Unique 1 Story Property East Side Cottage is The Perfect Opportunity
Hannity: The Mueller investigation is a perjury trap - Duration: 13:18.-------------------------------------------
Is the U.S. being pushed into a possible war with Iran? - Duration: 4:40.-------------------------------------------
Pewdiepie -害羞。屍變體很害羞 [SHY NECROMORPH IS SHY]Dead Space 2 Playthrough #3 (CC中文字幕) - Duration: 12:41.-------------------------------------------
Is it Illegal To Have Wrong Father on a Birth Certifcate? Your Not The Father - Duration: 1:45.Is it illegal to put the wrong father's name on a birth certificate yes it is
illegal if an alleged father's name was added without his consent this type of
fraud is also known as paternity fraud which falls under forgery signing
someone's name to a document is also known as a false document forgery is a
criminal offence in all of the US states each state handles this offense
differently many times this type of fraud occurs in a situation where a
mother names a man to be the biological father yet she knows that he is not
paternity fraud is very common here in the US but is seldom discussed
oftentimes the mother of the child will choose the man she deems the most
responsible person and sign his name on the birth certificate
in other instances some mothers will sign a father's name on the birth
certificate to receive future state benefits regardless of the mother's
reason signing someone else's name to a document without consent is considered
fraud although it is illegal to Forge someone else's name without their
consent most of the time mothers are not convicted of this crime to get more
information about this subject please click the link in the description to our
website to read the entire article if you found the information in this video
helpful please like share and subscribe to this channel also do not forget to
click the bell icon button to receive updates on the latest videos and
livestreams thank you for watching
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