Hey guys! How are you? Happy Friday!
so I just wanted to talk to you today a little bit about
How are you looking for jobs? And How are you going to find one?
I have a bunch of friends that are right now looking and
it seems like it's getting harder and harder and harder and I hear a lot of
their complaints and a lot of them are really similar!
so obviously what's the first thing that you do when you're looking for a job?
I'm gonna just preface with looking for a job IS a full-time job
It IS hard work
It takes a lot of time!
So yes that's why I haven't already started looking, Mom, kind of thing, but all that aside
You do your resume right? You do your resume, you do your LinkedIn profile, you google
yourself to make sure nothing funny comes up from college, you do a peer
review, and you make sure you check in with all of your trusted recruiter
friends and people that you know that you can lean on and trust and say
take a look at my stuff make sure it all looks good before I start like going out there
and really looking for that next professional home and then
What's the next thing that you do?
A bunch of people that I'm talking to are like "I've been
applying on LinkedIn and on indeed and I've been applying and applying and
applying and I am like I barely get a call back, I'm lucky if anybody even like
pays attention to my resume - do they even look at those things??"
and the answer is
No. Often they don't. Those job buckets are kind of like the black hole of
recruiting, it's technically, I know speaking from experience as a recruiter
and my recruiter friends feel free to tell me differently - I look at my job
application bucket probably last, when I'm really desperate.
and I don't have any candidates.
And I've been passively looking and I've completely tapped my
network and I can't find anybody, then I go to that job bucket just to have some
candidates to muster up, that I know are at least interested in the position.
and that's just reality.
A lot of the times when you're looking for somebody, I mean
think about it when you're looking to hire a contractor, you want to know
somebody that knows somebody, you want to have that ability to get a review, a
trusted review on that person. So, everybody wants to like "know a guy".
So, I'm not just here to tell you how NOT to try and find a job but doing a whole
little apply on LinkedIn thing is lazy.
You can do that in your pajamas and people do.
and do it to a hundred different jobs all at once
you don't even know what job you apply to half the time.
so instead of just doing that, use that as an opportunity.
when you go and you see on LinkedIn jobs that there's a
job posted that somebody posted.
Connect with that person, reach out to them - they
might be a recruiter so they might have a bunch of things going on and they
might not get back to you right away
but use that person to see who they're connected to,
be a reverse recruiter and try and find people at the company that are
doing YOUR role and some opportunities for you to connect with people and kind
of get an inside view of what it's like to work at the company, what it's like to
do that job, and that person has incentive probably already to make you
their "referral" so if you can find somebody internal at the company that
has some time to talk to you, make a friend and see if they won't toss your
resume in as a referral, they'll probably get three grand and you'll get a really
good inside view as to how that company really works.
outside of that, what should you be doing?
You should be networking!
Networking until your mouth falls off and your eyeballs fall out and you don't have ears left
like literally just networking the heck out of your network
and when you're done networking YOUR network.
Network their networks!
I want you to take that networking offline too.
so connect with people on LinkedIn and if they're people that you really want to talk to
Get them on the phone, do a zoom call, meet them for coffee.
Meet somebody in person and bring that relationship into real life,
And get them to really know who you are, what you're
going after, and what you're capable of doing.
And they will help you.
especially if they're in the industry that you want to be in.
Go to as many networking events as possible!
I know that I'm the LinkedIn Local host here in Atlanta, so I'm a big
proponent of LinkedIn Local, but any local networking event that you could go to!
We also have Circle of Firms here, there's a Women in Networking event.
You can go to specialty industry related events, like NACE, ILEA, and TAG - depending on
what group that you're in, but go to as many places as possible where you can
get some FACE time and meet people in the industry and
so they see that you're a normal, awesome, and totally cool person.
Finally, make some content.
and I mean I'm not just saying
to make content saying like
"hey, I'm looking for a job, hire me"
make some white papers, make some experience
related content, that's gonna help people within your industry.
make something that would have helped you in the industry
when you were super busy and super employee
Just try and start to like branch out, and increase your network in
the industry or in the area that you want to be in.
Engage on other people's content and further your network as much as you can!
and I hope that helps!
Those are just like some small tips to help hopefully in your job search
if there's anything you want me to elaborate on, please ask.
I will tell!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I hope this helps!
Have a great great day!
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