Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 18 2019

2018 was huge success for the U.S. amateur and match play

championships, and we're excited to bring them

back for 2019.

Here are some changes that we've got for this year's event.

Probably our biggest change this year is that

players who win their local qualifying bracket

but don't win their state qualifying bracket

can still have a chance to enter the national bracket.

They're going to come to Emporia and participate

in a single stroke play event, on Thursday, June 20th.

And if 50 people qualify for the national tournament

through state brackets, then we'll have 14 spots

available for those local bracket winners

who will come out of the single stroke play event.

Once you qualify you enter the national bracket

starting on Friday, June 21st.

In addition to the B-tier that we have scheduled

for Saturday, we also have flex start C-tiers

for Friday and Sunday this year.

So let's say you come out and you don't have your

best event, you lose in your first round.

You still have the opportunity to play

four sanctioned rounds throughout the weekend,

so you can still have a great disc golf experience

here in Emporia.

Also new for 2019, last year's national bracket

qualifiers received $500 when they got to Emporia.

This year's national bracket qualifiers

will receive $1,000 of in-store credit

to the Dynamic Discs retail store.

Applications to run a local singles qualifying bracket

are being accepted now.

And you can go to

to get all the details.

We absolutely can't wait to see who's going to

be crowned the U.S. amateur match play champion

and receive 18 veteran baskets and free discs for life.

(upbeat techno music)

For more infomation >> New for 2019 US Amateur Match Play Championships - Duration: 1:35.


Personal finance for high school students & HOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR COLLEGE - Duration: 12:52.

Money! That is what we are talking about today because I get it as a student

all of the sudden for the majority of teenagers you are now in charge of

paying for gas, extra curriculars, dates, your own food, I mean the list can go on

and on and on about the expenses that you are now in charge of and you know

just throw on top of that that you need to be thinking about and saving for

college how are you supposed to do it? Well today I'm going to share with you

my best personal finance tips for teenagers to help you navigate this hard

time where maybe it's your first time with a job and some steady income or

maybe you're still trying to figure out how to manage your money and what you

should be doing with your money to maximize results. But I've got some tips

for you that I think will radically change the way that you view money and

the way that you look at your personal finance. So I'm Abbi J, I'm a life coach, I'm

a public speaker and for the best tips on adulting and personal development be

sure to hit that subscribe button to my channel AJ Life Hacks and while you're

there be sure to hit that little bell so that you're notified when I post a video

because trust me you do not want to miss a single video on helping you through

school and onwards to your career so without further ado let's continues to

talk about personal finance saving for college and how you can do that with

probably less than a part-time job money can be really tricky regardless of your

age and it's something that I'm pretty fanatical about because thankfully I

learned some awesome many principles at a young age thanks to you know some like

watching other people deal with money good and bad and also reading some books

so that's where a lot of these tips come from but also some of these tips are

coming from pure experience when I was in high school I never had a steady

regular job I had probably less than will for sure less than part-time hours

working and the majority of the money I earned was in the summer with like

family odds and ends jobs like maybe cleaning offices so I've been there and

I know what it's like to you know not have a lot of money and have a lot of

places it needs to go and so my first tip for you in dealing with that

situation is to actually sit down and think and ask yourself these questions

where's my money coming from how much do money do I need and how much

money do I currently get and in about a month I found that that's a really good

period of time to look at and say well you know typically I'm earning this much

by doing extra chores mowing the lawn or helping out at you know I had my aunt at

a cafe so I would work and waitress there sometimes but it was never steady

that might be the case for you or maybe you're one of those amazing all-stars

that has you know a steady regular job please take this time pause this video

and write down what you're doing for your money how much you're making and

how much you need in a month and now that you've got that right you've taken

the time you pause just thought about that you can move on to step number two

which is to figure out a budget now yes I'm sure you know what a budget is I'm

sure you know how to use one but are you using one probably not right and the

secret that I found with budgeting is to just find one that works for you for me

it's an Excel spreadsheet that I break out monthly um maybe it's pen and paper

for you maybe it's printing off a template online the reason that

sometimes like a template is really good is because a lot of times as teenagers

we don't think about all of the expenses that happen to be in our life right

we're like okay I spend this much on eating out and we spend this much on

like my food and gas and that's about it but are you thinking about maybe your

cell phone bill insurance dates dances events you know holidays birthdays

coming up I mean just random stuff can take your money away and

that's why your budget is so critical I've actually done a lot of money I've

actually done a lot of videos on money and so I talk about a budget and every

single one and it's because it's like the fundamental step of like getting

your personal finances in order and so find a system that works for you I'll

share with you a little bit of like what mine looks like but just find something

that works for you and I'll link down below for you

I'll do some homework find some budgeting systems that I think are

really great for teenagers and I'll link those for you below because this is

something you need to take seriously and once you find that system that works you

