Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

because that was that was unacceptable I'm sorry for my old subscribers my back

subscribers I am sorry what is good job welcome back to another vlog and I'm not

gonna pick up Christian about to go hit the gym but first before I start this

video man I just want to go back I'll watch one of my old vlogs right and this

ain't cool ma look how fat my face was just look at this like my god like I

know I still got some of this like double chin action go I'm still working

on that but still is like dang I lost a lot of weight right Kapil Christian

Garcia hit the gym about to hit back today the high insisting interval

training in get that core we can hit the way so I'm just thinking about

yesterday's video and also wanted to add on

saying like not only do I want to dislike succeed this YouTube stuff

because I'm like passionate about it I also want to inspire others to do what

they love and not feel like they should do what other people want them to do all

the time I know there are certain instances where

you should listen to people when they say when they trying to give you their

best advice whatever but if you try it out twice and it doesn't go the way you

wanted to go they match the song I tried it out twice I should have listened that

bit like to myself after the first time honestly but I mean it was a learning

experience and I think he gave me a little more Drive to go back into this

YouTube thing you start daily vlogging and putting out more content so yeah

that's just what I wanted to touch on right now so I'm heading over to Chris's

house about picking up two hours later alright so we just got out the gym man

who had a great workout like always get a high intensity interval training in

got some core work in don't hit back today how you feeling bro hey man I need

some energy out of you both in there we need we need more energy for these logs

man go there you go look at my town yeah man I wanted to the

goodwill got some things like bangs god damn I ain't never too good shopping a

good evening then I got some nice pickups in there like you'd be surprised

you'll find some really nice stuff shout out to the Humby ties he goes to

the veto on that put me on to going to the GUI picking up stuff going third

shopping on that yeah man I might be home by 10 sorry I don't know what else

I'm due for the day man see I got three things from the thrift

today just ahead I got egg whites I'm allergic to egg like I can't if I can

taste the egg in it like anything I eat I'm ended up throwing up but this is

like a brand new hat so the egg white is 24/7 calm on their focus y'all see it

well about that then I also got this like small Jersey type thing

it's Lancaster Jayhawks that's a minor league baseball team out here and it's a

nice little shirt nice it'll it'll fit nice on me you'll see me where it is

soon they also got this hoodie California I know it's gonna get cold in

a minute it's about to be November and it's still not that cold but when it

hits about mid November December I'm gonna coast I got that nice look

all right shot right now I'm about to head over the Krishna's house you can

see I got on what I bought I tried it on everything and I liked how fit and I was

like you know what I'm in this way today why not

and then the hoody it fits but it's a little wide like on the body part

everything else is smooth and it's like a heavy-duty jacket so I'm probably

gonna wear that when he gets like really cold be here so right now I bought the

head over to Krishna's house one chill over their fireplace a man plays - okay

Washington gain tonight they play 5:15 I think the Chiefs play cheese play

somebody I forgot who it is but yeah we're gonna watch that

2,000 years later I'm a Christian house now but this had a search this man it's

nice got the head on there give me I like it

so y'all have a nice really nice video

we're talking videos

it's a good bank see this dude chill out hello all these parties just not folk

this year

I'm still tripping that y'all got your Christmas tree already don't had lights

on to it see ah don't let all this lights already on the hood they are

lights on I think yesterday when I came in with no lights on it so what they

just stated dreaming rapid salute to the 40 - dog oh hey and I miss Mike good

luck Garofalo ain't that bad

grab your pretty nice Michael replica honestly if he came into that last year

played a couple game watching the game know

yep I'm actually surprised long as mr. whole conversation that's gonna be

record that's great be a man we sitting here watching

basketball because the football gave me started yet

game will start school this is crazy about that trade that's the crazy train

I wouldn't expecting that now I'm thinking where's Kurt cousins

don't know because Kirk Cousins wants to go wanted to go to uh to the Niners yeah

yeah obviously yeah we're really gonna pro me John our

first picks are gonna be record right because he doesn't want to beat it

anymore you just talk about what plays yeah cuz

it doesn't want to beat anymore a franchise tell you that man twice twice

not once but twice we offered this dude I think a five-year contract worth over

70 million and still denied that which is probably the best contract he's gonna

ever get I don't think we're in retirement ready I don't want to tell me

it's crazy the game right now man they showing some old-school throwback

highlights right there but I need to get my man's perspective on how fat my face

was when I was back at Humboldt so he said right here I look like somebody on

t hold on Oh - let airplay I'll get some revenues

look how fat my face was build oh my god it looks swollen

oh my god that's not healthy somebody rock yeah hey somebody beat me up

hello it's her back to me trying to come back to me either like you gotta look at

