(upbeat music plays)
Interaction: The Campaign for Dartmouth Medicine - Duration: 4:46.When you get right down to it, the best way to spark innovation is through interaction.
Our size allows us to really collaborate across fields and across disciplines.
It's the way that we combine biomedical discovery and health care delivery science
in everything that we do that sets us apart.
One of the great things about medicine is we can be advocates for people who are suffering
from inequities and inequalities in health.
You're not going to make a difference working on easy problems. Right?
You have to go for the hard ones, and this is an environment that allows you
to do that.
[Charles Sentman] If you look at the patents that have been
given to Dartmouth, we're actually punching well above our weight, and that makes it a
very exciting place to be.
My group develops immunotherapies for cancer and other diseases.
Our first one is in clinical trials against seven kinds of cancer both in the U.S. and
in Europe.
It's a big challenge going from this idea in a lab to getting it into the clinic to
treat patients.
Dartmouth has been great about helping us to actually do that, to partner with industry
to move things forward.
[Diane Gilbert-Diamond] Some children are really prone to respond
to food advertisements, and those children have very high reward activity in brain regions
in response to food ads.
So when you have a third of children who are overweight or obese, is it really ethical
to market unhealthy foods to them?
With the support of my colleagues, I feel emboldened, I feel empowered to raise some
of those issues.
[Elliott Fisher] The Dartmouth Institute is developing new
models of care that really put patients and their clinicians together as partners, to
understand their own care, and their own health problems, and to manage them effectively.
Another area of deep strength is our use of data so we can understand what are the opportunities
for improvement?
The data that we use is going to allow us to find the bright spots in health care.
And I think we need to educate a new generation of health care leaders who really understand
the underlying causes of poor performance, and come out committed to changing the way
health care is delivered.
[Kanak Verma] I got involved with some of the neonatal abstinence
syndrome work here at Dartmouth pretty early in medical school.
What we found is that simply keeping babies with moms, we were able to dramatically decrease
the need for methadone or morphine treatment.
There is a strong push for quality improvement work and having the skills and knowledge to
really invest in making the health care system better as a whole.
[Roshini Pinto-Powell] They see in our curriculum important aspects
of their medical training that they don't think they're going to get anywhere else.
This focus on the science of health care delivery is a critical piece of becoming a doctor.
[Narath Carlile] I think what strikes me about the Dartmouth
medical students is really this concept of a wider view.
Whether that's a system's thinking approach or an improvement approach, they think more
holistically about the patient.
[Chad Lewis] One of those things that you have to keep
in your heart as a physician is meeting people where they're at and really trying to understand
what are the unique barriers that your patients are going to face.
[Roshini Pinto-Powell] This art of actually being with the patient,
of communicating deeply with the patient will never go away.
It's the fundamental of a good physician.
[Tlalli Moya-Smith] My grandfather was bracero or a farm worker.
And I found out that Dartmouth had these really great programs for rural communities, and
I knew I wanted to be a part of that.
I am a firm believer that if you're not taking action to make your community a better place
then you're doing something wrong.
[Steven Leach] Because of Dartmouth's human scale and Dartmouth's
culture of collegiality and community, and because of Dartmouth's commitment to putting
patients and families first, all of our discoveries always have the patient at the center.
[Duane Compton] When people look back ten years from now,
they're going to recognize that we were on the right path by the way in which we're
combining biomedical discovery with improvements in health care delivery systems.
They'll trace those threads back to Dartmouth as leading the way in transforming health
Quavo Cited for Battery Following Altercation With Las Vegas Valet | Billboard News - Duration: 0:54.According to reports, Quavo has been cited for battery
following an alleged altercation in Las Vegas this weekend.
TMZ says Quavo and his entourage allegedly got into a fight
over the weekend with a hotel valet in Vegas,
leading to the rapper being charged with battery.
Quavo and crew reportedly arrived at the Encore Hotel & Casino
early Saturday morning in a caravan of SUV's following a Migos show.
The valet allegedly asked if the rapper could move his car
because an ambulance was on its way and needed safe passage.
This apparently led to a fight, with security eventually
interceding and the police being called.
Quavo and entourage were cited on a battery charge, though no arrests were made.
