Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 17 2018

The future is upon us, especially when it comes to dining, and our restaurant,

instead of cash or credit, customers have to put in a little work to pay for

their meal.

The only problem is, they won't find out until they get the check.

And Shanti is still hanging out with us.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> This is Eat it, now delete it.



>> Well, thank you so much for joining us at our restaurant opening.

I see that you have your meal right here.

What did you order?

>> Well, I'm so excited, I ordered a delicious piece of pepperoni pizza.

>> Wonderful.

>> It's actually one of our most popular items on our menu.

But you do know that the average calories per slice of pepperoni pizza

is 544 calories, right?

You know that?

Yeah, so, okay.

>> Okay. >> I didn't really think about calories

when I ordered this.

Well, no worries that's what we're here for,

and Chauncey here will tell you how much you owe us?

>> Yes, so I mean the pizza is really, really good.

But in order to eat that pizza you better be lucky that your legs are the largest

muscle group, because you're gonna have to do squats, power squats for one hour.

That means 600 squats, and this what a power squat looks like.

So you gotta go down and up, and you can get about ten in a minute, so

you better like seriously eat.

>> Well, I'm not here to do 600 power squats, what?

>> You here for the pizza?

You here for the squats, here we go, here's your bill.

>> If you don't wanna do the squats you gotta send it back to the kitchen girl.

>> Okay, well, fine.

Okay, I'll ditch the pizza, and I'm gonna stick to being healthy instead!

That's what I'm gonna do!

New year, new me! >> [APPLAUSE]

>> That's fine, you don't have to eat it.

But you can't leave without giving us those squats, if you do eat it.

>> Okay, all right.

>> Don't squat now, wait for me.

>> Looks like we have another customer right here.

How's everything going over here?

>> Everything's really good.

Okay, I can't wait to bite into this delicious cheeseburger.

>> Me too!

>> Cheese please!

>> That looks amazing!

Just so you know a cheeseburger has an average of 840 calories inside.

>> My gosh, that's a lot of calories!

>> Yeah. >> Okay.

>> That is a lot of calories.

>> Yeah, that, that, that is.

What is a calorie?

>> Well, a calorie is, so now we should all know that when you're eating, you

have to understand that a calorie is the energy that you're putting into your body.

So are you gonna put good energy into your body, or

you gonna put bad energy into your body?

But I want to make it very clear, you should be 80% healthy and 155 fine.

But if you eat too much of the not so good energy, it's gonna clog your brain, and

then you're gonna have to definitely drink those eight glasses of water

every single day.

But more importantly, you're gonna have to do 40 minutes of jumping jacks.

>> 40 minutes?

>> Wow!

>> O, my gosh, that's gonna hurt.

Okay, well I've really been craving a burger, but after that, I don't think.

Well, I think I want to take another look at the menu.

>> Girl, stop.

>> Thank you for the info.

>> Don't get rid of it.

You can take off the bun and cut the cheese.

>> Take off the bun, cut the cheese.

>> Get some avocado on there.

You don't have to get rid of it.

Don't deprive yourself of the fun things.

>> Thank you. >> Be a little smarter.

>> All right. >> Thank you.

>> Yeah, let that butt go girl,

more power to you.

For more infomation >> Is One Slice of Pizza Worth 600 Squats? - Duration: 3:20.


What Is Cloud Computing (Computing As A Utility) - Duration: 10:46.

Hi, thanks for tuning into Singularity

Prosperity. This video is the tenth in a

multi-part series discussing computing.

In this video, we'll be discussing what

cloud computing is and the fundamental

change it brings in how we view and

think about computing. To better

understand the massive revolution cloud

computing will bring and is bringing to

the field of computing, let's first go

back in time and view a similar

revolution with electricity. Before the

height of the industrial revolution,

electricity had to be generated in

house, this had many downsides: every

worker lost to generating electricity

was one less to make the factory more

productive and scalability was a major

issue, at times when production of the

factory went up, there wouldn't be enough

generated electricity, causing power

outages and a loss of production. Thus,

often times more electricity that needed

was generated which was quite costly.

Then in the 1880s, Thomas Edison, founded

the Edison Illuminating Company, turning

electricity into a utility. In other

words, something that could be switched

on and off whenever desired, delivering

the exact amount of power needed at a

cost per unit, in the case of electricity,

watts. Electricity as utility allowed for

mass productivity increases and sparked

further exponential growth in the

industrial revolution, referred to as the

second industrial revolution, this

because electricity as utility lowered the

barrier to starting and maintaining a

business, thus leading to more innovation.

Coming back to present day, this analogy

has strong correlations to

transformations seen in computing. When

running a website or application in the pre

cloud computing days, every individual

business with an online presence had to

maintain servers that allowed users to

access their site, this is referred to as

hosting. Like with electricity,

sometimes more users will access the

site and sometimes there will be little to

no users on the site. To prevent site

crashes on periods of high traffic which

therefore equated to lost users and

customers, more servers than needed often

had to be purchased. These servers are

very costly, racking up bills even when

they aren't used to full capacity. Also

like the electricity analogy, having a

large team of sysadmins, network

engineers, etc takes away productivity

from the true goal a business is trying

to achieve, therefore making the barrier to

a scalable business high and costly. Now, with

cloud computing, we are witnessing a

revolution in how computing power is

allocated, in other words, viewing

computing as a utility. Cloud computing

has seen an incremental evolution over the

past decade, in large part due to the

exponential increase in computing

performance, with cloud computing

currently growing at a rate of 23

percent per year. Before discussing the

primary types of cloud computing, what

exactly is it? Well, the best way to think

about it is to think about actual clouds.

