Oh what's up everybody all right so I know I haven't been consistently posting
videos and that's my bad I'm really really sorry about that I apologize
profusely so what that being said let's get the ground off running there's a
kick again hit okay well like my wife said okay okay yeah yeah you're right
like my wife said let's hit the ground off running
let's hit the ground running and let's get started before I get deep into it
let me explain what these video series are about three-minute thoughts are
gonna be me giving myself three minutes it's tough to talk about something
related to medicine or in general but today's top is it's gonna be something
nice today we're gonna be talking about how you know if medicine is right for
you and when I say medicine I mean the whole field of medicine in the broad
sense so not just being a physician I mean if you wanna be a dentist you wanna
be a pharmacist if you want to be a physical therapist if you want to go
into nursing any of those fuels that are related to medicine how do you know if
that it fits really right for you so I'm gonna put three minutes on the screen
and within the next three minutes I'm gonna try to get through this topic and
I know it's a dense topic so try to bear with me but let's put three minutes on
the screen and let's get started how do you know if medicine is right for you
well I think it comes down to the three guesses all right now what are the 3 s's
well number one the first S stands for the subject if you believe that you like
the subject of biology chemistry physics math okay etc etc pretty much anything
that's related to medicine I'm pretty sure you're going to enjoy
the reason why I'm saying that's because to become any professional you're gonna
have to go on and get additional schooling after your bachelor's so when
you go on to these additional schools you're gonna be taking classes that have
to do with science majority of the time and if you don't enjoy the science if
you don't enjoy you know the subject that you're learning it's gonna be
really tedious for you to just even get through those years so that you can
actually start practicing what you want that's hard right so if you don't like
bio and you're going to medical school if you don't like you know physics or
chemistry and you're going through dental school or anything like that it's
difficult it's stressful and you're not gonna enjoy what you're doing so the
first istance reception if you enjoy the subject medicine might be the right
career for you number two the second s stands for service okay now a lot of us
are used to doing community service we did high school and we had to get into
college and now we're in college and majority of you guys have an additional
career all you guys want to go to well you are you probably already know that
you're gonna have to do some type of service now if you actually enjoy the
service you're doing that's a great indicator that medicine might be a
career for you that you may enjoy because in every aspect of medicine
you're gonna be interacting with human beings and when you're interacting with
human beings what ends up happening is you're helping them out and you're
serving them and you're giving them help now if you don't enjoy helping people if
you don't enjoy serving people in that sense then you might not enjoy medicine
as a whole because that's pretty much what everyone does in this in this realm
so I think if you enjoy service and if you enjoy the subject you're you're
doing pretty good so far but the final s and I think this
probably is the most important s of all is sacrifice in this whole career and
all of this you're gonna have to sacrifice a lot you're gonna have to
sacrifice spending time with your significant other with your family with
your friends you're gonna have to give up things because at the end of the day
you have a career where you want to get to now to get to there you're gonna have
to study a lot you have to spend a lot of hours in the library or in your
bedroom just hauling ass and just going through the material so you do really
well in the schools and you can get the jobs you want to get and that requires a
lot of sacrifice and if you're okay with doing if you understand that there is a
light at the end of the tunnel if you understand that this sacrifice will pay
off and you're okay with a few years of that when the long run then I think
medicine will be a right career field now that being said my few minutes are
over and I want to hold myself to three minutes because I can go on and ramble
about this for pretty much hours and cut it down a post-reduction to like maybe
like Tiffany's you know so if you guys want to have another video if you want
me to go deeper into this talk a little bit about what I did and how I know
better Sims right for me let me know right I'll post that down I'll make
appeal for you guys I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did enjoy or if you
like the color of my shirt or if you like my sunglasses at the like button
subscribe if you haven't tell a friend and also last but not least go check out
my Instagram right I made an Instagram a little while back and I've been posting
on it regularly I try to keep up try to post something interesting that doesn't
just have to do with medicine kind of inside to my life and you know where I'm
eating mostly it's what I'm eating so if you guys enjoy you know food pictures go
follow me on Instagram as always thank you for watching I appreciate the love
and support have a great day and I'll see you guys soon
For more infomation >> How to Know if MEDICINE is Right For You? - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
Life is Strange 2 (Napisy PL) #2 - Epizod 1 (Po Polsku / Gameplay PL / Zagrajmy w) - Duration: 24:11.
