Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 27 2018

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Some may call a scavenger a some may call us thieves. What have you looking for intelligence just look up


Was good

Boy, is that fully lying down there? I've never seen her where she wasn't running. What's wrong?

Hmm. It seems Fuli is too young to know her limits

Yeah, me she no no cheetahs can only run for so long before they need a rest precisely

I think include she's pushed herself too hard and currently has no energy at all

Which means she can't fight

Attacking fully in a turret weakened state

Actually, I think this is the wrong time that we dispense with formal parliamentary procedures and simply a tank

Is this really the tree where you first found the loot?

I'm a little be sure is now all I have to do is climb up and get him Zuka Zama

Careful Bunga that tree looks pretty dead. I know that's why grubs love living in it

I'm coming for you

Oh steady the end of that breaks 50 hold the trunk sure thing

Mingo and his vultures they're circling. That's never good. You need to check it out

You okay little bee yeah, I guess

Sorry Bunga, but we gotta go see what missing when his vultures are up - yeah, I know Oh No

Keep an eye out for Foley. We'll need her if there's trouble if I know Fuli she's already there

Vultures you don't want any part of me

Oh, but I believe we do I want like young Chi sir

You have very little energy right now. You couldn't attack us if you tried. Oh, I'm question

You really think she can't fight back

Just try me if you have any strength you tooth pounced by now all in favor of attacking from all sides

All opposed

Motion past the eyes habit

For more infomation >> The Lion Guard - The Search For Utamu Part 5 - Sophia Barber - Duration: 3:49.


THE LION GUARD The Trouble with Galagos #2 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sophia Kirk - Duration: 3:49.

And we will right after we help the giraffe then we'll come back here for you. Okay Thank You kion



Don't believe it it really is a giraffe stuck in a tree like my dad says live long enough and you'll see everything. Oh

Hi Shingo what happened? I was just trying to get to the last of the acacia leaves. They're so good

I wouldn't do that if I were you

No, man, don't worry Shingo. We're on it Bunga. You'll need to climb up there and help pull Shingo free with pleasure

Let's get that tongue free. Whoa your tongues kind of a

Galley Allie go I'm free, huh. Thanks guys

Another acacia tree. I told you to wait out. Kikuna, Matata Falls

What happened? Everything was fine at first but then we heard this sound. Was it the leopard?

No, it sounded like this

Yep, that'd be my uncle Pumbaa and then there was this horrible smell

Definitely Pumbaa. Well Pumbaa won't hurt you besties, right Lainey you and the Gallagher's should go back to the falls

He's safer there. Oh, we have to stay with you


Okay galagos we'll be right over there your tree

Stay here. Be careful kion but leopard is fierce really fierce. Don't worry. So am I?

Surround the trees when he wakes up we want to be ready

I didn't mean to growl put your baboons


Yes, they were chasing me in my dream hundreds of them. Oh

I've had that dream. It's bad. Hang on. Are you the big scary leopard?


I'm Bedelia the big friendly leopard if they're so friendly, why'd you scare away the galagos?

Galagos water galagos. They're the animals who live here. You took their home?

They're a little scared of you, oh, they shouldn't be I didn't mean to take their home

I just didn't have any place else to go. What about your home? You're a leopard don't you have your own territory? Oh

Sure, it's in marici forest. That's way out in the back lands. That's right, but I

Really like it here in the pride lands. The trees are more comfy

Really? Oh


For more infomation >> THE LION GUARD The Trouble with Galagos #2 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sophia Kirk - Duration: 3:49.


Timon & Pumbaa Never Everglades#2 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Rees - Duration: 3:49.

He's not even a warthog he's a chicken and an ugly chicken attack

Daddy ugly shake it off me. Take it off me Oh, would you look at that Pumbaa Junior's hungry?

