Great-aunt venture
This one that
Sophia are you ready? Get out of my way. I want to be first in line. You can be first after me
I've never been at the carnival. I've been no fair a circus a festival but never a carnival Oh Rollie
I wish she could have been at the wedding. I can't wait to meet her. Isn't it exciting Sofia?
Dad we have to leave for the carnival now, I think you can stay and say hello to your aunt
Sorry about all that dust. It was a long trip
Roland my dear
Tilly she was a funny-looking baby. So I'm a little shocked. I hope I'm not showing it on my foot. I'm amber
Oh, of course. You are dear would have known you
Anyway, great
Carnival can wait a little bit longer
Tilly makes the best apple pie in the kingdom. I'll need apples of course cinnamon nutmeg and what else hmm. Oh, yes
subtly, well
I hope all of you do you'll just have to decide what's more important
Telly would you like to join us in the parlor after you're done baking I would but I'm afraid baking will take us. Oh
I'm happy to help you whiz-bang
We'll be going then. See you after the carnival
Let's get out of here
Hmm Sofia dear not really dressed for this. Are you really? I'm sure I have something
Won and here we are. Oh
We're too late the Arabella orchard has moved again the orchard moved
That's a blank piece of paper oh but things aren't always as they seem
Sofia asked nicely and the map will show you the way now then we'll have to go through melodious meadow
Across gargantuan Gorge and there it is the orchard of the Arabella Apple
What's that plate of a breeze? I never knew this was here. It's beautiful
Its melodious the world's full of wonders waiting to be seen. Oh
Quite sure through the meadow it said but it didn't say exactly how to get through the meadow
It's like a big maze if only we could see over the flowers have we know how to find our way out?
Look there's a bridge
Doesn't seem too sturdy does it sure don't make rickety rope bridges? Okay, they used to
The only way to find out is to
But if you let me take a look I think I can help
How can I we're so high up our first time hitching a ride on a giant visit you've done this before
Who hasn't no choice?
There they are the Arabella apples
Go on now be a good WOM based shoo you chew
It's not shooing
You better get to you why the same thing you've been doing all day long
You figured out a way to get through the flower maze bravely faced a giant and convinced him to help us across that porch Wow
Looks like the wombeast cave is up
It's really steep. It sure is not even your jumping shoes can help us get up there
They sure could and we just need to pin the tail on the kite and there we go
Now all we need is a breath of a breeze
That's the wombeast cave right there. Whoo, I'll never get there
I'll miss your wombeast. Where are you?
It is kind of funny hey wait a minute you speak wombeast
I can speak to any animal because of my amulet. Well, you're wrong about me being funny
It's just not nice to take things from people higgledy-piggledy
You're right, but I'm really hungry and those apples of salt
Don't tell me you've never had a family dinner. I don't have a
Family, you don't know. Yeah, it's just me up here. Don't maybe they're
Sophia I knew you could do it Oh
Aunt Tilly the play looks great. Thanks for helping me bake it Sophia. You're welcome. May I present?
You've outdone yourself this time Tilly
Hmm and they had this big corn maze I thought we'd never get out. Sorry you missed it
Was it fun helping aunt Tilly? It was funner than fun. It was whiz-bang
All that baking must've made me hungry. Oh
Dear, where are my manners? Excuse me a toast to my dear sister and her outstanding apple
The buttercups
Friendship not here help me pull it tight big. I'm Meg. She's
Sorry about that
You sure are so let's give Megan peg a warm Buttercup. Welcome
So who wants to present Megan peg with their Buttercup pests? Oh
I can't believe we're at the castle
It was very nice of the Queen to have a zone when you're a buttercups you explore the great outdoors
And learn new things this one for bird calling and this one for unicorn spotting
I wanna and tomorrow you'll all get a chance to earn plenty of badges
I only need one more badge to fill up my vest and get my sunflower pin. Only one. Don't worry
You'll learn a bunch tomorrow on time to go girls
Baileywick at the next meeting of the Knights. Let's make it a round table
I don't know that the forest is a proper place for a princess Oh, she'll be fine
What if something happens to you Ruby's mother will be there?
I was a groundhog Scout as a boy exploring the great outdoors gave me skills. I used to this very day me
Dad, why would your groundhog experience your majesty dad? I don't need baileywick
I'll be fine on my own you'll barely notice. I'm their princess Sofia. It'll be a wonderful hike I promise groundhogs word
Looks like a perfect day for a hike
- what - too?
Dear, no worries. I have a sewing kit in my backpack. Mom. Don't worry. Everything will be just fine
princess Sofia of enchancia
And who do we have the cups? It's fine by me. I was once a groundhog Scout
So I'm quite at home in the wild. Let's put the great in the great outdoors
Hold up buttercups time for water break final it's okay baileywick. I can sit on the ground with everyone else
Okay, buttercups. Here's your first chance to earn a badge the birdhouse bad
Already then go to it buttercups you okay? Oh, yeah, it's just a scratch a scratch
Building birdhouse. This was my specialty when I was a groundhog
Biggest birdhouse, I'm gonna make the best birdhouse
So, how are we doing buttercups all done no, but I only helped a little Sofia found the tree bark
I didn't even get a chance to try just like you that's
Great. We're going to you too Sofia. I will hey there groundhog
Remember the buttercups motto we can't do it all for them. Now. They'll never learn back on the trail buttercups
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