this oh god you're allergic to bees when I got stung by some bees and I'm

allergic Pro that is not cool

amen I need some Lightning oh no to say man I'm just glad I'm back to this list

back to this level of cheekiness man because that was that was unacceptable

I'm sorry for my old subscribers my back subscribers I'm sorry I don't even know

why y'all watching my videos I don't know what to say I apologize but this is

gonna be the end of this blog we don't end it on the funny note come back

tomorrow bring a reaction back to the channel stay tuned for that it should be

a pretty dope reaction I know a lot of y'all going like I so come back tomorrow

if you liked it please give it a thumbs up I'd appreciate it subscribe if you

new see my next video

For more infomation >> I'm Sorry For This Video... | Vlog #50 - Duration: 11:32.


SPOOKY BOOKS 👻 FOR SCAREDY CATS || 2017 - Duration: 9:23.

Hey guys, it's Emily. Happy Halloween to you all! For today's video I thought I

would do something a little in the Halloween spirit and recommend some

spooky books that are perfect for those of us who are too chicken to read actual

horror books, but still want to get in the Halloween spirit. Emily why are

you doing a Halloween video and you're not in costume? Well first of all I'm

just lazy. I'm just being lazy and that's it. No other reason. But I do have this

small pumpkin to make up for it. I got two packs of these from Target and they

are all over my room right now because I'm super festive except for the fact that I'm

not wearing a Halloween costume, but that's fine. Moving on... This is going to

be a really wide range books. We've got some middle grade, some young adult, and

adult books, and then they're also a very wide range in terms of how scary they

are. Some of these are kind of toeing the line between just spooky/creepy and

outright horror, but I promise I will tell you if a book is on the scarier

side. Starting out I have two books that are children's books by the same author

and those are Coraline which I have the physical copy of and

The Graveyard Book. Both of these are by Neil Gaiman, and the reason I started

this video out with two Neil Gaimon books is because he has done a tradition

of something called the All Hallows Read. All Hallows Read is an annual event

where you're just supposed to give someone a scary book to read--spooky for

me because I do not really own scary books. I think it's such a wonderful

tradition. So that's why we started out the gate with Neil Gaiman. Coraline

is about a girl who finds a portal to a parallel version of her world.

It's basically like everything that she's used to, but made a lot more fun.

Except for the fact that her parents in this alternate world have buttons sewn

to their eyes and they want Coraline to sew buttons to her eyes. So there's

your. premise. It's creepy. There's a great Neil Gaiman quote about how kids read

this book as an adventure story and adults read it as really creepy. It

didn't scare me too much, but it's perfectly spooky. I just, I love this

so much! I think it's a great spooky read. Obviously it's a children's book so it's

not actually horror. And the other Neil Gaiman book that I would recommend for a

spooky but not outright scary Halloween read is The Graveyard Book. This is one

of my all-time favorite Gaiman books. It is a bildungsroman kind of based

loosely, very loosely on The Jungle Book. Except

instead of a boy wandering into the jungle and being raised by animals, it's

about a boy who wanders into a graveyard and is raised by the ghosts. This has

less of a traditional narrative than Coraline does. It feels more like a

series of vignettes that then kind of come together to tell a complete story,

as opposed to traditional straightforward narrative structure. I

love it so much. Obviously, ghosts, graveyard--spooky

read. It's not outright horror, although there is some mention of murder, so

something to keep in mind. But I love this book so much. I think it is a

perfect book to read on Halloween. Finally moving on to the next recommendation, and

that is Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire.

I think it's technically adult, but it's generally discussed as if it's YA.

I think in part, not in part, entirely, because the characters who we follow in this

series, which is called the Wayward Children series, all are teenagers. This

is book 2 in the Wayward Children series. I don't think you need to read them in

order. The first book is Every Heart a Doorway. I absolutely loved it, and that

book is about a boarding school for kids who have gone through portals to other

worlds and then returned to our world and been like, "Wow this is really boring." And

then there's a murder mystery wrapped up in that. And while I do think that could

also qualify as a spooky book recommendation that's not super, super

scary, I think this one works better. Again, I don't think you need to read

Every Heart a Doorway to pick up Down Among the Sticks and Bones. This follows two of the

characters that we are introduced to in Every Heart a Doorway, but it's set

before that period. So this is about them going into this other crazy world. And

the world to which they travel is called the Moors, and it's basically every

romantic horror book put into one universe. So it's inspired by

Frankenstein and Dracula and all that kind of stuff, and while those things are

all scary horror stuff, this is not that scary. There's no jump scares.

