Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 29 2018

I believe in myself I am a valuable person I am full of life and energy good

good things are coming to me right now

every day I grow more disciplined

I am full of enthusiasm everything I do is filled with confidence and charisma I

surround myself with people that bring out the best in me

I choose to be positive despite any circumstances loving and respecting

myself is easy I always push through and go the extra mile I deserve a wonderful

life I have unique skills to offer the world

my place is right here and right now

there is nothing that can stop me I am bound for great things adventures find

their way to me nothing can stop me from feeling fulfilled and happy it is my


I am worthy of all the best things life has to offer I am rare building my self

esteem is an important goal being confident comes naturally to me there is

nothing I cannot achieve once I've set my mind to it I am an unstoppable force

I have strength and courage my work gives me pleasure life is a great

opportunity I am wanted and needed I

belong right where I am

life is full of great surprises it is an exciting time to be alive

my future is bright my best is yet to come

I choose to become happy and relaxed I

am very important and busy I love the life I have been given with a positive

attitude I can decide how to respond to my life

life is at my mercy and I command it I

am in the process of forming better habits I choose to eat food that brings

life to my body I make good choices in life I am worth the effort

For more infomation >> Affirmations for Self Esteem #3 - self esteem and confidence - Duration: 7:57.


💔Sad💔💚 Status Video💔 For Whatsapp❤💔 Manga Jo Usne - Duration: 0:29.

Download LInk In Description

For more infomation >> 💔Sad💔💚 Status Video💔 For Whatsapp❤💔 Manga Jo Usne - Duration: 0:29.


Drones Becoming Increased Problem for Pilots - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Drones Becoming Increased Problem for Pilots - Duration: 2:21.


Volunteers make snack bags for Deputy Mark Stasyuk's memorial - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Volunteers make snack bags for Deputy Mark Stasyuk's memorial - Duration: 2:12.


Abraham Hicks 🙂 Give Yourself An Appetite For Some Satisfaction 🙂 No ads during video - Duration: 10:07.

Give yourself an appetite for some satisfaction and ask yourself especially

in next two or three days. Or when you find yourself in a moment that feels

extra good analyzed a little bit why do you feel so good right now? You know and

I want to say Abraham is that I obviously been doing your work for a

while well a couple things about it. Number one and the positive side is I've

been able to you know catch my thoughts and not go there

you know when it's downhill and be happy no matter what I mean there's a lot of

circumstance in my life and I be able to create a lot of satisfaction and joy and

through your work of deliberate intent shifting my focus and bringing my

vibration up and I'm more acutely aware of the thoughts and when I'm as I

mentioned when I'm starting to go negative and stopping it and turning it

away because as you say it's just thinking I'm not gonna solve it through

thinking yes sure of course there's problems that you do need to solve

through action of course but in general the picking at it and the you know the

mind going around and around that's it doesn't work. You have just

delivered the most important message not only of this seminar but of every

seminar. It came right through you in better words than we were offering here

before it. We want to emphasize it it is so perfect and wonderful what you just

said. What you just said it's so important and we want to stay right here

until every one of the room can feel it. What you just acknowledged is that of

course there's plenty action to be had and there's satisfaction and a lot of

action. But without the satisfaction factor you're really just spinning your

wheels. Until you accept that this is an energetic world until you accept that

this is a vibrational world, until you accept your partnership with your source

energy then you will live lives of mediocracy comparing yourself against

the others who are living lives of mediocracy. But when you acknowledge that

this is a world of energy, it's a universe of energy, it's a world of

vibration and that your emotions are your

indicator of how you fit with the vibration of your greater being. Your

dominant intention is to find that resonance and therefore that power and

therefore that clarity and therefore that satisfaction then that's when the

bigness of your life begins to happen. And it's the witnessing of the world's

compliance with your alignment. We've said this to you in lots of different

ways - we said you create your own reality you said yeah bla bla bla bla bla and we

said and you get what you think about whether you want it or not and you went

along with us on that and then we said - step one, step two, step three. Step one is

you ask life just causes you to do it and step two is we answer and that's our

job in step three is you've got to get in a receptive mode you've got to get

into the receiving mode you've got to practice the art of allowing you said

yes yes yes yes. But you weren't quite, quite, quite really getting because

you're still worth thinking like an action-oriented person who was still

comparing yourself to the other physical beings in the world. And most of what you

wanted to talk to us about was how to get more money and have better

relationships and those things that are important and we want all of them for

you. But it wasn't so much about the way you would feel when you got there as the

fact of wanting to get there for the comparative reasons. And so we began

bringing you along by helping you to realize that you have an inner being

that you were Source Energy before you came and that while you're here in this

body that Source Energy part of you still exists. And that Source Energy part

of you is still offering a vibration and Law of Attraction is still responding to

that vibration. So when your life causes you because you don't have enough money

to ask for more money. Your inner being stands asking for more money on your

behalf your inner being and you are one in the same. And when you've asked your

inner being becomes a very powerful attractor of more money.

