Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 18 2019

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don't overload the processor be sure to vote in our online poll Robo crook

incompetently dangerous or dangerously incompetent neither he's a hero hero hi

some lunatic any refrigerator tore up the bank Don what are you doing wasting

your time on your computer a real job never occurred to you mama I have a job

it with tough enterprises under the best scientist in the city for free yes it is

an unpaid internship but believe me big things are happening

Plateau pollito I do believe in you this is getting a lot harder is all you want

to do so much you'll have all the right intentions but you can't do everything

at once what do you actually want to be well doctor dear Luce is working on this

daily battles is on soy Diego you're lost

replate de espera the witch was both

you still want your 7:00 p.m. takeout Pat I know I want him and the spring

rolls bring me the spring rolls doctor you're loose don't you think we could be

doing more than just these reflex tests are you asking for a lunch break I'm

saying look at all the amazing things you can do are you crazy the core

processor is still unstable it can't handle multiple actions mr. McDuck said

he'd cut my funding if another quote cockamamie invention goes haywire huh

that girl is haywire glowing hey to allow farmers to work after dark so

right funding play it safe this suit is a prototype I'm not gonna risk all my

hard work because you want a wife dint lunch I heard lunch that's lunch


I can figure out how the soup works then I can tell them what fenton crack shell

Cabrera can do first to ballpoint pointer this will be easy don't you

start with me today dr. gear loose some kid as a junior woodchuck robotics badge

candidate I was able to trace the wheel tread at the bank-robbery to one of your

patents bank robbery the armored Avenger who stopped the bank robbery you created

a superhero for Duckburg didn't you I had some ideas I could I just what oh

that's some human interning piece I'll show him not to meddle with my darlings

barb austin cream

hmm he's somewhere close behind get down here this instant

the extendo absent for putting boxes on high shelves not for

For more infomation >> DuckTales | Who is Gizmoduck?! | Episodes 2 - Golden Bear - Duration: 3:59.


This is what 280 bananas sound like - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> This is what 280 bananas sound like - Duration: 4:34.


Breaking News Out Of The V.A.- This Is Sick - Duration: 8:05.

Department Of Veterans Affairs Official Sentenced To 11 Years In Prison For $2 Million Bribery

Scheme Involving Program For Disabled Military Veterans

A Former U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs (Va) Official Was Sentenced Today For Demanding

And Receiving Bribes From Three For-Profit Schools In Exchange For Enrolling Disabled

Military Veterans In Those Schools And Facilitating Over $2 Million In Payments From The Va Using

The Veterans' Federal Benefits.

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski Of The Justice Department's Criminal Division,

U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu For The District Of Columbia, Special Agent In Charge Matthew

J. Desarno Of The Fbi's Washington Field Office's Criminal Division And Special Agent

In Charge Kim Lampkins Of The Va Office Of Inspector General (Oig), Mid-Atlantic Field

Office Made The Announcement.

James King, 63, Of Baltimore, Maryland, Previously Pleaded Guilty To An Information Alleging

One Count Of Honest Services And Money/Property Wire Fraud, One Count Of Bribery Of A Public

Official, And One Count Of Falsifying Records To Obstruct An Investigation.

King Was Sentenced By U.S. District Judge John D. Bates Of The District Of Columbia

To Serve 132 Months In Prison To Be Followed By Three Years Of Supervised Release, And

To Pay $155,000 In Restitution To The Va.

Earlier This Week, Judge Bates Sentenced Three School Owners And Employees Who Admitted To

Bribing King.

Albert Poawui, The Owner Of Atius Technology Institute, Was Sentenced To Serve 70 Months

In Prison And Ordered To Pay $1.5 Million In Restitution.

SomboKanneh, Poawui's Employee, Was Sentenced To Serve 20 Months In Prison And Ordered To

Pay $113,000 In Restitution.

Michelle Stevens, The Owner Of Eelon Training Academy, Was Sentenced To Serve 30 Months

In Prison And Ordered To Pay $83,000 In Restitution.

"James King And His Associates Exploited An Important Va Program That Provides Valuable

Services To Our Disabled Military Veterans," Said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski.