It's very atmospheric. It's very spooky and creepy and dark, but I don't think

this would qualify as outright horror. And I just love it so much! On top of

that super cool plot, it's also about the dangers of parents who heavily prescribe

gender roles to their children, and it is it's it's just so good. Next I have a

classic and that is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I read

for the first time a couple of month or two ago and I absolutely loved it this

is so spirit and there's some kind of spooky creepy stuff going on but really

I think it's that atmospheric element that makes it perfect for Halloween yes

is very long so like maybe you could start on Halloween and then finish it in

November and it's perfect for the cold weather months this is such a great book

next I have some historical fiction young adult and that is the diviners by

Libba Bray this is book one in her diviner series it is the coolest cover

this serious gone through three cover changes and I'm just a little bit about

it it's so so so good this is set in 1920s New York we mostly

follow Eddie Evie loop I'm not sure she has a supernatural ability in which she

can hold an object in her hand and then like learn secrets about it super cool

and she has been sent to New York she got into a little trouble in her

hometown and so she goes to live with her uncle who runs an occultist Museum

so full of occult artifacts it's great it's spooky and creepy and Atmospheric

and so much fun the dish has elements that I think are a little bit scarier

than the other books that I recommend it so far the antagonist and this is some

kind of like than the level in spirit and there's lots of murder

so that's scarier but it's still not outright horror this is so great next I

have a super super fun cute book it's not scary at all but it is a little

spooky and fun and that is war in the 13th or the all-seeing eye this is a

middle grade book I'm not really sure it is like a written novel but it is also

really heavily Illustrated and the illustrations are just like so cool it's

Chris one line work and it's all done in black white and red I had the time of my

life reading this stories written by Tanya Del Rio and it's all based on a

character that whilst all created and then obviously whilst all illustrated

the whole book what I say it's creepy like you can kind of get a sense just by

the cover in the artwork but there's no outright scariness in here it is so good

it's so cute and it's absolutely gorgeous next up I have the changeling

by Victor the wall I think I said Laval in the last video that I did I apologize

for getting that wrong the correct pronunciation is love all this is a

modern fairy tale fairy tale of a sense of like the very old-school fairy tales

that or super-dark in those who follow a

black couple what we do predominantly follow the man his name is Apollo that

had a child together things seem to be going wonderfully until Emma

Apollo's wife starts to seem kind of disconnected as if she is exhibiting

postpartum depression but then she commits this atrocity and the story goes

from there over time more and more fantastical elements are woven into the

story at first it seems very like realistic literary fiction but then we

go into fantasy and horror fiction and it is just so so so well done this might

be the serious book that I'm recommending a lot of the actual worst

scariest parts of this book don't take place on the page they are alluded to

very heavily you know what's going on but he doesn't ever have to actually

write the words of what's going on so instead of saying that this book is

scary I would say this book is full of dread if you're so anxious about this

thing that you are 90% sure is going to happen and that happens and then oh my

god what's going on but you don't really explicitly read it there are a couple

little bits of violence that you do explicitly read this is an absolutely

brilliant book I loved it I cannot wait to read more of the Baals work if you

think you can go a little bit further into scary territory you should

definitely definitely read this obviously I could not have a list of

spooky books without including my absolute favorite book that just totally

owns my heart and blew me away this year if you watch my channel I think you know

where I'm going with this and that is my favorite thing as monsters by email

Ferriss this is a graphic novel it's the best graphic novel I've ever read it is

one of the best books I've ever read in this book we follow Karen Reyes who is a

12 year old girl she thinks that being human is dumb and sucks and she would

like to be a werewolf so she draws herself as a werewolf girl

which you can see on the back here so a lot of spookiness is kind of this look

where it's an O Maj too campy horror films of the 60s the plot revolves

around a murder mystery a woman and Karen's apartment complex is found dead

she's been shot and the police rule it was suicide but

Karen believes that it's actually murder she's gonna Don her fedora and trench

coat and go full Newar detective and figure out what's going

even though this is about a 12 year old it is very much an adult book there are

some explicit sexual content and it deals with some really really really

heavy topics the woman who's found dead was a Holocaust survivor and so while

her story is often horrifying it doesn't ever feel like a horror book it's deeply

upsetting at times but scary is not the word for it I think it is absolutely

phenomenal gotta read it it is such a great book for Halloween so that's it

all of my spooky reads for scaredy-cats I hope you have a wonderful Halloween if

you like this video give it a thumbs up hit subscribe to see them on my face you

can find me on twitter at possibly lit and on instagram possibly literate and i

will see you next time

For more infomation >> SPOOKY BOOKS 👻 FOR SCAREDY CATS || 2017 - Duration: 9:23.


