Are you planning to visit an open house without an agent? Do you know what to
look for? That's what's coming up next! Hi this is Alex from Royal Pacific Realty
in Vancouver and this is Canadian content eh? If you're new here
hello and welcome. I talk about everything real estate in the Vancouver
area with new videos every Tuesday and Friday hit that subscribe button and
that little bell because being a smart savvy consumer is a good idea eh? Every
weekend at open houses I see buyers without their agents. This got me
thinking did their agents coach them on what to look for ahead of time? In this
video I'll share with you eight tips to successfully view open houses yourself.
Number one the space. Is the space adequate for your needs? What about the
backyard? Is it big enough? Clever Home Staging can make you
overlook many things such as does the home have a formal dining area this is
especially true in condos or small homes when they use small tables to represent
dining areas or remove the dining area altogether to make the living room look
larger and more comfortable. I also recommend bringing a measuring tape with
you as measurements are always approximate in real estate. Number two
any upgrades? Ask the agent for list of upgrades to the home then walk around
the home and check out the condition of the home and anything that may have been
missed. If you're totally interested in the home get yourself a home inspection.
Number three important documents if this is a house ask if the home has an oil
tank in the past or if a recent oil tank certificate indicating that no
oil tank exists. If this is a condo ask if there's any special assessments
coming up, and if there's any bylaws that may affect your enjoyment. Number four don't
get too excited. Open houses may seem busy but don't be fooled a certain
percentage of visitors are nosy neighbours and the other portion of
viewers may not even be qualified for a mortgage. Number five
listen for the noise. Is there soft music playing in the background? This could be
hiding the fact that the street may be noisy or there is noisy neighbours. Always
check for noise even after the house. Number six check the amenities.
Walk around the neighbourhood to check the proximity to schools, transit,
shopping and community centres. If this is a condo double check the condition of
the gym, party room, parking and locker if any. Number seven take good notes. If
you're visiting many open houses make sure you take detailed notes if the
agent allows it. Feel free to take photos of any defects or problems you come
across. Number eight if you like the property contact your agent. As the listing
agent works for the seller and your agent will work for your best interest
as a buyer. Your agent will go over all the neighbourhood comps and figure out
your best home purchasing strategy for you. So that's it if you have any
questions about this topic please feel free to reach out to me. If you're
interested in buying a home in Vancouver please watch my playlist over here.
Question of the day would you visit an open house by yourself or would you go
with your agent? Please leave it in the comments below I'll try my best to
personally answer all the comments myself. As always please like share and
subscribe and become a smart savvy consumer. I make educational videos
every Tuesday and every Friday this is Alex from Vancouver and thanks so much
for watching this video eh?
For more infomation >> Open House tips for Buyers - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
Burgundy Eye Makeup Look (Makeup for Thanksgiving) 2018 - Duration: 8:46.
hey guys what's up welcome back if this is your first time stopping by my name
is Brittany thank you so much for tuning in to today's video I wanted to create a
makeup look that is perfect for Thanksgiving now if you live in Canada
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we all know that Thanksgiving is a
time for you to get together with friends and family and just spend a day
indulging in a bunch of food and putting your sweatpants on and eat in turkey and
putting like an extra 10 pounds on so I wanted to create a makeup look that is
perfect for that occasion and I mean I don't think it's too over-the-top is it
I really hope that you guys enjoy today's tutorial if you're new to my
channel please consider subscribing and becoming part of my be family and hit
all your post notifications as well so that you know fit every single time that
I upload because I upload several times a week so you have lots of content
coming from me every single week so if you guys want to see how I create this
Thanksgiving makeup look today then please keep on watching
alright guys so I did go in and do one eye off-camera and I prepped my other
live with my color pop no filter concealer and I'm gonna start off this
look again by going into my chocolate eyeshadow by color drain and I'm gonna
go in with my crown brush in the crease today I totally rediscovered this brush
in my collection not that long ago and I'm telling you this is the perfect
brush to really pack on that dark shadow right in the crease when you're trying
to get a very specific shape to your eye I will have this brush listed in the
description box below it doesn't have a number on it but I did find the number
on it on crown brush the other day because I ordered a bunch of backups so
I will have that listed in the description box below for you guys if
you are curious to know what kind of brush it is because it is super
inexpensive I think it was only a couple dollars so I ended up ordering like four
of them just so that when this one's dirty I have a backup
I'm gonna go in with my morphe m51 4 brush and i'm gonna go in to the juvie
is place a freak palette right here this has some really nice beautiful fall
shades in it as well so I'm gonna go into the shade bin too I think I don't
know if that's how you pronounce it but it's a really nice burgundy red shade
from the palette and I'm just going in and I'm going to pop that right over top
of the lash out oh we placed in the crease then I go in with a morphe m56 2
brush and I'm gonna go into this orange shade from the IFRIC palette and I'm
going to place that right above where we just place that burgundy shade and just
blend the edges out
I'm gonna go back in with my morphe m51 for brush into the spur candy shade from
the a freak palette and I'm gonna blend that back into the crease again and then
I'm going back into the orange shadow one more time and just really packing
that on I really want the orange to stand out in the crease because it just
adds a little bit of extra warmth into the look so I'm just making sure that I
have it built up as much as I want it to be so for that copper shade on the lid I
did go into my magnetized copper eyeshadow I do think that this is by
makeup revolution I'm not a hundred percent sure but I will have it listed
in the description box below these look really cool to me when I first has seen
them on the internet I bought them awhile ago
they're not that unique not gonna lie so if you have a different copper shadow in
your collection use that I'm just using that for this this for the sake of the
video and because I never use them anyway so they do perform nice but if
they're just not a must-have in my opinion and you do get a lot fall out
with them as well so the best way that I find to get the best pigment from them
is to go in and give your brush to spray with your setting spray and then pick up
some of the product and then go in and put it on the lid otherwise it's just
like pretty much a hot mess if you don't use a setting spray that's just my
experience with it I don't know about you and just for a little bit of extra
pop on the lid I'm gonna be going into my stroke cosmetics eyeshadow in Sunwell
and I'm just gonna go in with my finger and I'm gonna plop this right on the
center of the lid I'm gonna go in and clean up underneath the eyes because I
did get a lot of fallout from that magnetized copper eyeshadow so I'm just
cleaning it up okay so now I'm gonna go in with line or something going off with
my Maybelline black gel liner and I'm just going to create a really nice small
wing today
okay so I did go in and do my foundation concealer and powders off-camera like I
always do and today I mixed a little tiny drop of my show a full coverage
foundation in with my Maybelline foundation and I am hella white right
now okay like I forgot just how pigmented that foundation was because I
don't typically use it because it doesn't normally work well with my skin
but I thought today hey I'll mix a little tiny drop of it in with a product
that I do love and I am deathly white sup mine and bronze the shit out of this
face today because mama needs it so I'm gonna go in with my honest Asya bronzer
in a saddle and I'm gonna bronze the hell out of my cheeks because I look
dead alright so now I'm gonna go in and finish up underneath the lower lash line
so I'm gonna go back into my color drain chocolate eyeshadow with my morphe m-43
2 brush and I'm gonna buff that right underneath the lower lash line and then
I'm gonna go back into the a freak palette by Julius place and I'm gonna go
in with this burgundy red shade and I'm gonna mix some of this orange shadow in
with it as well and I'm gonna go in with my Sigma e30 brush and then I'm just
gonna buff that underneath the lower lash line as well
I'm gonna go into my next blush in this shade Synthetica Synthetica yeah what do
you guys do for Thanksgiving do you guys have lots of family get-togethers or are
you somebody who doesn't have a lot of family do you get with friends let me
know in the comment section below what it is that you typically do every year
for Thanksgiving for me personally I don't talk to a lot of my family so
every holiday it's usually a really really small get-together on my mother's
side but yeah I'd love to know what you guys do on Thanksgiving so you will have
to leave me a comment in the comment section below letting me know what you
do alright guys now that that's done it's
time to go in and set the face I'm gonna go in for my skin and maybe a setting
spray I'm also gonna go in with my little cocktail if you watched my last
video you will know exactly what I'm talking about and if you haven't seen it
go check it out for highlight today I'm gonna be going into my Milani
highlighter in the shade a Sun glow if you are in the market for a really good
drugstore highlighter I highly recommend picking up Milani
highlighters because they are so booming
alright guys now that highlighters on I am gonna go finish my mascara and my
false lashes off-camera while I let the rest of the face set so once I have that
on I will be right back to finish up this look alright guys so I'm back
lashes are on it's time to wrap this look on I want to go in with a lip today
that is a little bit more geared towards fall in my opinion so I thought the
perfect lip combo to go with this today is the morphe liquid lip in spicy I have
not worn this on my lip yet but it looks so beautiful
alright guys so that is it for my Thanksgiving makeup tutorial today and I
really hope that you guys enjoyed today's look please consider subscribing
before you leave today and leave me a comment in the comment section below
letting me know what your plans are for this Thanksgiving are you going to be
spending the holidays with family or friends please let me know I'd love to
hear what you guys have in store for Thanksgiving this year and with that
being said guys thank you so much I love you and I will catch you in my next
11 Celebrity Draft Picks for Cuffing Season and 3 To Watch | I'll Apologize Later - Duration: 20:15.
Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you.
We're here. It is cuffing season.
Cuffing season is upon us.
We have to figure out who's going where,
who's going to be with who.
And with me, I have Gia Peppers. We are going to figure this out.
Gia, Are you ready?
I'm ready. Are you, Mouse?
How are you preparing for cuffing season?
I'm just taking a step back and looking at my options.
And we're seeing who can go where,
what exactly the timeline is-
Are you looking forward to any trades?
You know, some people do have to go.
Now, what is something that could get somebody traded,
released, kicked off a team,
or what can plummet their draft stock?
You're inconsistent in the field,
on the court, I can't have you in the lineup.
Fellas, if you are preparing your draft lotteries
and your draft picks at home, understand something.
