Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 27 2018

My tires take a while to heat up... letting the FRS by.

FRS lifts to let me by, a very sportsman-like gesture.

"Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even." - Muhammad Ali

For more infomation >> RX-8 vs FRS Battle for the Win... and Track Record! - Duration: 10:48.


Puppy Dog Pals Putting It Together Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Aaron Barnes - Duration: 10:01.

Putting it together

Hey there puppy dog players

Who's ready for a unicycle day I know I am you know, why

I remember the last time Bob tried to ride that unicycle

Hey guys, look what I just got uh unicycle cool

What was I thinking

But now he does want to see it again

Maybe I can find my unicycle after I get home from work. Then I can ride it around and say look I'm riding a unicycle

Just gonna be our mission to find out where it is

Where we gonna go to start ramen remember when we barely bother you recycle we should check with kg

he sees everything out the window of the pet store where

It was the same day I got this new exes, well you guys should run there real fast I thik

Why's it got away accept that flower reminds me it's just a metal stick can we take it home and play fetch the later

We found isn't the right something we came here to dig up I

Remember a while back when you guys were here

You said you were on your way to the beach to bury something, but I never saw what it was

To finish

If you remember what we buried to something why didn't you tell us where we buried it well cuz you never asked

We're supposed to be dogs for any bugs you recycle


I don't know if this helps but that day you were here when you laugh

You said you were going to see another friend that does

Because I just remember while we were going do you remember where we buried a booth?

Hey this junkyard dog remembers everything. I got a mind like a steel trap

Because the mountain wasn't there until they put those plastic bottles there this morning. They're taking away to recycle them tomorrow afternoon

Bob wants to any you can recycle today

There's only one thing left to do

Not a unicycle yeah, just some round thingamajig

Although most would be well for just being a thingamajig

Whose you can't play with I guess so cuz it doesn't look like we're gonna find Bob's unicycle

I thought you were supposed to be digging up a unicycle. We thought so sooo

But all we found was a hat and a metal stick then thingamajig. Did you find Bob's unicycle?

No, all we dug up was this we really wanted to final Bob wanted but we didn't do it

Hey there, puppy I'll happen looking forward to seeing you two all day. Look at that. You found my unicycle

We did. Let's see this. Yeah, cuz I just remembered something else about the day when we buried it

So absolutely for sure never see them again, that's a great idea. I know I'm getting rid of almost all of it

But can we keep these blocks? Yeah, don't be perfect for when we blow

We should tell box to look out look out for what

The great shirt rescue I

Love much of the dreck news we seem to have lost your favorite shirt

But my big speech is tomorrow morning that means I won't have it in time sorry Bob

soon up pops cooler Oh

Tight I'll say my favorite shirt

Bob sure, Zappa 10 about that lost shirt. He needs it by tomorrow morning

Hi Jackie want a mission for Bob recipe is lost sure a rescue mission, huh?

I'm pretty good at finding lost things. I could come help you. Look that's a great idea

Okay, I have a plan the shirts are all in the back but the dry cleaner man's blocking the way now

Where did I put my glasses?


Now's our chance

That's how many

We need to split up here's my planet I'll take over here Jackie will go over there and

Okay, Bob's shirt. Where are you?

Nope. Got it. Ah, that's not it. Nope


See but we'll never catch the shirt when it's moving so fast, we've got to stop these clothes but I need your oh

No, you found it and we're going to take it to Bob now, we just have to get out of activated

Bow-wow first the shirt rollercoaster

I think we'll get a picture. We can't I was born ready

There's plenty you can go out using the air Vic which means we're going up

Guys I don't have a shirt let's go

Plans so this shirt is really gone after all that

I'll bring it to him on my way home and I'll bring some of these for those cute wrinkly pups

This sure won't work either

Great tears. Yes, I did

The hit was amazing Bob, I found it on the counter it was sitting there

Well, my mom should be here any minute

I'm glad she offered to pet see you guys while I'm at a conference today, and don't forget when I come back

We're all going to a concert of my mom's favorite musician

And Kitty

Who would stir wrestle? Mm-hmm would you do?

When grandma save some of that energy for the concert tonight, we don't want anyone falling asleep because they're too tired Oh

tired never

Spur all those naps, you take grandma's the greatest ever now. You wait right here pups

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Putting It Together Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Aaron Barnes - Duration: 10:01.