"This Prosecution Once Again Demonstrates The Justice Department's Commitment To Hold

Accountable Those Who Seek To Defraud Government Programs For Their Own Personal Enrichment."

"James King Blatantly Betrayed His Responsibility With The Va To Provide Job And Educational

Counseling To Disabled Military Veterans Who Turned To Him For Help," Said U.S. Attorney


"Instead Of Helping Our Veterans, He Lined His Own Pockets By Taking Bribes To Send Them

To Three Sham Schools That Brought Them Only Pain And Frustration.

Today's Sentencing Holds Him Accountable For This Breach Of Trust And This Waste Of

Taxpayer Money."

"King Tried To Use His Position To Enrich Himself At The Expense Of Veterans Who Have

Honorably Served Our Country," Said Fbi Special Agent In Charge Desarno.

"Today's Sentencing Makes It Clear That Such Activity By Anyone Affiliated With The


Government Will Not Be Tolerated.

The Fbi Will Work Closely With Our Partners To Continue To Aggressively Investigate Allegations

Of Corruption."

"We Are Pleased To See Mr. King, A Person Who Abused His Position Of Trust And The Veterans

He Was Supposed To Serve, Sentenced Today," Said VaOig Special Agent In Charge Lampkins.

"This Sentence Sends A Clear Message That VaOig Is Dedicated To Prosecuting Those That

Take Advantage Of Va Programs That Are Intended To Help Our Veterans And Their Families."

According To King's Admissions Made In Connection With His Plea, The Vocational Rehabilitation

And Employment (Vr&E) Provides Disabled U.S. Military Veterans With Education And Employment-Related


Vr&E Program Counselors Advise Veterans Under Their Supervision Which Schools To Attend

And Facilitate Payments To Those Schools For Veterans' Tuition And Necessary Supplies.

From 2015 Through 2017, King, Using His Position As A Vr&E Program Counselor, Demanded And

Received Cash Bribes From

For more infomation >> Breaking News Out Of The V.A.- This Is Sick - Duration: 8:05.


Sadhguru - If there is no person there is just life ! - Duration: 14:52.

Questioner You spoke about becoming a salt doll

and plunging into the ocean but what is that state like when you are a salt doll

but you have not yet plunged, what is… like can you describe that state what it is?

Sadhguru: Aah, can somebody run to the kitchen and get a spoon-full of salt,

put it in his mouth, he will know how it feels.

Salt is good only if in a small quantity it mixes with something, only if it mixes.

If you found this big ball of salt in your sambar… if it mixes then only it's good.

It's merged, if not with the samundar [Ocean] at least with sambar;

only when it merges with something, it is good.

If it sticks out, salt is bad, you know.

So that's how life will feel, if you stick out, that's how it feels.

Most people on this planet do not know a moment of absolute ease,

forget about blissfulness, forget about ecstasy, forget about anything else, they do not know

what is ease.

It's the most basic thing; lot of other creatures know this.

You see, a dog has eaten well, okay totally at ease.

Human beings do not know what is ease; most people do not know what is ease.

That's why they have so much disease.


To simply be able to sit here, just to simply sit –

no, it's going on all the time.

So that's how life will be because you're too full of salt.

You know these terms are used in so many different ways.

When we say salt, it's the essence in a way.

If you say 'salt of the earth' it means the essence of it you've taken.

So when we say you are a salt doll or if you become one, it is the essence.

The essence of your personality right now is just

your ideas, your emotions, your opinions, a bundle of prejudices that you carry;

this is what the essence of your personality and this may be hugely fired by the karmic


Memory, this is what makes you who you are.

So this is your salt.

The essence of your personality is just what you remember of yesterday or the previous


We just wipe out your memory, from all levels, not just from your mind,

including your body, if you wipe out all memory, there will be no such thing as a person anywhere.

If there is no person there is just life.

If there is just life, if you sit here, just as a piece of life, you will throb as


If you throb as life, you will instantly experience that life is

happening in tandem with the whole Existence, never separately because it cannot exist separately

and never ever has it happened separately, always one with everything.

It is only your personality which is happening separately.

