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Is Robert Lewandowski an Alien? | Google Autofill Challenge - Duration: 4:32.JB: Hey everyone, today we want to see what shows up on Google when you type in our names.
Is Jérôme Boateng married?
I'm not married.
RL: A question for me.
Does Robert Lewandowski have a child?
Yes, I have one child who just turned one year old on 4th May.
JB: Where was Jérôme Boateng born?
RL: I can answer that one. JB: Can you?
RL: Berlin? JB: Yes, in Berlin.
RL: Berlin, Berlin. JB: 3.9.
RL: We're going to Berlin!.
RL: Does Robert Lewandowski have siblings?
Yes, I have a sister.
She is 3 years older than me and lives in Warsaw.
JB: Is Jérôme Boateng on Köln 50667?
No I'm not and never have been.
RL: Where was Robert Lewandowski playing in 2010?
I think that was when I moved from Lech Poznań to Dortmund,
so I played the first half of the season at Lech Poznań and the second half at Borussia Dortmund.
JB: What's up with Jérôme Boateng?
But in what context?
At the moment I'm feeling very good and working hard to be back on the pitch soon (laughs).
RL: Why does Robert Lewandowski have a mask?
I broke my nose
so had to wear a mask.
JB: How Jérôme Boateng?
I'm 1.92m.
RL: 92? JB: Yes.
RL: Okay!
RL: When is Robert Lewandowski's birthday?
I was born on 21.08.1988, so in August.
RL: Last one.
Hat-trick Robert Lewandowski?
Has tricks?
Or hat-trick?
If course I have some tricks and have also scored a few hat-tricks.
That's very interesting, when we write something like this in Polish it's very different.
JB: Does Jérôme Boateng have a brother?
I have three half-brothers and a sister.
RL: Oh.
RL: Is Robert Lewandowski?
Yes, I've been married since 2013.
JB: Does Jérôme Boateng have kids?
I have three kids.
Two daughters and a son.
RL: Is Robert Lewandowski on Snapchat?
No, I'm not.
JB: Does Jérôme Boateng have Snapchat?
RL: Privately or... (laughs) JB: I do.
RL: Is Robert Lewandowski an alien?
JB: Yes (laughs). RL: (laughs) Really?
Okay, could be.
JB: Where has Jérôme Boateng played?
I started off at Tennis Borussia Berlin, then went to Hertha BSC, then HSV,
Manchester City and then to Bayern.
RL: How old is Robert Lewandowski?
I'm still 29.
But 30 soon.
JB: Already? RL: Yes, in August.
You're already 30? JB: No, I'm after you on 03.09.
JB: What nicknames does Jérôme Boateng have?
Oh, I have many. Boa, JB, different names in different groups, but there are a few funny ones.
(Kimmich in the background) JK: Jeronimo!
RL: Jeronimo.
JB: Kimmich calls me Jeronimo RL: Okay, good question, who is Robert Lewandowski?
JB: Yeah, who is Robert Lewandowski. Do you know him?
RL: Hope so, do you know him?
JB: I've heard the name somewhere.
RL: Yeah?
Perhaps you can explain better than I can.
JB: So, Robert Lewandowski is, in all seriousness now, a very good striker.
Perhaps the best striker Germany has ever had, but time will tell with that.
Is that okay?
RL: Thank you! Super perfect!
JB: Super, will you invite me over for dinner?
RL: We still have one more… JB: Ah okay.
RL: Afterwards though. JB: Okay.
JB: How many pairs of shoes does Jérôme Boateng have? RL: Aahhh. Difficult to answer.
JB: I can't give an exact number, but over 700.
RL: Over 700? JB: Yes.
RL: What do you do with the old ones? JB: There are no old ones.
I try to wear every pair.
RL: Do you pass them on? JB: What, to you?
RL: No, to anyone? RL: Where was Robert Lewandowski born?
I was born in Warsaw.
JB: Yeah? Super. RL: Thank you.
