Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 31 2018

I guys TheKemp here and welcome back to another video, so... Yes. I did get MVP++, for free, for 30 days.

And no this is not a tutorial saying:

"Hey, you can go to appnana and you can spend all your life

trying to get some points and then when you've got enough points

export to PayPal and then waste your life on this MVP++ thing you just bought." No, it's not that

basically mineplayer or gaming destiny decided that he was going to challenge me

to win three games of whatever he chooses in a row now

I think that was like mainly skywars

And I think there were there was like one of the game I think we did

But basically he said, any game I choose win three games in a row

Against me, and I give you MVP++ for 30 days. How unlucky. Oh my god

There's like two unlucky people that's actually sad.

So I didn't actually think I was going to win this because I think

Like me win about 50 50 percent of the games like he wins 50, I win 50 if we're actually playing skywars

He wins more of them as he has like kits in skywars

I don't. But I was like why not if an opportunity strikes?

You might as well not waste it. And by the fact that if I say hello in chat and it says MVP++...

I've got a feeling I won three games now for some reason

I didn't actually record it except for like a few parts with like the record that feature in like the built-in Windows screen recorder

but even if that my audio sounds a bit weird, like quite a low bitrate and it didn't actually record any

desktop sound except for the game itself, so

you'll just have to suffice of that also like

Some games were a bit more fair than others. You know, you're not even visible anymore

Wait, stand on the lapis..


Okay, I cannot I'm recording right now. Yeah, I'm recording. What is this?

I don't understand. I actually do not

Okay, you are there. Are you not there oh, okay good to know

There you go

So one more game (if im right?)

*Epic music*


It. On my screen it says victory

But I fell before you! Okay, that is

that is

that's like


Also, I would have like partially used mineplayers perspective in this video, but he hasn't uploaded his perspective

Yeah, like it's been two days and he said oh, I'll do it tomorrow

No, he didn't. He just didn't

So yeah if you made it so far, hit the like button and

Expect many abusing MVP++ videos in the next 30 days

For more infomation >> GETTING MVP++ for FREE!! - Duration: 3:31.


How To Pay For Nursing School (2018) - Duration: 5:52.

In this video I'm going to tell you 3 ways you can pay for nursing school without using

student loans.

Hey there friend, I'm Christina Rafano with and today we are

talking about how you can get through nursing school totally debt free.

Yes, it is possible!

You CAN go to nursing school and not take out a single loan.

And how do I know?

Because I did it myself.

So yes, it is 100% possible to get through nursing school without using student loans,

credit cards, personal loans, or any other debt, and I'm going to walk you through 3

ways to help you make that happen.

So the first one, obviously is WORK.

Now, I know there's some nursing instructor out there that hates my guts right now, but

seriously friend, you CAN work during nursing school.

And better yet, you CAN work your TAIL OFF during nursing school and seriously make some

bank to pay for school.

Work in the evenings after class, work on weekends, holidays, and school breaks.

Work during any time you can squeeze out of your schedule.

It is totally possible to find a flexible enough job where you can change your hours

to fit your school schedule.

Now, here's a sticking point that I see a LOT of students fall into.

They say, "Wellll....I really want to work at that big shiny hospital over there during

nursing school because that's where I want to work as a nurse."

And that is FANTASTIC!

I'm so glad you have that goal, but here's the deal: if you are strapped for cash and

going deeper and deeper into debt every day, you need a backup plan like, right now.

You needed a job yesterday.

So I love that you have that goal of working in that hospital during nursing school, but

right now, you need a job, and you can't wait for that hospital to hire you.

I would definitely keep chasing a job over there, but in the meantime you need to be

making money honey.

So go out and look for a job that's flexible enough to work around your nursing school


And great news!

There are so many jobs out there that are actually looking for someone to work evenings,

weekends and holidays, so you have that going for you.

So bottom line, my friend, get to work.

Now if you're working during nursing school right now, let me know in the comments below

and tell me YOUR best tips for making it through.

Now the second way to pay for nursing school without using student loans is to find scholarships!

There are so.many.

Scholarships out there it's insanity.

And not only are there scholarships out there, but there are unclaimed scholarships out there.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard about businesses putting a scholarship out

there, that no one applied for!

So check with your adviser at your school, or go to your school's student aid office,

reach out to local businesses or your church to see if they will sponsor you, or do a quick

google search for scholarship databases, there are many.

And here's where a lot of students get stuck, they don't apply for scholarships worth a

lower amount than the others.

Which one would you choose: a scholarship worth 10,000 dollars or a scholarship worth

500 dollars.

Of course, you'd want the 10,000 dollar one, but so does everyone else, so there's going

to be a lot more competition.

Of course, I still want you to apply for that 10,000 dollar scholarship, but you should

also be applying for all the little ones too, because those add up!

You'd be leaving a lot of money on the table by not applying for them.

And now my last tip, is to find a company that will sponsor you or that you can contract


So something like, they'll pay for your schooling in exchange for you working for them for 2

years, or something like that.

I see those all.the.time, and not just at hospitals, but smaller clinics or private

healthcare facilities, too.

They need great nurses like you will be, and they may be willing to pay for your schooling

if you agree to work for them after you graduate.

Now don't get stuck here either.

Even if they don't have an official ad or an official program for this, stop into their

office and ask.

Make a list of the smaller healthcare facilities, clinics or offices in your area, put on your

game face, and go get yourself that contract.

They might need nurses, and it would be a win-win for both of you.

You get nursing school paid for, and they get an AMAZING nurse.

Alright friend, those are my top 3 ways to get nursing school paid for without taking

out student loans or other debt: get a job, get as many scholarships as you can, and find

a company that will sponsor you in exchange for you working there after you graduate.

If you're working during nursing school, let me know in the comments below and tell me

your best tips for staying sane while holding down a job in nursing school.

And if you liked this video, let me know by hitting that like button below, sharing it

with your friends that need to hear this too, and of course, don't forget to subscribe and

hit that bell because you never want to miss a video.

Thanks for watching friend, now go become the nurse that God created only YOU to be.

I'll catch you next time on the nursing school show.

For more infomation >> How To Pay For Nursing School (2018) - Duration: 5:52.


Don't Miss This Adorable Moment From Trump's Signing Ceremony For 'Right To Try'(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:53.