A cloud is formed via a dense cluster of

water molecules that appear as a single

object from a distance, thus taking this

concept, cloud computing refers to a

dense cluster of computers working

together that appear as a single

computing resource. There are many

companies in the cloud computing race now,

to list some of the biggest cloud

providers: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft

Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud - the list

can go on and on. Essentially, the cloud

services these companies provide are

through vast data centers made for

public use. As discussed previously, for a

business to manage its online presence,

in-house servers and maintenance was

required, which racked up costly bills

and was counterproductive to the true

goals of the business. This is where the

first type of cloud computing came into

play: Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IaaS,

where the hardware, in other words, the

hosting environment was abstracted away.

Like with an electricity meter,

businesses only pay the cloud provider

for the exact amount of computing power

used. So, when there is a heavy load on a

cloud hosted site, more is charged due to

increased computing demand, and with less

traffic, significantly less is charged.

The next type of cloud computing is,

Platform-as-a-Service, PaaS, this is where

the operating system and software

backend is abstracted away. While IaaS

provides the infrastructure for hosting

an application, everything else involved

in backend development is not covered.

This is the role PaaS fills, backend

services, including data management in

the form of databases and middleware

which is the plumbing between the

components of an application to make

sure everything works together. The last

type of cloud computing we'll discuss is,

Software-as-a-Service, SaaS, this is where

the software runtime is abstracted away,

essentially a layer in the cloud for

program execution. This part of the cloud

affects us, the consumers, the most,

allowing our devices to do minimal

processing when running an application

because processing is instead done in

the cloud and results deliver to our

devices. The best analogy for these 3

layers is a cake: IaaS is the large base of a

cake, PaaS is the frosting that covers the cake

and SaaS is the eye-catching candle on

top that people see first. Over the years,

the boundaries between these layers is

becoming more and more muddled, with the

industry heading towards a serverless

future, also called, Functions-as-a-

Service, FaaS. This is the combination of

all three types of cloud computing we've

discussed, more on this in the next

section. A serverless future provided

through cloud computing is the new

paradigm, this further exemplified by the

fact that the price of cloud computing

is decreasing due to increasing computing

power. This is referred to as Bezo's Law,

where the CEO and founder of Amazon

stated: a unit of computing power price

is reduced by approximately 50% every

3 years. The unit of measurement for

the allocation of computing power varies

by provider due to the types of cloud

computing they provide, for example, per

gigabyte of RAM used, per gigabyte of

storage, kilowatt hours of computing used,

etc. The reason for the drop in price and

increase in power for these units

extends to topics we discussed in

previous videos in this computing series

that deal with advances in both hardware

and software such as GPUs like Volta, new

memory devices as well as standards and

much more!


When electricity became a utility, the

barrier to entry of a scalable business

dropped and led to innovation at an

exponential rate, computing as utility

does this once again. This is easily

observable by startup culture today,

where anyone with a vision or idea can

immediately establish an online presence

and proof of concept of their

application or website. Whereas in the

past, expensive servers would have to be

maintained and overhead of extra staff,

now with cloud computing and serverless

architecture all of that is taken care

of at a bare minimal cost. As the

application starts to become more

popular, all you have to do now is

increase your cloud plan through your

cloud service provider. There are many

services offered by cloud providers to

accelerate development and innovation, to

list a few: Amazon Lumberyard for game

development, Salesforce for e-commerce

applications, Amazon Web Services for all

encompassing serverless architecture and

many more. As a side note, our site is hosted on

AWS. Amazon Web Services offers

comprehensive big data services that

enable retailers to perform

sophisticated analytics at

lightning-fast speeds,

allowing for real-time analysis and

insights that drive your business. With

Amazon Kinesis, you can quickly ingest

different data streams from mobile and

web purchases, POS transactions and

customer data. Store this data in an

Amazon S3 data lake and use Amazon

Athena to run ad-hoc analysis and

interactive queries like customer

shopping patterns and product

preferences. With AWS Lambda you can set

up code that responds to certain

triggers and events, like querying Amazon


a NoSQL database, to respond to

customer questions about product

assortment and availability or to

generate sentiment analysis from social

media. Storing it in a fully managed data

warehouse like Amazon Redshift and then

visualizing an identifying customer

sentiment over time with Amazon Quicksight.

Amazon EMR provides retailers with

a managed Hadoop analytics framework

that makes it easy fast and cost

effective to process vast amounts of

transaction data, online browsing

behavior, in-store shopping trends and

product preferences which can guide

inventory and pricing strategies. With

the broadest and most advanced set of

analytic services supporting every

workload imaginable, AWS provides

everything a retailer needs to collect,

store, process, analyze and visualize big

data in the cloud. Beyond the impact to

business and startups, cloud computing is

beginning to have a major impact on us,

the consumers as well due to cloud

services and service architecture. Cloud

services for consumers used to just be

about storage such as Dropbox and Google


Now, however, they are beginning to expand

to every industry, to list some examples:

