Atheism is Over – Debunked - Duration: 12:24."What is atheism?
Atheism is rejecting belief in any form of unseen divinity."
You know, when the first words of an argument are ridiculously factually incorrect (and
weirdly confusing) ("That's actually...
I'm not even mad - that's amazing!
Hmm.") it's probability best to walk away, but if everyone walked then the wielder would
feel impenetrable, and so, consider this an act of charity…
This is Atheism is Over – Debunked.
"The atheist denies the existence of a creator, of divine revelation, and of resurrection."
One of the first "mistakes" that theists make (and I put the word "mistake" in
quote marks because it's often not one) is to strawman atheists by insisting that their
position is something other than what it is, and so let me clear that up.
A "theist" is "Someone who believes that at least one god exists", and an "a-theist"
(with the prefix "a" meaning "non", "not" or "without") is a "non-theist".
That's it.
An atheist is simply "Someone who isn't convinced that a god exists".
There's no denial of "unseen divinity", resurrection or indeed anything.
It's a non-belief; a non-position; and really, it shouldn't even be a word!
"What is the proof that there is a creator?
There are many proofs."
Yeah, and I've already addressed nine of which you've presented in a previous video.
"But we will focus on two: the first is called proof on the basis of existence, and
the second is called proof on the basis of providence.
What is meant by proof on the basis of existence?
Everything is temporarily originated – it came into existence after it was non-existent,
so it must have had an originator."
So first off, due to the Law of Conservation of Energy, we know that when something comes
into existence (be it a pocket-watch or a sandstone) it doesn't do so from non-existence;
it does so via the rearrangement of already existing matter.
A sandstone, for example, doesn't just puff into existence ex nihilo… it comes into
existence due to fragments of minerals compacting over time.
And secondly, note that the "originator" or "creator" of sandstones is the unconscious
laws of nature (and not a conscious being), because theists like to jump from something
to someone without sufficient reason, and this is but one example.
"This means we have 10>124 proofs that a creator exists.
This number constitutes the overall number of molecules with their functional activities
throughout the universe."
… For crying out loud, what orifice did you pull that number from?
To justly say that "This number constitutes the overall number of molecules with their
functional activities throughout the universe" you'd have to first observe the entire universe
(which you haven't), and then account for every single molecule (which, by extension,
you haven't).
This is absolutely ridiculous.
"By the way, this number is huge!
It means 10 followed by 124 zeros, so everything that originated and entered the sphere of
existence is a proof that there is a creator."
And again, while we can arbitrarily call whatever caused something to "come into existence"
its "originator" or "creator", we can't just assume that this creator is a
"someone" rather than a "something" (and we certainly can't assume that it's
a very specific someone, can we?).
That wouldn't be even remotely logical.
"That is why many verses of the Qur'an bring the creations into focus.
Allah says, "Say, look at whatever exists in heaven and on earth, but signs and warnings
do not benefit the unbelievers".
Yeah, and the Buddha says "The wise know that anyone in the world who places his trust
in the dharma can say, 'I am born of dharma, created by dharma, an heir of dharma,' no
matter what caste he was born into"… quoting a book doesn't validate an invalid fallacious
"Allah also says what means 'Do they not ponder about their own selves?'
Allah has created the heavens and the--" Yeah, and again, Zeus says "My brothers,
we were forged in victory; a victory that ended the Great War and brought forth the
reign of Mount Olympus.
Born from the depths of the Underworld, rooted in the River of Souls, our mountain emerged
out of the chaos"… quoting something doesn't make it true!
"He also says what means 'Have they not--" Right, I'm going to skip the rest of the
quranic quotes within this video, because Merciful Servant doesn't include them to
bolster his arguments, he includes them to preach to the choir…
"So everything that has originated is in itself a direct proof that there is an originator."
No, it's not.
So far as we know, nothing (at all) came into existence from absolutely nothing, and, again,
we know that complex things (such as sandstones) can (and do) emerge from unconscious natural
"What is meant by proof on the basis of providence?
It means that everything ultimately in existence, starting from the quarts (which are the smallest
subatomic particles ever allocated) up to the galaxies carries an extent of functional
Functional complexity, huh?
