Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 31 2018

Why do you go for deliverance? Most people go for deliverance because

something isn't working right in their soul, and that's a very ordinary

acceptable, valid reason. Most of us have gone through a lot of hours of dealing

with our sins and our forefathers and all of that stuff. However the majority

of our deliverance has been restricted to our soul. Not a bad thing but it's

just a beginning thing because there's the whole issue of deliverance for our

bodies. Remember Jesus dealing with a man who is deaf and dumb? He healed one, the

other he cast a demon out because the body was affected by the demon. Next year

in May we are going to do a three day workshop on deliverance for the human

body. We're going to begin with the embryo. After the first cell cells

continue to multiply and they roughly form a cluster, a ball. There's a period

of time when the ball becomes flattened out and you have the three layers of the

derma one on top of the other that define all the rest of the human embryo.

And then that most extraordinary thing happens. This flat tortilla type 3 dermis

folds in half and here the spine begins to form. This is the firstfruits of the

differentiation of the cells in your body. The first organ that is formed is

the spine. And the firstfruits is always significant to God. There's huge

spiritual dynamics. The difference between your cervical and your thoracic

and your lumbar and the sacral. Each one has different characteristics and their

key points where the discs are spiritually loaded. So much healing takes

place here and so much spiritual warfare does. If you are at all influenced by

Freemasonry, you know that they consider the 33 vertebra of your spine to be the 33

degrees of moving towards being God. They begin with a bottom spine and when you

reach to the top of the head you are a god if you've reached a 33rd degree.

Deliverance on the body. In addition to the spine there are many other areas of

the body where we have developed some expertise in understanding what the

spiritual dynamics are and how to heal it. There's spirit behind the heart that

influences a lot of your heart function. There's one that controls the hips and

the angle of which your hips rotate. There'is spirits that are involved behind

your shoulder blades and in your elbows and knees. We don't have the answers to

all of this. This is an emerging theology, but it's time to begin a public

discussion of the things we've learned so that those of you that are already

deeply immersed in deliverance can field-test it much further than the tiny

little group of guinea pigs that I work with. This is going to be in England. It

will be a Friday night, Saturday, Sunday in May. May 3rd, 4th and 5th of 2019, and

it will be a residential event only. So, because we'll be teaching and then

practicing with the people that are there, not just my doing deliverance for

you, but my coaching deliverance leaders in how to replicate this process in

their own language with their own culture and stream of deliverance tools,

it will be very personal, very interactive. So we're asking people to be

there for the full time. There's only 77 slots available. No that was not a

profound spiritual thing it's just what the venue offered us, and when they fill,

up they fill up. Information is on our website on the Events Page. It will be

historic. The first time that we've done a three-day workshop on deliverance and

certainly the first time that we've done something like this on the body taking

the freedom that you've gained in your soul one step further to release the

body from the bondage that it is in. Look forward to seeing you there. May 3rd, 4th

and 5th. Deliverance on the body, to go with the deliverance

you've already done for your soul and your spirit.

For more infomation >> Deliverance for the Body - Duration: 4:33.


Outnumbered: "Talk for potential summit held in NYC - Duration: 18:32.

coming up on outnumbered the president just arriving in Houston a short time

ago to meet with families of victims of the deadly Santa Fe school shooting we

could hear from him before before that and he could remark on today's big

meeting between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and top North Korean official

over the summit will it happen and what will Kim jong-un give up for it

comedian Samantha bee used a stunningly vulgar term to describe Ivanka Trump

will TBS Network fire her and whether the reaction would be different if the

target was one of President Obama's daughters or Chelsea Clinton it's a

tough discussion we'll have right on the couch and we will indeed all that plus

our hashtag one lucky guy outnumbered top of the hour and so we take you to a

live picture of Air Force One there in Houston you're looking at the Ellington

field joint Reserve Base where the president is about to depart his plane

there he traveled to Texas to expect to be meeting with relatives of the victims

from the deadly shooting at Santa Fe High School just a couple weeks ago and

the White House is saying that he will personally meet with families and offer

his condolences and support some interesting news that actually took

place onboard this plane while in route to Houston we're told her a pool

producer a pool producer of course as a producer that travels with the president

and then shares the coverage with other affiliates that they were speaking with

the president off-camera mostly off the record on a number of issues but then

there was something interesting that came up that was on the record now you

remember recently the president has pardoned a couple well-named well-known

folks who have been serving time in prison will the pool was called to the

president's office to speak off the record for about 30 minutes and then at

one part he put on the record he is considering pardoning or commuting the

sentence of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich and Martha Stewart we don't

know much more we don't know what led to this conversation we don't know if one

of the producers perhaps had heard a rumor that the president was

considering pardoning these two but nonetheless that's what the president

said on the record and here comes President Trump as he departs Air Force

One as he is about to meet and greet and offer condolences to the families of the

victims at the Santa Fe school shooting he'll be meeting Texas governor Greg

Abbott there at the bottom of the stairs along with Senator Ted Cruz and Ken

Paxton the Attorney General of the state of Texas but Wow what news the president

has been on something of a commuting role lately we mentioned earlier he's

considering pardoning dinesh d'souza the community the conservative filmmaker and

and author he recently pardoned the late boxer Jack

Johnson and he's been issuing other pardons Scooter Libby among them the the

pardoning of rod Blagojevich would be the first high-profile Democratic pardon

if it happens it hasn't happened yet but this was an on-the-record conversation

with a pool producer on board Air Force one who says the president is

considering pardoning rod Blagojevich the convicted the the governor of former

governor of Illinois convicted of influence-peddling

and also Martha Stewart who is of course in everyone's living rooms and on their

coffee table she was convicted of insider trading yeah I mean it's a bit

of a surprise to hear that one I'm wondering where it came from now

interestingly enough you know where do these thoughts come from yesterday when

he met with kim kardashian a lot of people were a little surprised by that

taken aback the cause is a good one though I mean you know prison reform and

and she brew she brought up a very positive story about somebody who's

actually in prison who had been convicted on a one-time drug charge some

20 years ago a grandmother and you know there are many of those that are in the

prison system currently whether they are politicians were there you know former

boxers that you know are being pardoned who the president perhaps believes were

improperly imprisoned or should be pardoned and so this does kind of go in

line with his prison reform conversations that he had just yesterday

interestingly enough the same day that Mike Pompeo was here in New York talking

about a top North Korean official on the upcoming summit so the president is just