cloud music like Apple Music and Spotify

and cloud gaming that Nvidia is working

on with GeForce Now. In fact, these

services are now extending towards

virtual desktops as well, where any

application can be run in the cloud. An

example of this is Amazon Workspaces,

where any Windows application can be run

in the cloud. From intensive programs

like After Effects and Cinema 4D to

productivity applications like Microsoft

Office and everything in between. In

terms of the impact of serverless

architecture on consumers, it essentially

means our devices will be able to do

more with less processing power, since

the most computationally intensive tasks

will be computed in the cloud. Let me

explain this and extrapolate the future

of cloud computing. There are three

layers: cloud data centers, fog nodes and

edge devices. Cloud data centers are the

giant facilities that companies such as

Amazon and Google have, the scale of them

globally are in the thousands. Fog

nodes are small-scale data centers or

servers that can be installed anywhere,

from the floor of a building, inside a

railcar - the list can go on and on. Simply

put, any device with computing, storage

and networking is a fog node and their

scale will be in the millions. Edge

devices are simply any

internet-connected device, from our

mobile phones, self-driving cars, sensors

and the countless IoT devices that are

coming to market, their scale will be in

the billions. With the growth of machine

learning and artificial intelligence,

more and more edge devices will require

instantaneous big data insights,

such an example is self-driving cars

that are constantly learning and

adapting to their environments. It is

impractical to have edge devices

themselves be powerful enough to compute

these analytics, but what they can do is

make inferences based on current machine

learning models they have and acquire

large amounts of data. This newly

acquired data is then sent to the cloud

so updated machine learning models can

be made and then sent back to the edge


The purpose of fog nodes is to reduce

the latency of access to the cloud due

to the vast amounts of devices that will

need connectivity. Instead of connecting

to a data center far away, the fog acts

as an intermediary that stores analytics

closer to the edge. We will cover edge

computing much more in depth in this

channels AI and Internet of Things

series! Also if you're curious about

issues of latency between the edge, fog

and cloud - be sure to check out this

channels previous series on 5G and video

on optical computing! At this point the

video has come to a conclusion, I'd like

to thank you for taking the time to

watch it. If you enjoyed it, consider

supporting me on Patreon to keep this

channel growing and if you want me to

elaborate on any of the topics discussed

or have any topic suggestions, please

leave them in the comments below.

Consider subscribing for more content,

follow my Medium publication for

accompanying blogs and like my Facebook

page for more bite-sized chunks of

content. This has been Ankur, you've been

watching Singularity Prosperity and I'll

see you again soon!


For more infomation >> What Is Cloud Computing (Computing As A Utility) - Duration: 10:46.


Fantagio States It Is Not Operating Illegally Following Dismissal of CEO - Duration: 6:44.

Fantagio States It Is Not Operating Illegally Following Dismissal of CEO

Fantagio has issued a statement amidst accusations that the company is running illegally after it dismissed its former co-CEO Na Byung Jun in December.

Chinese investment group JC Group's Korean branch Gold Finance Korea became Fantagio's largest shareholder in October of 2017.

In December, JC Group  Fantagio's co-CEO Na Byung Jun, and former co-CEO Wei Jie of JC Group became the sole CEO of the agency.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

There have been accusations that Fantagio is operating as an illegal business because the agency now lacks executives or board members that meet the  of the Act on the Development of the Public Culture and Arts Industry, and it continues to operate under Na Byung Jun's name.

 The Korea Entertainment Management Association (KEMA) has sent four written notices to Fantagio about this so far.

On May 11, the CEO of Fantagio Music Woo Young Seung was also , and Wei Jie's secretary has taken over his position.

It was on May 14 that several artists under Fantagio (including ) are currently seeking dispute mediation from KEMA in regards to their exclusive contracts.

KEMA has stated that their contracts will be made invalid if it is recognized that Fantagio is operating illegally.

Fantagio has now issued a press release about the matter, in which they deny the accusations of illegal operations.

Read the full statement below:.

Hello, this is Fantagio.

Firstly, we apologize for causing concern to everyone who cherishes Fantagio, Fantagio Music, and its artists.

Due to the sudden resignation of the executive who meets the eligibility requirements under the Act on the Development of the Public Culture and Arts Industry, the company is currently in the process of electing a new executive who meets the eligibility requirements.

For the development of the agencys artists, we are trying to recruit an expert executive who possesses both professionalism and morals.

As a listed company, a general meeting of stockholders must be summoned, which requires time, and up until now changes could not be made to the executive registration.

We have been continuously consulting with the administration branch in the jurisdiction and relevant organizations.

We recently received a statement about the results of an authoritative interpretation by the administration branch and legal experts.

It states, Fantagio was operating legally with the registration requirements specified by the Act on the Development of the Public Culture and Arts Industry.

There was only a delay in the change of registration after the resignation of a director, and therefore it cannot be seen as an illegal business..

We inform you that in relation to this, we will continue to consult with the administration branch in the jurisdiction and relevant organizations, as well as the corporation Korea Entertainment Management Association (hereafter KEMA), and we will carry out the process of change of registration quickly in order to solve this problem.

Separate from this, we recently found out through a media report that Kang Ha Na and three other artists from the agency had requested mediation related to their exclusive contracts.

The mentioned artists currently have valid contractual relationships with Fantagio, and therefore we plan to amicably solve the problem with the artists through discussion, and will sincerely take part in arbitration by KEMA as well.

Fantagios management values all artists and employees at Fantagio and Fantagio Music, and we will to try our best to stabilize the company.

In addition, we will not spare anything in terms of active investment and support for the agencys artists, and we will try our best in terms of the employees benefit plans.

Finally, we promise that we will show a better image to everyone who cherishes Fantagio, Fantagio Music, and their artists.

Thank you..

Fantagio is currently the agency of approximately 30 celebrities, also including , , Hello Venus, Weki Meki, ASTRO, and Wanna One's .

Source () ().

For more infomation >> Fantagio States It Is Not Operating Illegally Following Dismissal of CEO - Duration: 6:44.


