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Check if a given sequence of moves for a robot is circular or not | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
MY FIRST DOWNHILL RACE! | Line choice is everything! - Duration: 15:02.Today on BCpov
I race my first downhill race
After Kyoto we started driving south west across the island of Shikoku
After that we continued on and we took a ferry to Kyushu
We then continued on to Yoshimuta mountain bike park
We we're just at the Yoshimuta
downhill race on Saturday
So today is practice day and then
2 o'clock there's timed training
But it's a really short course
40 seconds I think
So far I've only been here for an hour or something
and I'm getting a lot of attention
just because I guess I'm the only white guy
foreigner that's joined the race
There's the pit's over there
We're going to go this way and
take this lift
Really interesting lift
in that I think it's a t-bar
I've never taken a t-bar on a bicycle before
So, should be interesting
There's a dinosaur theme
Good morning!
So it's not even a t-bar, it's just a rope
Good morning!
Good morning!
Alright, that's interesting
Looks like they just
strap at the bottom of your head tube, juts above the fork
Ya, now it's pulling me up
I feel a little wobbly
This is definitely a new experience for me
without a doubt
Only thing is like if you fall off
Pretty sure your bike is just going to get dragged up the hill
I'm clipped in right now, I'm not sure if I should be clipped in
Yuka is pedaling for some reason
Oh, it's scratching my
put that underneath again
It's a little more stable at the top here
Thank you
You're welcome
Just a little extra pedal to the top here
But I saw you were pedaling (on the lift)
Yuka: Ya!
Why are you pedaling?
I feel better
Oh, okay
So here's the course
This was the third lap of the day
I just figured out how to get over these jumps
They were a little soft on the first few laps
There we go
I was having some trouble
clearing those gaps
But as you can see they cut the path quite wide
Which opened up a lot of line options
And they definitely designed the course really well
Like the course was not really rock or technical
technical in that way
But there was a lot of flat corners or tightening corners
things like that that made it quite tricky
This corner coming up was quite tricky as well
you could either go wide on the outside
or stay to the inside
I ride the wide line here, which I thought was faster initially
and as you can see, the whole course is quite grassy, so
some spots were definitely quite slick
And I definitely had a few moments as a result of that, like these
I went off already
Yuka: Again!?
It get's tighter
So let's go back to that tricky corner I was talking about earlier
So as you can see here, the first rider takes the outside line
And that's the line I had been taking all day
In my mind, I thought that was the fastest line
But you can see the second rider takes the inside line
At this point I'm still not sure if that's
the better line or not
But anyways, we did about 12 laps
Before our timed training
Let's just jump into the timed training now and we'll see how fast I went there
Ah, so we're just heading up for
Timed training
Ya, I should say this is my first downhill race ever
And I'm a little worried
I may have choose a class too high for me?
We'll see
Everybody seems quite fast
But I guess it's just like a single stage enduro
Uh.. kind of
So it turned out that I didn't actually follow the rules to get into the elite class that I had entered
In Japan, you have to podium in the previous class to move up to the next class
And I didn't realise that,like
The local racing I do in Canada, you can just kinda pick the whatever class you want
And obviously if you're slow in that class, you're definitely not going to podium
But anyways, they just let me in anyhow, so
I'm so tense right now
It's okay
This race is Yuka's first downhill race as well
And one of her first races ever in general actually
and ya
she says she's feeling really tense, which is
a real thing to deal with actually when you're on the line
Even like the night before, it can be hard to sleep before a race
It does go away over time and you start to get used to it
But even the most hardcore racers get nervous before a race
And here's Yuka starting her timed training run
Well it's my turn after this guy
Hopefully it all goes well!
No brake here
Brake here
Oh, go Eric, go!
Eric, come on!
Oh, this is a good time
49.737 seconds
So my qualifying time was 49.7 seconds
And that put me into fourth place
And Yuka's time was a minute and one seconds
And that put her in second place with the only other female competitor
and that marked the end of our day
we headed over to an onsen to take a bath
and then we got ready for the race the next day
Well it's race day
This morning
We're still doing practice runs
The lift isn't running right now
So we're just going to pedal up for our first
practice lap
It's good for a warm up anyway
Yesterday I qualified fourth out of 8 in my class
With a 49 second run
That sounds alright, until you learn that
three of the guys didn't show up for qualifying
So, but they'll be here today
Any apparently they're quite fast, so
So basically I was fourth out of 5 people
After the racing yesterday
Some of the pros were doing track walks
showing some of the
they lines they were choosing and why
which was pretty interesting
and, uh, ya
this morning for practice, I'm gunna
See if I can find some better lines
and go a bit faster
Alright, I'm following Massa
He's my rival
He was one second faster yesterday
He's going pretty good
This right hander coming up
was one of the new lines I learned from the track walk the day before
So basically the advice was to go high and then turn in early
which I found definitely helped with exit speed.
