Hello, hello and welcome to another
episode of Teaching with Inquiry Live.
Tonight I have a question for you, Have
you ever wondered whether or not there
was a way for you to get assessment done
and you could collect data, but you
didn't actually have to mark a thing?
I think that for all of us teachers that
might sound like a pipe dream, but using
technology is definitely a way you can
leverage what we've got, and all of the
tools that many of us have access to in
order to help us to alleviate some of
the marking stress especially, when
we're talking about the formative
assessment that we are constantly
collecting day to day on our students
that helps to inform our instruction.
Tonight we're going to be continuing
this theme for the month of May where
we're going to be talking about
technology, and how we can use the tech
that is in our classrooms, or that is out
there on the web, and how we can use that
to leverage what's happening, and
leveraged that tech so that we can get
more done in a more efficient way. And, we
maybe feel a little more comfortable
with the tech and the tools that are out there.
When talking to some of my colleagues
using Google Forms is what we're gonna
be talking about primarily tonight.
Using Google Forms,
is something that not a lot of teachers
I think are using, and I think that means
that it's the untapped product out there
that we can really be harnessing to help
alleviate some of that stress.
On another note, I have been using some
Google Forms with my students and
experimenting with them how they work in
the classroom. The feedback that they are
giving to me is that they want me to
keep and continue to use Google Forms
because they're really liking the
feedback, and the constant check-ins that
they're getting from the
information. Tonight I'm going to talk
to you about all the different
applications that use Google Forms
in your classroom that I have
experimented with, and how that's worked
out for me. I'm also going to walk you
through the very basics. I'm going to
show you how I created Google Form in my
classroom, and walk you through what that's
gonna look like, so that you could sign
off of this video and walk right into your own
Google Apps for Education account, and
make form ready for your students
tomorrow if you are hyped, or maybe
next week when you have more time
planning by Sunday. Google Forms is
the way that I can capture a ton of data
without ever really marking a thing.
That doesn't mean that it takes all of
and data through update on
different things. Some of the way that
I use Google Forms is to--
formative assessment uses whether or not
that's an exit card or a lesson review,
a video viewing guide; if they've watched
say science and social studies.
If they have a quick check understanding
whether or not it's a self-assessment or
reflective piece of feedback that they
are then sharing with me and it all can
be entered in through google form which
gives me the flexibility to change how
I'm going to use it. You can also use it
to give feedback to your students
immediately. It's all automated so
you set up as you're setting the form
itself, and it will generate feedback
based on student's answers. And it's
immediate for student; and that's what
the students are really liking is
they're loving the fact that they can
watch something, they can watch a lesson,
they can do an activity, they can go
check quickly for their understanding,
and if they get the questions right, that
is an instant and can tell them where
they were correct.
It also lets them know where they were
incorrect and maybe an area that they
need to be focusing more on based on
that feedback; that's immediate.
I don't have to touch it in terms of
marking. It's just the prep to set it up
which doesn't take a ton of time once
you get used to it. Also, it's really good
because it allows me to capture the
status of a class. One of the best
features for the Google Forms is that in
their responses, it allows you to see the
data in spreadsheets; in graphs. So you're
not looking just at a page and page and
page of numbers. There is out a
analysis that goes into it that Google
does automatically for you by giving you
a nice handy little pie chart sometimes
that'll help you analyze the information
that you're getting from that Google
Form; which saves you a ton of time when
you're using this as a piece of
formative assessment because it's quick
to inform your instruction the next day.
Quick question for you watching
tonight; How many of you have ever used
Google Forms? If you have used Google
forms before, give me a thumbs up in the
comments. Let me know what you're
comfortable with and whether or not you
can use them or not. If you've never
used them, I'm sure there's another emoji that
you can use to express whether or not you have
never used that before at all. Which is
totally okay because I am still
experimenting it myself. I also really like to
use google form as a way to capture
routine data such as a sign out form, or
parent-teacher interview, or even other
data analysis because for me in
terms of I input information in there
because I really do like the chart and
data that it gives to the end.