If you make your plate
or if you buy your own 2K, you're single.
Let's jump into these picks.
I'm getting a lot of updates.
It's really a lot. Twitter is talking.
The Twittersphere is really on fire.
Twitter is speaking.
So let's look at a few of the names on this list.
Honorable mentions. Why don't you start off,
because I see your list is very extensive.
We have one Tiffany Haddish.
That's a solid pick right there.
Not a lot with couth, but she's gonna make you laugh.
She's gonna make you laugh and you two might have a special.
Mom's gonna love her-
Mom's gonna love her.
Mom's gonna love her. She's got good solid movies
coming out for the next couple years,
so if I wanted to just take a few years off
and find myself, she could fund it.
You know there's someone who has just been consistently winning?
And pushing the culture forward who I love
but I would never take away from his family?
Lebron James, ladies and gentlemen.
There is no one greater right now for the culture ...
other than Colin Kaepernick ... than Lebron James.
With the movies, with the Lakers,
with the documentaries, with the Nike deals,
with Harlem Fashion Row and black women
designing the shoe, the show The Shop-
The Shop is amazing.
Which, is it gonna come back, Lebron?
We need answers, please.
Me and Gia are available.
We'd like to be on there. Yeah.
So yeah, Lebron James is the honorable mention from me.
Just always a solid guy.
I think one of the greatest upsides I see with Lebron
is something I can't relate to, outside the millions,
is the fact there's no scandal.
No scandal. Like 20 years in the league almost-
Obama and him, no scandals.
As you can see, shout to Obama.
I wore the cream suit jacket as he did one
Easter. Very black of you.
Very black.
So, yeah, Lebron James, I can definitely see him going high.
He's an honorable mention.
Just a good guy that always deserves to be
in the conversation.
Absolutely. Something to be said about loyalty.
Kash Doll. I have Kash Doll.
I like Kash Doll. Talent.
I like a good ghetto. I like a good ghetto queen.
I'm not gonna call her that.
Yeah, I'm gonna say-
You do your thing.
Listen. Listen.
There's no negative connotation with ghetto and me.
I love some ghetto shit. Look at us. Look at us.
Doesn't get much ghetto than what we
[crosstalk 00:03:04].
But yeah. Kash Doll, great complexion-
Gorgeous. Just the-
Looks like fried rice.
Looks like the perfect fried rice.
If you ever had plain-
That is not a compliment.
Yes it is. If you've ever had plain fried rice
from your local Chinese establishment-
Shut ... Shut it up.
Next up. Alright. Let's figure it out.
Something less controversial I hope.
What is someone whose draft is plummeting on yours?
Drake. I love Drake so much.
And it pains me to say this but there was a monkey wrench
thrown in the game when we all found out-
Are you calling this man's child a monkey wrench?
No! Not a child. I don't do children.
When we found out that he rented out a restaurant
to have a little meeting or a date
with an 18 year old girl who he's known since she was 16.
We have a problem and I need it to be addressed, Drizzy, please.
For the culture.
I know you're on tour, but honestly. Tweet us.
Yeah we need to know what introspective song-
'Cause she put hearts in the emojis
of the captions of you guys and I don't need ...
I need answers. So, until you address it ...
Let's talk about somebody whose stock might've went up.
Issa Rae.
Issa Rae. Issa BAE.
Yeah. Issa BAE. It is. It's a BAE.
So Issa Rae, her stock is shot up.
Awkward Black Girl, I used to watch that
and be like "You know, she's funny."
I was a major fan and still am.
Love it-
I hosted Insecure Fest. She and I hit it off.
Hey ... it's a little ...
you gotta move that head out the way a little bit.
Yeah, it's gettin' a little thick in here.
Takes one to know one.
I didn't do Insecure Fest.
What? I didn't host Insecure Fest.
You just have Lebron on your show.
Let's just do that.
Staples Center. 18,000 people.
Hey, but, you know ... Issa Rae. Stock goes up.
I like what she's doing within the community.
She has a great smile.
Her teeth are so white that they probably call
She's also a little bit from the DMV.
No. Don't think that's how that goes.
She's from the DMV a little bit.
Mmm-mm Yep.
She was there for a few years.
Very formative years. I claim her.
You can't.
I did. I just did.
It's literally not about you claiming her.
No. But I would like to see her go high in this draft.
I would like to see how she performs.
We have not seen anything about her
in relationships in real life.
If it's anything like the character-
I think she keeps it low. I think she's smart.
I think she maneuvers in strategic ways.
Someone you need. Who can stay low and build.
Staying low and building,
it will have your player rating at 99.
Now, I would like to be claimed in the streets.
This kid has really just been showin' up
and showin' out lately.
This guy is a funny guy, really seems to be grounded.
Woody McClain. I'm just a fan of him.
Yeah. I like this guy.
I love Woody McClain.
I think he did a great job as Bobby Brown.
But I also think ... I saw his interviews.
He's very humble. He loves God.
That always is gonna get you high, okay, on my list.
Goin far in the draft. Really talented kid.
Watch out for him. Know his name.
And he's young! Young. Good up side. You get in now-
He was raised right.
You get in now when the draft is easy.
And you can moltivate ...
yeah I put those two words together ...
You moltivate. That's mold and cultivate.
You moltivate your superstar, really.
I like the guy, Woody McClain,
I hope to see some good things from him in this draft.
Me, too.
I wanna talk a minute about a legend.
A legend who ... she's no longer on the draft board.
She is just a perennial superstar,
goes out every week, slays with hubby, with her team.
I think it's time we retire her actual jersey.
Let's talk about Beyonce for a minute.
Let's talk about Beyonce. Let's talk about the queen.
I'd love to talk. I am in the Beyhive.
For many years. Many years.
Same. Same. Same. I thought I recognized you.
It's me from the 1996 induction mini.
It was. It was. No no no
No no. Can't say yeah yeah.
Moving on ... Beyonce, you know,
I think a lot of the younger draft picks
should look up to queen mother.
Someone who knows how to keep decorum at all times,
but she's not afraid to be herself.
You need that. You need someone who will
take you to Red Lobster after some sex.
Sometimes I need to know that even though
I didn't knock it out the park this time-
You still love me ...
And you'll bring me to Red Lobster.
Cheddar bay biscuits. Even a hiccup.
Sometimes the team doesn't always move well.
Sometimes the team ...
up and makes some bad decision with some bad contracts.
Maybe entertaining other players.
Sometimes it ... up but you're still solid,
and you still are loyal to your team.
I think Beyonce could take a lot of the younger talent
underneath her wing and moltivate
some other younger upcoming players.
What do you think?
That's not a thing.
These are who we're lockin' in.
This is who we're looking to see big things from this year.
Andre 3000. I just love him. People see him in New York,
and we're in New York or based in New York,
never seen him but I feel like he's a unicorn
and together we can make great magic.
He could teach me a lot, and I just love him.
Would you get him to put out the album?
Yes. Absolutely. I would figure it out.
I think he is talented.
I think he's one of the most special talents
that we've ever seen in music. And he's just gorgeous.
He's a gorgeous man with that great smile
and the little tooth thing happenin' and I love it.
Gia 3000 for the win.
Alright so, now I'm on the board.
And I'm gonna take a little time with this one.
Because I don't like seein' people rush into things.
That's what I like to call a word. A message.
Not sure where [crosstalk 00:09:20] is taking this.
So now, I see him on the board. Now, I respect your pick.
I'm gonna put some money on some upcoming talent.
I'm going to put some stock on Saweetie.
Yes. Love Saweetie.
I like her. Gorgeous kid.
Love her. She's gorgeous.
That woman is more beautiful than a EBT card on the 31st.
She's fine. Good fingernails. I always watch fingernails.
I don't like the peek-a-boo.
Yeah, see, no peek-a-boo with you.
You know, the peek-a-boo is the part where your nail
is comin' up a little bit,
and I can see the real nail underneath.
A little peek-a-boo. I don't like that. So Saweetie-
That means it's time to go get a fill, sis.
Exactly. Exactly. And she didn't have that.
That's great. I wouldn't expect her to have that.
Her eyelashes are incredible.
Great eyelashes. She has a very youthful look to her.
She's very youthful.
So which means when we get older-
College grad.
College grad! Just great stock in this kid.
And I think she could be the future.
She could really be the future of a franchise.
So I'm safe to say Saweetie ... my pick.
Gia, you're back on the clock.
So this guy already has a wife. So let's just start there.
And I love them, and I think they're incredible,
and I do not believe in breaking up happy homes.
But if he has a brother or a cousin
or someone who wants to be like him,
you come to this team over here because Sterling K.
Brown is one of the best people in the industry right now.
He's great. He's funny. He's talented. He's on This Is
Us which is probably one of the greatest shows on TV ever.
He's black.
As shit.
And black and black and black and I'm black, y'all.
And he's got kids. He's just an all around good guy.
He speaks out when he needs to speak out.
He shuts up when he needs to shut up.
He does shut up when he needs to shut up.
And, you know, he cries.
And I love a man who's in touch with his feelings,
who really works hard for what he wants.
He's not new to this acting game,
but he's just getting his time in to shine.
And it's great to see him do so well in such great things.
HBCU graduate.
With integrity, though.
You know, I think integrity is a lost art in this generation.
What is that? I love Sterling K. Brown. Love him.
So let's go to you.
I would love to see what he can do
on someone's team honestly. Even though-
Someone like him. 'Cause he's already married.
Even though he basically stole my character.
Stole my life. Stole my likeness for his character Randall.
Really? That's you?
That's me! He doesn't give me any credit for that.
But it's me.
I've never heard these reports ever.
It's me in my rookie season. Look it up.
Yeah, that's not documented at all.
Look it up. It's on my card.
As a fact, the opposite is documented.
Number two! Big pick. I'm puttin' money on this one.
I'm willing to bet the house on this one.
I'm pretty sure she can fix my team.
Get in there get me together.
Probably get my credit together. Things of that nature.