all over you know tackling several issues but

prison reform being one and then of course here in Santa Fe dealing with the

gun control issue which he is calling it a gun control issue when he talks about

wanting to do whatever is needed to get guns out of the wrong hands what he

means by that we don't exactly know but as you mentioned he'll be meeting with

the governor so I'm sure they'll be talking about that I didn't mention that

he also pardoned Joe Arpaio the well-known former sheriff of Maricopa

County Arizona now running for the Senate seat in Arizona Joe Arpaio

convicted of criminal contempt and the president pardoned him he was one of the

early pardons of the Trump administration there you see the

president once again I believe that's the back of senator Ted Cruz's head

there to the right just behind the military officer and mentioned also

Texas governor Greg Abbott is there along with the Attorney General Ken

Paxton and a number of other Texas political leaders so it's a big day for

the president he always keeps us guessing does he not Julie yeah he sure

certainly does those potential pardons just a couple of seconds ago and I think

both of our mouths drop I was really surprised but you know what I mean you

shouldn't be surprised and this president always has you know

some surprises up his sleeve it keeps us on our toes but it's nonetheless

fascinating it is fun to watch all right well thank you very much for joining us

on this Thursday yeah an out number will continue coverage as we hear from the

president I'm sure later this afternoon as he meets with families of the victims

of the Santa Fe school shooting Fox News Alert for you president Trump has

arrived as you can see he has touched down on the ground in Houston Texas

where he is going to be meeting privately with families of the victims

of the Santa Fe High School shooting you'll remember ten people were killed

in that massacre nearly two weeks ago just yesterday Texas governor Greg

Abbott announced his plan to make Texas schools safer in response to the tragedy

you're looking at the president there took off a short time ago couple hours

ago heading down making his way down to Texas this is originally a trip that was

built around a fundraiser first a luncheon and then another one happening

this evening in Dallas Texas but then they did

to change the agenda and have the president go down and meet with the

victims and the victims the families of the victims of this school shooting he

just touched down Ellington filled his trip right now is just slightly delayed

but the president is expected to meet first thing as he has landed there in

Ellington it was eight students to substitute teachers that were killed

during that shooting in Santa Fe High School back in May 18th he's talking to

the governor of the state Greg Abbott at this moment but this is a big trip for

the president his fifth visit to the state of Texas of his presidency it's

quickly becoming one of the most visited States by this president this is an

important day as he will also be holding a couple private events he will head to

a fundraising luncheon downtown Houston hosted by the National Republican Senate

committee after he meets with those families it's a private event that sold

tickets for $5,000 a person for the luncheon or $25,000 if you want to take

a photo with the president so he'll head to that luncheon and then another

fundraiser will be happening in Dallas Texas this evening the president on the

ground in Houston with a shaky camera and a little fist pump to the crowd and

the president will be off and meeting with those families meanwhile another

Fox News Alert for tea this morning president Trump revealing big news

developments and talks with North Korea as his administration continues moving

towards holding a summit between the President and Kim jong-un just a short

time ago Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrapping up his meeting with North

Korea's vice chairman kim yeongcheol in new york city this sit-down coming after

they kicked off their discussions at a dinner last night and also just hours

ago President Trump saying he expects to receive a letter from Kim Jong on this

is outnumbered I'm Sandra Smith in here today harris faulkner host of after the

belt on fox business Melissa Francis former deputy spokesperson for the State

Department Fox News analyst and host of Benson and harf Marie harf and joining

us on the couch today is Pete hegh said he salutes you yes and he is out

numbered we salute you sir good to have you on the couch as always I salute

America and one of our originals by the way account one of the original you know

it was first week of the show Wow four years ago I love people

saw okay people didn't see them I think it was me and Tucker yeah oh yeah yeah

Tucker's you should have back yeah okay it's got a little show and you're up

early lucky when we get you guys looks great but it is a big day and a lot

happening so let's get right to this top American and North Korean officials are

working towards getting that potential Summit in Singapore back on track

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in North Korea's kim youngchul meeting again

today after they sat down for dinner last night in new york city

watch what President Trump told reporters about those talks and what

he's expecting to happen next we're doing very well with North Korea our

Secretary of State has had very good meetings he's meeting again today a

letter is going to be delivered to me from Kim Jong Houghton so I look forward

to seeing what's in the letter hopefully we'll have a meeting of the 12th that's

going along very well but I want it to be meaningful it doesn't mean it gets

all done at one meeting maybe you have to have a second or a third and maybe

we'll have none but it's in good hands well the president

says he expects to get that letter tomorrow meanwhile analysts are warning

White House negotiators to be wary as the North Korean regime has historically

shown an unwillingness to give up its nuclear capabilities

yesterday White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said that's exactly what

these talks are all about the conversation is going to be focused on

denuclearization of the peninsula that's what these ongoing conversations taking

place now will be centered on as well as this summit that would take place in

Singapore and we're going to continue as long as that is part of the discussion

we're going to continue to shoot for the June 12th and it's right to do there

meantime Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meeting with Kim jong-un today

it's just the latest in a string of high-level meetings staged by North

Korea following years of isolation so this has been fascinating to watch Pete

since this this North Korean the highest milkie North Korea next to Kim Jong on

the came to New York this dinner happened last night they

dined an American beef corn and cheese and cheese cheese arrived at the UN

residence to have this very crucial meeting the president seems very

optimistic yeah he does he's got his kind of guy as appointment in Pompeo

he's got a team that North Korea takes seriously look at how they view a John

Bolton he's been he's been willing to walk away once with that letter that

said hey I'm done they ran right back to the table so I think they've set a lot

of the right general parameters but it's it's it's cliche but the devil will

ultimately be in the details and that's what they're trying to hammer out right

now and they're probably further apart than anyone publicly realizes because

Kim jong-un knows those nukes are would have kept him safe all these years give

them all up do I do I end up in a ditch like Qaddafi give too many but US isn't

gonna he's not gonna president Trump can't go for a deal that isn't fully

verifiable by the United States of America and gets rid of their actual

nuclear capability so if this is just June 12th will just be the beginning of

this part Pete on that point of securing his future and that's why he had the

nukes I know we're getting way ahead of ourselves but I wonder at what point

does the conversation turn to okay we are we're gonna help him

stay in power we're going to keep his regime in place in exchange for that say

we do get rid of the nukes next criticism is I mean he's you know right

in labor camps and I know when you ask the question now experts say it's really

about preventing nuclear annihilation for now is more important okay I see

that but down the road that's gonna be the next conversation that's a great

point and it's part of the discussion is how do you measure this as successes

right the meeting actually takes place they denuclearize but then obviously

there's a long road ahead right yes and Peter's right that June 12th or whenever

the summit happens is the beginning it's not the standard should not be that

everything's done on June 12th and we all sign and go home and what was

interesting is that President Trump has set a high bar for himself in pulling

out of the nuclear deal in saying that didn't go far enough and he deal with

North Korea I would argue now has to go farther it doesn't if he didn't think

that went far enough and he opened the door I think it was last week all the

dates are sort of mixed up in my head at this point but he president Trump opened

the door to denuclearization being not all at once but more of a phased process

which most experts argue is probably what's going to have to happen as part

of a deal so he opened the door a little bit which I thought was very interesting

