Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily Jun 1 2018

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For more infomation >> Killer ATTITUDE WhatsApp Status | Attitude Status video for boys - Duration: 0:32.


Tucker: Giuliani sets 'red lines' for Mueller, swipes at Gowdy over informant comments - Duration: 16:13.

well progressivism not just in this country but around the world is

increasingly coming to resemble not just a religion but a cult bent on suicide

not over staying that in Europe billionaire George Soros recently said

the European countries ought to cope with migrant crises the ones that he

helped encourage by keeping their borders open to new arrivals and then

taking on tens of billions of dollars in new debt as if they don't have enough to

fund aid to developing countries meanwhile at Oakland California the

First Congregational Church is urging its members not to call the police ever

no matter what the problem is for the stated purpose of protecting non-whites

in the congregation from police violence Nigel frosh once led the UK Independence

Party and he joins us now Nigel thanks for coming on I wanted to ask you about

this because you have an international perspective and I I don't think these

trends for just American I mean I think these impulses are so shared by a lot of

the people in charge of the world the West yeah and one of the driving

impulses seems to be masochism or the desire to destroy our civilization even

suicidal in some cases but the idea that you're not allowed to defend yourself

seems to undergird a lot of what we're seeing have you noticed this yes not

just yourself but in fact the whole shape of society I mean George Soros is

open society foundation which he of course has poured billions of dollars

into I mean this is the biggest political campaigning organization in

the world he wants to break down the fundamental values of our society and in

the case of Europe he doesn't want Europe to be based on

Christianity now all of this whether it's Soros or some of those very strange

people in California all of it is based on some kind of self-loathing some sort

of guilt trip about the past and in surah C's case it's a guilt trip of

course about America's about sorry Germany's wartime actions the way the

Jews were treated in America in many cases it's how the native Indians were

treated it's all based on guilt but it's not based on

reality I have to say in the case of Soros the bosses in Brussels will be

furious with his timing right now we have Italy in revolt because because the

either the new government or the attempted new government wants to get

rid of half a million illegal migrants and Soros appears to be going ever so

slightly mad right I mean look I would say that there

are a lot of sins that we collectively have committed as the society as a

civilization obviously but I sort of wonder can we continue

if those sins so shake our faith in ourselves that we refuse to defend

ourselves I mean the church in Oakland that we described in the intro is

encouraging its members not to call police even when they feel they need the

police I mean if that's not a suicidal impulse what is it I mean look you know

there are many European cities now where the total failure of our political class

to defend our judeo-christian culture which actually underpins a whole society

is it many ways what's open the doors to Islamic extremism so we are engaged in

some very very dangerous policies here the good news though is that voters are

rebelling brexit Trump the reason that's handing elections the victory of Viktor

Orban in Hungary you know whatever these people say ordinary people real people

you know those that pay their taxes are Babel or right and go to work they want

none of this I wonder what Eastern Europeans don't seem quite as guilty as

the West is it because they suffered for so long under the Soviets oh look they

suffered in many cases under Nazism and of course under the Soviets it's not so

1990 Tucker that these countries were actually free Western democracies and

they do I think it's important to realize that the church plays a much

bigger role in society in Poland and Hungary than it does in France and

Germany that's really smart nigel Faraj thank you good to see you thank you Alan

Dershowitz one of the smartest and most distinguished men on the left

but he's being exiled for refusing to abandon civil liberties for political

expedience he tells his story next

Harvard professor of law Alan Dershowitz is one of the most distinguished and

certainly one of the most famous liberals in this country increasingly

though he doesn't seem to have much of a home left on the left because he refuses