Doc McStuffins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 228 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 10:01.

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Members TT boo boo. Oh, I wish mama could be a ballerina to like she wears a sec

I adjust the thing

Of course

Right here but will er no move they are so cute together

I'll be back for her after class. It sure is wonderful to see everyone great to see you, too

Moo moo. I can show you the traditional

Dragon dance. Can you shoot on your back and dancing? Always hinge doc. Did you see that? I was dancing. Yep

I'm wearing a dude who just like lambie's

Since you're in a tutu - we should have a ballet class. I've always dreamed of being a bull vine ballerina

That's cool. You know it scientist cog dragons. I just want someone to call me super graceful

I dream a satin toe shoes always pink and I dream it's me so gracefully commanding the spot and

pirouette every day


perfect and effortless

I will be happy to show you some ballet moves you Bella. I love your enthusiasm -

Dragons you're great dancing. It'll be more like a slush. We can all be damned. Let's go

This is my sweet a Savannah suction first thing we need for class is ballet bar. No problem

Everyone, please find place on your bar. So that class can begin. This is so exciting first

We must warm up now. Everyone place one leg up on the bar. Oh, no, I think something's wrong with my legs

That's right, isn't it?

My tail gave me a leg

You must be patient MooMoo you're just learning oh


Are you okay? Yeah, but I wish I were follow me everyone and one

Awesome blade shit awesome day. Why can't I dance like they can Lemmy has been Vince

Does your leg hurt ya


Stat, what's that? That means right away

Hallie could you scoop up that stuffing on the floor jiffy so you can get back to dancing

If only you could fix my dancing, it sure doesn't

See when you tripped your leg ripped well, can you fix me doc sure

It'll be easy to get Yuri stuffed

I think I can just move these threads and thanks doc

But I don't think I want to dance anymore. Does it hurt where I fixed your rib? No

Hey, what's going on?

What's bothering you?

I'm sad because I'll never be as good a dancer as you it takes time to learn that was right

I'm not good at volume. The important thing is I'm having fun, but I'm such a jerk

I don't know if you've noticed MooMoo but dancing. Actually I've been dancing a long time

But what I love the most is will you dance with us with such great friends?

Move out of my way everybody. Thanks doc and you were right. It's fun just to dance with my friends

Doc we had so much fun at ballet once either then muumuus your perfect dance partner

Awesome guys awesome are

You this will make a perfect castle for a wiki king like me

Hey you guys go more blocks. Thanks, buddy

I gotta get you some more blocks

Dreamhouse mine, are you kiddin?

Feelin no, I must Oh, whatever yo say

This house is looking great. I was thinking more like a few nice flowers pulled a cute little

Homie, I command you to turn over your tree the house to me if I can't have it. No one can


Dream house

You stopped a charging truck with just one arm gymnast. Oh I know

Toy McStuffins backyard, yes


Understand you on display wall to see me flex second my mighty voice to thunderous roar

I'm better than okay. In fact, I'm

Awesome to knock down the wall and break into lady's house

Never you mind

Yes, I don't have what it takes to be a superhero anymore she's the best toy doctor there is

Doc McStuffins, I would like to request a checkup

Awesome guy. Oh dear deep this time. I

Think first let me check your heartbeat. Oh, I could hear it from here

It really hurt when I tried to stop the wicked Kings ball

What about this? It doesn't hurt when you touch it. So now I'd like to test your strength

My awesome arm started getting tired

I have a diagnosis awesome guys

It can get all tired out like one time Emmy and I were doing ballet. It was so much fun doing twirls with Emmy, but

What did you do?

We stopped if we didn't stop I would have hurt my feet and I took a rest so I could have more fun

Later of us. There's nothing I can do now

Wait your arm rest until it feels better. But what is it?

then awesome guy will have to I will follow doctor's orders and

Rest as you say there's no

Trouble you can all help rescue him

Need a pillow I could give you a card and I could rap

Friends my thanks

So awesome guy get some cool shade. I got your blocks right here

Without even using your arm, your arm should have time to heal by tomorrow morning

It's morning

Normally I'd make you eight for office hours, but I can see does miss her. It feels awesome. Duck Oh

Does it hurt I?