So following Massa down proved really valuable to me
Because it really showed me how much faster the inside line on this corner was
And it was at that point that I decided
that I was going to take that line during the race
Inside line!
It's good!
After many more practice laps that morning
it was showtime
It was time for my one and only race run
Ah, so
Just heading up for my race run
My one and only race run
I qualified 4th yesterday
But three people didn't show up, so
There's definitely a variable there
Apparently those 3 people are quite fast, so
I just gotta remember not to brake
because, I just start dragging brakes
without thinking
But I've had quite a few runs to get it right, but
Every run seems to be different than the last
but I seem to be starting to get it pretty dialed
Thank you
Ya, I'm about to hit my run
and I've just been going over it in my head
and hopefully I can recreate what I've
Envisioned in my head
I do find it quite helpful to visualize the course before racing
If anything, it just forces you to focus
That's my rival
He's, uh, trying to psych me out
First jump
Second jump
Go inside
Try not to brake
Brake here, stay inside
Go high
Pedal pedal pedal
Don't brake here
Go high
Don't brake
Wow, he's so fast!
So fast!
He has done it!
His time is 47.371
He is in second place for now
That's better than last time
Your time is 40..
You're second place
Oh, cool!
But the faster guys are still coming?
So, no crash, so it's okay
So the guy I'm talking to here is Hajime Imoto
And he's the current downhill champ of Japan
In the days after the race
he actually showed Yuka and I a bunch of really cool trails
So keep an eye out for him in future videos
Ah, I got 47 seconds
2 seconds faster than last time
Next is open women
presenting two people
Second place is Yuka Abe
from Canada!
And first place is, Van-Quish
Murata Nishi
Oh, looks good!
They could be gravure idols!
Good pictures!
Eric must be delighted
He has a really good wife
Elite class, isn't it?
Yes, it is
Next, the forth place is 47.371 seconds
He is a YouTuber!
Eric Testroete!
And the third place is
46.395 seconds
Commencal, Eito Kojo!
He has been till here
The second place is 45.588 seconds
Chukichi Hukuyama DH Club
Akira Kawamoto!
And in men's elite class, his first victory
Deson, Cleat, Tokusagamine
Takayuki Motomura
He did it! Mr. Motomura!
Congratulations guys!
Ah, so that was a really awesome race
This was my first downhill race
It went pretty well actually, to end up on the podium
There wasn't that many people in my class to be honest
There was 8 people and I ended up fourth
but it's my first podium, so I'll take it
So, I'll take it
I kind of cheated
to get into the class I was in
Apparently you have to start in sport class'
and then you have to win, like
Get first in sport class to move up to the next class
which is expert
and then I basically just jumped into elite
Which is the next class
Not really knowing how it works i just
when I'm like
"oh I think I probably fit into elite"
cause that's kind of how it works in Canada
You just
You pick what class you're going to be in
and then you just compete in that class so
Ya, in Japan
when you get on the podium
they give you rice!
Check it out!
Bag of rice
Three kilo bag of rice
and a really nice
laminated certificate
and then Yuka got second place
And she got a bunch of cool stuff too
Not sure whats in there, but
All in all, I gotta say
The Japanese people were awesome
Super friendly
If you come to Japan, I recommend going to a race, because
You're just going to make friends with the people
and then they're going to be like
"oh, you should come ride with us later in the week or something"
they're going to show you where the trails actually are
because it's really hard to find the trails in Japan
It's not has hardcore as like
Canadian enduro or downhill race
but it's still pretty fun
and um
I definitely had a challenge
any race is going to be a challenge because everybody is going for the
the top spot, right? so
Yuka, you had a good time?
I did!
So, ya!
Thank you Japan!
See you next time!
Will Arnett Plays "Is it Canadian?" - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
1.2 What is Meditation? - Duration: 5:01.Perhaps you've asked yourself this question, sometimes, maybe many times: well,
who am I? Am I this face that I see in the mirror? Am I how others see me and
what I hear them say about me? Or am I something else? How well do I know myself?
