Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 18 2018

A White House Purge Is Reportedly Coming After Leaks Cause Turmoil

A continuing leak of internal information from within the White House is leading toward

a major staff shakeup inside the Trump administration's communications department, according to new


Fox News cited multiple sources with knowledge of private meetings in which senior staffers

have hinted at an upcoming purge targeting those leaking confidential information to

the media.

The renewed focus on a persistent problem within this White House comes amid continuing

fallout over insensitive comments reportedly made during a meeting last week.

Following reports of communications aide Kelly Sadler's crass characterization of Sen.

John McCain's battle with brain cancer, many demanded a public apology that never


Instead, reports indicated the communications department focused its attention on stemming

the tide of leaks.

Multiple sources present for a subsequent meeting fulfilled White House press secretary

Sarah Sanders' prediction about her own comments.

"I am sure this conversation is going to leak, too," she was quoted as telling staffers.

"And that's just disgusting."

Though inside accounts from recent meetings add to the speculation of a major staff change

inside the White House, counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway suggested as much in an interview

earlier this week.

She denounced the actions of those responsible for the breaches, even as some within the

White House say she and other senior staffers are actually the primary sources of confidential

information leaked to the media.

"There are all kinds of leaks," she said.

"Some leaks exist to hurt, I guess, colleagues; some leaks exist because they disagree with

the policies that are being put forth.

But none of them are helpful."

Conway said another concern does not involve the leaks themselves but how White House staffers

are motivated to use information provided to the media.

"Something else that's gone on in this White House but not as badly as it was at

the beginning, where it's not so much leaking as using the media to shiv each other, and

that was going on quite a bit at the beginning of this administration and it's less so

now," she said.

When asked whether she expected staffing changes in response to the fallout over the leak of

Sadler's comments, she confirmed that she did.

"I do, actually," Conway said.

"Yes, I do."

President Donald Trump weighed in on the controversy this week with a tweet in which he downplayed

reports of "so-called leaks" within the White House while reserving particularly harsh

judgment for those responsible.

"The so-called leaks coming out of the White House are a massive over exaggeration put

out by the Fake News Media in order to make us look as bad as possible," he wrote.

"With that being said, leakers are traitors and cowards, and we will find out who they


For more infomation >> A White House Purge Is Reportedly Coming After Leaks Cause Turmoil - Duration: 2:59.


Brynn is in! The Voice finale watch party to be held at Big E - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Brynn is in! The Voice finale watch party to be held at Big E - Duration: 3:15.


The White House is Pulling Their Gun Con After Santa Fe Shooting - Duration: 2:17.

about what happened in Texas.

I pressed her on what the

administration is doing to

prevent these kinds of school

shootings to try to tamp down on

this problem of gun violence in

this country.

She said to us just a few

moments ago the conversations

about school safety are ongoing.

And she said that the

administration's school safety

commission, this was something

created in recent weeks after

what happened in parkland,


The commission was activated

today, she said, and that the

commission is going to have its

first meeting next week.

Now, when people are at home and

they're inclined to support gun

control measures, they hear a

commission activated, that

doesn't sound like a movement

happening quickly in terms of

gun control, and that may be the

case, but it was notable, wolf,

that the white house press

secretary said they're

activating the school safety

commission and start having

meetings next week on the issue

of protecting the nation's

schools which obviously are not

being protected at this point.

This problem of mass shootings

at your nation's schools, it

keeps happening.

But when I asked her what else

is being done at the moment, she

said that the president did

speak with the Texas governor

Abbott earlier today, and no

word yet as to whether or not

the president will go down to

Texas and visit the scene or the

town of Santa fe, Texas.

But they are keeping tabs on it,

monitoring developments with

officials and she said

conversations are ongoing as to

how to protect the schools.

The question in the end is

ultimately what the president

will do about this, because as

we saw earlier this year after

what happened down in parkland,

Florida, the president sounded

receptive to gun control


Even talked about going

background check legislation.

Even talked about going after,

perhaps, the age limit on people

buying long rifles and assault

style weapons, that sort of


And then the president backed

down after he met with the

national rifle association.

Earlier this month he even said

that the second amendment rights

of Americans are under siege and

that's not going to happen on

his watch.

Sarah Sanders a few moments ago

For more infomation >> The White House is Pulling Their Gun Con After Santa Fe Shooting - Duration: 2:17.


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