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My REAL Morning Routine for University - Duration: 3:35.Hello everyone!
Today's video is all about the morning routine that I have been able to consistently follow
for the past few weeks.
I was trying to keep a steady morning routine before I shot this video, so it could be as
real as it could get.
I usually start my day from 6 a.m. to 6.
30 and the first thing I do is drink water.
I never drank enough water before, so I finally got around to start doing it when I got a
bottle of water and started placing it right next to my bed at night.
It's a simple trick and has been working wonders and I just like the feeling of crossing
that off my habit tracker every single day.
Right after that is time for breakfast.
I have three or four staple breakfast recipes, so I usually pick one depending on what I
am feeling like having on that particular day and today I decided to cook some oatmeal
and top it up with bananas, cinnamon and coconut.
I really don't spend time making it pretty, I just throw all of my toppings in there,
mix it together and eat it off the bowl it was cooked on.
I usually spend twenty or so minutes eating while I check my calendar or bullet journal,
so I make sure that I am on track for what I have to do for the day.
Other times I use this time to answer a couple of business emails so I don't have to think
about that anymore during the days.
For planning, I have been currently using a technique called calendar blocking to schedule
my day which is something that I learned from the YouTuber Amy Landino.
If you want to know more calendar blocking you have the link to her video on the description
box below.
After struggling with this for months, I finally started working out in the morning, every
day of the week and that's what I do right after breakfast.
The workout I do depends on the day and the time I have available.
If my first class starts at 9 a.m., which was the case today, I will do a quick 15 minutes
Fitness Blender HIIIT workout.
If I wake up at 6 am I take a forty-five-minute walk near my house and if I have the luck
to only have a late class I'll even get to the gym and do some strength training before
After I finish my workout I take a shower and start getting ready for the day.
That includes showering, washing my hair, brushing my teeth and so on.
For makeup and clothes I am very minimal and it's pretty much black and white every single
day and the exact same makeup products and look as well.
I will link every single product I use down below so you can take a look in case you are
interested in learning about what I currently use.
Before I leave the house I make sure to do some cleaning up like washing the breakfast
dishes, making the bed and cleaning up the bathroom.
I simply cannot get home after class and clean stuff so I make sure to spend fifteen to thirty
minutes doing that beforehand.
Also, if I have to pack lunch I will do it right before I leave the house.
I usually cook two portions for dinner and use one of them to pack to lunch the day afterwards
so I don't have to cook in the morning so it's a simple way to make sure I eat healthy
and still save tons of time deciding what I will eat for lunch every day.
If you want to know more about how I try to stay healthy and eat well while in university,
keep an eye out for a very special video which will come up next week.
I hope you've enjoyed today's video, don't forget to click the subscribe button if you
want more university and school related tips and I will see you next time.
Best Foods for Weight Gain in Babies and Kids - Tamil Health Tv - Duration: 3:03.Best Foods for Weight Gain in Babies and Kids - Tamil Health Tv
Games like pubg for android [85MB] - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
(REUPLOAD) Progress Report: Theory Test for Alcohol Catalyzed Magnesium Reduction of Sodium - Duration: 6:58.Warning: The experiment deals with high temperatures.
Sodium is a dangerously reactive and flammable metal.
Fire safety protocols must be in place.
Greetings fellow nerds.
So i have a very exciting progress update:
I have successfully made sodium by the alcohol catalyzed magnesium reduction approach.
The process though is terrible and practically worthless since the alcohol is thousands of times more expensive than the sodium produced.
But I did this not to actually make sodium this way, but to prove the theory you can make sodium this way.
So this video will be more about the process of research rather than the procedures of chemistry.
So a brief reminder: I've been trying to make sodium by the alcohol catalyzed magnesium reduction approach
where magnesium is reacted with sodium hydroxide using an alcohol catalyst.
The amateur has already used this process to make potassium to great success.
This should be safer and higher yielding than the dioxane process
which requires an initial high temperature thermochemical reaction that likely burns a lot of the sodium before it can be recovered.