to participate in dogmatic attacks on the president

Dershowitz has sharply criticized the Muller investigation for instance he

says that anti Trump hostility is justifying attacks on civil liberties

that threaten all of us for saying that he says his liberal friends don't invite

him to dinner parties anymore and some bark at him professor Dershowitz joins

us tonight professor thanks for coming on that I was struck by this story your

account of this because you've taken unpopular really unpopular positions

some that I disagree with over the years and you haven't had this problem no

what's the difference well it's Trump the Trump changes everything just

yesterday on Martha's Vineyard there was a dinner party to which I was not my

wife and I were not invited but apparently I was the subject of the

entire conversation people asking what's happened to Dershowitz

why is he turned to the right and I wish I had been there because I would have

pointed my finger at my liberal friends and said it's all your fault

if you hadn't worked as hard for the election of Hillary Clinton as I did and

if she had been elected and they were trying to impeach or charge her I'd be

saying exactly the same things in defense of her rights as I did in

defense of the rights of Bill Clinton and also in the defense of the rights of

Richard Nixon going back to the 1970s well I haven't changed I have not

changed they have so just as a reference point you were involved in the defense

for a little while anyway of OJ Simpson who I think it's credibly accused of

murdering two people with a knife when you went to Martha's Vineyard during

those years 95 90 60 people attacked you with dinner parties for that a little

bit but not as much as this it's never been like this and this time you know it

includes some of my relatives as I said the only thing that hurts me is that up

until now people who are my relatives would tell me Oh

people come over to you and say you're related to alan dershowitz Wow now they

say you're related to alan dershowitz how can you justify what I'm saying

about Donald Trump so it affects my relatives and that hurts me I have a

thick skin I've been doing this for years I've developed the thickest skin

imaginable by the way a lot of the tweets that I get hundreds of tweets and

messages a lot of them not only focus on what I've been saying about the

constitutional rights of Donald Trump but they related to me being pro-israel

and Jewish and making anti-semitic thing out of it as well and so you know

there's not only some too much anti-semitism on the right there's quite

a bit of it on the anti-trump left as well I'm feeling it

I've noticed that so I mean you've been at this for I don't wouldn't even want

to guess half a century an awfully long time at that kind of forefront of the

civil libertarian left has that group shrunk I mean is it not just trumpet

maybe the left is less interested in traditional civil liberties than it used

to be drunk there are no civil libertarians left on the left

certainly not the American Civil Liberties Union they were the ones who

said that the raid on Cohen's office taking his lawyer client files was a

good thing not even suggesting what I suggested and what was ultimately

adopted by the judge to have a judicial monitor going through all of these

emails the ACLU is dead in the water when it comes to defending the civil

liberties of people who they don't agree with and that's just awful there are

still some civil libertarians left but you can count them on one hand

everybody has to pass the shoe on the other foot test if the shoe were on your

foot would you be taking the same position you're taking today I passed

that test there are some others who pass that test but too many both on the right

and on the left is the test if Hillary Clinton had been elected a lot of the

people who are supporting me and defending me on the right would be

attacking me for criticizing the prosecution or the impeachment of

Hillary Clinton we need neutral principles we need

standards of constitutionality that are apolitical at high readings

to allow partisan politics to preempt my views on the Constitution which might

have stayed the same for 50 years Amen when when the FBI broke into the

gmail account of that creepy Governor Eliot Spitzer I defended that creepy

Governor Eliot Spitzer he's my wrong what they did to him and

it's important professor thank you great to see you likewise

well American companies tend to be progressive in defiance in the United

States but when it comes to dealing with China's autocrats they are meek and

submissive amazingly so latest installment of our series on China is

after the break

our elites are always telling you how progressive they are they tout their

commitment to diversity they fret about global warming up for any new bathroom

rule you can think of as long as it sounds modern they're classic cool mobs

basically eager to show off their open minds but their liberalism ends at the

water's edge when it comes to China our greatest rival American elites bow

deeply to the elderly fascists who run that country when the Chinese say jump a

ruling class has only one question how high considered gap the proudly liberal

clothing outfit this spring gap pulled a t-shirt from all of its stores worldwide

because that shirt featured an outline of China the image did not include

Taiwan or an obscure group of disputed islands in the South China Sea and

Beijing complained about that gap immediately destroyed the t-shirts then

the company issued a groveling crest release quote Gap Inc respects the

sovereignty and territorial integrity of China we failed to reflect the correct

map of China in other words I'm sorry for being naughty most honorable sir

gasp ROM gap promised it would never happen again that's just one of many

examples in January Marriott apologized for listing Tibet Taiwan and Hong Kong

and Macau as separate countries on an email questionnaire then Marriott fired

an employee who liked to tweet about it Mary it's obsequious apology to China's

dictator says at all quote some associates don't understand or take

seriously enough the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China clearly