Researchers Conclude: Being Messy Is A Sign Of High Intelligence - Duration: 2:04.
For many of us, it goes without saying that you should keep things neat and tidy.
But just as many people think that getting things organized and structured is easier
said than done.
But now all messy people can breathe easily – it turns out that being disorganized is
a sign of high intelligence, according to a new study.
In many people's homes, everything is neat and tidy, clothes lie properly folded in the
closet, carefully sorted by color.
More creative But in other people's homes, shirts hang
haphazardly on the back of chairs, and dust is gathering under the couch.
We are all different, and thank God for that.
But according to a new study, how structured and organized you are is linked to your intelligence.
The study showed that messy people have a higher IQ than people who keep things neat
and organized.
Psychological scientist Kathleen Vohs says, "Disorderly environments seem to inspire
breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights.
Orderly environments, in contrast, encourage convention and playing it safe."
Night owls are more intelligent The study also concluded that people who like
to stay up late also have a higher IQ and those who prefer going to bed earlier.
Not only that, but the same study also found that people who curse a lot are smarter than
those who do not.
You often hear the claim that people who swear have a "limited vocabulary".
But if you think about it, those who do not use any swear words are the ones who limit
their own vocabulary, because they intentionally use fewer words than others.
The result showed that people who could name the most swear words within a minute also
score higher on IQ tests.
The study concludes that a rich vocabulary of swear words is a sign of rhetorical strength.
So the next time someone complains about you being messy or swearing a lot, take comfort
in the thought that you are probably smarter than most others!
Press the share button to tell your messy friends about these great news!
What Is The Best BMW M5 Ever Made? My Top 6 M5's - Duration: 13:43.
Hey guys. Welcome back, it's Mark with Exotic Car Play Place. Today I'm
gonna share with you the top six BMW M5s. Where it all began but more
specifically we're gonna talk about my favorite m5s in the order that I like
these cars. My favorites. I'm gonna start with the top, my top favorite, and I'm
gonna work my way down the list, and please before you get to the end don't
chew my head off making a comparison to another gentleman, a small youtuber by
the name of Doug Demuro. Maybe you've heard of him, anyway he wrote this great
article a while back about comparing all the every generation of m5, and how he
feels about each one, and where it ranks for him in terms of favorite to least
favorite, and I'm gonna do the same comparison. So let's get started. Number
one my favorite should be a no surprise and it has no bearing on the fact that
because I own the car. I own the car because it's my favorite it's not the
other way around. It's not my favorite because I own the car. I own the e60 m5.
In my opinion it's the best m5 of all time. Now why is that the best m5? Well not
only did it come with a 507 break horsepower v10 engine, coupled to either
a 7-speed SMG single clutch automatic gearbox, or a 6-speed manual gearbox. No
it's not just that it was actually touted as being one of the very best cars at
the time by Jeremy Clarkson, who basically said it was the best thing
next to an F 430 Ferrari, and to be honest I totally see why. Ya on the
street it's a little bit of a lurchy beast, but you know what a lot of cars
are, and at the end of the day, it still has modern looks. Why it makes the top of
the list is because it is sort of where BMW started with the newer generation,
the iDrive system, had the newer upgraded bumper style, but it had supercar level
of performance that you couldn't find anywhere else in the day. It was faster
than its rivals from Lamborghini and Ferrari, so it just did everything well,
particularly on a race track as well. It came equipped as a touring version, so
you could get the e61 which was a touring version
as well, that same s85 engine was utilized in the m6. Now that brings me to
the best engine, that's why this car is the best, in my opinion is the only m5
rated as doing over 205 miles per hour. So it is extremely fast and it is
extremely fun to drive on a racetrack. On the street it's a handful, but on the
track is one of the very best, so it really bridges some of the most modern
technology with some of the sort of the older driving style. It doesn't have the
full electronics that you find in some of the later cars that you find today, so
Doug I know this one is also going to be a controversial for you as well, I know
the e39 was in fact a favorite of a lot of it purists out there, but for me the