need to actually fill it out and take the time and say you know what I'm gonna

spend only twenty dollars a month eating out right or the rest of the time

I'm gonna go home for lunch or I'm going to pack a lunch and it's kind of hard to

limit yourself especially when maybe this is your first time with some free

extra cash and you're like I love going to the mall after school every day and

night just buy what I want to buy take the self-discipline that it requires to

put together a budget and say if I spend this much money

I'll have this much or I'll only have to work this much you can start to play

with the numbers and that's why a bunch is fun is you can say hey if I spend you

know twenty dollars less that's two hours list that I have to work at

McDonald's or blah blah blah right so start to play up the numbers and find

some that really feel good for you and do not forget and it's actually step

number three to pay yourself first now paying yourself first means that you

take out a certain amount of money into savings first regardless of a new outfit

that you want to buy regardless of prom coming up you without a doubt always put

out some money to pay yourself first and you set that aside this is the golden

magical rule that will help you save for college like I mentioned I I worked in

high school but it was never even part-time I like cleaned offices I wait

rest' a little mostly during the summer sometimes I'd

earn extra money by helping my dad with his business but I was able to save

enough to pay for my college and also use the help of like scholarships I

couldn't afford at all but I had to use scholarships and I had to continue to

work but I never took out a loan I never had to work crazy hours in college

because of what I was able to save and it might seem so small right now but

that savings is going to save your life later on trust me you will always always

be so grateful that you set aside some money for yourself and set it aside

don't even a lot of people counseled to not like look at that bank account or to

look at that envelope of money and just don't think about it it's like gone

pretend you're like paying somebody what's awesome you're paying your future

self now let's talk about step number four which is probably my favorite step

which is refused to pay full price now if you've been a fan of my channel for a

while you know that I am like avid about garage selling and repurposing I just

think it is the coolest thing that's cent sliced bread I love you know

marketplace and websites where you can like go consignment stores oh ladies all

my clothes come from a consignment store and I love it and guess what when I am

done with a fashion it doesn't fit anymore or maybe it's not my thing

anymore and I kind of regret buying it I take it and I can sign it and either you

can just straight up get money for it when that's sold or you can turn around

and use that money to buy more clothes now that might seem like wow you're just

spending more money well if that's the only money that you spend on clothes

think about all that you will save so some ideas for you in high school use

coupons on dates I know that like sometimes that can be embarrassing just

make it like really fun I remember my mom sending me with a coupon book and

I'd be like hey listen I've got these three ice cream places which one do you

want to go to you know and it just made it fun and it made their date feel more

comfortable because have you ever been on that date where

you know they're just dropping tons and tons and tons of money and they're not

even somebody that you're like really into it's just awkward and so I've just

found that people are so cool about coupons so that all like oh I can't

believe they're like coupon e that's gone so coupon go to consignment stores

um if you actually save up cash to buy some like bigger purchases if you ask

the person and say hey can I get a discount if I pay you in full in cash

99% of the time they're going to say yes just because you ask so do not be afraid

to ask for discounts don't be afraid to look to different sources than you

normally would um all the furniture you see behind me

not one of those things was purchased in a store I either bought them secondhand

or you know got them from a friend and neighbor and redid them or refurbish

them or something else so get creative and save that money you have worked so

hard for it do not give it up easily now before I talk about my last step because