How to Read Auras And What is the Meaning of Each Color - Duration: 8:11.

How to Read Auras And What is the Meaning of Each Color

All living creatures, including us, humans, have a special connection with the universe.

The ancient spiritual teachings fro the far East teach a lot about the energy of the universe

and the relation between the micro and the macro cosmos.

All of us are the universe and the �creator� is the universe too, there is a huge energy

circulating all around us and all of us have their own energy fields.

In most of our articles on this kind of topics, we explain that probably the best advice to

make a person happy and fulfilled is to vibrate positive (HIGH FREQUENCY) energy all around

them. Negative people are blasting out of low-frequency vibrations. However, this is

just the basic, something that we all know.

The extra-sensitive people and the empaths are way more advanced when it comes to recognizing,

absorbing and accumulating energy. They see the energy auras around our bodies.

Sometimes when u walk past someone you can steal his energy and vice versa. Sometimes

if you enter/ someone enters yours/theirs energy field, it may result in confrontation

or conflict situation without any particular sane reason.

This all happens because of the energy auras all around us that most of us are totally

unaware of. If we know a couple of things about the auras, their colors and meaning,

we will be better prepared for �the real world� and spiritually stronger.


RED AURA The people surrounded by red aura are most

enthusiastic and energetic individuals who are always ready for a new adventure. They

may be impulsive and fast, they want to try everything and taste everything.

However, their dangerous approach may put them in unpleasant and dangerous situations.

Read Aura people are also quick to anger and have a tiny temper. On the other hand, they

are mostly intelligent, self-confident and brave.

Red Aura people are risk-takers and they adapt fast, so they are very successful professionally

and, also, can become extremely wealthy. The worst side of the Red Aura people is their

constant deficit of attention. They want and need to be always on top, the center of the


YELLOW AURA People with dominant yellow aura are the analytical,

intelligent and logical people. They are not careless, but very cautious. They overcalculate

everything and most of them are workaholics who are strongly focused on their material


Yellow aura people are not the �relationship� type of people, but at the same time, they

are very resistant to stress, depression, anxiety etc. They have a strong mental profile.

They are happy with their own and extremely self-sufficient. Unlike the others, they enjoy

loneliness and at the same time, they are great communicators and know how to socialize.

However, their socialization is seen as an obligation, not need. They don�t make friends

easily, and if they do, their friends are also people with yellow aura- intelligent

and hardworking. Intense self-criticism and perfectionism are also common for yellow aura


PINK AURA Having a predominant blue Aura or energy field

surrounding you can point to a number of personality traits. Totally blue Auras are quite rare

but can show up as one of the boldest Aura colors in people with strong personalities.

Blue Aura people are the master communicators of the world. They have the ability to convey

their thoughts, ideas, views, and concepts eloquently and charismatically. They make

for excellent writers, poets, and politicians. Recommended: Pink Aura People

Blue Aura people are also highly intelligent and very intuitive. They certainly have the

head and heart balanced in making difficult decisions and choices. They are incredibly

good organizers and can motivate and inspire others.

GOLD AURA Gold Aura people have an extraordinary sense

of aesthetics, they love beauty and have a very artistic flair. You could call them hedonists-

they really love the finer things in life and like to adorn themselves and their surroundings

with beauty, class, and extravagance.

They also want to be the center of attention and they are very good at it. They know how

to entertain social groups and how to affect admiration from other people.

Because of this, gold aura people are known to have many, many friends. They are caring

and sharing, they will give you time, they will listen to you and they make a great company.

However, they don�t want their flaws and can�t stand criticism. They hide under masks

and this is their biggest issue. They are very proud and independent.

WHITE AURA/ SILVER AURA These are the people who have special gifts.

They will use their gifts through their lifepath to grow as a person. They are very wise and

they truly learn life lessons. Silver Aura people are sensitive, intuitive and they even

have some psychic abilities.

These people have the strongest spirit and the biggest potential to reach spiritual divinity

and find �The Truth�.

People with predominant silver/white aura are always seen as very attractive. They attract

people and admirers, but sometimes this could be an issue because silver/white aura people

don�t want to be center of attention. They don�t really care about reputation, nor

are proud or egoist. Silver Aura people are also considered to be very lucky.

BROWN AURA Brown aura always suggests something wrong

with your personality. Indicates confusion, discouragement, lack of confidence and fear.

Dark brown indicates selfishness, egoism, and a tendency toward deception.

BLACK AURA This is the aura of hatred, negativity, depression

or some major illness. This color is a really bad sign.

If you want to read your aura, just follow these simple steps. Stand or sit in front

of a mirror. Have a solid, light background behind you and start looking at yourself in

the mirror.

Focus your attention on an outlining spot on your body. (I focus on the area between

my neck and shoulders.) At first, you might see a thin white or transparent image around

your body. This white or transparent image will appear as a nearly-clear form of energy,

but you�ll definitely see it.

Remain focused. Eventually, that white or transparent image will expand and will become

a noticeable color (on me it�s a thin yellow outline of my body). At this point, you�re

seeing something that your mind isn�t used to seeing, which triggers your brain to start

thinking, and the aura disappears.

It�ll come back quickly and will disappear just as quickly as soon as you think about

what you�re seeing. If you are able to remain focused, your aura will glow brightly. Slowly,

you will see more of it and you will be able to truly determine what aura are you surrounded


If you stay long enough focused on your inner aura, soon you will be able to see your outer

aura. However, this process requires a lot of focus and spiritual strength. You will

see waves that are slowly glowing out of your body, but still, it�s difficult if you are

not a spiritually advanced person.