Don't Miss This Adorable Moment From Trump's Signing Ceremony For 'Right To Try

and now we're gonna help a lot of people gonna help a lot of people so it's an

honor to be signing this and if if I might I think I'll present I think I

have to do this run I have to present this good-looking guy with the first pen

is that okay you don't mind right okay good I'm gonna do that

I want to finish up by talking about something you will be involved with

today the signing at the White House you will be present for that the right to

try bill it passed Congress the president will sign it you'll be there

for it what do we need to know about this legislation so think about this

imagine that you went to your doctor's office today and we're given a terminal

diagnosis you have a terminal disease that you're gonna die from for which

there is no cure now imagine getting the same diagnosis

but then finding out that there is a promising cure for that disease that is

in clinical trials right now but you can't get access to it because the

federal government is blocking your way that happens to literally thousands of

Americans every year and so President Trump is signing what's called a right

to try law today which gives terminal patients the right to try to save their

own lives in many states be a your viewers have heard of right to die laws

which give terminal patients the right to end their lives this is a right to

try as the opposite it's asically says that if there's me if you have it if you

have tried every fda-approved treatment and have exhausted all those options and

there's an experimental treatment that your doctor recommends for you you don't

have to go to the federal government and beg them for the right to try that and

that's that's it for most people that's an absolute no-brainer and good for

President Trump for signing it it's clearly legislation you're very

passionate about the right to try Act they'll be signed by the president the

White House you'll be there 12:15 p.m. Eastern Time today and that mark thanks

for being here this morning thank you god bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> Don't Miss This Adorable Moment From Trump's Signing Ceremony For 'Right To Try'(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 4:53.


3 Step Process for INSTANT Manifestation (Law of Attraction Secret) - Duration: 18:17.

This video I'm going to be sharing with you the three step instant manifestation process

that I think can totally change your life is a very simple process that if you start

to apply, things will happen easier and quicker than ever.

Welcome back to another video.

My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you that three step manifestation process

for instant manifestation.

Now what this does is this increases the probability of things instantly happening because we start

to really embody the resonance with that version of us with that reality.

Then we are able to perceive of that because in essence the outer reality that we experience

is a reflection of our internal state, of being, of our internal beliefs and who we


This is something that I've realized.

I have studied people that have had and created great amount of change in their life in a

very short amount of time.

I've realized that applied this in my own life in many ways.

I remember about a year and a half ago when I used to have my old job.

I had the intention and it was a very subtle type intention.

It wasn't, this wasn't something that I was really, really desiring and really, really

like thirsty for in a way.

This was something I more so just had like this kind of playful type energy, which is

important, which I'll talk about and I was going into my job where I worked at Barneys

New York at the time.

I had the intention of buying a new car and meeting somebody that could help me to do

that in a way.

So like I knew I had some friends that had auction license that could go to auctions

to buy cars for very cheap and I didn't, wasn't able to get ahold of any that would go to

the auction or have the ability to go into the auction to actually do it.

They had, they knew other people that could do it.

However, after having that attention and going into my job that day, I just kind of light

with it.

Just kind of playing around with it and then I was just going throughout the day I was

just working.

I was helping people and towards the end of the day I had a lady that I ended up helping.

She was probably about 30, 32 years old and I could tell that she had like this real business

type face.

Like she just, I could tell she was a really hard worker.

I could tell she was very successful at what she did.

I could just kind of get that vibe when you've been doing sales for a long time, which is

what I did before I did youtube full time.

I could kind of tell and read people really well.

And uh, then we connected.

We actually got along really well.

We connected.

We ended up talking for like an hour and a half, two hours, and about 30 minutes into

the conversation she told me.

I was like, what do you do?

Is like, I could tell that you own a business or something.

She goes, I own.

There's this place here in Vegas.

She owns a car dealership and it's like a used car dealership, but she owns a car dealership

and we started talking about how she got into it and how she invested some of her money

and her uncle had the auction license and then now she has it and she owns a, the auction

and she can get cars like Nice cars that would normally go for 20 or 30 k, she can get them

for like 10 to 15 k. so, uh, she, we connected and I sold her a whole bunch of shoes and


She really liked me.

She said, if you ever need a card or anything, let me know.

I was like, actually I am looking for this, this or this.

And she was like, I'll, I'll get it for you.

You show me exactly what you want to text me, what you want.

The different years, have different models and I will go in and I will get you that car.

So within about a day of having that intention, it being barely light, it was something that

just kind of popped on my feet or somebody just walked in to work.

Talk to some lady, you know, either the two or three other people that could've been helping

her, but I was the one that was able to assist her so it was just kind of cool the way synchronistically

everything happened, but there's three step process to doing this and I've taken and I've

broken it down into three easy steps that if you apply will make it so much easier for

you to do.

And also this is from studying the book called becoming supernatural and this is by Dr Joe

Dispenza and it has to do with people that created radical change in their life through

what you would call miracles and whatnot through re pattern patterning, their brain, their

emotions for what they want.

It uses neuroscience and to understand it.

And I thought it very powerful.

So these are all kinds of principals from all of that that I think you can apply that

can make all the difference.

So the first step to this process is what is called pure intention.

Now normally intention in general is very powerful.

Intention is like the desire and the the pinpoint, a direction of what you want to experience,

think of desire or think of a intention in a way like the sale of a boat without the

sailboat boat you've just created remains stagnant in the water with the sale of a boat.

It puts you in the direction if you want and you just moved the sale where you want to

go and intention is that direction.

What you want to do is you want to put the intention, the direction of your focus on

the outcome of what you want to experienced, and if you start to set more intentions in

your life, you will start to see a big difference in your life in general.

Now, I'll talk to the difference between pure intention and intention that is charged with

some type thirstiness, but just understand that intention is a.

I get up in the morning, I have an intention to film a video like I'm doing right now.

After this, I'm going to have the intention to edit the video, then go to the gym after

that and are so.

There's certain intentions that I have, those are like outcomes and if I didn't set those

intentions, it would be less structured and that's not necessarily always bad, but I wouldn't

get as much done, so I find it.

Intention is very powerful for not only productivity but also set intentions for just things to

happen, like when you're going and getting into your car to go somewhere, are you setting

the intention to have a safe drive?

Are you setting the intention that when you go and have a conversation with someone that

you connect with them at a deeper level?

If you start to set these intentions, I'm telling you, you're going to start to experience

more of what you want because whatever you focus on is what you shift to it.

If you set intentions, you're setting your focus and you're more likely to experience

those in your life.

Now, what is the difference between charged intention and pure intention?


What you want to have, it's called pure intention.

Pure intention is when it is not connected to a thirstiness for it.

So for example, if we really, really desire something and we don't feel it in the present

moment, we don't feel like we already have it.

We'd create this gap of resistance in between where we are and where we want to be.