Tracee Ellis Ross. Let's talk about Joan.
Let's talk about rainbow.
Bow. Bow!
Bow. Love Blackish.
Yeah. Let's talk about her. She looks amazing.
All the time.
She's aging backwards. Tracee Ellis.
She's the daughter of a legend-
Diana Ross.
Diana Ross. Diana Ross.
Her brother is Evan. Most known for his role on ATL.
Come on.
"Get your timing belt fixed ... "
that's what he said on ATL.
I like that, how you got in and out of character
within 3.2 seconds. Tracee Ellis Ross is a legend.
I often love Joan and her corniness
because it reminds me of me and my corniness.
I celebrate holidays just like that: corny.
With my friends. I like to make all my friends corny.
You know, it's a great pick.
She's out keeping up with the youth,
posting great pictures on Instagram.
I'll give her that. She's a Instagram hottie.
This is a quiet trait that goes unnoticed:
a woman that can post a great
Instagram picture but not indulge in the thirst.
She posts a great
Instagram picture and gets outta dodge.
So you mean she doesn't, like, go in her DMs?
Do you know that for a fact?
Yeah I know because I've been DMin' her for about 3 years.
Yeah but it might just be you.
Alright we've ran through the names.
We talked about the Rihannas. We've talked about the Beyonces.
You didn't talk about Rihanna.
Well, there's a reason why. Too regular for me.
Oh wow! Rihanna regular, wow. The hate, the shade, the lies.
The forehead.
I got a forehead. What is you saying though?
Now I gotta get outta character for that.
What is you saying about foreheads?
Just 'cause you wear a hat.
I feel like Rihanna is not ... I feel like she's overrated.
I feel like it's a lot more aesthetic than it is woman-
I can't. I'll leave the set. You are a joke. That's a joke.
Just bein' honest.
She is gorgeous.
My team- Thick-hanna. Thank you.
I haven't been to the gym in a week.
Thank you.
My team. Thank you.
My cap. I put my money where I want,
where I feel it's gonna be a safe bet.
No one's gonna get me, curse me out ...
I would like that actually. Take that back.
I'm sad to see your thoughts about Rihanna.
I don't agree.
But a few people that we should've probably named:
the actress who plays Nuri on Love Is.
Love her.
I would ... if she was on this draft ... maybe next year?
Next year.
When she has a few years under her,
when she had a year under her belt.
Few seasons under her belt.
Gets a little seasoning. Right now very early on.
I feel like she's on a show on OWN which is great.
I feel like that's juco right now.
So you let her get in there [crosstalk 00:14:44]
You're not gonna call Oprah Winfrey's network juco.
Okay this is The Oprah Winfrey. We're gonna give her a D1.
It's not the greatest school out there but it's D1.
Maybe it's a Davidson.
It's a Davidson! And guess who came out of Davidson.
No one.
Stephen. Yeah he came outta there.
Steph Curry. Great things.
I think next year,
I'll definitely have her on this list.
The people have been waiting.
I've been seeing tweets all segment long.
I see it. Where is number one?!
We're gonna get it to you right now.
We're gonna get it to you right now ladies and gentlemen.
This young man-
It's on you. We flipped a coin. Number one pick is on you.
It's on me?
This young man has been an actor for years.
He's been on legendary shows with legendary actors
since he was 13.
He was in Hardball. He was in The Wire.
He was in so many great things, and now he is my king.
What we're gonna do is we're gonna bring on Michael B.
Jordan as the number 1 draft pick.
And what we do there is ...
Killmonger had a great final scene,
and hopefully we'll have a great final scene at our wedding
when that happens because I love Michael B. Jordan.
Shots are being shot people!
But no, in all seriousness I think he's just a stand-up guy.
He's gotten a bad rep for certain things.
He likes the whites.
That is alleged. Alleged.
No. He puts mayonnaise on that sandwich.
You better believe that.
He likes all types of women.
So he says. So we hope. And Michael B.
Jordan is just a great kid. He's a great guy.
We're only seeing the beginning of this man's future.
He's gonna go far.
He dies good.
He's gonna be up there with the Denzels.
He's gonna be up there.
Yeah he is. You went a little far.
No, I mean he's gonna be a black actor
that is gonna be around for a long time.
I don't think Michael B. Jordan's goin anywhere.
They're talkin' about makin' him the Superman.
The next black Superman. What do you say?!
I seen that. It's not gonna happen.
The whites are not gonna have that.
Well, Michael B.
Jordan, I love you, and I think you're a great kid.
And really, thank you for your face.
Thank you to your mom and dad for your face.
It's on her. Absolutely on her.
You look great. Really.
So let's just take a look back
at our draft picks one more time.
At number 5, we had Andre 3000
Andre. 3K. 3 stacks.
At number 4, we had Saweetie.
Saweetie. Sa-weetie.
Jay Z wants that sweet.
I don't think that's-
That was a Jay-Z lyric.
Don't think that's the same thing.
I think he said that before she started rappin'.
Number 3-
Number 3, Sterling K.
Brown's look alike or friend or close brother
that is also raised like him.
Number 2, the incomparable Tracee Ellis Ross.
Incomparable! Hey, Diana.
And number 1- Michael BAE Jordan.
Yeah. But I think it's B.
It's BAE.
What if the B stands for Bernard?
That's alright. That's my dad's middle name.
It's fine with me. It would mean alignment.
Gia, before we get outta here, you've got your team together.
You got your team.
You've got a solid team you're going into cuffing season with.
What do you want to impart in them in this upcoming season?
What do you wanna tell your picks?
And also some teams watching who's picking on their own.
I can be the greatest love you've ever had in your life.
Let's just start there. Heart is big.
I'm ambitious. I'm gorgeous. Let's just call it what it is.
I am here for you ... why are you leaving?!
He gets upset. He gets really upset.
Alright, guys, sorry for that. There was some things going on
that I didn't really agree with there but uh-
You don't think I could be the greatest love of someone's life?
I definitely think that.
Ladies, I wanna let you know when you're running,
you get with me, I'm running a very solid team here.
A team though.
When we get on the floor, I need you to understand:
You're on the floor. You're my floor general.
You're my eyes, and you're my ears.
Okay? I need you to be able to take direction.
I need you to also be able to make on-the-fly calls.
I'm not really into doubt. I need you to care for me.
I need there to be a nurturing spirit when you're on that floor
when you're running the offense through you.
Defense ... I need defense to be ...
championships are won on defense.
Don't let no ... come around me.
You gotta box em out. I wanna see-
So they gotta be your bodyguards, too.
Your security.
I run my team how I run my team.
Just asking for clarification.
If we're trying to succeed here, what do you wanna do?
Also, I like gifts.
Easiest way to get the most playing time.
I also like gifts as well.
Gifts and quality time. And good morning texts.
Yeah. Love language. My love language-
Ooh what's your love language?
My love language is don't ... play with me text messages.
That's not-
Yup. That's my love language. Don't ... play with me.
That's not in the quiz.
That should be- That's not a result.
That is actually. That's not a result.
It is. I took it, and mine said that.
'Cause you wrote it in there?
Yes. Okay.
This has been the "I'll Apologize Later"
live Cuffing Season
draft special with my special correspondent,
friend, sister and homegirl,
Gia Peppers, 1/5th of the black girl podcast.
And I've been Mouse Jones,
the male who put the juxt in juxtaposition,
BET's resident rubble rouser,
and ladies, the quite possible worst decision of your life.
Imran Khan | Important Speech For Pakistan | Aaj Tak News | - Duration: 0:52.
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Meghan Markle is now wearing black for Royal engagements - for THIS very humble reason - Duration: 3:42.
The Duchess of Sussex is known for being a fashion icon in the UK, ever since she started dating Prince Harry two years ago
Her flawless style and impeccable demeanour makes her dazzle under the spotlight, so much so that her designer outfits sell-out within minutes
After her wedding in May, Meghan regularly sported pastel pink hues, often wore subtle colours such as white, cream and olive green
However, the Duchess has taken her wardrobe to a darker shade - she now only wears black
On Tuesday, Meghan was spotted wearing a £2,510 Givenchy dress at the Royal Academy of Arts, her first solo royal engagement
The sophisticated black dress fit her shape perfectly and she finisheds her look off with a matching velvet clutch belt
Meghan previously wore a black Altuzarra suit for the WellChild Awards and a Judith & Charles' black tuxedo dress at the Hamilton gala performance in London
And just last week, she wore a black top and skirt below a stunning blue Smythe coat for the launch of her charity cookbook
According to experts, there is a special reason why the Duchess wears black. Meghan wants to avoid "taking away" from the people she meets during royal engagements
Karen Haller, the UK's leading Applied Colour Psychology Specialist, told the Daily Mail: "Looking at the occasions when the Duchess of Sussex is wearing black, this would suggest to me from a colour psychology perspective she is OK with not being in the limelight, not wanting to have the focus on her
"Black has the ability have the wearer almost disappear and not be noticed. This looks to be her way of deflecting attention off herself and onto the causes she is supporting – putting them in the spotlight and centre stage
" Commenting on the Duchess' style, celebrity stylist Rochelle White said Meghan wants to keep her wardrobe "simple" but classy at the same time
She said: "Meghan knows that everyone is paying close attention to her and everything that she wears
"I feel she is very conscious on the outfits she picks that are not only trendy, smart and eye-catching but won't take away from what is dong
" The Duchess' wardrobe appears to look rather "business-like", as Meghan switches to a more tailored look
Ms White added: "I think that Meghan is going for a more tailored approach as it comes across as business-like
" After she married Prince Harry in May, Meghan was regularly spotted in pale pink colours, and some experts said she wanted to "sub-consciously communicate through colour that she's clearly in love"
Meghan and Harry are set to embark on a 16-day Australia tour in October, and will be visiting Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand
Harry will be hosting the 2018 Invictus Games in Sydney, where ill and wounded veterans are set to compete in a series of sporting events
Europe for Foodies: Finding the Best Restaurants with Cameron Hewitt | Rick Steves Travel Talks - Duration: 14:00.