That is the salt - your ideas, your opinions, your philosophies, your ideologies –

when you complicate your ideas it becomes an ideology,

your emotions, which are just another expression of the same thing,

your prejudices – another expression of the same thing.

Essentially you are investing in your memory or essentially you invest in that which is


You are an undertaker.

Your business is with the dead.

All the time your life is about what is over.

Everything that you are is about what is already over.

So because you are an undertaker, you will live in a certain jumpy condition.

Sadhguru: It once happened, Shankaran Pillai went to New York City,

got into a taxi and the taxi driver was driving to a certain


Being an Indian who has just landed in America, he wants to talk to everybody;

after all we are Indians.

So taxi driver he started talking, talking, talking

and then taxi driver also opened up.

And then, when the destination came nearby, he wanted him to stop.

So he put his hand in that small opening and touched him on the shoulder,

'I want to stop here.'

The taxi driver jumped out of his skin and lost control over the car

and went and hit a tree and went up the tree and stopped like this.

(Gestures) And Shankaran Pillai had a bleeding nose

and he said, 'What?

What did I do?

Why did you just jump like this?

I just wanted you to stop.'

He said, 'You don't understand,

last thirty two years I've been driving a hearse; (Few laugh)

never ever, my customers ever (Laughter) did this.'

(Laughs) that is you know he's been working for an


So his customers are always dead and today when the customer touches him on

the shoulder, phoo

he lost it.

And most human beings are living like this, they are jumpy about everything;

they are jumpy about everything because they are living with the dead.

If you live with yesterday, you are living with the dead.

Please understand, look at this carefully.

Everything that you are, your personality is crafted

from that which is dead.

Your eyes are colored with that which is dead; from what happened yesterday, you look at


So you are living with the dead and in case something alive happens, you will

be jumpy, you'll jump out of your skin.

(Laughs) You will see (Laughs) ..

when we initiate people, something comes alive little bit,

people are jumpy what's happening.

You are coming alive (Laughs), you've been dead for a long time.

This is called raising the dead.

(Laughter) See, how to address the larger issues of my


There are no large issues in

your life.(Laughter) What is the large issue that you're talking about?

It is just about what job to take?

Which girl to marry?

Where to go for vacation?

Where the whether to get married or not get married?

You know these are the things, isn't it?

These are not large issues, these are little things in your life, yes

or is it just a small thing whom I get married to?

I'm not saying it's a small thing but as an issue it's a small issue.

Little issue.

As a consequence to your life, yes it has many things but this is

something that human beings have done for millions of years.

We have enough experience on these things, isn't it?

(Laughs) We know that whatever job we take, whoever we marry, it is just the way we make

out of it.

Every experience of life you can make it an enriching experience, every

experience in your life you can make a curse out of it.

See there is nothing wrong in your job whatever job

you're doing.

There's nothing wrong getting this job, there's nothing

wrong in losing this job, there is nothing wrong in getting married, there's

nothing wrong in getting divorced, there is nothing wrong in not getting married,

there is nothing wrong in anything, there is nothing wrong in this or that, but it

is just that you make misery out of it that's wrong.

You do this you make misery out of it, if you do that you make misery

out of it.

That's what is wrong with you.

So you got married, is it wrong?

That's not the point.

There's nothing wrong with it.

You did not get married is it wrong?

No there's nothing wrong with it.

That's wonderful too.

You got divorced, is it wrong?

No, that's also wonderful.

It is just that you make misery out of everything that's what is wrong.

You just address that one issue everything will be settled.

That's what we are looking at.

How not to make misery out of everything?

If this one thing is settled everything is settled, isn't it?


If you know how to walk through this world joyfully through marriage and

divorce and celibacy and everything, if you know how to walk through this

joyfully, what is the problem?

Whatever you do is beautiful, isn't it?

(Laughs) That comes next.

(Laughter) If you don't even know how to be happy, don't have such goals as a realization.

They are very far away from you.

See, you are just dismissing something very fundamental to your life with a stupid definition.

Happiness is not just a state of mind, it is just the basis of the quality

of life that you live here, isn't it?

Is it such a small thing happiness?