So the key to this is more so understanding pure intention.

Now, pure intention is you have a desire to go into your kitchen right now, pour a glass

of water and drink it.

It's just the intention you have now, maybe from a certain level you are a little bit

thirsty, but you're not thirsty, like dying of thirst in a metaphorical type way.

You're not like, I wonder if I can go get a glass out of the kitchen and fill it up

with water.

I wonder if I can go do this.

I wonder if I can go outside and uh, go for a walk down the street.

It's just pure intention.

You're like, I can go walk down the street.

I know I can do it.

There's just this pure energy about it.

But when we say things like, I want to instantly manifest a million dollars, there's a little

bit of resistance with that, unless our beliefs are aligned to it.

I'm sure there's billionaires that can instantly manifest a million dollars and that's just

a whole different paradigm.

So what I mean by this is pure intention is when you're looking at the outcome and you're

able to feel and observe it from a more neutral point of view, and maybe you can have a desire

and a passion for it, but it has to be a passion, not the reassurance and the present moment

that is not already here.

So it's about understanding how you could do that.

Now, an easy way to do that is to look at something that you do have pure intention

for like getting a glass of water and drinking water and looking at the way you feel with


Looking at how natural that is for you and seeing it as natural for you to fulfill the

intentions that you have.

I see it as natural for me to go out and we get the right place at the right time.

I see it as natural for me to always be doing things that I love to do and for people that

I enjoy being around, to be around them.

I just see it as natural.

Therefore I synchronistically and we're linking up with those people and it happens very fast,

so the first part of that is pure intention and nonetheless to be focused on that outcome.

So whatever it is, be focused on at the second step has to do with open mind, miss having

an open mind to how things will happen.

You see, this is the thing.

If we instantly want to create something or our life and we're limiting the ways that

that could come into our life than we are blocking it out and we won't instantly experience


Time is an illusion anyways.

We think instantly, oh, that's like, you know, that's too quick, or time is an illusion.

The only moment that exists is moment right now and we experience more of what we want

when we learn to embody the emotions we want, which we'll talk about in a minute, but also

we aren't limiting the expression through which that could come into your life.

You see the best case scenario that our ego can imagine, that our mind can imagine.

The best case scenario is only the floor for that have what is called our higher mind,

our higher self, and if we set the intention, we are then in a way moving the energy, but

then if it's coming through our mind and we have all these blocks and then you're also

not have connections in our mind of the ways it could come to us.

We create blockage within us and then we don't actually perceive of what could already be

around us.

Manifesting what you want instantly isn't about bringing that over there into here.

It's about making the invisible visible because of your own resonance.

Everything exists here and now in this moment is the only moment that will ever exist because

by the time the future gets here, to be this moment now, when it was the past, it was still

the now moment from a different point of view.

What I mean by this is everything you want to experience is about resonance.

And when you start to embody it, you make the invisible visible.

Now the higher mind is always giving us the emotion, the emotion, the passion is the body's

physical translation of what we'd love to be doing, of who we really are.

And our higher self, our higher mind is guidance in that direction.

But when we start to limit ourselves and we say, oh, I want to create, um, let's say I

want to create a new job.

So if somebody is like, oh, I don't like the job I have, I'm going to find a new job.

And they're like, OK, the only way that this can happen is I have to go down.

I have to go down to a company, I have to put in my resume and I have to talk to the


The only way it could happen, what happens is that person is blocking out them, going

out to lunch with friends and having somebody else that is there as well that owns a company

or that knows somebody that works for somebody else.

It's like I can just get you in.

You see the brain will block itself out of all the different opportunities if it isn't

open minded, if there's not that open minded type attitudes, so how do you do this?

You detach from the outcome.

You're detached from how you trust the process.

You focused on the outcome and this knowing that things will happen the way they're meant

to happen because as you do that, you open up the realms of possibility for things to

happen instantly.

It's about the embodiment of that trust you have in the universe, so the intention, that

pure intention, the open mindedness to how things happen with the understanding that

the ego mind does not know everything.

Trust the higher mind, trust your higher self.

Trust that part of the universe and it will prove itself back to you, but you have to

trust it because if you don't trust it, then you're saying, I'm not too focused on what

you're gonna do for me.

I focused on what I'm going to do for me and I'm going to do it all, and then you pay all

this weight on your back when you're carrying around this luggage and you're trying to go

places and trying to get things done, but guess what?

That you'd go.

Doesn't know everything.

The universe can work through you if you allow it,


what does the third way and step the process to really instantly manager, so this is important.

This has to do with resonating with that reality you want to experience with having that instant

manifestation resonating with it in the present moment by connecting your heart center to


It is all about the emotion.

I've said this before, but it is literally one of the most powerful things that you can

begin to apply in your life.

Understand that whatever you want to experience in your life is because the emotion that that

thing will bring you feels better and that's what you want to experience.

So knowing that even though you want a new house and the house brings you the emotion

of feeling, that spaciousness, a feeling, the freedom of feeling just like you are expressing

the desires that you have in life, that that is who you are.

Living in a really nice house and being in the right location, being able to entertain

other people, the emotion that you'd have to be able to entertain friends and family

and a very beautiful house.

Having a nice backyard that you can, uh, relax in.

Those are all any motion of something that, that will bring you.

Even though you think that you want just the hundred thousand dollars, but what you really

want is the emotion that will bring you.

You want the freedom and security that, that will bring you the ability to travel and to

do what you want to do.

Even though you think you say, I want a relationship because that relationship is going to make

me feel connection made me feel compassionate.


That's what you want.

You want that emotion, the compassion, the love, the connection, so knowing that what

we use is this is where we are.

We think the manifestation will happen and then we can feel the emotion.

Instead, this is where we are.

We need to feel the emotion right now.

We need to switch those around us.

When we start to feel the emotion, then all of those things will align the play because

we actually resonate with it.

So how do we do that?

We focus on doing things that bring us that emotion right now in the present moment, even

though we say, OK, freedom and security is what I want for the money, but guess what?

There's already things in your life that you can feel freedom and these security for.

You live in a house, you live in apartment, you live somewhere where there's shelter.

You already have a point of reference of gratitude that you can feel that as you begin to embody

that, you begin to see more of those things in your life.

You begin to whatever you focus on grows you focused on what you're grateful for.

You will get more and more of a confirmation of why you were grateful.

Be grateful for freedom is that I can go to the I can go get something to eat right now.

I go to walk to the park right now.

No one's going to stop me.

You can say that and be like, OK, I could feel that freedom.

Any emotion you want, you can give yourself permission to feel it right now with focus.