written by the Chinese offending China is now a fireable offense in this

country American Express Citibank Goldman Sachs they all agree those

companies have all changed online content to eliminate suggestions that

Taiwan and China are separate countries even though of course they are separate

countries the Chinese insist American companies lie about that and so they do

Hollywood's been doing it for years the movie studios have been obedient to

China's rulers probably for more than a decade asked Richard Gere the actor he

says now he has trouble getting worked because his views on Tibet offend

Chinese officials in 2016 the movie Doctor Strange producers cast a white

woman in the role of a Tibetan character why they do that doesn't sound like the

diversity doctrine at work it's not but they did it anyway why well the

screenwriter explained that casting an ethnic Tibetan would make Chinaman

so they couldn't in 2012 a remake of Red Dawn changed the bad guy from China

North Korea why you know because they didn't want to offend Beijing how eager

are American elites to do the bidding of their Chinese masters ask yourself this

whatever happened to the Dali Lama remember him he used to be a hero to

Americans especially American liberals they loved him

you almost never hear his name anymore it turns out the Chinese government

doesn't like him for his human rights activism so under pressure from the

Chinese government his appearances by the Dalai Lama have been cancelled

around the world including shamefully in this country the diol AMA may be a great

moral leader but China pays the bills Frank wolf is a rare former member of

Congress who has been sounding the alarm on China for a very long time and he

joins us now congressman I'm grateful to have you you really are one of the very

few former members of Congress who is pointing out the human rights abuses in

China and is willing to say what is true which is they're bullying us

why is that why aren't more saying well I don't know talker but you're right I

mean the hundred forty-two Tibetan monks and nuns support carrying on a body set

themselves aflame there are we here muscle children thousands thousands

being taken away to detention camps Catholic Bishops right now right right

now as well as you're being rounded up thousands many many many thousands in

the in detention camp almost like Stalinist camps and catholic bishops

missing to kashyap chris smith took holy communion from bishop su he's never been

seen again Protestant pastors are being arrested I mean it is it is as bad

today's has ever been since that's now and you're exactly right I mean Richard

Gere will never make another another movie AMC is been sold to the Chinese

other studios have been sold and they censor you and then they sent you besaid

if you run that Richard Gere will never be in a major movie so without naming

names because that this is a very small city and you've been here for a long

time but looking out across the city you know a lot of lobbyists law and served

in Congress what percentage would you say are on the payroll in some way with

China well I'll say some names I mean one of the bigger firms in town Squires

Patton Boggs they represent two Chinese government

they also represent Basheer the indicted war criminal from Sudan who's been

indicted for genocide Suarez Pam Boggs they represent them so would you say

that many different lobbying outfits PR firms in Washington in some way take

money from the Chinese and yes they they do what's just interesting during the

80s when I got elected when Ronald Reagan was here no company no PR firm no

law firm would have ever represents the Soviet Union and now so many are

represented chummy force choirs patton boggs to represent Basheer the President

of Sudan who is an indicted war criminal for a genocide what took place in Darfur

so the standards in a stand of totally do you think that that may be connected

to the fact that you almost you hear a lot about Russia but you never hear

anything about China's human rights abuses they're connected the the human

rights abuses and religion like a religious freedom is worth today in

China than it's been since the days of now and don't forget President Xi has

now pointed himself president for life it is terrible that's why I can't

understand it very fact that thousands of Muslim kids are being taken away I

had a Muslim woman come by my office about two months ago thirty five of her

grandchildren have been taken and put in these detention kids I urge you to

google when the Shepards we're doing actually it's just it's been next week

we're gonna do a segment on Chinese human rights abuses and you would think

that American liberals would care but they don't do you view and I appreciate

it congressman thank you for coming on Thank You great to see you think British

authorities arrested Tommy Robinson for trying to cover sexual abuse in Great

Britain and they covered up their arrest of him that's not the first time it has

happened in Great Britain sadly Kitty Hopkins here with an update next


For more infomation >> Tucker: Giuliani sets 'red lines' for Mueller, swipes at Gowdy over informant comments - Duration: 16:13.