Am I able to evaluate my responses? Am I able to know and predict how I'm going
to react in a particular situation? Probably, we don't know ourselves as much
as we would like to. And so the journey of meditation is to be able to go on
that inner journey to discover who we really are, because most times we just
see the external form. We say everything happens through race or religion or
nationality; true-false? Who knows. But let's explore this a little. If I
evaluate somebody by the color of their skin, well that's going to lead me astray
because that's just 1/16 of an inch deep. And peel that off and the color of our
blood, our sweat and tears is the same. The sound of childrens' laughter, the
sound of children crying, our hopes, our fears, our dreams are identical across
race and religion, it really does not make any difference. There's a lot of
research that we've done to indicate this. We've done that research but others
also have done that same research, in different ways. And so, if I look at
somebody externally and I judge them by gender or by age / the color of their
hair or the color of their eyes. How close would I be to knowing them? Imagine
it. I would be very very far away. I would have no idea of who they truly are.
Because the externals are just packaging. What I need to know is to know myself as
the inner being and start exploring what's going on inside of me.
How does my mind work? What are my thoughts? What is my intention? What is my
conscience? What is my memory? I need to understand all of these things. Then I'll
begin to have a clue what's going on for me.
But equally, understanding myself and having that value, that respect and maybe
even that love for myself, is going to allow me to respect you, treat you with
dignity and also value you as a human being. But even also, to love you. We've
been given a commandment that states: love thy neighbor, as you would love
yourself. And the reason why we don't love our neighbors today and with ample
evidence of that, is that we don't know how to love ourselves. That's probably
true for most of the world's population. We don't know who we are but going on
that inner journey, I discover the treasure store of values that lie within
me. What lies inside of me, I can't find outside anywhere. And so going inside and
I access my peace, love, truth, purity and joy. These are the ingredients that make
up the inner being, the soul. And these qualities are found in every human being
across the planet, no difference at all. And when I discover this, then I can
begin to love myself and definitely, I'll see you with that same
vision. I won't judge you by the clothes you wear or the car that you drive or
the house in which you live or the designation that you have at work.
I want to know you as the unique, special human being that you are. And so,
transforming my understanding of who I am and beginning to have that spiritual
perception means that that vision extends to you also. And my behavior
changes towards you and now because of a foundation of self-esteem and value for
the self, I can treat you with respect and dignity and we can work towards
creating a better world.
1 2 What is Meditation - Duration: 5:47.One of the lessons that I, I think I learn every day, is that, we are all
different; people are different. and what suits one, doesn't necessarily suit the
other. And I think we can even say this with meditation. I often feel there's
three layers of meditation that we can learn. There's a positive thinking which
will make my mind feel cool and calm. There's also the second layer of
meditation self-awareness, which will bring my mind into a very deep state of
peace, which will carry on into my relationships and my daily activity. But
the third layer is what we call Raja yoga. Raja yoga is really a union of my
true self with the Supreme and this is a quality of meditation that creates a
deep silence in my mind. There's a feeling that my mind just comes to rest,
there's a lovely stillness and in that stillness, a deep healing, a deep
transformation begins to happen. And there's a feeling of a gentle strength
inside. This word Yoga has become a universal word and I think for most of
the world when we think of this word yoga, we think of the exercises. We all
see it on television and so on, but actually there's many layers of yoga.
