Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 18 2018

I'm Kath. Oh....

That's Munch. And I'm Annamarie.

today we wanted to pose the question how easy is


how easy is it to CC.

that we used to be

residential moorerss which means we used to have a

'paid for mooring' We used to Pay the CRT per month. For the priveledge of having a pontoon.

in our case, and um, some electricity.

we'd also pay for the electricity on top of that

over a month ago we decided to stop doing that and to go on the canal

full-time without a residential mooring

see the country travel the UK obviously the location

that you choose is going to impact your lifestyle

had big discussions about whether we would continually cruise in London

whilst maintaining our landbased jobs

and we decided that wasn't really the lifestyle that we wanted.

Because of all the rumours of moorings being hard to come by

and even just managing the day- having to get to work and get water.

so we made the decision to change our lives completely change our sources of income. 'Sorry Munchy' and

actually see some of the rest of the UK

so how easy is it to Continual Cruise if you are having to eat.

So- talking about food and I think what we have know what I have

noticed different is that when I'm planning meals I'm looking I'm looking

in the cupboard more and I'm thinking what do we actually have and I'm making

sure that I've got extra tins of tomatoes

even an extra Tins of baked beans because the other day we were actually moored up

and we actually did have beans on toast two days in a row and it was just so


I think thinking about how you food shop and then also knowing that we can only

really shop for five days because of the fridge and

where is the shop in the next five days. And then planning the route according to that because

you're cruising continuously So you want to look for the next shop.

Thing the lesson that we both learned a good lesson that we've learned is

keeping treats in the fridge that have a long expiry date so for instance we've

got some chorizo sausage in the fridge so we can add it to omelet and we

can add it to the pizza doesn't it like last forever until we

eat it so that's really nice to have tucked

away in the back of the fridge and it doesn't take a lot of room what the

other long shelf-life food that we got was some camembert cheese because we

thought what we'll do is we'll bake the camembert and we'll bake some bread and

we'll do that in a couple of weeks when we're a little bit less prepared or

we've been cruising and it'll be a really lovely treat

but the camembert even though it has a long expiry date should not be kept in

your fridge for a day. It was very stinky. yeah it was too stinky

and all the other food wanted it out and they voted it out of the fridge we had

to eat it.We had to air out the fridge. Long life food is fantastic.

Just choose the right food. How easy is it to continue cruise when you are talking about

utilities like water and power

we've got by a large water tank that will last us

quite a while even by keeping a tally of how many showers

the washing machines and we will let you know in a month

it lasts for us we haven't run out yet

we got about 10 days in between fills, I don't think we did any clothes washes in that time.

we're having to see quite big challenge

we haven't really had any problems yes

so we're not in London where the facilities are a bit

more scarce.

planning our trips around water

So, for example when we were

in Aylesbury we were moored at the Tesco but we knew there was a water point just

one lock on so we waited at Tesco until we were lower on water then we filled up and went back and did our turn. THen we

went back to Tesco and did the

that worked quite well for us. As for power- we

have two solar panels on the roof wattage I don't know exactly what

wattage they are because we didn't install

everybody I ask how I can tell how many once they are

look at the sticker on the bottom but they're screwed on with rusty screws so

but they're quite low wattage and on a really sunny day when the Sun is

keep the fridge going

absolutely possibly the little computer fan on the toilet yes

obviously when we cruise that charges the batteries

there's other ways that we can charge battery

a generator or better wind turbine but we don't have those things at the moment

we're saving up so for a wind turbine sorry to disappoint you


working out the different impact so what we're actually doing

is running the end for a very short amount of time every

day when we're moored up and we can charge our laptops for work that way and

we can run the washing machine if we need to

heat the water at the same time So how easy is it to continue your

cruise and work remotely because we ruled out doing it land

based I think it's been relatively easy

it really has come down to time management

managing how awesome this is because you want to be outside all the time and when

you're not outside you want to be inside drinking cups of tea

and chatting and looking at things and watching the cats play and watching the

swans play you kind of don't want to be working

so that's been a bit tricky just self-management wise

How easy is it to continually cruise with cats?

I'm saying specifically cats because obviously we don't have a dog so I can't

comment and I'm a dog leave a comment the box below

yeah with our cats we're finding it really easy because

and we'll talk about this probably in a special episode

that say that they havn't a featured enough in our vlogs lately

because they are relatively well-trained and obedient and very dependent on

spending time with us ninety-five percent of the time they do as they are told, so,

but just now when we were leaving the mooring spot and Munchy was down the tow path. I called to him 'come on, come on'

he looked at me and then I turn the engine on I said,

come on we are leaving and he came running down the tow path and got on the boat.

I think we're extremely lucky with our cats we're lucky that they

they should come back to the boat as the edge' means we're leaving

hightail it into a I know that does happen to stop Kath -

I think it we from the start

we never did that we always made sure they came in and closed the door then we

started the engine. so it kind of just over the couple

of years we were just about to start now putting the boat on

and seeing if they know that means that we're going to move. So just little

bits of training. yeah and we don't let them out at night

so we're not worried bringing his presents or about them going missing and getting into trouble at nigh.

the thing that I didn't consider fully was vets

but we've talked to a few other cat owners and they said that pets at home

will often take you. You can

do a drop in at pets at home so whenever we are mooring up we do kind

of check the map and make sure we know where the pets at home are.

