Hello it's Ricardo and I'm still playing elite dangerous and welcome to reboot
and restart now today's episode of rebooting start is about many meeting I
think is another money-making gag another passenger mission but this is
all about it when you're starting off in the game
what do you do to the spaceship you haven't got loads of passenger
cabins you haven't got that much making evident that you have to do it has to be
honest virgin so here I am I got a dolphin I'm making taking my
Cobra all the way over to this system we're off to Evans port Evans port in
the part pootis pootis system okay now this is
currently in a boom state and we're gonna be aiming for a local system that
has a station about a million miles away okay so it's gonna be a long hallway now
the entire point of being with all this is that a lot of the youtubers and I'm
guilty of this as well turn around and say hey it's our latest money-making
scheme out there and you can make 60 million an hour or a hundred and thirty
million an hour or 79 billion per hour I mean okay great so we all know what's
killing we just want to know the systems so straight off the bat the systems here
are gonna be this so here we go it's per butis with evans port and med be with
valent dock so now you know what the systems are feel free to close this
video off or you can hang around and hear my thoughts on the subject
completely up to you if you're still with me that is this is what you have to
do so it's all they well getting over there you've got a passenger ship or a
ship that's big enough to take the cabins but you're also gonna need cargo
space as well so don't go forgetting that in addition to this as well you
want to go for missions with people who have got like luxury missions business
class missions you're not going to have all these refugee missions that used to
be the case they just throw more like on cabott so straight off the bat you get
to this parity system and you go to Evans port well lo and behold they're
not going to be selling passenger space or passenger cabins like what you're
gonna need so you get me stuck with what you bring with you so either have the
foresight after watching a video like this or with something other than
YouTube's to get down it and make sure your ship is fully stocked before you
get in there or you're gonna have to go looking now all the passenger missions
here as well something I'm going to be individual what you're gonna get some of
the old you know businessmen want to travel over here businessmen want to
travel over here they may be one or two refugee missions and you are going to be
encouraged to go aboard hopping now board hopping as frontier was said and
I've said a million times it's not subvert in the game and for all you
people who are going to start putting nasty comments in the comment section oh
you're giving away all the routes F never gonna nerf them what's the matter
with you this has been around forever forever okay
I'm very nice to say don't say anything at all so anyway with that out of the
way let's get back to what I was saying so you're going to be looking for
missions going to the Med B system and in the Med B system you are going to
find yourself a port called valid or now valid dock is like one
point six million light seconds away like I say but before you do that you
have to go and find somewhere that sells appropriate passenger cabins now I found
this Fleming City okay Fleming city has what you need what
in this case I mean the Dolphins got a class five slot I'm not running with any
shields I managed to change that out and get class for luxury cabin so you know
want to be having a bit of a shop around seeing what you can get
now you can best fit out your ship this is one of the main things you've got to
fit your ship out properly or you're not gonna make anything and you're not gonna
make anything anyway because it's all about reputation and influence all these
governing factors that you're gonna have within this system you have to go and do
all those crappy missions you can have to do some low-paying passenger missions
you have to fly the air you have to fly they if the land on planets it's gonna
be a right grind it's gonna be a right old fact I can tell you that for us that
so if you think you're gonna fly into one of these systems without being
anywhere near it before and immediately think that you're gonna make thirty to
sixty million or sixty to one hundred and thirty million or God knows whatever
else mount up ridiculous credits that's been
banded around on YouTube lately you're mistaken you've got a bit of hard work
to do first to build your reputation in this system so there you go
full disclosure right so during the process of making this video as you can
see I've kitted out my ship with business class and luxury cabins and
I've stored the other ones away coz I've got loads of storage and story
and you know I'm doing the right for cash but I'm not gonna be able to afford
any of the bigger ships so the dolphin being you know my passenger ship worth
of choice on this Steam account I'm just starting out like what a lot of new
players would be so it's important to remember that if I play on my other
account that's been going for like four years since Ellie so Kimmy the main
production then it'd be a completely different story
