The princess prodigy
10 that's excellent now procore the yoga. Yeah 14
Another nine I
Can't believe one of our judges is Baron von Broca. I've been to every one of his magical music concerts
Splendid job judges show us your score
Skol from the Baron
Piccolo, did you see how my magical most ailed me my adoring fans expect me to be the very best
I must replenish my magic
And it was very charming it certainly was peak Lord. I have found your school bands performance
absolutely enchanting
Didn't we piccolo what you perhaps be interested in learning the?
Music is there any way you could teach all of us
Quite what I had in mind, but good teach all of you
Why are you gonna teach us to do that?
That is an advanced spell that only now before we begin I need to make a few adjustments
Since billion is clearly the star
Princess Vivian must have no distractions from her soul I get a solo, but of course oh
This looks really tricky
Which is why we must devote the rest of the oh oh you were supposed to please not
distract Vivian while she's working on her very important solo, let us try it again from the top, it's
My amulet lets me talk to animals. Oh well to be honest. I'm not much of a talker
I'm more of a singer you thing I used to we are done for today
But you lucky children will enjoy lots more practice time with me tomorrow. Oh
You must stop worrying about the other members of your van, they are only holding you back just imagine this
and surely
I will just remember you are the star I am the story all right Thank You baron van Roca
Just I can't borrow your songbird talent
You know I have to do that taking your musical talent gave my powers our booths
Quickly students everyone inside let us begin practicing right away
We barely made a peep I really need to concentrate of course you do you are the star of this band
That's right. I am I thought we could have something fun to be ending like this oh
Let me try
We're all done with this bin forever
what hit you see this solo is really hard if I'm going to learn it in time for the next band showdown I
Don't have time to do silly dance moves with you
She started acting like she was the star of our band like she didn't even need the rest of us
I'm sorry honey that must have hurt. I don't think I want to play in the band with her anymore okay, mom I will
Thanks oh
Good you're all here
I wanted to tell you about a few changes the Baron and I wanted to make to the band
Way in the back over in that corner, so I definitely won't get distracted during my solo
We'll barely have enough room to play over there Vivian. Oh, that's okay. The Baron says everything the uniforms look nicer, and yeah
Can't believe the way. They're all acting Vivian. I can't believe how you're acting it. Just isn't fun anymore
Sophia wait, no let us get started
Baron von Roca I have bad news. I'm so sorry
I'm really going to miss playing with Vivian, and I'm going to miss wearing these fabulous uniforms. Oh
Come on Sofia. Let's go
That's strange you didn't cast any magic spell yes rest up goodbye
I thought it'd be grow her talent is gone and that means it is now mine
That will give you back the talent, I borrowed
But then why should I I have changed my mind? I shall keep the time?
Whatever fun Rilke do something so awful there
Is this spell if you play this in front of fun Roker it will give back all the?
Musical talent he's ever stolen. I've got to go play it right away
I'll get the bed
Vivian is heartbroken and we have to help her I don't know Sofia
After the way, she treated us von Roca was using her the whole time oh
Where are you all going? We'll explain on the way come on
We know what you did to bits amateurs are no match for a musical genius sadness my sin
My talent is gone, and I'm going to make sure it stays that way forever
Your musical thievery is over Barrett. I'm sorry
I wish I could take back all those terrible things
I said we're just glad you got your talent back and just in time for tomorrow's band showdown
Sidekick clear I
Want to thank you all so much for coming to my goal and for them to be away from me a really long time
Desmond a going-away present how thoughtful put this with the others Cleo, but I'll be back before you know it
We do everything together
That is what we call a big entrance parrot searching for a runaway
Sister now who would like to be in this play about a parrot on a mission of love oops my specialty
Excellent background painting Oh me me
Fabulous stage effects what our stage effects things like making the active you got it
I've never been in a play before I
Hope I do okay in the try because those two songs would really show off your voice
I like the words to first flight. I think I'll do that one
Why don't you try out for the school play oh, no, I couldn't do that. Uh ready you start practicing
Yeah, I guess I'm a little hoarse I hide behind the rest
Don't stop you have an amazing voice keep going
Okay, I'm a bird, but now my big sisters blown her perch and it's up to me
CEO you've got to try out for the play I'd really like to Sofia
But I can't why not because Hildy doesn't like plays so well if Hildy doesn't like something
Or wear one of your hats you should do it whether Hildy likes it or not
What was that oh
Hey dad I was testing out a flying harness for the room do for you conjure up magical creatures prepare powerful potions
Illusions, I'd like you to help James with the stage effects for his school play hey
Thanks, it's my favorite
I'm glad you're wearing what you like me too does this mean you're going to try out for the play no
I can't do that wearing a hat today's one thing so I can get this lowly task over with as soon as possible
The first thing we need is something to make the actors fly around the stage like real parents. Oh
What's next on that list
Hi amber, how are the costumes coming along? They'll be fabulous when they find what I'm looking for
Well I'm trying to figure out how to get Clio to try out for the play
Do you have any ideas hmm floating birdcage done now children what's next on this list oh?
We need a gust of wind yes, but I can do far better than a mere excuse me
But what's all the hubbub back here. It's wind for the same Rapala gets stuck in a storm
You look a little old to be a student. I am NOT a student. I want to practice my song on stage
Do you mind helping me I'd love to great
You have the voice of a pitch-perfect
Parent I do you do and I can't wait to hear you sing your little wings off at tryouts tomorrow
Okay, I'm going to do it oh
I'll see you tomorrow after school right on this so what song are you going to do wings of a dream? I practiced it
Um I I can't right now, what do you mean why not Sofia?
And I era we're trying out for the school play without movies and do my homework
And look at all the travel paintings for my trip. I think I could do all those things and still be in a play
Impossible you have to choose the place look at your travel paintings
Thank you now. Come on I
Can't wait to tell my best friend all about my vacation
Now who's next to try out
We did the wings the bird feeder, so I shall conjure a jungle that magically grows right before the audience's eyes
adoring eyes
And a carpet keeps on flying
But how can I share the crowd how magnificent my sorcery is with just a few things on that list yeah, oh I do
Sound like a plan
Great, so you can begin by removing your jungle
Emir monkeys
And now I don't know what to do what Oh Sofia it's easy
Find a way to get Hilda Gardens in the theater and Cleo will follow
Thanks, but how are we going to get Hildegard, and oh hey we need you in the theater right away?
Why the backdrop for the play broke and Sofia told me about your amazing travel paintings
To end my sister's play I'm taking my first love
Right excellent effort. Thank you
Now I really have seen all I need
Obtain a son and try to follow the rain suit itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
You are adorable, but I have no idea what you are talking about Cleo you must try out you must
This was all a trick to get Cleo back here wasn't it?
I'm not going what I'm trying out for the play yes
Excuse me the hildie are you all right?
I wish it didn't have to be like this, but does Clio anymore. It was her choice not mine
It's you who has to make a choice Hildy
What's more important having everything your way?
Or head night woods and hills I've had my share of spills in on Flynn my friend
I have found my lead princess Clio you
Polly I
Can't believe
You came you were great Clio I have such a talented best friend. Thank you
I just want to be friends again, then let's be friends who don't tell each other what to do
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