I have to cap it somewhere I could talk about personal finances forever and ever

and ever and ever but if you want a little bit more I have a video called

how to save money even when you're broke and I go into a little bit more depth

especially about that last tip that we just talked about but I think it might

be really helpful for you even though this one's kind of targeted towards

teens and younger audiences money principles are money principles so

please check that one out okay let me give you that last tip which is to study

money a lot of teenagers that I talk to when I give them this tip or advice and

saying have you read you know the richest man in Babylon have you read

Dave Ramsey you have you read like all these books I've reread

you know these and they're like no those are for adults like oh why why would I

read those let's look hard and you're just like oh my goodness you have no

idea the treasure that you are throwing away by not studying money and the

younger you start the better off you are because these books are gonna teach you

how to push your dollar further they're going to teach you you know what to do

your money to help it grow and they're going to also help you understand the

power that you have to manage your money so many teams feel like money's kind of

out of their control but these books are going to help you even further your

personal finance savvy and learning what to do and saving for college is gonna be

a breeze I remember learning at a very young age you know probably a tip of

junior high - into high school when I really started to read some of these

books and it radically changed my life and I can say that in all honesty

because I'm reaping the benefits now I was able to graduate college debt-free

and then right out of college immediately buy my first home and you

know I own all my cars I like own everything you see and so it's something

that will pay off and it might take a little bit of discipline now to put in

the time to read to save right but studying money and to learn how to value

money will make all the difference in the whole world so I'm gonna link down

below some of my very very very favorite money books that I think will just

radically change your life if you will really study them and learn from them

because I know that by watching this video you're somebody that's serious

about your future and I want to make sure that you have the best tools

possible so be sure to check out some of those other videos that I've done on

money I'll also link some videos on you know setting goals some of my high

school themed videos that might be able to help you out in some of the other

areas of your life so be sure to check those out and I cannot wait to see you

in some of those other videos before you leave this one be sure to hit that like

button and subscribe if you haven't yet so I can see you in the next one. So

Abbi J out.

For more infomation >> Personal finance for high school students & HOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR COLLEGE - Duration: 12:52.


Anti-Skid Rock for Bridge Decks | Project Neon - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Anti-Skid Rock for Bridge Decks | Project Neon - Duration: 0:48.


World's Most Beautiful Cottages For Sale Has Amazing Everything - Duration: 4:00.

World's Most Beautiful Cottage For Sale Has Amazing Everything

For more infomation >> World's Most Beautiful Cottages For Sale Has Amazing Everything - Duration: 4:00.


Cardinal Dolan Stresses Catholic Support For Expecting Mothers - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Cardinal Dolan Stresses Catholic Support For Expecting Mothers - Duration: 0:44.


best foods for healthy and strong bones in urdu hindi | health tips in urdu hindi - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> best foods for healthy and strong bones in urdu hindi | health tips in urdu hindi - Duration: 3:50.


Donald Trump calls for "retribution" against NBC after "Saturday Night Live" does "hit jobs" on GOP - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump calls for "retribution" against NBC after "Saturday Night Live" does "hit jobs" on GOP - Duration: 3:41.


Dashcam video shows close call for Story Co. Deputy - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Dashcam video shows close call for Story Co. Deputy - Duration: 0:22.


WBZ Midday Forecast For February 18 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> WBZ Midday Forecast For February 18 - Duration: 3:18.


Preparing for World Championship | Vlog 6³ - Duration: 8:26.

One week until the World Championship

time is flying

now it's time for a new week

as you can see

my hair is pretty long

I think we should start of the week by getting a haircut

one more thing

we are going to pick up a car

before I am going to get a haircut

the car is good to sit in

it will probably be lovely to drive as well

but I can't drive it

but I can be the passenger

that's good

we are going to pick it up

it has to be like this for now



here it is

I like the number

yes, totally random

nice number

this will be really good

yes, very good

sitting in a brand new car is the best

it smells so good

it's insane

we have driven it one time

and we are going to keep this

I can't drive it, that really sucks

but I will be the passenger for a long time

and then we'll see when I will get back my driving license

it has been chaotic

but we'll see

anyways I got a really nice car

instead of training we are going to do an unboxing

just kidding, I have trained

I just have to say sorry for what I'm wearing

the sweater is ok, but the pants...

let's see

we have received a new package

we have received so many packages in the last time

it' so fun

to see what it is inside

I don't know the reason

but I am happy


it was a lot

it was not...

it was

here we have


I just have to open it

it was really cool

really cool

yes, it was

a hoodie

we have received a lot of clothing

I am excited to try them on

I think it was cool that we did a unboxing of it


yes it is

we are not used to this

yes to more packages

no, I'm just kidding

we don't have enough space for this

this was crazy cool

thank you so much to Calimera

we really appreciate it

we are going to use the clothes a lot

yes for sure

we will do


now we have to watch the United match

thanks for today

see you later this week

strength training gets me tired

this is my last session in Trondheim

before I am going to Seefeld

it's one week until the World Championship

time is flying

holy ...

it's crazy

the reason why I look tired it's because I have been training hard

I am just going to let things happen

and then I will feel it coming

and my shape will be...

