Hello traders, Hello traders the title of this video
the Elliott wave theory
accurate? that
Is the question is the Elliott wave
theory accurate?
What I was it would free this one today's are asking that question or one I
Want to know the intention one, are you asking that question because
You want to use the Elliott wave theory like a magic one
So that one if while using the Elliott wave theory, you don't have to do any homework or you just buy and sell
Using the Elliott wave theory like an exact science
If that's you then I will say to you know, all right
Right just somebody else that understand that the ego with tearing is a guide to help
technical traders to time the market
Accurately, that's the correct way more accurately. I will teach you. Yes
Yes, the area way Theory will have technical traders to time the financial market more
Alright, so if they were timely market
accurately only fifty percent before or
If another trade a worse time in the financial market as a day trader swing trader position trigger time in the market
accurately only sixty percent of the time before
That person can improve his market timing
okay significantly if we start using
Or if you start mastering or if we start okay using the in the window, okay
principle like an intelligent in your way trader desperate or one so somewhere else that is
time in the market eighty percent of the time a increase it even to ninety percent of the time so that
So the question normally I think this question is the alien way though
Tory accurately is in low eatery accurate
if far the question should be rephrased in a Wednesday is
A video does the area weight Theory have technical traders to time the market
more accurately
Hundred percent - but it is not an exact science
But generally a lot of traders have been there much travel and so traditionally you see stochastic Marty
Do you know karate the parasha bothered and one day they watch a video about innovate theory or they read about it?
All right. I already know somebody who's using it you're having more success than them. They say
Hey, you have to use yellow with you are usually away clearly. That's the magic one
So they start using the end of a theory. All right
Those are three days. All right, they are looking to improve
The app market timing they want to use the IDEO a like an exact science. So they start using the annuity
Not as a guide, but as an exact science, so in that case, we will see to be roasted
Be careful the area with you is know about
Consistent training all the time
Is high a lot Redis to increase the data?
The the efficiency their market timing in to pull the market timing in the furniture market
All right, so you see here. I'm looking at Google stock. So I contact my weight correctly so fast way, all right
W/s why wait for me in this second way?
All right, then we have the term
We'd actually subdivided into one two or three four five and all the trouble we expecting a fourth way
So while we were here we tell to this that okay
Google stuff will pull back a bit in fact of posted a video
But anyway, three that jump or whatever celebrating accurate any long before huh? So in this case
when I look back, I will say my a new account is actually
Now I can say that okay
The are the time when I'm counting the way I know that the price can print something completely different
But when can we see that our a do we count of a Leo with four cars exactly? It is after the consummation
We have an expectation
And our expectation is fulfilled. Therefore. We have the right to say that the alien theory is
Sometimes you'll be amazed
They know it will be almost hundred penalties. We will focus it. Okay
So with me sometime today we'll forecast
the whole mochi way as soon as the first and the second wave is
Completed using what we call the fractal pattern the structure of the first
Wave at the second way we forecast what is going to happen during the training time
and what is going to happen to the quality file and some stock will obey you and we complete every
so in that case you can go around shutting about it or three times by any away count is
Accurately read exactly exactly. I know that time can be tinta was a one stroke of Microsoft stock
Energies are she another example? Yeah, yeah or my future
So recently I move. Okay. You see this when we work on a fifth wheel. I think it was somewhere here
So we have an extension
Should we say here? It was accurate we can see that it was
Partially accurate because we know that the chief will come in extended. So we are just our
wave count
Accordingly the fifth way I'm talking about here is the fifth matter wave of the turbine. So we were talking about it
So we ended somewhere in this region
Okay, I don't know where I put it before. Alright, here it is
Is it accurate is partially accurate?
So new traders lead us the first question that we are which is no more
Probably there are other traders out there asking the same question. Why should I bother to go to?
Learn about anyway who I should have put up with George funny accent watching all his video about anyway
Alien with you
Can had technical trader? Alright, so improve his market tummy
So what does it affiliates you're not off for ordinary trainers? Ok?
Are looking at this chat. So we all look in retail. Yes or no?
Alright, so why do we look at each other to understand without a shoe bag or shop?
So while you're tested we are try to interpret any price, Virginia Soto
Or do you know each other who are not using in your quit the Ori do not have fun anything about what a price tag?
Alright I
Do not have any expectation. You don't know where the price is likely to go
So you might in the financial market you want to buy a sound and you don't have any idea at all
Okay, what is likely to happen now? You shouldn't be in a phone OSHA Bakula talk
That's a hard thing to say to some traders honesty. Alright, that's it
Very very hard to sit by it's true, but we all got it
Well, you are in the market until you learn about anyway
You do your own thing that I was showing is to trade us a look
We see here this is Activision's talk, ok here again look harder
- well, so come one years ago third wave fourth way. Alright we talked about this fourth realized
This is this setup lifestyle between the two six 1.8. And it once this one play a bubble about that
I post it at a deep for three days Fibonacci extension. Nah, blah blah. Okay, I'll video God only 40 view. Oh
My god, what's that?
Fourth week not a few food extended. Look at that
Not only the fuel is a standard Horan
Now the structure or a fifth man away or a fifth way is aimed in diagonal
before this shaft move
down any your way through this
Accurately was expecting that now we can say they may actually be caught the waist button. It is not extra trial for them
That this moon is shutting down
It's virtually happen but its fifth man away. What a fifth way is attending diamond
So I leave it to you
Is the earlier way of theory accurate is it theory so in order to make it accurate?
You should start making all right
You should start making
accurate trading decision
That's it. It's a theory
Theory is long victory is not going to trade for you
Now you can learn victory and you yourself use it to improve your market timing making
Accurate trading decision. So an
Excellent trigger that must change the area of a theory that is using it
Accurately as the right to say that the hell your way theory is accurate
Until you have mastered it theory and start using it more accurately
You'll be save all over the place that is not accurate that it is the mumbo jumbo. I won't waste my time on that
So this is a short tutorial about is the alien wave theory accurate
What in a normal condition it's accurate when the pride is confirming with wave a for passion
so this we complete our discussion to then the box is the alien wave T or it accurate if you want to learn more about
the idiom with a
theory go to
WWE is calm dg2 did for Elliot waves in pure
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We are reaching STW 24 or traders talking about is the Elliot wave
Are correct. What do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section do you think is perfectly accurate?
Do you think that one does not need to master it there one can just use it anywhere. Anyhow, let us know the comments session
Happy to meet you all and I will speak to you soon, or do you want to talk about something else?
You have another question put in a comment session. Thank you for watching
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