Feel so much better didn't feel so good till you fix me. Like I knew that you would

Don't sell it with my bouncy bowl of badness is it okay to use my awesome arm it sure is

Thanks homework time

Mm-hmm. Yep, and I still miss the winners scene. I had to make for art class a

Snowman you want to borrow Chile that's weirder than a penguin in Palm Springs

We can't be seen so keep calm and okay, fine. Silver's my middle name as you must know and

Remember be cool. You got it doc

I better check anyway nose. Okay, they're pink

For more infomation >> Doc McStuffins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 228 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 10:01.


Sofia The First Funny Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 327 Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:01.

Great-aunt venture

This one that

Sophia are you ready? Get out of my way. I want to be first in line. You can be first after me

I've never been at the carnival. I've been no fair a circus a festival but never a carnival Oh Rollie

I wish she could have been at the wedding. I can't wait to meet her. Isn't it exciting Sofia?

Dad we have to leave for the carnival now, I think you can stay and say hello to your aunt

Sorry about all that dust. It was a long trip

Roland my dear

Tilly she was a funny-looking baby. So I'm a little shocked. I hope I'm not showing it on my foot. I'm amber

Oh, of course. You are dear would have known you

Anyway, great

Carnival can wait a little bit longer

Tilly makes the best apple pie in the kingdom. I'll need apples of course cinnamon nutmeg and what else hmm. Oh, yes

subtly, well

I hope all of you do you'll just have to decide what's more important

Telly would you like to join us in the parlor after you're done baking I would but I'm afraid baking will take us. Oh

I'm happy to help you whiz-bang

We'll be going then. See you after the carnival

Let's get out of here

Hmm Sofia dear not really dressed for this. Are you really? I'm sure I have something

Won and here we are. Oh

We're too late the Arabella orchard has moved again the orchard moved

That's a blank piece of paper oh but things aren't always as they seem

Sofia asked nicely and the map will show you the way now then we'll have to go through melodious meadow

Across gargantuan Gorge and there it is the orchard of the Arabella Apple

What's that plate of a breeze? I never knew this was here. It's beautiful

Its melodious the world's full of wonders waiting to be seen. Oh

Quite sure through the meadow it said but it didn't say exactly how to get through the meadow


It's like a big maze if only we could see over the flowers have we know how to find our way out?

Look there's a bridge

Doesn't seem too sturdy does it sure don't make rickety rope bridges? Okay, they used to

The only way to find out is to

But if you let me take a look I think I can help

How can I we're so high up our first time hitching a ride on a giant visit you've done this before

Who hasn't no choice?

There they are the Arabella apples



Go on now be a good WOM based shoo you chew

It's not shooing

You better get to you why the same thing you've been doing all day long

You figured out a way to get through the flower maze bravely faced a giant and convinced him to help us across that porch Wow

Looks like the wombeast cave is up


It's really steep. It sure is not even your jumping shoes can help us get up there

They sure could and we just need to pin the tail on the kite and there we go

Now all we need is a breath of a breeze

That's the wombeast cave right there. Whoo, I'll never get there

I'll miss your wombeast. Where are you?

It is kind of funny hey wait a minute you speak wombeast

I can speak to any animal because of my amulet. Well, you're wrong about me being funny

It's just not nice to take things from people higgledy-piggledy

You're right, but I'm really hungry and those apples of salt

Don't tell me you've never had a family dinner. I don't have a

Family, you don't know. Yeah, it's just me up here. Don't maybe they're

Sophia I knew you could do it Oh

Aunt Tilly the play looks great. Thanks for helping me bake it Sophia. You're welcome. May I present?

You've outdone yourself this time Tilly

Hmm and they had this big corn maze I thought we'd never get out. Sorry you missed it

Was it fun helping aunt Tilly? It was funner than fun. It was whiz-bang

All that baking must've made me hungry. Oh

Dear, where are my manners? Excuse me a toast to my dear sister and her outstanding apple

The buttercups

Friendship not here help me pull it tight big. I'm Meg. She's

Sorry about that

You sure are so let's give Megan peg a warm Buttercup. Welcome

So who wants to present Megan peg with their Buttercup pests? Oh

I can't believe we're at the castle

It was very nice of the Queen to have a zone when you're a buttercups you explore the great outdoors

And learn new things this one for bird calling and this one for unicorn spotting

I wanna and tomorrow you'll all get a chance to earn plenty of badges

I only need one more badge to fill up my vest and get my sunflower pin. Only one. Don't worry

You'll learn a bunch tomorrow on time to go girls

Baileywick at the next meeting of the Knights. Let's make it a round table

I don't know that the forest is a proper place for a princess Oh, she'll be fine

What if something happens to you Ruby's mother will be there?