10 Tricks Your Brain Is Playing On You Right Now - Duration: 8:44.-------------------------------------------
This new law is getting sex workers killed | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 3:56.Last month, under the guise of protecting sex trafficking victims, American legislators
passed a bill that is already ruining the lives of sex workers.
It's called FOSTA-SESTA, and its proponents say that it is supposed to crack down on sex trafficking.
The truth is, it will actually make it harder to find victims of sex trafficking, and it
will force sex workers into extremely dangerous situations where they could be assaulted or killed.
So, first thing's first: What exactly does this law do?
Well, it changes the language of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which was
first passed in 1996.
Section 230 stated that businesses could be not be held liable for the content posted
using their services.
What you need to know is that FOSTA-SESTA changed Section 230 so that companies are
now liable for having anything on their site that "facilitates prostitution or sex trafficking".
First of all, those are two totally different things.
Prostitution, or as it's more often called by people in that industry, sex work, is when
two consenting adults agree to exchange money for some kind of sexual act.
Sex trafficking, on the other hand, is when someone, often a child, is held against their
will and forced to perform commercial sex acts.
The big difference between these two things is consent.
Sex workers consent to their work, sex trafficking victims do not.
Consensual sex work is just another job, trading a service for money.
Sex trafficking is horrible and absolutely needs to be stopped.
But, since FOSTA-SESTA treats these two things as the same, sex workers are suffering under
the new law.
Now that companies can be held liable for sex work ads, they're shutting down left and right.
Backpage is down, Craigslist Personals is down.
Some sites that are still up are censoring sex workers or banning them.
Most of the places where sex workers used to go to find clients have either been shut
down by the government or have voluntarily shut themselves down to avoid liability.
These websites used to provide a way for sex workers to more safely do their job.
They could communicate to each other about dangerous clients.
They could screen prospective clients.
They could find safe opportunities for doing sex work.
But without those sites, many sex workers are forced back out onto the streets, where
pimps are ready to exploit them and clients can't be screened ahead of time.
Sex workers are far more likely to be killed or raped when working on the street as opposed
to finding work online.
FOSTA-SESTA has already made life significantly harder for sex workers and put their lives in danger.
And this doesn't even only affect American sex workers, plenty of sex workers outside
of the US relied on Backpage or other similar US-based sites.
All over the internet, sex workers have been speaking out against FOSTA-SESTA, but let
me just give you one quote from Arabelle Raphael, a sex worker in California.
She told the Huffington Post, "This bill will and already has been responsible for
the murder, rape [and] arrest of sex workers and will further push trafficked people underground."
So we know that FOSTA-SESTA is hurting sex workers, but even so, I've seen a few people
saying, "Well, maybe it hurts sex workers, but if it saves sex trafficking victims, then
it's still worth it."
First of all, I think it's messed up to be willing to trade the safety and well-being
of one group for the safety and well-being of another, instead of looking for solutions
that could help both.
But secondly, this bill isn't even helping to catch sex traffickers.
In fact, it was easier for law enforcement to find traffickers when they were using online sites.
Now that they'll be forced even further into the shadows, they're going to be even
harder to find.
Congress really seems to be taking the "if we don't see it, then it isn't happening" approach.
Just because you force sex trafficking off the internet doesn't mean it goes away.
It just continues on in ways that are even harder for law enforcement to find out about.
So not only does FOSTA-SESTA not help trafficking victims, it actually makes things worse for them.
And if companies set up automated filters to block posts using certain language regarding
sex trafficking, not only would those filters be extremely inaccurate, but they would censor
trafficking victims by preventing them from speaking online about their experiences or
posting asking for help.
This law is just a mess that harms not only sex workers, but also sex trafficking victims.
I'll put links in the description where you can read more.
I'll also link to a petition you can sign, and to Survivors Against SESTA site where
you can sign up to be notified of upcoming direct action, like the one happening on June 2nd.