Let's talk about some practical skills for how
to find great restaurants when you're in Europe.
There's a few things that you want to look for and I would say it
is really worth going to a little effort to find a good restaurant.
I see every meal in Europe as an opportunity
to have a great dining experience.
Now that's a really high bar and sometimes I'm willing
to lower my bar and settle for just some basic
food because I need a functional meal on-the-go
but I sort of consider it a fun scavenger hunt.
Every meal should have a memory attached to it.
You know what?
It doesn't take a lot of effort to make sure
that you find a great memorable restaurant like this one.
If you don't put any effort into it you'll
wind up at a place that's just okay.
Here are a few tips I would have for
finding great restaurants in Europe.
One of them is get away from the main tourist
zones, especially the restaurant row. A lot
of popular cities in Europe have one street
where all the restaurants are located.
In Brussels they have their Ruutu Buffet which is
lined with lots of interchangeable restaurants
and there is a salesperson out front each
one trying to get you in to have a table.
Every place serves identical buckets
of mussels and beer and so forth.
If you walk just a few steps off the main drag you're
going to find something a little more interesting.
In Dubrovnik in Croatia, a city I go to a lot,
they have a restaurant row that's very similar
to the one in Brussels — people waiting out front
trying to lure you in with flashy menus.
In Croatia in Dubrovnik, you can walk
along this restaurant row on the right or
you can climb the staircase on the left
and literally less than a five-minute
walk away you can find a beautiful
secluded little corner restaurant or
cafe with half the prices, twice as
good food, and much friendlier people.
This sounds almost so obvious it isn't
worth saying but it really strikes me
after spending years and years looking
for good restaurants for our guidebooks,
it's so easy to find a good restaurant
that's very close to a very bad restaurant.
One of my tips for finding good restaurants,
in addition to just going off to the
little back corners — figure out what the
trendy neighborhood is in that city.
In the city of Athens for example, all the tourists are
concentrated in the neighborhood called the Plaka.
This is the kind of old town of Athens at the
base of the Acropolis and there are some
good restaurants in the Plaka but they tend
to be very expensive and quite touristy.
Literally, across the street from the Plaka, a
five-minute walk away is a neighborhood called Sidi.
Now Sidi was kind of a rundown deserted slum as recently
as 10 or 15 years ago but now Sidi is coming back to life.
The government has undertaken policies to make it very
attractive for hotels and restaurants to open up there.
Sidi is the neighborhood in Athens where
all of the young Athenians go to eat.
If you go to Sidi you're going to find a really a
more creative array of choices than in the Plaka.
Often much cheaper, better quality food, friendlier
service, and it'll feel like a more local experience.
Every city in Europe has a trendy foodie hipster neighborhood and I
make it a challenge when I'm going to a new city, I'm going to look
around a little bit and figure out what that neighborhood is because
I think that's where I'm going to find some good restaurants.
Another tip for finding a good restaurant generally, a good sign
is if a place is a small kind of family-run mom and pop restaurant.
We love mom and pop restaurants in our guidebooks.
They often are pretty traditional but they offer great quality, they
offer a real loving care and interest
in the food that they're cooking.
This is one of our favorite restaurants in Croatia.
We take our Croatia tourists here in fact.
Ulma does all the cooking over an open fire and her husband Anton
does the front of house management and sort of waits tables.
They have a bare-bones staff, it's really just the two of them
and a couple of helpers that keeps their costs low which means
that my costs are low and it means that the people making the food
have been doing this for years and they really care about it.
They have a passion for it, they're not just somebody who's
got a minimum wage job that they're coming and going from.
Another thing to look for that's a mark of a good restaurant
is a menu that is short, handwritten, and in one language.
Now, why is that important — short,
handwritten, and one language?
It's short because the restauranteur wants to
do a few things and do them very well.
I am very suspicious of a very long menu.
If a menu is more than two pages long
I assume it's a terrible restaurant.
Now that seems harsh but think about
it, how many frozen ingredients
you have to have to have a 10-page long menu? Short is a virtue.
Handwritten because it's based on what is in season.
It's based on what's fresh.
It's based on what they found in the market today.
It's in one language because it's catering to local people.
It's not catering to one-time tourists
who are just passing through, it's
catering to people who they want to develop into a returning clientele.
Those are the three magic features of a great restaurant —
a menu that is short, handwritten, and in one language.
Now, all of that said I really prioritize the
quality of the food and the quality experience
in my restaurant hunting but I am at times willing
to compromise to have a beautiful setting.
Don't rule that out, if you want the
best food all the time sometimes
you're going to have to settle for
places that are a little less memorable.
If you're really interested in a great experience in a
beautiful setting it can be worth paying a little too much.
This is the city of Dubrovnik in
Croatia. I spend a lot of time there.
Every morning for breakfast you're going
to find me at these tables right here
on the main drag where they have decent
coffee and mediocre ham and eggs.
I'm not here for the food but this is my favorite
place to start my day in Dubrovnik and I'm
willing to sacrifice on quality and pay a bit
more because I get to watch the city waking up.
I get to see the delivery people coming through on
their little carts before all the tourists arrive.
You see the first of the cruise ship passengers
walking in at the gate at the far end of town.
I'm willing to trade a little bit on quality and price if
I can have a memorable setting and a memorable location.
Here's a good tip for that by the way.
You don't necessarily have to have
your whole meal, it's a big investment
maybe to have your whole meal in a place with a beautiful setting.
I think a good strategy is to have overpriced drinks but really
memorable drinks before or after dinner in a really beautiful
setting and then you can find something a little less more
affordable or a little less touristy
maybe for your actual meal.
In Prague for example, there's a beautiful
hotel right on the main square and
it has this gorgeous terrace with views
overlooking the Old Town Square.
In Florence, there's a hotel that I really like that has
a top floor cafe and you can go here right after work.
For about €18 you can buy a cocktail — that's a lot
for a cocktail but it's a cocktail with this
gorgeous view looking out over the Ponte Vecchio
in the hills of Florence and the Arno River.
By the way, that cocktail comes with
a little mini buffet of snacks.
If you're discreet about it you can almost assemble a
light dinner and a cocktail, and beautiful views for €18.
Like I said, you don't have to be spending a lot of money
to be a foodie, there are ways to get around that.
These days rooftop bars are popular all over Europe.
Budapest for example, one of my favorite cities in Hungary
has a gorgeous rooftop bar culture with great views and
it's where all the young urbanites go to hang out after
work before they go find and affordable dinner somewhere.
I want to emphasize if you really want to get great
restaurants it's really worth doing your homework.
There are lots of pubs in Britain that serve pretty
forgettable pub grub but you know what, if you do a little
bit of homework and you think carefully about it and
do some research you're going to find a gastropub.
This is a pub that serves a little bit higher quality food.
It puts more emphasis on its food and less
emphasis on its beer maybe, or equal measures.
Do your homework and you're going to find a better meal.
How do you do your homework?
Well, obviously as a guidebook
author I think guidebooks are a great place to start.
I spend a lot of my time working on a Rick Steves
guidebook specifically looking for great
restaurants that fit all of these descriptions
that I've just been laying out for you here.
That said, different people have different philosophies about food.
I think the key thing isn't to use the Rick Steves
guidebook, it's to find a guidebook that matches
your culinary philosophy, that seems to have the
kind of restaurants that you like to go to.
Once you find that, it can be a great tool for
finding the right restaurants for your trip.
Crowd sourcing sites are very popular these days.
TripAdvisor is very powerful in terms of the world of tourism.
I don't want to necessarily throw TripAdvisor under the bus,
but I have a lot of skepticism about these crowd source sites.
I use them for hotels, I think they can be very helpful for that.
Maybe for sightseeing experiences or tours.
For restaurants, maybe not so much.
Let me give you some examples of why I'm a little bit
skeptical about TripAdvisor for restaurant hunting.
Budapest, Hungary, I just mentioned, is one of my favorite
cities anywhere, and I think Hungarian cuisine is fantastic.
Actually, I think after French and Italian, personally,
I think Hungarian is the next best cuisine in Europe.
I think it's tragically underrated, and I know for a fact
that there are lots of fantastic restaurants in Budapest.
The number one rated restaurant in Budapest on TripAdvisor
is a French restaurant, not a Hungarian restaurant.
The reason for that, is simply that the people
who are leaving reviews on TripAdvisor are
tourists, so their interests and their preferences
skew to a touristy end of the spectrum.
Let me give you an example from the city I live in — Seattle.
I love going out to restaurants here in Seattle.
Recently, I was just curious, try this in your hometown.
I was curious, so I went to TripAdvisor
and I said, "What are the top 10 restaurants in Seattle?"
I looked at this list, and I said, "I can't
remember the last time I went to any of these."
You know what else they have in common?
The top five restaurants are all right at Pike Place Market,
the most touristy part of Seattle, and
all 10 of them are within about a mile
of downtown, they're within about
a mile of where the cruise ships come in.
I'm not saying don't use crowd sourcing sites, I'm saying,
use a crowd sourcing site that agrees with your philosophy.
For example, I use Yelp.
For me, that tends to be reviews that are left
by local people, rather than by tourists.
When I look at the Yelp top 10, I see a lot
of restaurants that I like to frequent.
I trust the results I get from Yelp a little bit better.
The other thing that I wanted to point out about Yelp
is it's not as active in a lot of parts of Europe.
You might find it in some big European cities, but it's
not as universally well represented in all of Europe.
However, different countries have their
own kind of crowd sourcing review sites.
If you do a little research, you might find that,
for example, there's a French version of Yelp
that does a really good job with French
restaurants, so there's an Italian version of Yelp.
Other places that I look for good restaurant recommendations when I'm
trying to find restaurants, for example, to add to my guidebook.
A lot of newspapers have really good food and travel writing.
I think the New York Times has really excellent food writing.