It means I don't necessarily have to
analyze that myself. One of this
things that I really like about using
Google Forms is the idea that you
can add quite a different host of
options when you're making a form.
For instance, I'm going to shift my screen
here with you here so that you can see what
a Google Form will look like, and you get
started. This is just a few of my
Google Forms. In order to get started
you're just gonna click the plus sign
here so that you can open up a new form.
You're going to have to bear with me
here sometimes the tech is a little slow
when I'm sharing it. This is the start
for all forms. You can change this
background here and you can give
yourself a title and a description for
students to use.
Nicole Says, "I just saw it used in a workshop,
but have forgotten about it until now."
I'm hoping that this video for you Nicole in particular,
you can save it and, then, when you forget
it, because it's like almost the end of
the year save it, and then maybe you can
use it again for the next year if
maybe it's just too much at this point;
which is totally okay. This is where
we start; this is your general form.
There's lots of different options. When
you click on this little flower gear
button; this is kind of the heart of how
you're going to use it. If you're just
collecting information
you can just keep
it as a form and you can allow them to
end after they've submitted which is
good if you're thinking about like a
parent-teacher interview, or you want
them to be able to go back and change
things if it don't work. My favorite
now is the ability
to make a Google form Quiz. Because the
ability to use a quiz means you can give
answers and you can choose the correct
answer which it gives your students
feedback right away. So, when you choose
"make a quiz" it allows you to police the
grade right away for students and, then,
they can also have missed questions.
It gives point values for each, and it
also tells them the correct answer.
If you don't want them to know the
correct answer because you want them to
go back and edit after they've done it
to go do the second time, then, you just
can just uncheck these boxes, and that
will change how your form interacts.
Once you have the form, you are going to
give it the tittle. For instance, right now
my classroom we're learning about
fractions, so, we can do "Mixed and Improper Fraction"
For example, you can also say
you're doing fractions; converting
Fractions to Decimals. If you can choose
the title and all of that. And then,
you're going to go on to your question.
Some of the great things about why--
They keep changing Google Forms and
these are some of my favorite features
that are being used right now, and
something that I have already been
experimenting with some tremendous
value. If you're looking at this section
over here; this is the different things
that you can add. You can add a different
question, you can add an image to
your form so you want to make it pretty
or add something there at the top. This is
the one that I'm finding really useful,
and that's adding a video. Sometimes I
really want students to watch a video
prior to using their form especially
using a say a flipped classroom; we
talked about last week. So, you just
simply head on over to YouTube, click
the share button of the video you found,
copy that link and head on the back of the
Google Form,
and paste the YouTube link right there
in the YouTube box, and it'll find it. Click on it, and click select, and there
it is. My students are complaining--
you do have to resize it. They are complaining that
it plays that very small windows, but
do resize so that it plays much bigger
for them. Their little eyes
apparently don't like when the videos
are super small. They asked me to make
them bigger which is something I have to
figure out. Once you have the
video, you don't want to put questions
after it because it doesn't bank
video down to the bottom
So, you make a new
section. Now, you can put in the answers
to the question that might be
the answer that you might want to put in
there. If you want multiple answers--
So you're going to add a question here.
If you want multiple answers, then, you're not
actually gonna pick multiple choice,
you'll pick checkboxes if there's more
than one correct answer. If it's just a
traditional multiple choice with one
answer correct with multiple choice-- and
seems pretty straight forward, but I
assume that if I picked two correct
answers that it would allow my
students to pick two correct answers, but it
doesn't. I learned the hard way and
frustrated students. If you have
multiple correct answers,
it's a checkbox, and it's just one answer,
it's multiple choice. Also short answer
is great if you don't want to give them
options, but there is a correct answer.
If you asked the question convert 1/2 to
decimals. If you didn't
want write the 1/2 you could just
insert a photo of fraction there, you
can see this little button here, it would
allow you to then enter in the photo of 1/2.