I think it will be good

I am just going to get finished with the training

and I'll see you later upstairs when I am going to pack my bags

and when I am going to leave

see you upstairs

I am almost done training

I have started packing

here we have some clothing

have you got some help from mum?

yes, luckily she got home from Oslo yesterday

so she could help wash my clothes (23 years old and he can't wash his own clothes:)

I had a lot of laundry

and they needed to be washed

she went to Oslo in the beginning of the week and everything was chaotic without her

but now we are saved

and she has control

I am going to stay in Seefeld for two weeks

I will need a lot of stuff

the most important is...

I think it is

what is the most important?

racing suit and ski boots?

no, we will get that in Seefeld

but ski boots is the most important thing to bring with me

I got four pair of ski boots, I think it's enough

it's a good start

there will be nice weather and sunny

in Seefeld

you will get in Easter mood

8 degrees celcius

maybe we'll get a sexy tan line from wearing glasses

that would have been wonderful


should I film you putting everything inside the bag?

no, you can do that

I can film and you can put all your clothes inside the bag

no, I am not going to do that yet

but one thing we have to do

we have to end this week right now

because today it is Thursday

I am leaving early tomorrow

this vlog will be a little shorter than usual

next week you are coming to Seefeld as well

and that vlog will probably be a little longer than usual

I think we should just keep this vlog shorter

and I hope it will be alright

you are coming to Seefeld on Wednesday

in six days

I am leaving tomorrow

I have to be there for a longer time

I will try to film something fancy things

in Seefeld

but there will not be much

we are just going to train, eat and relax

sounds boring

but you are coming after on Wednesday

you will bring the camera

and a lot of family members

you are going to support me

yes, we are many

you are many people this year

then I'll have to do my best

nothing else to do

but I have been eating a lot of vegetables this week

and I have just been charging

bama and Isklar

and the fishing store at Byhaven

they have been helping me the last weeks

that is the only things I have been eating

we'll see if it helps

it will be exciting

I think so

would you like to hear what I ate for dinner?


brussel sprouts





and cod

what a dinner

it's a green dinner

it is

really green

a nice one

I think we need some help from mum

and we'll put all the clothes inside the bag

let's go mum!

and I'll see you in Seefeld

next week

things are getting crazy now

we just have to say

good luck!

Olas Tutorial

if you saw the last vlog

you could see that our GoPro camera broke

or Johannes thought so

when he got home

I charged the GoPro camera

and then it worked

I thought I could do this as a tutorial for Johannes

so he can learn how to charge the GoPro camera

I have to demonstrate

here I have the GoPro camera

you open the cap on the side

and then you take the charger

and put it in the camera

and then you put the USB charger in a computer or a socket


and then a light will turn on

and the camera will charge

there you go Johannes

a recipe for how to not think the camera is broken

For more infomation >> Preparing for World Championship | Vlog 6³ - Duration: 8:26.


WV man writes album for his late father, proceeds benefit Hospice of Southern WV - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> WV man writes album for his late father, proceeds benefit Hospice of Southern WV - Duration: 2:36.


It's a Girl for Alan - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> It's a Girl for Alan - Duration: 4:41.


Pull for PAL Clay Shoot - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Pull for PAL Clay Shoot - Duration: 2:08.


Local Health Alert: Aspirin A Go-To For Cardiologists - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Local Health Alert: Aspirin A Go-To For Cardiologists - Duration: 1:29.


Bayern Munich stars touch down in Liverpool for Champions League clash - Duration: 2:24.

