so the world's looking pretty good North Korea's calming down no Isis
unemployment at its lowest in ages Trump had a great meeting with that Nigerian
guy I think he wrote me a long email once
sanim 10 grant never heard from him again
wonder what happened so while the world seems to improve the media keeps
focusing on the worst the New York Times get this they ran an article this week
titled happy 200th birthday Karl Marx you were right too bad he can't read it
he's dead but what a strange thing to say I guess the tribute to John Wilkes
Booth wasn't ready yet and where is the Lizzie Borden centerfold but as the
writer glorifies the dead commie we here don't believe the times went far enough
so we created a real salute happy birthday Karl Marx you co-wrote the
communist manifesto which is right up there with the Unabomber for the best
manifesto of all time its basic tenant that capitalism leads to class
oppression and will eventually be superseded by a socialist orator
sweet in fact people's such an awesome idea that a bunch of countries tried it
like Lenin Soviet Union featuring mass imprisonment Mao Zedong's
China with widespread famine Castro's Cuba featuring animal-powered farm
equipment in maduras Venezuela toilet paper lines for J's plus a bunch of
other countries that don't exist anymore like East Germany Yugoslavia and
Czechoslovakia talk about a most exited run and there's even communist nations
still around today like North Korea but they won't admit it because it's so
successful they don't want to rub it in the rest of the world's faces so here's
to you Karl Marx happy 200th birthday bro
we just whip that together so as the world enters an optimistic age the media
still chases words and not deeds the latest freakout what Trump said about
what Giuliani said about you guessed it stormy it was staggering we keep saying
that and it's very confusing I've never seen anything like it
it is astonishing I think this is disgraceful it's astonishing it's
stunning just you know that was a disaster other members of the legal team
are and this is not actually a legal term freaking out
what's wrong with these people you know what they're like they're like kids who
ate all of their Halloween candy in one night
they're just overloaded they're gonna end up with a DTO which is a Donald
Trump overdose but they can't stop CNN CNN has had Stormy's lawyer on 60 times
in three months he gets more airtime than pollen I think it probably will be
hard to prove Anderson you get a stopped interrupting me the cover-up is really
so calm whoever the attorney is that wrote those two tweets is an absolute
moron there's no doubt that he's going to flip you can try to put lipstick on
the pig morning noon and night and it's still going to be a pig Don I was
stunned I was speechless I'm still stunned this morning every day he's
speechless which is weird because he never shuts up that was that possible
but fair play to him he's got CNN in his back pocket and he won't stop farting I
thought about taking that out now remember
now remember when it was all about collusion but now even MSNBC has doubts
this is great as for the molar investigation I am very as an American
as a citizen I'm fascinated to know what he finds I'm not I'm not so sure that
he's gonna find it The Smoking Gun of coordination or collusion oh my god
MSNBC not sure about collusion that's like Michael Moore not sure about
pie he likes pie can't change his mind on pie so it's
stormy this and stormy that from people who used to say who cares it's only sex
the lesson if you lose an election why not sue afterwards it's the political
equivalent of Tonya Harding taking out Nancy Kerrigan and the media and the
Dems are Jeff Gillooly and Sean Eckert the Dems push the message the media
spreads it and their collusion broadens it's a self-perpetuating echo chamber
and the echo is impeach because there are no democratic ideas to counter Trump
successes I mean how do the Democrats top ending the North Korean nuclear
threat what would be their issues free health care for ms 13 horses should be
able to marry sheep I'm for that actually love is love alright and so in
a sprint shrunk made the world better for seven point six billion people and
the question plaguing the media's brain did a rich billionaire playboy lie about
sex I think I can save them a year of programming time and say yes
next next question next is American care no see you can look at this latest
stormy stuff two different ways one is a lawyer
Trump's allowed to pay a settlement didn't use campaign funds nothing to do
with collusion or you could look at it as a voter you care more about peace
than pornstars deeds more than words and Trump's racked up a bunch so far which
brings us to this choice do you want a wholesome but a next president who never
could have crushed Isis or figured out North Korea or have a CAD who crushes
Isis and figures out North Korea I know what choice I made and is the choice
America made already let us welcome tonight's guest he's smart and tough
like an encyclopedia that can kick your ass Fox News national security
