Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 19 2018

This Former U.S. Prosecutor Says It's Time For John Brennan to LAWYER UP

Former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova just advised John Brennan to get himself a "good lawyer."

DiGenova predicts that Brennan, the former head of the CIA for Obama, will find himself

in front of grand jury very shortly for his part in the "set up" and spy scheme against

President Trump.


Joe DiGenova, the former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, suggested John Brennan

"get himself a good lawyer," saying the former head of the CIA is "going to be in

front of a grand jury shortly."

Appearing on Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Digenova charged that

Hillary Clinton "was illegally exonerated" in the private email server probe and that

"there was a substantial effort to frame" President Donald Trump.

"We know that Hillary Clinton was illegally exonerated.

We knew that a year ago," the former prosecutor said when asked to recap special counsel Robert

Mueller's 1-year probe of Russian collusion.

"We know that there was a substantial effort to frame the current president of the United

States with crimes by infiltrating his campaign and then his administration with spies that

the FBI had set upon them.

"We have learned that the crimes were committed by the FBI, senior members of the Department

of Justice, John Brennan, Mr. [James] Clapper, Mr. [James] Comey and others associated with

the Democratic Party," he continued.

"And Donald Trump and his associates committed no crimes."

If that wasn't damning enough, DiGenova then laid out an outrageous claim.

"Categorically and unequivocally, it has been proved that the FBI, in violation of

all guidelines, all legislation — and I believe they committed crimes in doing so

— purposely sent people into the Trump campaign to plant false information, then force that

information to be forwarded back to CIA, and then funneled to the FBI, to be used as false

information in FISA applications," he said.

"Everybody involved in that process, who knowingly participated, committed a crime,"

DiGenova concluded.

He explained to Carlson that "criminal referrals have already been made."

"And I suggest that Mr. Brennan, who loves to make comments about the process, get himself

a good lawyer not a good writer," DiGenova said.

"Yes, NBC News' consultant, the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency,

the most partisan hack leader of the CIA in history needs a very, very good lawyer."

DiGenova added, "He's going to be in front of a grand jury shortly."

Brennan became a focal point this week when former NSA Director Mike Rogers and former

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper contradicted his claim that the unverified

Trump dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign had no influence on allegations of

Russian interference in the 2016 election.

As noted by Mollie Hemingway, the senior editor for The Federalist, Brennan has "a history"

of not being honest.

Mollie Hemingway: Let's not forget, former CIA head John Brennan has a history of lying…

and spying

— Conservative

News (@BIZPACReview) May 17, 2018

For more infomation >> This Former U.S. Prosecutor Says It's Time For - Duration: 13:41.


Parents accept diploma for Salem State grad killed days before graduation - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Parents accept diploma for Salem State grad killed days before graduation - Duration: 1:38.


Set up your development environment for Ethereum on a Linux machine - Duration: 15:12.

In this lecture, we are going to set up our development environment for Linux

with all the tools that are required to develop smart contracts for Ethereum.

We're not going to describe all of them but focus on those that are widely used

by the community. By the way, this lecture is specifically for Linux. If you are

running on Windows or MacOS, there are dedicated lectures for that. So our

toolbox will be composed of the following tools: Geth, Ganache, Truffle and

Atom. Let's start with Geth. Geth or Go-Ethereum is the command line interface

that allows you to run and operate a full Ethereum node. Geth is implemented

in Go and allows you to mine blocks, to generate Ether, to deploy and interact

with smart contracts, to transfer funds, to inspect block history, to create

accounts, and so on and so forth. Geth can be used to connect to the public Ethereum

network, also called main net, or to create your own private network for

development purposes, which we will demonstrate later in this course. The

benefit of using Geth in your development process is to let you fully

test your application before deploying it to the main net. The exact procedure

to install Geth might depend on your exact Linux distribution. More

information is available at the following location. By the way, this link

and all the other links that we mention in this video and all the

other videos will be in the resources of each lecture. On Ubuntu, which is the

distribution we are using here, now in the terminal I can use the following

commands to install everything. So first of all "sudo apt install software-properties-common"

OK so I already have the latest version installed, that's

good. Now I need to add the repository for Ethereum, so "sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum"

OK, and now I can

do "sudo apt update" to update the repositories. And last but at least

"sudo apt install ethereum". I confirm the changes, and once those commands completed

successfully, you can check the version that is installed by running "geth version".

And here you can see I have 1.7.3-stable which is the latest version at the time

of this recording. Ok so Geth is installed now. The second tool that we'll install is

Ganache. Now Ganache is an Ethereum blockchain

emulator that you can use for development purposes. Ganache can be seen

as a replacement for TestRPC, which we used in previous versions of this course.