You can have that and say convert this
fraction to a decimal and you would see
the picture of the friction written in
proper formatting. It doesn't allow you
to format it correctly here in Google
Forms, but my student have adjusted
really well with that because, they're
going to see that frequently,
especially when they are typing
their answers. This is going to be most
likely how they're gonna type it.
In my short answer I will add my answer
here, and mark all other answers as
incorrect. I'll give the option about how I
want them to be writing that decimal.
So, either 0.5 or .5 depending on how
they're going to write it, but both of those
answers would be correct. And, then, I have
that there for them.There with intervals
we click on we want to change
that so that they would get one point.
It's handy when you make them worth
point values; forms does respond better
if it's a quiz, for that and then you can
go back to edit question, and then you're
done. They would just answer that
question. You can add as many questions
as you want, you can add different
sections. If you want to add a new
videos for them to watch, add a new
section, add the video, add a third, or
fourth section for the question.
That's a really easy way to quickly get
that information. If you look at this; this the
triangle form that I created with my
students so, they have answers here.
You'll notice that there are a few
questions one at the bottom where there
were two answers, and it's a multiple
choice. This is exactly where I was
telling you where I picked the wrong
option. It's trial by error.
This is a really deep feature that I wanted to
show you tonight. That is the ability
for students to upload a photo they've
taken of their work right into the form
which I think is just amazing especially
in math. If I've given them the
instructions here to draw triangle ABC
and I've given them the values to draw
that triangle, well, they're not going to
be drawing that triangle on device, but
they will be drawing that triangle with
a protractor on a piece of paper.
Because I have iPads in our classroom,
I can get them to quickly add a file to
that form, and I can choose a kind of
file that they add. If I go to preview
the form to see what a student would see
on their view, it's not gonna give me
permission to do that. So, you would tell
them what kind of image they're opening
and it's pretty straightforward;
they take the picture, there's a few
check boxes that they have to go through,
but once one of them figures it out, they
all get it, which is great. This is
really handy for me. If you look at
the responses I did say that you look
at the responses by
question, it'll tell you based on
questions how many they got correct and
that there's some ungraded responses.
So, if I look at this student here there's
some ungraded responses for them and
there it tells me right away what things
that they did not get correct. So, that
gives me feedback right away as to what
it is that I can work on with them. If I
want to see this spreadsheet of all of
their data can click there, or it can
also print their responses as well.
I find that really handy to be able to
track how my students are doing in terms
of the summary. I've got a little
chart here that tells me information.
This one tells me a whole bunch of
information because there's some
ungraded parts. This is another way
I've used Google Forms as I said
in this Google Forms there are routines.
One of the ways I used it as a bathroom
sign out form. I don't have this
implemented my classroom this year
because we're still looking at
babycentre February, but you have a
regular classroom dyno form where they
have to write. I'll use this one near as a
signup form with my students and it
prompted them-- so, I put a QR code right
outside my door, and they
took their iPads, they scan the QR code
and it popped them up and had them
select who they are by their name,
and then why they were leaving the
washroom, and what time, how many times
they'd sign out. So, they tracked that.
And it prompted them that if they have
signed out a third or fourth time that
they needed to seek me with their agenda.
That was always interesting.
My favorite part was in the responses,
I quickly got to see who was spending-- just
based on this pie chart, who's spending
the most time in the washroom based on
my data which I thought was really
interesting. How many times, I've got some
second repeat offenders and I got some
people who were going three times and
four times. Most of the
students were going the first time, and a
couple of students were going two times.
It's really these kids that I needed
to kind of pay a closer attention to as
to how many times they were going out
and why. That would
gave me a lot of information in
terms of who was using the washroom the
most. I've also used it for
parent-teacher interviews as well as
conference feedback. Another way I
use it is for self-assessment. This is
a student writing survey that they fill
out after they've written something and,
then, they go through and write response.
It prompts them to go to different
sections based on their response. So, what
type of writing did you complete,
continue to the next section. If they
completed a narrative or a personal
narrative it will prompt them to go to
this next section, if they completed
non-fiction it would prompt them to go to
different sections based on their answer
for section one, you can then tell it
if you answer this in section one go to
this part in section two; which is also
really handy. This is actually
available; this writing, because
it is a bit more complex because it's
got a whole bunch of different places to jump to,
you can actually get this one in my TPT
store. Once you have it, it is
completely editable by you as well.