I was a groundhog Scout as a boy exploring the great outdoors gave me skills. I used to this very day me

Dad, why would your groundhog experience your majesty dad? I don't need baileywick

I'll be fine on my own you'll barely notice. I'm their princess Sofia. It'll be a wonderful hike I promise groundhogs word

Looks like a perfect day for a hike

- what - too?

Dear, no worries. I have a sewing kit in my backpack. Mom. Don't worry. Everything will be just fine

princess Sofia of enchancia


And who do we have the cups? It's fine by me. I was once a groundhog Scout

So I'm quite at home in the wild. Let's put the great in the great outdoors

Hold up buttercups time for water break final it's okay baileywick. I can sit on the ground with everyone else


Okay, buttercups. Here's your first chance to earn a badge the birdhouse bad

Already then go to it buttercups you okay? Oh, yeah, it's just a scratch a scratch

Building birdhouse. This was my specialty when I was a groundhog

Biggest birdhouse, I'm gonna make the best birdhouse

So, how are we doing buttercups all done no, but I only helped a little Sofia found the tree bark

I didn't even get a chance to try just like you that's

Great. We're going to you too Sofia. I will hey there groundhog

Remember the buttercups motto we can't do it all for them. Now. They'll never learn back on the trail buttercups


For more infomation >> Sofia The First Funny Moments Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 327 Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:01.


Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 116 - Red Tomato - Duration: 3:59.

Next why are you going? I thought you wanted a goblin thug. Right? Do you see the goblin dog truck?

This is the place I am positive but you've been saying that for the last 12 dimensions and I'm hungry

I'm gonna go home and make a sandwich

There it is the Goblin truck

That line is like a million miles long, it's all good. My friend Kelly is holding us a spot joke Ally. Oh


Be fine, we got so much catching up to do let's start doing it. Oh, not you Marco

Okay, you can stand over here and talk to Kelly

Hey Kelly

Have you been waiting long

That's so cute. You guys are basically like the same person

Yeah, but are you sure you want to wait in this crazy line for just a hotdog? It's not just

Someone yeah

Just like how I almost killed you with that axe. Just

To be clear and the one who has filled that axe. I

Pulled myself out of the ground for a goblin dog. I'm a bit tender

oh, please I had a goblin dog just last week and it was about

With Miss heinous Conan st. Louis is like a total party school. Now. Did you guys see that little man playing the music?

Marco you're ignoring Kelly rude. Oh, sorry. Did you see that little man playing music?

Okay, I

Gotta have a tall man

You know cuz like I like to flow like five feet off the ground

So it's like I'm four or six but with six inch heels they don't wanna thing

I mean, sometimes it feels like they are they kids and I'm the parent, you know

Whoa, you got another one of those I'm starving. You gotta be kidding me

Excuse me. Hi you work here. Yes. We've been waiting forever. How do we get a goblin dog?

You wait line then. Can you tell me how to get in that short line over there? Oh

That's the VIP line. It's my boss's idea. How do we get to the VIP line? Well,

It's pretty exclusive, but I could s an e a K you guys in?

You know why? I'm gonna go

No, thank you what he just offered to sneak us in uh-oh what I thought he smelled something else. That's my bad

Welcome to the VIP line

For more infomation >> Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 116 - Red Tomato - Duration: 3:59.


Wyoming man facing 12 charges for Billings crime spree - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Wyoming man facing 12 charges for Billings crime spree - Duration: 2:35.


Searching for Five Suspects in Robbery, Shooting - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Searching for Five Suspects in Robbery, Shooting - Duration: 2:21.


Tough loss for ACU - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Tough loss for ACU - Duration: 1:13.


Goldie and Bear Memorable moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Episode 1 Part 6 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 3:49.