As always, you can call your congresspeople and tell them that you oppose FOSTA-SESTA
and want them to repeal it.
Anyway, thanks so much for watching this video, and I'll see you next time.
What is Dez Bryant's legacy? - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Two Feet: "Love Is A Bitch" - Last Call with Carson Daly (Musical Performance) - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
Is caffeine a drug? - Duration: 1:23.Hey there, here is our latest question. Dear auntie, why is caffeine a drug? Well
caffeine is considered a drug because it is an addictive substance. The Food Drug
Administration, that's the FDA, reports that caffeine is
generally recognized as safe, although ingesting more than 10 grams
daily may be toxic and some teens have overdosed. Caffeine can be found in
things like chocolate, candy, soft drinks, medication, coffee and energy drinks
Generally one cup of coffee is about a hundred milligrams of caffeine. That's
about 0.1 grams, so that's far from the 10 grams. Energy drinks on the other hand
can contain as much as 250 milligrams of caffeine per drink and some energy
drinks are super-sized and often contain more than one serving of caffeine. It's
recommended that teens be around a hundred milligrams of caffeine. So one
energy drink can easily exceed this amount. Although caffeine is a mild
stimulant it is important for teenagers to use caffeine in moderation.
I hope this helps and thanks for writing in bye :)
Julie Law - Understanding how DNA is selectively tagged with "do not use" marks - Duration: 2:59.- Broadly speaking,
the field of epigenetics seeks to understand
how additional information
that's not hardwired into the DNA code
influences how the genetic instructions
stored within the genome are used.
(soft piano music)
In my lab,
we're particularly interested in understanding
one type of epigenetic modification called DNA methylation.
You can think about DNA methylation
as a chemical do-not-use tag
that's physically attached to the DNA sequence.
This tag marks regions of the genome
that need to be turned off.
Including not only genes,
but also mobile segments called transposons.
These and other mobile genetic elements,
if left unchecked
have the potential to move around randomly,
wreaking havoc on the genome.
Defects in the patterns of DNA methylation
can result in developmental defects in plants.
And are associated with
numerous diseases in humans,
including cancer.
We use the plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a model.
And this system has proven to be a really excellent tool
to study epigenetic processes in general,
and DNA methylation in particular.
What we found is a family of proteins
which we call the CLSY family.
These factors,
when you genetically manipulate them individually,
affect the targeting of DNA methylation
to specific sites within the genome.
And each one of the family members
affects a different set of sites.
This tells us that the CLSY family
is playing an important role
in regulating where in the genome
DNA methylation is going to be deposited.
- We used the Arabidopsis plant
as a model for our DNA methylation study.
We grew the plant and isolated the genomic DNA,
which contains the genetic and epigenetic information
such as DNA methylation.
Then we used this DNA for sequencing.
The resulting data captured the genome-wide
DNA methylation pattern for our study.
- What's really significant about this finding
is that it allows us to begin understanding
how the pathways can be modulated
to generate different patterns of DNA methylation.
Either in different cell types, tissues,
or in response to developmental or environmental cues.
There are a number of examples
where changes not in the DNA sequence,
but instead changes in the patterns
of where DNA methylation marks reside,
result in developmental defects
that affect crop fitness or crop yields.
Understanding how DNA methylation patterns are regulated
on a more basic level using the plant Arabidopsis
will be beneficial in understanding
how epigenetic defects that arise in crops
can either be prevented or corrected.
The identification of factors like the CLSYs
that control DNA methylation patterns
with a high degree of precision
has broad implications.
Not only for the improvement of crop defects,
but also for the treatment of human diseases like cancer
that are also associated with defects in DNA methylation.
(soft piano music)
Saving Private Ryan is NOT an Anti-War Film - Duration: 12:03.Fire in the hole!
Fire in the hole!
Hi, my name is Gabe and in this video I'll be looking into Saving Private Ryan.
We're in business! Defilade, other side of the hole!