The rest of the Migos and Cardi B are reported to have
been present during the altercation but
none of them appeared to have been involved.
For more on this story, head to billboard.com
and until next time, for Billboard News, I'm Kevan Kenney.
A New App for Monetizing your Expertise - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Pepa Pig English Episodes - Rainbow Ice Cream for Kids to Learn Colors | Cartoons for Children #35 - Duration: 10:11.Hi friends, I like an Ice Cream, do you? ◕‿◕ Come and watch these Pig English Episodes
as we playing with Rainbow Ice Cream for Kids to Learn Colors
Best Cartoons for Children #35 with Finger Family Song & Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs. ❤️🎁🐷
CNN's Ana Navarro Recommends Michelle Wolf For Nobel Peace Prize(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 10:01.CNN's Ana Navarro Recommends Michelle Wolf For Nobel Peace Prize
graced with Sarah's presence tonight I have to say I'm a little star-struck I
love you as aunt Lydia on The Handmaid's Tale
I actually really like Sarah I think she's very resourceful like she burns
facts and then she uses that Ash to create a perfect smoky eye like maybe
she's born with it maybe it's lies it's probably like President Trump this
morning is blasting the White House Correspondents Dinner after that
monologue from Comic Michelle wolf the moments ago the president tweeted in
part the White House Correspondents Dinner is dead as we know it this was a
total disaster and an embarrassment to our great country and all that it stands
for here to discuss we have CNN political commentator and Anna morrow
and Jason Miller he's the former senior communications advisor for the Trump
campaign who attended the dinner so Anna were you at the dinner oh hell no I get
invited and I you know I just I don't get roast
I don't like roast you don't like for us you don't like you think they're
mean-spirited I think they're mean-spirited it's something we don't do
in Latin America because I tell you we won't there would be somebody dead by
the end of a dinner and so do you think that it's okay that there are so many
White House advisors and White House surrogates that were offended or they
say they were offended by Michelle wolf do you see any hypocrisy in them not
being offended at president Trump's sometimes off-color and insensitive
jokes listen I'd say to Michelle wolf hallelujah girl you should be the one
getting the Nobel Peace Prize she was able to do what nobody else has been
able to do or get Trump supporters to actually go on TV and defend women from
being skewered and offended for their looks I have sat here now for I don't
know how many months hearing people tell me that I should take it as a joke when
Donald Trump goes after Elizabeth Warren Rosie O'Donnell Mika Brzezinski you know
Carly Fiorina I mean we could sit here and we could go through the entire
morning me telling your women that whose looks he's offended whose looks he's
gone after and it's supposed to not be serious when the President of the United
State or candidate Trump did it but it's
supposed to be dead serious let us all clutch all pearls when a comedian does
it give me a damn break explain that that disconnect Jason the disconnect
between what I mean why we're okay when Donald Trump makes fun of Rosie
O'Donnell's looks and Carly fiorina's looks and mika brzezinski looks and then
when a comedian may be making fun of Sarah Sanders looks the White House goes
berserk well if the risk of diving into a masterclass episode of what about ISM
I think there could two completely different things here I think how a
Saturday night was supposed to be about was the future of journalism and
celebrating these up-and-coming journalists and handing out these
scholarships and these awards and I think what the White House
Correspondents Association did by putting a comedian like this up there
who completely I think it was way out of bounds with her attacks on Sarah Sanders
I think it completely discredited everything if the Association was trying
to do so my question was do you think the president's attacks on women's looks
are out of bounds look I've sometimes I've disagreed with
the president has said and I wish he would have phrase things a little bit
differently but I think it's two completely different things
I think cuz look I think the president speaks very bluntly he voices his
opinion but it was a it's different I think with what people like about
president Trump's that he speaks his opinion and we know what he's thinking
at all times and so whether we're talking about policy issues or
personality things the president's very direct but I think with the the comedian
that was out there it was just it was so being spirited and attacking Sarah right
there and I think you know the president made the president made the comment that
the Correspondents Dinner yeah I think is dead but I think it goes even a
little step further I think the White House Correspondents Association in its
current construct is probably dead as well for crucifying the White House
Correspondents Association because she may or may not have attacked Sarah
Sanders on her looks but but we don't feel the same way when the President of
the United States says things about women's looks just explain that Jason
they're two completely separate things they don't see how a tear
herbal comedian who wasn't funny at all and went out there just with a specific