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I love our new hairdo

This book cracks me up

No, no worries, it's only a shell wound nothing a little glue won't fix

Hey you down here nice doesn't it puffing back there very

impressive, you know

With your business in my brain. Hello, we could run this forest. I don't want to run the forest

I just want to be the way I was before. Oh

Wow, in that case do that can help you got a mama

You are a very blood wolf. Well, I can't help it tonight. Only bad is my middle name

Well, maybe you should try being nice for a change

Then you'd have more friends

Well, I do sometimes, you know, no one to play with

How am I supposed to help bear anyway it's not like a magic or anything

Magic, that's a great idea. The magic gnome could help us. See good isn't so bad

Don't tell anybody I was good

Excuse me, mr. Woodsman, but do you know which tree belongs to the magic gnome? Did you join?


Thanks. You were great. You scared that woodsman away before he could cut down the tree. I


You one

what I wish

you saved my tree so you get a wish a


Anything you want

Me too me too. How about new pig elephants. Do you think we can wish for two things?

No, what about a flying unicorn?

Yeah, let's wish for a flying unicorn or Dvorsky

What do you think?

I think we can move this along I've got things to do

Let's go with the pink elephants. Okay, Goldie. Yeah


Bear we only get one wish so we need to wish for you to be little again

But what about the pink elephants Goldie? You've always wanted a pink elephant there. You're way more important to me than a pink elephant

We wish bear with little again kinda boring but hey, it's your wish

For more infomation >> Goldie and Bear Memorable moments Best Cartoon for Kids & Children Episode 1 Part 6 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 3:49.


Cuban president addresses United Nations for first time - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Cuban president addresses United Nations for first time - Duration: 2:20.


Lucious Is Furious With Cookie For Giving Up Empire | Season 5 Ep. 1 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Lucious Is Furious With Cookie For Giving Up Empire | Season 5 Ep. 1 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:30.


Sofia The First - Minding the Manor 2 | Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Duration: 3:49.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

And if that doesn't tickle your toes each roll does something different hmm

Okay, dear. I'm going out to get the snickerdoodle sandwiches and broccoli bonbons while you finish getting the house ready

Wait, you're leaving. Oh, yes. I

Thought we were setting up together

We are just not in the same place spruce will be here to help but you'll be in charge while I'm gone

But I've never been left in charge before aunt Tilly. What if something goes wrong then? I'm sure you'll make it go, right

It's all the power to growing up

You start a tiny little pop but soon enough you're getting large and now it's time to be in charge such

Responsibility to care for everything you see let's travel up and we'll arise right before your very eyes

Taking you quite by surprise

So when it does you muscle you're here you can erase this new frontier

Take a wrap and do your best to make your problems disappear

It's up to you to be the one who makes sure everything gets done. Just take the time

To think it through

Because my dear

It's up to

It's all

to you


Guess it can be in charge for a little while. That's the spirit. I'm confident that you'll take great care of everything

I hope so. I know so

Does being in charge is not so tough if you're confident enough just take a breath and do your best

Prove that you really know your stuff. It's up to you to get it done and fix the problems one by one you never know

What you can do

until you make your big debut

I leave it all


It's all to you

Feel free to play my music box while I'm gone dear any roll you like

See you soon Duchess killing. Thanks aunt Tilly

Well, mr. Spruce we'd better get the house set up for the party

I don't want to let you know Tilly down ready when you are

That's a lot of balloons

Mr. Spruce look it's a secret tunnel that can use a thorough cleaning from the look at it. Let's see where it goes

I'll clean the way

Though if you'd hide from the dust master did you oh

There's no way out don't be so sure

Secret passageway after you princess I

Wonder why aunt Tilly has a secret passageway, you're uh telling us lots of strange things most of them messy

Let's tidy up the music room next then

For more infomation >> Sofia The First - Minding the Manor 2 | Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Duration: 3:49.


Ramp Reversal project, reversing business for nearby stores - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Ramp Reversal project, reversing business for nearby stores - Duration: 1:40.


Commitment 2018: Candidates for Douglas County Sheriff debate for first time - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Commitment 2018: Candidates for Douglas County Sheriff debate for first time - Duration: 1:46.


Pest control, Health Department inspect theater for mice - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Pest control, Health Department inspect theater for mice - Duration: 1:45.


Donut delivery helps raise money for autism - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Donut delivery helps raise money for autism - Duration: 1:01.


Doc McStuffins Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 4 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 10:01.