They have a wonderful series called 36 Hours in a
City, where they give you a rundown of different
restaurants, bars, cafes, and activities that
you might do if you were there for a weekend.
I really enjoy that.
The Guardian, which is a London based newspaper, has really
excellent food writing as well, and travel writing.
If I'm going to a city and I want to find some new restaurants
for my guidebook, I'll actually check these sources myself.
The other thing I would recommend is looking for local food blogs.
It's one thing to have an international journalist
come and check things out, but it's another
thing for somebody who really cares about food in
their own community to tell you about that food.
I would just search the name of the place
you're going and "food blog," so you might
search for "Rome food blog" and you might
come up with Katie Parla's food blog.
She's an American expat who lives in Rome, and does really
excellent food writing in Rome and has some great recommendations.
I also have a lot of information on my blog, by the way, if you want to
go to and look for
"Cameron blog," you just search for that.
A lot of the topics I'm talking about
today are covered in my blog as well.
Another great place to find restaurant
recommendations is to ask your friends.
Of course, these days, every time someone
goes to a meal, they're going to take
a picture on their phone, they're going
to post it to Instagram or Facebook.
I'm joking, but actually, this is a good tip.
You could make a post on Facebook
saying, "Hey, I'm going to Barcelona.
Has anyone been there?
Do you have any tips for good restaurants?"
You'll be surprised how many people are going to
come back with their personal favorites.
If you want to go a little more high
end, restaurant hunting can become
very fun and very interesting, and you can look at really top end
resources, for example, the classic Michelin system, a restaurant that
is Michelin starred is almost guaranteed to be a very high quality.
The San Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants list is
another resource that I really enjoyed over the years.
Finding out not just which restaurants are really good, but
what is the cutting edge of cuisine these days in Europe.
A lot of these famous chefs that I mentioned
earlier, really made their name with these lists.
There's a lot of great food TV out there now as well.
Netflix has an outstanding documentary
series, called The Chef's Table.
And each episode is the profile of another chef all around the
world, and I found some really interesting chefs that way.
Speaking of these high-end restaurant meals,
I want to talk a little bit about this idea.
Obviously, it's very expensive to go
to a Michelin-rated restaurant,
and for years I debated, "Is it worth it, even as a foodie, someone
who cares about food, to spend that kind of money on a meal."
I've actually made a point to try a couple
of these over the last few years.
I have to say, what you have to realize
when you're going to a really top end world
rated restaurant, it's not just about
the food, although the food is amazing.
They try to create a whole experience for you.
I went to a great restaurant in the Basque
Country in Northern Spain called
Azurmendi, I think at the time it was the
13th top rated restaurant in the world.
I thought, "Is this going to be worth
basically the $200 a person that we were
going to spend for a really nice lunch here?
That sounds a little bit crazy.
We walked in the door, and the first
course of amuse-bouche was this beautiful
little picnic basket in their atrium,
which had a lot of beautiful plants.
Then they took us into their greenhouse,
and we had another amuse-bouche, and we
saw some of the plants that they actually
used to get herbs for their cooking.
Then they walked us into the kitchen,
and we got to see the chef at work,
and all of his sous chef scurrying
around and making these dishes happen.
We sat down at our table, and we chose which menu we wanted.
I have to say, the food was really remarkable,
and it gave me a whole new appreciation for some
of the trends and some of the really current
thinking in terms of cooking and food in Europe.
I would say, obviously, if you're on a tight budget, you
might not want to invest that much in a meal, but if you
think about it, $200 a person, that's the cost of maybe
a really fun day tour, for example, in a lot of cities.
You hire a guide for the day for $200.
$200 for a meal, for a very memorable meal,
maybe is worth it for some people.
Sowing the Seeds of Success: a new set of learning tools for Minnesota's farmers - Duration: 4:10.
(soft music)
- [Jake] Minnesota farming is really diverse and
they grow anything from corn to soy beans,
to apples, other fruits and vegetables.
We have swine producers, beef producers.
We have people that forage for mushrooms.
(music playing)
There's tons.
It can be a challenge with the variety and
diversity of questions.
What's nice is, we have resources within the University
that we can reach out to.
So, I'm working to get information out to growers
and farmers in newer ways.
I'm Jake Overgaard.
I'm giving Minnesota farmers a new set of learning tools.
(soft music)
I grew up on a farm in west central Minnesota.
There were some good times economically.
But, also, there were some times where
it was a little bit more difficult to make those payments
and my parents definitely worked extremely hard
and were good planners and operators.
But, it's a ton of work. 12 plus hour days,
and, you know, you may not have a weekend a lot of the time.
I think that definitely influences my work today,
in trying to support farmers.
(soft music)
- [Jackie] Well I've been married to my husband
for 31 years and when I said I do to him,
I didn't realize that that meant I
was saying I do to a farm.
The economies of scale for a farm this size
are very different than a farm that has thousands of acres
or thousands of farmers.
So, we have to find partners that can help us.
(soft music)
- [Jake] When I first started, I was doing a lot
of in person workshops and field days and what not.
And I continue to do those, but what I was seeing
was that the workshop happens and people come for the day
and then that information has died.
A new generation of farmers demands a new generation
of educational tools.
- [Jackie] I bet you if I looked around, no one here
doesn't have a cell phone.
They're two seconds away from being
able to google something.
How do I raise pigs on an organic farm?
- [Jake] Social media, I'm on Twitter consistently.
I'm developing YouTube videos.
We have a number of Podcast that people are using
as resources to help them improve their farm.
And so, people can take advantage of the information
on a continuous basis and just have
it be available out on the web.
Time is such and issue right now and
to be able to be in the car or weeding or diving
the tractor and listen to a Podcast
about marketing local food and just get information
like that, I think, is an efficient way
for the audience to be able to learn something
in a way that's convenient for them, as well.
- [Jackie] Technology, I mean, we can go to the extension
website and see what's going on and learn about
the type of farming that there was.
So, yes I think it's a valuable tool because
it's a way to reach people.
(soft music)
- [Jake] A lot of the time, our farmers start
becoming advocates themselves and talking to other farmers.
I worked with one farmer who was,
he puts out Facebook posts about his plot results
and tells farmers that he used less nitrogen
and got the same yield.
- [Jackie] We've had lots of people who wanna come
to the farm and see what we're doing,
because it's a little bit different than
what other people are doing.
And sometimes they say, oh well we haven't thought
about it that way.
And so, I think that we've learned from them
and they've learned from us.
- [Jake] Just like anything else, people are finding
information via these new channels.
And we're adapting to that.
Whether it's nutrient management, or business planning,
or improving their disease management,
there's a lot of ways that we can help them out
and make their business more sustainable and profitable.
When it comes to farming, an extra set of hands
is always helpful.
University of Minnesota extension can provide
that extra set of hands.
(soft music)
(uptempo music)
Europe for Foodies: Tips and Tricks with Cameron Hewitt | Rick Steves Travel Talks - Duration: 8:36.
Let's talk a little bit about the practical side of eating in Europe.
Here are some tips for how Europeans
do things a little bit differently than we do,
sort of the practicalities of European food experience.
The first thing that a lot of Americans get
a little confused by is the word "menu."
You may know that in a lot of countries in Europe,
if you go into a restaurant and you ask
for a menu they're not going to give you
the list of what you can order, they're
going to assume you want the fixed price
meal because in most countries in
Europe that's what a menu refers to.
If you want the bill of fare, if you want the
list of what you can order, that's usually
some word similar to "cart," so it's
la carta in Spain, it's la carte in France,
it's Speisekarte in German.
So don't walk into a restaurant and
be confused if you ask for a menu and
they're not quite sure what to make of it.
Speaking of those menus, however, these fixed price meals,
those can be a great way to get a nice survey of the local
cuisine, and often a good restaurant will have several levels
of their menu, so you can get a basic menu for one price.
If you want to get a little bit more
interesting, and have a little higher
quality ingredients, you can actually
go up a little bit in quality.
The other thing to be aware of in different European countries, is
that the way that Europeans organize
their meals can be different.
The way that they lay out the order of courses can be different.
As an example, let me talk about an Italian meal.
A traditional big Italian meal actually involves four
different courses, you have the antipasti or the appetizers.
That would be something like marinated vegetables.
Then you have the primi, the primi piatto, the
first course, that's usually a pasta or a soup, then you
have the secondi, or the secondo, that's a main course,
usually, meat or fish, and the final course is dessert.
This sounds like a pretty rigid structure, but
honestly, most Italians don't eat every course.
You look at this and say, "Jeez, do I have to order all four courses?"
Not necessarily.
I had an Italian friend, I said, "How many courses is it polite to order?
I don't want to feel like I'm cheaping out."
And they said, "Well, really, as long
as you order two courses per person,
that's fine, and sharing is usually okay."
If I'm in an Italian restaurant
with my wife, we might order two pastas
and a main course and a dessert,
so that's two courses per person, four
courses total, and that's just fine.
By the way, Italian chefs are fanatic about your digestion.
This is something else that's a little different than the way
we think about food, but European chefs, especially in Italy,
really lose sleep over your digestion and making sure that
there's a proper progression for the different courses of food.
Here's an example.
Very traditionally, if you order a big meal, including a salad, the
salad is going to come after the pasta at a traditional restaurant.
At a touristy restaurant, they know you're an American, so they'll
probably bring it out at the beginning, or they'll ask you.
If you go to a very traditional restaurant, they assume
you want the pasta first, then the salad because
it creates a nice little buffer in your stomach, between
the pasta and the meat that you're about to eat.
I once went to a very traditional restaurant
in Florence and I ordered a salad
and a pasta and the pasta came and I
thought, "Well, I guess they forgot about the salad."
Then after the pasta, here comes the salad, and I didn't have
another course coming, but that was
just the order that they did things in.
Be aware, it's not because they're being
stubborn, it's not because they're trying
to confuse you, it's simply that they believe
that's the proper way to ingest food.
There is a proper order to these things.
