Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 18 2018

Health Benefits Of Coffee. Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages

in the world, and over half of all the adults in America drink it on a daily basis. And

that�s a good thing because, despite popular belief to the contrary, coffee is actually

very good for you. In fact there are a number of specific health benefits you can experience

from drinking coffee on a regular basis. In this video we are talking about best 5 Health

Benefits Of Coffee. So please like share and subscribe our channel for more videos.

Number 1. More Energy. When you drink coffee the caffeine in it is

absorbed into your bloodstream and travels to your brain. Here it blocks the inhibitory

neurotransmitter adenosine. And this in turn causes an increase in other neurotransmitters,

such as norepinephrine and dopamine. This leads to enhanced firing of the neurons, resulting

in an increase in energy and an improvement in mood.

Number 2. Cancer. Not that Alzheimer's, Dementia and liver disease

aren�t big deals, but holy shit coffee can help prevent cancer. And not just one or two

types of cancers, coffee can help to prevent cancers in many of your body�s vital organs.

One study has shown that coffee consumption is linked to reduced risk of bladder, breast,

leukemia, prostate, and pancreatic cancers. So coffe is better for human life.

Number 3. heart disease. consumed 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day were

less likely to show the beginning signs of heart disease. The study. Other dietary factors

should also be noted as Koreans typically have a different diet than do Westerners.

A more recent study conducted in Brazil found that those that consume at least three cups

of coffee a day tend to develop less calcification in their coronary arteries.

Number 4. Weight Loss. Coffee energizes people to move around, get

active, and burn calories faster. The stimulant nature of caffeine speeds up the body�s

metabolism almost by 11% and increases calorie-burning. Furthermore, it acts as an appetite suppressant,

so you can calm your cravings and remain firm in your dieting goals with a cup of joe on

your side! Number 5. Blood Sugar.

Thanks to the high level of antioxidants and other healthful compounds in green coffee

beans, they can also help lower inflammation, which offers positive effects on blood sugar.

It may be helpful for lowering glucose levels, which, in turn, may lower the risk of developing

type 2 diabetes.

For more infomation >> 5 Facts About Coffee You Probably Didn't Know │ This Is What Happens When You Drink Coffee - Duration: 2:53.


ENG SUB) Who is the best goalkeeper? - Duration: 3:56.

It's time to start.

Who is the best goalkeeper?

Goalkeeper battle.

3 goalkeepers who appeared in my channel.

middle school student vs high school student vs adult

I'm Lee jung ho, middle school student goalkeeper.

I'll do my best

Hi, I'm Yoo tae hyun, high school student goalkeeper.

I'll work hard.

Hi I'm Jin young hoon, adult goalkeeper.

I'll do my best


3 shooting challengers

My name is Oh jun hyung

I'll score goal a lot.

I'm Lee sung soo 23 years old.

I'm jun bong seok and live in Gangbook.

they can win the goalkeepers?

I expect that they will have a hard time.

Let's start.

First, middle school student goalkeeper.

He almost flied.

Difficult to score a goal.

My aim is left top.

Accuracy? or powerful?

it will be powerful.

that's too powerful

The goalkeeper is good.

Crazy curve


Next is high school student goalkeeper.


No goal?


It was hard to save.


Nobody can save

GOAL IN narrowly

He is nice shooter.


His video recorded 1.43 million views

adult goalkeeper

He appears.

because he did good, I have no confidence.

You are good goalkeeper too.

No, I'm not.

He is always humble.


Unbelievable jump

No one can score.

Finally, GOAL IN

He is happy to score

Against the goalkeeper,

I scored first time.

Finally GOAL IN

What a amazing shooting.

Thanks to goalkeepers and shooting challengers.

Thanks to my subscribers.

For more infomation >> ENG SUB) Who is the best goalkeeper? - Duration: 3:56.


K is for Karl - Machine (Episode 5) - Duration: 3:17.

At this university in London, students have joined their professors on strike.