The strength of Ganache is its UI, that allows you to inspect blocks and

transactions in a more user-friendly way. Compared to Geth, Ganache is an in-memory

Ethereum node, that runs faster and provides all the visual components you

need to test your contracts locally before deploying them to a real

Ethereum implementation. To install Ganache, we can go to the browser:

"" and here, it will detect that I'm on

Linux and offer to download the Linux package. So here, this button made me

download an AppImage package. So I'm just gonna show it in folder, right click

it... Properties... Permissions... "Allow executing file as a program". So I'm just

making this file executable. And now I can double click it. "Would you like to

integrate Ganache with your system?" Yes, please.

And then it starts Ganache. So first of all, I will accept Analytics, and this is

the main interface for Ganache. Let me close everything around it so that we

can see more clearly. Ok so let's quickly review the main

features of Ganache.

When you start Ganache it starts a new Ethereum node

in memory, on network identifier 5777, which we can see here,

in this part of the screen. And it also creates ten accounts and puts a hundred

ethers on each account. Now contrary to what happened with TestRPC, Ganache

always creates the same accounts and uses the same mnemonic, so it's

deterministic, which is very practical when we will need to import all those

accounts later on in Metamask.

So the first screen you see is the "Accounts"

view, and here at the top of the screen, you can see the current block, which is

the number of the last block mined by the node. You can see the gas price, which

is the minimum gas price this node requires on transactions in order to

mine them. Gas limit is the maximum gas this node is willing to accept per block.

The network identifier you can see here. RPC server corresponds to the host

and port of the RPC endpoints that this node is listening to. And the mining

status is also important because, by default, this fake node only mines a new

block when it receives a new transaction, which is completely different from what

a real node would do, since a normal node would mine a new block at regular

intervals, whether there are pending transactions or not. We'll come back to

that later. You can disable auto-mining, come back to a more normal behaviour, and

even set a mining block time in the settings. We'll see that in a moment. And

here we also have the mnemonic, which is the seed words that are used to generate

the wallets of the ten accounts in a deterministic way. Then you can see a

list of the 10 accounts generated by Ganache, with the following information:

the wallet address of the account, its balance in ether

with only two decimals, the number of transactions already sent by this

account since the node started, the index of the account in the list of accounts,

and the private key button that makes it possible for you to see the private key

for each account, which will be very practical when we import the accounts in

Metamask. The second tab is the "Blocks" tab, and it shows a list of all the

blocks mined by this node. And for now, when we launch, there's only one block,

the genesis block, and it doesn't contain any transaction. We also have the

"Transactions" tab, where we will be able to see a list of transactions. For now

there is none. And in the "Logs" tab, we can see the console output for

the running node. We also have a search field, where we can search blocks and

transactions by numbers and hashes. And finally, we have the "Settings" button,

where we can customize the configuration of Ganache. So we can change the hostname,

the port number and the network identifier. We'll actually do that a lot

later on. We can also deactivate auto-mining, and set a mining block time. In

our case we'll leave auto-mining on. We can also customize the number of accounts

that are generated when Ganache starts and change the mnemonic. Here we'll

leave it as default. In the "Chain" part, we can change the gas limit and the gas

price. And in "Advanced", we can enable/disable Google Analytics.

Remember that every time you change something in the settings, you need to

save and restart. Here we'll just cancel and we'll leave Ganache. The next things

we need to install are NodeJS and NPM. NodeJS is a server-side JavaScript

platform to create applications that will interact with our Ethereum node. When we

install NodeJS, we also install Node Package Manager, or NPM, that is required

to set up most of the tools and libraries required to develop for

Ethereum. To check if NodeJS and NPM are already installed on your machine, you

can use the following commands in the terminal: "node -v" and "npm -v"

Here I don't have any version already installed. If you have already

NodeJS or NPM, check that your NodeJS is at least version 8, and NPM is at least

version 5, otherwise you will need to upgrade them, or remove your current

installation, and install node.js again from scratch. The procedure to do that

might depend on your exact Linux distribution and the version of NodeJS

that's already installed. Google is your best friend here. If NodeJS is not

already installed on your system, NodeJS can be installed in different ways. We

are going to follow the procedure specified on the NodeJS website, so we

can go to the browser and open "", go to "Downloads", and at the

bottom, we can see "installing NodeJS via package manager". We're gonna go

there and then click on whatever Linux distribution we're using, and here we are

using a "Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distribution" so this

procedure will use curl, and I'm not sure that it's already installed, so I'm going

back to the terminal, and run "sudo apt install curl". OK, so now curl is

installed. I can go back to the website and copy the command that is most

adapted. In our case, we want to install NodeJS 9, so I will copy this command, and

this will simply add the repository to APT. Now that is there, I can run

"sudo apt install -y nodejs". Now if you can see, on the website, they also

recommend to install the build tools that are going to be important to

install certain NPM packages. So also copy that, and run it in our terminal. And

I already have the latest version, which is good.