There's also the pranayama, which is the breathing level of yoga. But Raja Yoga is
the yoga for the mind or I can say the meditation for the mind. Literally
translated, the word yoga means union and the principle really is, whatever my mind
has connection or union with, yoga with, it will influence me and I will have an
experience. If I can use an example, if you're going about the day and you
remember a friend and you have a very close intimate relationship, loving
relationship with that friend, the millisecond your mind touches that
memory or that thought of your friend, you'll be influenced by that love and
that closeness and you'll have an experience of well being inside. But, on
the other hand, if you are going about your day and you remember a friend whom
you're having a difficult time with, there is a little bit of conflict. Once
again, the millisecond your mind touches that thought or that memory of the
friend, mixed feelings instantly emerge in my mind and I feel a
bit uncomfortable, I experience that discomfort inside. What is the logic of
Raja yoga? The logic of Raja Yoga is to have a union with a constant source of
peace, love and power for my mind. If that sounds difficult, we often call this
meditation, easy Raja Yoga. It's not that I am sitting down forcing my mind or
coercing my mind to concentrate. I think the concentration span of the
mind is extremely small. And so how do I focus my mind and maintain that focus? It
is really the way of Raja Yoga is a natural focus based on love, a union
based on love and the principle is wherever my heart goes, my mind will
follow. Later on in the practical meditation course, we're going to go into
this in much more depth. But what we're really saying here is that there's perhaps
three steps of Raja yoga: knowledge,
realization and third is experience. So when I have the knowledge of myself, as I
begin to realize, contemplate on Who I am, automatically I release a feeling, an
experience of peace inside. This is a practice that does take time, it is a
journey because it's easy to know, it's easy to realize, but sometimes it just
takes time to experience. And I would say at this point in the course, that one of
the most important friends to make as you travel through this course in
practical meditation is patience. When I began to meditate, I found that sometimes
it was so easy, so lovely, so sustaining and other times, literally nothing
happened. And sometimes those feelings of
frustration come and we feel, oh it's not working. Maybe this isn't for me. I would
say have patience, persevere. If you maintain patience, I am sure, you'll have
an experience that will really enhance the quality of your life. So please be
patient, it will happen.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding is this weekend - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
✅ Ryan Reynolds is finding it tougher than ever to perform his own stunts.The 41-year-old actor is w - Duration: 2:27.Ryan Reynolds is finding it tougher than ever to perform his own stunts.The 41-year-old actor is widely known for his athletic figure, but Ryan has admitted that performing high-energy stunts has become harder and harder over the years
The 'Deadpool 2' star - who has daughters James, three, and 18-month-old Ines with his wife Blake Lively - told Mr Porter magazine: ''One hundred per cent, I've always enjoyed getting a little bit older
''You never bemoan a birthday. I like it. It's getting a little bit more difficult with the stunt work stuff
''I find that landing on cement isn't hilarious any more. But I've been injury-free for a while, knock on wood
As I've gotten older, I'm more comfortable with who I am.''Meanwhile, Josh Brolin - who stars alongside Ryan in the new 'Deadpool' movie - recently admitted that the Canadian star convinced him to shoot the film
The 50-year-old actor plays the role of Cable in the new Marvel superhero movie, and Thanos in 'Avengers: Infinity War', and Josh has revealed he only accepted the offer for 'Deadpool' because of Ryan's presence
Josh - who has been married to his third wife, American model Kathryn Boyd, since 2016 - confessed: ''I almost turned it down - but I have the greatest wife ever
''The Hollywood veteran craved some downtime after shooting 'Avengers: Infinity War' - but he felt unable to reject the chance to work with Ryan
He said: ''I was in the middle of 'Avengers', I was tired, and they said, 'Do you want to do this thing?'''I said, 'I've already decided to do one of these movies ['Avengers']', and [they said], 'wait, do you want to do this other one?'''And my wife said, 'Why don't you just read it?'''And then I read it and it was really funny - and it's Ryan Reynolds, man!''
"This is My Story" Testimony by Maria Hartono - Duration: 2:55.During my first pregnancy
I had severe gastric pain.
Since then I was traumatised and I didn't want to have another child.
One is enough.
Four years after, in 2016
I got pregnant again in September
I was worried about having another gastric pain.
And it happened, since September 2016
I felt the pain and it wouldn't stop.
From morning to night, whatever I do I felt the pain for 24 hours.
I complained everyday, I refused to see anyone,
when my DATE (cell group) friends wanted to come, I always refused,
all I do was complaining for the whole day.
God, why do You let me got pregnant if You know I would be in pain?
In November 2016
I took USG test, the doctor took a longer time and said,
"The thickness at the neck of your baby,
shows high risk of Down Syndrome," and I was startled.
The next day I was sobbing,
Holy Spirit reminded me,
since I got pregnant until the USG test,
I didn't even give thanks for the baby in my womb.
This baby is a blessing but I didn't see that, I only saw my pain.
I told God I was sorry.
From that day I would never say
any negative things or complain again.
Holy Spirit reminded me to build a habit that I once had,
so I started to read the Bible, I worshipped,
though I felt so weak,
Holy Spirit really helped me to build that habit.
I started to sing and worship God everyday.
I read the bible, listen to sermons
I declared positive words upon my baby
and asked my DATE Leader to pray for me,
my DATE friends too, and they were really supportive.
In December 2016 the doctor told me,
to send my blood test to Taiwan as soon as possible before it reached full capacity.
If it reached full capacity I wouldn't know
whether my baby had positive or negative Down Syndrome result.
Since the blood test I kept on praying,
and it showed
negative Down Syndrome result.
I remember a Bible verse,
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever." (1 Chronicles 16:34)
It really happens to me.
Whatever our condition is,
whatever our mistakes are,
if we repent and turn back to God,
we always have a second chance.
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