And they are fully vaccinated and everything, so we don't have to worry unless something happens to them

and then when we if we do have to leave the boat for more than

a night we leave them at a catarie or at my sister-in-law's place

So that we have timed to cat feeders

If we have to we'll leave a 'timed cat feeder' and they stay on the boat. But

most of the time we do end up putting them in a catery or we asked

family to look after them in winter it's too cold to leave them on

the boat even though they have fur and people say they have fur and in summer

actually it's too hot to leave them on the boat so

you've got to take that commitment on when you purchase pets

how easy is continual crusing? I guess it's as easy as

you want to make it it depends on your work situation

home situation and your solar setup in your power setup how much money you have

the diesel big shout-out to our patrons because they do pay for our diesel so we

never have to worry about diesel thank you so much. And our cat treats!

actually cat treats are courtesy of Steve and Andy because we're still using

the ones they gave us so how easy is continual cruising

Like I said at the beginning we couldn't manage it in London

we just couldn't we know Jasmine manages it with absolute grace in London

and so she's probably the one to ask if you have London questions but as as for

getting out of London and just continually cruising the first section

for us and the first step into the unknown has been really lovely there are

some times when I'm at the locks and I'm like setting the locks and I genuinely

cannot believe how lucky I am I don't miss communal living I really enjoy it

everybody at the basin big shout out no hello

if you're watching I love this so much more

it's nice is relaxing with kinda decompressed quite a lot I'm a lot

more decompressing to do if you've got any questions about continual

cruising that we haven't covered in this chat write them in the comments below

because we're gonna look at doing a little bit more explaining of some of

the things that a how-to series

the thanks for watching today and if you've enjoyed and it's been useful

for you and it's tiny

and we hope that it inspires you to make the leap too if not continue cruising

cruising full stop and if you do and you have twitter follow us on Twitter and

send us your pictures because there are always awesome

dislike thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How easy is it to be a Continuous Cruiser? | Living on a narrowboat on the canal - Duration: 14:37.


Known as 'Egg soup' or 'Roe soup', Altang is a Korean hangover cure - Duration: 2:25.

(Welcome-- Welcome--)

This does look weird

Have you had altang before?

I haven't had this altang before.

I've had one bite,

maybe five or six years ago,

and I think it was one of the strangest,

kind of "challenging" Korean foods I've seen.

It could be intimidating, I guess, but why?

Can you explain?

Well, you've got this thing.

The eggs.

Is that what it is?

So, altang, I know it means "egg soup,"

but this doesn't look like any eggs that I know of.

-It's not chicken's eggs for sure. -I have eggs for breakfast,

and that's not this.

I've seen it before that sometimes

there's some other ingredients.

And there's one ...

I think it was monkey brain?

It's go-nee (fish intestines).

And that's monkey brain, right?

No, of course not.

It's the intestines of a fish.

So this is mainly from pollack.

Pollack's eggs.

These all small pieces of eggs make up this one bunch.

I have to say this one looks pretty colorful.

Yes, it is, with the vegetables.

(Can there be no milt, or the intestines?)

(I don't think this soup has it.)

(It doesn't have the squiggly stuff.)

I didn't know I would be eating millions of eggs today.

Is this a usual dish for you?

Yes, especially when I'm having a hangover.

The broth is really clean and spicy

so it's good for the days when I'm still worn out

from the previous day's drinking.

I drank yesterday.

So not on work days.

Not on work days.

Saturdays and Sundays.

For more infomation >> Known as 'Egg soup' or 'Roe soup', Altang is a Korean hangover cure - Duration: 2:25.


What is the Best Folder To Use at a Networking Event - Duration: 2:20.

Hello my name is Kim Vermaak I'm your go-to lady to teach you how to get people to love your brand.

Today we are going to be talking about what you need to take with you when you're going to a networking event.

Now when I go to networking events the most important things that I need to have my cell phone,

some business cards maybe a little cash or my ATM card in case I need to get something,

and then also a space to be able to have all of the important things

like notebooks if I want to write something about a company that I really liked,

and then any other networking items that you might want to have at your particular function

what I found is, if I take a bag with me and I need to get business cards out or something,

I have to scratch around it and it takes a lot of time,

whereas is this beautiful device, this is called the Ashburton folder

this I can put my phone in by the way for the branding fundies this one was branded using the debossing

which means said to you imprint the logo into it, using heat.

Now as you can see there's my cell phone that I can take out very easily

There's two extra pouches over here for maybe earphones or an extra pen.

It is Zippable which means that your items are not going to fall out.

So it's very convenient to carry and inside you'll see I have organized

putting my business cards in a bank of another bank card and my ID or my driver's license in case I need it.

It has got a lovely zippable pouch

and in here in here I've put a whole bunch of business cards from people that I've collected at these events.

You can even put your keys in here I've got special power bank I have my notebook to write down items.

and I have my pen so that I've got something to write

so there you have it it's all that you need for an event because a cell phone can go in there as well,

you are able to answer emails if you've got emails on your cell phone,

and you rearing to go. So here it's a nice convenient item for you to

give to clients and for you to use yourself.

Thank you very much for watching.

If you want to find out more about our beautiful corporate gifts you

can contact us on

You can subscribe if you like this channel and remember to add any

questions at the bottom that you need to have answered

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