So now that this is done, if I type "node -v", I should see the latest

version. And "npm -v" should show me the 5.5.1 version. Next thing we need

to set up is Truffle 4. To compile, test and deploy your smart contracts, you

will need a build framework that will increase your development velocity

compared to doing it manually, and we'll demonstrate that fact later in this

course. In this context, we are going to use Truffle 4, as opposed to Truffle

3, that we used in previous versions of this course, and you can find more

information about it on ""...

Actually, as you can see, it's installed as an NPM package, so we can go back to

the Terminal and run NPM. So the first thing we need to do is to uninstall

previous versions of Truffle. This is important: if you already have Truffle

version 3 or below, you definitely need to uninstall them first. So to do that

you run "npm uninstall -g truffle". And once this is done, we use "npm install -g"...

but we won't install just the latest version of Truffle, we will focus on 4.0.4.

This is to avoid any breaking change in newer versions that might not work with

this course content. So here I can see that I have missing right access, and

that's normal because I completely forgot that on Linux, we need to run

these commands with sudo. And now that it is done I can run "truffle version" to

check that 4.0.4 is installed, and version 0.4.18 of the Solidity compiler is

also set up. The last step of this lecture is to install a text editor that

we'll use to edit our smart contracts and other text files. At this point in

time, there is no real Ethereum IDE. You can find some plugins for IntelliJ,

WebStorm, or even Microsoft Visual Studio Code, but

not a full IDE covering all the development chain. But that's ok, because

we have some interesting free text editors that are good enough for what we

want to show here. In this course, we chose to use Atom because it's freely

available for Mac, Windows and Linux. But of course, you are free to use the one

that you are more familiar with. To install Atom, we can go to the Github

repository: "". Again the link will be in the

resources, and then we can go to "Releases". And there you can choose not the beta

package, but the latest stable release so here it would be 1.23.2. If you are on

Ubuntu or a Debian distribution, which is our case, you can also also install it

from the Terminal. Then I can run "sudo apt update" and finally "sudo apt install atom"

So here normally we installed Atom and APM as well, which is the Atom

Package Manager. We can actually start Atom to make sure that the environment

is initialized. And finally we can run "apm install language-ethereum" to install the

plugin in Atom to support the Solidity language, which we will use to write our

smart contracts later on. So at this stage, we have all the tools that we need

to start the development of our smart contracts on Linux. In the next lecture,

we'll show you how to create, set up and start your own private Ethereum node.

For more infomation >> Set up your development environment for Ethereum on a Linux machine - Duration: 15:12.


✅ Ny seier for Moss - Duration: 1:27.

Håvard Thun sikret tre poeng for Moss da Fram Larvik ble slått 2-1 i 2. divisjon, avdeling 1 i fotball for menn lørdag

Verken Moss eller Fram Larvik maktet å få nettkjenning i første omgang.Fem minutter etter sidebytte tok Fram Larvik ledelsen ved Mahmoud Al Laham

Det var Fram Larvik-spillerens tredje scoring for sesongen. Fire minutter senere scoret Thomas Klaussen for Moss, og Thun avgjorde etter 77 minutters spill

Det var Mosss tredje strake seier.Mosss Anders Gundersen pådro seg gult kort. For Fram Larvik fikk Kristoffer Tollefsen, Mahmoud Al Laham og Alonso Sánchez González gult kort

Moss og Fram Larvik står begge med ni poeng.638 tilskuere fulgte oppgjøret.I neste runde skal Moss møte Raufoss, og Fram Larvik møter Fredrikstad


For more infomation >> ✅ Ny seier for Moss - Duration: 1:27.


Nassau County Sheriff's Office looking into new tips in search for missing mom - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Nassau County Sheriff's Office looking into new tips in search for missing mom - Duration: 1:57.


Homemade Remedies for Urinary Infections - Duration: 9:23.

Homemade Remedies for Urinary Infections

This type of problem is more frequent in adult women than in men because their urethra is shorter.

The symptoms are burning when urinating, increased frequency in urination, a feeling of a full bladder, and murky color in urine.