This sounds suspiciously like a rendition of Paley's Watchmaker Analogy…
"This means that each has a specific and specialised function, and a functional complexity
necessarily means a grade above mere existence […] So everything around you is designed
in a special method so as to carry out a special function.
Hence, everything around you carries a functional complexity, and this complexity is a proof
of origination – which means that it must have had an originator!"
Okay, so the emphasis on complexity requiring a more complex creator does indeed make this
a version of the Watchmaker Analogy (which is an insanely popular argument, and one that
I've already addressed in great detail).
However, I'll of course address it here too, but before I do, here's the rest of Merciful
Servant's rendition: "An example of this is the lamp.
This is a functional complexity.
The electric lamp is made up of a coil, a lead wire that connects electricity to the
coil, inert gas that protects the coil, and does not affect it or the electricity.
A glass bulb that prevents the entry of air or the exit of the inert gas, which would
otherwise burn the coil.
And finally the base of the lamp, which connects the lamp with the socket, and ensures the
passage of the electrical current."
So Merciful Servant is using a lamp where Paley used a watch, but the argument is exactly
the same – it's the assertion that complexity requires a more complex creator.
"Here the electric lamp demonstrates a system of complexity that cannot be dismissed or
Since is carries a rudimentary rational indication to the mastery of the manufacturer, then the
one who denies the masterful formation of the lamp or assumes that it originated by
chance is the one required to fetch a proof to his assumption."
So there's a great many flaws with the Watchmaker Analogy (or in this case the Lamp Analogy),
and I think the best way to expose them is to first simplify the argument, and so, here's
it's syllogistic form: premise 1, the light bulb is complex; premise 2) the light bulb
had a creator; premise 3) the human is complex; conclusion; therefore the human had a creator.
Now while complexity does not necessitate an even more complex creator (as already demonstrated
in reference to sandstones), let's just assume that it did; that the human must've
had an intelligent creator because the human has "functional complexity" – what then?
Well,since it would follow that the creator of humans must itself be even more complex,
we'd have to ask, who created the creator?
And who created the creator's creator?
And so on and so forth.
You see, the assertion that complexity requires a more complex creator is self-refuting because
it necessitates an infinite regress; it necessitates turtles all the way down.
Now many theists respond to this criticism by asserting that their god is a special case
that doesn't require a more complex creator, but this is simply Special Pleading, and to
anyone who actually cares about truth it's not nearly good enough.
Moving on, the Lamp Analogy is entirely predicated on a False Analogy Fallacy, because it insists
that because two things share one quality in common (which in this case is complexity),
they must also share another quality in common (which in this case is a creator), when this
simply cannot be logically inferred.
It's as fallacious as asserting that because the light bulb is complex, and because the
light bulb was invented in 1879, therefore because the human is complex, it too must've
been invented in 1879.
Just because two things have one thing in common, this doesn't mean that they share
another thing in common.
Another damning flaw with this argument that's worth mentioning is that is commits a False
Cause fallacy.
It does this because it asserts that complexity can only be caused by a creator, when not
only has this not been proven to be the case, it's actually been proven not to be the
As said earlier, the sandstone is complex, and yet we know it wasn't created by a conscious
creator – it was created by a collection of unconscious natural processes, and the
same is true of the earth, the moon, and the sun.
"While having a diverse array of lamps can never be a proof that it is all just mere
chance, using this same rationalisation, we can deduct that a creature with all this functional
complexity (the human being) must have had an originator […] So, if you look at the
four components of the lamp and deduce that it must have had a maker, and you do not realise
that you too must have had a maker, then the problem is in your way of thinking."
So notice Merciful Servant's emphasis on mere chance being the only other alternative
("Just mere chance"); because in doing this he's committing a Black and White Fallacy;
he's presenting two possibilities as if they are the only, without justifying why
they're the only.
And what's worse is that he's completely ignoring a third possibility… that being
evolution by natural selection.
You know, the very bedrock of biology that's supported by every field of study that confront
it; such as anatomy, palaeontology, geology, embryology, neurobiology, medicine and genetics.
Without getting into it too deeply, when an organism is conceived it receives a copy of
its parent's DNA, but sometimes the copy is imperfect (and we label these imperfections
"mutations"); now if that mutation gives the offspring a greater chance of surviving
and reproducing than its counterparts, then it will be more prevalent within the next
And thus, nature can (and indeed does) produce evermore complex organisms (and, again, it
does so unconsciously).