Saving Private Ryan is another film I think is very misunderstood,
mainly because its depth and meaning run contrary to its surface layers.
Specifically, while on the surface Saving Private Ryan may seem anti-war,
deep down it is actually a supportive-of-war film.
Before I get into this, you should know that spoilers are ahead,
and so are some pretty graphic clips, not just from Saving Private Ryan but also from other related films.
Alright, let's begin.
To start, we should probably go over what a supportive-of-war film is.
When most people think pro-war they think propaganda:
Battleship Potemkin,
Triumph of the Will,
the film-within-a-film in Inglorious Basterds, stuff like that.
There's no questions these films support war,
but for the most part, minus the first and last shots, Saving Private Ryan is not this.
But propaganda is not the only way to make a film that supports war.
I got a good lock. Firing!
Films can also glamorize war, or show it as cool.
Woo! Splash four!
Top Gun,
and almost every videogame today does this.
Make like a landlord, and evict the bastards!
Saving Private Ryan however, doesn't.
It actually does more to deglamorize war than just about everything.
Mama! Ahhh!
This is that anti-war surface layer I mentioned earlier.
But there is a third category of supportive-of-war films: films that show that the fight was worth it.
Lone Survivor does this,
showing Navy Seals fighting for the Iraqis who believe in them,
as does The Patriot, where revolutionaries fight for independence,
and also for justice against a comically evil enemy,
and also Glory, which shows black Americans fighting not just to end slavery, but also for respect and dignity.
It is in this last category that you can add Saving Private Ryan.
This is because, no matter how awful war is depicted, at the end of the day the film is about defeating Nazis.
War may be terrible but there are things that are worse:
Live gun twenty millimeter! Take it out!
like this,
or this,
or this.
These are the very things the soldiers in Saving Private Ryan are fighting to end.
Compare this to actual anti-war films, ones that show war as purposeless in addition to terrible.
Examples include soldiers dying solely for their superior's egos,
soldiers in situations where it is impossible to achieve victory,
There's too many locks!
soldiers who don't even believe in their cause,
or who the hell even knows what these soldiers are fighting for.
Tell them to hold their fire! They're just throwing sticks! They're just trying to scare us!
Even in a war as black-and-white as WWII, you can still show war as purposeless,
by showing soldiers facing bureaucracy or in no-win situations,
In order to be grounded I've got to be crazy, and I must be crazy to keep flying,
but if I ask to be grounded that means I'm not crazy anymore and I have to keep flying.
or trying hopelessly to avoid their own destruction and devastation.
We were all sent here to kill Japs, weren't we?
So what the hell difference does it make what weapon we use?
I'd use my Goddamn hands if I had to.
But you don't show it by showing soldiers defeating Nazis.
I can't think of a single greater purpose for war than that.
If there's anything anti-war in this regard in Saving Private Ryan,
it's the fact that the film is about eight soldiers fighting to save one, not necessarily to defeat Nazis.
This could have built to an anti-war statement,
but it doesn't, because the film bends over backwards explaining why this mission is important
and how it is part of the overall war effort.
Take, for example, this sequence:
eight minutes whose sole purpose is to explain the importance of this mission.
The women back home tell us, colonels tell us, captains and lieutenants
and even General Marshall himself tells us.
Even Abraham Lincoln is quoted, with lines like:
Died gloriously on the field of battle.
Laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.
And notice how Marshall isn't even reading anymore?
He has the letter memorized, that's how important these ideas are to him.
And after all this, just in case you still don't get it, the film tells us again, here:
I understand what you're doing.
- You do? - Yeah, I got a couple of brothers myself.
- Oh. - Good luck.
- Thank you. - No, I mean it. Find him, get him home.
And they also remind one more time at the end.
And the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.
Abraham Lincoln. Yours very sincerely and respectfully, George C Marshall, General Chief of Staff.
This Marshall sequence, a sequence so important the film actually leaves Normandy to show it,
is the most significant supportive-of-war sequence in the film, but it is not the only one.