For more infomation >> How to Read Auras And What is the Meaning of Each Color - Duration: 8:11.


How Can You Tell Someone Is Lying? Tips To identify Liars! - Duration: 7:58.

This video was made possible by WIX.

If you are ready to create a website, head over to to try out

one of their premium plans right now.

People tell lies for all sorts of reasons.

Sometimes to avoid a situation and hold on to control, maybe because it's something

the person wants to be true but it simply isn't, or even a white lie where the lie

is to protect another person from getting hurt.

However big or small the lie, and whatever the intention, the objective when lying is

to communicate in a way that deceives another person from knowing the truth.

But can we hide our lies?

Or is the truth always revealed in some other way?

That's what we're about to find out, in this Episode of The Infographics Show: How

Can You Tell Someone Is Lying?

The average person hears from 10 to as many as 200 lies per day.

College students lie to their mothers 20% of the time, and on average strangers lie

to each other three times within the first 10 minutes of meeting.

All points made by Pamela Meyer, author of the book Liespotting, and presenter of a TED

Talk, How To Spot a Liar, which has more than 18 million views.

So if we're all being lied to so much of the time, how can we do a better job of catching

people out?

Well, there are tell tale signs that can help you to understand when the truth is being

told or not.

Taking the advice of Meyer, other behavioral experts and FBI interrogators, here are 8

useful tips to help you spot a liar.

Number 8, repeating the question - Dr. Lillian Glass is a behavioral analyst and body language

expert who has worked with the FBI on unmasking signals of deception.

She says that if someone is lying, they will often repeat the question.

This is because they're trying to convince you, and themselves, of the lie they are about

to tell.

To validate the lie in their mind, they might also say something along the lines of "I didn't

...I didn't ..." over and over again.

The repetition is a way of buying themselves time as they attempt to gather their thoughts.

Number 7, forgetting their story – Our memory is unreliable and past events may differ from

the way you remember them.

Psychologists say the majority of people don't remember true stories or real events in chronological

order because our brains simply aren't wired that way.

Our emotions guide our memories, so the more dramatic a story, the less chronological it

is likely to be remembered.

When someone lies, they will often go into great detail making sure their story follows

a logical timeline of the events as they occurred.

If an honest person makes a mistake when recalling a story, they will want you to know they made

a mistake, as they are not being deceptive.

A deceptive person will have planned out what they want to say and so will stick to their


At number 6 is throat clearing – When someone repeatedly clears their throat, it maybe a

sign of stress and anxiety, and when a person is telling a lie, they experience cognitive

overload which leads to this stress.

Former CIA officers Philip Houston, Michael Floyd, and Susan Carnicero say in their book

Spy the Lie, that if a person clears their throat or performs a significant swallow prior

to answering an interrogation question, that's a potential problem and could indicate that

a lie is being told.

The question might have created a spike in anxiety, leading to discomfort or dryness

in the mouth and throat.

But, of course, people clear their throats for all sorts of reasons, so if you're going

to apply this technique, you first need to observe the person and understand how they

usually behave.

Number 5 is sweating – Increased stress and anxiety can also cause the heart rate

to go up and adrenaline to be released, which both result in additional perspiration.

Anyone who's ever watched a police interrogation on a TV show will notice how the guilty frequently

break out in a sweat and are seen wiping it from their foreheads.

So if you think someone is telling you a whopper of a lie, sit them down, ask them directly,

and see if they start to perspire.

Number 4 is Body language – There is a lot you can tell from observing a person's body


But as we mentioned before, to properly pick up the tell tale signs of a liar, you first

need to understand how they behave when they are not lying.

Once you've done that, here are some body language clues that will help you find the

truth…People will often shrug their shoulders when they don't know or agree to something.

So if someone is shrugging while they are speaking, it may indicate they don't agree

with what is coming out of their own mouth…If you see someone suddenly make a head movement

when you ask them a direct question, that can also be a sign that they are lying to

you about something…And finally if there is no movement at all, then something suspect

may also be on display.

Body language expert Glass says that "When you speak and engage in normal conversation,

it is natural to move your body around in subtle, relaxed, and, for the most part, unconscious


So if you observe a rigid, catatonic stance devoid of movement, it is often a huge warning

sign that something is off."

Number 3 is Difficulty with speaking.

When someone is under pressure and lying, they often have a hard time coming up with

coherent answers.

Their lies will be full of contradictions, and as they try to think quickly and weave

a story, their speech can be affected.

Pausing, mispronouncing words, or stuttering are signs they are lying.

When investigators watch a videotaped interrogation of a guilty suspect, they will often observe

that it becomes increasingly more difficult for the suspect to speak.

This is a reaction to stress.

The nervous system decreases salivary flow during times of stress, leading to a dry mouth

and difficulty with speaking.

Number 2 is Pausing before answering – It's natural that someone pauses before answering

a question, particularly if you have asked them to recall past events as they need a

few seconds to gather their thoughts.

However, the question you ask and the length of the pause is also important.

Here's a good exercise to test on a friend.

Ask this question, "On this date five years ago, what were you doing?"

The friend will likely pause before responding, because they need to cast their mind back

to remember the day, and unless they have a very sharp mind or the date happens to be

significant such as a birthday, it's unlikely they will be able to offer a meaningful response.

Now try this question, "On this date five years ago, did you rob a bank?"

If your friend pauses before responding to this, then you probably need to choose your

friends more wisely.

But the most likely response will be "No!" because a person understands what they are

capable of without needing to remember the past.