There's a proper water to drink with different kinds of food.
You don't want mineral water for every food,
or you don't want bubbles for every food.
Just be aware of that.
In general, European chefs frown on substitutions.
This is I think, a big cultural difference with the United States.
I think in a lot of cases, Americans go to a
restaurant and we assume the customer is always right.
"I know what food I want. I know how I want it."
Europeans go to a restaurant and
say, "No, I'm putting myself in the hands of an expert.
The chef knows the right way to make the food."
If you go to an American restaurant and say, "Can
I have the side from this meal with the main from this meal?"
They'll say, "Sure, I'll ask the chef, I'm sure it's fine."
Europeans, they might actually kick you out for asking that question.
The chef designed everything together for a reason.
That's the way it's supposed to be, so it requires an attitude
adjustment sometimes to understand where they're coming from.
I mentioned earlier about sharing courses in an Italian restaurant.
Rick Steves, personally and all of us here, we're
big fans of sharing courses family style.
Sharing food is a great way to get lots
of different samples of different dishes.
There are cultures where it works really well.
For example, in Greece and Turkey, they have a
mezedes way of eating where the assumption is
that you're going to go and order a bunch of
little dishes and everyone's going to share.
Even in countries where that's a little
less common, usually they're very
forgiving of Americans who say, "Can we
order a couple of dishes and split them?"
In Italy, if you know a magic word that might actually give you
two different pastas on one plate, the magic word is bis, B-I-S.
A lot of restaurants will let you order pasta bis,
meaning, "I want half a plate of this pasta and half a
plate of this pasta," and they understand that you
want to mix and match and try some different things.
Don't be intimidated by European menus.
Honestly, some of the better places have menus that
are only in one language, which can be intimidating,
but oftentimes the server speaks a little English and
they're happy to help you sort through your choices.
It's worth investing in a menu decoder.
We have a series of Rick Steves guidebooks for several different
languages and the biggest part of our phrasebook is the menu decoder.
I actually, literally, did the research for this where I went over
to Europe and I walked from restaurant to restaurant for several
days and I wrote down everything I saw in menus to make sure that
we had all the words that are actually appearing on European menus.
That can really help avoid some of the confusion that you might have.
There's also a lot of great online translating apps.
I have the Google Translate app, which works great.
It's a little less focused on menu decoding, but it can
certainly help you figure out what the basic ingredients are.
My last tip though about a menu decoding and languages,
the language barrier when it comes to eating, is
don't let yourself be intimidated just because you
don't know every single thing that's in that dish.
Usually, my goal is to figure out what the main ingredient is.
There's maybe one or two things that I want
to get a sense, is this a fish, is it a meat?
What am I roughly expecting?
At a certain point, you should take a leap of faith.
I would say don't go into restaurants expecting
to understand every aspect of every dish.
I want to talk a little bit about service in European restaurants.
If you've been to Europe, you know that the way that Europeans expect
to be served in restaurants is a little different than it is here.
For one thing, a European service is very relaxed.
It's slow to an American's standard and the reason
for that is, again, it's a philosophical adjustment.
When Europeans go to a restaurant, dinner for a
lot of people is the evening's entertainment.
They're not trying to get a quick meal in
before they go to the movies or go out dancing.
They're there to really enjoy that restaurant.
Actually, rushed service is rude service to Europeans.
If you're ever in a restaurant and you have
to basically stand up and wave your hand to
get your waiter to come over to you, you
might think, "Boy, this guy is ignoring me. I don't understand why."
Well, the understanding why is that, for Europeans,
it would be rude if he kept coming over
to you because you might feel rushed.
As you probably know, if you've been to Europe, you
will never get the bill until you asked for the bill.
I have to say this is really hard for Americans
because you're done, you're ready to go,
you've got places to be, and now you have to
flag down the person to bring you your bill.
Honestly, after I'd been in Europe for a few weeks and
I come home and I'm in an American restaurant and
I'm finishing the last bite of my food and I see the
bill land on the table, I'm a little bit offended.
"Are you trying to get rid of me?"
That's how Europeans think about this,
so just be relaxed, be ready to spend a
little extra time at restaurants, and don't
think that slow service is bad service.
The other thing I want to talk about is tipping.
Europeans, in general, are less generous tippers
than Americans are, and it's really okay.
I know that I'm not going to convince you all to start tipping
10%, but I'm here to tell you, Europeans usually tip 10% or less.
It really is the case.
I think in America we have this understanding
that people usually get a minimum
wage or lower for their base salary and
most of their salary comes from tips.
In European culture, it's a little bit different.
Tipping is considered really optional.
The person that's waiting on you actually receives
a very healthy salary and the tip is really just a bonus.
Most Europeans would round up the bill 5% or 10%.
It's really just a convenience so that the server
doesn't have to fish around for loose change.
That's philosophically what tipping is.
Honestly, a lot of countries, a lot of Europeans don't tip at all.
I know that's hard for Americans.
I usually tip somewhere between 5% and 10%.
I figure out what would 10% be and then I maybe round it down
a little bit to the nearest round number and that's plenty.
It's just a very different philosophy than it is here.
Matt Watches The Kardashians For The First Time - Duration: 8:12.
Hello Hello! Welcome to Matt Watches Something For The First Time
We probably need to work on that title...
This is Matt Green
And he has never seen the Kardashians
You've never watched an episode? I've never watched an episode Why?
Why would I?
What do you think of the Kardashians? What's your opinion?
I try and not think about
them too much but I think my thought on them is that they're probably the worst
thing in the world is that all right?
I mean No I don't think they're the worst thing in the world
I just think they're they are inexplicably famous and successful and
popular and rich and I don't understand why everyone cares
Well now you're gonna understand
Am I?
This could change your life.
It could. I mean not in a good way probably
You're showing me the latest episode here and it's series 15 episode four
yeah so it means the thing is if I get into this I've got to go back and watch
what 15 series? You're gonna love it. I don't think I'm gonna love it. Why do you love it?
I don't like that I don't like that I love it. They're entertaining so you're following
a family yeah who are very rich and successful now I'll give you their
history okay Kim Kardashian (yeah) she made a sex tape (yeah) I think it became famous
She was something to do with Paris Hilton was she? I think she was friends
Yeah and then and then that -- Already I'm disappointed in myself
You clearly know so much already know more about it than I should
The mother is their agent they've all got I think they've all got partners (right)
Anyway I don't want to spoil it for you I mean that's impossible but
I can't wait to show you. Matt Green If you don't know Matt Green
And why would you?
He's a comedian - very good comedian very funny man
Ever since then I have noticed a little change in her...
[Laughter and applause]
I would say your your your your highbrow you you've got highbrow taste (yeah)
I read the broadsheets - I read books about literary stuff. I'm interested in the finer things in life I guess
But you know I still watch telly I still watch the
occasional rubbish American drama
I think that's how you got to see it it's like a drama
Right but just not good? I think well I'll let you judge okay I'll let
you judge - I'll be doing a lot of that. It's real life. Bear in mind I'm not just
judging them I'm judging you for liking this. It''s a documentary you like documentaries.
It's not though is it it's reality TV it's very different
Surely that is a documentary? It's not a documentary mate
It's a documentary
It's created like they're they're acting like scenes that have been suggested to them.
But they're documenting real life real life (it's not real life) It's the same
It's nothing to do with real life. Right. This is happening. Keeping Up Kardashians
What did you call it? Keeping up Kardashians
Is that a DIY show?
Keeping Up with the Kardashians
You went really northern for a second
Keeping Up Kardashians
So the description: "After an intense few weeks..."
I've never read the description!
But how do you know what's happening if you don't read the description?
I never feel the need
After an intense few weeks of fighting
with their sisters - this makes it sound like a story (yeah)
Kourtney considers spending the holidays away from her family.
Already I'm gripped.
Who's that? That's Khloe. Khloe all right she now she's had a journey right
okay they've all had a journey.
On the bus? No they don't take the bus. Not in LA
Who's that? Kourtney. Kim
We have a really special bond I haven't felt that in the past couple months you guys
aren't happy for me it's like everything is more important whatever Kourtney's
going through it's just so much deeper than me and Khloe and until Kourtney is
ready to talk about it you can't push her
I've never seen someone cry in such a affected way before like just dabbing
dabbing the eyes like I'm not going to actually genuinely cry because then
that I might mess up my makeup but- They're really into their makeup and they
got a make-up... Hasn't she made all her money from make up one of them?
You do know!
I can't help but know cos they're just everywhere in the media
She's like a billionaire or something? Yes! That makes me sad.
So this is the title sequence Yeah alright mate I'm not a child I'm not
like from a cave I do know how TV works
Do you not find them attractive? I mean I think they're obviously attractive women
yeah I don't find I don't find them attractive like I'm not it's not really
my... you know what I Google are the top 10 things to do in the same
friend it was going to this fisherman oh yeah fisherman's work for the sourdough
bread are you kidding I eat the whole fucking bread roll --- Good places to eat
it's educational why cuz you're so pretty
pregnancy suits you
They're always telling each other they're pretty
months are you five next week I want to give her her own time to shine a lot
Talking heads - but kinda keeps going back and forth about announcing a
It's like The Office little I've announced and waiting is so frustrating because my body is changing
and people are super invasive and their stuff...
These reaction shows are amazing.
It's like they've said Look at gormless as you can
But sort of keep pouting.
Big fridge.
So pretty Chris
Everything's so pretty
OK what are your thoughts?
I'm... I'm surprised by how little enjoyed that.
You went very quiet I thought you were enjoying it
I wasn't - I was quiet cos I just didn't - I was trying to work out what was
happening and then I realized there wasn't anything to work out it was just
nothing why am I meant to care about who's on Instagram or who's on like on a
pregnancy photo shoot? That is a perfectly reasonable home movie that you
might watch it like but why anyone outside of their immediate family...?
It's documentary. It's not a documentary - it's sort of a terrible reality TV show.