strategist Sebastian Gorga
oh yeah he puts the tairy in military retired Green Beret Master Sergeant in
strange pants Terry Schappert her BAC is always higher than her BMI great joke
Nestor of you reporter Kat Tim that was mean nice way he's not done he takes he
takes selfies with the Hubble Space Telescope former WWE Superstar in my
massive sidekick Tyrus dr. G we covered a lot of ground here in this monologue I
want you to what are you thinking about what happened this week what's the
endgame here with the media and their their attacks on Trump with stormy what
do you where are you first things first that little communism
is cool thing as the trial of people who lived under communism and escaped that's
probably how we can get the Millennials back yeah that was the foundation for
the victims of communism did a poll recently mm-hmm 44% of America
Millennials want to live in a socialist country mm-hmm Wow more than what to
live in a capitalist country they should move to Vermont
so things have to be done that kind of video can help us with regards to this
week you have to listen to what the president said yesterday the NRA meeting
he relishes this stuff yeah I've worked for the guy
this is his fuel right right right this is a 71 year old guy I'm 47 if I had a
quarter of that man's energy at seventy one might be happy three hours of sleep
a night he doesn't he doesn't get annoyed by this stuff it's his fuel you
come at him he's gonna come back at you even harder so they're gonna lose the
Jake Tapper's the Anderson Cooper's they're going to lose so you you're 40
I'm six years older than you me too it's amazing we're old I thought you were
like much older than me just a bit just the PNL so you're tall I always think
tall people are older than me he's like I'm the size of a child
Jerry they've been growing long he has more rings if he cut him open yes Terry
would try that actually all right Terry how is the mainstream media media gonna
handle when there's more and more good news they're getting crushed it is funny
about the communism thinking about that poll that makes sense because that by
the way is by design the communists knew okay we're not gonna beat these guys
militarily we're not gonna we could get them with the educators and so these
guys that this makes sense because the people that are that are a product of
this education system they've been fed this and they don't know any better
when they get in the real world they're gonna figure it out quick enough and cuz
reality does that we're I'm a combat special force guy reality does that and
I love the best thing we were talking about backstage backstage is where we
were ease back stains you had the green room get to the point up not in love
with your tone but that we were we were saying that it is so much fun to watch I
called Donald Trump the flashbang cannon flash bags are the grenades we throw in
yeah to blow up light sound and just we go in and then shoot you because you're
stunned Trump's our group Trump's a flashbang and it's funny to watch how he
has crushed these people and they needed to be crushed dams and Republicans media
and academics and it's it's it's being done by a guy who is callous Vince
skinned ego-driven and it's beautiful yeah he's glass bang could I'm
Flashdance yep cat thoughts on anything
alright I'll keep it to the topic instead of what I was really thinking
about no there has been a lot of good news but the media what it does do is
doesn't cover it it just doesn't cover it because then
that would mean they would have to admit that Donald Trump has actually done some
good things which he has but instead they just have stormy Daniels stories on
all day long and I don't understand what they are cuz I don't watch it you know
that there's a lot of it but what are they talking about for so long hooked up
yeah you lied about it yeah the end yeah there you go
I just did the whole show yeah you did yeah yeah there's no way I don't
understand they're so shocked these are people who said during the Clinton era
that it's just sex all right yes exactly ten years ago yeah and not
just with you number of people all right Tyrus Greg and with some kind
of wisdom well we're all socialists when we're younger until we get our own money
I ain't sharing a damn thing it's mine Danny told no jokes in this chair why
should I have to give it up social is when we don't we're not unemployed on
mom's couch yeah share the wealth yeah yeah no that's so
true yeah yeah well we saw in Finland they just they just retracted that in
Finland they have that experiment yeah you can come hey yeah fixed-income for
everybody in the population whether you worked or not
and guess what it didn't work yeah speaking of Finland where did those
boots come from though I think they killed a yak yeah must have been a
pretty active the problem is the flare of his pants you should see the jacket
Kerry's new you call it a problem I call it excellence yeah I hope they're flares
because you're packing heat at the ankle
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