"And the Lord said to Noah come you and all your house into the Ark
for you have I seen righteous before me in this generation."
"For yet seven days and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights,
and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth."
"And it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the 17th day of the month,
the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up
and the windows of heaven were opened.
And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights."
That is excerpts from Genesis chapter 7.
The ancient story of the Great Flood.
Most Christians believe this occurred in the past,
however, we know it is most likely an encoded prophecy about the future.
There are four reasons that is likely:
First, because in Genesis 9:11 it says that
"…never again shall there be a flood to destroy the Earth."
This means that after the Great Flood there will never be another flood,
but there is clearly a flood at the end of Daniel's timeline
because the book of Daniel chapter 9 verse 26
tells us "…the end…shall be with a flood…"
So if Daniel's flood is a literal flood,
then this would have to mean that
the story of Noah's flood is not history, but prophecy.
We do know that Daniel's flood is a literal flood of water, and here is why:
Daniel gives a timeline of our history.
Not his history, but ours, as it exists in 2018.
The timeline starts in 605 BC and it has been playing out as written for over 2000 years.
The most recent fulfillments were of the Daniel 9 prophecy.
The exact prophecy that involves the flood.
And the fulfillments of the Daniel 9 prophecy line up with the fulfillments of Jeremiah's 70 years.
According to Daniel 9:25, the 70 Shabuwa start
when the commandment goes forth to restore Jerusalem.
The United Nations put forth the commandment in November 1947
and it went forth on May 14, 1948.
Jeremiah 25:12 says that Babylon the Great will be destroyed
after 70 years are accomplished of the nations around Jerusalem serving the King of Babylon.
And Revelation 17:11 specifically tells us that the final King of Babylon refers to the Beast
which is the eighth King; the United Nations.
So the Daniel 9 prophecy fulfillment began at the same time the Jeremiah 25 fulfillment began;
from November 1947 to May 1948.
And Jeremiah clarifies that at the end of 70 years Babylon will be destroyed.
And what does Jeremiah say will destroy Babylon? A flood.
In Jeremiah 51:42 we are told Babylon will be destroyed by the waves!
"The Sea is come up upon Babylon, she is covered with the multitude of waves…"
So Babylon will be destroyed by the waves of the sea.
This is clarified even more in Revelation 18:21:
"And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea
saying, Thus with violence shall that Great City Babylon be thrown down
and shall be found no more at all."
So the destruction of Babylon is caused by a Great Stone
that falls from heaven and hits the sea.
The same stone is described in Daniel 2:34:
"You saw till that a stone was cut out without hands
which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay
and brake them to pieces."
The stone hits the feet of the Image, which occur in the very end.
The Feet of the Image occur during the time of the Final Beast in Daniel 7.
Daniel 7:11 says the Beast will be destroyed by a burning flame.
So the stone is a Burning Stone.
That burning stone is also mentioned in Revelation 8:10:
"and the third angel sounded and there fell a great star from heaven
burning as it were a lamp…"
This is the same falling star that causes the sky to go dark in Revelation 9.
This burning stone falls while the seven trumpets are sounding.
The seven trumpets sound at the same time.
They do not sound one at a time, they sound all at once.
We know this because the seven plagues match the seven trumpets
and Revelation 18:8-10 tells us the seven plagues occur one day.
And not only in one day, but in one hour!
So the seven trumpets sounding all at once in one hour is the impact of the asteroid.
And all of those connections are how we know that Daniel's Flood is a literal flood of water.
Because it connects to Jeremiah and Revelation
which both clarify that the flood is caused by the burning stone from heaven
that will hit the sea, and the sea will come up on Babylon
and Babylon will be destroyed both by the waves from the sea
and the burning from the stone itself.
So Daniel's literal flood of water will destroy Babylon, which covers the whole world in the end
But Genesis 9:11 says that after the Great Flood
never again will a flood destroy the earth.
These are the first two reasons that indicate that
the story of Noah's flood is Daniel's flood;
it refers to the future destruction of Babylon the Great.
The next reason is that Noah's flood occurs while the Nephilim are on the Earth.
Genesis 6:1 tells us this occurs when humans begin to multiply on the earth.
The multiplying of the human population did not occur until 1927 - 1960
when the population growth went exponential.
That is the third clue that Noah's flood occurs in the end-time.
The fourth clue is in Luke 17:26-30 where it says that the end-time event
will be just like it was in the days of Noah…they married wives…
And it will also be like it was in the days of Lot…
It will rain fire and brimstone from heaven!
That rain, therefore, is the rain of Noah's flood!
The rain of Fire and Brimstone from the asteroid that will hit the sea and cause a flood!
This is actually depicted in the recent movie titled Noah.
Its very quick, but you can see in the movie trailer. It is an asteroid.
Genesis 7 says that rain will last for 40 days and 40 nights.
In Matthew 24:29, 30 it says the Son of Man will appear when the Stars Fall.
That is when the sky will go dark;
the reference to Revelation 9: the star from heaven opens the pit
and the smoke from the pit darkens the sky.
Matthew 24 says it will occur immediately after the Tribulation of the Days
which are the 1260 days, which represent 1260 years.
And several ancient scholars believed that Tribulation of the Days would be ending
between 2014 and 2018! (Robert Fleming 1701, Adam Clarke 1825)
The Tribulation of the Days and the 70 years are ending at the same time; in 2018!
So those are the four major reasons Noah's flood appears to refer to the fall of Babylon:
First, the Bible says that after the Great Flood of Noah there will never be another flood.
Second, Daniel tells us a flood will happen in the end-time
and that is a literal flood involving water and waves covering the land.
Third, the Bible tells us the Great Flood of Noah occurs when the Sons of God are on the earth
and that is at the time the human population multiplies
which did not happen until this generation.
And fourth, the Bible says the final destruction of the Beast and Babylon
will be just like Days of Noah.
In other words, it will be just like the Great Flood.
You can see the first two Biblical points seem to contradict one another.
If there is no other flood after the Great Flood
then how can another literal flood occur in the end-time?
It doesn't seem to make sense.
However there is one way both scriptures can be correct;
That is that Noah's flood is the flood of Daniel.
That they are one and the same event!
And while many believed the story of Noah was a past event
it is actually a prophecy about the future, just like many of the other Biblical stories.
That is the only way I can see, that both points can be correct.
There is one flood and it hasn't happened yet.
And the third and fourth points seem to corroborate that.
But thats not all.
There is also the timing of the Fig Tree that connects to all of this,
and the marriage to the Sons of God,
which Genesis also tells us occurs during the final generation.
Notice Genesis 7:1 also mentions the generation.
In verse 11 it says the Rain starts on the seventeenth day of the second month
and lasts forty days until roughly the end of the third month.
In 2018, this appointed time will start on May 31 and end on July 12.
The second month started on the new moon and first crescent of May 15 and 16,
the seventeenth day of the second month is on the window of May 31 - June 2,
and the fortieth day is on the window of July 10-12.
Within that window we also have ancient Shavuot on the window of June 18-20,
and the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month in the Southern Hemisphere
on the window of July 6-8; a reference to Haggai 2:20-23.
These ancient appointed times happen every year,
but 2018 is a significant year because both the 70 years and 1260 years end this year.
For more information on the ancient prophetic timeline
please see the playlist "Bible's Countdown to the Meteorite and Rescue" linked here.
Thank you so much to those who make this work possible!
If you liked this video please consider providing support.
I hope you are doing well and I will talk to you later.
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