♥ Thanks so much for watching!
Some may call a scavenger a some may call us thieves. What have you looking for intelligence just look up
Was good
Boy, is that fully lying down there? I've never seen her where she wasn't running. What's wrong?
Hmm. It seems Fuli is too young to know her limits
Yeah, me she no no cheetahs can only run for so long before they need a rest precisely
I think include she's pushed herself too hard and currently has no energy at all
Which means she can't fight
Attacking fully in a turret weakened state
Actually, I think this is the wrong time that we dispense with formal parliamentary procedures and simply a tank
Is this really the tree where you first found the loot?
I'm a little be sure is now all I have to do is climb up and get him Zuka Zama
Careful Bunga that tree looks pretty dead. I know that's why grubs love living in it
I'm coming for you
Oh steady the end of that breaks 50 hold the trunk sure thing
Mingo and his vultures they're circling. That's never good. You need to check it out
You okay little bee yeah, I guess
Sorry Bunga, but we gotta go see what missing when his vultures are up - yeah, I know Oh No
Keep an eye out for Foley. We'll need her if there's trouble if I know Fuli she's already there
Vultures you don't want any part of me
Oh, but I believe we do I want like young Chi sir
You have very little energy right now. You couldn't attack us if you tried. Oh, I'm question
You really think she can't fight back
Just try me if you have any strength you tooth pounced by now all in favor of attacking from all sides
All opposed
Motion past the eyes habit
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