Some of his math pieces are also going
to be in the bonus file in my Math
growing bundle products. You'll find
those. Every once in a while I like to
slip in some freebies in to that bonus.
The bonus folder that's in that big bundle
when you buy the full year bundle
for the math. Alot of this stuff gets
popped in there while I'm working on it
so that you can test it out and kind of
get quick access before I put it in my
store. I'm really finding Google Forms
really handy for my classroom. It is a
great way to capture quick data for my
students. My students are absolutely
loving it. They are responding really
positively to using Google Forms in
our classroom. In terms of getting it
to students-- I saw Dawn posted a
comment that she's still getting used to
using them more frequently, but
technology is limited. You can do
this with a-- if you have a set of even
one or two iPads, even ask if there's
families that have older iPod Touches.
With my bathroom sign out, we either used
iPads but I also have an old iPod Touch
that had a camera, and it allowed you to
go into the Google Forms and complete
that, so, some old-- if you have an old
phone that no longer has a sim card, but
still has a camera and access to the
Wi-Fi that might be in your room,
you don't need a huge device
in order to be able to use some
of the more procedural forms. Again, I was
just using an iPod Touch for that form.
I do only have 7 iPads in my classroom, so,
in order to move students through some
of these math forms we do use guided math
centers, where students have access to
using that tech and using
those forms at one of the centers that
they rotate through the week. That's
somehow I manage
those forms as far as just taking
and sharing is another one. If you don't
already have tech that's assigned to
your classroom or shared equally for you
to use it, I do think that is
something-- if the ability to advocate as
to the fact that you need tech in your room
at the point of instruction not always
in a scheduled period once or twice a
week say in a computer lab. It does
become more handy to be able to use
these kind of tech tools in a much more
flexible way. It's often something that
you need to propose, and it is changed
for many teachers how a lot of things
have been structured in the past, and
moving things forward using tech in your
classroom. You really do want the tech in
your hands at the point of instruction
so that you can use these forms in a
more flexible way. Allowing students
to bring in their own devices for
instructional time only is also really
handy to up the amount of tech that you
have in your room, which makes the burden of trying to share a limited number of
Tech between a lot of students much more helpful. That is all I have for
tonight. I really hope for you that
looking at how to use Google Forms and
seeing some of the possibilities of how you
could use Google forms in your classroom
has given you some ideas of what you could do.
I would love to see how you're using
Google Forms in your classroom. Please
feel free to put a comment down below of
all of the different ways that you are
using Google Forms in your classroom.
If you're catching this on the replay
through YouTube or through the podcast
please hop on over to Facebook, and leave
a message on the video letting me know
how you're using forms. As I said, I have
just started really digging into how I
can use Google Forms more frequently
with my students, and I'd love to hear
your ideas of other ways that these can
be used throughout more applications
than the ones I've mentioned tonight.
Thank you very much for joining me,
I really appreciate the fact that you took
your time tonight to watch this video
and come back every week to catch
other episodes. So, again, if you if you want
to read more about how I usable forms in
my classroom please head on over to
www.madlylearning .com
where you have access to the blog post
that will correspond with this episode.
If you want more information about the
Teaching with Inquiry Live show that we
do every Monday night at 9 p.m.
head on over to the show page at www.teachingwithinquiry.com,
and you can catch this and all the
previous 50 episodes that we have done
over the last year; you can catch them on,
and links to all of their content on there.
Thanks very much for tuning in
tonight and we will see you next week on
our last technology topic for the month
of May. Actually, next week is the long
weekend; so it's not going to be next
week and because it's going to be
holiday Monday here but the following
Monday will be our last week where we're
talking about tech in the classroom for
the month of May. We will see you in
two week's time. Thank you very much for
joining me, have a wonderful week.
Bye for now.
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