That is, if we can get this to actually work.
I am not the first person to try this.
The amateur community has been working on this years but to very little success.
A few amateurs reported success but without pictures or further replications by others their reports were met with skepticism.
My own attempts to try this have failed as well.
The current theory, although it's closer to a hypothesis at this point in time,
is that the reaction mechanism proceeds by solvating the alkali metal ions in solution using an alcohol.
It's well known in chemistry that sodium alkoxides are not as soluble in organic solvents as potassium alkoxides.
So according to the current theory we need a sodium alkoxide that is soluble for this to work.
Unfortunately most of us amateur chemists only have access to light alcohols.
These form alkoxides that have extremely low solubility in organic solvents.
What was needed was a heavy alcohol, one that had a large enough carbon chain so it would have more non-polar character than polar character
and thus dissolve in organic solvents even as an alkoxide.
So I made a series of heavier and heavier alcohols using grignard reactions.
I hope that one of them would work.
Afterward began my research mixing together sodium hydroxide, magnesium metal, tetrahydronaphthalene solvent and experimenting with different alcohols.
Unfortuantely, every experiment kept failing.
i found out later that the tetrahydronaphthalene can react with sodium and produce tar.
The reaction is slow but enough to shutdown the catalytic reaction.
At this point though i've been spending months on this project and needed to reevaluate whether it was worth continuing or abandoning.
I needed a model experiment running under perfect conditions to see if making sodium this way was even possible.
The experiment had to be so far at the extreme end of the theory that, if the theory was sound, it would have to work.
Proving the theory possible would determine if i should put the continued effort in or abandon the project.
So to do this we setup a condenser on a flask with 10mL of pure 7-hexyl-7-tridecanol.
This is a superheavy alcohol that i engineered specifically because it would be the ideal alcohol for this experiment.
It's a tertiary alcohol catalyst, but at the same time it's so large that it can also serve as the solvent.
Lighter alcohols cannot be used as the solvent because their alkoxides are solid even at these temperatures.
But 7-hexyl-7-tridecanol alkoxide should still be fluid even without dissolving it in another solvent.
Now the alcohol is yellow due to some minor impurities but it's still the majority component.
However, to make sure the impurities don't interfere, i'm putting in half a gram of sodium metal and heating until it melts.
The sodium will help jumpstart the reaction and destroy any reactive impurities.
Now i know it's kinda redundant to add sodium in an attempt to make sodium,
but this being a model experiment i'm specifically trying to see if we can get any sodium production at all.
We can then figure out the practicalities later.
Similar to testing if something is a fire hazard by setting it on fire.
Setting it on fire isn't the point, it's to see if it can burn at all.
Anyway, once the sodium was dissolved we then added in 3g of lab grade magnesium metal powder.
This is grignard quality magnesium i normally reserve for highly sensitive experiments.
We let this react with maximum heating for half an hour so the alcohol etches the magnesium surface activating it for our reaction.
This should be at least 200 degrees celsius in there, mostly likely higher.
Now we drop in 4g of sodium hydroxide and let it react.
Okay these conditions don't get much more ideal than this.
Sodium jumpstart, high quality magnesium, and an alcohol that has been engineered to be the perfect catalyst and solvent at the same time.
If this doesn't work i'm packing up and moving onto to projects with betters odds like dating a supermodel or becoming a novelist.
Well it looks like the supermodels will have to wait since it seems like it's working.
Those tiny shiny spheres look like sodium is being produced.
This is a great result, this confirms the process can work.
All you amateur chemists that were successful but no one believed you, you are now vindicated.
It actually works.
I'm not sure, but i think this is the first video evidence of making sodium this way.
Anyway i ran this for a few hours and stopped it.
I could have run longer to finish it but i was more interested in just getting it to work rather than isolating the product.
And there it is after cooling, sodium metal along with unreacted magnesium.
This is a lot more sodium metal than the initial sample i used to jumpstart the reaction.
So we are producing it and not just regenerating it.
To test it i scooped out a sample and put it in water.
