minding the manner
Tilly i'm here
and tilly
Heard you the first time open, their, door for me won't you, dear why, do you keep this in a fur boots
That's okay, it's good to let, them get out?
and flip i make sure the manor is in tip-top shape at all times it's nice to meet you mr. Spruce the pleasure is mine
the flowers get tired of the same old
vases you can get new, ones in the vase closet take the rug for a lock, yep all you do is
Plays, all these magical music roles let, make the magical i'll show
You, each of them plays a song that makes something magical happen, we just put one in the music box and let the fun begin
Okay, dear i'm going out to get the snickerdoodle sandwiches and broccoli bonbons, while you finish getting the house ready
Before aunt tillie what if something goes wrong then i'm sure you'll make it go right
it's all the power to growing up you start a tiny, little pop i
Guess it can be in charge for a little
while that's the spirit i'm confident that you'll take great care of everything i hope so i know so
Feel free to play, my music, box, while i'm gone dear any roll you like
See you, soon gotcha stir
That's a lot of balloons?
Mr.. Spruce look it's a secret tunnel. Oh there's, no way out don't be so sure
Let's tidy up the music room next then, we'll pick the vases and take the rug for a walk, oh delightful
I'm going to put in let's find out
calm down
William that's just a very exciting time friends, well i don't know
about you good point first, we catch a music box and
Then the fun really starts
What's that sound alright, boys let's find a, way into this joint
nice try troublemaker
Oh, my shall keep them out the chimney
But all right jensen find me that music box right, why, again
so, no one can turn us back to stone like i just told you i
Insist you leave at once how about, we insist you leave?
The cleaning can you turn the gargoyles back to stone yes yes i can
There's a music roll that will turn the gargoyles back to stone
It's fine no the woman. Oh thank
Your, mouth will you go you got it
Thanks to us hey hey get your slimy feet off this out for you
One of those, songs will turn us back to stone remember let's play on anyway yeah i can't trust either you guys the only
Way, we'll be safe is if we break the music box?
Antilles going to be so upset with
me i messed up everything for
princess sofia
Your aunt tilly would not have left you in challenge if she thought you couldn't handle a few little to fix them but, how
You're, the one in charge princess you tell me okay fellas
We need to find a way?
Back inside the house then if we're really quiet you could sneak up and grab the music, box i am a
master of stealth
it is time
you, certainly show, those gargoyles who's in challenge
Place is such a, mess i can't let. You until ii see her, house, like this
Well he'll do you work really fast mr. Spruce
Now what's next?
They're, just too heavy
What are you two talking about
Congratulations, sophia you passed the test i'm so proud of you as a live test what test
And solve any problem that came your way, why
Because you'll have to know how to handle things when it comes time to face your, destiny my
Dear my, destiny what you're meant to do with your life
A history of enchancia castle yes you live in a very old castle, sophia and that book tells you
About all its secrets
And you must read it cover-to-cover because knowledge is the key to everything
Thank you aunt tilly now how, about we celebrate your success with a, book
Two, stone will be anything you won mm-hmm right this way ladies in gargoyles
buttercup, gambhir i
Saw shooting star let, me see let me see
Actually he might that reminds me when i was a?
Boy, we use star stones to turn the ceiling of my bedroom into a planetarium that sounds amazing
What are star stones dad me hike, no thanks i'm more than indoor princess but, amber it'll be fun
trudging through
The wilderness is not my idea of fun oh amber hoop instead you can sing songs around the campfire with the trail roast marshmallows
Imagine lying in bed and looking up at a ceiling full of stars
Buttercups i'm ready
I thought mom told you to dress for the outdoors i did and all new buttercups get one and i'm not a
Buttercup i'm just coming, along for the star stones, well suit yourself but it's a long trip
Oh, don't worry i've got everything i need, violets camping gear this is an overnight trip
Oh right, well i'll just add a few essentials?
Perfume just because the wilderness smells bad doesn't mean i have to, oh i've got to make, some room, uh, what is this thing?
They're all set
Keep a look, out ruby sir that's because it's just a legend, no one's ever proven he's real
Not yet but we're. Gonna. Check them down in john's picture till pudding i can, help you with, that princess
Really, mm-hmm
Try, these instead, oh, no princesses don't, wear boo, what if i get lost out here here you go take a trouble whistle
If you, ever have an emergency just blow it as loud as you can, and the buttercups will come running this, new
Gown, isn't any easier to hike in than the old one how long before, we get to the star stones, oh not until tomorrow
We're camping out tonight kevin out. Is that that's funny the tracks just ate
round up buttercups i
Want to try - aren't you coming in ver you, want me to climb a tree tree, well at least try a blow fruit
Trust me it'll help
Hey, i still pretty good it's a sweet skunk their scent smells
You know maybe this buttercup, stuff isn't so bad after all
are you sure
get ready to see the mysterious
Hold up buttercups this, is the perfect spot for our campsite everyone get out. Your tents and set up camp
What are you doing we're sleeping here, tonight i'll help. You pitch your tent it'll be nice and cozy, you'll love it
Well i do have a lot of gals in here and some hair pins sounds like you've got everything you need to make it tense
When you discover you don't have
It's so shimmery and it smells like, flowers nope sweet it's good
Congratulations. Oh thank, you i'll put it on later
Just like you wanted you're right, amber knows all about the stars freely
That's ambarina, major the star i discovered
Whoa, you seem to have
Some keep a lookout for mossy this is the swamp monsters natural habitat this is it buttercups
Swamp rock hill it's so rocky
None over here where are they waiting for you to find them spread out buttercups and keep looking
Don't tell me i came all this way for nothing
That's not a monster that's my sister it don't look
Like a monster i am not a buttercup
i hate the outdoors i hate everything
About it this is the worst trip i've ever been on but you were having a good time last night, well i'm not now
You, can't just leave, well watch me
Amber was wrong she doesn't look anything like the swamp monster what's way to go this, way i think
Like getting stuck in a bog it's too, slippery to climb back up looks, like, we're going to need, some help
It's nothing
He's blocking the trail i've gotta find a way to make him move you, mean you're right what's your plan
Well there's only, one thing that can scare off a swamp monster what's that it's even bigger, swamp monster
easily, both
People frightened we'll see most terribly they're, always chasing, mossy but
We only came to help our friends as find some mossy is never even seen a tiara before
It really brings out the sparkle in your eyes
Hmm, that's far too slippery to climb
There here you go
Rosie has never looked, better
You can, keep it we only need one fine star stones
They, are just like stars all right gather up. Your star stones buttercups we'll have to head back
Nice outfit amber, well i figured, since i'm a. Buttercup now i might as, well dress like, one
See you later thanks for everything
I guess you were right, sophia
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