Saudi Arabia Football Team 28 Man Squad for World Cup 2018 - Duration: 6:01.

Saudi Arabia Team 28 - Man Squad for World Cup 2018,

Saudi Arabia Team Official Squad, Saudi Arabia Football Team 2018 world cup,

Saudi Arabia 28-Man Squad for World Cup 2018, Saudi Arabia, Football, Saudi Arabia team,

Saudi Arabia cup 2018,Saudi Arabia Football 28-Man Squad,

Saudi Arabia football team, Saudi Arabia 2018, 2018 fifa world cup, world cup 2018,

Saudi Arabia world cup, Saudi Arabia football news, Saudi Arabia football player

For more infomation >> Saudi Arabia Football Team 28 Man Squad for World Cup 2018 - Duration: 6:01.


Ryan Reynold Opens Up For The First Time About His Disorder - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Ryan Reynold Opens Up For The First Time About His Disorder - Duration: 2:47.


California Election 2018: Race For Congressional District Features Rematch - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> California Election 2018: Race For Congressional District Features Rematch - Duration: 2:54.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 996 - Red Elephant - Duration: 17:48.

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The great pretender

Study of the fairy headmistresses it is well hidden, but I know you can find it I heard

desiccators saying out to me clasped

Curious who your guest teacher will be today a

Greeting tents are destined to Goldust

Invisibility potions Wow. Yes, Wow, but also whoa not easy quite

They help you fetching radiance stir potions and Scrolls scrolls again and lots of other useful things

Yo, why Thank You Archimedes. I definitely want clover to be my helper

Your first advanced potion is due tomorrow you and your animal helper will make it right here in carts. Yes

what should clover and I make

Made it now luck. Then I can gather the rest of the wicked nine and drain their magic to become so so powerful

But you will once you let that candle a secret passageway will be revealed no there goes

this is so exciting and

Merryweather Aurora's Guardians, they must have put a protection spell on the candle

I'll use my necessity if you create a door anywhere

Wonderful idea to the dragon father Sophia. The alchemy books the dragon fires the rarest fire of all hope

Oh, yes it is. We keep it in here. Should we ever need to make dragon fire ourselves?

Here's a small bit of the spark. It's all that we have but it should be a mouse

I've seen it on the Isle of dragons. Let's follow the princess then just when she makes the dragon fire will smudge it

Freak overtime, here we go

We'll get you to all this meat magic together. I'll stir a potion you say a magic word or two. It might

Be make honey, does it duck quack what I'm saying is we're interested really really interested

Okay. Well, alright, really, really

I leased the audition to get the gig anyway, okay, great. Everyone. Meet my gazebo leader for try it

Thank you all for coming out to my animal helper tryouts. Your support is much appreciated

I'm going to test your skills as you each help me and you have scoop of dragon skills and a pinch of hurricane dust


Okay, how do I know which one's dragon scales?

Gotta find the hurricane dust. It could be this one all may or may be bet so far not so much really

Of course, I'm sorry I got the frightful buttons, I'm pretty sure

Okay doing well and alchemy class is really important to me

Tell you what how then I let you try out again later if you take lessons I

Suppose I could share a brilliant point or a roll - all right

All right, if that's what it takes to get the helping gig you don't owe

That bunny did terribly twitch you should try out to be Sophia's helper

Better but we still have to hide that

Memorize each and every ingredient you'll need to make Dragon Fire

This hurricane dust and this is lava paste. Hmm. Now you try

Dragon then your whatever and hurricanes use this rhyme to remember

Dragon scales are shaped like snails

Hurricane dust is red as rust

That's right Wow, I'm worried if I choose you as my healer you'll just play games all the time yeah sure

What games games?


Try the rhyme again from the top you just focus and repeat after me

Dragon scales are shaped like snails hurricane Dusty's red as frost lava paste as an ice sheet taste dry quicks

Most have done but only if you get the gist and learn this ride

All Nexus grand let's not get the slime is missing the miss is twisty you're making

Flips and fraud slime flips frog slime flips for goodness sake come on. You can't quit on me

How will I learn to be Sophia's helper? I suppose someone

That's lava paste of course magic - of T, you're really good at this you'd make a great animal helper

Good luck with these chumps


Yo, how do you know all that?