You don't wanna live in the house? I mean obviously I'd like to live in the house, it' a massive house
in LA but I'm not I wouldn't want to live in that house I mean they live
there so yeah you have to encounter them which could be a bloody nightmare.
It's not for you? No I won't be watching again
I like it - it's aspirational I like the nice house
I like I like the food and I look at the food right I like to see the dynamics
the relationships It's just like watching it's sort of a mixture of
an advert for various products that they're promoting and someone's social
media feed that you don't really know and reading like one of those magazines
you get in the dentists that's what it felt like to me. It's modern modern TV
Yeah and that is bad.
You can watch it on a comedic level-- I think most people watch it like this.
Okay and that's what they're doing half the time...
I'm on my twitter what's happening... it's designed for people
who have got half an eye on it isn't it yeah it's background isn't it
a nice of quite comfy sofa and they know people have watched this so probably
wasted their time yeah I mean will they though? We're not going to get as many
viewers as them. One day! No.
Thank you Matt Cheers we'll see you
next time on Matt Watches This For the First time
That's not going to be the title is it?
Book Safe Metal Box for Valuables - Duration: 7:33.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Talks Auctioning Memorabilia For A Great Cause | TODAY - Duration: 5:04.
Park closes road in search for missing woman - Duration: 0:21.
The 311 Weekend for September 28 – September 30 - Duration: 2:14.
Hello, and welcome to the 311 Weekend, I'm Laura and I'll be your guide to New York
City sponsored events and services happening in the next few days.
Before we begin: Flu season is here, and prevention is better than cure.
So, make sure you get your flu shot at a vaccination location near you.
Now on to the weekend!
The events I talk about are free, unless I mention otherwise.
First: BeLeaf it or not, Fall is here.
Visit the Harlem Grown 134th Street Farm, this Saturday to enjoy a wholesome harvest
of cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants.
You can also participate in jam-making activity, honey tasting, yoga sessions and more.
Make sure you don't miss out and RSVP today!
Second: Are you ready to get lost in a CornFusing Maize Maze?
Escape from the maze by uncovering the right clues and solving puzzles on Saturday, September
29 from 11:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Queens County Farm Museum.
This event is not free, and the last ticket will be sold at 4:30 pm:
Third: You get a helmet, your friend gets a helmet, everyone gets a helmet!
Join the NYC DOT on Sunday, September 30 from noon to 3:30 pm at Park Avenue and East 119
Street for a free Vision Zero bike helmet fitting and distribution event while supplies
Finally, Monday, October 1 is an NYC DOT Gridlock Alert day, when the streets of Manhattan are
expected to be more crowded than usual.
Why not ditch your car, and opt for alternatives such as walking, biking or taking public transit?
learn about upcoming Alert Days at the link.
Well, that's a wrap!
Thanks for joining us, and we'll see you next weekend.
From Garlic to Grocery: turning empty trucks into bigger business for rural Minnesota - Duration: 4:50.
(inspiring music)
- About 10 years ago, my husband and I decided
to buy his family farm in western Minnesota,
and so we moved our family out here.
And being accustomed to shopping
at, you know, co-ops and farmers' markets,
it was kind of a stark reality to be in a rural place
that is a designated USDA rural food desert,
meaning it has very limited access
to the full range of groceries.
So, you're asking me, why we don't have more local food
in a rural grocery store that's located in the heart
of some of the most productive farm country in the world?
That's a good question.
I'm Kathy Draeger and I'm turning empty trucks
into big business for Minnesota farmers and grocers.
(inspiring music)
(truck and car engines)
- I'm Bonnie Carlson.
I own Bonnie's Hometown Grocery in Clinton, Minnesota.
People say it's the heart of the home,
you know, as far as the town,
because, if you don't have a grocery store in town,
they're gonna go out of town to get groceries,
they're gonna go out of town to get their gas,
they're gonna go out of town to eat.
They're gonna go out of town and do everything,
so we need to keep as many businesses open
in our little town as we can.
- You only can carry so much at a time.
- [Woman in Blue Shirt] Yep, you can.
- So the advice that was given to me
about growing a new crop
was make sure you have a market first,
making sure you have a way to sell it.
I didn't follow that advice very good.
We loved to grow it, but it's the marketing for us.
We don't have a strong point of marketing.
- Well, Kathy, once she heard
that we were doing this, "I want to help."
- And then once she heard that we were growing
more than we could sell,
she says, "We need to find a way to fix that."
So (chuckle) she got to work.
- So that's where the backhaul project comes in.
The overall idea is that we have farmers, like Les and Russ,
who are producing a premium crop,
and they need a market outlet.
Bonnie could use another source of income
and another way that she gets fresh farm produce
into her store,
and we have a wholesale truck
that is in this community twice a week,
so we just connect the dots.
Farm to grocery to wholesale.
(truck engine)
(cheerful music)
- So for this case with this garlic is that Russ grows it,
he then brings it to the grocery store in Clinton,
and then the goal of that is that
we will pick up that product,
bring it back on our trucks,
and then have it reenter that supply chain.
So it's almost a backwards integration.
- [Bonnie] Well we get truck deliveries
every Tuesday and every Friday.
And, you know, we're like one of the first stops,
but by the time he goes back his trucks are pretty empty,
so why not try to see if they can fill the trucks up
and make use of that truck and haul things back
to the warehouse to try to sell to other stores.
- A premium local product like garlic
is the perfect crop to test this backhauling on,
because it's small, so it's a compact crop,
it's high value, and it can be stable at room temperature.
So it's the absolute perfect crop to test backhauling with.
This hasn't been done in this way ever before.
The University of Minnesota has
post-harvest handling expertise and faculty,
so we worked with them to make sure
that the crop is being handled in a way
that we get the maximum quality.
And finally, what's the big question,
how's this gonna work economically.
So we brought in applied economics.
We have a PhD student and a faculty member
who are working with us so that we can price this crop
in a way that the farmer, the wholesaler, and the grocer
all can share in this profit.
- [Duke] She cares.
It's really fun to work with people that, you know,
care, and they wanna change things.
And the U of M has really done a solid job of
keeping the project moving and making forward progress.
- The backhauling project is a great tool for us to use,
and we can try this market out.
- We're trying to do something local
and trying to support that
and see if we can get more business because of it.
- [Kathy] 'Cause here we are in farm country.
We should have access to really good, fresh food,
especially in these small town rural grocery stores.
(bright jazz music)
Family fun for the weekend of Sept. 28 - 30, 2018 - Duration: 1:12.
Showers move out for a clear night - Duration: 2:58.
Saving Vegetable Seeds For Next Season - Duration: 8:28.
We all love growing our own food and you can't buy produce like this in the
shops but at this time of year autumn fall is usually the time that gardeners
across the globe start writing out their seed orders ready for the next growing
season but that's a really expensive way of growing your own food and I'm here to
tell you there's a much cheaper way in today's episode we're going to be
looking at everything to do with seed saving
I'm Tony O'Neill and this is UK Here We Grow on this channel we deal with all
things gardening beekeeping and poultry keeping if it's your first time here
consider hitting the subscribe button and bell icon to be notified every time we
put up new content just like this gardeners can be really lazy it's all
too easy to open that laptop go to your favorite seed company's website and
start clicking those buttons and putting things into the baskets and it's not
until you get to that basket to handle for your credit card details do you
realize that you've just spent hundreds of pounds or dollars it's all too easy
to do that so today I'm gonna show you how to save seed make sure you stay
right to the end because not only am I going to show you how to save seed I'm
gonna show you when to save seed or what seed to save so let's talk about the
seeds in general I find it amazing that something as small as a seed has all
that genetic information in it that can grow into a large plant and provide us
with nutrient packed dense foods for us to be able to eat isn't nature amazing
there are loads of ways to save money by saving your own seed but there are some
seed that you shouldn't save take this sungold tomato for instance this is
what's known as an f-1 variety now f1 means that it's been inbred by two
different parents and they cross pollinate these parents the only issue
is even if you collected the seed from this planted them and grew them on you
wouldn't get this tomato at the end because the seed isn't viable it will
revert back to one of its parents now collecting seed like that can be hit
and miss because the parents may have only been selected for the size the
flavor or even because of the color of a certain fruit
but when you go to grow that you may grow that but then the taste of it may
be absolutely disgusting so f1 is a no stick to heritage or standard seeds that
are not been f1 hybrid we can collect seed from all sorts of things such as
these beans we need to leave them on the plant until they are dry and leathery they
usually turn brown like this but if the weather is cold and damp and the seed is
not dried you can uproot the entire plant and hang it upside down to dry
then collect the seed later simply split the pods and pull out the beans placing
them into a tray to dry pods are very easy to collect as you can see here
tomatoes cucumbers and other wet vegetables are little harder these are
known as wet seed instead with these vegetables you need to scrape them from
the fruit and place them into a glass of water after about a week you will see a
scum and mildew form on the surface of the glass simply scoop this off and
empty the contents into a strainer and wash the seed trying to remove most of
the pulp place this onto a piece of cardboard or paper on a plate that is
labeled with the seed and leave this to dry completely for a week you can then
store this for next year storing potatoes is easy too now a lot of folks
are under the impression that you can't store potatoes or been told that you
can't store potatoes because of disease now there is no reason why a gardener can't
store his own potato seed providing hasn't had any disease such as blight
and things like that this year's a fantastic year another thing is well
unless you're growing for competition or giant vegetables you need to collect
seed round about egg size guys that's a perfect size for your seed potatoes
simply place these into a trade with some paper in the bottom cover over with
a hessian sack and store them in a cool dark frost free place such
shed or garage and they will sit there until spring check them about once every
six weeks and any that are going soft or start to get any mold or anything like
that discard those so it's always a good idea
to grow more than you actually need now if you're growing for competition
there's a bit of a different way to do this you want to keep for me if I'm
growing Giants I want to keep the biggest potatoes I have because that's
where the genetics are okay so once we get that we want to wrap that potato in
some newspaper this will help keep out the moisture stop premature
sprouting and things like that and again we can store that in a tray cover it
over with a hessian piece of material and store exactly as we would for any
other potato again checking them every six weeks
onions guys are another fantastic crop to save seed form however it's a little
different for onions because we can't get them to go to seed in their
first year what we have to do with onions is store the onion so now we have
this onion we've cut the roots off the tops are going very brown as you can
see we look after this end you know until next spring and then we'll replant
this onion all this tops can be cut off and providing the onion is okay new
roots will grow and new leaves as if the onion is growing again and that will
then put out an onion scape and that will produce a seed head which we can
collect like any other seed that we've spoken about today this is the reason why
and any set if it isn't heat treated will actually go to seed because it's in
its second year they are a biannual plant guys okay so we're onions we
literally keep them now in a frost free place over winter and then we plant them
again in spring collecting the seed the following year
so we've collected all our seed what do we do with them how do we store
them well we now have all our seed guys and for things like peas and beans glass
jars are fantastic make sure they fully dry place all your beans into the jar
until it's full and make sure you label your jar so you know exactly what they
are you can eat these beans as well but obviously storing these like this means
that they are completely dry and they then they can be stored in a dark place
on a shelf somewhere nice and cool another way if the seeds are smaller
like lettuce envelopes are a fantastic way to store those and again those
envelopes can then be put into a tin a box or a sorter something like that in
order to save those seeds other ways are plastic bags I'd prefer the glass jar
method for most things however you decide to keep your seeds don't forget
that you want to keep them in a dark cool place it's no good putting them in a
kitchen where it's damp it's no good putting them in somewhere less got
direct light you want to be cool and dark and a refrigerator is even a great
idea because that prolongs the life as well guys well guys I really hope that
this video has given you some insight on how to save money by saving your own
seed question of the day how many of you have saved seed this year I'd be really
interested to know what you've saved and how you've saved it if you've got any
extra tips put them in the comments below so that everybody can learn from
your knowledge I'm Tony O'Neill this is UK Here We
Grow and remember folks you Reap What You Sow I'll see you in the next one
bye bye
Ron's Forecast for Friday, September 28 - Duration: 4:46.