Oh it's just a state of mind, is it a small thing?

So biggest issue, isn't it?

[Questioner :] In your book you have written, this is the minimum thing to do in life, is

to be happy.

[Sadhguru:] Yes.


[Questioner:] And if I do that the entire life, will I be fulfilling my life?

[Sadhguru:] No.

No, I didn't say that.

I said, if that is not possible forget realization and all that nonsense.

It's not even in your sphere, if you are capable of going through this world joyfully

then you could talk about going beyond.

If you are not even capable of going through this joyfully, talking

about beyond is no good.

There is no way.

I'm telling you.

There is simply no way.

For a person who is constantly creating in your battles

all the time, how will he deal with the bondages of life and how will he transcend


There's no question, it doesn't arise in your life.

So first thing is working towards to be a blissful human being,

if that happens the rest becomes very simple because a blissful human being

once your happiness is not at stake anything that's needed you will do,

isn't it?

Right now you cannot do what's needed because always your happiness is at


You are thinking what which is the right thing to do, which is the right

thing to do.

There is no right thing to do in your life.

There is no wrong thing to do in your life.

If you know how not to make misery out of everything that you do,

whatever you are doing is the right thing.

If you are making misery out of everything that you do, everything that you

do is the wrong thing.

So that's the only issue you have to look it.

(Laughs) Others are all petty things, what does it matter which

way you do it.

For more infomation >> Sadhguru - If there is no person there is just life ! - Duration: 14:52.


WireCrafters is Organized - Mondays With Milt - Duration: 1:51.

- This week on Mondays with Milt

we're gonna talk about how ISO Certification

has changed the way we do some things around here.

Stay tuned!


Welcome to another episode of Mondays with Milt.

Today, once again, we're out on the production floor

and I'm inside one of our welding booths.

Now we've got about twenty to twenty-five

of these booths throughout the facility

and one thing we really pride ourselves on

here at WireCrafters is our ISO Certification.

Part of ISO means that everything has a place

and if you look at this board behind me

we know exactly where the push broom is,

we know where different welding tools and templates are.

We know where the small hammer is versus the large hammer.

We've got the welding pry bar, the scraper,

the welding pliers.

All of these things are labeled

and whenever they're used, they're brought

right back and put on the spot.

We do that at every booth that we have

here for all the welders, that way

we don't have guys running around

trying to find tools.

Everything is right here and it makes

them so much more efficient.

That's the reason we can get product out on time.

We can have a much better labor cost

because we're not wasting time.

If your company's not ISO Certified,

maybe you should think about it.

It really helps bring your cost down.

That's all we got this week.

We'll see you next week on another

episode of Mondays with Milt.


For more infomation >> WireCrafters is Organized - Mondays With Milt - Duration: 1:51.


Who is Tahith Chong? The Man United wonderkid who could feature against Chelsea - Duration: 7:36.

 A surprise name could make an appearance for Manchester United in their FA Cup fifth round tie away at Chelsea tonight

 The Red Devils were dealt a massive blow with the news that Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard have not travelled with the squad to London after sustaining injuries in the 2-0 defeat against Paris Saint-Germain last week

 With his forward options somewhat stretched, United's interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has named talented youngster Tahith Chong in the travelling party and there's a chance he could feature at Stamford Bridge

 It's not the first time Chong has been included in the United first-team squad this season

 He did so against Juventus in the Champions League back in October, the 2-0 Premier League win over Newcastle United at the start of 2019 and made his senior debut in the FA Cup third round against Reading

 With that said, here's everything Chelsea fans need to know about the teenager who could make his first senior start for the Red Devils tonight

Who is he?  Born in Willemstad, the capital city of the Caribbean island nation of Curaçao, Chong is a 19-year-old winger who grew up in the Netherlands and was a part of the Feyenoord youth set-up from the age of 10

 He joined Manchester United in the summer of 2016 and immediately was given his chance in the U18's set up, although his debut season ended prematurely after suffering a cruciate injury which kept him the sidelines for almost a year

 Chong has since made a full recovery and is touted as one of the United stars of the future