I think the North Koreans probably saw that as a sign that he may not just have

maximalist positions they may be willing to come to the table but as you said the

proof is in the pudding or Devils in the details

and not just a little bit we're talking 15 years of phasing in or phasing yeah

right nuclear capabilities and and that also puts on the table if you will and

and a check of checks and balances of how well North Korea is doing along the

way to because the promise isn't just to keep Kim jong-un alive you're gonna be

rich South and North Korea you guys are gonna

have economies that are booming well that also cannot happen overnight right

now it slows the timetable down and allows for relationships to be build

we hope I just don't know how we do hope but this guy's so paranoid that he's

worried Kim jong-un if he goes to Singapore there might be a coup all

these qualms dictators are paranoid he's especially parents especially common

when you're poisoning and killing your family members doing what he does you

think he would trust us to keep our guarantee no and he doesn't even trust

his own people he doesn't and if as you see they unfold on their own even

with guarantees and what what do you think the Trump administration P is

willing to give in return because negotiations are not just about one side

selenium securing him in displacement I think that won't be why I don't think

that will be enough for a nuclear deal what do you think in terms of sanctions

relief in terms of economic benefits what is this how it look like I think I

think you've got it from the president's perspective you've got to get the

demonization don't get the news out before any of the sanction really

happens right I mean you can't you you've got to see a verifiable this is

mistrust and verify how do we buy that you currently then we did it in Iran the

Internet community has to be know just that just the checking of what's on the

ground yeah you have to be able to inspect I mean for those Anytime

Anywhere inspections that we were promised that were a complete lie we're

gonna have to have actually it's entirely true unless you're gonna have

to have an inspection of some type by somebody who can verify some way he's

been inspecting every single day every single nuclear capability for themselves

on the existing nuclear facilities in Iran the IAEA is in there every single

day with cameras and with inspectors or minimum we have to have though out of

the Murray let me ask you this haven't worked in the Obama State Department now

you yeah look at waiting by the way that's not anytime anywhere you're

talking about existing sites that we know about we were told anytime anywhere

any other site is no accident not true entirely not true

sorry a question about what's coming up Santori what's the move on and my face

is blue is very under politic the politics of this about the president's

you have to think he's not getting enough credit from the left and from the

media for getting us to this point how does the president getting us to this

point compared to say Obama's presidency well I mean Obama's presidency also got

a country like Iran to the table by ratcheting up sanctions on Iran and in

conjunction with the international community so I think President Trump

gets credit for bringing North Korea to the table with his sanctions regime but

you don't get credit for a nuclear deal that you haven't done yet so what will

matter now is what happens that you also don't get credit for a bad

clear deal when it took pallets of cash as well to the worst regime in the world

so they've got to avoid all in my opinion the pitfalls of the Iran deal

it's got to be up front you were not giving a money upfront

they're making the concessions we're not and there has to be guys with the US

flag on their on their shoulder inspecting these we got to have our own

verification it's been the international community but without our guys being

able to check as melissa has has pointed out anytime anyplace

only with delays if especially if we're gonna be the ones making guarantor

guarantees we're not on the ground we're also the military that that is currently

keeping them at bay we've been on that dmz for seventy years because we were

fighting the Communists there and we stayed there so we have a vested

interest in if we're gonna end that conflict doing it on our terms

be it by the way we're tracking the movements of the presidents down in

Texas he could speak to reporters he could make further comments on the

situation with North Korea we will take those if we get them meanwhile the White

House making no bones about it Sarah Sanders saying no one is defending

Roseanne's tweet but asking where is ABC's apology to the President and

others for other attacks and misinformation and when it comes to

comedian controversies Samantha be using a vile misogynistic term to describe

Ivanka Trump the president's daughter will she have to apologize

will she be fired we'll debate whether a double standard is at play here



For more infomation >> Outnumbered: "Talk for potential summit held in NYC - Duration: 18:32.


Sofia The First Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Making Magic Potions #2 Episode 239 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 10:41.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Making Magic Potions #2 Episode 239 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 10:41.


5 Ways Most Investors Lose Money 📉 | Stock Market for Beginners - Duration: 11:23.

Honestly, most people lose money in stocks.

If you don't want to fall into that statistic, you have to know what to watch out for.

5 of the most common culprits of stock market failure and how to overcome each…

Coming up!

Hey, how are you?

It's good to see you!

Once again we continue on our quest to help you build out your rapidly-growing, highly-diversified

net worth, one video at a time.

Investors make mistakes in the market all the time, that's one of the reasons there

are opportunities for us to generate outsized returns.

In this video, we're covering 5 of the worst and most common mistakes.

(And I bet, even if you've watched other videos like this, you haven't heard #5 before…)

If you aren't prepared for these, you should not have money in the market.

And if you haven't already seen the deep dive video into the #1 mistake all investors

make, you should make a note to check it out after this one!

...because if you don't avoid that huge mistake, you'll be helpless against these


Massive mistake #1, is that most investors panic!

When you really think about it, on the whole, most of the time the market moves predictably.

It's relatively sideways, often with an upward slant.

Because that's only what's happening most of the time (at least for the last several

decades), that's what we come to expect.

After a decade, we forget that markets go down too.

Not in theory—I mean, we admit that it happens, right, obviously markets come down—but in

practice, we don't actually know or remember how that feels.

We're not prepared.

And because it happens relatively rarely, we don't know how to prepare.

But when it does happen—when the market does fall—it can fall fast and hard.

And even though that may only happen once every decade or so—each crash unpredictable

and ...different than the last—that's normal and should be expected.

Now here's something that other financial experts won't say: I'm not going to tell

you blindly that you're wrong to panic…

If you don't know why you're invested the way that you are—you don't understand

the reason you have each of your underlying investments—you didn't initially invest

preparing specifically for the possibility of a crash… then maybe you should panic.