Bayern Munich have touched down on Merseyside ahead of Tuesday night's crucial Champions League encounter with Liverpool at Anfield

Robert Lewandowski and Mats Hummels were among the big names pictured arriving at John Lennon Airport on Monday afternoon

Thomas Muller, who is banned for the last-16 tie, joined his team-mates on the flight as they prepare for arguably the most important game of their season so far

  BAYERN MUNICH SQUAD TO FACE LIVERPOOL Goalkeepers: Neuer, Ulreich, FruchtlDefenders: Sule, Hummels, Martinez, Rafinha, Awoudja, Kimmich, Mai,Midfielders: Thiago, Rodriguez, Goretzka, Davies, Alaba, Sanches, ShabaniForwards: Lewandowski, Jeong, Gnabry, Coman, Ribery Renato Sanches was seen signing autographs on his return to England after a nightmare season on loan at Swansea, while Niklas Sule and Manuel Neuer both made their way onto the red team bus

 Meanwhile, Bayern captain Neuer is well aware of the dangers Liverpool pose ahead of Tuesday night's first leg

Liverpool go into the mouthwatering tie as narrow favourites - owing strongly to their impressive Premier League campaign

And with Jurgen Klopp's side boasting the firepower of Sadio Mane, Mohamed Salah, Roberto Firmino and Co, Neuer knows his side face two tough games

'Yes, they have very good, fast breaks and aggressive counter attacks but we know that

We saw how they play against teams,' the goalkeeper said of Liverpool's dangerous attacking style to ESPN FC

 'We have to stay compact and have a good plan then we will have good protection for our defence

'I will be watching the way the strikers move and shoot with the analysts.'Liverpool's impressive season differs with Bayern's - who have had an underwhelming campaign by their lofty standards under new coach Niko Kovac

Bayern sit second in the Bundesliga, behind rivals Borussia Dortmund, and Neuer believes their sloppy start is down to the players and not their under-fire manager

'It was our fault, the fault of the players. We gifted so many presents to the opponents, and they took their chances

We didn't,' he reflected.'We were at least equal to every opponent we played against, but we didn't [always] get the points

We have to do better.'  BAYERN READY FOR MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR OF ANFIELD Bayern Munich know they're in for 'A Hard Day's Night' when they visit Liverpool in the Champions League on Tuesday night but that hasn't stopped them getting in the spirit of the occasion

The German club channelled one of Merseyside's most famous exports, The Beatles, with a funny mock-up of the iconic Abbey Road album cover posted on their Instagram account

Mats Hummels, Thomas Muller, Robert Lewandowski and Manuel Neuer, all wearing Sixties-style wigs, walked across an imaginary zebra crossing at their training ground

It was a tribute to The Beatles' famous 1969 album cover which saw John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison walking across a zebra crossing outside Abbey Road Studios in London

The Bundesliga club branded themselves 'The Bayerns: Come Together' on the post, which received over 250,000 likes on Instagram and plenty of approving comments

They have also released a t-shirt with the image printed on it, priced at €24.95 (£21

85) to mark the last-16 tie with Liverpool.

For more infomation >> Bayern Munich stars touch down in Liverpool for Champions League clash - Duration: 2:24.


Firefighters To Shave Heads For Childhood Cancer - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Firefighters To Shave Heads For Childhood Cancer - Duration: 0:24.


Possible motive for Kelsey Berreth ki11ing revealed . friends saw Patrick Frazee as doting father a - Duration: 8:15.

Possible motive for Kelsey Berreth ki11ing revealed . friends saw Patrick Frazee as doting father a

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Mostly cloudy this morning. A few snow showers developing during the afternoon. High 22F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 30 percent ..

Snow this evening will transition to snow showers late. Low 6F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 80 percent . 1 to 3 inches of snow expected.

Updated: February 18, 2019 @ 9:32 am

Patrick Frazee of Florissant was arrested Friday and charged with the first degree murder of his fiancee, Kelsey Berreth, and solicitation of first degree murder.

Patrick Frazee leaves the Teller County District Court in Cripple Creek on Monday . A judge on Friday allowed Frazee to see his arrest affidavit.

Kelsey Berreth, the mother of a 1 year old girl, has been missing since Thanksgiving. Photo credit: Missing Mother — Kelsey Berreth Facebook

Patrick Frazee of Florissant was arrested Friday and charged with the first degree murder of his fiancee, Kelsey Berreth, and solicitation of first degree murder.

Patrick Frazee leaves the Teller County District Court in Cripple Creek on Monday . A judge on Friday allowed Frazee to see his arrest affidavit.