Who else was interested before Chong joined Manchester United?  A number of Premier League clubs were said to be tracking Chong whilst he was at Feyenoord  At one stage the Blues had found themselves in pole position for his signature only to be hi-jacked by the Red Devils, meaning tonight they could see first hand as to what they missed out on

 The story of how United swooped in has been explained.   "Tahith was spotted when he was a 14/15-year-old playing in a tournament at Carrington

What used to be the Nike Premier Cup," Derek Langley told the  Manchester Evening News

"He had already been tipped by our scouts in Holland and basically I followed him at that tournament and then I followed him all over Europe

 "Tahith's parents would be the first to tell you that his form dipped slightly due to growth issues so at that time, so I just held fire

I carried on watching him and realised his form was coming back.  "He was on the verge of signing for Chelsea and I managed to convince his parents and the boy his future lie at United

" Where does he play?  Touted as a potential replacement for Anthony Martial on the left-wing, it could be that Chong comes in for Jesse Lingard on the opposite flank should Solskjaer make the bold decision at start the teenager

 He has featured on the left during his younger days but much like the Frenchman, the Dutchman prefers to cut in on to his stronger foot - his left - and has featured primarily on the right flank for United

 Chong also has an eye for goal with seven to his name across all competition this season

What's been said about Chong?  "Tahith has hit the ground running in his time here and I think he's just a fantastic professional

He has the right attitude to training and looks after himself really well off the pitch," said Kieran McKenna, United's former U18 manager, via the Manchester Evening News

 "He's really personable and good with the staff and players, which has helped him to settle in quickly

On the pitch, everyone has been excited by his performances; he's an eye-catching player

 "We'll just keep pushing him to add to that with an end product so he can add goals and assists, as he has been doing, and can have a bright future in the game

"  "He was good. He came with the intention to show, and in a moment where we have no strikers on the pitch, Martial was the only one and then he left, so we needed people to create, have some initiative, which he did," said former Man United manager Jose Mourinho

 "The action for the cross for the goal is a beautiful action. He was enthusiastic, he was confident to play

 "Of course physically he has his limitations, and when he has one more touch and he allows that body contact of course he loses it, but when he makes the ball move and attacks people one against one, he has quality

He's a good kid." What have the Man United fans said about Chong?  Some Man United fans have been in full support of Chong starting against the Blues

 When it became clear that Martial was going to miss the trip to the capital, the most logical replacement for the Frenchman was Alexis Sanchez despite his struggles since arriving from Arsenal over 12 months ago

 However, a large portion of United fans sent a message to Solskjaer ahead of Chelsea fixture and was not good news for the Chilean forward

 In a poll ran on the Manchester United MEN Twitter account , 42% of supporters voted that they would rather see 19-year-old Tahith Chong start on the left against the west London outfit instead of Alexis

 Marcus Rashford was the fans second favourite choice behind Chong, while Sanchez received 19% of the vote and Juan Mata got 5%

 That proves just how highly the 19-year-old is rated amongst the United fanbase

 Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the freefootball

london app for iPhone and Android.  Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Who is Tahith Chong? The Man United wonderkid who could feature against Chelsea - Duration: 7:36.


Lewis Hamilton and his ex Nicole Scherzinger home video 'is leaked' - Duration: 2:41.

Avideo of formula 1 star Lewis Hamilton kissing and cuddling his ex-girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger was leaked online by hackers

Mobile phone footage shows the pair, who split in 2015, lying on a bed together while being intimate

The two-and-a-half clip has been viewed by at least 286,000 times since it was shared, according to The Sun

A source told the newspaper: 'Nicole will be heartbroken that such footage has found its way online'

The private film of former X Factor judge Nicole, 40, and sports star Lewis, 32, was reportedly not intended for the 'public domain'

After a rollercoaster eight-year relationship, the high-profile couple decided to split for the fourth and final time in 2015

Scores of celebrities have had private pictures published on the internet, including Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence whose nude photos were leaked in 2014

Others who have had private pictures leaked online are Emma Watson, Sienna Miller, Tamzin ­Outhwaite, Nicole Scherzinger and Rhian Sugden

Hundreds of stars are concerned their iCloud accounts and other online sites could be compromised

Last year a man was charged with hacking into more than 250 iCloud accounts of Hollywood stars

George Garofano, 26, pleaded guilty to unauthorized access to a protected computer to obtain information in connection to the 2014 'celebgate'

For more infomation >> Lewis Hamilton and his ex Nicole Scherzinger home video 'is leaked' - Duration: 2:41.