They hold alternative lectures,

and I've been invited to talk about ... who else, but Karl Marx?

What could be relevant ...

... about Karl Marx's ideas for the 21st century?

In an age of machines, Karl Marx was obsessed with them.

Marx saw the replacement of labour by machines ...

as the route to human liberation from hunger, poverty and ignorance.

Today we are going through a third industrial revolution:

the age of information, robotics and artificial intelligence.

In one remarkable document,

Marx actually predicts the impact of rapid automation.

In the "Grundrisse",

Marx asks what's the end point going to be of automation.

For the capitalists, he says, the ideal machine is one that lasts forever,

or costs zero to produce.

To achieve that you're going to need huge advances in machinery,

organization and knowledge.

Marx says knowledge will be socialised into what he calls: a general intellect.

Marx' theory of history goes like this:

At each stage, the economic structure of society has to match ...

the technology and the work routines needed to operate the technology.

This combination of technology plus economic structure form a foundation,

on which ideas, religions, laws and cultures are built.

A legal and political superstructure.

At some point, the technology outgrows the economic structure,

and then begins an era of social revolution.

In the past 20 years, IT has changed almost everything about our world.

The question, as Marx posed it, remains.

If information is everywhere, and shared, and abundant,

why should a few people own it? Why do we have information monopolies at all?

That's the question posed by Facebook's current crisis,

after the data of millions of people was misused to try and rig elections.

Marx couldn't predict the internet,

but he did predict what would happen if information became generally shared.

It would blow the foundations of capitalism sky high.

So you could say that Facebook's crisis is a nice 200th birthday present for Marx.


For more infomation >> K is for Karl - Machine (Episode 5) - Duration: 3:17.


Cars With Alien Dance | Cars Is Under Attack By Monster | Toys For Kids - Duration: 14:40.

Please "SUBSCRIBE" our channel! Thanks!

For more infomation >> Cars With Alien Dance | Cars Is Under Attack By Monster | Toys For Kids - Duration: 14:40.


Sagittarius 2019 Something Better is Coming For You - Lucky Sign - Duration: 6:28.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> Sagittarius 2019 Something Better is Coming For You - Lucky Sign - Duration: 6:28.


Paul Bettany Thinks Meghan Markel Is a U.S. Sleeper Agent - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Paul Bettany Thinks Meghan Markel Is a U.S. Sleeper Agent - Duration: 2:22.


✅ Te veel armen en benen op deze cover, maar daar is een verklaring voor - Duration: 2:13.

Mannenblad GQ pakt uit met een opvallende cover. In een speciale 'comedy'-editie maken ze een knipoog naar een eerder gephotoshopte cover van Vanity Fair

Het resultaat? Heel veel armen en benen en 'de beste cover ooit' volgens Twitter

Op de cover van de 'comedy'-editie van mannenblad GQ staan actrices en comédiennes Kate McKinnon, Issa Rae and Sarah Silverman

Na een eerste blik denk je meteen: "Wat is hier aan de hand?" De cover is een parodie op de Hollywoodeditie van Vanity Fair die begin dit jaar verscheen

 Op deze cover stonden opnieuw heel wat jonge talenten en beroemdheden, en toch had iedereen het bij deze editie maar over één ding: de drie benen van Reese Witherspoon en de drie handen van Oprah Winfrey

GQ besloot om hier een parodie op te maken en pakt uit met 'photoshop-magie'. Het blad heeft zelfs een grappige verontschuldiging verspreid

"GQ wil zich excuseren bij Kate McKinnon, Issa  Rae en Sarah Silvermann voor de flagrante fouten die verschenen zijn op de cover van onze comedy-editie, een jaarlijkse ode aan de meest grappige mensen op aarde

 We betreuren ten zeerste dat de resultaten in strijd waren met de strenge, redactionele normen van ons blad, en de wetten van de natuur

We zullen een grondige interne audit doorvoeren", gaf de uitgever mee. GQ wordt net als Vanity Fair uitgegeven bij Condé Nast


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