Focus equals feeling.

Whatever you focus on your field, focus on things in your life and milk the emotion.

It's an Abraham Hicks term, but when you have that emotion, look at it.

Feel the different aspects of it in the present moment and you will start to resonate with

it, and this is about knowing that we may say in our mind, oh, when I'm in the relationship,

I'm going to feel that love and compassion, and then we get into a relationship with someone

and we look at them and we said, you're the reason I'm feeling this way, but really we're

giving ourselves permission to feel an emotion that only exists within us.


the emotion exists within us.

It's not coming from without of us were just giving yourself permission.

We're using somebody else's assemble to feel that emotion, but if you feel that emotion

right now, then things will begin to change because then you're not doing it inside out.

You're coming at it more from the energy, from within you.

The emotion within you emotion equals resonance and that's why that is such an important part

of the process.

Now I understand also when you raise your vibration, you begin to create a much more

easy way as well because in a higher vibrational state you are able to perceive of things that

you couldn't perceive before, but also your thoughts have more power.

So if you want to learn how to raise your vibrational set point to create from a much

higher point of view, I've created a free MP3 meditation that will help you to raise

your vibrational set point.

I think it can absolutely transform your life.

I think if you listen to it for 21 days, it can really change everything.

It'll be in the top of the description.

Box below is absolutely free and I think that that is where the power is.

The power isn't understanding our vibration all together.

So remember this three step process is pure intention, void of thirsty desire, intention,

like the naturalness of you.

Don't go in and get a glass of water is the same kind of naturalness with you attracting

what you want instantly.

Secondly, remember, time is an illusion.

Time doesn't exist other than our perception of it, and when we start to embody the present

moment, that's when things begin to change and have an open mindedness for how things


Realize that your body's translation of passion is your higher mind speaking to you and saying,

going in this direction, they get more about the state of being.

And then thirdly, focus on the emotions, the feeling of it, realized focus equals feeling.

The more you feel it, the more you start to resonate with it, and now that you start to

embody this three step process, things will happen more quickly than ever.

Another thing I'll be doing is I'll be doing more live q and a's on instagram, so if you

want to interact with me, if you have questions for me, go ahead and right here you'll see

the instagram be able to follow me there and we can, uh, have more of a dialogue or no

youtube videos are cool, but you know, what else is cool?

Having that kind of dialogue and being able to interact.

So other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed this video.

Feel free to like this video if you guys liked it, subscribe if you haven't already hit that

little notification gear so that you could see the daily videos that I do, and other

than that, as always, please, much love and Nama stay.

For more infomation >> 3 Step Process for INSTANT Manifestation (Law of Attraction Secret) - Duration: 18:17.


President Trump arrives in Houston for meeting with Santa Fe families before fundraiser - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> President Trump arrives in Houston for meeting with Santa Fe families before fundraiser - Duration: 3:14.


Fishin' For Floaters Game - Poop Fishing Game Challenge - Kids Toys Review - Duration: 8:27.

hey guys welcome back to another video today we're gonna be doing fishing for

floaters that's what it looks like

so hi I'm Kallissa from the channel KG toys and more and our left hand only do

vlogs, toy reviews and other fun stuff like this one if you're new to the

channel consider subscribing and while you're at it maybe like or hit the bell to

get notified whenever we post your new video check in the description down

below if I missed anything you want in order to get this or like how to play so

let's just get right into it so it says it comes on the bottom it says includes

one fishing rod, six floaters and one net so this is a net so I'm going to

have the rod - We have a broken net - Look hole in it - okay so she's trying to touch one you know

wheel it out into you can can you again oh why is it like it it looks easy oh

you got the push I got it I got it come on stop resisting area we have one poop

so far we're going to okay now we're gonna switch for know what's actually

gonna so we're getting this guy Jerry yeah sure will just name it Jerry. I'm gonna get

a straight this time wow this is Jeff

you know I'm not a triangle but I was like a slanted one oh she's going for a

straight poop perfect so let's name this one Bob Bob the Builder wow this is

okay don't touch it I need a whole disabled distance okay oh yeah hold it

still no rip that poop no I got it in but it undid it

this is getting very intense

cheater oh my gosh you can't even get it in. I know seriously - here here

Cheat in here and you still - the struggles are real. Okay Guys I just pulled this one out of the water. what do you want to name that me that one we gotta

sleep now that one's gonna be stubborn no yeah that's forbidden this one should be

Kevin no Kevin from minions

I got this I got this yes I think I know challenge you can do

blindfold II we can't look one folded a night I know in that wait wait let's to

make it hard let's only put three put the big one okay I'll go first okay fine. So we just going to do one round each. To Make it hard lets only put 3 and will put the big ones.

we're just gonna do one round each. Then will.... Hold on will need to get an idea where their at. Oh almost got one there.

You know hat just grab one with your eyes open

this these slanted ones are stubborn that's stubborn it is are you sure the

other ones stubborn no no no these two are stubborn stubborn

stubborn as he they're both stubborn no that one was gonna react was just

pretend you did it okay

you're not even in the blue I'm holding one up try and get it oh you're so close

cheating oh no stop shaking you're so close you're so close I've got moving it

and now I'm moving it get it in come on come on get it through come on come on

this is stubborn oh no this one is shy got it

no food I was holding I was holding it up like this what about you I say nine

just because it's kind of like you have to do simple what is really fun you

should definitely get this yeah check in the description to see yeah so that's

basically gonna have to wrap up this video make sure you subscribe like and

comment your favorite your favorite board game make sure to click that

little bell to be notified whenever we post a new video bye thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Fishin' For Floaters Game - Poop Fishing Game Challenge - Kids Toys Review - Duration: 8:27.


How To Prepare For NYC's Biggest Festival || Do It Right: Governor's Ball - Duration: 3:51.

- New York is the city that never sleeps,

and it gets even less sleep every June

when it plays host to Governors Ball,

which is basically New York's biggest party.

Gov Ball's a three-day, Randall's Island-based

entertainment smorgasbord built for fun,

and if you have a ticket, you'll wanna soak up

as much fun as humanly possible.

I'm Wil from Thrillist, and this is "Do It Right,"

Governors Ball Edition.

You show up to Randall's Island with nothing but a ticket

and a healthy sense of adventure, you might not last long.

First off, you can and probably should bring a bag.

Gov Ball suggests you bring something

light that's easily opened, as all bags

will be 100% thoroughly searched.

I don't mean to sound like your mom or my mom,

but sunburns suck.

Bring sunscreen -- I cannot stress this enough.