A powerful attractor of more money for you cooperative components get all lined

up. But unless you find the satisfaction which is the evidence that you are

standing in the same place as your inner being then even though the co-operative

components are being gathered and drawn to your inner being unless you're

standing where your inner being stands the ideas don't occur to you, you don't

have good timing, you're not in the right place at the right time and you don't

manifest what you want in the physical way that you want it.

Even though you have vibrationally manifested it.You're with us? So then we

said you got to get in that vortex where your inner being is. You've got to get in

there where all the stuff you've got to be one of those cooperative components

and you said yeah yeah yeah how do I get in where's the door? And then you began

feeling dissatisfaction because it was so weird you couldn't figure out how to

get in? You understood it conceptually it sort of made sense to you it may be a

fairy tale that Abraham is telling and maybe if you could get there maybe more

money would flow. And then we began saying to you there is a vibrational

frequency which equals who you really are and all that you've gathered and

there you are rich beyond your ability to comprehend with your physical brain.

There you have gathered more means to accomplish more things in terms of

intellect, in terms of all things that matter to you and in terms of financial

remuneration. In other words you have attracted prosperity in ways that we

can't even get to find it. Your world has not yet yielded it to you, it will in

time. In time the economy of this world will be big enough to be an accurate

representation of what's in your vortex but it's going to take more of you

letting it in than are letting it in right now. So here is this huge amount of

well-being and prosperity and thriving and wellness that you in your

disconnected states have launched the rockets for. And your inner beings have

heard you and have believed in the rightness of your request and have loved

it into being and it stands as a vibrational reality which will one day

be a physical reality for those who will allow it in. So then we say to you - all

right, you got this vortex you're accepting that it's there this very high

vibration you've got to find some way of letting your vibration rise to that

equivalency otherwise you're not going to go in the vortex or a better way of

saying it is you're not going to receive what's in it. You're not going to let

what's in it come out where you can witness it. But when with such little

effort it takes so little to find some reason to be satisfied. When you find

satisfaction and therefore you're in vibrational equivalancy with your

inner being. So that there's no resistance, so there's

just a smooth flow then you are now allowing those vibrations to turn to

thoughts and those thoughts to turn to things and you get to witness it as the

worthy feeling, blessed being that you are. You get to see what you've created

come out in real form where others can see it and when they see it, their

recognition of it their acknowledgement of your success or your achievement will

mean nothing to you in comparison with the satisfaction that you've felt as it

came along. Are you following us? It's not about what they think but they'll be

thinking plenty. And it's not about how they compare to you but there'll be a

really strong comparison. It's about you giving birth to it and you holding

yourself apart from it and you knowing you helped yourself apart from it.

Because you know what dissatisfaction means. And then you deliberately at the

right time finding satisfaction and practicing satisfaction and

understanding satisfaction and knowing it and holding it and owning it and

being it mostly until you're so steadily in vibrational alignment with who you

are? That now, there is very few times and very not often very little time that you

spend vibrationally apart from your inner being. Because your quest for

satisfaction has made you in alignment with your inner being almost all the

time. Which means you don't miss opportunities to say things to others.

You don't miss opportunities to see the sunset happening upside down. You don't

miss opportunities to hear the bird sing that almost nobody else is hearing, you

don't miss the opportunities for the thought to come into your mind at just

the right moment, you don't miss those satisfying moments of your enlightenment

and your engagement in your harmonic cooperation with others on the planet,

you don't miss the beauty and the other source around in you. You don't miss

anything because you're tuned in tapped in turned on. You're the whole being that

you were born to be and it all happened because you just want to be satisfied

and found a way to be it consistently enough that now

you are in your power. And now when you see others in their power, you have a

great time with them when you see others not in their power, you know they still

could be. You find yourself not wanting to fix things for others because you

know in their dissatisfaction you're not gonna be able to be heard by them. Others

who are dissatisfied won't hear you unless you complain. And when you

complain you take yourself away from your power. So you can't be like them and

help them. You got to be different than they are to help them. You got to be

happy anyway to help them. You've got to feel satisfied to help them. You have to

thrive in the vibrational world and then the financial world will just wrap all

around you in all kinds of different ways. It's so delicious to feel your

power. Yes? Mm-hmm yeah, feels good. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.


For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks 🙂 Give Yourself An Appetite For Some Satisfaction 🙂 No ads during video - Duration: 10:07.


Beautiful Handmade Birthday Card || DIY Greeting card For Birth Day || Paper Girl - Duration: 2:35.

Beautiful Handmade Birthday Card

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