hello everyone, it's a skeptic pork, today we're continuing on our response to
Bibles flock box, without wasting any more time let's get to it.
[intro playing]
(BFB talking) fact number the the earth is designed to sustain life
(SP) ehhh, nope, life-forms on earth adapted to it as its conditions have changed
life adapted to earth, not the other way around
(BFB) there are numerous conditions that a planet needs to meet in order to sustain life
that, if altered in the slightest amount, would make that planet uninhabitable
(SP) for life in that same respect, but not necessarily for life as a whole,
that is too much of a stretch to say
(BFB) and earth meets all of those conditions; coincidence?, I think not I
(SP) i think so, here is an illustration of what the earth would have looked like
when it was originally formed in our solar system, not really able to sustain life is it?
now, over time this planet developed into something which happened
to be able to sustain life as we know it, but of our existence on this planet has
only been for less than 0.1% of the history of it, claiming the earth is the
sign for us is like saying that this Cathedral was designed for bacteria that
are eating on the Crump of bread that felt of someone's sandwich while they
were going there for a visit just 10 minutes ago.
Earth doesn't care about you but if we care about ourselves we should care about earth
(BFB) let me give you a few examples the earth is just the right
distance from the Sun it's not too close, and not too far, this is important
because if it would be too close then it would be too hot and the heat of the Sun
would boil up all of the water and if we would be farther away from the Sun
it would be too cold and the water would freeze, but fortunately the Earth
revolves around in what is called the habitable zone of the Sun
this is a narrow zone where conditions for life are just right
(SP) the habitable zone is dependent upon the mass of the star, its nuclear activity
and a few other factors, eitherway theoretically in every star there is a habitable zone
and even in the case of our solar system the habitable zone which
extends from behind Venus to close to Mars, is still over 100 million kilometers long!!!
and yes I'm, aware more aspects going to making a planet suitable for life
and the habitable zone is not the only place where life can exist
as we know it either. Take Europa for example the heat produced from tidal flexing
allows it to have liquid water in its subsurface, point being that the
habitable zone it's a large area and there is bound to be one in every star
either way, plus if the planet was really designed to sustain life we probably
will not expect all the natural disasters like hurricanes, fire, tsunamis etc
that more often than not kill life
(BFB) in addition, the earth rotates at just
right speed to keep one side of the planet from freezing from lack of Sun
and the other from becoming scorched by constant sun exposure!!
(SP) I mean, yeah, but the rotation of the earth is really just a result of its position relative to the
Sun, the closer an object of the smaller mass gets the one of significantly
larger mass, the rotation of the smaller object becomes slower and slower
a good case of this is the moon and the earth, the gravitational pull of the
earth causes a tidal lock on the moon that is why we always see the same face
of it; point being that the rotation of the earth is more of a consequence of it
navigating through a space and being pulled by the Sun
(BFB) then there is our atmosphere, it's around 21% oxygen, just the right amount for life, if there would
be too much oxygen then we would have raging forest fires everywhere and
huge bugs!, because a bug size is proportionate to the oxygen in the air
if our oxygen level was too low, that could cause oxygen depravity which
results in nausea, fainting, loss of consciousness and even death
(SP) remember what I said previously? this has not always been the
case, when the earth was originally formed, the oxygen composition would have been
significantly lower, during the Carboniferous period, oxygen would have
made around 35% of the atmosphere, due to emergence of plants, yes this also caused
the giant bugs of the day like meganeura, but let's not get into that here, plus if
oxygen was designed for us, why is it that it comes with the side effects of
producing potentially carcinogenic free radicals in your body, I mean surely an
all-powerful designer could've done better than that right? and don't give me
the life after sin excuse, that is simply poor and unfalsifiable, therefore is useless to me
(BFB) these are just a few of the conditions necessary for life to
exist on earth, there are many, many more
(SP) agreed and if it was any different we
would not be here to begin with, but then again that does not mean it was
designed for us, that is simply too much of an arrogant claim, earth was designed
(BFB) earth was designed to sustain life; just as God tells us it was in his word, Isaiah chapter 45 verse
18 says: "for thus saith the Lord that created the heavens God Himself that
formed the earth and made it he hath established it he created it not in vain
he formed it to be inhabited I am the Lord and there is none else"
(SP) that literally just sounds like the guy was claiming: "oh how amazing this world is
surely someone was have created it for us" because we are clearly the most important creature in the universe, moving on!!!
(BFB) fact number four: humans have
a sense of morality
(SP) i see where this is going
(BFB) in every culture, and every tradition in society, men and women, have an intuitive sense of right and wrong
(SP) yes, but they also vary vastly across cultures,
(BFB) the basic principles behind
what scripture calls the "Ten Commandments" laws against murder,
adultery, theft, dishonor to parents and others
(SP) the basic principles across
Ten Commandments are, in short, don't offend your God, don't offend your God, I mean it
Don't offend your God, adultery, stealing ,covet and murder are not mentioned until
the last section not to mention, that it doesn't even mention rape, child
abuse nor slavery, but I guess having three commandments saying "honor thy God"
is way more important right?,
(BFB) where does our sense of morality come from?