And the last point I want to make is that the reason we can infer that lamps are created
by intelligent agents has nothing to do with complexity.
It's because we have countless examples of lamps being created by intelligent agents,
and none being created without one; but in contrast, we have inferred countless examples
of species emerging from natural selection, and none being created from an intelligent
"Allah says what means--" No…
"Allah says, in the--" Please, stop it…
"Hence, existence (proof of the basis of existence) and regulating creation (proof
on the basis of providence), are both rational evidences to the presence of an originator."
Hence, these two "proofs" of Allah, and with it Merciful Servant's assertion that
"Atheism is Over" is debunked.
Likewise to most theistic arguments, this has been nothing more than a mere repackaging
of outdated (and already debunked) arguments.
Anyhow, as always, thank you kindly for the view, and an extra special thank you to my
wonderful patrons and those of you who've donated via PayPal.
Together, we're truly making an impact, and for that, you rock!
Until next time my fellow apes, until next time.
Today Is Not My Day | Worst Bad Day Compilation Ever - Duration: 11:11.Today Is Not My Day | Worst Bad Day Compilation Ever
Cute is Not Enough - Funny Dogs Compilation 2018 | Life of Dogs - Duration: 4:38.Thanks for watching
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Cute is Not Enough - Funny Dogs and Cat Compilation #1 | Dogs are Awesome - Duration: 5:32.Thanks for watching !!!
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lexus is 300 Oil Filter Spanner2 - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Mayor: The Preakness is Baltimore's shining time - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Trump is Gearing Up to Give Dems This ... - Duration: 11:23.Trump is Gearing Up to Give Dems This BRUTAL ULTIMATUM in Order to Fund #TheWall
President Trump has had it with the obstruction over the border wall.
Our country is in dire need of law & order and border security, and the Democrats, who
want to build a new political base of "illegal voters," are fighting him every step of
the way.
So, President Trump is ready to shut down the government over the funding of his border
From The Blaze
President Donald Trump suggested Saturday that a government shutdown might be needed
to secure his proposed wall for the U.S.-Mexico border, ABC News reported.
What happened?
"We're going to get the wall, even if we have to think about closing up the country
for a little while," Trump said during a tax reform roundtable meeting in Cleveland
on Saturday.
"We're going to get the wall.
We have no choice."
Trump did not specify what he meant by "closing up the country," according to the report.
But he told supporters last month that there could be an autumn shutdown if Congress fails
to meet his funding demands on border security.
The president wrote on Twitter this week that the border is "under siege," adding: "Congress
must act now to change our weak and ineffective immigration laws.
Must build a Wall.
Mexico, which has a massive crime problem, is doing little to help!"
Our Southern Border is under siege.
Congress must act now to change our weak and ineffective immigration laws.
Must build a Wall.
Mexico, which has a massive crime problem, is doing little to help!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 4, 2018
One week ago, Trump also suggested a shutdown over the border wall.
His comment came in reference to a "caravan" of migrants seeking asylum in the U.S.
"I really thought they'd be much better to us and tougher on the caravan.
Didn't work out that way," Trump said in the report.
"They allow these people to come up through Mexico and come into our country."
The migrants entered the U.S. several days ago and their requests for asylum are under
The president also used the event as an opportunity to support Rep. Jim Renacci (R-Ohio), who
is running for U.S. Senate.
He was seated alongside Trump on the stage.
Trump said Renacci is "doing really great" and "has my full support," the report
"We need your vote.
We need your help, so go out and help Jim," Trump said.
Anything else? Trump also participated in an RNC fundraiser
in Cleveland, where he spoke to 250 people and helped raise $3 million, ABC
News reported.
Jackie Chan is a Man of Action for the L.A. Zoo - Duration: 0:34.Hello!!!
I am Jackie Chan.
You probably know I'm a man of action.
And I'm very much into saving animal species around the world.
That's why I'm a Los Angeles Zoo Ambassador.
So tonight, please help save species from extinction, from the giant panda to the Sumatran tiger.
And more, and more, and more.
Thank you, thank you very much.