Also bring sunglasses, a hat, or even a bandanna

if you wanna look like a bad (bleep) Labrador.

If it might even possibly rain, bring an emergency poncho.

Umbrellas and concerts don't mix; it's a visibility thing.

And if you don't have boots,

you can get a garbage bag and some duct tape to slap it on.

No matter what, when you're going to a festival,

you're gonna need these three essential items,

no matter what.

Portable phone charger.

The only thing worse than an empty beer glass

is a dead phone, and hot weather will kill your battery.

Make sure your phone is fully charged

so you can hit up your friends,

and also keep up on the dankest memes of the internet,

'cause that's what's really important.

Water and a water bottle.

Gov Ball is pretty great about having readily available

water stations all over the lawn.

But, you still need something to fill up.

You can bring in a sealed water bottle

and refill it once you're done,

or you can obviously bring in a reusable water bottle, too.

Just make sure it isn't filled up

when you go through security, or they will dump it out.

I promise you.

Your ID.

Remember what I said about an empty beer glass?

You won't get served, period, without an ID,

and that would suck.

Bonus hack: Rent a locker.

You can rent a locker for $50 for the entire weekend

to stow extra clothes, a blanket, sunscreen --

basically anything you want

aside from your store- bought hot dog collection.

If you're going to be going all three days to the festival,

this is a steal, if only to stow away a few extra shirts

and a stick of deodorant.

Trust me: Your friends and cab driver will thank you later.

And if you forgot anything at home, like sunscreen, water,

or even one of those little portable fans,

you can always stop by the info tent

to pick up a free swag bag loaded with essentials,

and free is always good, right?

Listen up, campers:

You're gonna have to leave the tent at home,

because Gov Ball isn't one of those festivals.

When the last artist plays, you don't have to go home,

but you can't stay on Randall's Island.

So, you're gonna need a place to crash.

Luckily, New York has some hotels in town --

like thousands and thousands and thousands of hotels --

and, an official sponsor of Gov Ball,

can help you filter the top of the heap

from the bottom of the barrel.

Now that we've covered the logistics,

let's get to the fun stuff.

Part of the fun of festivals is catching up and coming acts

before they were cool.

Try to see rising indie star Maggie Rogers

play her hit single "Alaska" on Friday evening.

Or, catch 19-year-old wunderkind Cuco

play his dreamy psychedelic set on Saturday afternoon

so you can brag about it years from now.

Scattered throughout the grounds will be classic lawn games:

bocce ball, cornhole, and mini-golf.

And last but certainly not least,

there is a giant adult-sized ball pit to bring you back

to those idyllic childhood birthday parties.

It almost brings a tear to my eye.

As you can tell, Governors Ball is basically a playground

for adults, so remember, stay safe, keep hydrated,

and above all, don't forget to wear sunscreen.

Sunburns may fade, but shame and photos last forever.

That's it for me.

Look for us at Gov Ball 2018.

I'll be the dude in the Statue of Liberty man romper.

Maybe not, but also maybe.

I don't know.

We'll see you there.

"Do It Right" was brought to you by,

book your festival stay today.

(electronic dance music)

For more infomation >> How To Prepare For NYC's Biggest Festival || Do It Right: Governor's Ball - Duration: 3:51.


Amazing Nail Art Designs 2018 - Best Nail Art Trends for Women 2018 - Duration: 10:22.

Nail Art designs 2018 or nail art 2018 and Nail Polish 2018 is a very simple concept

- designs or art that is used to decorate the finger or Nail Polish Designs or toe nails.

They are used predominately to enhance an outfit or brighten an everyday


Seen nowadays as more a fashion activity and something that allows for creativity and expression

of one's own style, the nail designs 2018 or

Nail Polish 2018 and art are considered to be a significant area of fashion and beauty.

Different nail designs and nail art art designs can be

found on the latest catwalks of the best designers, Hollywood stars and celebrities will often

showcase the hottest new nail trends on the red carpets,

and of course anyone from their own home can create nail art or Nail Polish to match their

mood, outfit or artistic personality.

History originally saw nail art designs or Nail Polish designs as being a show of social

class, and the more extravagant the higher class you were considered.

These days it is available to everyone and has exploded in

popularity, so much so that a documentary NAILgasm, was released to explore the growing

trend of nail art from subculture to high fashion.

In January 2014, Nailpolis: Museum of Nail Art was founded

for nail artists and hobbyists to share their designs.

Membership on NailpolisMuseum is limited to invitation only to "maintain quality content.

How To Do Nail Art?

If you want your nails to look their best, copy your favourite star's nails, or just

have a great design idea for them, then there are a few ways to

go about achieving the desired look.


The easiest but probably most expensive option is to visit a nail salon or nail bar.

With the increase in nail designs and nail art popularity

nail salons/bars have become common-place in many towns and high streets.

They will have nail technicians that should be capable of creating any designs you wish.


Nail art designs kits are useful for beginners as they give you everything you need to get


They will usually contain the top and base coats,

polish and colours, special brushes or dotting tools, different patterns, stickers and pins

for the designs, and possibly sometimes stones, jewels or glitter depending on the kit.

You may even want to get a kit with nail art pens that allow for you to draw directly onto

the nail, getting a totally unique design of your own.

If you're thinking about getting into nail designs 2018, a nail art kit might be the

ideal starting point.

You can buy nail art kits from some of the biggest retailers.

Nail designs and nail art Tutorials 2018:

If you want to avoid the cost of nail salons or are just feeling brave there is a massive

amount of tutorials and guides for all sorts of nail

designs or Nail Polish on the internet.

You can easily do a quick Google and YouTube search for a whole host of other resources.

What You Need

In order to get the desired designs or art and you aren't going to a nail salon, you'll

need the best tools and supplies.

One of the most basic tools for any budding nail artist are brushes.

A set of brushes can be picked up from most places like Amazon for very cheap.

Nail files are also important and you will likely need more than


Your design ideas and what techniques they will require plays a large part in the tools

you might find yourself needing.

Nail stamps and dotting tools may be necessary to create specific designs.

These are just a few of a wide range of tools available for nail designs and art.

Depending on the type of design or pattern you are trying to achieve

you will require specific tools that will enable you to create those specific designs.

Nail Art Designs

Once you've decided to create your own nail art or Nail Polish , and you've got all the

tools you need to do so, you'll need to decide on a design or Nail Polish .

The range of options available to you is huge and with time you'll

become more familiar with different accessories that can be used

to improve or enhance your nail designs.

For more infomation >> Amazing Nail Art Designs 2018 - Best Nail Art Trends for Women 2018 - Duration: 10:22.