person or purpose of trying to get even because Hillary Clinton didn't win the
election in 2016 okay right we we have seen Don Imus skewer the Clintons
sitting there we have seen Stephen Colbert one year at the White House
Correspondents Dinner skewer George W Bush with him sitting there I think part
of what's happening here is that Donald Trump does not sit there usually you get
the comedian doing their thing and then you get the president during the counter
thing but because instead he was in Michigan where Hispanics were getting
booed at his rally where people were going out after the media and calling
them filth and get out of our country where that night his DOJ was removing
removing references to a free media from their manuals that's what was happening
in the real world while the comedian was actually making bad jokes he was making
bad decisions and bad things were happening if we're gonna talk about the
real world let's talk about President Trump is doing to bring peace to the
Korean Peninsula don't pretend that we haven't been talking about that okay
we've been talking for days about what's going on with the Kranitz life this
segment is about the hypocrisy just helping us understand why it's okay for
the President of the United States to make fun of women's looks and mock a
disabled reporter but it's not okay for a comedian to that's if I'm following
make sense if I'm following your logic train then then why are two wrongs right
then I would answer it I want you to tell me why you're less comfortable with
the comedian doing it then you are with the president doing it and I've
disagreed with sometimes with the words of the president roundly criticizing the
president and asking him never to do that again because it's so offensive
what I'm saying is I want the I want the President to continue to be direct I
wanted to continue to speak the truth look wouldn't even it involves women's
looks I think that he should keep things focused on his policy items I think
that's when he's doing his best and you know what I think the Correspondents
Association shouldn't bring up comedians like they did on Saturday they're just
going to go attack Sarah Sanders with absolute terrible comments and I think
that's probably why we're not gonna see the dinner probably ever again and it's
not just the political right or president Trump or other people who are
saying this I mean look at the fact of the way the political left is really
abandoned the dinner I mean the fact that you have a you know a D list and I
use air quotes on that celebrity is the top Hollywood person even there shows
you the political left doesn't even care about this dinner I think there's no
real celebrities want to show up and rub elbows with the Trump folks but I mean
that's but that's why the celebrities are showing up because you guys aren't
all that fun becomes so personal why does everything have to get so
person that's such a ridiculous thing for you to ask when you are making this
thing that Michelle wolf did personal when she attacked Anderson Cooper when
she attacks Ian and when she attacked Ted Kennedy who's dead when she went
after abortion she attacked Ivanka and the only person were focusing on is
Sarah Huckabee Sanders I get it she was you know sitting three feet away which
made it more awkward but part of the reason we are talking about this is
because people like Maggie Haberman who have gotten skewered have gotten called
third-rate journalist and Hillary Clinton flunky that they failed New York
Times came out in defense of Sarah Huckabee Sanders because journalists who
have been attacked by this president and who this administration at Trump
supporters have normalized and rationalized and justified those attacks
came out in defense of Sarah Huckabee Sanders something you are unwilling to
do for people like the Elizabeth Warren
is a fantastic journalist and I wish the president hadn't said that I think
Maggie is absolutely fantastic and so please don't go and try to put words in
my mouth Jason welcome to the snowflake Club honey how does it feel
I mean I don't even like to say I mean it's when you don't have an argument you
go to the personal attack instead of talking about the fact consistent and
your being on TV being a hit because because you're not a will easily have
the same outrage that you do for the President of the United States than you
do for a one-night comedian you see now I thought both were awful I can't stand
either I don't like the roast I do you think so do you think the Correspondents
Association should have apologized to Sarah Sanders or do you think it was
okay there was not a spirit of the dinner I think that dinner yeah you know
look this is what I'm talking out against you can't take that kind of
humor you shouldn't you shouldn't hire a comedian or you should tell her to stick
to making jokes about steal parents all right on that note Anna Jason thank you
very much for the debate obviously it will continue all morning long Chris
thank you god bless you and God bless america
The Greene School promotes life success for all students - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Trump's Welfare State For Fossil Fuel Swamp Monsters - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Dandelion and why it is good for your liver - Canada 365 - Duration: 6:20.Dandelion and why it is good for your liver
Dandelion is known for its detoxifying power.
