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It's the goldenwing, circus the grandest most enchanted circus in all the world
You know it's coming, when the wagons appear, that crazy
Collages, oh the, new, stained-glass window
Looks, outstanding baileywick, can't wait to show it to queen miranda the goldenwing circus is in town can, we go dad can
We please please james you know the rule no playing ball inside the castle there are too many things that could break
Like the new, stained-glass window. Very pretty of course it is sofia hurry it's as easy as one two
It doesn't matter whether, we tell him he's going to see the window, when he comes back
Not if we hide it oh come on amber i do it for you he'd do it for you all right fine
great thank you
come on help me push
Just a few more steps hi daddy i have a surprise and let's go to the music room
That was close now let's finish moving the armour alright, oh?
That wasn't part of the plan that
Was called, song for my beloved parents number one oh darn, amber that was lovely
amber if you'll excuse us i
have to show you
My, new, tiara pretty please, oh i'll
Always, make time for you so it settles you'll see, my chiara it's in my room come on we can take the long, way
It's all cracked
Me me mr. Ceedric can fix the window, with magic great idea let's go, ask him
Oh, yes i called if i didn't have a thousand more important things to do you have a thousand things to do
Little do they know, that this potion will not fix their broken window
It gets pulled right into my hands
Lucky, for me sofia's amulet is nice and small and once i have the amulet of avalor i can
Use its magic
I really hope this works
No, opal tiara, no here's my, new
Tiara, um amber you've seen that one already, we gave it to you for your birthday, oh?
Could use magic to fix everything but you're not a sorcerer how
Hard can it be i'll just find a spell in cedric's book, wave this wand around i really don't think
We should, do this there i've been working on my yodeling
Sapir, send zappers, ooh free our friend and fix the window. Too
There was a stained-glass window here of the entire family that
Was what happened here mom dad?
What happened was i broke it it was my fault james whoa i was playing ball in the house
You, did this sofia i understand all right everyone time to leave for the circus
The window, sofia played ball in the castle
Sofia, the window, when it was really me because i didn't want you to get in trouble but now?
You're, in trouble james i know how. Much you love the circus i wanted to make sure you got to go
coachman to the circus
James on the other hand if you, did take the blame for him, that was very kind of you but a lie is a lie
even if you're, trying to help, someone i
Hear the jesters are your favorite james yeah is something wrong
It's just i have something to tell you, sophia didn't break the window. Maybe
Yes it's true i think it's time, we all went home?
Families need to be honest and not keep secrets from each other so next time something
Like, this happens just tell the truth right from the start i promise to do that from now on we'll be right back
In that case my friends and i would be happy to give you a special performance right now, okay?
Hmm, what do you think miranda?
Isn't it lovely
Let the good times roll
No, at least it's not in the water
It's okay, so the trolls never come out during the day i'll go get your kite that's alright i'll go
you, forgot your kite
It's you, don't know, about the trolls surely
You've heard the story of king gideon and the castle trolls no no can i tell it dad sure go right ahead james
guards, come quick
protect the castle
The guards, bravely charged the trolls can. Chase them all the way, back to their cave and no one's seen a troll outside the cave
That troll i saw must have brought it back you, saw
A troll and he fixed it - maybe the trolls aren't so bad after all i'm gonna go think
Hello, does anyone in here is sterile
Princess some of those planks are really loose so is this, where the castle trolls live right through here come
On i'll show. You
They remind us of the stars, well hello there what's your name teenie?
nice to meet you teenie
The sun is too bright for our eyes our great grand total ook at the stars
Such a beautiful, sight all those twinkling lights shining in the night sky
Tolls were so happy i never seen real stars only bees i heard this story
Kinky, and thought the trolls were attacking the castle
Attacking the castle james i need, your help with, what i met the trolls and they're really nice you, went down to their cave
And they didn't bulk you with their clubs, no dave but first you have to help me show
Everyone that they, don't need, to be afraid of the trolls
We have to it's almost dinnertime brilliant
We're not supposed to go anywhere near the castle how, will we even get inside without anyone seeing us
Well make them like us i do teeny i really, do?
Hmm dinner was delicious
But i'm stuffed me too can i be excused you don't want dessert well yeah but, we're full
Coming, quick, hi, we are all very excited to see, your performance i'm sure you'll finally
Come on where should they hide there, oh?
Hi - really, want to see those acrobats. Huh, we can't wait
Your, majesties may i present tonight's entertainment
There is not on my schedule, some very special musicians, who are, also our closest neighbors
hmm i wonder who that could be
Howdy, trolls get into the castle
Even if sophia let them in the trolls broke the rule they, stay, below, we stay above yes your, majesty tomorrow?
Morning i'll place a guard, outside their cave so this never happens, again
You, always, want to see the good in everyone, we can, talk more, about it in the morning but for now
you, need, to get some sleep i
Love, you, good night i'm sorry
What are you doing tomorrow. They're. Pink
Hey, flakes
Yo i need, a favor buddy
firefly lantern great idea clover back later i'm with, you it is spooky in here i
Need to talk to you
Need, to get help
sofia are you all right i
think so
Sofia, you knew about the rule and neither did you tonight and now we'll never see the stars
What the stars they love to look at the stars dad if only you would listen
All these years we thought the worst of the trolls and yet tonight you risked your lives to save ours
You showed as much courage as, my bravest knights i'm going to make a royal proclamation all right
And who do, we have here
You sir are
Well teaming the trolls are and always have been our friends
From this day forward they shall be treated as such
What, is the king mean i will become here to look at stars look at
may i
I'm so glad it worked out, well but promise me you'll never go let's, make, some noise
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