WATCH: Crowds CHEER as Prince Harry arrives for wedding alongside best man Prince William - Duration: 2:18.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will marry at St George's Chapel shortly, at around midday today

Both the groom and Prince William were spotted waved to cheering crowds as they arrived for the ceremony

Prince Harry and the Duke of Cambridge were wearing the frockcoat uniform of the Blues and Royals

The Blues and Royals is a cavalry regiment of the British Army, part of the Household Cavalry

The Queen gave her permission for her grandson to get married in his uniform, Kensington Palace said

Both uniforms were tailored at Dege & Skinner on Savile Row.Prince Harry arrived just moments after Meghan Markle was spotted alongside her mother Doria Ragland, travelling to the ceremony in a vintage Rolls-Royce Phantom IV

Sitting in her white dress, Meghan gave a wave to photographers as she made her way to the Royal Wedding

The 36-year-old spent her last night as a single woman at Cliveden House Hotel in Taplow, Berkshire, with her mum

Arriving at the luxury 5-star hotel last night, Meghan told reporters she felt "wonderful" ahead of her Royal Wedding

Kensington Palace also confirmed the royal couple will be known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex

A statement read: "The Queen has today been pleased to confer a Dukedom on Prince Henry of Wales

His titles will be Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding day in pictures Tue, May 22, 2018 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marry at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle - see ALL of the photos

Play slideshow REUTERS 1 of 100 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry marry in Windsor "Prince Harry thus becomes His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, and Ms Meghan Markle on marriage will become Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex

"The Prince of Wales will walk Meghan Markle down the aisle after her father, Thomas Markle Snr, was forced to back out due to ill health

After the wedding, the royal couple will take part in a carriage procession through the streets of Windsor to the delight of royal fans

For more infomation >> WATCH: Crowds CHEER as Prince Harry arrives for wedding alongside best man Prince William - Duration: 2:18.


Crews prepare Youngstown's North Side pool for opening day - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Crews prepare Youngstown's North Side pool for opening day - Duration: 0:40.


Damning Grenfell report blames London Fire Brigade and Tony Blair for tragedy and... - Duration: 9:46.

Damning Grenfell report blames London Fire Brigade and Tony Blair for tragedy and blasts Jon Snow

A DAMNING report into the Grenfell Tower blaze claims the London Fire Brigade, Tony Blair and cladding firms are responsible for the tragedy.

The 30,000-word exposé, by journalist Andrew OHagan, also blasts the then housing minister Sajid Javid for failing to properly handle the aftermath.

Tearful granddad El Alami Hamdan describes the last time he hugged his daughter and played games with his granddaughter before they both died during Grenfell Tower fire.

Channel 4s Jon Snow is also criticised in the document, published by The London Review of Books, for pressing the issue of gentrification while the 24-storey block was still smouldering.

But the report says Kensington and Chelseas council leader Nicholas Paget-Brown, who resigned in the wake of the inferno, was blameless.

OHagan has spent months investigating Grenfell and written the major exposé to coincide with an inquiry where victims have begun giving testimonies.

A total of 72 people were killed when a fire broke out at the building in West London on June 14, last year - all of whom lived above the tenth floor.

The report says that one of the main failings was that firefighters waited two hours before evacuating residents and when they did they were ill-equipped.

Few made it past the 20th floor due to their standard duration oxygen packs, the report claims.

The main control room in Wimbledon, South West London, was undergoing maintenance so 999 calls were being diverted to East London, Kent and even Newcastle.

There was also some confusion over whether the fire had been put out and it was claimed that they were relying on social media images to comprehend the scale.

OHagan also blames Blair as he writes in the report that under New Labour, half of all fire services within four miles of the tower vanished in five years.

He also says that the governments deregulation and the commercialisation of safety that came with it, allowed industry to flout regulations and fake tests and call it normal practice.

The writer argues the marketing of insulation products is notably misleading and contractors are known to use combinations of products that have not been tested together.

His report also blames the colourful green and blue panels designed to improve insulation and soften the look of the brutalist concrete block for the blaze.

Dense foam boards coated in zinc rainproof sheets were fitted to Grenfell Tower as part of a £9million refurb completed in May 2017.

OHagan says the cladding wasnt tested in situ but on a remote desktop - but was still able to pass tests.

As for the aftermath of the tragedy, the now Home Secretary was accused of being the opposite of helpful by a Tory councillor.

Grenfell inquiry: Chairman now focused on answers after hearing heartbreaking tributes   The chairman of the Grenfell Tower inquiry vowed to provide answers to victims families as a week of humbling tributes ended with 72 seconds of silence.

Sir Martin Moore-Bick praised the courage of the grieving relatives who had spoken of their loss, saying their words illuminated how much humans have in common.

He said: As we move to the next stage of the inquiry, my team and I are determined to provide the answers that you seek. Commemorations to 69 of the 72 victims had been made by loved ones over the course of seven days, forming a poignant overture to the months of detailed evidence hearings ahead.

At the close of the final day, counsel to the inquiry Bernard Richmond QC read each of the victims names in turn before asking those present to observe a 72-second silence.

He said: The value of the last few days in providing us with that understanding, or even a small part of it, has been not just invaluable, it has been essential. Sir Martin then drew the hearing to a close, saying: I know Im not alone in finding the past few days both humbling and moving. Reflecting on the tributes, the judge said he had been struck by the courage of all who spoke, the tragic waste of young lives cruelly cut short, the loss of that special wisdom the older victims provided, the quiet dignity with which the portraits were given and the strong sense of community in Grenfell Tower.

He continued: The portrayals of those commemorated were so vivid, they made you feel that you had indeed spent a little time in their company and that you had come to know them.

Each of us, in our own way, has felt touched by their loss and by the gaping hole in so many lives that they have left behind.

Most of all, however, these past few days have provided a powerful reminder of how much, as human beings, we have in common.

Those whom we have been remembering came from many different countries and many different cultures, but they displayed many human qualities of which we should all be proud..

Kensington and Chelsea housing officers were apparently baffled by his promises and said he jumped in and out with little applicable knowledge, telling people to buy properties off Rightmove.

Meanwhile, OHagan appears to exonerate council leader Nicholas Paget-Brown, suggesting that he was hung out to dry as Theresa Mays government tried to distance itself.

He resigned two weeks later, but the author says he cannot be held responsible for the cladding used or the difficulties faced in housing residents in the aftermath.

Final calls of father Mohamed Amied Neda before he died in Grenfell fire heard at public inquiry.