However, if you are on medication, consult a specialist before taking it to make sure there won't be any adverse interactions.
Even though dandelions are considered weeds, they are actually great for you: they are diuretic and used to treat a variety of digestive and renal conditions.
In addition to being used as natural medicine, dandelion also has a place in the culinary world, like in salads. .
Medicinal properties of dandelion.
Thanks to its special components, dandelion provides your body with a lot of nutrients.
It is also a natural detoxifier, which makes it great for eliminating liquid retention.
Dandelion helps stimulate bile secretion, which helps improve any digestive issues you may have.
Its laxative properties are very effective for constipation too.
Also, dandelion is an excellent stimulant, which helps improve your renal system's activity.
The plant helps treat problems caused by excessive uric acid and gout.
Dandelion has been used to eliminate kidney stones.
They are also rich in iron, which makes them very good for your body.
Additionally, they help clean your blood and free your body from toxins, allowing it to work like it should.
Dandelion for your liver.
The plant is bitter, which stimulates your liver and helps with hepatic detoxification.
It is very useful for patients with hepatitis or cirrhosis.
As we've already said, its purifying properties help clean our blood and therefore protects your liver from any possible breakdown caused by chemical intoxication or diet.
Medicinally, it has been used for people with cirrhosis.
The majority of cases are from abusing alcohol, causing the person's liver to break down.
But fortunately, improvement has been seen after drinking dandelion tea.
The recommendation is to drink dandelion tea two or three times a day.
Dandelion is often a recommendation for treating hepatic problems along with other treatment.
However, it will not be effective if you do not stop smoking or drinking.
In general, the plant is used as a complement after having been treated with anti-inflammatory medications for hormonal problems or if a person is overweight.
Hot dandelion tea is best, as the boiled water will help extract the properties we've mentioned above.
Side effects.
Taking dandelion is not a good idea for a period of longer than four months, since it can have negative effects on your skin.
In normal cases of overuse, allergic reactions or sensitivity to sun exposure has been reported.
Other, less common, cases include diarrhea or stomach pain.
Final considerations.
You can use dandelion in your salads as a great way to keep your liver healthy, or make a detoxifying tea out of it.
It's excellent for your digestion and also helps your kidneys fight off certain issues.
However, it's very important that you drink it responsibly and don't overdo it.
As you can see, despite it being annoying for those who want a beautiful yard free of weeds, dandelion can be very good for us.
If you consume it and notice any issues, talk to your doctor.
Don't take it as your primary medication, but as a supplement for any treatment that your doctor has prescribed you.
We also recommend adopting healthy habits, such as exercising and walking more.
Sweating helps your body free itself of toxins that it doesn't need, in addition to helping it burn fat.
So, enjoy the fresh air while you collect a few dandelions to use in a nice cup of tea, and keep your body healthy.
David Haye wants to keep emotions in check for Tony Bellew rematch - Duration: 9:53.David Haye wants to keep emotions in check for Tony Bellew rematch
Haye, 37, blew a gasket during the run-up to his fight with Bellew last March, and he ended up suffering a ruptured Achilles in round 6.
The injury turned the fight around, allowing the slower, weaker Bellew to stop Haye in the 11th after he slipped and fell out of the ring.
Being in Liverpool is going to be hard enough for Haye.
Trash talking, and cat calls don't win fights.
Haye didn't lose to Bellew last time because of him looking bad and getting upset during the final press conference last year.
Haye lost because of the injury.
Haye was getting the better of Bellew up until the Achilles injury in round 6.
That injury had nothing to do with Haye losing his temper during the press conference.
There were already rumors before the fight that Haye had a calf injury problem.
The fact that Haye ended up tearing his Achilles suggests that those rumors might have been true.
In hindsight, Haye should have postponed the fight if he was injured, because he could have avoided the loss.
A healthy Haye likely beats Bellew 100 out of 100 times.
An injured Haye gives the slower, weaker and easier hit Bellew his only chance.