J.B. Holmes' one-stroke win at Riviera is overshadowed by the 5 1/2 hours it took to cap the comebac - Duration: 3:49.

PACIFIC PALISADES, Calif. — On Sunday, J.B. Holmes erased a four-stroke deficit at the start of the final round of the Genesis Open to win by one over Justin Thomas

Given the difficult conditions—a disjointed week that included playing multiple rounds in the same day because of inclement weather at the start of the tournament, plus chilly temperatures and wind gusts upwards of 30 m

p.h. on the final afternoon—it was an impressive performance, even if Holmes was aided by and four-over 75 on Sunday

Hey, someone had to claim the title, and Holmes did enough to be the one holding the trophy at the end when plenty of others didn't

A win is a win."Always thought that would have been a better chance for me," Holmes said of the nasty weather

"Usually when the conditions are crappy, I do better."It didn't hurt, either, that he took his time in doing so

The final threesome of Holmes, Thomas and Adam Scott played in 5 hours, 29 minutes

Most of the slow-rolling came at the hand of Holmes, long considered one of the biggest culprits in the game of playing at a glacial pace, as he plumb-bobbed and dawdled his way around Riviera

Not that he seemed to mind."Well, you play in 25-mile-an-hour gusty winds and see how fast you play when you're playing for the kind of money and the points and everything that we're playing for," Holmes replied when asked about the topic following the victory

"You can't just get up there and whack it when it's blowing that hard."On one hand, he had a point

The conditions were difficult, and Riviera is a difficult golf course.On the other, Holmes' group found itself a full hole behind the group in front of them for nearly the entire round

Still, they were never put on the clock, or so much as warned to pick up the pace

"I'll tell you my thing on slow play is it's never going to change," said Scott on Sunday night, in which he admitted that he told the PGA Tour he'd be willing to intentionally take a penalty to make a point

"Until television and sponsors say 'No more money,' slow play ain't going to change

"He ain't wrong.That doesn't mean it's right, either.Pace of play has for decades been a topic of conversation, with many griping for the game to move faster

Yet in a recent anonymous player survey from Golf Magazine when players were asked if they played at an acceptable pace, laughably, 100 percent responded yes

But when an average NFL game is just past 3 hours, an NBA game around 2½ hours, and a Major League Baseball game 3 hours, golf is asking a lot when it comes to taking 5½ hours to play, even when it is the final group

It's not always as simple as move faster. And it's not always better when players do—Jordan Spieth's 30-minute bogey on the 13th hole during the final round of the 2017 Open Championship at Royal Birkdale, and Tiger Woods' stalking of the 16th hole in the final round of the 2005 Masters before chipping in were great theater

But in most cases it is."It was slow," Thomas admitted of Sunday's final round of the Genesis, adding that wasn't the reason he didn't play well

It also wasn't a good look, for the tournament, or Holmes, especially if it causes people to tune out instead of tune in

Why else? Put it this way: Will you remember the final round of the Genesis Open more for Holmes' or Thomas' performances? Or for Holmes' pace of play?When slow play becomes the topic of conversation—on social media, on CBS' telecast and among fans at Riviera—as much as or more than the guy who won (or lost) the tournament, that is a problem

Which is just as unfortunate as the fact that slow play is something that doesn't appear to be improving or going away anytime soon

For more infomation >> J.B. Holmes' one-stroke win at Riviera is overshadowed by the 5 1/2 hours it took to cap the comebac - Duration: 3:49.


Zero-Mile, Jaw-Dropping Ferrari J50 Is For Sale - Spare A Kidney? - Duration: 2:32.

