hi guys Manuel here from empowerment team dot org and today we're going to be
comparing Amazon versus Clickbank affiliate program and we're going to see
I'm going to look at both of them you know and I'm going to tell you the
benefits of both of them you know we're gonna we're gonna look at each and say
you like why I like this one and why and why I like this one also you know I'm
gonna say as an affiliate so you're going to be selling other people's
products which one is easier and which one you need a little bit more marketing
experience to make work alright so we're gonna be shooting up the computer to do
that in a second but just before we do if you are new to this channel I just
firstly want to say hello welcome to the channel thank you for being here if
you're not already subscribe or just take the time to subscribe click on the
button below and a build-a-bear icon next to it just tick on that as well so
that you will be informed every time I put a new video out and I'm regularly
doing I'm really trying to put video out to help you guys help empower you help
make you better marketers and help you to make money online you know to use
this platform to actually start making money okay and like so today what we're
actually going to be doing is looking at Amazon and Clickbank and these are two
ways you can use to make money online and you can do that as a newbie marketer
as well so hopefully you're excited about that so now we're going to shoot
over to the computer and we can get started on the material so let's go hey
guys here we are then over the computer and these are the two platforms we're
going to be comparing this is Amazon and this is the Amazon affiliate program
it's called Amazon Associates so that you can see here you can join it's
completely free to join and you can make up to 10% on selling so we're going to
go over this one in a second and in the second one I'm going to go over is
Clickbank so this again is another affiliate platform there's loads of
products on here that you can promote and make Commission's on that so I'll go
over that one as well and I'll show you some examples of some of the products
you can promote so let's go to Amazon then first of all let's get start with
Amazon good thing about Amazon it's very easy to start it's free to join you just
click on there you fill out your form and then your
Amazon code and then you can sell anything on Amazon and make a commission
so anything you're selling on Amazon you can do so that's why it's great for
newbies who don't have the greatest amount of experience because just say
for example you bought something off Amazon and you've more than lighting you
pull something recently off Amazon it's a massive massive massive site loads of
people use it let's just say you've bought a new dress or you bought a new
belt now what you could do very very easily is when the thing arrives you
start filming yourself on your phone filming what it looks like film it
describing how it feels and then very easily then just put it on your Facebook
or something or put it on youtube if you you've got a YouTube channel and say
this is my experience of using this product if you want to if you want to
buy it yourself I bought it for $25 if you want to buy it yourself here's the
link you know or if you've read a really good book you could do the same I've
done this I've done that exact same thing myself I read a really good book
I've been you know put it on my facebook I've said look I read this book it was
excellent and it cost me $25 or $30 whyever here's my link if you want if
you want to go and buy it yourself click on this link and there you go there
you'll be making sells because they give you a affiliate link for any one of
these products that you want to sell so it could be anything you know TVs I mean
the bigger thing the bigger that you sell the bigger your Commission is going
to be the Commission's aren't massive up to 10% so if you're selling like maybe a
$500 product you're making something like $50 on it okay but it's easy it's
easy to and it's one good thing about Amazon is it's got Authority it's a
well-known site so people feel trusted sometimes they might see a product on
another person's site but then they come to Amazon to buy it because they trust
Amazon Amazon you know it's got a massive name it has Authority one of the
great things about Amazon as well though is that all that selling is done for you
even if you send someone so you do say like we were saying earlier you send
someone to Amazon to buy a book and then they get on Amazon then that person is
then tagged to you that person then looks around Amazon and decides instead
of a book they want to buy a TV you still make a commission
no you know so it's tagged to you and another great thing is they've got
cookies on Amazon I forgot what the actual name of the cookies are but they
follow you around the internet so say you go and look at this book or a Kindle
or whatever then you go to another site a banner for the advertisement for that
same book is on that is on that site and then you go to Facebook and banner for
that book is on Facebook you go somewhere else so it follows you around
so it keeps in your mind and then eventually you think you know I'm gonna
buy this book and then you make that Commission so Amazon does all the
selling for you and so all you got to do is get the person onto Amazon and Amazon