"If I can't control my emotions in a press conference, how am I supposed to control them in a boxing ring?" Haye said to skysports.
Haye looked like he was fighting at 50 percent capacity before he ruptured his Achilles in the 6th.
It looked to me like Achilles was favoring one leg before he ruptured his Achilles.
The fight was very close.
I had Haye leading the contest based on his dominant jab, which he kept nailing Bellew with it repeatedly.
Haye didn't look like he was trained at all for his previous fight with Bellew.
During the weeks leading up to the fight, there was talk that Haye wasn't training, and he was hanging out in the sauna, taking it easy.
If Haye did have a bad calf injury, you can fully understand why he was spending so much time in the sauna.
He was trying to get the injury to heal in a brief period of time.
With a bad calf injury, you're not going to be able to come back from that in a week or two.
If Haye is 100 percent healthy and well-trained for the rematch on Saturday, it's a slam dunk that he beats the brakes off Bellew.
I hate to say it but Bellew isn't very good.
He's not one of the class heavyweights, and he clearly isn't among the best cruiserweights.
If Bellew was one of the top cruiserweights, he wouldn't have dodged the fight with Mairis Briedis the way he did.
Bellew would have stayed at cruiserweight and defended his WBC belt against Briedis to show the boxing world that he wasn't a paper champion.
Unfortunately, Bellew chose to fight BJ Flores after he won the WBC strap, and then he moved to heavyweight for a fight with Haye last year.
The World Boxing Council wasn't going to wait around for centuries for Bellew to get around to defending their strap against Briedis, so they did the only thing they could do by stripping him of his strap and giving him the emeritus champion tag, which means he can come back at any time and look to fight WBC champion Oleksandr Usyk.
Thus far, Bellew hasn't been in a rush to try and fight the talented Usyk.
"No doubt about it.
Hopefully I react like a professional, as opposed to a football hooligan as I did last time," Haye said.
"Last time was entertaining.
Last time, I wasn't the most pleasant to the guys who were screaming abuse me.".
What difference does it make whether Haye is being screamed at? That's not why he lost the fight to Bellew.
Haye lost because he was injured, period.
Had Haye been 100 percent healthy for the fight, he would likely blitz the stork-like Bellew straightaway on the night.
Bellew is made to order for a healthy Haye with the way he stand straight up when he fights, and the fact that he likes to slug.
Bellew would have stood no chance of beating Haye if he was healthy, well-trained and active with his career.
Unfortunately, all those things were missing from Haye's game for the fight.
Haye had been out of the ring for 4 years from 2012 to 2016 due to a terrible shoulder injury.
When Haye did come back, he bowled over two soft jobs in Mark de Mori and Arnold Gjergjai in back to back quick knockout victories.
Those two heavyweights were technically top 15 ranked contenders at the time, but they didn't look like they belonged in the top 100 heavyweights in the division.
Haye's wins over those guys proved nothing.
What Haye needed to do was get 5 or 6 good wins over bottom feeders under his belt before he took the fight with Bellew, because he'd been out of the ring for way too long to be taking on any kind of contender, even a guy that doesn't belong at heavyweight.
"If David wants to roll back the years, he has to keep his emotions in check.
If he keeps himself calm, we could see him close to his old self," former super middleweight champion Carl Froch said to skysports.com.
What on earth is Froch babbling about? Haye doesn't need to keep his emotions in check.
If anything, he should be going berserk at the final press conference and staying angry throughout the fight, because it'll help him.
Haye is at his best when he's keyed up for his fights.
The last thing Haye needs to do is be quiet, meek and mild for the final press conference.
Haye needs to give Bellew a piece of his mind and tell him what he really thinks of him.
Why hold back? It's no good for Haye for him to get dumped on by Bellew and by his boxing fans without firing back with both barrels.
At the end of the day, Haye won't lose to Bellew on Saturday night because he lost his cool during the final press conference or during the weigh-in.
If Haye is going to lose the fight, it's likely because he suffered another injury.
Haye isn't old at 37.
That's young, and he still has his punching power and hand speed going for him.
Haye is obviously a small heavyweight, but he's facing a pumped up light heavyweight in Bellew.