What Your Acne Is Telling You About Your Health - Face Mapping - Duration: 6:47.Joy Home Remedies Brings You:
What Your Acne is Telling You About Your Health - Face Mapping
Breakouts really friggin blow!
Not to mention, we get them at the worst possible times.
While hormones can absolutely cause breakouts, they aren't the only thing that cause them.
It turns out that some acne can be attributed to underlying internal health problems, which
believe it or not, aren't impossible to uncover and alleviate!
Face mapping is an alternative medicine practice that looks at the location of acne on your
face, and points out possible health issues that may be associated with your acne.
Now, don't assume you have a serious health problem just because you get a pimple on your
chin now and then.
However, if your acne frequently appears in the same place, or you have chronic acne and
no solution, you might want to consider what your acne is telling you about your health!
To get you started, here are the most common places for acne to appear, and what your pimples
Number 1 - Acne On Forehead
Pimples on your forehead could be an indication that your digestion is poor!
Along with the dreaded forehead pimples, you're also likely to experience bloating, gas, diarrhea
or constipation.
Reduce your intake of caffeinated and overly processed drinks like soda.
And opt for water as often as possible.
Water helps flush out toxins and therefore aids in digestion, along with reducing overall
fat intake.
Number 2 - Acne Between Eyebrows
Redness, flakiness, excess oil, or pimples between your eyebrows can indicate a stressed
Especially if you've been overindulging in fatty, greasy foods that are harder to
digest, or drinking alcohol, which requires the liver to work harder to filter it out.
You must focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, and cutting out alcohol and all the junk from
your diet.
Also exercise regularly to improve metabolism.
Drink plenty of water!
Number 3 - Acne Around The Eyes
Skin around the eyes is supposedly linked to your kidneys.
Therefore, anything from acne to dark circles in that area, often indicates that the kidneys
are under pressure from simply experiencing mild dehydration.
So drink up!
Number 4 - Acne On Upper Cheeks
Skin disorders on the top of your cheeks are linked to the lungs, which could be due to
toxins from air pollution or smoking.
If you have allergies or asthma, it may be worth working on an auto-immune protocol as
your immune system is in overdrive and you may need to reduce inflammation in your body.
Additionally, bacteria on objects that are constantly in contact with your face, such
as your cell phone, or makeup brushes, can also contribute to the problem.
Number 5 - Acne On Lower Cheeks
Zits on your lower cheeks could be due to bad dental hygiene.
It is usually attributed to problems with the gums, especially when they are inflamed
on the inside, which could possibly be causing breakouts on the outside.
Cutting down on sugary food and drinks in addition to brushing and flossing daily, should
take care of this problem.
Number 6 - Acne On The Nose
If your nose is swollen, then your acne might have to do with high blood pressure.
Changing up your diet by reducing sodium intake, and avoiding energy drinks, as well as eating
more fruits and vegetables will lower your blood pressure.
It may be worth visiting a doctor, because high blood pressure can be a sign of other
health problems.
Number 7 - Acne On The Ears
Like the eyes, the ears are also linked to the kidneys, so if you are breaking out on
your ears, it may be signaling dehydration.
Be sure that you are drinking enough water and reducing your sodium intake!
Number 8 - Acne On The Chin Or Jawline
Pimples on your chin or jawline might be traced back to a hormonal imbalance, which can be
caused by stress, or menstruation if you're a woman.
The first steps in fixing hormonal acne, is to manage your blood sugar by removing refined
carbohydrates and increasing your clean protein intake, and also managing your stress.
Number 9 - Acne Around The Corners Of The Mouth
If you suffer from breakouts around your mouth area, once again, your diet could be to blame.
The area around your mouth is associated with your digestive organs, like your intestines
and liver.
Try cutting back on spicy foods and fried foods, while eating more fiber, fruits, and
Number 10 - Acne Above The Eyebrows
This area is directly correlated to your immune system.
Breakouts will pop up here when you're sick or about to be sick.
If you notice a breakout in this zone, slow down for a couple of days, drink plenty of
water and eat immune boosting foods such as citrus fruits and ginger.
So much of our external health depends on our internal health, and skin is no exception.
So the next time you have a huge breakout that just won't disappear, try turning to
this acne face map!
That being said, it's important to remember not to self-diagnose if your acne gets worse,
and instead, make a trip to see your doctor, or dermatologist.