Over the past decade, some absolutely stunning supercars have rolled out of Maranello's gates, like the LaFerrari hypercar and the 488 Pista

However, we think the J50 is the best-looking production car to emerge from Ferrari in recent memory

Built to celebrate 50 years of Ferrari operations in Japan, the J50 is based on the 488 Spider but has a unique exterior bodywork

Production was capped at just 10 units, and now one of them seems to be for sale.An ad was recently listed on James Edition, but details are scarce

All we know is that the J50 being sold is located in Japan, comes with a title, and only has delivery miles under its belt

Ferrari never publicized the asking price for the J50; however, it is believed to have retailed for €2 million to €3 million ($2.26 - $3.39 million)

Price for this zero-mile example is available on request, although the exotic car market being what it is, it's very likely the original owner is selling it for a significant premium

As the J50 is based on the 488 Spider, it uses a 3.9-liter twin-turbo V8 delivering a very healthy 680 HP to the rear wheels

And while the interior is largely identical to the 488's, the bodywork is truly unique

Every exterior panel of the car is new and the front fascia incorporates a wide mesh grille with thin headlights and a hood with two massive air intakes

In addition, the J50 sits on bespoke wheels, has an overhauled engine cover and decklid and, unlike the 488, features four taillights

Some may dismiss it as Ferrari milking its customers with a dressed-up 488 Spider

For Ferrari fans and petrolheads alike, though, it's a piece of art – and a very fast at that

For more infomation >> Zero-Mile, Jaw-Dropping Ferrari J50 Is For Sale - Spare A Kidney? - Duration: 2:32.


James Bond 25 to get re-write after news release date is pushed back two months - Duration: 2:30.

It's only been a day since the news Bond 25 has been pushed back two months was announced

The film was set for a Valentine's Day release in 2020, but now it's set for Easter, April 8, 2020

Now there's another upset - a new screenwriter has been reportedly hired to work on the script for Daniel Craig 's final Bond outing

According to The Playlist , Eon Productions has got Scott Z. Burns on board to rewrite the script originally penned by Bond stalwarts Neal Purvis and Robert Wade

The report says Burns won't be just tinkering with the script, but instead a big script overhaul has begun

The Playlist dubs Burns "one of the top emergency rescue script doctors in Hollywood"

" If your script is hemorrhaging, he's one of the first people you call," it reports

He worked on Ocean's 12, The Bourne Supremacy and Widows as well as Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Burns had been working on The Report, and apparently had already been asked to work on Bond 25, but was kept busy with the other film

Now The Report is done Burns is free to help out. The news is yet another hiccup for the next Bond movie, with director Danny Boyle leaving earlier in the process

He was replaced by Cary Fukunaga. Bond may be on rocky ground at the moment, but the new Easter box office opening may work in its favour

The franchise also always manages to draw in audiences, and with it being Craig's last Bond film there's the extra interest

Skyfall became the top grossing film in the franchise taking in $1.1 bullion worldwide

Spectre in 2015 earned $880 million. Bond 25 is due for release in cinemas on April 8, 2019

For more infomation >> James Bond 25 to get re-write after news release date is pushed back two months - Duration: 2:30.


Man City News - Gundogan reveals why the Champions League is so important for Manchester City - Duration: 4:09.

 Ilkay Gundogan claims Manchester City must win the Champions League to become part of world football's elite

 City have reached just one semi-final in their seven tilts at European club football's greatest prize and Gundogan admits they should have lifted the trophy at least once

  Europe is the last unconquered frontier for City, having won every domestic prize, and Gundogan says they would rank beside the likes of Real Madrid and Barcelona if they could win the Champions League

 "We've experienced a lot in the Champions League in recent years - not all of it positive, of course, and we should've won it at least once," said the Germany midfielder

 "Every club, every team, every single player would like to lift this trophy some time

The competition to win it is so big year in, year out, so your chances are not that good, but there's a team that wins it every year

 "If you want to be in the international elite, as a club and as a player, you need to clinch this trophy

  "If we were to win it someday, the club would enter a new era - the same level as Real, Barca, Bayern or Juventus

"  City are expected to take the next step by overcoming Gundogan's hometown club Schalke in the last 16

 The first leg is in Gelsenkirchen on Wednesday and Gundogan accepts City are hot favourites because of the club's contrasting fortunes