Another sequence is the climax.
This mission to save Ryan could have taken our squad anywhere, including the middle of nowhere,
i.e. removing them from the fight, eight soldiers doing nothing to help defeat Nazis.
Instead, the mission takes them to one of the most important battles in the Normandy campaign,
a battle the allies would have lost had they not been there.
Find the Captain, this place is gonna fold!
Because of this, when it's all said and done, you don't even have to moralize the Ryan mission;
you see its significance directly.
And let's not overlook the sequence that starts the film.
This battle, while horrifying, is also one of the greatest and most important accomplishments in US history.
It is something Americans are and should be proud of; it is not an anti-war statement,
no matter how horrifyingly it is depicted.
Moving away from sequences, even the specifics in this film are more supportive-of than anti-war.
Like the film's brotherhood-of-war dynamic, or the idea that war can be good for those fighting it.
This second idea is brought up by Upham:
War educates the senses, calls into action the will, perfects the physical constitution,
brings men into such swift and close collision in critical moments that man measures man.
and Miller and Horowitz:
Like you said Captain, we do that, we all earn the right to go home.
and we see it with Reiben, who at first hates Ryan,
Fuck Ryan.
then grows to respect him.
And also with Wade, who in the middle of war finds motivation for self-reflection.
Finally, the last supportive-of-war aspect I'll bring up is how the soldiers are depicted.
Specifically, all the characters in this film are depicted in an incredibly positive way.
Well maybe not Upham, but eight out of the nine are.
We have the all-American New Yorker,
the cocky-in-a-funny-way and super-talented sniper,
the Jew who fights Nazis,
I'm Juden. You know? Juden.
the likeable medic,
the guy tough enough to take a bullet and keep fighting,
Son of a bitch!
another tough guy who is also warm and caring,
the soldier who views his fellow soldiers as family,
You tell her that when you found me, I was here, and I was with the only brothers that I have left.
and leading them all is an honorable everyman,
one played by arguably the most likeable American in history.
In short, every soldier is depicted as brave and heroic specifically for what they did in World War II.
This is true of the supporting characters as well.
Minus Upham, the only soldiers not depicted heroically are these two,
who are in the film for thirty whole seconds,
and this single moment.
That's it, in a film three hours in length.
To be fair, there's also this guy,
Betty Grable!
whose storyline shows how morality and war often cannot co-exist,
a message that is echoed in this battle
I don't wanna die.
and here as well
We're not here to do the decent thing, we're here to follow fucking orders!
Sarge, take this Goddamn kid!
[gunshot] Cover! Cover!
But excuse me if this doesn't change my opinion, as the injustices here
are nothing compared to the injustices the allies are fighting to end.
But here's the thing.
None of what I've said makes Saving Private Ryan bad.
In fact, this is all part of what makes the film great.
The allies who fought in WWII were heroes, and they deserve to be depicted that way.
The allies fought, and many died, to make the world a better place.
We have this idea that anti-war films are good and films that support war are bad,
Parker, get out!
but that just isn't true. It's all about context.
And when your context is WWII and your soldiers are fighting Nazis,
Panzers right!
that is good.
War is hell and there are few reasons to fight one, but stopping the Nazis without a doubt was one of them.
In context like this, war should be supported,
not through propaganda, but in an honest and respectful way.
Saving Private Ryan does this; it gives an honest depiction of war,
from the perspective of a side who was right for fighting it.
This is why the film is not anti-war, and it is also what makes it a great war film.
Adam Schiff explains why Rod Rosenstein is key to Trump's future - Duration: as well.
Let's play talking about what
would happen even if Bob Mueller
did find evidence of
>> Even if he did find
criminality on the president's
part, he would be unlikely to
decide the proper way to treat
that to and trust the fate of
the tree world to 12 lay jurors
in some part of the country.
It's far more likely he would
report his findings to the
deputyrosensteins, and
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