Of course, following a healthy lifestyle never hurts, and will likely leave you with softer,
clearer skin!
Where do you tend to get pimples on your face?
What is your acne breakout telling you?
If you think what you've learned in this video is useful, please slam that like button,
and share it with your friends!
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Royal wedding preacher: Who is Michael Curry? - Duration: 3:28.Royal wedding preacher: Who is Michael Curry?
American Bishop Michael Curry has captured the worlds attention with a long and powerful address at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Bishop Curry, from Chicago, spoke passionately about the power of love, quoting Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
Theres power in love, dont underestimate it, he said. The wide-ranging and colourful speech was seen as a significant break from tradition.
The Most Reverend Michael Curry became the first black presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church - like the Church of England, part of the Anglican Communion - when he was appointed in 2015.
He has spoken out on social justice issues in the past, including LGBT rights and sexual abuse. The address, replete with historical references, had churchgoers, including David Beckham and the Duchess of Cornwall smiling.
The bride and groom, who invited Bishop Curry to speak, sat near the preacher and held hands as they watched him speak. Bishop Curry addressed the audience as brothers and sisters.
When love is the way, we will let justice roll down like a mighty stream and righteousness like an ever-flowing brook, he said, quoting the bible and raising his arms.
When love is the way, poverty will become history. When love is the way, the Earth will be a sanctuary..
He continued, referencing the African-American spiritual song Down by the Riverside, which was sung by slaves: When love is the way, we will lay down our swords and shields down by the riverside to study war no more.
When love is the way, theres plenty good room, plenty good room for all of Gods children. Because when love is the way, we actually treat each other, well, like were actually family.
But Bishop Curry appeared to realise he may have gone on speaking for too long, saying towards the end of the speech that he had better wrap up, as we gotta get you all married!.
Before the ceremony, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, who officiated the ceremony in St Georges Chapel, said he was thrilled the prince and Ms Markle had chosen Bishop Curry, describing him as a brilliant pastor, stunning preacher.
The speech - described by some as the fire speech for the large number of references made to it by the preacher - lit up social media. Former Labour Party leader Ed Miliband said the reverend could make me a believer.
Bishop Curry spoke at length in the last part of his speech about fire, quoting the late French philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
The Frenchman, he said, had suggested that the discovery and harnessing of fire was one of the great technological discoveries of human history.
He then listed the many uses of fire, from cooking food, to aviation, to broadcasting this wedding around the world.
The preacher later returned to de Chardin, who he said had argued that if humanity ever captured the energy of love, it would be the second time in history that we have discovered fire.
When we discover the redemptive power of love, he said, we will make of this old world, a new world.
Talking to the bride and groom, he finished his speech by saying: My brother, my sister, God love you, God bless you, and may God hold us all in those almighty hands of love. Who is Michael Curry?.
He was ordained as a priest in 1978, is the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church and has spoken on issues including social justice, immigration policy and marriage equality.
He most recently campaigned for the creation of family day care providers, educational centres and investment in inner-city neighbourhoods in all three of his parish ministries - North Carolina, Ohio, and Maryland.
In North Carolina, he helped to refocus the churchs development goals to fund malaria nets to save more than 100,000 lives.
Bishop Curry defended the Episcopal Churchs move to allow same sex couples to marry in church in 2015, which caused some churches to cut ties.
The US Episcopal Church is one of only two Anglican churches worldwide that allow gay marriage in church - the other being the Scottish Episcopal Church.