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a bad case of the pricklethorns

Let me try you're not gonna be able to do it he won't stay down stay down

Hey Doc, come here. Look at these new flowers popping up in the garden. Those are the daisies. You helped me put

garden calls to

First I have to clean your cut

There now, that's perfect

Thanks doc sure that just keep that clean and come get me if it isn't feeling better. Great

So what do I owe you for the doctor's visit my god?

Chilly you're a snowman

You're supposed to be white. We tried to tell him. Oh

Thanks, doc. I don't know how you always have the answers, but you do

You got it doc stuffy. You're moving. Oh

Right got it. Not move starting now. That sounds serious

But if you let me examine him, I'll do everything I can to fix him

He's great at everything

He didn't pop back up that's not like you I need a cuddle

Magnifying glass Hallie coming right up which is gonna take great care of you

That's it that's where the whole it

No papi just hold still

I'm not

Going anywhere doc

You're all pumped up thanks doc. I'm ready to get back to play time

Your heart beats you up ready to go

So, how'd they do doc great you're good as new

Come on. Oh, thanks Lambie. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Oh

No, that sounds like Papi's rather weak again doc, I don't know how it happened. Oh

Yeah, I still got it

Papi, I want to know why you keep springing leaks. You're not the only one. I'd like to know that too

papi stuffy

Did you fix poppy, yep, he's all fix oh

But you might want to play with him someplace away from the rosebush way to go Bobby look at him bounce

Being quiet now

Two are perfect together

Squibbles and ami are headed to the park to see celestial Celeste new light show voila or as they say in French

Hey Shelly. Just wondering if there are any more patients I gotta see because ah

Since I made myself two resident of the celestial, Celesteville

You just oh wait do you see who's here I just have to come back

So here I am standing by ready to help the next patient who walks up to this desk

No, I'm not afraid to get checkups anymore. I know that doesn't make sense, but I'm really excited

I thought I'd come see you for a checkup just to make sure I shine for all my

Sounds like a bright eyed. Well, let's take a look and see if we can get you refocused

Do you see anything doc as a matter of fact I do

Celeste I have a diagnosis you have smeary bleary itis stuffy since your Celeste biggest fan

He and one of my best men students. Why don't you take things from here?

Med student stuffy reporting for duty. I'm leaving you in great hands. What do you say Celeste?

Are you ready for me that performs a medical hocus-pocus to get you back in focus?



Man, I might as well give my new sonic booming SAP system a test run or let's hear what that baby can do

Squibbles seems a little scared

That was

Awesome. It's

The park is really packed with people for celestial. We're in for a collective sigh street boy

Greetings fellow or things I am here, too

Swivels it's a pretty light. You're okay, buddy

So cool

So worried Squibbles will get lost in the park, please. You gotta help me find him

Don't you worry sugar will search for Squibbles like super sleuth soda Stavanger

For you are one delicious dragon


Squibbles, oh, he's heading for the foosball stadium. Come on

Hmm. Hey blues don't usually move. Well, that one's shaking like a nervous not bad Squibbles

You're right Lambie I was thinking the same thing. I just don't understand why he ran away. Oh

That's it what you thinking doc everyone

I have a diagnosis one vet pet book coming up swivels has big Lula phobia or a fear of loud noises


Didn't wanna scare Squibbles. It's okay stuffy

I know how much you love Squibbles, but you're still learning how to be a great pet owner

You okay is your I'm supposed to look old Zig zaggy like that

Okay, we better get you to dock at the hospital. Well, I'll take you we were already on our way Oh

Call me he'll mom and Moe only called me Hilary when I was in trouble. Everybody always calls me. Chili. Oh

Well your appointment with that will be in the checkup remember it's your therapy bedtime and I reckon since I'm seeing doc

I fit the bill of being a patient

I'm gonna listen to your heartbeat

Looks like your fall caused a transversed in bend of your right arm

Halli one roll of tape rolling down it all done. Well, I'll be a mouse's aunty

You got more damage than a pinata packed with pastry Remi is working the deed enter today

Just follow this hospital mammals to be done to room

Sorry, but I Sarah people thank you kindly for letting me borrow this little fella

100% free now I best mosey out to find that sparkler. I lost in the party

Repeat after me I don't have legs because in all this time. I thought you

Again but when I'm someplace new gets tricky I end up with us Hilary mole

You have a case of the bumper lots before I can decide what the best treatment is

We need to take care of these dings again


Take a step forward they think that maybe some glasses will help with you

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