takes over and does all the selling for you and you make commission even if they
buy other products as well great thing is is over 80% of you of people in the
US they use Amazon so a lot of people are using it already so it's very very
easy for you to then say well you're gonna buy this thing already right with
my link it's not they have to pay any more money so that's a great thing as
well and 70 million people use it worldwide so it's very trusted site
people are using every single day you know of 70 million people you just need
to get in front of a very few people in order to be making regular regular daily
Commission's yeah and the great thing as well is it's free to join so those are
some of the good things about Amazon I think you don't have to be one of the
great things I mean you don't have to be the best marketer in the world like I
said you can just talk about your your own experience of buying stuff yeah or
if you see a product owner that you want to promote you can go and get a review
somewhere and and it's very very is practical products that people use all
the time you know it's it's it's not um digital its physical products that
people are going to be buying watches you know wardrobes fridges think people
are buying these things already so it's very it's not a hard sell if somebody's
gonna be buying something already for you to get your link in front of them
and then to sell it all right so let's move on then let's move on to Clickbank
now so that's kind of that that's my views on on Amazon moving onto Clickbank
Clickbank is one of the very very massive affiliate
tool as well where you can sell products the difference with Clickbank is every
product on there is digital so there's no sort of sending now even though it Amazon Vs ClickBank Affiliate Program
Amazon you wouldn't be sending anything out is what we call drop shipping so
once the person has bought that link whoever selling it does all this water
posting and packaging and all of that you don't have to worry about that or
this there's none of that it's digital products there's more educational type
products if you join here one good thing as well it's free to join so there's no
free to join it you can go here it says affiliate marketplace and it sells
basically any product that you're looking you're looking for I think with
with Clickbank I would say you would have to be a slightly better marketer
but I'll talk more about that in a while so let's just say you decide you wanna
sell something with computers and internet so you click on that category
here and there's all these products here that you can sell and this is the
commission you would make the average percent you'd make on yourself $20 on
this one but look at these commissions this one is 51% you know Amazon the
affiliate program the most you could earn is 10% you can end fifty seventy
five percent some of these products you can earn up to 100 percent so it pays
bigger commissions some of them some of the Commission's are recurring so every
month the person will be getting billed and you will be making the Commission
monthly so that's really good you know you just go you got to make get the sell
once and you can continue to get a monthly income coming in some of these
some of them offer free trials which is great free trials or $1.00 trials you
know that's very very good because it's just an easy barrier to entry
somebody's prepared to try a free trial $1 trial rather than buy this product
straight out which is them $20 or you had twenty and twenty dollars fourteen
cents so you know it's just easier to get and as soon as somebody is a buyer
there and they like it they'll continue to buy more and more and more one good
thing as well as like I said it's digital so it's all done very quickly
it's all sent out very quickly the person buys and they get the product
straight away there's no shipping there's no you know it's going to be
sent to you you very unit get immediately great thing
here which one thing the Clickbank has that Amazon doesn't have to have help
for affiliates affiliate tools so if you click on this
I'll take you to the page this is the affiliate program so they take you
through it you get 51% for this product that I just said there's your links you
would get but look at all this that you can get you can get these images you can
actually get some YouTube videos they've done some video ads for you look at
these images you can use all these on your site or on Facebook they're really
professional-looking images that have all been done for you and that you can
use to promote this product you know even down here you can you can get to
contact them and ask questions if you're struggling to get cells you can get help
now that you don't really get with Amazon which is great with Clickbank you
can get that sort of help now like I said I think with Clickbank you have to
be slightly better marketer it's not just a case of like oh I bought this
Bell it works really you know I read this book I really like to go and get it
because that's like a personal recommendation you can talk about it
with these products you don't have to buy them I mean I always advise people
to buy the product first look at it properly do the research so then you can
when you do a review or you talk about you're talking about it from a place of