Maybe you should pull your money out of the market.

In fact, you probably should right now and invest some time in understanding why you're

invested the way that you are.

And in creating an investment plan that is prepared come what may.

That's one of my goals with this channel, to give you everything you'll need to get


So if that's your goal too, and you haven't already, consider subscribing.

Also, if you want to supplement my videos here, you can check out the free course on

this subject at Spicer Capital University.

It's four hours of video content will help you overcome this huge mistake.

Ideally, you want to be in a position of investment confidence as everyone else…

...who isn't subscribed to this channel… panicking.

You can observe the chaos with a cool head...

...because it's during that inevitable chaos that we're going to find some of our best

opportunities to outperform long-term!

(But that's an exciting subject for another time…)

Massive mistake #2 is that most investors succumb to euphoria!

Also known as herd mentality…

...this one is similar to the first in that it is driven by our emotions.

As we see others profiting from a market climb, its hard to stay on the side-lines—even

when we don't understand, or when we entirely disagree, with the investment premise—a

lot of people still jump in!

In fact, it's the most disciplined investors who will actually suffer more…

Carl Richards, in The Behavior Gap, explains:

The terrible irony in all this is that the people who are trying the hardest to stick

to their plans—the ones who hold out the longest before they finally capitulate—are

the ones who end up getting hurt the worst because they buy nearest the peak.

Once those hard-core holdouts give in, you know the top can't be far away, because

there is no one left to buy.

—Carl Richards

And in my mini-book, Stop Investing Like They Tell You, I posit that:

the opposite is also true.

As markets free-fall, it's the "disciplined" investors who hold out the longest—and suffer

the most—prior to their ultimate capitulation.

This euphoria/panic combination has historically knocked out countless investors.

The third common mistake is Trading too Frequently

Now if you're a day trader the mistake becomes trading on emotion instead of your rules,

but the negative effect on your long-term returns is the same.

I have a longer time horizon than a day trader and most investors do, as well.

But when you become consumed by short-term fluctuations, that's when you're going

to underperform.

Not only will you underperform, but you'll lose more and more money to commissions.

(Which is a major subject of our video exploring your personal broker options and my top recommendations,

which I'll link to in the description below.)

Once again, you see your emotions working against you here.

The solution is to have a plan before you enter each and every position.

Based on what you know, play out every possible scenario in your head.

In his interview with Colm O'Shea, in Hedge Fund Market Wizards, Jack Schwager summarizes:

O'Shea views his trading ideas as hypotheses.

[He] defines the price point that would invalidate his hypothesis before he makes a trade.

And [he] then has no reluctance on liquidating that position.

Almost nobody does this.

And we could do an entire video series on this practice, how you can do it, and why

it's a good idea.

If you're interested, let me know in the comments.

The bottom-line is that investors who trade on emotion, which happens when you don't

prepare for it ahead of time, and worry too much about short-term moves end up making

a lot of expensive, bad decisions.

The fourth big mistake is getting emotionally attached to a stock

I've actually heard some industry authorities recommend you invest in companies based on

your emotional attachments to them and that is the... complete.


of what you should do.

That is… dangerous.

Emotions have no place in investing.

That's what makes it difficult.

Because we are emotional and instinctual creatures by nature.

But as you watch my videos or do any deeper research on the subject yourself, it becomes

obvious that human emotion, in some way, is the primary force impeding most people's

investment success.

Before you make the decision to transfer your money from cash to the stock of a company,

or wherever, you need to have analyzed that investment and have a plan.

You need to have rules in place.

And then you just need the discipline required to stick to those rules.

But if you don't—if you decide to skip this part—if you just take a position because

you like it or some other emotion-driven reason, you probably shouldn't be trading on your


And that's okay… don't feel like you have too.

Now, that process I just outlined of emotionally evaluating each trade before its made, is

deep and more advanced.

But it's pretty imperative to lasting investment success so you can bet that on this channel

we'll dissect every aspect of that further to make it really easy for you to follow and


Investment Mistake #5 is that most people are actually speculating when they think they're


If you don't fully understand why you're invested in a certain way, you might be a


If you don't know when you plan to get out.

You're just "playing it by ear…"

You might be a speculator.

If you heard a good idea, didn't have time to research it, but took a position just in

case so that you don't miss anything…

You might be a speculator.

If you just liked the prospects of a company's product, so you bought some shares.

You might be a speculator.

You haven't completed your own analysis of the company's financials or you have

no basis for any assessment of a fair value.

You are speculating.

Far too many individual stockholders in the market, have never gone through any sort of

formal analytical process to come to an educated decision about the investment they're considering.

If that's the case, at best, you're speculating, at worst, you're gambling.

Both can be disastrous long-term.

I put together a short video series explaining the differences between investing, trading,

speculating, and gambling.

I'll link to it in the description and in a card.

Especially, if you hold individual stocks, or would like to, you should check that out.

And if you'd like to learn more about that analytical process, at the end of this video

and in the description, I'll link to a playlist I'm building for you on fundamental analysis.

And of course, stay tuned, cause we'll definitely be covering that more over time here on this


Now, I want to hear from you.

We just covered 5 of countless mistakes new investors make.

What are some others you've seen or experienced yourself?

If this was helpful, as always, let me know with a like and a comment.

And share with anyone you think it would benefit.

If this is your first time joining us, I hope you'll subscribe, click that notification

bell, and start your journey to building your rapidly-growing, highly-diversified net worth,

one video at a time.

Here's that playlist for you and another video that might help.

I'll see you in one of those…

Take care.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways Most Investors Lose Money 📉 | Stock Market for Beginners - Duration: 11:23.


WBZ Midday Forecast For May 31 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> WBZ Midday Forecast For May 31 - Duration: 3:25.