And finally at number 1 is eye movement – What people do with their eyes can tell us a lot

about what's happening with their imagination and inner dialogue, and when dealing with

a liar, there are many indicators that come from observing the eyes.

Firstly, Blinking – a person will usually blink every 10 or 12 seconds, but when in

a stressed state, the blinking will increase and a person may blink 5 or 6 times in a row.

Secondly, looking up and to the right - Mark Bouton, an FBI agent for 30 years and author

of How to Spot Lies Like the FBI, explains that "When you ask a normal, right-handed

person about something he's supposed to have seen, if he looks upward and to his left,

he's truly accessing his memory of the incident.

However, if he looks upward and to his right, he's accessing his imagination, and he's inventing

an answer."

And finally, darting back and forth - If someone feels trapped and uncomfortable by the questions

they're being asked, their eyes will dart back and forth.

This is a throwback to when people were in a dangerous situation, such as facing a human

or animal adversary and they had to decide between fight or flight.

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Lies are common, and everyday we hear numerous stories being spun.

Some are small lies, some big, and some are even told to protect us.

But can you spot a liar?

Let us know what, if any, techniques you use to discern the truth?

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What are the signs that you are a psychopath!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> How Can You Tell Someone Is Lying? Tips To identify Liars! - Duration: 7:58.


Our King is Marching On - Duration: 29:13.

For more infomation >> Our King is Marching On - Duration: 29:13.


What is marriage? Franche Primary School Royal Wedding - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> What is marriage? Franche Primary School Royal Wedding - Duration: 2:24.


What is a tax scheme? - Duration: 0:51.

"So you'd like to pay way less taxes?"

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Hmmmm...Wait a second...

Sound too good to be true?

It could be, and you could face serious consequences.

If you're in doubt about a tax product being offered to you

Get a second opinion!

Learn more:

For more infomation >> What is a tax scheme? - Duration: 0:51.


MLMA UN-CUT/ 03. Who said Modeling is easy - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> MLMA UN-CUT/ 03. Who said Modeling is easy - Duration: 9:22.


The Last Enemy to be Destroyed is Death - Duration: 29:26.

For more infomation >> The Last Enemy to be Destroyed is Death - Duration: 29:26.


What is Dysphagia (Difficulty Swallowing)? - Duration: 7:00.

Difficulty Swallowing

Intro: When a patient says they are having difficulty

swallowing, they may be referring to one, or a combination of the following symptoms:

Dysphagia (which means food is unable to pass through smoothly, or gets stuck)

Odynophagia (which means that swallowing is painful)

Reflux and regurgitation (which means food or gastric secretions come back into the throat

or mouth) Aspiration (in which the food or drink goes

down the trachea instead of the esophagus.

This can further lead to aspiration pneumonia).

Gagging (in which patient may feel that the food is causing them to throw up and vomit).

Globus pharyngeus (a feeling of a lump in the throat).

Xesrostomia (it means "dry mouth" which may itself lead to dysphagia or odynophagia).

Our main goal in this presentation is to discuss an approach to a patient with dysphagia, it's

relevant history and workup, what are the main differentials and some general management

options for dysphagia.

Many specialists have to deal with patients of dysphagia (such Otorhinolaryngologists,

gastroenterologists, speech therapists, dentists, internists and geriatricians to name a few).

Dysphagia is a fairly common cause of morbidity in the elderly population.

The swallowing mechanism: Let's begin by reviewing the physiology of

the swallowing mechanism.

It is generally divided into three phases; Oral phase (in which the food is chewed and

lubricated to form a bolus) Pharyngeal phase (in which the movements of

the so palate, larynx and epiglottis seperate the air passage from the food passage so that

food and drink are not aspirated into the nose or trachea)

Esophageal phase (in which the food passes down the esophagus, via peristalsis, into

the stomach)

A disruption in any one of these phases could result in dysphagia, and difficulty in the

pharyngeal phase especially could lead to aspiration.

Classification of dysphagia: Dysphagia is classified according to site

(whether it is oropharyngeal or esophagus) and the type of disorder (whether it is a

structural disorder or a motility/propulsive disorder).

The differential diagnosis for dysphagia could also be divided according to the cause.

Congenital, Infections, Trauma, Inflammatory, Autoimmune, Neoplastic, Neurological, Motility

disorders, Iatrogenic, Mechanical causes.

History and workup: So as you have seen, a multitude of conditions

can cause dysphagia.

When a patient presents with "difficulty swallowing" here are a few important points to consider

in taking the patient's history: Is it true dysphagia (or other related problem

like odynophagia etc) What is the onset and duration

Any coughing or airway issues (to check for aspiration)

Is it continuous, worsening or intermittent What is the location (is it oropharyngeal

or esophageal dysphagia) Is it more for solid food or liquids

Is there associated Regurgitation or reflux Does the patient have Pain, weight loss and/or

dehydration (this is to assess the general condition of the patient)

Examination: Oral and throat examination should be done,

but the main way to assess the dysphagia is to ask the patient to swallow solid food and

liquids in front of you.

Investigations: We shall start with baseline investigations.

Chest X ray can give us a quick and rough idea about the esophagus, but more importantly

it gives an idea about any aspiration pneumonia.

X ray neck (Antero posterior and lateral view) can give a quick and rough idea about the

pharynx, larynx and upper esophagus.

If a neck pathology is suspected to cause dysphagia, CT scan or MRI may also be advised.

Complete blood count, Urea and electrolytes can give an idea about the patient's condition

(e.g does he/she have any electrolyte disturbance due to dehydration).

