Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 26 2018

 Royal fans were in awe when Harry proposed to Meghan with a stunning diamond ring, worth a staggering £199,475

But now, the public can buy their own version of the Duchess' engagement ring, but at a fraction of the cost

Buckingham Palace is now selling a replica of Meghan's ring on the official royal memorabilia website, The Royal Collection shop

The ring, called the "Buckingham Palace Statement ring" goes on sale for only £30

 According to the site, the ring is "inspired" by the Duchess' jewels, and comes with an adjustable band

Meghan's original diamond ring was designed by Harry, and features three diamonds - two from Princess Diana's personal collection and one from Botswana - set in a gold band

Royal fans can now buy the stunning replica online, along with a pair of matching earrings and pendant necklace - which are sold for £25 and £30 respectively

The imitation ring will feature three crystals, on an adjustable band made of palladium plated metal

 The Buckingham Palace website reads: "The design of this new statement range, is inspired by the engagement ring of Meghan Markle

"Customers will receive the ring in a white statement box, with Meghan and Harry's initials labelled in gold

A pendant necklace bears the same design as the ring, featuring three crystals attached to a palladium plated chain

Meghan's ring, designed by Harry's favourite jeweller Cleave and Company, holds a special meaning to him

 Speaking about his wife's ring after their engagement announcement, Prince Harry told the BBC: "The ring is obviously yellow gold because that's her favourite and the main stone itself I sourced from Botswana and the little diamonds either side are from my mother's jewellery collection to make sure that she's with us on this — on this crazy journey together

"Botswana is a special place to Meghan and Harry.The pair spent their third date there, as well Meghan's 36th birthday last year

Describing their time in Botswana together, Harry said: "We camped out with each other under the stars

 "She came and joined me for five days out there, which was absolutely fantastic."Meghan has become a fashion icon in the UK ever since she started dating Prince Harry, and fans across the country are eager to emulate her sophisticated style

The Duchess' outfits easily sell out within hours after she wears them, raking in millions for designers

Fashion experts say the Meghan effect could contribute £150 million to the British fashion industry

David Haigh, CEO of the British consultancy firm Brand Finance, said she "will quickly match or even surpass the Duchess of Cambridge in her incredible influence on the fashion industry"

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's engagement ring up for SALE - Buckingham Palace flogs REPLICA - Duration: 3:42.


10 Things to Do in San Francisco (For the Day) - Duration: 19:58.

hey there here are 10 things to do in San Francisco for the day we're going to

see where to eat what to do and things to see all around the Fisherman's Wharf

area so here are 10 things to do in San Francisco for the day if you do like

this video be sure to subscribe or leave me a comment I make videos about travel

tips party ideas fashion ideas that pop into my head we are an airline family so

I have lots of videos about travel ideas if you have a long layover in San

Francisco from landing at the San Francisco International Airport or if

you were just visiting San Francisco for the day I think this video will help you