That is definitely sodium metal.
So this process works.
The major problem is that 7-hexyl-7-tridecanol is incredibly expensive since it has be custom made.
I tried the same experiment again this time with the much cheaper 3-ethy-3-pentanol but it failed since the alkoxide solidified even at these temperatures.
Nonetheless our original result is still important.
It means that the theory is sound and it's worth the effort to continue researching this.
There may yet be a combination of alcohols and solvents that are cheaper and still effective enough to viably obtain sodium.
So my apologies to all the disappointed supermodels out there.
I'm going to go back to the lab and keep working on this.
I'm much more confident now that we will be able to succeed.
Hopefully i'll some more positive results in the coming months.
Thanks for watching.
Special thank you to all of my supporters on patreon for making these science videos possible
with their donations and their direction.
If you are not currently a patron, but like to support the continued production of science videos like this one,
then check out my patreon page here or in the video description.
I really appreciate any and all support.
Birthday Cake Drawing & Coloring For Kids - Coloring Pages For Children - Learn Drawing - Duration: 5:13.
candles are ready
time for coloring!
Cake is READY =)
Learn Colors Learn Shapes with Microwave Oven and Blender for Children #n - Duration: 4:52.DIAMOND
Learn Animals Name and Sound for Kids | Farm Animals Horse Dance - Duration: 8:02.-------------------------------------------
THE MESSAGE FOR ADULTS HIDDEN IN FROZEN - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Fortafy - SHE IS LOOKING FOR A BOYFRIEND! 😱😱😱😱😱 TAG A... #15MFLᴴᴰ (90K) - Duration: 0:55.hi my name is Amira kowalska and I am officially looking for a boyfriend great
things about me to know I like the smell of gasoline I don't
like loud chores no loud chores I don't like pretty faces
I like manly chesty hairy chests this is I like to dance a lot out and eat and
travel I chew my bottom lip when I sleep good because when I was a baby I didn't
want the pacifier I like funny guys I don't care if you're fat skinny short
tall I'm all about the face I like big noses hairy chests is's older
guys I don't have daddy issues as far as ethnicity I don't care I'm very low
Best Games for Kids - PBS Wild Kratts Groundhog Full Episodes Nature WildKrats - Aviva's Power Suit - Duration: 11:21.Best Games for Kids - PBS Wild Kratts Groundhog Full Episodes Nature WildKrats - Aviva's Power Suit
Discipline numbers for school bullying vary by district - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
NEET 2018 Tamilnadu State Quota Counselling Whatsapp Group for MBBS Admission Guidance தமிழ்நாடு - Duration: 2:43.Welcome to NEETLab - A Free Online Coaching website for students.
I have been interacting with more than 10 thousand students who appeared for this year
NEET exam.
I am receiving lot of queries regarding the MBBS counselling process.
Many students have requested us to provide guidance
during the MBBS Counselling Process.
We have already created whatsapp group to provide guidance for all india counselling.
I asked students whether they need guidance for state counselling, we are receiving lot
of requests to create whatsapp
group for many states.
As a first step, We have decided to create NEET Tamilnadu State Quota Admission Counselling
Whatsapp Group.
We will be creating whatsapp groups for other states as well.
so stay tuned.
We will be publishing videos on Counselling process and MBBS admission statistics which
would help you during the
admission process.
So, subscribe to this neetlab youtube channel now and click the bell icon so that you will
get nofified when we publish
MBBS Counselling Videos for your state.
Now, lets discuss about the Tamilnadu MBBS Counselling Whatsapp group.
During the counselling process, you need guidance
to select the best college.
You need to know information such as number of MBBS seats, How old the college is, Tuition
Fees, Last year Cutoff and many more.
Apart from this, as counselling is online process, you may have lot of doubts while
registration, filling forms and
selecting the college, etc . NEETLab along with other members of this group will help
you during the tamilnadu state
medical counselling process.
To join this tamilnadu counselling group, you have to send request to the group admin
specifying your name, neet roll no,
dateofbirth, city to Whatsapp No 638 208 8809
For example, Hari from Theni who is born on 20/10/2001
want to join TN counselling group, he will send join request as shown here.