The investigations specific for dysphagia are:

Fibre Optic direct laryngoscopy (which can view the laryngeal inlet, and is useful for

investigating patients of oropharyngeal dysphagia).

Barium Swallow: in which patient is given a radio opaque contrast to drink, and the

contrast is then X rayed as it passes through the pharynx and esophagus.

Video fluoroscopy is similar to Barium swallow, but instead of still images, a video clip

is made of the contrast's passage into the stomach.

It is considered a better study than Barium swallow.

Esophageal endoscopy: this is particularly useful in patients with esophageal dsphagia

in which a structural lesion is suspected.

Esophageal Manometry: in this test a catheter is passed into the esophagus which measures

the pressure along the length of the esophagus.

This is useful in patients in which a motility/ propulsive cause of dysphagia is suspected.

Management of dysphagia : Obviously the specific management of dysphagia

depends on the underlying disease.

In general here are the key points while managing a patient of dysphagia:

Ensure adequate Hydration and replenish any deficit electrolytes (such as sodium and potassium)

Patients are usually malnourished and feeding can be started via nasogastric tube.

If NG tube cannot be passed, then Total Parenteral Nutrition (via I/V route might be needed).

Patient might require feeding jejunostomy or gastrostomy for long term feeding.

Food consistency variation and diet modification might help some patient with dysphagia due

to a motility disorder (especially geriatric and stroke patients)

Swallow positioning and pharyngo-esophageal exercises are also useful.

Reduce aspiration risk by regular swallowing assessment, patient's positioning and airway

protection measures.

Oral hygiene with use of mouthwashes.

Proton pump inhibitors (like Omeprazole) might reduce the severity of discomfort of dysphagia.

Antibiotics will reduce infection, especially in patients with increased risk of aspiration.

For more infomation >> What is Dysphagia (Difficulty Swallowing)? - Duration: 7:00.


Terrifying Announcement About Jeff Sessions – THIS IS IT - Duration: 15:49.

Terrifying Announcement About Jeff Sessions – THIS IS IT

Disturbing new reports indicate that Attorney General Jeff Sessions likely knew of Monday's

raid on Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's office before it happened.

Law and Crime reported that in order to obtain search warrants like the one that was carried

out against Cohen, prosecutors must jump through a series of hoops to ensure they are not violating

attorney client privilege.

Here's an excerpt from the U.S. Attorneys' Manual regarding search warrants on attorneys:

.. In addition to obtaining approval from the United States Attorney or the pertinent

Assistant Attorney General, and before seeking judicial authorization for the search warrant,

the federal prosecutor must consult with the Criminal Division…

NOTE: Attorneys are encouraged to consult with the Criminal Division as early as possible

regarding a possible search of an attorney's office…

To facilitate the consultation, the prosecutor should submit the attached form… containing

relevant information about the proposed search along with a draft copy of the proposed search

warrant, affidavit in support thereof, and any special instructions to the searching

agents regarding search procedures and procedures to be followed to ensure that the prosecution

team is not "tainted" by any privileged material inadvertently seized during the search.

This information should be submitted to the Criminal Division through the Office of Enforcement


This procedure does not preclude any United States Attorney or Assistant Attorney General

from discussing the matter personally with the Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal


This means that Sessions likely knew about the warrant and did nothing to stop it!

In order for prosecutors to obtain the search warrant, Sessions' office would have to

have agreed (or at least been consulted) with the SDNY that the plan to raid Cohen's office

was appropriate (and that, for example, it wouldn't be better to simply issue a subpoena

or something less invasive).

"Under 'normal circumstances' I believe he would have absolutely been made aware that

the SDNY was seeking to execute a searth warrant on the personal attorney of the President

of the United States, especially given the subject matter that it likely related too

— the alleged payment of monies on behalf of the President to Ms. Daniels," explained

former federal prosecutor Bill Thomas.

"The tricky part here however is whether this is part of the Russia investigation from

which Attorney General Sessions has recused himself.

That's a gray area.

The media reports seem to suggest that this search warrant is a 'spinoff' from that

investigation and was turned over to the SDNY by the Special Counsel.

It's hard to say for certain whether he knew, but I would think that the Deputy AG

would have let him know that he (Rosenstein) or someone at main justice had approved the

SW so Sessions would not have been blindsided by the news."

What do you think about this?

Let us know your thoughts

in the comments section.

For more infomation >> Terrifying Announcement About Jeff Sessions – THIS IS IT - Duration: 15:49.


Cute Cats Doing Funny Things 2018 - Cute is Not Enough - Duration: 4:52.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Cute Cats Doing Funny Things 2018 - Cute is Not Enough - Duration: 4:52.


Plastic is the true First World Problem - Duration: 1:50.

I hate it when my neighbor blocks their wifi

I hate when my phone charger won't reach my bed

Textbook doesn't have Control-F so I need to look through the index

I hate it when one pillow is too low

but two pillow is too high

I hate it when my room blocks wifi signal

and I need a new router

When my mint gum give me brain freeze

after drinking cold water

I hate it when I tell them no pickles, but they still give me pickles

My air conditioner is broken

so I'm sweating a little bit more

I hate it when I go the bathroom and I forget my phone

For more infomation >> Plastic is the true First World Problem - Duration: 1:50.


Introducing Tick Talks | This is That - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Introducing Tick Talks | This is That - Duration: 3:02.


Peter Schrager: The sky is the limit for the 49ers in 2018 - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Peter Schrager: The sky is the limit for the 49ers in 2018 - Duration: 1:55.


How to Read Auras And What is the Meaning of Each Color - Duration: 7:56.