9 DIY Clothing Hacks for Girls! Revamping Old Clothes into New! - Duration: 9:45.

Whenever I go shopping I feel like nothing fits me right, everything is just

a little too big, too baggy, too long or funky fitting! In today's video I'm

going to share my top 9 clothing hacks! you can use these

for a wedding, graduation, date night, anything that you want. Be sure to

comment down below and let me know which clothing hack is your favorite@ also if

you're new to my channel I would love if you could subscribe! I love giving back

to my subscribers so be sure to subscribe to my channel to join this

month's giveaway! the button is here or down below not further ado let's get


it's been a while since I've created a DIY here on my channel so I thought

summer is just right around the corner and I know you guys love my DIYs today

I'm going to show you how to make your own DIY stripe crop top with a super

cute tied detail brush you're going to need a large piece of fabric that's

about 15 inches five twenty six and a half inches wide for the strap so you're

going to need a 15 inch by one and a half inch piece of fabric

after you've sewn them together your tube top now we're going to add on our

straps mark the area where I want to sew it together to the tube top

this hop took less than 30 minutes to create and this hop just green summer

now we're going to show you another way you can wear your off shoulder top to

make it more comfortable on your body let me know if you can relate to this

but whenever I wear off shoulder tops I feel like I'm constantly readjusting my

clothing and feeling super self-conscious when I lift my arms the

shirt will rise up or if I'm constantly tugging it down first where you're off

the shoulder top without the sleeve we're going to tie a bow right on the

top near the top of your chest don't be afraid because we're going to be

readjusting throughout this DIY tie twice if necessary so now all you have

to do is just kind of readjust any of the excess fabric we have here it's a

really cute little bow detail that we've added to the front of our top

move on to the next DIY

next I'm going to make this super cute orange halter top for the stand why you

will need scissors button looms frag orange ribbon and an old t-shirt that

you can transform into a halter top so I'm going to lay this halter top right

over top and then I'm going to take a piece of chalk and I'm just going to

outline this halter top to make sure I have a good template

currently the top is too wide for my body it takes us in a bit and then I'm

going to add two buttons on each side

creating stuff here is a final halter top I love the way it turned out

I was never expected that this was previously a t-shirt in its past life

this is a great simple top you could probably wear during the summer time for

a festival or just a cute like beach day with your friends I present to you these

skort I picked up the skirt from a Taiwanese Street Market and I haven't

worn it since no that's a tad bit too short to be a skirt now I'm going to

transform this little mini skirt into a top underneath the skirt there's a pair

of built-in shorts I'm going to cut this area right here can easily slip this

over my head on the skirt here there's these two little belt loops we're going

to trim that off because we definitely don't need them anymore and here is the

final transformation this DIY is perfect if you have a skirt that's probably a

little too short that could probably work better as a top coming down below

and let me know what do you feel more comfortable wearing skirts or pants

patches are a fun way to upcycle old clothing and to make it look new

again so I'm going to be updating these paint denim shorts with these really

cute patches you're also going to need a pair of denim shorts I have these blue

ones and pink ones okay with the help of our assistant she's going to be helping

us add patches to our shorts you're also going to need an iron be careful with

this because it's hot all righty you guys caught me I do love shopping in the

sales section every now and then especially when I need to shop for a

special occasion so for instance I found this gorgeous embroidered black dress

with all these flowers on it I love the sheer overlay this dress was only 950 it

almost seemed too good to be true and it was because inside I realized the slip

was just way too short it was actually a romper underneath if your dress is too

short you can add your own slip underneath just to make it a little bit


anila Fisher is making you look a lot shorter than I actually am don't you

guys get stressed out when you find a shirt that you love but you just feel

like it's a little too long for you take both ends

cross it over once cross it over again you have this really cool not bring it

around to the back and then tie it into a knot

next I'm going to show you how to transform the striped shirt into a wrap

top all I have to do now is take one side and cross it over to the opposite

side and take the other side and just hug it in

a very fun and casual way to wear this top maybe to the beach or somewhere

lounging around at the pool one of my favorite clothing hats is to wear my

clothing backwards I know it's a little bit strange but I feel like everyone

here in my channel is totally open to that great about this is you have a more

modest neckline in the front but it's definitely cute and flirty in the back

here is these scarfs I'm working with today this is an old one I really love

the coral color and it's just nice breezy and airy and just makes me think

of summer to show you how to transform this scarf into a beach cover-up so you

just grab the scarf and fold it in half bring it over your back bring this end

together covering yourself hold on to one of the end and bring to the bottom

grab the other end of the bottom as well and just tie these two pieces together

and then you could also fold over the top of here as well to create more of a


I need your help with this DIY so I want to know what do you think I should do to

this t-shirt here I just picked this up from Target it was on sale for $5 and I

love the ombre look to it do you think I should add a patch should I cut this up

comment down below your suggestions and I will show you in my very next video

what I end up doing yay so you've made it to the end of this video thank you so

much for watching and seriously all of your incredible support and my clothing

hack series husband crazy love creating my one-year vlog it was like birthing a

baby whoo it was like having a baby that's how I feel I just felt so

incredibly satisfied and happy after I made that video click on the I button

and vote on what video you want me to make next and also be sure to follow me

on Instagram for more style inspiration my username is fashioned by Allie it

also shared behind the scenes of my YouTube videos on the YouTube stories I

thank you for watching I honestly can't believe I scored this dress for 950

that's like three in-n-out burgers that's like ten McMuffins

that's like my suit when are you ready to go up for a nice summer day out

For more infomation >> 9 DIY Clothing Hacks for Girls! Revamping Old Clothes into New! - Duration: 9:45.


Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job - Duration: 6:02.

Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job

Although Roseanne Barr apologized for her offensive tweet, the number one sitcom in

America is now off the air.

As you all know by now almost immediately after the tweet, ABC Entertainment President

Channing Dungey made the decision to pull the plug on the show, calling the tweets "abhorrent,

repugnant and inconsistent with our values."

There is clearly a double standard here.

ABC/Disney clearly has an agenda and when Roseanne apologized this should have been

the end of it since to date no one has ever apologized to President Trump, or us, his

supporters for all the nasty and evil things that have been said about him, and us.

Since it's a known fact that you get to know a person's character best when they

are put to the test, although most of her younger costars came out immediately against

Roseanne, her most important co-star, John Goodman, who is beyond a doubt the best actor

on the show, decided to remain silent on the mess.According to Fox News Goodman said in

an interview, "I'd rather say nothing than to cause more trouble, I don't know

anything about it.

I don't read it."This followed a very gracious tweet by Barr:Roseanne continued

by apologizing to those who had lost their jobs because of her comment.

That included John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf, as she also condemned cast members who threw

her under the bus.

Funny how the ones who condemned her, without naming names are the ones who haven't been

heard up since the last time Roseanne was on the air back in 1997, except for Sarah

Gilbert who was last seen on a couple of episodes on the largely popular far-left tv show "The

Big Bang Theory" years ago.

Roseanne added, "I'm not a racist, I never was & I never will be," she wrote Wednesday.

"One stupid joke in a lifetime of fighting 4 civil rights 4 all minorities, against networks,

studios, at the expense of my nervous system/family/wealth will NEVER be taken from me."