(SP) social contract, utilitarianism, consequentialism
altruism, group cooperation and survival; but in short it comes from how
we want our society to be, we protest against what we don't idealize in a
society, by convincing others and arguing against it in the battleground of
intellectual ideas,
(BFB) evolutionists don't have an adequate explanation for this
because, if we evolved that means there are no moral absolutes, right and wrong
are subjective and whatever helps you, or your species survive is the right thing to do
(SP) evolution is the theory that most adequately explains the facts of reality
in relation to the diversification of life, it was never meant to be taken as
an explanation for morality, or as a moral principle, but it can still
tell us how they came to be; basically based on which behaviors will help
the thrive to survive they would be considered moral and those that didn't
help the thrive to survive inmoral, but yeah I will accept that
while evolution can tell us how the main principles like altruism and
communication developed, it cannot justify the actions that we make
as right or wrong from this point on, on its own
(BFB) and you wouldn't feel bad, you wouldn't have a guilty conscience, for doing things like stealing or
murdering, if you thought that ensured your survival
(SP) ehhh, no, under normal
circumstances you would probably feel bad by being able to emphasize with the
other person, however that is not to say that in other circumstances your
feelings wouldn't change, be it getting food from a stores after walking dead
style of apocalypse or killing someone in self-defense and
the mere fact that psychopaths exist kind of disproves your intrinsic moral
intuition argument; also that you have some gray areas, like our treatment to
non-human animals, for some people are apathetic and some really care about them
(BFB) however we do have a guilty conscience when we do something wrong
and believers and non-believers alike both have at least some universal sense
of morality which ironically is based on many of the Ten Commandments.
(SP) even more
ironically, the agreement points are not on the main ones, only on the useful ones
for the progress of a society
(BFB) so if this didn't evolve where did it come from?
(SP) what didn't evolve ? to a level of a species our tendencies to encourage and
discourage certain behaviors Did evolve over time, the oughts of our moral
decisions are taken with the help of these tools like altruism and empathy
(BFB) the Bible tells us that it is God given he has written his law in our hearts
Psalm chapter 40 verse 8 says: "I delight to do thy will o my god yay
thy law is within my heart"
(SP) and yet apparently he forgot about Psychopaths
(BFB) fact number 5 there are similarities in the natural world
(SP) are you bringing evidence for evolution or evidence for biblical creationism on this point?
(BFB) have you noticed how nearly all creatures on earth
have similar physical features?
(SP) I know, is almost as if they shared a common
ancestor and eventually branch off into the great tree of life isn't it?.
(BFB) mouths, noses, eyes, ears and so much more, evolutionists may try to say that's
because we all evolved from similar life-forms
(SP) yeah that on the fact that all living creatures of DNA that is comparable with
other living creatures to different degrees
(BFB) but what if that's not the
reason at all?
(SP) what if we use data and make conclusions from it, rather than a
start with a conclusion and corroborating it with data
(BFB) what if, instead, these similarities exist because we all have the same creator and they
are fingerprints of God
(SP) if that is the case, why are we able to taxonomically
separate them according to morphological and genotypical
similarities to different degrees, wouldn't we expect irreconcilable
differences across animal groups both genetically and phenotypically if the
living things were really divided into "kinds" as most creationists often claim
(BFB) to put this into perspective, an artist might have a certain style of painting
and someone familiar with his style may be able to recognize his different
paintings the same is true with God he apparently has a certain style of
creating things and that's why there are so many similarities in the natural world
(SP) I don't even know what to say here, so if God -ellegedly- placed us into
kinds, why can we not find that dead end when tracing back our phylogeny?
(BFB) fact number six: the laws of nature demand a lawmaker
(SP) how so? natural laws are
basically properties that we see across different objects under the same
circumstances in a universal scale
(BFB) scientists have identified numerous laws
of nature that govern our lives, for example a hot cup of tea will become
cold if you don't drink it fast enough,
(SP) yes that is the property of heat it tends
to get distributed through environment, having a cold cup of tea in a cold
environment will mean that the heat will get distributed from the cup of tea to
environment that is just how the universe works ,but what is this meant to point
out again?
(BFB) gravity remains steady
(SP) ehhh, no, gravity is dependent upon the mass of a
celestial body the pressure in the earth would be higher than that of the moon
and significantly lower than that of the Sun, it doesn't remain a steady
hey guys
hog from the future here it came to me that he may be talking about the
gravitational constant, the unit that is used to calculate the gravitational pull
of objects in a space, if that is what he was referring to then yes it is a
constant, I still don't know why any entity is necessary for descriptive laws
of the universe to take place but let's continue
(BFB) the speed of light is constant
(SP) I know, off in a tangent here but that is one of the main reasons why the universe
cannot be under ten thousand years, we would be talking about the speed of light
going thousands of times faster in the past without leaving any trace whatsoever
are you arguing for creationism or fore an old universe?, i am lost again
(BFB) And the Earth rotates in twenty-four hours
(SP) from the perspective of the earth yes
but say we were to count earth from the rotation time of Jupiter per se, which is
under ten hours and the reference point would no longer be twenty-four hours
(BFB) these laws are consistent, if any of them would change at any time that could lead
to a disaster imagine what would happen if gravely just decided to stop working
we would fly off the globe
(SP) our bodies would also split into pieces due to the
power of the vacuum of space and, wait can a space even exist without gravity?
seriously though these values are seen as constant because we have no
indication that they can change if you are trying to say that God is what
prevents them from changing then you need to prove that they can't change
(BFB) the fact that there are observable, constant, orderly natural laws, means that
there was some kind of intelligence behind them
(SP) in the natural world laws
are intrinsic properties of objects whether it is to pull other objects or
whether it is from matter to not disappear in a closed system etc but this
is not the same as the definition of laws that we use in the case of our
constitution per se that been "a system of rules that are
created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate
behavior" or to put it simply; natural laws are descriptive, behavioral laws are
(BFB)and that intelligence was God
(SP) even if I was to give you all of
your premises for this argument, this does not point to any particular god or
group of gods.
All right I'm going to cut it here, thank you guys for watching join
me next week to finish discussing these nonsense I've been a skeptic pork peace
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