Budget gift for kids?- Elmer's Galaxy Slime might be the answer - Duration: 4:30.

Hi everyone

it's glue with slime

you did poop..





first, let's do the blue slime

it's a bit sticky

are you ready papi?.. 1, 2 3

i am cooking the food

i'm cooking pancake

here it comes


guys, we get to play with my slime now


it will never come out

hi guys

guys, hello

today we are going to open another surprise slime

we are opening it up

so many colors

nope, it's not coming out

how are we going to open it papi?

i know

i've an idea

stay right here, ok?

are you ready papi?

and are you ready guys?

are we ready to open it

let me put this on my hand

and fire, fire fire

come on YOU

i'll do it... I WILL DO IT

it didn't broke

may be we need something else

a motorcycle

will it break it?

hello hello


we need some help

can you come over here and see if you can open my surprise?

ok, ok. Catboy is coming

i'm here

where do you need my help?

can you open my surprise?


slimy surprise

it's too hard and stuck

may be i'll call a friend

hello Gekko, i need help please

can you come by Lucas house and open Lucas surprise?

ok, i'm coming already

ok, let me get my batteries

bye guys, if you want to watch more surprise by PJ Mask, then check it out

if you want to do it one more time, then DO IT

For more infomation >> Budget gift for kids?- Elmer's Galaxy Slime might be the answer - Duration: 4:30.


Sisters Confront Ex-Stepdad Who They Claim Molested Them For Years - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Sisters Confront Ex-Stepdad Who They Claim Molested Them For Years - Duration: 3:43.


Far Cry 5: Co-Op - Friend For Hire | Trailer | Ubisoft [US] - Duration: 1:18.


RADIO ANNOUNCER: Folks, it's a beautiful, sunny weekend

in Hope County.

How will you be spending your time outdoors?


[SINGING] Was blind, but now--


RADIO ANNOUNCER: Good evening's gate is still causing trouble.


[MUSIC - "Happy Together"]

[SINGING] Imagine me and you and you and me.

No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be.

The only one for me is you, and you for me.

So happy together.


[SINGING] I can't see me loving nobody

but you for for all my life.

When you're with me, baby the skies

will be blue for all my life.

So happy together.

How is the weather?

So happy together.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5: Co-Op - Friend For Hire | Trailer | Ubisoft [US] - Duration: 1:18.


Make your Content and Keywords WORK for you! - Duration: 5:28.

Greg, here, from mtek.

This week, let's talk content.

Greg, here, from mtek digital with this week's SEO tip.

Two tips in one this week, how about that?

Tip #1: Write more content.

SEO is based on serving the needs of your users and providing the content that your

users are looking for.

The best way to do that is to make sure you've got content that actually speaks to those


If you do landscaping, you need to have pages that talk about the questions that you would

typically get from a potential customer: What days you operate, what kinds of services you


But following the tips that we gave you last week, you need to be specific.

Have a page that's dedicated to the types of services that you offer.

So pick a service, whether that be your cutting service or your treatment, fertilization,

whatever it happens to be.

Create a whole page that talks about that and talks about answers to the typical questions

you receive on a phone call or in person.

Next week, write another page of content talking about another one of those topics.

Creating a wealth of content on a website is not about doing it all today; it's about

doing it over time and creating a long-term vault of information that your customers can

draw on, or your potential customers can draw on.

That also means your potential clients.

You can't market to everybody at the same time, so think about the 80/20 rule.

80% of the people want 20% of what you're offering, so focus on that 20%.

Focus on what the masses want and is very specific, and then broaden out.

More pages, more content, means more potential visitors.

Which brings us to the second point, and that is key words and key words density.

Who are you talking to?

It doesn't seem like a difficult question to answer but if you look at a lot of content

on the internet, it's surprisingly complicated.

Most websites write their page content like a brochure.

They use marketing phrases.

They use tag lines.

They use catch phrases.

They use "Best in the Business."

They use "Highest Ratings in Town."

But that doesn't tell anybody anything about your work or the quality of your work, or

the type of work you do.

So focus that content using key words that are relevant to your customers.

You don't want to use the language that's on your brochure.

That means they've already talked to you; they already know who you are and you've

handed them something that gives them more detail.

When we're talking about search, you need to capture that person first.

When someone goes to the internet to search for a plumber, they don't look for "Best

Plumber in the West."

They look for: "Plumber <my city>" or "24 hour plumber <my city>."

That's the information that's important to them.

Focus your content and your key words around what those searches look like.

If you need a hint, go to Google.

Put yourself in their shoes, and type in a search that says, "24 hour plumber" and

see what Google's recommended or suggested searches are.