Share this video to your friends via facebook and Whatsapp who will be participating in
Tamilnadu State Quota MBBS
If we get lot of students in this group, it will benefit each one of you to exchange information
and select
best college for your score.
So don't forget it to share this video in whatsapp.
If you liked this video, please cheer us by clicking the thumbsup button.
See you in the Counselling group.
Thank you.
BTS's "Fake Love" Smashes Record For Fastest K-Pop Group MV To Hit 10 Million Views(News) - Duration: 1:32.BTS's "Fake Love" Smashes Record For Fastest K-Pop Group MV To Hit 10 Million Views
BTSs Fake Love MV has already broken a views record for K-pop groups on YouTube!.
The group released the MV for the title track Fake Love off their new full album Love Yourself: Tear on May 18 at 6 p.m. KST that day, it had already surpassed 10 million views.
This means it hit the milestone in only 4 hours and 56 minutes. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.
The previous record time for a K-pop group to 10 million views was just over 8 hours, which set by BTSs DNA last year. In addition, Fake Love already has over 2. 5 million likes on YouTube.
Many fans are curious to see how many views BTSs new MV will rack up in 24 hours. DNA holds the current record after it reached 20,975,068 views within the first 24 hours after its release.
School tips for Deaf & HoH Students - Duration: 5:52.Who's ready to go to school? Me!
Hey everybody, hope you all doing great
Today we're going to go over tips for
deaf and hard of hearing students and parents of deaf and hard of hearing kids
I will tell you right now
these tips are more for
college and high school type of level
but these tips can be applied to the rest of the school system
You ready to start?
Let's get started then
All right, tip number one:
seek the accommodations early
I would say about a month or so early
so this way, on your first day,
when you're super nervous about finding your classrooms and meeting new classmates and teachers
you don't have to worry about lack of accommodations on top of that hot mess
because I've been there
there were times where I was on the g, on the ball
but other times, not so much
but that was my bad and plus
on the first day, let me tell you, on the first day of college
and high school,
they just go over syllabus
literally read over the syllabus to make sure you know what's going on
so yeah, you'd be alright
Tip number two:
if you don't understand a subject,
just remember, your teacher is there to help you
they have office hours, they have email accounts,
email them or talk to them in person, they are willing to help you, especially when you go
to them weeks, weeks before your first exam
not a week before, WEEKS
if you can't tell, I've done that several times
a week before, it doesn't work
You need time to process information
I don't know why I still do it but I did
Don't do what I did, okay? Cool
Tip number three:
if that teacher
totally fail at
clarifying that subject that you're struggling with
just remember internet and YouTube are here to help you
they have amazing stuff on there that would totally explain the subject
in more in-depth if you needed or more of at glance
PowerPoint, I guess
they have it
just remember that, just don't freak out yet
Tip number four
just be patient with the teachers
Granted, the newer teachers
know that YouTube is not dependable
media when it comes to captions but some other people, they're not aware
sometimes have to learn that lesson
and they would know that captions or as Rikki Poynter coined it: craptions
are freaking awful
just be patient
let them learn
They'll figure it out
unless they somehow find the creators do caption their videos
and if they do, lucky you
lucky you
because I have to deal with with
every year
So annoying
Anyway I'm done ranting, I promise
Tip number five
remember no matter how stressful or hectic school can be
have fun
go out with your friends, make memories
or watch a movie to take a break from studying
or do whatever you do for fun
just don't hurt people, that's all I ask, don't hurt people
because you probably will be charged
or thrown into a jail
and we don't want that
so remember, have fun
Alright, this is all of the tips I have for you today
if you have any other questions,
doesn't matter if it's about school, deaf life, deaf culture or life in general
please drop them down in the comment below
and if you find this video informative,
please click that like button down in the corner down here
and I will see you next Saturday
Magic Lantern - The Little Island of Shipwreck - Episode 40 - stories for kids - Moolt Kids Toons - Duration: 5:31.Once upon a time when Mom and Dad were children
and used to go sledging and jumping the rope
all fairy tails were full of kindness
And the Lanterns were magical
Believe in a magical land
And see you together, it's grand
It's snorkeling adventure today
Our Lantern will show us the way
Magic lantern
OK, Mike, turn off the video game, we are going to watch a slide show!