e39 didn't rank as number two either. What is in fact number two for me is the
F10. The f10 came with all of a sudden that was the version that came after
the e60. Now the e60 was 2005 to 2010 whereas all of a sudden the f10 came
along and that was from 2011 late 2011 up until 2016 and that was the F10. Well
they have ten now, they changed the drivetrain quite dramatically,
instead of the old f1 derived v10 engine, and actually now BMW changed it, and
utilized more other tried-and-true 4.4 liter twin-turbo v8 engine. Now this car
produced 560 horsepower versus the 507 found in the e60, which made it
substantially faster, it launched harder, it accelerated quicker, but the interior
was updated nicely, the M Drive system was cleaner, the overall interior styling
was nicer, and in my opinion the f10 was the sharpest looking m5 of all
generations to date. As well it really did use two optional gearboxes, one of
course being the dual clutch transmission, which in my opinion is why
it edges out the f9, and the f9 he will talk about in a
moment. The f10 is truly one of my favorites because it uses the harder
shifting, more aggressive racing transmission, that DCT, but you could also
get it with a six-speed manual gearbox. That in fact is why the f10 is so so
luscious to me. You can also tune it because it's turbocharged, it doesn't
take much you put an exhaust on there, you tune the ECU and you have a car that
does ridiculous speeds, really one of the fastest uber sedans on the market, still
today. So my third choice again sorry guys for those that love the e39 that is
not my third choice either. What is my third choice, is of course the f90, which
I've had recent experience with and I have to tell you the f90 takes what the
f10 did, and just makes it more powerful, more technology, you have just your
control, you have some great electronics, the latest in the greatest. You've got
LED headlights the adaptive LED headlights supreme amounts of power.
right very very quick
What is also special about the f90 of course which is the current model is
that it also includes an all-wheel-drive system that you can deactivate if you
want to run that car in rear drive, tire smoking capability, you can disable that
all-wheel drive system, but in fact this car comes with now 600 brake horsepower.
You can turn a two-wheel drive, you can turn it to four-wheel drive for bad road
conditions. It is really truly a super sedan that can hit the Autobahn at
ridiculous speeds but as well you can use it in really less favorable
conditions. Now you ask well if it's so great why is it not better than the f10?
Well my personal reason for why I would pick an f10 over an F90 is the simple
fact that the gearbox now it is a ZF 8-speed automatic transmission that
comes equipped in the F90 but unfortunately there is no optional DCT,
there is no optional manual gearbox, it is strictly a slick shifting automatic
transmission, and for me that takes away a little bit of that flavor. Now I have
to tell you the interior is much sharper, it's a lot nicer than even the f10.
Far better than the e60, but like I said aside from all the electronics and the
technology, the f90 just can't quite edge out the f10 for me. The f10 still is my
favorite modern day car of course the f90 comes with the more or less similarly
equipped 4.4 liter v8 twin turbocharged motor but they've dialed up the boost a
little bit to provide a little bit more power. In fact the standard F90 car now
is equivalent to the F10s competition package car, so they were very, very close
animal again. The big difference is here some of the technology and of course the
gearbox. Now my next favorite is I know this is Doug's top favorite, but this
would be my next favorite, this would be number 4, and that is the e39 m5, which
was produced in 2002-2003. Now this one here features a manual
gearbox coupled to the 4.9 liter v8 normally aspirated a high-revving v8
engine that was loved and adorned by many ,many enthusiasts out there. I truly
have experienced the e39 myself and I love it for everything that it does and
it does it very, very well. It in fact is is really the last of BMWs really kind
of more core bare-bones stripped out basic interior you know not a lot of
nanny, not a lot to assist you with the driving
experience, it also had a great exhaust. Note it had that classic headlights the
classic BMW look which was a beautiful thing. I love it, sincerely the only thing
for me e39 falls a little bit below these other ones is again you know after
driving 500, 560, 600 horsepower cars, yes it's fun, but it's starting to lack a wee
bit in the horsepower game. There as well as some of the electronics if you look
at the dash display, a lot of people like that
Spartan look. For me I find it slightly dated as well as the bumper styling, some
of the exterior styling as well as a little bit on the dated side for me.