Europe for Foodies: Experiences with Cameron Hewitt | Rick Steves Travel Talks - Duration: 7:15.
Finally, I want to talk a little bit about experiences.
We've talked a lot about the different foods
you can eat, but I want to talk about the
activities that you can do to bring a greater
appreciation for food into your travels in Europe.
One of the most popular ways to do that,
especially these days, are cooking classes.
Again, these are so popular, they're
popping up all over Europe and it's a
really fun way to learn about the
culture and also to take home a skill.
You can go home and actually make some of these dishes at home.
I want to tell you about a really beautiful cooking
class experience I had, the ultimate in what you
can accomplish in one of these classes with a
Michelin star chef in a small hill town in Tuscany.
His name was chef Roberto.
I was staying in an agriturismo when they
set up this experience where me and some
of my friends could shadow chef Roberto
in his kitchen, and it was an education.
He was very proud of the local cuisine.
He took out two eggs, he said, "This egg is
a farm-fresh egg from across the street.
This egg is one that I bought at a supermarket.
I'm going to crack them both and you tell
me which one is the farm-fresh egg."
Pretty obvious that the bright orange
one on the left is the farm-fresh egg.
Then he swept that egg into a container of
flour and he added a few ingredients, and
he kneaded, and kneaded, and kneaded and
created this perfect classic dough for pasta.
He invited us all to touch it so we knew how our dough should feel
under our fingers when it was ready if we were making this at home.
Then he took that dough and he rolled it out and put
it through his roller and created these little bundles
where he rolled it up and then he pulled out his knife
and he started slicing off noodles at different widths.
As he went, he described which noodle he was making.
This is pappardelle.
It's wide.
This is tagliatelle.
It's a little bit less wide.
This is angel hair pasta, and with one
very talented chef and a knife in about
10 minutes, he had an array of about 10
different kinds of pasta before him.
It was so inspiring to be in the presence
of somebody with that kind of talent.
Then, when we went home and we made our own pasta, we
actually had a little more insight into how that worked.
Of course, we got to taste it as well.
Another really popular trend these days in Europe is food tours.
There's cooking classes, but then there's food
tours, which are designed to take you around
the city and introduce you to some of the
really interesting producers in that place.
I did a really excellent food tour in Spain, in the city
of San Sebastian, which is known for its tapas scene.
I've been to a lot tapas bars over the
years, but finally with this food tour,
having a great guide, I understood in a more
nuanced way the tapas culture of Spain.
When we walked in the door at one place, she walked us
past all of the dishes lined up on the bar in front.
In the back, you saw another line up of tapas that were all raw.
She said, "If you want really fresh tapas,
you skip the stuff up front, and you
come in the back and you tell them which
they want, and they'll grill it up fresh.
That way, you know you're getting the freshest food."
From that array of things in the back, she
ordered a plate of pimientos de Padrón.
They're a little bit like shishito peppers in the United States.
She explained the custom behind this.
They deep fry them, flash fry them with a little bit of coarse salt.
If you didn't have her with you, you wouldn't know
that because of the different amounts of sunlight, the
different parts of the plant get, some of these peppers
are normal peppers and some are really hot peppers.
It's kind of a Russian roulette sort of fun game for people.
Everyone takes a pepper, and you wait to
bite to see which one you might have gotten.
These are these great kind of cultural
nuances that you can learn on your own.
Of course, we tried to put these in our
guidebooks, but having a local person walk
you by the hand and show you all of this
stuff, it can really be an education.
I took another great food tour in Poland, for example, where I
learned more about Poland than I ever thought that I would know.
I learned a lot about Polish history and
Polish culture, not just Polish cooking.
The really best food tours are a good worthwhile investment.
The last type of food experience that I want to talk
about is learning about where your food comes from.
This is really interesting.
If you're really into food, you can actually go visit farms.
You can actually go stay on a farm.
There's a whole culture for this.
In Italy, it's called agriturismo.
Okay, agriturismo.
It's a place where you're actually staying on
a working farm, and if it's done really well, they're
going to create some activities and some experiences
that will help you understand what they're doing.
My favorite agriturismo is a place in Tuscany called Cletagliolle.
This is Isabella and Carlo.
They run this place.
I stayed there once, for a week with my family.
It was a real education in all different aspects of Tuscan food.
First, we walked around their actual farmhouse, we met Luciano,
the father of the family and the farmer who owns this farm.
One time, I was hanging out with Luciano, and he was
watching tourists try to harvest olives from his trees.
He kind of nudged me and he said, "This
is the problem with agriturismo.
There's a lot of turismo, but not as much agri.".
We made sure to have all different kinds of culinary experience.
They set-up a tour for us at a Pecorino cheese factory.
Pecorino cheese comes from this part of Tuscany.
We got to learn how Pecorino cheese
is made, the history of that cheese,
and we got to sample several different types of Pecorino cheese.
Then, we went on a truffle hunt through the woods.
We followed this adorable dog named Milly and her owner as she
led us on this kind of wild goose chase through a wooden forest.
Finally, she got excited and she started
digging, and her owner pulled her aside.
He pulled out his little shovel and started digging very, very carefully.
Sure enough, he pulled out this delicious little
nugget of truffle, and he gave us all a whiff.
The grand finale of our week at this agriturismo was pasta-making night.
We all gathered in the common room, and Isabella, the owner
of the place, first she made this giant wad of pasta dough.
Then, she broke off little chunks, and she distributed to each of us.
Each family had an opportunity to try hand rolling
the local pasta, the local noodle called pici.
We didn't all succeed, but we all had
a really good meal at the end of it.
It is possible to have these kinds of experiences all over Europe.
If you're in Eastern Europe, you'll understand that there
is a culture for people making their own plum brandy.
You can go to a little farm in the middle
of nowhere, and someone will take
you into their barn and say, "Let me
show you the plums that I harvested.
Then, let me show you the still, where
I make my own homemade brandy."
One of my favorite countries is Slovenia, where
they have a very proud beekeeping culture.
It's a really important part of Slovenian culture.
Near Lake Bled, which is a famous destination
there, there's a guy who opens up his
beehive and lets people see and learn about
this traditional Slovenian technique
of beekeeping and learn all about how
that's part of their food culture, but it's
also a very, very important part of their
national culture and their folk culture.
Folks, I hope that this has provided you with some
inspiration and also some practical tips for how to
incorporate food into your travels, and maybe after
this, you, like me, will consider yourself a foodie.
I wish you very happy travels and very happy eating.
Thank you very much.
[music playing]
7 Tips for Effective Budgeting - Duration: 2:13.
so seven tips on effective and stress-free budgeting obviously I kept saying
understand your goals this is from different resources everybody is
saying understand your goals because that ties into your budgeting and
spending and how you're gonna spend your money Track spending for a week that
actually may give you an epiphany moment okay I do an exercise with AAMC
with the undergraduate students I have a two day workshop we
track there's that we send them a workbook and track their spending for
for a week they end up with so many a-ha moments so this you might have an
a-ha moment on your spending you keep track it for a week use the three
categories budget so if you wanna change something in your budget and you have a
financial goal that you want to achieve select three items that you can control
and maybe you can spend less on those to achieve your other goals okay so you can
you cannot target everything because not everything is up to you to spend you
have your fixed costs but maybe select three of them and see what you can
control charge it I mean it in a nice manner which is charge it to see your
spending okay so not charge it to charge it and go on that extravagant vacation
but charge it to see what where is your money going save first always save always
save always have emergency cash if you're all financial aid students now I know
that's not a correct statement some of you are not because some of you are PhDs
who are all already having income but whatever income you have always give
yourself first even if it means I'm gonna put away $25 every month and I'm
not gonna touch it kind of thing even if it is as little as that because over
time that will grow again Elizabeth Warren made that famous Senator Elizabeth Warren
try the 50 20 30 plan and use the right tools
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