decide where you want to eat what you want to do and what you want to see in

San Francisco for that day if you are landing at the San Francisco

International Airport the drive from San Francisco to all the touristy parts of

the Fisherman's Wharf and Golden Gate Bridge area all that is about a

40-minute car ride so the number one thing to do in San Francisco is to catch

an uber ride from the airport to the San Francisco cable car system turnaround

spot for Powell Street and Mason Street you are going to be dropped off right

there at the turnaround spot for the cable car system which was invented or

began in 1873 we got there at we got there around 9 o'clock a.m. I said we

landed at 9:00 but we did not we landed at like 7:30 so we got there at 9:00

a.m. and we had an hour and a half wait in the line for the cable car and that's

going to take you to all of the touristy section of Fisherman's Wharf and Golden

Gate Bridge and all that stuff so while you're there the axiom hotel is right

beside where you're standing in line so you can get a coffee some pastry there

to pass the time you can watch the homeless people or the

unhealthy people who are asking for money they're yelling at themselves you

know it's just I opening especially for kids who've been sheltered from homeless

people all their life I did feel totally safe there policemen around it's not

it's entertaining but it's sad at the same time but there's also a huge mall

across the street from that little stop and you can go in there to their food

court if it's later on in the day and get some food you will have plenty of

time now you can only buy tickets for the cable car in if you have cash

you can only buy those tickets in the actual car by a conductor so how we

recommend having cash or if you want to use your credit card you can see the

little kiosk metal building and you'll have to stand in a little line you have

plenty of time to wait in line to buy tickets with your credit card if you

want to stop along the way between there and Fisherman's Wharf at Chinatown or

anywhere else you will have to pay the full $7 fare to hop back home so it's a

one trip one way is $7 per person if you're a senior you get a discount if

you travel before 7 a.m. on the cable car or after 9 p.m. on the cable car you

can also buy a passport for the day and that is hop on half off that is $17 and

according to their website which I'll link below for you in the description

box it says that it is $17 and you must pay with cash on board to the conductor

and they will check along the way for tickets just so you know the number 2

thing to do in San Francisco for the day is to get the lay of the land once you

get off of your cable car and at Fisherman's Wharf Fisherman's Wharf is

like a five block triangle of cement and shops and all that kind of stuff along

Jefferson Street that has touristy areas but you need to get the lay of the land

there are tor buildings where you can set up tours and I'm talking about like

Segway tours walking tours those kind of tours but we recommend like all

vacations to plan your boat excursions ahead of time we were there the

beginning of August and in July we started looking for Alcatraz tour

tickets where you ride a ferry to Alcatraz the tours were booked until the

end of the year so plan ahead for those boat kind of tours but you can also take

a boat tour of the San Francisco Bay underneath the Golden Gate Bridge that

kind of thing but please do it ahead of time but when you get there

you're gonna see what it really looks like and you're like oh this is where we

eat lunch it's freezing we need to find somewhere to go inside and I'll tell you

about those things later as well the Alcatraz tour is fantastic amazing I

went as a child when I was nine years old as a teenager and a couple of years

ago on Halloween when we could actually take our child out of school in him not

be responsible for a lot of instruction but now we went in the summer with

everyone else and we couldn't find a little spot anyway it is amazing it's

about a good ferry ride out there short but that and the tour is gonna take you

about two and a half hours we recommend spending the

twenty-something dollars and getting a family photo that they're gonna take of

you while you're waiting on the little jet bridge or ship bridge to walk onto

the little Alcatraz ferryboat you're going to have your own audio tour

headset where you can walk around all by yourself you get to walk into jail cells

awesome tour if you can swing that on your day of layover there in San Fran

where you are dropped off from your cable car is around Pier 42 and to get

to the Alcatraz Ferry it is all the way down on pier 33 which is about a 10 to

15 minute walk depending on how fast you walk and how cold the wind is blowing

and if it is misting the first time we went around Halloween we got dropped off

way down near downtown San Fran and walk from pier zero to Pier 33 in Blowing

mist we also recommend watching the Clint

Eastwood movie Escape from Alcatraz after or before your tour to the

Alcatraz place the number four thing we recommend is where to eat here is where

you eat around Fisherman's Wharf when you get dropped off at your cable car

you are going to see this little cement area and there are there's the big

restaurant Aliot's and fisherman's grotto

those are huge restaurants with a view upstairs or but they can fit a ton of

people in there my uncle was the CPA or accountant for Alioto's back around

1980 So it was a treat for us to get to go to at

night as a family of teachers way back then and I think they have the exact

same carpet that they did back then but that's a great place to go if you want a

view of the bay but all of the food around the Fisherman's Wharf fish alley

is going to be fantastic in my opinion and in my experience underneath

fisherman's grotto and Alioto's is you're gonna see these food vendors

selling you fresh raw fish or cooked little fish dishes that you can put in

the little cardboard things they want that for you because in San Fran if it's

beautiful and crowded you want to walk across the little fish alley all along

the bay and look out at the water and have a picnic lunch with your friends

along the sidewalk there are benches or little tables everywhere they want you

to do that but know that behind those little kiosks they have restaurants we

went to la SaBella and LaTorre a a small restaurant but they had the exact same

food we had red snapper which was amazing the clam chowder is so good

I know Alioto's and I'm sure other places have the bread bowl of the clam

chowder but there is something about eating clam chowder in really cold sea

breeze weather that just makes it so comforting and a real San Francisco

treat if you get the Fisherman's Wharf in the morning you turn right if you're

looking at the bay water turn right onto Jefferson Street and go to boudin

sourdough cafe it's just like 30 feet down it's right across from Madame

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum if you need something warm to do or if you're into

that kind of thing it's right across the street they have a restaurant that does

not open until 11:00 or 11:30 and it is a bustling the doors are wide open and

you're getting the cold Seabreeze kind of crowded so know that before you go

don't get hangry while you're in San Francisco plan ahead don't go to a

restaurant by the time you're ready to eat because you were going to have to

wait and it's okay you're going to enjoy all the people

watching and the Nate around you we recommend the Peet's

coffee there and if you get hot chocolate they use the

Ghirardelli chocolate you can order like croissants and stuff like that but their