Better value would actually come from a 540 with a manual gearbox, half the price
3/4 of the performance, and to be honest that is almost as fun of a car to drive.
So that's why the e39 is my fourth favorite. So my fifth actually
comes the 1980s version of the m5, which is the e28.
Why is the e28 so great for me? Well it is actually the original car with 255
horsepower straight-6 engine. It was quick in its day for sure, it sort of
initiated the whole concept of the m5, the uber, the autobahn beast it really is.
Where this whole game started for BMW by today's standards, sure 255 horsepower is
a little on the weak side, but don't forget in the 1980s what else
did you have around that time. The Porsche 930 which was the epitome of
performance and strong acceleration that car only
marginally more power, it was also in us-spec only had a slight bit more power
it was only two hundred and some-odd horsepower in the 930.
So this car was right on the 930s heels. Now of course it was special because
this engine came straight out of the m1 which was the BMW super car that was
utilized in the racing series, but unfortunately was counted because of the
specifications couldn't meet the criteria, and as such
BMW decided to utilize that engine, they knew they had a great drivetrain, so they
shared that, they dropped it into the e28. So for me with a manual gearbox it all
began with the e28 and for me, that's why that car is special, and why it's not
at the bottom of my list of top M5s. And so my sixth choice of course last
but certainly not least and please don't be offended anybody, the e34 is a great
car, e34 is the 1992 about 1995 model years. Now this car here produced
over 310 horsepower. It in fact was a blistering car in its day, again it was
very, very fast. Again worth comparing it to the Porsche 930, which wasn't really
the same type of car but in fact in terms of numbers and performance it was
very much similar. Now there are some odd styling bits like the wheels and the
interior, of course, is looking very dated by today's standards, but again it marks
that series and that generation of the m5 that carried through is such an
important trademark car and the BMW lineup. This car was very important and
really in fact today finding a nice a e34 is very difficult to do, and the prices
are going up, up, up, like you would expect for any old-school m5. The values are
going up for clean ones, and it's one of these cars that you want to get your
hands on, if you want to collect such a beast, but generally speaking, interior
touches, styling body, styling again in its day was very classic BMW with the
great headlights, the overall styling was consistent with the rest of the models,
and again it was a very attractive car in its day, and
still looks very classy. So that's why that car is still a favorite of mine.
Now of course it made the bottom of the list, you have to rank them, but all m5s
are important in the scheme in the BMW world, and I love them all. I've
experienced every one of these cars and they all bring something great to the
table. Now I get everybody I hope you enjoyed the video, hope Doug's not mad
about this video, but again you know what, hey he's got a great opinion on that, his
opinion maybe not so right when it comes to the e39 being at the top of the heap.
I know a lot of you guys believe that that car is in fact the top. Sorry guys
it's not it's like everything BMW. Generally the newer the model the better
they get. There are some exceptions, of course, to that again I mentioned the f10
versus the f90. So make sure you guys give me a thumbs up, like, don't forget to
share with your friends, and subscribe to the channel. I'd love to see you come
back on the next one, and please hey guys let me know what is your favorite car.
Give me your ranking, why don't you give me your top six. one two three four five
six. I want to hear it in the comment section below
love to hear it. Oh and by the way in case you haven't gotten your exotic car
play-place swag, you make sure you look down in the description section below.
There's a link to my Shopify store, get your shirt, get your hat, get your hoodie.
Make sure you get your paraphernalia for exotic car play place. Hope to see you
soon guys. Love to see on the next one. See you then, bye bye.
What is sepsis? - Duration: 1:20.
Sepsis is the body's extreme response to
an infection. When we have an infection
we want our bodies to fight it off, but
in the case of sepsis that response has
gotten out of control.
Actually, when people have an infection and if they
were to die of an infection, it's really
because they've died of sepsis.
One of the things that makes sepsis
distinguished from routine infections is
that when a person becomes septic their
internal organs start to malfunction.
This can happen for a lot of reasons:
their blood pressure can get really low,
the kidneys can start to not work very well
Those things don't happen when you
have a usual infection.