I don't know if you can even call Bellew a pumped up light heavyweight.
His physique looks more like a person that ate his way to heavyweight by packing in the calories.
Bellew's physique looks soft like he's been eating well.
You can see fat around Bellew's jowls.
That's always a telltale sign of a fighter that isn't suited for the weight class.
If Haye loses on Saturday, I think it'll likely be because he had some injury that either took place during the fight or before the it and it limited his ability to move around the ring and throw with power.
The thing with Haye is that even when he's injured, he's still dangerous.
When Bellew was attacking the one-legged Haye in the 11th, he was getting nailed with major shots.
That's why it's so sad that the fight was stopped by Haye's trainer at the time, because he had a real chance of knocking Bellew out if he had climbed back into the ring and continued fighting.
Eat This for Breakfast Every Morning and Watch Fat Disappear - Duration: 2:03.Eat This for Breakfast Every Morning and Watch Fat Disappear
Breakfast at your home probably doesn't look like a buffet on a cruise ship.
You are in a race with the clock, and it's difficult to eat healthy.
The good news about oatmeal is that it's quick and also is ideal for weight control.
Plain oatmeal is high in fiber and low in calories.
It's also inexpensive.
In today's video, we are going to delve into oatmeal to discover its health benefits.
Breaking down Oatmeal
One cup of cooked instant oats has 159 calories; 27 grams of carbs, 5 grams of proteins and
only 3 grams of fat.
In case you are tempted to purchase pre-packaged flavored packets, you may want to know that
they contain additional sugar.
If you're not careful you can consume up to 6 times as many calories in those flavored
Oat Fiber & Weight Loss
Rich in soluble fiber, oatmeal can be used in a weight-loss diet.
Even though the fiber has carbs, it doesn't break down as most other carbs do.
While in the stomach, oatmeal absorbs water which is beneficial in fighting constipation.
To be on the right track for losing weight, the guidelines according to Harvard Health
Publications recommend getting 30 grams of fiber daily.
One cup of cooked oatmeal provides 13 percent of that daily requirement.
Additionally, oatmeal offers other benefits including lowering blood pressure.
This can have a significant impact on protecting heart health.
While anyone can benefit from the weight loss potential, recent studies indicate that oatmeal
may even help fight childhood obesity.
Dressing up Oatmeal
To create a more visually appealing bowl of oatmeal, and entice kids to try it, toss in
some chopped apples or pears.
Sprinkle pecans or a dash of cinnamon on top.
Adding a handful of berries will enhance the taste and boost the fiber.
Allow your creativity to try something new each morning.
How To: Care for Your E-Bike - Duration: 1:46.Crazy eyes…
Getting the best performance out of your e-bike battery doesn't stop when your ride ends.
Once you've reached your destination,
care for your battery by charging it near room temperature and store it in a dry environment.
You never want to charge your battery when it's wet, and you shouldn't store it in extreme temperatures.
Less than negative ten degrees Celsius, or fourteen degrees Fahrenheit, is too cold.
More than sixty degrees Celsius, or one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit, is too hot.
And in the winter, you'll definitely want to bring your battery inside with you between rides.
If you're transporting your e-bike by car, make sure your rack is rated to handle the weight of the bike.
Remove the battery before placing the e-bike on the rack.
This will make loading the bike easier.
And transporting the battery inside your car will protect it against rain and road debris.
When you're cleaning your e-bike, it's fine to rinse and clean the bike with water after the battery has been removed.
However, use a gentle hand when wiping down your e-bike and keep the power washer in the garage.
Aiming a high-pressure hose at your e-bike risks water seeping into sensitive electronic parts.
Likewise, make sure all your electronics' contact points are completely dry before reattaching any electronic parts.
Cleaning the battery itself is easy, simply wipe it down with a damp cloth.
If your battery or any electronic features on your bike need service, please do not attempt to service your e-bike yourself.
The dealer locator on trekbikes.com can help you find your local Trek retailer,
where our trained technicians can help with all of your e-bike needs.
Moisturizing masks for face. - Duration: 3:22.
Moisturizing masks for face. Hello friends . In this video, I present 2 masks to moisturize your face. Mask corn flour warm water.