I was kinda hoping you could give me a few quick tips, you know, you know be a quicker way

Where'd you go?

Close enough so I can steal

So you can hear everything I say

Wow you'd really do that why cuz I have a hunch you've got the chops just love a piece

Tastes like how good I'm go again. Don't hurt your brain remembering. It's the last pouch on the left. Oh this

Ethnic cover now. All we need is the lucky spark

Did we do it that's dragon fire. All right

Kluber you did great lessons with wormwood really paid off

Starting with making dragon fire for mr. Merlin tomorrow

Hey, buddy, you're gonna help me at Sophia's school tomorrow right you a

delightful demonstration of the tornado

Thank You, mr. Merlin

Complicated but impressive. I hope so ready. Let's get cooking

yeah, you get the dragon scales tracking skills are so

Yes, just breathe

The swelling sorcery what just happened I don't know but don't worry I'll find out

To the spindle

Clover you

Know something you have to tell me. Okay, fine. He was hiding and whispering to me how to make the dragon fire

Why they must have needed the dragon fire to open the secret passage. How are we going to stop them kids?

Just make more I can but I can't do it alone. Don't look at me

Snails add hurricane dust as red as rust don't hate clover

We must have to play a certain tune to get to the hidden spindle

Twitch play that again


Princess Sofia why would we ever give it to you? Because otherwise we'll have to take

Don't be so sure Sophia

Remember this and necessity? No one can catch me least of all you princess

I would like to compliment all of you on your

wondrously wonderful displays of advanced alchemy the end we have a

princess Sofia


Bailiwicks Dale

Good morning, princess Sofia

Is it going to be a party oh I should say not a job well done it's celebration enough

Everything's ready for your royal playdate children. Your friends will arrive any moment and I'll be on hand in case you need anything

Oh, no, you won't baileywick. Your brother Nigel does

What kind of big plans Nigel

We love doing

Thanks Wicky. It's a basket full yet. Nope, but my belly is

And after the orchard will sweep and a cap off the day

After we're done wiping ice cream off your nose a boat will pick us up at the dock to take us fishing

Just like we used to do fun. We used to have I can't think of a better way to spend the day

Sounds like you're going to have a great time

Amber James and I each planned an activity for all of us. My activity is playing pirates in my tree house. All right

You're on

Excited for your day off are you mr. Baileywick indeed violet?

I can't remember the last time Nigel and I got to spend a whole day together

I just hope the children will be okay without me

But he hasn't left yet oh

Dear is that James calling me Oh Wicky. I'm sure whatever he wants

All right, what's the problem James the treehouse broke oh dear

So, can you fix it rest assured James

There is nothing that cannot it's time for my activity two of the gazebo everyone

Do we have to the fix in the treehouse? Yummy snacks will be served. I'm there

Hey J. Best two out of three. Sorry for the delay Nigel. I'm ready to go pick some apples

Well, it's too late for that. I'm afraid dear brother, but we can still make it to the ice-cream


Well, at least there's food

First things first Oh

No, wait until you taste the cookies they are simply

Princess amber should know it's your day off. I must see what's the matter


Dear that won't do it all won't you to the kitchen?

Princess amber. How does this look?


Finally not quite yet now we must put the frosting on the cookies

Enjoy your tea party. Enjoy the rest of your day off

well, we missed the apples and now we've missed the ice cream too, but we still have an afternoon of

I'm stuffed. I'm bored. What's next my activity? It's just over here in the garden. We're going to paint

Great idea Sofia

Where is it? Oh dear, where's my fishing pole? I must have left it in the hall. I'll be right back

Well the boat the boat will be here any moment

No Oh

What someone please make my butterfly stay still in my castle? You scared all the butterflies away

I didn't get the lizard either

now adieu, we paint oh

There's baileywick maybe he knows where to find more butterflies

But they flew away

Do you know where we could find more and how we can keep them from flying away?