Mommy's gonna teach me how to catch my own shoppers

I can be bigger stronger big like you that's right Pumbaa Junior and it's very simple

all you gotta do is wet just now under a log like so roll it over and

Breakfast is served now. You'll try

Finally some peace and quiet

I'll tell you why 11:30 tomorrow. What's not language? You don't want to set a bad example?

Mommy how come join us for dinner? How come?

You're upsetting Pumbaa junit Simone, come on join us for dinner. I fixed your favorite




We have to wait a way to wake go after him, how come huh? Oh

Yes, you should serve others first you're setting a bad example

Mommy how come uncle Timon dogs a gray? How come he just starts eating without saying thanks Timon

What are you going to say grace? You don't want to set a bad example?

Of course

Yeah, but up dubs. Thanks for the crumbs. Yeah, boy

I didn't put a fork on the table for no reason you're setting a bad example

And make sure enjoy your food 43 times and don't get a good dessert first

That you

Yes, is there a problem? I'm just glad Pumbaa junior wasn't around to hear that

Whoa, whoa. Whoa, excuse me, miss manners. Are you saying you haven't bounced in front of Pumbaa Junior?

Of course not but you're a crown prince of bouncing you majored in gasps not anymore

Things are different now that we have a chair by the way, where is he? We're playing hide-and-go-seek

Without the go seek, that's not very nice

Family picture family picture. Let's just get it over with mommy. I'll come uncle to Florida's June so far away from me

How come he doesn't want to get close to me part of the family scoot in closer Timon. You said the bed example?

That's it little closer oh very good little closer oh we're getting a little close up a little closer

Perfect, okay, here we go on the count of three one two

For more infomation >> Timon & Pumbaa Never Everglades#2 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Rees - Duration: 3:49.


Astros rally around girl scolded for cheering at game - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Astros rally around girl scolded for cheering at game - Duration: 2:09.


Sofia The First - Make Way For Miss Nettle Season 1 Eposide 16 Part 5 - Rosie Burton - Duration: 3:49.

♥ Thanks so much for watching!

It's all that those are the gears to make the pogrom the smell book must be hidden in there somewhere come on

So, is it the spell book it sure is oh

You've done all the hard work for me by finding that book

No, you get to do the easy part hand it over. No miss nettle. I won't give it to you

Yeah, we needed to free the fairies well

I'll make you a deal if you give me the book, I will free the fairies

I don't know

Well, I put them in that bubble so I can easily get them out of it

And all you have to do in return is give me that one little book

Oh, it's a great deal if I do say so myself and so much better than being put in a bubble

I don't want to be put in a bubble. You should listen to your friend

Before I change my mind, so do we have a deal?

All right

The only question is what spell do I do first conjure dragon make myself strong as a giant, nope, I know I'll make an enormous

Golden carriage because the greatest fairy in the world. These are the greatest carriage in. Whoa. Okay, wait first over the fairies, right?

Oh, no, I can't do that. If I let them out now they just come after me but we had a deal. Oh, all right

and out of their bubble after I've learned every spell in their book and become the most

Powerful fairy in the world. Oh

I just can't wait to get started. Oh

She tricked us. Yeah, and I don't think she's ever gonna let the fairies out. We really blew it

She hasn't left yet. She's in the greenhouse doing a spell so so there's still time to get the spell book back

We have to try

Okay, now what remember what the Laughing lilies did to James we can do the same thing to miss nettle

I don't know. You'll have to grow a lot of them to stalk her and big ones too

Well, it's a good thing. The best enchanted gardener in the school is right here who you me you want me to do it?

We'll do it together. Uh-huh. No way. She's too scary

The fairies say that we should always be royal and what's more royal than being brave, but I'm not brave. Yes

You are Desmond

You said you were afraid of heights and you still climbed all the way up that rose stock that's being brave

When you're scared of something and you do it anyway

Okay, I'll do it James. Can you distract miss nettle while we grow the lilies? You got it. I

Think I know just the trick perfect everyone ready. Yep. Nope, but let's do it

From this one pumpkin still and quiet booming to

Now sir, I'll get the flower but you get the plate

For more infomation >> Sofia The First - Make Way For Miss Nettle Season 1 Eposide 16 Part 5 - Rosie Burton - Duration: 3:49.


