Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 18 2018

Cash flow is the movement of cash

through your business

that results from its day-to-day operations

Sound cashflow management is vital

to helping your business run smoothly

Say you run a bakery, like Sally

Money comes in from the sales

of her goods and services

And goes out as she pays her expenses

like suppliers and employees

She keeps her business and personal finances separate

which gives her a good head start

on achieving a clear line of sight to her cashflow

With her cashflow well-managed

she has greater control over her business

and finds opportunities to grow

such as hiring more staff

or expanding her range of products and services

If Sally were to find herself

with a cashflow shortfall however

it could result in her employees

suppliers or bills not getting paid

Which can impact her business relationships

and even her personal finance

So remember, take care of your cashflow

to keep momentum going for your business

For more infomation >> What is cash flow? - Duration: 1:08.


22 Weight Loss Tips 1 - Weight Loss is a Journey - Duration: 1:07.

The first one on the list was weight loss is a journey, and I can't agree more. It's not an eight week change

It's not a 12 week challenge. It's for life

So what's really the basis for this comment is that quite often people struggle?

It's that's part of life

And why should weight loss be any different there will be ups and downs there will be bad days and good days what

Matters is how you react to those so really what matters is what you do next

Don't use bad days as an excuse to throw it all away and carry on with the bad habits use it as an excuse to

Do it better next time so if you do have bad days develop strategies will help you cope

If you have a craving for particular foods well see if you can work out a way to get around it, okay

But basically it's remembering that

Anything that is tough, and hard it's not an excuse to give up. It's just an opportunity to learn and do it better next time

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