Mask corn flour lemon water Wait for 15-20 minutes with a mask on clean face. Wash with warm water. subscribe.
10 ஆம் வகுப்புகளுக்கான மத்திய அரசாங்க வேலைகள் | CENTRAL GOVERNMENT JOBS FOR 10TH PASS - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
Gilberto 'Zurdo' Ramirez vs. Roamer Alexis Angulo in the works for June 30 - Duration: 6:32.Gilberto 'Zurdo' Ramirez vs. Roamer Alexis Angulo in the works for June 30
I've never heard of Angulo before.
In the video I've seen of Angulo, he seems to have some punching power with his right hand.
He looks slow though, and doesn't have any jab to speak of.
Angulo was mentioned as a possible opponent for Mikkel Kessler to fight last November, but the fight never happened.
The location of the fight is interesting.
Ramirez is from Mexico, so it would seem like a better option for him would be to fight in California in Southern California or in Texas where the fight would have a better chance of selling out.
Oklahoma City would be great if this were a basketball game instead of boxing.
The reason the Ramirez vs.
Angulo fight is taking place in Oklahoma City is because the Top Rank promoted light welterweight contender Alex Saucedo (27-0, 17 KOs) is fighting in the co-feature bout against Lenny Zappavigna (37-3, 27 KOs) in a 10 round fight.
The 23-year-old Saucedo is from Oklahoma City, and he has a large following in that area.
However, Saucedo is still a contender at this stage of his career and not a world champion yet.
He's ranked #2 WBA and #3 WBO.
Top Rank could either have Saucedo challenge WBA 140lb champion Kirlyl Relikh or fight for the WBO title in the near future.
They're not positioning Saucedo to go after the WBC title, and one possible reason for that is Top Rank already has one of their fighters holding the belt in Jose Ramirez.
He might not hold it for very long though, because he'll need to fight Regis Prograis soon, and he could be the best fighter in the 140 lb.
division today now that Terence Crawford is gone.
Even if Crawford was still around, Progais might still be the best fighter at 140.
Saucedo has a good chance of beating Relikh for the WBA title or fighting the winner of the Terry Flanagan vs.
Maurice Hooker fight for the WBO belt.
The Saucedo vs.
Zappavigna fight was supposed to be taking place on the undercard of the June 9 fight between WBO welterweight champion Jeff Horn and Terence Crawford, but Top Rank decided to move the fight.
This will be the fourth title defense for the 26-year-old Ramirez, whose promoters at Top Rank have been matching him against beatable contenders for the most part since he captured his WBO title two years ago in beating Arthur Abraham.
In Ramirez's three prior successful title defenses, he's beaten Habib Ahmed, Jessie Hart and Max Bursak.
The win over Hart was a close 12 round decision for Ramirez.
The Bursak and Ahmed fights were mismatches against fringe contenders.
There are a couple of ways boxing promoters attempt to turn their fighters into stars.
The first method is to match them against mediocre opponents in showcase fights to make them look better than they actually are.
The other method is to put them in against the best, and hope they look good and don't get beaten.
It appears that Top Rank is trying the first method by matching Ramirez against beatable opposition in showcase fights.
You can argue that the only good opponent that Ramirez has fought since he won the WBO title against Jesse Hart last year in September.
Ramirez barely won the fight by a 12 round unanimous decision.
Hart came within an eyelash of knocking Ramirez out.
The scoring was close with Ramirez getting the nod by the scores 115-112, 114-113 and 115-112.
This choice of opponent by Top Rank for Ramirez is a disappointing one for boxing fans, because they want to see the Mexican fighter start stepping it up against better opposition already.
Ramirez has been matched like he's being protected from the better fighters in the division.
The 34-year-old Roamer Alexis Angulo has been fighting as a pro for the last 8 years since 2010, and his best wins have come against Rolando Wenceslao Mansilla (13-4-1), Everet Bravo (24-8) and Claudio Ariel Abalos (30-15-3).
Angulo is taking a big step up in taking on Ramirez at a fairly advanced age for someone that is still fighting journeyman level opposition.
Angulo might not be ready for such a big step up in class.