Medsos Indonesia (Childish Gambino - This Is America) *Parody Indonesia* | GenkBenk - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
Glennis Grace is 'waanzinnig verliefd' - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
S2P1 Fade To Silence Part 1(What is that!) - Duration: 18:19.hello welcome back ItsAMakoFloof um playing
fade to silence I'm gonna be making a melee character this time and don't
forget to Like and subscribe yes I know I said melee but I know I
haven't been through the game complete name yet and I don't know if some
enemies have to be tooken out with bow and arrow but we'll find out okay yeah
I've tried to record this a few times and it hasn't worked very very
frustrating I think I've recorded like five times I want to say okay to intro
I'm gonna go through the intro because it's not very long
the new cycle begins
sorry if you hear anything in the background you might hear my dog's
marking so you'll hear a dog barking at you
I did notice one thing that some things in the game are random okay first battle
yeah the last time I played what didn't record was the sound come on call damn
come on there we go that's what I wanted come on duty come on do it again do it
again no not that one
very frustrating when you got a animal that won't stop barking behind you
makes a little bit harder to kill enemies come on this is simple simple
simple cleanse
earlene are
and took an out
those awful day why won't they just leave
okay let's get this started okay I know exactly what I'm doing this
Angeles I wanted to see if she would start
glitching out oh yeah one thing I did notice was and your character unlocks
all this stays the same that's pretty cool but it doesn't really seem to do
much okay first thing I need to get is axe once you get the axe you don't have
to worry about firewood candy candy piece of candy poopies candy back let's
get going we run up this way I avoid that guy I wanna head over here start
picking up stuff cuz I need I know I need four pieces of scrap to pristine
wood and some fiber get fiber from these guys
it's actually pretty simple to get a lot of this stuff in the beginning
okay scan if I can get one of these dear that'd be awesome
usually I catch one that's stuck or something avoid that because I know a
guy will pop out if I grab that see him right there okay anyways I usually
usually doesn't pop out unless I pick up that one item
okay let's get out of here Oh Oh what oh come on why did it target
him all of a sudden that's just some ol
miss some stuff okay let's get up here I'm gonna clear out
clear out this one and probably the next one maybe depends I know my person is
freezing the whole time these are pretty simple to clear out pens on if I see
everything around me
and clear easy enough
pick up all the stuff and next one this way yeah this way this is uh over here
is where I get a lot of the scrap from come on if I can go up these little
ramps and as soon as I pick some of this stuff up they'll pop out come on okay
get ready to not die please don't die
smack oh come on two of them don't remember there being two it's gonna be
pain in the butt because there's two
this guy dodge this make lunch oh okay I need to get out of here oh just get out
of here I don't remember there being two last time I just need to get out of here
come on before they get me and they're working at it too
oh that didn't go too well okay I want to grab this stuff this stuff annoys me
that last time I recorded this I didn't have dogs barking it's really annoying I
got dog barking behind me that won't stop
pick up all this stuff this is where you get the first pristine wood from I don't
know if there's a closer place pick up this and maybe I have enough to build
the axe yes I do first step done now I can chop
down the wood I think I have enough to build the sword two and got the sword
I'm gonna need 12 how many of these do I have not enough
okay go ahead and equip a new sword make sure I didn't miss anything
oh yeah this bus you can get another piece of salvaged arrows and usually
healing items from here oh no arrow is that time okay
get get one healing item Oh
and I don't want to fight you right now I want to go up here and clear this out
run run run run run okay second one that to be cleared
he's easy no big complications
okay I want to check this out I'm gonna have to go back soon because I'm
okay easy kill when you know when you know you can kill them like that it's
too easy okay I swear I picked up some what summoning Chris summon your low
wolves to your side complete with the sled oh cool did I just eat that oh come
on didn't want to eat that yet yeah the
game's acting a little bit less glitchy now since I want a different save okay
let's go check this over here and see if I can pick anything up my health isn't
looking too good so I need to be careful oh no actually I think I'm gonna have to
run back I'm almost freezing to death
I mean oh yeah random things it's not the same every time
see now there's a that wasn't there last time huh yeah random stiffly random okay
let's get back let's get back let's get back before I end up dying I have to
avoid most enemies because I'm I do not want to freeze to death and it's going
down fast
now I'm not too far away OOP I just need to avoid him for now
just running through every enemy I can come on I can get back I have to run
fight it by this guy
ok let's get up here and this probably gonna have to be the end let me just
make sure nothing happens when I get up here
I didn't notice there's a little bit of randomness about what happens in the
main areas yeah I'm starting to die cuz I'm freezing
I mean I don't have this crafted let me craft it up real fast so I can put it
down when I get up there ah the heartbeat noise gradually decrease once
you start freezing yeah yeah yeah
basically saying you're about to die oh no she's doing her sliding thing
again ok I'm here I'm here you can warm up now ok ok thank you for watching like
and subscribe if you like the content yeah I know it was a little bit short
this episode bye see you guys next time bye
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