If it's butterflies you need then butterflies you shall have

A blue one. What kind of butterfly would you like? Well, I was beaming a purple one before say no more

hold still

You're quite welcome and now I really must go

Sorry, mr. Bailey wait you're back. Well actually it's time to start preparing the Royal supper that it is

I'll meet you in the castle violet. Very good

Shouldn't you be on your boat ride? I thought you were going fishing with Nigel we missed the boat

I'm afraid oh, but how are the apples and the ice cream we Sophia? Hey your friends are about to leave

You should go say goodbye baileywick. Never got his day off. Why not? Well, he fixed James's treehouse. Oh

I have to find emerging

Good. Bye everyone. See you laters and our bye guys

We really messed up we should do something to make it up to him

Maybe we can give him tomorrow off but his birthday is today today should be special

Oh, if only we could do course Suzette. Can we get some ice cream right away miss? What are we going to do?

You'll see come on

Wicky lead the way princess

We need up there the treehouse again

It's you baileywick so welcome to your day off do-over party first, we've invited a special guest

Nigel how fishing poles in case we see any snapper

or catfish

Sit down baileywick. It's our turn to serve you. That's right. You're not just

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Part 996 - Red Elephant - Duration: 17:48.


Warriors And Cavs Gear Up For Fourth NBA Finals Showdown - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Warriors And Cavs Gear Up For Fourth NBA Finals Showdown - Duration: 2:16.


Apple looking to hire 3D UI engineer, likely for rumored augmented reality glasses ● Tech News #TECH - Duration: 2:59.

Apple is continuing its hiring efforts related to augmented reality and virtual reality,

according to a job posting discovered by 9to5Mac.

The company today has posted a new job listing for a 3D UI Frameworks Engineer, and signs

point to the position being related to Apple's ongoing work on an augmented reality headset…

The job listing explains that Apple's Technology Development Group is searching for a 3D UI

Frameworks Engineer who will "drive the next generation of interactive experiences

for our platform."

Apple explains that the person who is hired in this position will be able to build software

that affects how both developers and users interact with hardware products.

Furthermore, the person will work with augmented reality and virtual reality in the form of

Apple's ARKit and Metal 2 frameworks.

What's most interesting about the position is the mention of a 3D UI Frameworks engineer,

hinting that it could related to Apple's augmented reality headset efforts.

Apple says the person should have 5 years experience ins software development, as well

as a BS/MS/PhD in computer science, or equivalent experience.

Here's the full description for the job:

Apple's UI frameworks define the look and feel of our software and products.

You will have the opportunity to build software that directly impacts the way both developers

and customers interact with our products.

You will work with some of Apple's most advanced technologies including the Augmented

Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) support offered in ARKit and Metal 2.

Work closely with human interface designers and internal clients to define and deliver

the foundation for the next paradigm of user interfaces and entirely new interaction models.

This isn't the first time we've seen a job posting like this, which suggests Apple

is continuing its hiring efforts for its augmented reality headset/glasses.

A report in November from Bloomberg indicated that Apple is looking to release its augmented

reality headset as soon as 2020.

The report also said that the device runs a new fork of iOS referred to as "rOS."

On Twitter this evening, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman suggested that this job listing is

for the rOS team.

For more infomation >> Apple looking to hire 3D UI engineer, likely for rumored augmented reality glasses ● Tech News #TECH - Duration: 2:59.


OSU Beavers ready for Regional Baseball opener - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> OSU Beavers ready for Regional Baseball opener - Duration: 1:56.


Whitehall graduate in wheelchair walks across stage for diploma - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Whitehall graduate in wheelchair walks across stage for diploma - Duration: 2:22.


Where is the dog from English for Children♪♬ 1-23 - Duration: 1:19.

Where is the dog?

The dog is in the box.

Where is the cat?

The cat is in the bed.

Where is the pig?

The pig is in the bag.

Where is the duck?

The duck is in the pond.

Where is the dog?

The dog is in the box.

Where is the cat?

The cat is in the bed.

Where is the pig?

The pig is in the bag.

Where is the duck?

The duck is in the pond.

For more infomation >> Where is the dog from English for Children♪♬ 1-23 - Duration: 1:19.