Friends and acquaintances of Patrick Frazee describe the man they know as a hard working rancher, farrier and horse trainer who lived on his familys 35 acre property in Florissant. Some speak of him as an average Joe while others as a caring father who would help anyone.

He was a nice guy, said Tim Graf, co owner of Blue Mountain Ranch, a youth summer camp in Florissant. Graf was in the same graduating class of 2004 at Woodland Park High School as Frazee.

Police suspect Frazee, 32, killed his fiancee Kelsey Berreth, 29, in her Woodland Park townhome on Thanksgiving Day. She was last seen publicly, just after midday Nov. 22, as she was captured shopping with the couples baby on surveillance video at Safeway.

After searching Berreths townhome and Frazees ranch, sheriffs deputies booked Frazee into the Teller County jail in Divide on five felony charges, including first degree murder and solicitation to commit murder in the first degree. Hes been on a no bond hold.

Going back the decade and a half to high school days, those who knew Frazee then said he hung out with other kids from the rural part of the county, was involved in the 4 H crowd, and was an average, unassuming teen.

A quiet guy was all I ever knew, another classmate said.

Now hes the key figure in a sensational murder case that has drawn national attention. Berreths body has not been found, and information about the case has been tightly controlled.

So it was with shock and disbelief that some in the community registered the arrest of Frazee on Dec. 21 on suspicion of murdering Berreth, the mother of the couples 1 year old daughter.

A possible motive for the presumed killing was revealed in an amended complaint filed Friday in U.S. District Court in the wrongful death lawsuit brought by Berreths family against Frazee. In it, they claim Frazee, who had the keys to Berreths townhome and possession of her gun, demanded full custody of their daughter and killed her when she refused.

Frazee faces a scheduled preliminary hearing Tuesday when authorities are expected to reveal for the first time details about the charges. The arrest affidavit and other legal paperwork pertaining to the case, sealed since his arrest, could be released at the hearing, said 4th Judicial District Attorneys Office spokeswoman Lee Richards.

There have been no issues with Frazee in the Teller County jail, said Sheriffs Office Cmdr. Greg Couch, adding that Frazee likely will remain jailed in Divide after Tuesdays hearing.

In the meantime, Frazees associates in the community say they dont recognize the picture of a murderer that authorities have painted of him.

Frazee would respond immediately to help the Two Mile High Club in Cripple Creek, the nonprofit agency that takes care of the towns wandering donkey herd, said club president Clinton Cline.

As a farrier, Frazee trimmed the donkeys hooves several times a year for the past seven years, Cline said, and was on call for burro emergencies.

He was very concerned about the health and well being of the donkeys, Cline said. When theyd get stuff stuck in their hooves from wandering around the streets, hed take care of us.

Frazee had a good work ethic, Cline said, and was very good at his job.

Frazee helped Gilda Dellinger move her horse from Divide to Colorado Springs when she relocated to a new home.

She said shes known Frazee for 20 years and would never have believed he could kill someone.

Hes always been so kind and helpful, she told The Gazette after attending Frazees hearing in January, one of several Frazee supporters at the courthouse in Cripple Creek.

Cline blames the media for spreading inaccurate information since Berreths disappearance hit national news as a missing person case in early December. He said the media has incorrectly portrayed Frazee as a bad guy.

Im shocked and annoyed at how people are acting, he said. Theres been no evidence presented so far. Hes an all around nice guy and a good dad.

Contrary to what has been reported, Cline said Frazee was the primary caretaker of the couples baby, Kaylee, who is now about 16 months old.

Hes been raising the little girl since she was born, Cline said. Kelsey Berreth had visitation, and he had custody.

The Gazette could not confirm the custodial arrangements of the couples child through court documents.

The supposition of innocence held by Frazees friends took a jolt on Feb. 8 when an Idaho nurse pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence in Berreths disappearance and apparent murder.

Krystal Jean Lee Kenney, 32, of Hansen, Idaho, accepted the plea deal at her advisement hearing in exchange for her testimony against Frazee.

I learned Patrick Frazee had committed a homicide, Kenney testified in court, reading from a handwritten statement. Choking back tears, she admitted she moved the victims cellphone with the intent to impair the investigation.

The charge against Kenney is a felony that normally results in up to 18 months in prison, but no sentence will be imposed until after Frazees case has concluded.