I want to play. I learnt about so many bonuses!Ii'm not about to share them with
anyone right now! - You won't share it even with friends?
No, I need all these bonuses for myself!
Amazing. Well, in that case we'll watch a slideshow about what happens when you
don't share things with friends. Switching on the magic lantern
'The little island of shipwreck'
one day Reginald got really bored. So he decided to go on an ocean voyage
to entertain himself
when I feel bored I play video games, that's all! Mike, you also play video games
when you're happy
which means that you're pretty much playing the most of time! Beautiful Viviana
was traveling in the cabin next to his. 'Let's be bored together!' said Reginald
alright, agreed Viviana. - Is it possible to be bored together? It just depends on who
you're with at the time. It sure is with you One night a terrible hurricane approached
and the ship started to sin! All the passengers and the crew got into the
boats and sailed away, but Reginald and Viviana were sleeping in their
what about the captain? Isn't he supposed to be the last to leave the ship?
The next-to-last. Just keep watching. When they went out on the deck there was no
one left there, and the half-sunk ship was drifting
in the sea. 'No one will save us!' , cried Viviana
Will they be saved?
Keep watching, don't interrupt! Then they saw a small island in the
distance. We're saved! - Viviana and Reginald were happy
It was the strangest island in the world! It consisted of have sunken ships, all
gathered together by the current. Right in the middle of the ocean
hold on, I thought all the islands were made of sand
not all of them as you can see. Sailors from all over the world lived on that
island. Sailor Slayton was the leader there. He declared himself the king of
the island
If this guy is a king where is his ground? In the lobby on a hanger! Keep watching
welcome to my kingdom! - said Slayton. Would you like to eat some raw fish?
I can't eat the raw fish, - said beautiful Viviana.
I can't eat fish either, only if it's sushi
Slayton looked angrily at the beautiful Viviana. He said: You will be my wife!
Viviana protested: I will not! Reginald added: she will not! Slayton ordered
'Put him in the hold!'
Reginald was tied and thrown into the hold
why did they tie him up? Because he wouldn't eat raw fish? Reginald was
able to untie the ropes but the door of the hold was locked, and Reginald started
throwing around the barrels that would put along the walls of the hold
Maybe there's another exit here! Kate, what's in the barrels anyway? Keep watching
they were candies and cookies in the barrels, that's what King Slayton is
eating! Behind one of the barrels there was a secret passage, and Reginald climbed up on the
deck from the hold! Mike, you would probably eat all the candies first
You would eat them, too! He found the beautiful Viviana, and they climbed into an old boat in
order to get away from the island. "Catch them!" cried Slayton.Hang on, Reginald we're rooting for
Slayton is lying to you! - yelled Reginald He gives you raw fish to eat, and he
himself eats candies and cookies!
So the sailors rushed back to attack Slayton.
-Hurry up, guys! Get to the hold! The candies are there!
Reginald and Viviana went back home save and
sound. Since then they've never been bored
Do you understand now that you have to share things with friends? -Yes, I do
Will you share things with me?
No -Why not?
You're my sister, and they didn't say anything about sisters in the slideshow
#1 Treadmill Trick For Six-Pack Abs (or a FLAT Belly) - Duration: 5:47.Hey everybody out there!
Coach Dan along with the Over 40 Protocol.
And today, yep, you caught me.
I'm on a treadmill and I'm over here schlepping my butt off
on this thing to try to get abs.
Not happening.
Is this you?
Do you run your butt off for abs or a flat tummy?