Find out some of the homemade remedies for urinary infections in the following article.

Causes and Symptoms of a Urinary Infection.

are divided into two kinds: the upper urinary tracts (affects the kidneys and urethra) and lower urinary tracts (affects the urethra and bladder).

Both can be caused by the same factors, however the difference is in the time that goes by until they are treated.

Some of the causes of urinary infections are: poor hygiene, hormonal changes, constipation, pregnancy, diabetes, prostate inflammation for men, holding urine for too long, sitting down for many hours without moving, bacteria like E Coli, fungus, viruses, and parasites.

The characteristic symptoms of urinary infections are:.

Pain or strong burning when urinating.


Pain in the lower part of the back.


Urine with a murky or intense color, or foamy.

Sudden or frequent urges to urinate.

Sensation of a full bladder.

Small amounts of urine.

Popular Remedies for Urinary Infections.

Make a drink by mixing 125 mL of water and 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda.

Drink two glasses of water and then this mixture.

Drink large amounts of cranberry juice every day to prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and getting rid of urine quicker.

Drink two tablespoons of unrefined virgin coconut oil a day.

You can also drink a glass of water or coconut milk on an empty stomach and another before going to sleep.

This will help kill E Coli since it is resistant to antibiotics.

Asparagus are great purifiers of urinary tracts and help cure infections in this area.

Dont worry if the color of your urine changes a little bit while you are eating this vegetable, it is normal.

Peel two garlic cloves and crush them.

Add a cup of warm water and let sit for five minutes.

Repeat this treatment three times a day until the symptoms disappear.

The garlic will kill the bacteria in the urinary tract.

Dissolve two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a liter of water and drink it throughout the day.

It is great for people who have cystitis.

Cut an onion into four pieces and boil in a half liter of water for 20 minutes.

Remove and let sit for 8 hours (it can be at night).

Strain and drink the broth.

Onion is diuretic and antibacterial.

Eat a few pieces of watermelon a day, because it will help cleanse and refresh the kidneys.

It is a good method to prevent urinary infections if you are prone to them.

Blend two celery stalks with their leaves on in three liters of water.

Add two slices of pineapple and a cup of chamomile tea.

Mix all and drink on an empty stomach.

Make an infusion with two tablespoons of basil per cup of water, let stand for ten minutes and drink twice a day for 48 hours.

Make a juice with two cups of fresh cranberries, half a cup of stemless cherries, and a slice of watermelon.

Put it all in the blender and mix well.

Drink immediately, preferably on an empty stomach, and repeat every day until the infection goes away.

Drink juice made with a banana and an apple twice a day for a week.

Apply heat to your lower stomach with a hot compress or bottle.

It is also good to take an immersion bath to relieve the symptoms and make blood circulate more in the area.

It is not recommended for pregnant women because it can cause premature births.

Drink a glass of green coconut water to cleanse the urinary tracts.

Then, dice a garlic clove and half an onion and eat them raw.

This combo is great for improving the infection.

Pour a tablespoon of celery seeds in a cup of boiling water.

Cover and let stand for ten minutes.

Drink three times a day.

Boil four tablespoons of thyme, four of horsetail, four of marigold, and four of linseed in a liter of water.

Let stand for ten minutes and remove from the heat.

Cover and wait for fifteen minutes.

Strain and take baths once or twice a day.

It has disinfecting and soothing effects.

Boil 20 grams of barley in a liter of water and when it boils, pour in 20 grams of juniper, and leave it on there for a minute.

Let stand while covered for fifteen minutes.

Then strain it and drink three cups a day.

Recommendations for Urinary Infections.

Dont hold your urine because this boosts the accumulation of urine, inflammation, dilation of the bladder, and more space for the bacteria to grow.

Drink a lot of liquid in order to eliminate bacteria and so that they dont reproduce.

Your urine should become transparent.

Eat foods with a lot of vitamin C like citrus fruits to acidify the urine and prevent bacteria from growing.

Keep good intimate hygiene, especially in the case of women, to prevent bacteria from going back into the body.

Use pads instead of tampons.

Avoid alcoholic beverages because they irritate the urinary tracts and worsen the problem when there is an infection.

For more infomation >> Homemade Remedies for Urinary Infections - Duration: 9:23.


WBZ Evening Forecast For May 19 - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> WBZ Evening Forecast For May 19 - Duration: 3:32.


💙💛❤️How to Draw Cupcake Candy Step by Step for Kids | Coloring Pages for Kids | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:00:16.




















Coloring Pages

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