Berreths mother, Cheryl, asked Woodland Park police to do a welfare check on Berreth 10 days after Thanksgiving, on Dec. 2, when she was unable to contact her daughter.

Kelsey Berreth, the mother of a 1 year old girl, has been missing since Thanksgiving. Photo credit: Missing Mother — Kelsey Berreth Facebook

The following day, Woodland Park police opened a missing person case on Berreth, with Chief Miles De Young announcing on a national television network that the department was searching for her. He asked Berreth to let her family know if she had simply left the area and was safe.

Cline said that Berreth had delivered Kaylee back to Frazee on Thanksgiving, and that Patrick had no reason to think there was anything wrong.

The child remained with Frazee until he was arrested, and she was then taken by the state Department of Human Services. Although Frazees mother, Sheila, fought for temporary custody of Kaylee, a judge granted Berreths parents, who live in Idaho, temporary physical custody.

Alumni from Frazees high school class started talking about the case after the arrest.

Graf said he and Frazee didnt hang out in the same crowd, and he didnt even remember Frazee being in their class until another classmate mentioned it.

We were all kind of in shock, he said. Its all very shocking and crazy.

Frazee was born in Colorado Springs, according to the county jail log. He grew up in Florissant on his familys ranch and has headed it for years. His father is deceased; his 64 year old mother lives on the ranch. A brother, Sean, works as a Colorado Springs police officer, and a sister, Erin, lives in Larkspur.

Dana Souligny of Colorado Springs wrote on a Facebook page about the case that her sons girlfriend grew up as an acquaintance of Frazee.

She says hes a great guy, and no one has a bad word to say about him, Souligny said.

One expert cautioned that abusers arent easily identified based on their reputations among friends and co workers.

When it comes to domestic violence, appearances can be deceiving, said Sherrylynn Boyles, executive director of TESSA, the Colorado Springs domestic violence prevention organization, which serves thousands of victims annually. Its hardly uncommon for perpetrators to be outwardly perceived as caring.

Victims often describe their partners as very charming, charismatic and kind, Boyles said.

The Gazettes Liz Forster contributed to this report.

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Corriess Bruce Jones slams Universal Credit after waiting five weeks for cash Mirror Online - Duration: 3:13.

Corriess Bruce Jones slams Universal Credit after waiting five weeks for cash Mirror Online

The soap star was forced to claim benefits and move into a caravan after blowing his £1million Corrie fortune

Former Coronation Street star Bruce Jones has weighed in on controversial system, revealing he once had to wait five weeks for cash.

The retired soap star ended up claiming benefits after blowing his pound1million fortune.

Recalling his own dealings with the welfare system, Bruce slammed the ridiculous wait and appalling incompetence of the system.

He told : People are absolutely drowning in debt with the ridiculous waits for the cash it is appalling incompetence that it has got to this.

There are tens of thousands of families on low incomes grossly let down by the Governments failings.

Nowadays we have kids going into school hungry as their families are on the Universal Credit and its not working, he fired.

Bruce, who appeared on the ITV soap between 1997 and 2007, ended up on benefits before and after his fame and was forced to moved into a caravan.

He said: I still wanted to be the breadwinner and found being out of work hard to bear. It was depressing; as the man of the house I felt I should be going out and bringing home the wages.

Bruce last turned to the welfare system in 2015 eight years after he was axed from Corrie.

The star, who played Les Battersby on the soap, was given the boot after allegedly revealing secret storylines.

He struggled to maintain his former stardom after the blow to his career.

In May 2010 it was reported that in order to pay his large debts.

The actor opened up about his battle with depression, speaking out on This Morning in 2012.

He admitted: I just started going for a drink and one drink lead to another... and then I went and got counselling for that,and I realised that if I carried on going on like this there was only one way youre going to go and thats to the grave.

Bruce added: Depression is a thing where youre sat on your own and youre bored, and you dont talk to anyone... and so you go to the pub and you drink it away and try and laugh it off.

A spokesperson for the Department for Work and Pensions, said: Universal Credit is a force for good.

It replaces an out of date, complex system and more than 1.6million people are now receiving support successfully.

Weve listened to feedback and made important changes including 100 per cent advance payments available from day one and extra housing support at the start of someones claim.

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