 A source added: "It's been a relaxing visit. Nothing beats face time with your friends

 "Meg will be flying home refreshed and relaxed - and with a lot of new baby clothes

" The trip comes just ahead of a three-day visit Meghan and Harry are taking to Morocco arranged by the British government

 The trip is taking place between February 23-25. A Kensington Palace spokesman said: "The Duke and Duchess are looking forward to the visit which will highlight the vital roles that girls' education and youth empowerment are playing in, and shaping, modern Morocco

" Just before her trip to New York, Meghan enjoyed a quiet Valentine's Day with her husband at their cottage within Kensington Palace

 However her February 14 are markedly different to the plans she described as the perfect Valentine's in NYC on her lifestyle blog The Tig

 In a February 16, Meghan wrote: "This Valentine's Day I will be with friends, running amok through the streets of New York, likely imbibing some cocktail that's oddly pink, and jumping over icy mounds in my new shoes through the salted snowy streets of the West Village

" There is no royal protocol stopping Meghan's friends and family hosting a baby shower as a celebratory event rather than to shower the duchess with gifts

 Marlene Koenig, a royal expert, said: "I would not be surprised if the Duchess of Sussex's American and Canadian friends might do something and throw her a shower, thus maintaining the North American tradition

 "In fact, there is nothing stopping them from hosting a shower." Baby showers have soared in popularity since the 50s and 60s and are a way to 'shower' expectant mothers with gifts for the baby and furnishings for a nursery

 However Royal expert Victoria Arbiter has previously told the Sun a baby shower could be seen as "highly inappropriate

" "There's nothing they can't go out and buy themselves", she added.

For more infomation >> Meghan Fashion - Meghan baby shower: Is Meghan having a secret baby shower in New York with best fr - Duration: 4:00.


Vans employee is fired after saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy wearing MAGA hat - Duration: 3:09.

Vans employee is fired after saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy wearing MAGA hat

A Vans employee has been fired after he was caught on video saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy who refused to remove his MAGA hat.  

The teen entered the Overland Park, Kansas, store with his mother and other family members over the weekend. 

In the video, the teens mother is seen confronting the employee about what he said to her son. 

A Vans employee left and right in a green hoodie has been fired after he was caught on video saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy left who refused to remove his MAGA hat

He did nothing to you. And what did you say to my son, to my 14 year old son? she asks the man.  

Im sure hes heard it before, the employee responded. 

What did you say again? the mother asks a second time. The employee then admits to saying f asterisk asterisk k you to the teenager. 

The mother is heard asking to speak with a manager and walks over to the stores register. 

According to the teens mom, her son walked into the store and the employee told him to take off his MAGA hat. My son said nothing to him and did nothing, the woman is heard explaining to the manager.   

The employee was subsequently fired from the store, according to . 

A spokeswoman for Vans told the Caller that the companys focus is to provide the best customer service experience. 

We did let this employee go. He is no longer with our company, the spokeswoman said, adding that the mans actions were in contrast with our values and beliefs.

According to the teens mom, her son left walked into the store and the employee told him to take off his MAGA hat. My son said nothing to him and did nothing, the woman is heard explaining to the manager right

The teenager was wearing a red hat with President Donald Trumps slogan, Make America Great Again, printed on it 

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For more infomation >> Vans employee is fired after saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy wearing MAGA hat - Duration: 3:09.


NO ALEX-CUSES Damning stats show how Sanchez is failing to justify £505,000-a-week Man Utd deal comp - Duration: 4:12.

ALARMING stats show just how far Alexis Sanchez has fallen since his move from Arsenal to Manchester United

 The Chile star controversially left the Gunners for Old Trafford in January 2018 after three-and-a-half years to sign an eye-watering £505,000-a-week deal

 But he has failed to replicate the form that earned him such a huge payday and questions have arisen over his place in the team

 Sanchez, 30, scored just three goals in all competitions in his first season and so far this campaign has only two

 Worryingly, United are paying the former Barcelona ace a staggering £4.57MILLION per goal - compared to just £104,000 at Arsenal

 It has also cost them £816k per game played compared to just £40k at the Gunners

 At Arsenal, Sanchez scored 60 Premier League goals in 122 games, netting every 169 minutes with a conversion rate of 14

1 per cent.  At United, however, he has just three goals in 26 appearances, scoring every 554 minutes with a lower conversion rate of 8

6 per cent.  In all competitions, this has been Sanchez's worst season for four years

 He has played just 50 minutes per game, and per 90 minutes made 38.6 passes, 0.19 goals and ran 4

19 miles.  Sanchez admits he has to start justifying his whopping wages NOW.  Speaking ahead of tonight's FA Cup fifth round clash at Chelsea, he said: "I have to perform

That's what I'm here for, to make a difference.  "A player like me needs to show it right now, I don't think there is time

"  Despite the damning figures, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer says he is confident there is more to come from Sanchez

 United's interim boss said: "We know there is a very good player there. It's like the ketchup bottle

When it comes, it comes, and I'm sure he'll be fine." Former Arsenal star Alexis Sanchez raises arms aloft in front of Gunners fans after giving Man Utd the lead in FA Cup tie

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