Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 19 2018

Donald Trump says US troops will WITHDRAW from Syria as ISIS is defeated

DONALD Trump says he will withdraw American forces from northwest Syria as ISIS is defeated,

US officials with knowledge of the decision said on Friday in a move which suggests the

President intends to keep his previous promises.

The US will leave areas dominated by Islamist factions and focus recovery efforts on areas

where US-led forces have retaken territory from Islamic State in the northeast.

Tens of millions of dollars will be cut from previous US-backed efforts in the northwest.

These include projects for "countering violent extremism, supporting independent society

and independent media, strengthening education, and advocating for community policing",

US officials said.

A State Department official added: "US assistance for programs in northwest Syria are being

freed up to provide potential increased support for priorities in northeast Syria."

A second official said the administration believed it wanted to move the assistance

to areas where the US had more control.

They added that humanitarian assistance would not be affected in the northwest around Idlib

province, which is the largest chunk of Syrian territory held by insurgent factions, including

al Qaeda's former affiliate in the Syrian war.

Trump said in March that it was time for the United States to leave Syria, following allied

victories against Islamic State militants.

Around 2,000 US troops are deployed in Syria.

In March, Trump froze more than $200 million (£148 million) in funds for recovery efforts

in Syria while his administration reassesses Washington's role in the Syrian conflict.

But in April Trump deepened US involvement by ordering missile strikes against Syria

in response to an alleged poison gas attack which killed dozens of people.

A third US official said the cuts in the northwest would take place over a period of months.

Adding: "The danger is a repeat of what the president criticised about Iraq - leaving

a vacuum where the violence can get worse and extremists can exploit that."

The Pentagon has estimated that Islamic State has lost about 98 per cent of the territory

it held in Iraq and Syria.

US military officials have warned that the militants could regain the freed areas quickly

unless they are stabilised.

Army Colonel Ryan Dillon warned of an apparent surge in terrorist attacks.

He said: "We have seen also not just reports, but also corroborated through our own intelligence

gathering, that ISIS is starting to conduct more attacks on the west side of the Euphrates

River outside of Abu Kamal against pro-regime forces.

"And then we've also seen – not corroborated by us, but in open source, the retaking of

neighbourhoods in southern Damascus."

He said intelligence had begun to notice the rise in ISIS attacks as early as January 2018

after the Turkish intervention in northwestern Syria as part of their "Operation Olive

Branch" to remove the US-backed, Kurdish YPG.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump says US troops will WITHDRAW from Syria as ISIS is defeated - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:27.


What is MRSA Infection – Main Causes of Staph Infection and MRSA Symptoms of the Infectious Disease - Duration: 9:19.

Amara, say staph infection, what is amorous a?

Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus mr assay is an infection caused, by a. Type of

Staphylococcus or staph bacteria that's resistant to many different antibiotics

These bacteria naturally live in the nose and on the skin and generally don't cause, any harm however when they begin to multiply


mrs a infection can occur

These infections typically occur when there is a cut or break in your skin mr assay is very contagious and can

Be spread through direct contact with an infected person

It can, also be contracted by coming into contact with an object or surface that an infected person has touched

Though, a, morsay infection can, be serious it may be treated effectively with antibiotics

pictures of mrs a staph infection

what are the different types of mrs a

Mrs a infections are classified as either hospital-acquired ha mrs a or community-acquired

California mrs a ha mrs a ha mrs a is associated with

Infections that are contracted in medical facilities such as hospitals or nursing homes

you can

Get this type of mrs a infection through direct contact with an infected wound or contaminated hands you can

Also, become infected through contact with contaminated

Linens or poorly sanitized, surgical instruments ha mr, assay can

Cause severe problems such as blood infections and pneumonia

california mrs a

California mr assay is associated with

Infections that are transmitted through close personal contact with an infected person or through direct contact with an infected wound

This, type of mrs a infection may, also develop as a result of poor hygiene such as infrequent or improper hand-washing

What are the symptoms of mrs a?

Mrs. A symptoms can vary depending on the type of infection

Symptoms of ha mrs a ha mrs a is generally more likely to cause serious complications such as pneumonia


Tract infections and sepsis it's important to see your doctor right, away if you notice any of the following

symptoms rash


muscle aches chills

fever fatigue

Cough shortness of breath chest pain

Symptoms of california mr sa

California, amara se usually causes skin infections

Areas that have increased body, hair such as the armpits or back of the neck are, more likely to be infected

Areas that have been cut

Scratched or rubbed are


Vulnerable to infection because your biggest barrier to germs your skin has been damaged

The infection usually causes a swollen painful bump to form on the skin the bump

May resemble a spider bite or pimple it often has a yellow, or white center and a central head

This, may often be surrounded, by an area of redness

And warmth known as cellulitis pus and other fluids, may drain, from the affected area

some people

also Experience a fever who is at risk for developing

Mr-s a risk factors vary depending on the type of mr-s a infection

You're at an increased risk for ha mr sa if you were hospitalized within the past three months