If so, I want to give you my helpful--
all the years of me coaching professional athletes, moms,
dads, Olympians, the best thing you can use if you do
want to spend all your days outside in that hot air
Or on a treadmill in a gym that takes you at least 20
to 30 minutes to get to the gym through traffic,
and 20 to 30 minutes to get home.
If you really want to do this, the best way, OK,
that you're going to burn more calories
and get more bang for every minute that you spend running,
OK, to get that flat stomach, is you
need to do your intensity of level three, OK?
Of level three, meaning zero is no intensity,
10 is the highest for your intensity,
meaning you're exhausted at a level 10.
So what you're going to do is, you're
going to crank this thing up like this.
You going to go fast.
And you're going to go as fast as you can.
Now, you get to that level nine to 10,
and you do this for two minutes.
You do this for two minutes.
And then after two minutes, I want you to bring this
back down on speed.
So like this.
It would be more like a light log.
Now, that would be for me a level three.
So two minutes on a level nine to 10 of your intensity,
and then two minutes--
one to two if you can get less than two minutes,
that's even better.
Two minutes at a level three.
Now, you'll learn that what will happen
is your endurance will pick up, and those times
will become easy.
When they do, you cut those times,
however you need to, to make you shorter.
So the example would be let's say you go a minute and a half
at an intensity of nine to 10.
And then maybe you go a minute and a half on a level three.
Now, how many intervals would you do?
It's like a high intensity interval workout, right?
HIT all day long.
You know what that is.
So how many would you do?
I would recommend at least five sets of that.
Five sets of that.
So if you really want to schlep on a treadmill
or out the hot sun and run, well, this is your answer.
But because you're here with me today and I'm at the gym,
I have something for you, and maybe come over here with me.
You just come right over here with me,
because when you're at this gym with me,
I want to show you a little bit about what I'm talking about.
All right.
All right.
Now, stay right there, OK?
Now listen this, OK?
If you're not all about schlepping
on a treadmill, like I'm not anymore,
and you're over the age of 40 years old,
I have something that is a protocol--
that's a metabolic trick, that only takes 12 minutes.
You will burn more calories than what I just
explained to you on that treadmill,
by only using this protocol, and it's 12 minutes long.
Now, do I have your attention?
Because if I do and you're looking to get that dream body,
OK, no matter man or woman.
If you're looking to your dream body,
then you have to be moving differently,
and you have to have specific protocols that will help you.
Because let's face it, over 35 years old, the hormones tank.
Fat in the belly stores.
It's harder to burn off, and you can sit
on the treadmill for hours, OK?
You can come in here five days a week,
just like you've seen everybody else on cardio machines--
and oh, by the way, hey, do they all of the same?
They sure do.
It looks like they never change.
You want to know why?
Because of exactly what I'm talking about.
If you're over the age of 40, you
have to be moving differently, and you
don't have to do it spending 45 minutes to an hour in a gym.
All you need is 12 minutes.
If you want that metabolic secret,
and you want that dream body, and you're
sick and tired of having fat around your stomach,
it's time for the Over 40 Protocol.
Down here, all right, do me a favor.
If you love this information and you want more videos from me,
all right?
[INAUDIBLE] right here at the Over 40 Protocol,
down here in the comments, do me a favor.
Make a comment and say thank you with two exclamation marks.
Thank you with two exclamation marks, OK?
Do me a favor, you can share this video.
Share with the world.
Hit it like on this video for me.
Show me some love for taking my time out
to help you get your dream body.
Remember, if you want the secret,
and the secret is only 12 minutes long,
then click the link down here right now.
I want to thank you for stopping on this video today,
and I want you to keep going strong.
Alina Zagitova Archive For Fans 09.12.2017 Алина Загитова - Duration: 23:18.Put everything aside
Danya, Hello
Danya Samsonov
Here Nastya Tarakanova, Alina and me
What it is?
I dont know
I have 60 viewers
I have never had this
Put these pictures there
I'll put them here temporarily.
Flowers ... flowers there
Look at it
Look, cool toy
Will you help me carry it all?
I'll give you something for this.
I thought I would get something too.