How to Read Auras And What is the Meaning of Each Color

All living creatures, including us, humans, have a special connection with the universe.

The ancient spiritual teachings fro the far East teach a lot about the energy of the universe

and the relation between the micro and the macro cosmos.

All of us are the universe and the �creator� is the universe too, there is a huge energy

circulating all around us and all of us have their own energy fields.

In most of our articles on this kind of topics, we explain that probably the best advice to

make a person happy and fulfilled is to vibrate positive (HIGH FREQUENCY) energy all around

them. Negative people are blasting out of low-frequency vibrations. However, this is

just the basic, something that we all know.

The extra-sensitive people and the empaths are way more advanced when it comes to recognizing,

absorbing and accumulating energy. They see the energy auras around our bodies.

Sometimes when u walk past someone you can steal his energy and vice versa. Sometimes

if you enter/ someone enters yours/theirs energy field, it may result in confrontation

or conflict situation without any particular sane reason.

This all happens because of the energy auras all around us that most of us are totally

unaware of. If we know a couple of things about the auras, their colors and meaning,

we will be better prepared for �the real world� and spiritually stronger.


RED AURA The people surrounded by red aura are most

enthusiastic and energetic individuals who are always ready for a new adventure. They

may be impulsive and fast, they want to try everything and taste everything.

However, their dangerous approach may put them in unpleasant and dangerous situations.

Read Aura people are also quick to anger and have a tiny temper. On the other hand, they

are mostly intelligent, self-confident and brave.

Red Aura people are risk-takers and they adapt fast, so they are very successful professionally

and, also, can become extremely wealthy. The worst side of the Red Aura people is their

constant deficit of attention. They want and need to be always on top, the center of the


YELLOW AURA People with dominant yellow aura are the analytical,

intelligent and logical people. They are not careless, but very cautious. They overcalculate

everything and most of them are workaholics who are strongly focused on their material


Yellow aura people are not the �relationship� type of people, but at the same time, they

are very resistant to stress, depression, anxiety etc. They have a strong mental profile.

They are happy with their own and extremely self-sufficient. Unlike the others, they enjoy

loneliness and at the same time, they are great communicators and know how to socialize.

However, their socialization is seen as an obligation, not need. They don�t make friends

easily, and if they do, their friends are also people with yellow aura- intelligent

and hardworking. Intense self-criticism and perfectionism are also common for yellow aura


PINK AURA Having a predominant blue Aura or energy field

surrounding you can point to a number of personality traits. Totally blue Auras are quite rare

but can show up as one of the boldest Aura colors in people with strong personalities.

Blue Aura people are the master communicators of the world. They have the ability to convey

their thoughts, ideas, views, and concepts eloquently and charismatically. They make

for excellent writers, poets, and politicians. Recommended: Pink Aura People

Blue Aura people are also highly intelligent and very intuitive. They certainly have the

head and heart balanced in making difficult decisions and choices. They are incredibly

good organizers and can motivate and inspire others.

GOLD AURA Gold Aura people have an extraordinary sense

of aesthetics, they love beauty and have a very artistic flair. You could call them hedonists-

they really love the finer things in life and like to adorn themselves and their surroundings

with beauty, class, and extravagance.

They also want to be the center of attention and they are very good at it. They know how

to entertain social groups and how to affect admiration from other people.

Because of this, gold aura people are known to have many, many friends. They are caring

and sharing, they will give you time, they will listen to you and they make a great company.

However, they don�t want their flaws and can�t stand criticism. They hide under masks

and this is their biggest issue. They are very proud and independent.

WHITE AURA/ SILVER AURA These are the people who have special gifts.

They will use their gifts through their lifepath to grow as a person. They are very wise and

they truly learn life lessons. Silver Aura people are sensitive, intuitive and they even

have some psychic abilities.

These people have the strongest spirit and the biggest potential to reach spiritual divinity

and find �The Truth�.

People with predominant silver/white aura are always seen as very attractive. They attract

people and admirers, but sometimes this could be an issue because silver/white aura people

don�t want to be center of attention. They don�t really care about reputation, nor

are proud or egoist. Silver Aura people are also considered to be very lucky.

BROWN AURA Brown aura always suggests something wrong

with your personality. Indicates confusion, discouragement, lack of confidence and fear.

Dark brown indicates selfishness, egoism, and a tendency toward deception.

BLACK AURA This is the aura of hatred, negativity, depression

or some major illness. This color is a really bad sign.

If you want to read your aura, just follow these simple steps. Stand or sit in front

of a mirror. Have a solid, light background behind you and start looking at yourself in

the mirror.

Focus your attention on an outlining spot on your body. (I focus on the area between

my neck and shoulders.) At first, you might see a thin white or transparent image around

your body. This white or transparent image will appear as a nearly-clear form of energy,

but you�ll definitely see it.

Remain focused. Eventually, that white or transparent image will expand and will become

a noticeable color (on me it�s a thin yellow outline of my body). At this point, you�re

seeing something that your mind isn�t used to seeing, which triggers your brain to start

thinking, and the aura disappears.

It�ll come back quickly and will disappear just as quickly as soon as you think about

what you�re seeing. If you are able to remain focused, your aura will glow brightly. Slowly,

you will see more of it and you will be able to truly determine what aura are you surrounded


If you stay long enough focused on your inner aura, soon you will be able to see your outer

aura. However, this process requires a lot of focus and spiritual strength. You will

see waves that are slowly glowing out of your body, but still, it�s difficult if you are

not a spiritually advanced person.

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