breakfast that we saw looked amazing there's even the chowder Hut which is

right in the middle of the fish alley plot of cement and it looked very good

we have friends who went to San Francisco San Francisco with about 10

kids and they loved it the number 5 thing to do in San Francisco for the day

if you are a history buff or if your child likes history is to visit right

there beside a Leo toes and then fisherman's grotto that pier you will

see the SS Jeremiah O'Brien ship the Jeremiah O'Brien is the last standing

Normandy ship the kids we had with us they went up you can sit in the turret

you can turn it and all that kind of stuff in the belly of that ship are the

pipes and that is what the movie Titanic that's where they filmed the belly of

the Titanic during the movie I don't know if you remember those white and

black pipes that were down there if do not miss number six it's the Musee

Musee Mecanique it's a vintage and new little arcade area and it's right

there before you get to the ship beside fisherman's grotto restaurant and

they have all kinds of old-timey games arcade games so fun don't miss that

number seven is one of my favorite things to do in San Francisco for the

day and that is to walk back down to Pier 39 to see the walruses this is like

a man cave in the most walrus way you've got grunting you've got blubbering just

going around and it is hilarious you can stand in levelled tears very safe on the

side watch them for like 30 or 45 minutes don't miss the museum right upstairs

it's a tiny little museum that tells you when the walruses actually came during

an earthquake about 30 40 years ago in between pier 39 and pier 40 is this big

white building and that is a very clean restroom area if you need a restroom

while you're around fish alley for the number-8 thing too

in San Francisco for the day we recommend that you wait until at least

after 2 p.m. to see if the Sun will burn off the fog at the Golden Gate Bridge

this day in August when we went it was completely socked in we were freezing on

the Golden Gate Bridge and then a few miles away on Fisherman's Wharf

we were totally comfortable in our short sleeves and cardigan but if you get to

Fisherman's Wharf and the Golden Gate Bridge is visible and sunny go there

change your schedule if you can see it right then don't wait because you never

know when it's going to get socked in with fog we recommend again taking uber

to the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center for visitors I will link

the site below but I don't think you need it it will come the uber car will

come in like two minutes less than two minutes where you are right at the wharf

where every street you're standing at and it will drop you off at the Welcome

Center in that Welcome Center it's like a little museum gift shop you can mail

things from there as well there are these big posters touting

facts about the Golden Gate Bridge like one that was oh what was it like six

hundred thousand rivets in each Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge all those kind of

facts that our history buff really wanted to see it tells you about how

many days it took from start to finish when a car could actually drive across

the Golden Gate Bridge fascinating easy clean restrooms and then you can make

your way across the Golden Gate Bridge walking it was freezing we took a selfie

right by this the size of what the real cable thickness is it's just a great

picture spot even if it is fogged in but then you walk across the bridge we made

it not even halfway I'll tell you at the end what I recommend to wear when you

visit San Fran for the day so stick around for that there's also like a

retro 50s looking restaurant up on the hill there beside the Golden Gate Bridge

for coffee it was very crowded when we got there around 11:00

it's a great place to get a good view especially if it is a great beautiful

day at the Golden Gate Bridge if you are a biker we recommend renting a bike

right there down below the visitors center and riding across the Golden Gate

Bridge and then down to Sausalito to a little bakery there and then making your

way across but beware of the brutal headwinds like I said now when you are

leaving the Golden Gate Bridge you want to go back to the ghirardelli

square do you say Ghirardelli square or Ghirardelli square let me know in the

comments you're going to take uber again the traffic is a nightmare in that

turnaround little parking lot by the Welcome Center of the Golden Gate Bridge

so we recommend going to the entrance of the parking lot and waiting for our uber

driver there on his app he sees where you are going to be where your phone is

because there's like a little turn around to an entrance to a neighborhood

right there and that's where you want to meet your uber driver this car that

picked us up was a Mercedes the other one was a Lexus I mean they're nice uber

cars in San Francisco anyway he's going to take you to the 7 minute drive back

to Ghirardelli square and that leads us to number 9 the number 9 thing to do in San