I probably making a hell of a lot more money a hell of a lot more quickly but
it is reboot and restart and it's all about the new player experience so once
you've created that ship out it's time to get yourself back to old evans port
and the poetess system once there you're gonna have to go and dock with that
station once you've docked with the station you're gonna have to get
yourself on the landing paddock once you've got yourself on the landing pad
then you got to go and start navigating all the way through the passenger boards
right and you go like I say you're looking out from the med be system and
you shouldn't can you discover that all of a sudden there's not millions upon
millions of credits to be made you may be lucky to get two or three million at
least for a good couple of runs all that being said you've only got a finite
amount of space you can use as passenger cabins plus you can need some cargo as
well because some of these missions might reward you with cargo in which
case then I would suggest an T between four and eight tonnes for cargo as seen
as prep space is a premium that is completely up to you similar missions I
went with with some of the individual transfer missions transport missions I
also went and got some missions to deliver some information as well and
some some cargo anything to do and try and build that reputation
reputation is the key and with that hopefully as you progress through this
and get past the neutral and the cordial aspect of things then you're gonna start
seeing the rewards so be prepared when you get into the Med B system right
you're gonna be here for quite some time okay so go away do something have a cup
of tea get a biscuit set the navigation fly towards it because you are gonna be
in dark space doing nothing for the best part of half an hour okay
so we've all heard about the hut and orbital run it's a bit like that okay
anyway not to worry once you finally get to the location you'll find all the
stations are going to be clustered around here I am currently docking at a
military installation to drop some gear off drop some gear off I get a reward it
was a tidy little earn probably what I spent on the passenger cabins so it was
worthwhile doing roster in the area so keep an eye on those mission boards as
well those mission boards may have some key missions and again as you vegetation
on you influence increases you're gonna make more money okay but you're still
not making loads of me carry though these small side missions they're gonna
get you a couple of hundred thousand credits you know it's not gonna go break
in the bank you're not gonna be going out buying any anacondas straight away
so you know you've got to bear with it you gotta start persevering
so with all that den check the message boards make sure there's nothing else
going on in that particular area if you want to take some missions going back
the other way that might be worth worth your while but make sure you check the
destinations now she can be bouncing to one system to the other system and it's
not going to be worth your while so time to get outta Dodge
and move on with what we were doing with the passenger mission still our
reputation is starting to build it's a long laborious process for any of you
who have not done passenger missions be prepared it can be very rewarding you're
also going to start building your Explorer rank as well so as a result of
this you kind of advanced in different stages obviously getting the many soon
gone by ships and equipment is one thing but also to advance in your Explorer
rack it's another thing explore a trade in combat
I mean combat and passenger missions not really trade by doing these missions
your trade rank is indeed going to increase so there you go so far we've
made about 500,000 credits you know again it's um it's not mind-blowing but
here we are finally at valid dock after about 35 minutes and supercruise be very
careful as you touch down if you're flying with a ship that has not got any
shield so you've used that extra slot as a passenger cabin be very gentle very
very gentle with it ease it down any damage could affect passenger happiness
and therefore your payout so getting down to the passenger lounge hand in
those passenger missions and then repeat all over again and of course you can see
with the new system you can choose between reputation influence special
items as well I tend to go for the special items because you know you're
gonna need to start engineering these ships pretty soon
so once you've done this check the mission boards again to see if there's
anything going back the other way make sure your transaction board is
clear and get yourself back to the paratus system and Evan's hub rinse
repeat recycle redo it and grind and that's the
way to build reputation to get I suppose long-distance passenger missions like
this to work build that reputation and influence with the factions only then
are you going to get some of the higher paying missions that you've seen on some
of the other YouTube channels anyway thanks very much for watching I hope
this has been informative I've been Ricardo and it is being
rebooting a start and the fact that making money is not easy
and it's not as easy as what people make out thanks very much for watching see
you soon and check back for more videos in the series
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