ICE-Lok™ : Thermally Enhanced Wedgelocks for Embedded Computing - Duration: 5:30.Embedded computing systems are rapidly increasing in power densities, making thermal solutions
a major design concern. In most cases, designers prefer a predominantly conduction cooled approach,
which provides the highest reliability. ACT's Isothermal Card Edge, or ICE-LokTM
wedgelocks, are designed to enhance card-to-chassis conduction by enhancing the heat flow through
the wedgelocks by making additional contact between the card and the chassis. This wedgelock
design offers a 30% improvement in thermal resistance compared to similar sized commercial
off the shelf wedgelocks. This enables reduction of component temperatures of up to 10°C in
some 100W card applications. ICE-Lok™ wedgelocks have been thoroughly tested for thermal and
mechanical stability with repeated insertion/removal testing. They are compatible with VITA 3U,
6U and 9U cards; and the friction lock feature ensures card deformation is avoided. Let's
see how it works.
In this example, the ultimate cooling is provided by a liquid cold plate along the base of the
chassis which runs fluid at 55 degrees C. The electronics board is generating 50 W concentrated
near it's center and has additional components totaling 50 W distributed across the board.
To successfully reject the waste heat to the liquid cooled base, the heat must conduct
from the components to the conduction card frame edge, through the mechanical retainer
or wedge lock and down the card guides to the liquid base. In the baseline example,
we are assuming all components are aluminum and the wedgelock is an off the shelf design.
As we analyzed the base model, you'll notice significant temperature rise from the cold
plate to the max card temperature. The total delta T is 69 C. In most cases, that delta
T is not suitable for successful operation, therefore designers must find ways to reduce
the thermal resistance.
The largest delta T in the system is from the centralized component to the card edge,
which means the design is limited by the thermal conductivity of aluminum. By strategically
embedding heat pipes, you can greatly enhance the bulk thermal conductivity of the heat
spreader. The resultant embedded heat pipe card frame is known as a high thermal conductivity
or HiK™ plate.
After reinserting a HiK™ frame in place of the aluminum conduction card frame the
max temperature of the card drops from 124C to 96C. HiK™ plates in 6U form factors can
routinely achieve thermal conductivities of 600-800 W/m-K, dependent on component placement.
The next area for thermal enhancement is at the frame to chassis interface. Off the shelf
wedgelocks provide mechanical attachment, but are not efficient heat transfer devices.
Due to limited surface area and poor thermal path through metal to metal interfaces, the
overall delta T is pretty significant for a short conduction path. ACT's ICE-Lok™
was designed to address both challenges- The design expands in all directions, contacting
an additional surface on both the board frame and chassis. This provides more surface area
while also bypassing metal to metal interfaces as the primary thermal path.
By changing from an off the shelf wedgelock to the thermally superior ICE-Lok™, the
designer continues to reduce the overall delta T of the system. The card max temperature
is now 92 C, which is a total delta T of 37 C. With these two minor changes, neither of
which significantly effects geometry or weight, the system operates over 30 degrees cooler
than the baseline model.
The final area effecting overall delta T is the conduction through the card guide or chassis.
Each sidewall must conduct heat from the card interface to the liquid cooled base. Again,
the baseline is aluminum with a thermal conductivity of 167 W/m-K. To reduce this gradient, we
convert the chassis to a HiK™ sidewall by embedding heat pipes.
This final change drops the overall delta T by an additional 13 C. The max card temperature
is now 79 C, which is safe operating temperature for most electronics. From the baseline to
the fully thermally enhanced model, the thermal savings was 45 C. This type of savings can
allow for higher power densities or added margin to the system.
Thanks for joining us for this example of how ACT's ICE-Lok wedgeloks can improve
thermal performance. For more technical information about ICE-LokTM,
as well as to access an installation guide, visit our website at www.1-act.com. ICE-LokTM
wedgelocks are aluminum-based material available in both three eighths and one quarter inch
cross sections with standard 3U, 6U and 9u lengths. A variety of coatings are also available
including: Clear Chem Film, Electroless Nickel, Black Anodized and Teflon Hard Coat. The Thermal
Experts at ACT are waiting to discuss your embedded computing systems application and
help you choose the right ICE-LokTM wedgelocks for you.
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