Chilly morning commute for most parts _ 092718 - Duration: 2:28.

Good morning.

It's a chilly morning commute after the long Chuseok holiday.

Daily highs will rise as high as yesterday though... but dress warmly on your way out.

Morning lows in most parts are kicking off in the low teens.

Meanwhile, due to the colder air that swept the Korean Peninsula Super Typhoon Trami is

now heading more towards Japan.

The storm is expected to make landfall on the Japanese island of Okinawa on Saturday

then it could move north-east toward the Japanese mainland on Sunday.

Checking on today's temperatures, ...those in Chuncheon are waking up to a low of 10

degrees Celsius, but it will feel more like single digits... while other than Busan and

Jeju...again the rest of us are having quite a chilly morning.

Mostly sunny skies will boost the highs rapidly to the low twenties... hovering below 25 degrees


Responding to the chilly temperatures and fewer daylight hours, leaves are changing

to beautiful autumn colors, meanwhile,... dress accordingly to avoid catching a cold.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.

For more infomation >> Chilly morning commute for most parts _ 092718 - Duration: 2:28.


Hotel Transylvania A Scare to Remember#8 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Tom Carey - Duration: 2:31.


No, not even close

Wendy that's Joey's fictional. Duh. This here is real life

Who's even hurt a cantaloupe true? I think maybe it's time we turn the tables on that bird. Come on guys

Diane really is sneaking over to the human house

But why and why would she take the 95 bus the number 2 is way more direct

We were right on her tail for this weight is losing people one of the sides of the dog sees

Humans we got a war. It's too late. She's a goner

Breakfast, what's go no. No, you can't you

You guys know what this is well it looks like Diana's been leading a double life as a real chicken

Yep, and it's our ticket out of aunt Lydia's doghouse



Disappointed adequate work mixes

So that was awful. Yeah

Telling him to Han didn't feel as good as I'd hoped. Oh, no, I can feel myself getting drippy on chipiya duties

Come on, pull yourself together with cyan on duty duty. We're free to cross that bridge and catch the last episode of hotel, Pennsylvania

The puddling has begun uh-oh here. It comes we're in for the cluckin of a lifetime

What was that aah, is it

For more infomation >> Hotel Transylvania A Scare to Remember#8 Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Tom Carey - Duration: 2:31.


Absolutely Stunning 255ft2 - NEW Tiny Home or Office for sale in Huntsville, Texas - Duration: 2:12.

Absolutely Stunning 255ft2 - NEW Tiny Home or Office for sale in Huntsville, Texas

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning 255ft2 - NEW Tiny Home or Office for sale in Huntsville, Texas - Duration: 2:12.


Maine Marathon ambassadors helping fellow runners prepare for race - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Maine Marathon ambassadors helping fellow runners prepare for race - Duration: 2:20.


How to Cut Glass Bottle for the Bottle Garden | Glass Bottle Cutting Ideas//GREEN ALL IN ONE - Duration: 8:49.

welcome to all

in this video i'm showing

how to cut the glass bottle

before start your work you should be consider the safety so use safety glass , cut resistance glove and face mask

now drawing the cut line on the bottle


applying the clear masking tape around the bottle ,this will help to get a clear and smooth cut


cutting the bottle using power tool and diamond cutter

watering used for continuous spot cooling


make smooth edges by using the water sand paper

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Cut Glass Bottle for the Bottle Garden | Glass Bottle Cutting Ideas//GREEN ALL IN ONE - Duration: 8:49.



For more infomation >> FORTNITE FOR OUR WEDNESDAY STREAM! - Duration: 1:31:00.