This is what Hollywood agrees with, and this list is tame since it's only from the Oscars:

President Donald Trump was the primary target for leftist Hollywood celebrities during the

Oscars, as he, his family, or his administration was mentioned negatively fifteen times during

the ceremony.

Show host Jimmy Kimmel noted the Oscars broadcast was being watched "by more than 225 countries

that now hate us," thanks to Trump.

Kimmel thanked Trump for bringing Hollywood together — "Remember last year when it

seemed like the Oscars were racist?" he asked.

"That's gone, thanks to him."

Kimmel welcomed Isabelle Huppert, a French actress who was nominated for best actress:

"I'm glad Homeland Security let you in tonight.

I really am," he joked.

Kimmel referred to Trump's calling actress Meryl Streep "overrated" after her anti-Trump

speech during the Golden Globe and led the audience in a standing ovation for the actress.

"Nice dress, by the way.

Is that an Ivanka?"

Kimmel asked Streep.Kimmel joked that Donald Trump tweets on the toilet.

"Some of you will get to come up on this stage tonight and give a speech that the President

of the United States will tweet about in all caps during his 5 a.m. bowel movement tomorrow,"

he told the actors.

"And I think that's pretty darn excellent, if you ask me."

Kimmel referred to Trump's repeated attacks on "fake news" and added a joke about

Trump's fake tan: "If there's anyone here from CNN, or the LA Times or New York

Times — if you work for anything with the word 'Times" in it, even Medieval Times

— I'd like to ask you to leave the building right now," he said.

"We have no tolerance for fake news.

Fake tans, we love.""And now, for something that is very rare nowadays: a president who

believes in both arts and sciences," Kimmel joked as he introduced Academy President Cheryl

Boone Isaacs.

Kimmel's stunts included live-tweeting to Trump twice during the Oscars."U up?"

he asked, as it was clear that Trump had not tweeted yet.

He also tweeted the hashtag "#MerylSaysHi" to the president.

"We're so sorry about what happened in Sweden last week," Kimmel said, joking about

Trump's mention of attacks in the country.

Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal criticized Trump's promise to build a wall.

"As a Mexican, as a Latin American, as a migrant worker, as a human being, I am against

any form of wall that wants to separate us," he said.

Kimmel joked that Dr. Strange was also nominated as secretary of Housing and Urban Development,

making fun of Trump's pick of Dr. Ben Carson to lead that agency.

Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs alluded to Trump's campaign promise to secure the

borders: "Tonight is proof that art has no borders, art has no single language, and

art does not belong to a single faith," she said.

Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi protested Donald Trump's travel ban by not attending

the Oscars.

"My absence is out of respect for the people of my country and those of the other six nations

who have been disrespected by the inhumane law that bans entry of immigrants to the U.S.,"

he said in a statement that was read during the ceremony.

Barry Jenkins, the director of the film Moonlight, which (eventually) won Best Picture, promised

to help people suffering during Trump's presidency: "All you people out there who

feel like there's no mirror for you, that your life is not reflected, the Academy has

your back; the ACLU has your back; we have your back; and for the next four years, we

will not leave you alone.

We will not forget you," he said.

For more infomation >> Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job - Duration: 6:02.


What will you build for Cory the Guardian Water Turtle? - LEGO Elves - Duration: 2:06.

Hi, everyone. I'm Trixie from Lego Elves.

And today we're going to build a magical world for this water turtle.

Right now, we're on our way to find Naja.

She's an expert in turtles and she's in this cool aquarium.

So let's go find her.

- Hello, Trixie. - Hello, Naja.

- Thanks for meeting us. - You're welcome.

Our turtle lives in Elvendale and can control the water.

Where does your turtle live?

Our alligator snapping turtle comes from the south-eastern part of the US

and lives in rivers and lakes and also in swamps.

Can it also live on land?

Yes, actually. The females can go on land once a year to lay their eggs

that will later hatch into small babies.

Our turtle actually also has a baby.

It's called Calypso. Here it is.

How many babies can your turtle get?

Normally they lay about ten to fifty eggs at a time.

Whoa! That's a lot.

The water turtle is as old as Elvendale. How old can your turtle get?

Normally, they become about 20 to 70 years of age.

But rumour has it they can become more than 200 years old.

Whoa! That's old.

Thanks for teaching us about the turtles.

- It was my pleasure. - Let's go build.

♪ Whatever happens Wherever we go

♪ We are the Legend of Five unified And we know

♪ This is the way we're supposed to be

♪ This is the way We set the powers free

So here I have built a lift for baby Calypso.

And here I wanted to build 200 birthday cakes,

but I need your help.

So here's the first one.

Do you have any good ideas what to build for this turtle?

Then have fun and go in and share it on Lego Life.

Thank you for watching

and remember to check out our 360 Elvendale video.

For more infomation >> What will you build for Cory the Guardian Water Turtle? - LEGO Elves - Duration: 2:06.


Trump considering pardon for Martha Stewart - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> Trump considering pardon for Martha Stewart - Duration: 8:48.


Trump In Texas For Meeting With Family Members Of School Shooting Victims - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Trump In Texas For Meeting With Family Members Of School Shooting Victims - Duration: 0:21.


THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME!! | ROBLOX Gravity Shift. part 1 - Duration: 37:16.

welcome guys :D

For more infomation >> THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME!! | ROBLOX Gravity Shift. part 1 - Duration: 37:16.


New Housing For The Homeless Opens In Denver - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> New Housing For The Homeless Opens In Denver - Duration: 1:09.


Sofia the First Making Magic Potions Episode 113 - Best Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 10:22.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Sofia the First Making Magic Potions Episode 113 - Best Cartoon For Kids - Duration: 10:22.


