this table is secretly a jump pad in Fortnite...
Yo what's going on guys my name's eclipse and today we're gonna be going over some of the funniest all night memes so if you
laughed throughout this video please leave a like down below and if you're new remember to subscribe
now everything featured in today's video was actually submitted by you
The viewers over on twitter so if i make a part 2 to this which i most likely will
I'll probably post another tweet asking for requests ok eggs on rows let's see whatcha guy?
watch your back what's gonna happen
okay, we got to play that back one more time just listen to like this little screech
This, poor dude's the no chance just absolutely devastated so this person sent us another video as well the first one
was good hopefully this one isn't a disappointment i can't stop laughing
why are you this is like the most relatable clip just holy crap people hiding in bush because i know personally
i'm not gonna be challenging this man and then yeah you just you
can't outrun it okay let's take a little step back from videos yet you got any shields there boss
Just, look at her eyes holy crap i know personally i have some big eyes but this girl is giving me some competition
what are those
gotta love a classic la même just randomly getting hyped up and that's some dance music out of nowhere
i'm not sure what it is but they make me laugh every time so let's just watch one more la même and then move on
It's a da day
And i guess this is a good time to address this question i some stuff you guys asked be honest raised yes
Honestly i used to watch ali-a like every day in middle school and modern warfare 3 was out i remember his face reveal like look
At these two people wait wait totally different i love you ali bree mike sierra well don't mind if i just
slide right in the sewer there we're honestly so lucky that killer clowns don't live in the sewers because
there would be children missing every single day and speaking of missing children here is just the proper way to
kidnap in
2020 18 there
Freebie bucks it used to be free candy then free wi-fi
somewhere in the middle but now we're giving away free v bucks how's it going guys and welcome to best
trends today we're gonna be going over
549 youtubers
this meme is crazy
explosions that man is scared
this is a good video
Okay i can't keep talking like this much longer no, i'm sure we've all seen this one before but it's just
So iconic, how could we not put it in the video
get in some floss action okay
you're just in walmart with like your family or your friends you start having like a random dance
competition but then i don't know where this random kid just lands a backflip into this pose this is just
revolutionary when you're looting a house and hear footsteps
this is just like so me whenever i land i'll be chillin on the roof and then out of nowhere i'll just hear like the
Downstairs door open and then at that point i'm just i'm pretty much screwed okay okay important question for
Everyone watching i'm gonna need you to comment the answers below who would win the
legendary splode or a few pine needles let me know i mean personally rock it goes big boom but these these little needles
they just they ruin everyone's day, oh
moving on over to a little bit of a facebook post from jonesy out here why don't
homeless people just build a house holy crap man great thought let's see what charney's has to say that's rude s
what if you were homeless i i would just build like imagine if this was just a real
conversation that two people were having char nice out here trying to stick up for people but jonesy v he just roasted her right back
So we got a fly on a ps4 controller oh?
my god that fly is just so a good holy crap let's get an instant replay just look at him flying around
He has such precise
Accuracy and he just lasers the kid for first place i don't know who you are
mysterious fly keep it up big things to come honestly what if this fly had a twitch channel i'd probably watch
john wicked what does not land
no, change that was for the final kill - oh how salty would you be if you were about to win this game
you're chilling feeling up and then i don't know where you get
bamboozled by this
okay that last you got bamboozled extra badly i don't think we can possibly top that
can we
So we got some classic bm you're breakdancing on the dead guy what's gonna happen
this, poor person thought he was being slick dancing on the dead body but
someone just popped out of there with the surprise of a lifetime when you're the last team member left in a
50-50 on
fortnight look at this dude just chilling behind the chimney i kind of want to see an
actual video of like this in real life because just picture there's a police standoff like this is a whole police station
Out here and there's one dude behind a chimney that no one
can see but we are now
Moving on to the last clip of the video and this is what i'm click baiting the video after as well so let's just get
into it this jump it perfect oh it doesn't stick for business and teach rule
One more time so he's like yo let's hop on this jump pad right here clearly doesn't even know that it's not a table
On it and yeah that's that's kind of it oh that concludes it for today's episode
of fortnight memes if you enjoyed it please
Some love down below leave a like leave a comment sub if you're new i don't really care just show me some love
but thank you all for watching as always this has been your least favorite click bader eclipse
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