knowledge rather than just saying look it's really great go and get it do you
know mean it's it's just it's just an easier sell when you're talking from a
place of knowledge you know but some of them are high price products you might
not want to buy them and you don't have to buy them to sell them but if you're
if you're not buying them then you you have to have like slightly better SEO
skills you've got to be able to rank for these keywords that with this one it be
SEO software finding longtail keywords yeah so you got to be able to rank for
the keyword and know a little bit about ranking and getting your your site or
your video or your blog site on page one so I think slightly more you need a
little bit better marketing skills to beat to promote Clickbank products but
you know only a little bit than me and the thing the thing about it is you can
still do reviews it's not hard but it's just you want them to rank because it
once they'll rank on you tuber once they rank on Google
people will find you people will click over and people will buy it or buy or
buy right so that's the comparisons of the two let's go over everything I just
said Devin so we just let me just get over to this I've done a nice little
thing here so here's the comparison between the tube toon Amazon and
clickbank amazon very very easy to start you know very you get you go to the
amazon associates and you get started straightaway
it's got authority so a lot of people are more than happy to buy off their you
know this most of the selling is done for you and they cookie it they cook it
for you as well so that the koalas people around the web and if you send
people to amazon and they buy anything else you still get the commission like I
said there's over 70% of US users so it's really you know so sorry a lot of
people use it and they trust it 70 million users worldwide it's regularly
used yeah and it's free to join free to join and you get your Commission's
Commission's aren't the biggest yeah up to 10% Commission's it varies work
varies between I think the 6 to 10% depending on what you're selling what
category you're selling in click baton however has bigger Commission's 50 75 %
some 100% commissions you know it also has recurring Commission so it's not
just make the one sale with some of the products you make the sale and every
month you get a commission they offer trials which Amazon doesn't so you get
free trials of $1.00 trial sometimes they help the affiliates with affiliate
tools I showed you the tools you know some of the nice banners that you can
use on your website or you can use on Facebook you know all over them if you
have a blog or Weebly you can use it on things like that so you don't have to
buy the products even though I do recommend that you do buy them but you
don't have to buy them to sell them you don't because you get a link they give
you the link and as long as you send people to the products by that link you
will make yourself your commission and as well would Clickbank is free to join
so after 2 then I would say if you're completely new completely newbie
friendly go for Amazon first because it's a physic
product that you've used you can talk about it you can say I've experienced
this here's my Amazon link and because Amazon is so trusted people you know
once they've clicked on that link there on Amazon now so it's different you know
they're not they're not now dealing with you they're now dealing with Amazon and
it's a massive name Clickbank yeah you would you need to go after the
keywords of whatever you're selling to say product you're selling a weight-loss
product on Clickbank and its weight loss product X for example you know you need
to know how to rank for that keyword weight weight loss product X you know
weight LOX product X review so you need a little bit more marketing skills do
you know you need to know tiny bit more about marketing but you know once you've
got those skills once you've done a bit of work and then you can market either
you can I actually do like a nice little hybrid system which I've done sometimes
so I might rank for something let's just say weight loss product X and I'll do a
review on it or a video or I do a write-up on it then whilst I'm doing
your write-up I might also talk about you know the weight loss the big weight
loss book that I read and I'll link to Amazon I also read this books which
helped me lose 10 pounds of extra gain ten pounds whatever and I read this book
on Amazon here's the link so I would do like a hybrid thing but that's when your
marketing skills is higher but if you're a complete newbie I would say go for
Amazon first then as you get more experience then you can go for your
Clickbank products as well but anyway guys listen I hope you got some value
from this you know if you did then please take the time to like it and also
share it with anyone else who you believe will get some value from it as
well if you're not already a subscriber don't forget you know hit the subscribe
button and you know any comments at all anything you have to any comments you
have on any of this I'm liable or we'd love to hear them just leave it in the
comments box below and I'll answer them myself alright guys thanks for listening
then until next time take care speak soon all of us Amazon Vs ClickBank Affiliate Program
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