Miracle Smile Makeover for Daughter's Wedding by Brighter Image Lab! - Duration: 11:01.

your smile is not a luxury it is the tool that helps you be you everything that

we're doing today is not a luxury and a girl needs her stuff I didn't come here

for a good story it was a good story by itself but when I see this I just like

where's she been

brighter image lab this is Laurie hello this is Angela Pyle

I've lost a bunch of teeth I have severe gastroparesis.. I was showing your your images to

my director and your impression and he would really like to speak with you as

Angela just so you know me my name is Bil and I'm sorry that you're in this

situation I'm not sure it can be done my daughter married on Friday a week from yesterday

yeah and see the thing is is like I don't even want to be there you know if

I can't at least have some I see you know because it's so embarrassing my teeth are

so horrid I don't even want to talk to anybody

Angela this is a Matt I'm with brighter image lab yes hey listen um I was just

talking to Bill we're probably not going to get it out in time for the last

overnight FedEx but he is willing to deliver them thank you guys you get

like I said you have no idea how much this means to me I mean I can't I feel like

I'm in a dream that some we're taking both we trying to do something and like

it's something you see happen to other people but people I have I've never ever

experienced it so thanks so much

seemed like he really took to heart my condition and like really wanted to help

and you know what just a business to him I knew then that brighter images was

so special compared to any other company I'd ever known there's nice people and

they care even if you're a stranger

She ready for me hope this works you know there's always a chance

somebody can drop the ball but I feel good I can't tell you on a few occasions

of doing this job when they see themselves

everything changes and it all starts with the smile because that says I'm here

I'm in the game you know what's feel like throwin in the towel you think about it

yeah you can't I brought a different set just in case but I I did what I thought

would be perfect which means from a side profile there's not going to be as much

of incession but you're gonna feel it like it's gonna go you know like yeah

almost like how you put a cotton ring underneath your lip you're gonna go but

when you see it it should be amazing it's supposed to be perfect but we have

insurance there one that's thin one thicker just in case so I had zero hours

to negotiate there was no way you weren't an arena to really speak for

yourself you had to you had to get someone to help you you'd probably get

me and I would have said let's go was point you know and so that's what we did

I did it the very best I could do it's just going to be whether I made the

right choices but to make it's doing well for you the hair is coming on

and make it you guys do nails here we do not but they do next door don't they? yes I

and they are very good are they we might have to go next door too unless you're gonna get it done anyway

no you're not dying for time are you no you're gonna make it in time

because it brings it all together today a lot of what people see and do is going

to be nothing that you say it's gonna be all your expressions and body language

says everything and you can't have good body language without your hands and

in order to be able to see that you've come full circle it's worth it to get

our hands done if you have the time you ready try these on yeah I gotta ask

you hard questions the back teeth are they really real are they stable perfect

then let's do this bottom one


I can't believe it I have teeth they feel way big just feel odd just getting used to and

your whole life you've never seen your teeth move your your lip out right it's always been straight

down and so right now we're bringing the lip we used for a lip instead of just

something that's in front of you I can't even believe it it's working I

was so happy ooh we're making it work I can't believe I

think you're gonna see you've never done that you've probably never seen your smile

this big let's keep looking if you don't mind it okay because you got to keep

showing it you need I mean I guess you've only seen them for a second no

one's gonna believe that you haven't seen this before I haven't and I

guarantee I this is the first time I've ever met you in my life and we did it in

five minutes and last Saturday's the first time I ever talked to you yeah I

can tell you're already talking to them huge difference like there's not a

you don't have much of a less big thing in just a little bit and you'll get used

to it but you're gonna be able to smile for wedding pictures great yeah can you

look in that mirror and see if you can see them like stand up

how about the front lip I'm so concerned about that cuz I took a big choice to

bring those out oh I like it like that boy you don't know how scary that is

when you've got someone that you're doing something for that you've never

met yeah oh there's this I'll have to watch this

thanks real only thanks thank you yeah we're gonna get a picture in a minute

but I think we're gonna go next door so we're stay miked up I've never had my

nails done never yeah never never if you can take a compliment I'm seeing

one of the most striking individuals come together the makeup and the hair and the

strongness of your smile with the with the good square look very very striking

for you it's a testament of how much you care about your daughter I like I wish

that she could have seen I can't wait I can't wait

my mom's coming in today I can't wait for her to see them she'll be so happy I have

people tell me all the time Bil when you left I wish you would have done one thing

for me what do you what did what I think I think it was your

responsibility tell me what you've already knew you tell me a couple times

to practice smiling please in the future tell people to smile more it took me

months to get ready as well on something I could have done in a few hours

now you've rescinded back away from society and you have to know take that

step is to be back in front of it because the people that you represent

deserve to be represented your girl deserves to have a mother today I said I

can come and sit on the pew and I wasn't going gonna go to the reception because of

it you're gonna stay home for your baby girls wedding all because you felt bad

about the way you look moms showing up for the first time in a couple years

I wish I wish that the circumstances hadn't made us have to meet like we did

but if they're going to exist and you had to go stand up and go nothing's

gonna hold me back everyone's why you get to see whether

what you do matters and I think what we did today matters I think so yeah like I

said I can never thank you guys on that I mean I know you say you don't need to

that I mean you have no idea how much it means I hope you feel like a good girl

today I do! nails done hair's done some stuff and

you're gonna see some people yes today's about you and your daughter so

we want to bail out early we want to get out of your way

so you can go be you well what I wanted to tell you when you talked about my smile

when the first things I ever had said to me one of the first churches that I went

to there is an evangelist there and at the end of the week when I don't know

how your church does it or whatever but like he went to the back and people went out

with shake hands I always had a preacher at the back of

the churches and so when it was very good old days for yeah yeah when I came

through he shook my hand and he told me he said don't ever lose your smile and

I lost it but we got it back and I mean that was when I was 18 he turned there's

a trademark for you not to ever lose my and so are you you gave it back to me


learn more at

For more infomation >> Miracle Smile Makeover for Daughter's Wedding by Brighter Image Lab! - Duration: 11:01.


Final Flight for 200th Airlift Squadron - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Final Flight for 200th Airlift Squadron - Duration: 0:52.


Army sergeant sues military for discrimination over 'outdated' HIV policy - Duration: 6:40.

Army sergeant sues military for discrimination over 'outdated' HIV policy

Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN, LGBTQ military advocacy groups, are suing the Defense Department over what they say is its outdated and unconstitutional policies involving HIV-positive service members.

For over 30 years, the military has placed broad restrictions on the service of people living with HIV, says the lawsuit, filed Wednesday in U.S.

District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Military regulations prohibit the enlistment or commissioning of any individual living with HIV and place strict geographic limitations on the service of members who first test HIV positive while on active duty..

The Pentagon adopted a strict HIV policy in 1991, when AIDS was the No.

2 killer of men aged 25 to 44 in the U.S.

The policy has been revised since, but not enough, according to Scott A.

Schoettes, director of the HIV Project at Lambda Legal, which filed the suit on behalf of Nicholas Harrison, a sergeant in the District of Columbia Army National Guard who was denied an officer position.

This is an instance of discrimination that has been longstanding, and it was finally time to make clear that we werent going to stand for this type of discrimination by our own government, Schoettes told NBC News.