Wild Animals Finger Family Song For Kids,Nursery Rhymes,Children,Toddlers,Gorilla,lion,Arcus N Media - Duration: 3:23.

wild animals finger family song for kids

For more infomation >> Wild Animals Finger Family Song For Kids,Nursery Rhymes,Children,Toddlers,Gorilla,lion,Arcus N Media - Duration: 3:23.


Verify: What are the rules for driving in the HOV lane? - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Verify: What are the rules for driving in the HOV lane? - Duration: 2:33.


20 ft Tiny House For Sale Seacoast of NH | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> 20 ft Tiny House For Sale Seacoast of NH | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 6:24.


Cases dismissed after evidence tech arrested for eating meth - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Cases dismissed after evidence tech arrested for eating meth - Duration: 2:21.


Video: Hope for a Home: Meet Benjamin, Mimi and Carla - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Video: Hope for a Home: Meet Benjamin, Mimi and Carla - Duration: 2:39.


10 Dress for women party 2018 formal dresses - Gown Dress Picture - Duration: 1:07.

10 Dress for women party 2018 formal dresses

For more infomation >> 10 Dress for women party 2018 formal dresses - Gown Dress Picture - Duration: 1:07.


Cop Pulls Man Over for Best Anti-Obama Sticker He's Ever Seen – It's Priceless! - Duration: 2:28.

We have all been there.

You are driving down the street when suddenly the flashing lights of a patrol car glare

in your rear view mirror.

Your heart beats faster and you swallow hard.

But one pick-up truck driver, who was pulled over not did not get a ticket, the police

officer asked a favor: if he could take a picture of his anti-Obama window sticker!

"According to Liberty First News, the picture was taken when a pickup truck driver was pulled

over by a cop he thought wanted to give him a ticket," reports

"Turns out, the officer just wanted a photo of the anti-Obama sticker on the guy's cab


The full window sticker sported a sticker of Barack Obama's face and read, "Does

this a** make my truck look big," a play on the question about women's apparel every

man has nightmares about.

There have been stories of police officers pulling motorists over to give them reward

citations for being good drivers, and good-hearted police officers using their power to educate

motorists on good driving habits instead of issuing traffic violation citations unnecessarily.

Truly, the power to make a motorists day rest partially with the police officer involved.

But being pulled over because of a political statement displayed in your window only to

find out the police officer who pulled you over is a fan of your stance?

Well, that's a bonus!

Political free speech – whether in the form of a bumper sticker, window sticker, or literal

speech – is guaranteed to each of us in the Constitution.

We could, if we so choose, display caustic and mean-spirited messages on our automobiles.

In fact, many Liberals and Progressives do.

How many cars with Gore or Kerry presidential campaign stickers on them also sport "Bush

Lied, People Died" or "Bush: Worst President Ever" or "Bush: War Criminal" bumper


But it takes a modicum of presence to couch a political statement in humor.

We, as a nation, have gotten too "thin-skinned" where almost every subject is concerned.

We are "offended" every five minutes and expecting everyone to kow-tow to our grievances,

their free speech rights be damned.

Perhaps it is time for the nation to trashcan the politically correct "I am offended"

routine and, instead, put on our "big boy and girl pants" and realize we actually

do have to share space with those who think differently than we do.

To that end, maybe we need to reconstitute our collective senses of humor.

Hey, it might be good for a laugh.

For more infomation >> Cop Pulls Man Over for Best Anti-Obama Sticker He's Ever Seen – It's Priceless! - Duration: 2:28.


Wild animals finger family song for kids, Nursery Rhymes,Children,Toddlers,Lion,Gorilla,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 2:34.

wild animals finger family song for kids

For more infomation >> Wild animals finger family song for kids, Nursery Rhymes,Children,Toddlers,Lion,Gorilla,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 2:34.


simple arabic mehandi , bridal mehndi designs for hands , full , back , henna front hand , easy cone - Duration: 1:16.


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