Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Oct 1 2018

Sen. Mazie Hirono Is Asked If Dems Leaked Ford's Letter Her Answer Speaks VOLUMES

and we're joined down by Senator mazie Hirono she joins us from Washington DC

this morning senator thank you and I want to begin winding with picking up on

what we just heard from Senator Graham right there he is saying that there's

going to be an investigation the Democrats and how you handle dr.

Christine Brasi Ford again they're not focusing on the credibility or the the

these credible reports and it's all about why you did with somebody wait so

long and all of that the crux of the matter is that these are serious

allegations and we have been calling for an FBI investigation for what seems like

months these are not normal times under normal times in a situation like this

there will be an if by FBI report we would have access to all of the

documents that we should get with regard to this nominee not just ten percent of

the documents under normal times we would be able to ask questions of the

relevant witnesses such as mark judge and you know under normal time so that

the Senators will be asking their own questions at and rather than hiring a

prosecutor as though this is some kind of a criminal case to go after the

person who came forward bravely to tell us the truth of her experience are you

confident that Democrats didn't leak that letter and how do you respond to

Senator Graham's charge that it was inappropriate for the Democrats to refer

dr. Blasi Ford to a lawyer see all of these things do not focus on what we

should be focusing which is the credibility of Judge Cavanaugh

that's what's before us right now and all kinds of other studies or

investigations that can occur but right now what we need to focus on is our

ability as senators to do our advice and consent job to determine whether judge

Kavanaugh is credible whether he was candid with us whether his demeanor by

the way in in accusing Democrats of some kind of a conspiracy to do him in

it was so bizarre and by the way even as all of these accusations about this

being politically motivated are being tossed around everyone acknowledges

including judge Cavanaugh that dr. Ford is not being politically motivated that

is very clear so that brings us to the crux of whether or not this FBI

investigation is going to be thorough I would think that that is what Senator

flake had in mind that it would be a thorough investigation that would enable

us to determine the character credibility and indeed we saw in Judge

Kevin Osby behavior questionable demeanor from what you've learned about

the FBI investigation will it be a credible investigation that's gonna be

the big outstanding question and I would think that Jeff Flake and the other

senators who are going for this investigation will call for there's time

you know the thing is that every Senate vote matters and there's there's time to

get to the bottom of it even if it's seven days that's bad enough but then to

limit the FBI as to the scope and who they're going to question that that

really I wanted to use the word force but that's not the kind of investigation

that all of us are expecting the FBI to conduct it does seem that they will not

be at least in current facts will not be in interviewing Julie sweat Nick do you

believe that Julie sweat next esta mone is credible she came forward the thing

is that as with dr. Ford who has absolutely no reason to come forward and

in fact that's why even a judge Kavanagh said that she is not being politically

motivated that they all came forward with credible reports they all said that

they would be willing to talk to the FBI the only person who didn't want to have

an FBI investigation frankly was judge Cavanaugh and he hid behind the fact

that he knew that neither the president nor the Republicans were going to call

for an FBI investigation as you saw in his testimony time and again he was

asked he could have of just you know gone

he could have helped us get over this whole issue of an FBI investigation he

wouldn't go there but finally finally we're going to get one and the question

is are we gonna get the kind of investigation that is thorough and fair

well it is it's happening right now we know it's gonna be going on this week

you heard senator Graham there say that you know what you saw judge Cavanaugh

you've raised questions about his temperament but he was simply a man

defending his honor and people have a right to be angry when they're defending

their honor well see when he kept saying that I didn't do it then why wouldn't he

call for an FBI investigation why wouldn't he do that and by the way in

2016 he actually wrote a law review article in which he said a judge first

of all must be nonpartisan he came out at that hearing which was

shocking to me that he would accuse Democrats of some kind of a vast

conspiracy to do him in and even dragged in Hillary Clinton I found that bizarre

but we hardly need somebody on the Supreme Court who be who has these

conspiracy theory notions I already have major concerns with judge Cavanaugh in

terms of his outcome driven approach to cases I know that he has a pattern of

being against reproductive rights he definitely has some really expensive

views of the protections that should be afforded a sitting president from any

kind of criminal or civil proceedings I'm sure this president took note of

that and it's one of the major reasons as far as I and others believe that his

name was put forward if judge Kavanagh becomes justice Cavanaugh do you think

he will have to recuse himself from cases involving congressional Democrats

or some of the liberal groups that he chastised well considering that he

totally showed himself to be the politically the political operative and

the partisan operative that he has been which as I said is one of the reasons

that his earlier confirmation was held up for three years that the veil is

revealed and he revealed himself as a partisan I would think that if I were a

Democrat going before him I'd ask him to recuse himself senator Hirono thanks for

your time this morning you thank you god bless you and God

bless america

For more infomation >> Sen. Mazie Hirono Is Asked If Dems Leaked Ford's Letter Her Answer Speaks VOLUMES(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 6:48.


What is a deposition (personal injury)? - Duration: 3:01.

- [Interviewer] What happens after the waiting period

you mentioned?

- So after we get through this written discovery stage,

we go to party depositions.

Party depositions is an opportunity

for the attorney on the other side

to speak to you and it's an opportunity

for our office to speak to the defendant.

Once a person has an attorney,

they cannot be contacted directly by the other side.

And so this is an opportunity for each side

to speak to the adverse side.

The defense attorney and our office,

what we want to accomplish by doing these depositions

is evaluate each person to determine

if they are a credible witness,

how they will present at trial,

we want to know how you would do

in the event that we have trial.

But also, it's an opportunity

to peg each side down to their responses.

So for the defendant, what I want to do

is get his version of what happened

and figure out why this happened.

Why are we here today?

Similarly, the defense attorney

wants to peg you down to your responses,

get a background of you the person,

get more information about your injuries,

find out if you have any similar or prior injuries,

any subsequent injuries that happened afterwards,

and they want to know how this accident happened,

see if you did anything wrong to cause this wreck

or if it's a slip and fall, figure out

if you did something wrong

like not watching where you were going

or if you had previously been in the area.

This is something for which we will exhaustively prep you.

Essentially, we do not want to just throw you

into the lion's den.

My office will practice this stuff with you.

Typically what I want to do is call you in,

or do this over the phone, we go over

the dos and don'ts of doing a deposition.

We go through the exhibits, the medical records,

any tangible information, we want to go through that.

We go through the lawsuit, we go through

your discovery responses, the written discovery responses

that we just completed, we go through

all of that stuff because what we answered there

is considered sworn testimony, just like a deposition.

Ultimately, if there's any inconsistent responses,

at trial, those can be used against you.

Similarly, if the defendant makes inconsistent statements,

I can use that against him, and it's essentially

to say you're a liar, you're a faker, et cetera.

So once we have prepped for the deposition,

we then come to either my office

or the defense counsel's office

and we will sit in a conference room

with a court report who writes down everything

that everybody says, and we do the deposition.

Typically we are going to prep several days in advance

and then the day before, if you do not want

to do the deposition because you're not ready,

I will call it off.

I want you to be so secure and ready

for this deposition that you are willing to go in

and knock it out, and if you're not ready,

we'll do it another day.

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