The suit, citing a military directive, says it is Defense Department policy to deny eligibility for military service to persons with laboratory evidence of HIV infection for appointment, enlistment, preappointment, or initial entry training for military service.

While the Defense Department declined to comment on the lawsuit, a spokeswoman said in an email to NBC News that active-duty service members with HIV are evaluated and managed in the same manner as a service member with other chronic or progressive illnesses.

She also said the departments HIV policies are evidence-based, medically accurate, and are reviewed regularly and updated.

The lawsuit also refers to a February Pentagon memorandum dubbed Deploy or Get Out by its critics.

The memo states that service members who have been non-deployable for more than 12 consecutive months, for any reason, will be processed for administrative separation..

Schoettes said this policy will make it next to impossible for people living with HIV to continue to serve.

The military considers by default everyone living with HIV non-deployable, Schoettes explained, adding that the policy could end up kicking out all of the people currently serving who are living with HIV.

Harrison, 41, joined the military when he was 23 and has served two tours of duty in the Middle East.

He diagnosed with HIV in 2012, around the same time he passed the bar exam.

Harrison was confronted with the militarys HIV policy a few years later, when he was denied an officer position in the Judge Advocate General Corps, the division of the military that handles legal matters.

I have always wanted to be an officer since Ive been in the military, the Oklahoma native told NBC News.

One of the values thats been instilled in me is taking care of soldiers..

Harrison said he was very surprised when he was not granted the opportunity to serve as a JAG officer and called the HIV policy outdated, saying it doesnt take into consideration current medical research.

There really isnt any reason for someone who has this medical condition to be discriminated against in this society, he added.

HIV isnt what it was when it was first discovered in the 80s.

Its no longer a death sentence..

Perry Halkitis, dean of the Rutgers University School of Public Health, agreed.

He said the militarys HIV policies are still rooted in the stigma of the 80s..

Decisions are being made about HIV that have nothing to do with the current state of science, Halkitis told NBC News.

Harrisons lawsuit, which lists the Defense Department, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Army Secretary Mark Esper as defendants, seeks to have the Pentagon lift restrictions placed on service members because of their HIV status and commission Harrison as a JAG officer for the D.C.

National Guard.

For more infomation >> Army sergeant sues military for discrimination over 'outdated' HIV policy - Duration: 6:40.


9 Ways Natural Deodorant is Good for You - Duration: 5:53.

- Hey, I'm Trina Felber.

And today, I want to talk

to you about nine reasons

why you should be buying

natural deodorant.

If you've been buying the same

antiperspirant deodorant since you were a teen,

it's time to make a change.

Do you even know what harmful ingredients

are hiding in that stick?

Well thankfully, there are now many different

all-natural options for deodorant.

You can pick one up at the grocery store

or you can easily, easily, easily,

find one online.

So let's take a look

at the nine reasons

you should be using

a natural deodorant.

First of all,

they're free from harmful ingredients.

So regular deodorants and antiperspirants

contain harmful ingredients like triclosan,

parabens, and aluminum compounds.

With natural deodorants,

you can rest assure that we don't use

anything that is harsh

or potentially damaging to your health.

Just all-natural ingredients

that do their job,

while nourishing your skin.

While fighting body odor and wetness.

But we'll come back to those

in one second.

So number two,

natural deodorant is easy to use.

There's no crazy secret behind using

Natural Deodorant.

Just hold the stick

up against your armpit for a few seconds

to warm it.

Simply swipe up and down,

just three to four times.

And then, gently massage it into

your skin with your fingers.

It's that simple.

Just be aware that you may need

to reapply it throughout the day.

Especially during the first few weeks,

when you're converting to natural deodorant,

as your body rids itself

of harmful toxins.

Number three,

baking soda free.

Have you ever tried natural deodorants

in the past to end up

with a red sensitive rash?


It burns, right?

Baking soda is added to deodorants

to neutralize any bad odor.

Yet, it disrupts the pH

under you armpit.

And can create this red,

irritating, and painful rash.

But using a baking soda-free deodorant

will keep you dry and smelling great

without any kind of irritation or rash.

Number four,

actually de-stink

before stink happens.

So deodorants work by masking your sweat

and nasty odor,

with all sorts of artificial fragrances.

But, what if you could prevent odor

before it happened?

This is exactly the case

with many natural deodorants.

The minerals used in natural deodorants

start working

the minute they're applied to your skin

to help prevent any kind

of stink from arising.

Number five,

it's made with magnesium

and zinc oxide.

The double duo.

Magnesium and zinc oxide are extremely effective

in helping to deodorize

the body.


aluminum compounds, and other harmful ingredients

in regular antiperspirants,

magnesium and zinc oxide are completely

safe minerals.


is added to antiperspirants

to actually stop you from sweating.

However, you need to sweat.

Your sweat helps rid you of toxins.

And helps control your body temperature.

But magnesium and zinc oxide don't

prevent you from sweating.

Instead, these minerals convert fatty acids

that cause body odor,

into odorless salt.

And help kill the bacteria

that's responsible for body odor.

Number six,

is my favorite.

Activated charcoal.

So activated charcoal

is also used in Natural Deodorant

for moisture control.

It's able to absorb around 1,000 times

its weight in moisture.

And impurities, making it the

perfect ingredient

for keeping your armpits free

of sweat build up,

and odor.

Number seven,

they contain essential oils.

There are so many reasons

to add essential oils to Natural Deodorant.

They have antibacterial properties,

help moisturize the skin,

and add a lovely scent to the deodorant.

Number eight,

is scent variety.

Are you a fan of lavender?

Or what about, coconut?

With natural deodorants, you'll find there's

an endless amount

of scents to choose from

that are 100% natural and non-irritating

to your skin and body.

And the best part is that you can smell

great without having

to apply harmful toxic ingredients,

and fragrances, to your body at all.

Number nine,

there's added perks.

Aside from 100% all-natural ingredients,

many natural deodorants also are

gluten free.

And vegan.

So no matter your lifestyle,

you're sure to find a deodorant

that works.

For you and your lifestyle.

If you want more information

on all-natural deodorants,

head to The Healthy Me blog.

Or order the stick up from

Primal Life Organics.

We make 100% natural deodorant.

It's baking soda free.

Stay dry formula.

And it's super effective.

Thanks for watching.

Make sure you subscribe

to keep learning how

to create your healthy self.

See ya next time.

For more infomation >> 9 Ways Natural Deodorant is Good for You - Duration: 5:53.


Motorized Frameless Vertical sliding Glass for Showrooms - Duration: 0:57.

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