Amid heartbreaking tributes paid to the victims of the disaster, the Grenfell inquiry this week heard a tribute to the modern-day Moses Raymond Bernard.

The hero grandfather sheltered six people in his top-floor flat in Grenfell Tower on the night it was destroyed, offering refuge to families trying to escape the inferno as it consumed the block.

He offered them his bed while he sat on the floor, the inquiry was told.

His family gave a tearful tribute to the 63-year-old, who died with his dog Marley, during the final day of commemoration hearings at the public inquiry into the disaster.

Moving to London from Trinidad in 1969, Mr Bernard became an electrician and worked at historic sites including the Palace of Westminster and Buckingham Palace.

He had lived in Grenfell Tower for more than 30 years.

On Wednesday, his sister Bernadette Bernard, fighting back tears, said the biblical connotations of the affectionate nickname Moses - who led the Israelites through the parted Red Sea to safety - was apt.

My beloved Ray was my modern-day Moses, my hero, she said.

Ray always had a smile on his face.

He knew how to love without expecting anything in return..

Marcio Gomes, father of Grenfell Fire victim Logan Gomes, tells the tragic story of his son who never got to live as the Grenfell Fire Inquiry begins.

There was also anger at the inquiry, with the daughter of one victim launching a scathing attack on the council for housing a vulnerable, physically disabled and partially sighted pensioner on the 18th floor of the block.

Nazanin Aghlani, daughter of Sakineh Afrasehabi, told the inquiry the housing allocation team at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) shared responsibility for her death.

For more infomation >> Damning Grenfell report blames London Fire Brigade and Tony Blair for tragedy and... - Duration: 9:46.


Real Madrid want Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp to replace Zinedine Zidane for one big reason - Duration: 2:01.

Real Madrid lost Zidane today with the Frenchman choosing to quit the Bernabeu just days after guiding them to a third successive Champions League triumph

Talk is rife the La Liga giants will try to tempt Mauricio Pochettino to the club, despite just signing a new deal at Tottenham

However, Spanish website Diario Gol say Liverpool manager Klopp is on Real Madrid's radar

It is said club president Florentino Perez holds the German in high esteem.Klopp has been a huge Liverpool hit ever since taking over from Brendan Rodgers in 2015

The 50-year-old has steered the club back to the big time and guided them to the Champions League final this year

Diario Gol say Real are impressed by Klopp because of his achievements at Liverpool this season

The Reds lost Coutinho to Barcelona midway through the season, with the Brazilian leaving in a £142million transfer

The player was influential for the club prior to his departure.But Klopp managed to still guide Liverpool to a second final in three years and first Champions League final since 2007

However, the Liverpool boss is said to have no plan to jump ship.Klopp still feels there is unfinished business at Anfield, particularly with the club yet to win a trophy under his guidance

For more infomation >> Real Madrid want Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp to replace Zinedine Zidane for one big reason - Duration: 2:01.


BGT: Amanda Holden SLAMMED for telling Manchester bombing victim she was 'blown away' - Duration: 4:20.

BGT: Amanda Holden SLAMMED for telling Manchester bombing victim she was 'blown away'

Amanda Holden was trolled on Twitter following her comments to a victim of the Manchester bombing during Wednesdays semi-final of Britains Got Talent.

The talent show judge, 47, was praising the efforts of dance group Rise Unbroken, which features 13-year-old Hollie Booth, who uses a wheelchair after suffering two broken legs and nerve damage in the attack.

However, Amandas poor use of words shocked fans, as the mother-of-two claimed she had been blown away by the performance.

When getting feedback on her performance, judge Amanda told Hollie: I have to say when we first saw you, as a judging panel, we were blown away by your unity and your support for Hollie.

Your whole story was so emotional and it was a really good audition. But now I can see that you are fantastic dancers as well.

Hollie tonight you have come on leaps and bounds. Your recovery looks like its going really really well. You did so well. You did yourselves and Manchester proud..

Her comments did not go down well on Twitter, with viewers remarking: #BGT amanda holden blown away? hmm, think before you speak woman;.

Amanda Holden has actually just told a girl who is in a wheelchair because a terror attack that she was blown away; Bit behind on #BGT but did Amanda Holden really just tell a Manchester bombing victim that she was blown away?.

As if you tell a girl put in a wheelchair by the Manchester bombing that you were "blown away" #BGT; Blown away You cant say that Amanda #bgt.

Tonight were going to make Manchester proud of us, Hollie said in the groups VT before they performed to Ariana Grandes hit, Focus.

Simon said afterwards: I bet the last thing you were thinking about before is that youd be on this stage with your friends dancing. You, whatever happens have won, and thats the most important thing.

Hollie and her dance troupe captured the hearts of the nation when they appeared on the auditions last month.

Hollie was shielded from the blast by her protective aunt Kelly Brewster, 32, who was killed by terrorist Salman Abedi last May after watching Ariana Grande perform.

The inspirational hopeful still uses a wheelchair after suffering two broken legs in the attack, as well as nerve damage, and has undergone 11 operations with more in the future.

In May 2017, after Ariana Grande performed at Manchester Arena, Salman Abedi detonated a homemade explosive device, killing 23 people and injuring over 500, 59 of which were hospitalised.

Concert-goers, mainly children and young people, ran for their lives as the bomb detonated at the end of her performance, around 10. 30pm. Abedi, 22, used an explosive device packed with nuts and bolts to ensure maximum impact on his victims.

For more infomation >> BGT: Amanda Holden SLAMMED for telling Manchester bombing victim she was 'blown away' - Duration: 4:20.


WOW, Everything of Capricorn have been waiting for you in July 2018 - Duration: 2:50.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> WOW, Everything of Capricorn have been waiting for you in July 2018 - Duration: 2:50.


Kaduna govt. official arraigned for taking N190.4m from Diezani - Duration: 2:13.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Kaduna office on Thursday, May 31, arraigned one Abdulrasheed Baba Ahmed before Justice S.

M Shuaibu of the Federal High Court Kaduna on a two count charge bodering on money laundering and rentention of proceeds of a criminal conduct valued at N190.

The accused, AbdulRasheed, who was the then director finance and administration, ministry of Justice, Kaduna state, allegedly in March 2015 collected the above sum from the Ali Akilu Road branch of Fidelity Bank which also formed part of the federal governments funds diverted by the former minister of finance Diezani Alison Madueke.

Count one read: That you Raheed Baba Ahmed, the former director of finance ministry of justice Kaduna division of this honourable court did directly take possession of the aggregate sum of N190.