Judge rules Donthe Lucas will go to trial for death of Kelsie Schelling - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Judge rules Donthe Lucas will go to trial for death of Kelsie Schelling - Duration: 1:38.


Facebook Fast Start For Builders - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Facebook Fast Start For Builders - Duration: 5:43.


Former CIA Officer Caught Spying For Chinese Government - Duration: 4:49.

A former CIA officer is facing charges of espionage for illegally possessing classified

material and aiding the Chinese Government.

Jerry Lee, who worked at the CIA, believed to have used his position in the intelligence

agency to help Chinese intelligence take down American spies which led to the imprisonment

and even the death of informants.

Joining me to talk about this Mollye Barrows, legal journalist for the Trial Lawyer magazine.

Mollye, I find it incredible that the media is all over, "Oh my God, Russia hacked," here

you got the CIA where there's not even speculation.

They caught this guy actually giving the secrets away and informants died because of it.

People who were working for our government were killed and imprisoned because of it.

And it's a little hard to find this story when you're trying to compare it to, "Well

gee whiz somebody in Russia hacked and Hilary lost."

This is what bothers me about the state of journalism right now.

What do we know about the CIA officer and how did he sell out his fellow colleagues,


This is such an interesting story for a number of reasons, and you hit on a couple of them,

Mike, talking about the political side of it.

But this guy, Jerry Chun Shing Lee, 53-years-old, he is an American citizen, although he was

born in Hong Kong.

He was raised in Hawaii.

He went to work for the U.S. Army for five years.

And then he joined the CIA.

He was in CIA for about 13 years.

It seemed like he was from 1994 to 2007.

So during that time he became an officer.

He had access to all kinds of classified information.

And the problem came when apparently he left the army, he left the CIA.

And instead of giving up the classified information that he had access to he actually kept it.

That included the names and contact informations of operatives that were U.S. operatives in


In fact, part of his job when he worked for the CIA was to cultivate those human intelligence

contacts and the sources.

And it also, this man's arrest, it's interesting.

They're making very distinctive nuances, even down to his charges.

While he's charged with, basically charges related to conspiracy and possessing this


He's not actually accused of handing it over.

They say they can't prove that he gave those names and numbers to Chinese handlers in China.

But what they can show is that he possessed information he wasn't supposed to have, and

that he was having contact with these Chinese handlers.

And he was also receiving unusual amounts of cash.

According to U.S. documents-

You know, Mollye-

... U.S court documents.

He was receiving-


... 100 grand plus promises he'd be taken care of for life.

And you hear a story like this, you start saying there's something dysfunctional about

those agencies right now.

And why don't we do what was done during the Church hearing and that is to clean house.

Congress called hearings.

They put all of these people under oath.

They asked them really tough questions about things like spying on Americans and having

agents that were deep-sixed in different countries all around the world.

Why don't we do that again?

Doesn't that sound like it's time right now?

Aren't we at that critical juncture where people have just completely lost faith with

intelligence operatives, in general.

What is your take on that?

Well certainly in this situation, because you're talking about 20 American operatives

in China who were either imprisoned or killed.

And this is coming out as a result of Lee's arrest.

And they believe, they can't directly connect him to these deaths and imprisonments.

But they can say that this is the kind of information that he possessed.

By working with China, he compromises individuals, these were individuals well placed within

the Chinese administration to give the United States government a better handle on how this

extremely secretive government worked.

Now, let's not make any bones about it, China's spying on the U.S. just like we are with them

but they're doing more cyber snooping.

So you're 100% right.

It's always done in the name of defense of country.

But when you have explosive stories like this open up you see the extent of the damage that

was done.

Whether they can prove this particular American spy was linked to this or not.

The fact of the matter is we had 20 U.S. related spies and operatives in China that are no

longer to be heard from.

They're either dead or imprisoned.

China took care of business.

So when we extend ourselves for that far and cost that many lives and repercussions at

home and abroad, all for the sake of defense.

Then you're right.

There does seem to be some need for checks and balances.


The intelligence system is broken right now.

I believe from the FBI, the CIA, department of justice it's broken.

It is time for some serious hearings like the Church hearings.

Thank you for joining me.

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