So one of the most important
things that you can do to
try to prevent developing sepsis for
yourself and also for your family is to
keep in contact with your primary care physician.
So this is especially
important also if you have any chronic
medical conditions like diabetes,
heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease,
it's important that you follow up with your
doctor regularly so you can make sure
that those conditions are being managed
in the best possible way.
This Game Is So Clever! - The Gardens Between (Playstation 4) [First Impressions] - Duration: 18:15.
Is entering the TV man look at that. This is really cool
What's up guys and welcome to my presentations video of the gardens between so the gardens between is one of the most requested
Games on ki Mahler. So when I got the free key from the developers of this game, I was like
I don't know much about the game seems like a story-driven game with a little bit of puzzle elements
So we're gonna jump right in. So without further ado. Let's do this. My friends jumping right in man
I'm excited about this one since the game. I got a lot of praise for the storytelling and the art style, too
So I'm super excited to try this game
Even the the loading screen and the presentation is a plus man
Arts is beautiful. By the way. I really dig this really think that the art direction that's for sure
It's like floating in mid-air
Floating in space or something like that. This is crazy so far. So as you can see it's a little bit weird like
everything is floating, but
Our Sun is really cool. Once again, I really dig this
So we can review one time to a little bit
It seems like a unique game. This is why I wanted to show to showcase the game on the on the channel
So what's going on there?
So I need to go back it is not it what I'm already confused my boys
So we whine all the way back, okay, so I was going in there in the wrong direction their
Little ball of light right there
Which leads to I don't know how to call that
So we're going forward now the ball is falling
Still not sure what's going on - so we are advancing, okay
Lounge room this is really weird so far
We are still advancing the story X, ok, so this is to collect
the lamb
The the light source of some sort
And this is it right
Is that the goal of each puzzle or
We got it
I'm proud of this one
Irina's room
Little bit confused not gonna lie. Ah, is that the old game this is what I'm wondering right now
It's like little puzzle
So, okay, so we cannot go back more than that. So we're gonna go forward
Grabbing this will make a sound the light sources right there the Albany
Connected the orb
Now we're gonna advanced a little bit characters there to probably put the lamb there right, is that right? Yep
Makes a little light bridge right there and there's a little light source there
So what is going on? This is really strange man
Basically cannot die - as far as I know
Okay, so we can make this sound once again there its
Scrubbing the light source back, dude
The light is right there yeah. Yeah collected. Okay, let's go let's go on the other side man
Music is really quiet so far
Not much of a tune it's like more of a background music
The intro screen was pretty cool too. So
This is pretty much the goal of the game
I collect all the life force by going forward and rewinding the time and I put the
Light source under the pedestal right there. So this is pretty much it, right
We're passing it good - we are buzzing good. That's for sure
Like a little constellation there
Playing with the plane. Oh
We can move time once again
What is going on, man?
What is going on? So this that was the first stage. So this is pretty much the like that
The level selection screen right there
So we are now at level 3, which we'll do right now
Let's do it man. Okay, so first thing first
Let's rewind we're gonna to rewind too much there. So let's go forward something moved there. What is going on there, too?
Is that a little purple thing? Not sure what it is. Let's go man
So the do can interact with staff as far as I know and the girl is like collecting more stuff
what is
stuff like that
Or the young can also collect stuff. Okay, so is mistaken on this one. What?
Okay, so this one will collect the light bulb right there
Okay, just like I've rewinding after that we collect the light source we'll go back you forward
We'll take it back and put it there to create a bridge
I'm not a puzzle master, but I'm kinda proud of this one, man
This is not my type of game usually not gonna lie, but this one is like
Super fluid the way that you move rewinding and forwarding. It's a pretty cool concept. I dig this so far
So the next light source is there
So let's go forward like is climbing down
Going back is that it you got it, right? Okay, so we want the other things
Okay collected by
the light
The light has nothing collected. Okay. So let's do this. No you're missing something what's missing?