4 million which sum you reasonably ought to have known forms part of proceeds of unlawful activity to wit:.

Bribery and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 15(2) of the money laundering prohibition act, 2012 as ammended and punishable under Section 15(3) of the same act.

He however pleaded not guilty to the charges. Lead prosecution counsel, Joshua Saidi then asked for a date for commencement of trial while praying the accused be remanded in prison custody.

In his ruling, Justice Shuaibu refused an oral application for bail of the accused insisting that a formal application be filed before the Court. He directed that the accused be remanded in prison custody.

The case was thereafter adjourned to the 6th of June, 2018 for hearing of bail application.

For more infomation >> Kaduna govt. official arraigned for taking N190.4m from Diezani - Duration: 2:13.


Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job - Duration: 5:42.


RISE Academy for Adult Achievement - Countdown to Graduation 2018 - Duration: 2:05.

I have passed all but one proficiency, and it was one of the hardest ones for

me, which was reading. I came to RISE to study for the proficiency. So, I was

diagnosed with disability called Asperger's when I was 4 years old,

and then the doctor said I wouldn't be able to do anything, like play sports, do good

in school, or live a normal life. But throughout my whole life, I've defied

those odds. He's pretty dedicated to RISE, just how ambitious he is, you know,

he does not steer away from any obstacle. Takes classes with RISE,

he goes to TMCC, he goes to work, he has Bible study. Also, he was nominated for

the WEA outstanding student award, so I thought that's pretty cool, too.

The reason why I chose Christy was because she's always helped me out

through this school year. She's helped me a lot by just saying, go for tutoring

and try to take some classes that will relate to the materials that's in the

proficiency. My hope to do in the future is to become a flight attendant,

because I love to travel, and I love to speak in different languages.

I am currently tri-lingual in English, Spanish and Portuguese. You know, he's

always one of the first students to volunteer to come with me to community

outreach events, to get the word about RISE out there, and it's cool because

I don't speak Spanish, and Andrew does, and so he's my Savior. So, I don't really

feel like there has been anything that he has set out to do that he has not

accomplished. So, I truly feel like in the future he is going to be an amazing

flight attendant, and I'm just super impressed.

For more infomation >> RISE Academy for Adult Achievement - Countdown to Graduation 2018 - Duration: 2:05.


Healthy For Men Podumentary (Trailer) - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Healthy For Men Podumentary (Trailer) - Duration: 1:26.


Building a Downhill MTB "Endurbarrow" for Trail Building - Duration: 8:13.

The Southeastern US is soaked.

Like super duper bummer 24/7 nonstop rain for multiple weeks.

We ain't riding today.

But that's okay because you guys have been pushing me to make good on a DIY project that

I suggested in another video.

I bought this wheelbarrow for $30, and after just a few projects it's falling apart.

It can barely withstand the rigors of light gardening, let alone trail building, but that's

not even the issue.

The issue is, no wheelbarrow is optimized for 50% grades.

So today, we're gonna build a downhill specific wheelbarrow—or maybe an enduro barrow.

We'll see.

This old ebike will never run again, and it's just taking up space at my house.

So we'll salvage the suspension fork, front wheel, stem, and bars from it.

From my parts bin, I'll collect a few more stems, a mechanical disc brake caliper, and

some hardware to hold it all together.

Since my old wheelbarrow is on its last legs, I'll dismantle it and save the one part

that's any good: the plastic bin, which is surprisingly resilient.

My idea is to attach a pipe to the steerer tube of this fork, and build a chassis out

of stems and handlebars.

By using bike parts, I know this thing will be stiff.

With a downhill ready chassis, all I'll need to do is fasten the bin to it—somehow.

The real challenge is finding a pipe that's the right diameter for

the stems.

Tony is always willing to entertain my crazy ideas, and lend his knowledge of sizing and


After some head scratching and experimenting with different parts, I went home with a pipe

that matched the outside diameter of the steerer tube.

All the sizing looked right, and things were coming together, but the chassis didn't

seem quite enduro grade.

To really beat on this thing I'd need some help from another friend.

Johnny normally works with wood, but he dabbles in just about every facet of DIY.

As such, he was willing to help me make the best of what I had on short notice.

After some sanding, welding, and hammering, I had a wheelbarrow chassis that was—well,

probably better than the last one.

We'll let the slopes of berm creek have the final word.

With the fork flat on the floor, I used a level to get the handlebars alined with it.

I then tightened down the pinch bolts on the stems—a lot.

No torque wrench on this build.

Next up, attaching the bin.

I lined up the bin and drilled additional holes next to the factory ones, to accommodate

u bolts.

By fastening the u bolts around the handlebars at four points, I was confident everything

would stay put.

To actually operate the endurbarrow, I attached a cockpit to the very end of the chassis,

complete with grips and a brake lever of course.

Because internal cable routing is all the rage, I drilled a hole in the stem cap to

run everything through the pipe in the middle.

Since my mechanical disc brake caliper was missing some parts, I needed to get creative

and make my own cable clamp.

To make the Endurbarrow stand up, it would need feet.

Using the two sets of handlebars in the middle, I started tinkering with scrap wood from the

van video.

With a really wide stance, and feet that sort of stick into the ground, the Endurbarrow

would be perfect for use on uneven terrain.

With the endurbarrow complete, it was ready for testing—except for one problem.

All that rain.

That didn't stop me from doing some rock work.

There are a few areas in my yard that get muddy and slippery, so I wanted to lay down

some stepping stones there for foot traffic.

If you didn't know, rocks are heavy.

With my old wheelbarrow, hauling rocks into the yard was a two person job.

With the endurbarrow, it's a piece of cake.

Just pull the lever and descend with confidence.

With a huge wheel up front, the Endurbarrow handles bumps like they're nothing.

With its wide stance, toppling is a thing of the past.

I expected this thing to be entertaining, but it actually turned out to be a better

wheelbarrow for berm creek.

But light use like isn't enough to call it an endurbarrow.

We needed to give it a proper test.


endurbarrow turned out to be stiff, capable, and worthy of it's name.

And there's nobody here as surprised as me.

I thought this thing would flex like crazy, and that the stems would slip and throw the

bin totally off balance.

Somehow it doesn't, so the Endurbarrow will actually get used for future projects on Berm


I asked you guys to remind me to build this, and you did—in the comments of every video.

So thanks for holding me accountable for that suggestion, and please let me know what you

think of this thing.

I had a lot of fun building it, and got a few projects done while testing it.

Now if only this rain would let up, I could actually use the Endurbarrow to build something


Until then, thanks for riding with me today and I'll see you next time.

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