Regularly, undergo hemodialysis have a weakened immune system due to another medical condition

Live in a nursing home

You're at an increased risk for california mr sa if you share exercise equipment

Towels or razors with other people

participate in contact sports

work at a, day care facility live in crowded or unsanitary conditions

How is mr sa diagnosed

Diagnosis, begins with a, medical history assessment and physical examination

Samples will, also be taken from the site of infection

The types of samples obtained to help diagnose mr sa include the following wound cultures

Wound samples are obtained with a, sterile cotton swab and placed in a canoe

They're, then taken to a laboratory to be analyzed for the presence of staph bacteria

sputum cultures sputum is the substance that comes up from the respiratory tract during coughing a sputum culture

Analyzes the sputum for the presence of bacterial cell fragments

Blood or pus people who can, puff can provide a sputum sample easily those, who are unable to cough or

Who are on ventilators may need to undergo a respiratory lavage or bronchoscopy to obtain a sputum sample

Respiratory, lavage and bronchoscopy involved the use of a. Bronchoscope which is a thin tube with a camera attached

under controlled conditions

The doctor inserts the bronchoscope through your mouth and into your lungs

The bronchoscope allows the doctor to see the lungs clearly and to collect a sample of fluid for testing

Urine cultures in most cases a sample for a urine culture is obtained from a midstream clean cat urine

Specimen to do this urine is collected in a sterile cup, during urination

The cup, is then given to the doctor, who sends it to a lab for analysis

Sometimes urine has to be collected directly from the bladder to

Do this the healthcare provider inserts a sterile tube called a catheter into the bladder

Urine then drains, from the bladder into a sterile container

Blood, cultures a blood culture requires the removal of a small sample of blood blood is then placed on a dish in a

Laboratory, and allowed to grow. Bacteria that, may be present within it

Results from blood, cultures typically take, about 48 hours a

Positive test result can indicate sepsis a type of blood infection

bacteria can

Enter the blood from infections located in other parts of your body such as the lungs bones and urinary tract

How is mrs a treated ha mrs a and california mrs a infections are typically treated differently

Ha mrs a ha mrs a infections have the capability of producing severe and life-threatening

Infections these infections usually require antibiotics through and for sometimes for long periods of time

depending on the severity of your infection

california mrs a

California mrs a infections will usually improve with, oral antibiotics

Alone if you have a large enough skin infection your doctor, may decide to perform an incision and drainage

This, procedure is typically performed in an office setting under local anesthesia and involves using a scalpel to cut

Open the area of infection and drain it completely you may not need antibiotics if this is performed how

can mr


Be prevented take the following measures to reduce your risk of getting and spreading california mr sa

Wash your hands on a regular, basis this

Is the first line of defense against spreading mrs a scrub

Your hands for at least 15 seconds before drying them with a towel use another towel to turn off the faucet

Kerry, hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol

Use it to keep your hands clean when you don't have access to soap and water keep your wounds covered at all times

Covering wounds can prevent pus or other fluids containing staph bacteria

From contaminating surfaces that other people

May touch don't share personal items this includes towels sheets

Razors and athletic equipment

Sanitize your linens if you have cuts or broken skin

Wash bed linens and towels in hot water with, extra bleach you should, also wash ur gym and athletic. Clothes after each use

Dry everything in the dryer at high heat

People with ha, amara se are typically placed in isolation temporarily until their infection improves

Isolation prevents the spread of this type of embarass a infection

Hospital personnel caring for people with a mar si have to follow, strict

Hand-washing procedures to further reduce their risk for mrs a hospital staff and visitors should

Wear protective garments and gloves to prevent con with contaminated surfaces

Linens and contaminated surfaces should, always be properly disinfected

For more infomation >> What is MRSA Infection – Main Causes of Staph Infection and MRSA Symptoms of the Infectious Disease - Duration: 9:19.


Expert: There Is No Single Answer To Preventing A School Shooting - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Expert: There Is No Single Answer To Preventing A School Shooting - Duration: 2:34.


Why is Asset Allocation Important to Investing? - Duration: 1:29.

To keep your investment portfolio on target for financial goals, you want to balance risk

and diversify your assets.

That's the purpose of asset allocation - the process of dividing your portfolio among major

categories like cash, stocks and bonds.

Historically, the returns of these three major asset categories have not moved up and down

at the same time - so including a mix of these assets in your portfolio can protect against


There is no perfect formula for asset allocation - it differs with each individual depending

on their risk tolerance and time horizon.

Risk tolerance is the amount of your investment you're willing, or able, to lose in exchange

for greater possible returns.

Risk tolerance is closely tied to time horizon, or the amount of time you have to invest.

An investor saving to make a down payment on a home in 5 years might choose less risky

investments than someone saving for retirement in 20 years.

A longer time horizon allows more time to recover from loss.

Asset allocation may be one of the most important investment decisions you make with your portfolio

- call us today to learn more.

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