Francisco for the day is to visit the Ghirardelli Square cafe there are three

levels of the Ghiradelli square the top one is like a nice small gift shop the

middle is where the cafe is with a large touristy gift shop in it and then

there's also like a little ice cream like a walk-up ice-cream thing that you

can get Ghirardelli ice cream we recommend going to the cafe there is

hardly any lawn area space right when you get into the cafe so don't be

deceived it's gonna look like there's this wraparound line outside of the

doors to the cafe stand in that line they get you in so fast they take your

order and the food comes out faster than you can tell them what all you want and

there are water cups by the little conveyor by the vintage conveyor belt a

little setup that they have that looks kind of like a museum in the restaurant

and there water cups so you don't have to order

anything to drink if you don't want to and like I said the food comes out fast

go ahead and order the sea salt caramel sundae with sea salt caramel and hot

fudge sauce also I always recommend not getting the whipped cream so that you

can just get all that chocolate and caramel service syrup-ness that

Ghirardelli is famous for okay the number 10 thing that we recommend doing

in San Francisco for the day is staying at the vagabond Inn Hotel but also what

we recommend is you can if you're not staying there use their free Airport

shuttle to their hotel and it's on the like you can see the runway and the

control tower and the whole Airport from their hotel and the two really nice

hotels on either side of them because there's like a three-mile like cement

trail that you can skateboard on or walk on jog on but the reason why we

recommend this is that it's a great place to watch planes take off and land

you it's not really the socked in foggy area of San Francisco because you're all

the way up past the airport and the Marriott which is one of the nicest

hotels beside the Vagabond in which is very clean they haven't even have a free

breakfast we stay there whenever we go the Marriott has a Starbucks in there so

you can go walk down along get your Starbucks on and watch the planes land

it is so safe we see people like using the little electric scooters going to

work in their suits so lots of people are there it's not like Shady and stuff

like that and then the place beside vagabond in like after we've gone and

toured Fisherman's Wharf in Golden Gate Bridge

there's a restaurant directly beside vagabond int that has a an amazing

top-notch food menu for their happy our time so we crashed for a little bit and

then we went and had our happy hour there's a view of the bay and the planes

landing and I don't know if you know this but San Francisco International

Airport is the number one busiest intersecting Airport there are only two

runways and as one is taking off one is landing

at the exact same time it is very precise and they get paid big bucks for

that reason for an added travel tip for San Francisco I recommend having a shoe

that is a canvas shoe these are I will link these below they are you can see

that they don't bend very easily and that means it's good support and with

mist and rain being a probable chance every day you visit San Fran you don't

want water to get your socks wet and then your feet wet and then you have to

walk around in the Sun the rest of the day so I recommend a good sturdy canvas

shoe you can layer with a cardigan I had this tunic here that is sleeveless but I

will link some that are short sleeves and long sleeves I'm wearing a medium

and I'm 5/8 I have a small black one that I also wear but I recommend those

for layering and because they mix-and-match with with what is already

in your bag for vacation I also recommend this raincoat I bought

this when we visited Oregon but for always the chance of rain I like it

because it's feminine and it is fold up able it is compact when it's folded up

the sleeves are long enough for my long arms and then if you don't like the

sleeves rolled down all the way you can roll them up for a cute little pop of

leopard I thought that was just a fun added bonus that's just a little travel

tip for a clothing or wardrobe pieces that you may want to take if you're

visiting San Francisco for the day okay I do want to tell you about this OPI

nail polish that has a San Francisco theme this is the one I bought when I

got back they came out with it after I had already gone to San Fran this one's

called don't take Yosemite for granite there's also barking up the wrong

Sequoia excuse me Big Sur and this is not whine

country wearing a nail polish with a themed nail polish name is just fun for

me when I travel I hope these ideas help give you a bird's eye view of ten things

that you can do in San Francisco for the day what to eat what to see what tour to

take I just want them to be a guide of where you can go and you can do the

research on your own like any avid traveler or smart traveler pop over

again to my channel or leave me a comment below and give me an idea

a video you would like to see me make a video about but thanks for popping over

and safe travels

For more infomation >> 10 Things to Do in San Francisco (For the Day) - Duration: 19:58.


Man sent to jail for hit-and-run that killed Veteran in Detroit - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Man sent to jail for hit-and-run that killed Veteran in Detroit - Duration: 2:12.


Serial car-burglaries end after detectives wait, watch for 3 days - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Serial car-burglaries end after detectives wait, watch for 3 days - Duration: 3:02.


BBQ Luncheon for St. Andrew's Parks and Playground leader - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> BBQ Luncheon for St. Andrew's Parks and Playground leader - Duration: 1:51.


HSN | Favorites for Her 09.26.2018 - 05 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Favorites for Her 09.26.2018 - 05 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


Learn Colors with Airplanes | Five little Monkeys Song for Children | Kids Fun Time - Duration: 5:17.

"Look at those jumping monkeys! How many are there?"





and Five...

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,And the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed




And Four...

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,And the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed



And Three...

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,And the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed



Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,And the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed


One little monkey jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,And the doctor said, Put those monkeys right to bed

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