I might be dumb. Actually. I might be dumb if you skip this one the light will remain in the
Milk in there we can collect it back
Who doesn't like the light source and after that you can probably go to the top and finish a level, right daddy
It is it that was pretty simple I was bad man. Oh it's a bad shot by me
So little tree down
It's a little one let's do another one for sure I'm taking the little puzzle aspects
That's for sure Oh going right in. Alright, so let's try to rewind at the beginning
Okay, there's nothing there's nothing there's never something when the rewinding right away. Okay, so we collected the
first light source
Right there
Why are you jumping dude?
Okay. So this one is it even my light source, so we need to stop him from?
Eating the light source so maybe doing something like that
Okay, let's think about it let's think about it
So it's eating that
And I can collect it back after that and create the bridge
That's what you want
Like the Hat okay, we're doing things my friends we are doing a teens
Okay, let's pull it there, let's see exactly what it's doing jumping at the top jumping there
Jumping there
I can interact with that probably can probably move the thing around it to you. I
Feel like we can move the thing at the top but not sure how to so this one's going there after that. It's going
Okay, we have the light by pure locked you
so let's
Drop it there so we can avoid like the void there the little thing that eat
The light source natural to call that the void. That's right
We missed it again. Okay, so we have to collect it back. I
Got this man. I freaking got this do
We collect it
Taking a rest man, I'm gonna lose it there that's for sure so put it back there and
Collect it back right there. And this is it. This is it for the the fourth level?
All right. So we're getting the hang of it. We're getting the hang of the concept -
pretty cool stuff really unique a puzzle game -
I'm not surprised that there's a lot of key requests on key Baylor this game. I have a lot of
Other cool art style and also a really unique game that so I'm pretty happy about this one
What's going on they're
Basically completed the second world
With a little cool memory
So we are going to world
3/5 level right there. All right. So let's do two more two more for the episode. I think that's fair. All right
So my guess is that it will be a little bit more complex the more you play the game we are stuck right away -
Okay, so now we can interact with objects
And can freeze it in time like that, okay
Create the bridge so that was like a little tutorial team, which is really well done
So what's going on there
Make it fall. Yes
This is really cool, this is really cool. I love this man. This is really well done
cool concept for sure
So this one close the void there, where's the light source stone? Oh, it's right there, okay
So collect it
Okay, bring the Bale
Collect the light source we ring the bell
Go there
Clear the path
Got a trophy
Beautiful trophy man. We set the dominoes silver want you
I'm excited about trophy man
Just run at the top. Let's be careful too. We don't want to do that all over again. That's for sure. Oh
This is the end of the level. That one was really cool
introducing new mechanics to the game
Really dig this one
Cool man, all right last level of the episode of the first impressions video
There's a lot of like controller VHS all remote control
Is pushing buttons man, don't do that
All right, so the only thing you can do right now is that so we can plug the TV this is really cool man
This is my favorite part of the the the beginning of the game. That's for sure
Not sure if there's more mechanics to the game to
Consider the numbers changing there
I'm not sure what's going on, man. I don't get it. I'm sorry. Just see there
Yeah, I just stay there. All right, you have to think you just have to think that's really cool. Well done once again
So we have the light source can create the bridge right away
And we also cannot go back so once you create a bridge dislike that sort of as a checkpoint
Basically, you cannot go back
Okay, so let's put it there, let's see what's it? Oh yeah this morning will be
It's entering the TV man and look at that, this is really cool. Oh
It's like a little more classic more u11 right there cool cool little flashback, man
What is going on this is bit, I think this is a light source
Collected is that it?
Okay, I'm missing something there but this is really cool
The light source is right there like let's freeze it right there collect it
Just put it back, man
Pull it back into the fittest. All right there collect it back and that's pretty much it
This is a really cool concept man
If all the levels are like that, I'm gonna have a blast with this one
Then this game would be pretty cool to play on live streams - with the chat and everything
This is nice man. I take this so far
Alright so I could play this game really longer than that
But uh first impressions video are usually like 30 minutes 45 minutes and it's been a while already
So we're gonna start the gameplay right here so far
I'm pleasantly surprised honestly, I'm not a huge puzzle game fan, but this game is really unique
I really dig the art style and the puzzles are always clever and really different from levels - levels
And I can really see why this game is so popular on ki mailer. That's for sure
So I'm gonna play more of this. That's for sure
There's a platinum - to the game for those interested in trophies and the platinum seems really easy to get to so
Go get it. So once again, thanks a lot to the developers of this game the voxel agents for the freaky really
appreciate it guys
So don't forget to hit the like button and let me know
Your thoughts in the comments section below and I'll see you in the next video. I'm from aside and I'm out
Emaciated Stray Dog Sees Lady Lying On The Ground. His Response Is Winning Hearts - Duration: 2:28.