These are all Alina's toys
This is all Rilakkuma
Thank you
Alice from Austria asks: Would you like me to bring you something?
I dont know
So many flowers
Why do you need flowers?
The whole family of Rilakkuma
You wanted Rilakkuma, keep it
Oh, I knew that here is a pillow in the shape of a heart
Is it wet?
No, you can take yourself
We put small gifts here
Where is the letter?
Thank you. Danila Samsonov congratulates Alina and Nastya
Thank you
Okay. I will keep the live broadcast
Ass Alina
Thank you. Dima Aliev congratulates us.
Who? Dima Aliev
Alina, look
Alina, they are funny
I like very much
Again socks
I'm homeless
Socks do not climb back
This is where? Nastya, would you like a toy?
As if for a birthday. Exactly, you had a birthday
It's not a Rilakkuma, imagine?
This is fish
Japanese love to give one sock
One sock? Yes
I wonder what is in this package
Again. This is Rilakkuma
I do not know what is this. Here is the envelope
New Year's lights
Rubbish off
We need more Rilakkuma, right?
Need more
This is Tights...
Do you want me to show what they gave me?
Now I will show the toys that gave me
This is Rilakkuma
It's not mine, it's Alina's toys
Probably take everything, I do not know
Too much weight
At the Russian Championship there will be fewer toys
So you need to take everything
Strange music
Let's put the flowers
Oh, what is this? This panties
Take a picture of me
They write: Hooray, there will be a new photo of Alina in the instagram
Alina, sit in the middle. Squash everything
It is necessary to turn on the light. How to do it?
Let's remove them
You have such a sweet phone
These are socks
I turned on the front camera
My hand is shaking
Explain to me what this is?
I took some photos
Do you know what it's called? Once thrown on the ice Rilakkuma for napkins
I like both. Although no, like this and this one
Put this picture on the page, and put the other on the story
I would do so
What's this? Decorative teips?
Decorative teips
I dont know
I can not choose
Probably this one. Yes, probably
History. We are sitting in the stands. A dancer from America who knows Russian
I dropped the toy, and he took it and threw it on the ice for other dancers
I scolded him, it was my only toy
He said that he would come to an agreement and return the toy to me. He did so
Nastya here
I need a small suitcase
And then in my suitcase does not fit
Alena and Nastya Skoptsova went for a walk
I do not know for sure ... They went to Starbucks
Sasha and her mom went for a walk
I live with Nastya. Alina lives with Masha
We're leaving on the 11th
Show me
Send me this picture. I look good there
I'm still beautiful
Alina, here are my flowers. Three
And I have 5
Thank you
I did not like one photo
Which one?
With Gleikh?
Be careful
Thank you
Thank you very much
We have the time now 00:00
I have the same
Alina, look what kind of face mask I bought. To myself and to a friend
And they also gave this thing, for the foot
Now I'll show my socks
Although no, something else
Alina, look what happened to my phone
This is my phone
It is broken
I do not have time to read. I'm so popular
Yes, Diana, I'm listening to you.
They gave me this
The rest I already packed in a suitcase
There the socks are different
There is a towel even
If you want I can take another picture
I have a quiet voice now
Thank you
Say Hello for Natasha
Turn off the broadcast
Who is this? I dont know
Alain, come in and see
Wow! Shit
I have a live broadcast !!
It is necessary to warn
Alexei and Makar left
I could write to you too: Thank you very much. (Alina does not know English)
Nastia you took my ... What?
My throat hurts because we supported our athletes
Я не знаю
There was a cool thing
I can not find. There were mini-photos
Mother is calling. Hello
I did not go to bed, because Polina called. I need to find an Alexey
They recommend writing: Thank you very much for you support
Rilakkuma, I know
After 2 minutes I will be in Dasha's room. I spend the night with her
Is Sonya alone?
Have you arranged with Sonya?
Yes, she now went with Alexei and Makar
I wanted to take something away from someone. But I decided not to do this
We will not let them in here.
They will make a mess
There Alexey
And Sonya
They left already, probably
I lost my card
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