 Pep Guardiola's men are powering towards an historic Quadruple, while Schalke are struggling in 14th place in the Bundesliga, yet Gundogan says they should still be wary

 "We are clear favourites in this tie and rightly so," he said. "However, every team in the last 16 has earned the right to be there

 "Because of that, we'll respect our opponents and prepare for it as if it's a final because it's the knockout phase and every mistake can be severely punished

"  Gundogan, 28, spent the first 18 years of his life in Gelsenkirchen and recalls how his backyard was his first football pitch and some garage doors his first goals

 "I grew up in Gelsenkirchen-Hessler, where we lived in a flat on the ground floor," he said

"We had two doors and behind the back door was the backyard, where there were around 20 or 25 garages

 "My brother and other friends used these garage doors as goals and played football there until it got so intense, the garage doors got broken

 "My father then had to replace the garage doors. He was mad at us and screamed at us out the window, but we didn't really listen to him and kept playing

 "I now have the opportunity to fly to Gelsenkirchen with Man City and play football

Who would have thought that? You move out of the Ruhr region, into the big wide world of football, to England and the Premier League, and then come back home in the Champions League to play football


For more infomation >> Man City News - Gundogan reveals why the Champions League is so important for Manchester City - Duration: 4:09.


Franck Ribery ready to face Liverpool after all as he is added to Bayern Munich squad - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Franck Ribery ready to face Liverpool after all as he is added to Bayern Munich squad - Duration: 6:28.


Dear Abby New mother with untreated postpartum depression is obsessing over a baby death oregonli - Duration: 2:22.

Dear Abby New mother with untreated postpartum depression is obsessing over a baby death oregonli

By The Oregonian/OregonLive

DEAR ABBY: I recently had a baby, and I have been diagnosed as having postpartum depression. I have tried all of the prescribed medications but took myself off them because of the side effects.

The issue Im having is I read a news story about a tiny baby who was scalded to death years ago by his mother. I think about that precious baby all day long. I cry, I scream and I have anxiety about hot water.

I started following the case closely its in another state and have been spending my hard earned vacation money ordering depositions and other documents from the case. I want some kind of closure on this, but I cant seem to let this poor baby go. My money is limited, which is why I cant/dont see a therapist. Any advice? OVERWHELMED IN GEORGIA

DEAR OVERWHELMED: Have you informed the doctor who prescribed those medications that you stopped taking them, and why? If you havent, you should.

It is important that you talk with a mental health professional about your obsession over the death of that baby and how it is affecting your life. Because money is limited, contact your county department of mental health and ask what services are available on a sliding financial scale.

Please dont wait to reach out. Your own baby needs love and care, and that should be your focus.

DEAR ABBY: I recently started a band with some close friends. At the beginning, everything was going great because we all have similar tastes in music. However, recently the lead singer has gotten more and more attention seeking.

It started out small where he would make jokes on stage and try and get a laugh out of people. But now hes getting really outlandish, wearing crazy outfits and overall just acting ridiculous. How can I help him get back to just caring about the music and leaving the antics behind? EAST COAST MUSICIAN

DEAR MUSICIAN: You have my sympathy. Tom Hanks wrote and directed a movie about this subject in 1996. It is called That Thing You Do! If you can locate it, I am sure you will find it interesting.

As destructive as the hardships of being constantly on the road have been for performers in the music and entertainment business, ego can be equally so. Your bandmate may be trying his best to upstage the rest of you or may think a gimmick could excite your audience. Try talking to him about it, but accept that you may have to replace him. If thats the case, be sure the person you hire has the same vision for the band that you do, so this wont happen again.

DEAR ABBY: What is the best way to approach a co worker regarding body odor? A number of people in my office have noticed it, and its creating a problem when someone has to sit near him during a meeting. We dont want to cause hurt feelings, but we really need him to be aware. KEEPING OUR DISTANCE IN PENNSYLVANIA

DEAR KEEPING: This could be a medical problem rather than poor hygiene. Because its a delicate subject, one that could be embarrassing for everyone concerned, this should be discussed with HR, the persons supervisor or the boss depending upon the size of the company.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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