Some stray dogs and dogs with abusive owners experience difficulties in engaging with people
because of the way they had been treated before.
Luckily, there are people who wo not quit trying to regain these dogs' trust.
An abandoned dog, named Bear, living in the mountains of Evan's Creek was about to meet
an angel.
I wonder if he had any idea.
He had been impossible to catch but a woman named Amanda was determined to save his life.
She set out with her friend Dylan.
They worked over an hour, trying to lure Bear with treats but he would not come.
Their attempt only scared him away more.
They decided to come back the next day.
But again, Bear was not interested in food.
He was way too scared to come near humans.
Amanda knew this would not be easy; she had to get creative.
That is when it dawned on her!
She would "play dead" and see if Bear would get curious enough to make his way over
to her "lifeless" body.
Would Bear be concerned enough to check out Amanda?
Would she finally get close enough to rescue him?
What happened next is winning hearts all over the internet!
Bear was initially spotted by a driver who passed a campsite where Bear was hanging about.
He immediately got spooked and ran away.
Amanda heard about the dog and knew she had to do something.
That's when her plan began to unfold.
First food then acting.
If Amanda pretended she needed help, maybe Bear would be her "hero."
She laid very still for a while.
Bear made his way over but then got bored and walked away.
But Amanda knew better.
She stayed in that position and waited for him to return.
And that he did!
Bear came over and sniffed Amanda.
Then, he sat by her.
As if to say, "I'm here."
Over the next two hours, Amanda earned the dog's trust.
Bear could obviously see she would not hurt him.
He then followed her to her car, got in, and they drove to the vet.
Thanks to imagination and tenacity, Bear finally got the help he needed.
An animal welfare organization called Lost & Found Pets in Washington tried to locate
his family but had no luck.
Thankfully, a new family wanted to adopt Bear and he now has a loving home.
Pretty incredible, huh?
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RHOD: Is LeeAnne Locken Puppeteering Kameron Westcott? (Season 3, Episode 7) | Bravo - Duration: 1:56.
Dusty Bo - All We Do Is Drink (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:46.
Layin' out in the summer sun just'a throwin' back
Some ice cold beers and a bottle or two
and that green ol' grass
I don't care about politics or World News now
If you want in bring a bottle of Jim and just chill on out
'Cuz there's no pointin' any fingers
No tellin' us what to do
No Hollywood drama, even if it's about you
So, c'mon everybody, for everyone I'll speak
Every week let's have a day or two
Where all we do is drink
Yea, all we do is drink
California and Kentucky too, got them pretty girls
Tequila for some with a vodka and rum
but bourbon for sure
We don't need nothin' fancy now
so just bring your 'shine
The mood is right and the ladies are nice
like a fine aged wine
Cuz there's no pointin' any fingers
No tellin' us what to do
No Hollywood drama, even if it's about you
So, c'mon everybody, for everyone I'll speak
Every week let's have a day or two
Where all we do is drink
Yea, all we do is drink
There ain't no right or no wrong
As long as we keep drinkin' along
Don't matter your color, don't matter your age
The best way to keep a smile on your face
And there's no pointin' any fingers
No tellin' us what to do
No Hollywood drama, even if it's about you
So, c'mon everybody, for everyone I'll speak
Every week let's have a day or two
Where all we, (yea)
'Cuz there's no pointin' any fingers
No tellin' just what we'll do
If we run out of beer, we'll just switch to the hooch
So, c'mon everybody, for everyone I'll speak
Every week let's have a day or few
Where all we do is drink
Yea, all we do is drink
Oh, all we do is drink
Yea, all we do is drink
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