Those are actually the most frequently used search terms that follow the pattern.

By playing with that you can get a good idea of what people are actually searching for.

Take those terms, those phrases, and find a way to integrate those into your content.

By key-wording your content … That means putting it in your page title, putting it

in the URL if you can, and the page name or the article name on your website.

Put it in the Heading 1 tag that we talked about in our previous tip.

Use that in the content of the first paragraph somewhere.

You don't want to use them over and over and over again.

We don't want to abuse those key words.

So find two or three phrases that really best describe what you're offering from the customer's

perspective and then use those few terms two or three times each over the course of a 600

or an 800 word page.

You are going to get the best possible density without going over the top.

Google will penalize you if you use too many key words.

They get it.

They've seen it before, and they will filter it out, because if all you're doing is throwing

key words into the mix, you're not necessarily answering their question.

So use those key words, but deliver the answer.

Deliver the value for the content that you've provided and the key words you've provided,

and that content will stand out—and probably bring your page up higher on the search results.

That's this week's tip: Content and key words.

Thanks for watching!

It's Greg, from mtek.

For more infomation >> Make your Content and Keywords WORK for you! - Duration: 5:28.


Best Iodine Sources For Vegans - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Best Iodine Sources For Vegans - Duration: 4:41.


Trick-or-treating at Shriners Hospital for Children - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Trick-or-treating at Shriners Hospital for Children - Duration: 2:02.


How To Get Rid Of Insomnia │ Home Remedies For Insomnia - Duration: 2:23.

How To Get Rid Of Insomnia.

Most people at some time experience sleepless nights or insomnia.

It is thought that ten percent of the population experience chronic insomnia and about fifty

percent are affected to some degree.

Insomnia is not a disease, but a symptom of something else.

In this video we are talking about best 4 home remedies to get rid of insomnia.

Please click the subscribe button and the bell icon for more videos.



Eating a banana can be useful in combating insomnia because it contains an amino acid

called tryptophan that helps raise serotonin levels, which help regulate sleep patterns.

It also will elevate your mood and help regulate your appetite.

Minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium present in this fruit also help with sleep.


Warm Milk.

Warm milk is an excellent home remedy to relax your mind and body.

Moreover, like bananas, milk contains tryptophan that promotes sleep.

Mix one-quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of warm milk.

Drink it one hour before going to bed.


Hot Bath.

Taking a hot bath or shower about two hours before going to bed can be of great help in

treating insomnia.

It works as a good bedtime ritual to relax your body and soothe nerve endings.

To make this remedy even more effective, add a few drops of soothing essential oils like

lemon balm, chamomile, rosemary, or lavender to the bath water.


Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey.

Apple cider vinegar contains amino acids that relieve fatigue.

Plus, it helps break down fatty acids that release tryptophan.

Honey promotes sleep by raising your insulin and causing a release of serotonin, a brain

chemical that helps regulate sleep cycles.

Mix two teaspoons each of organic apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of warm water.

Drink it before bedtime.

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Insomnia │ Home Remedies For Insomnia - Duration: 2:23.


How To Get Rid Of A hickey │ Home Remedies For Hickey - Duration: 2:45.

How to Get Rid Of a Hickey.

A hickey is known as a love bite and is basically formed as a result of rough kissing or sucking

hard on the skin.

The broken veins in the shoulder or neck can source the pooling of the blood, which turns

the skin purple or red.

As making love becomes more and more passionate, it is almost impossible to know that the skin

is being scraped as bites form wounds and reddish spots often known as a hickey.

In this video we are talking about best 5 home remedies to get rid of hickey.

Please click the subscribe button and bell icon for more videos.



The stimulant effect of peppermint can help improve blood circulation, and hence it is

very useful in treating hickeys.

Apply peppermint oil gently on the affected skin area.

Initially there will be a tingling sensation, but it will quickly go away.

Do not use this remedy more than twice a day as it can irritate the skin.


Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer that will

help reduce the sensitivity of the affected skin area.

Also, its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties will help the burst capillaries under your

skin heal faster.

Extract fresh aloe vera gel and massage the gel into the bruise.

Do this two or three times a day.


Banana Peel.

Banana peels have soothing as well as cooling properties that can help minimize your hickey


Cut the peel of a ripe banana to the size of your hickey.

Place the inside of the peel on the bruise for 10 to 30 minutes.

Do these two or three times a day to reduce the appearance of the bruise.



Oranges have a high amount of vitamin C, an essential nutrient required by the body to

repair your skin.

Also, vitamin C has healing properties that will help heal a hickey quickly.

Just after getting a hickey, drink extra orange juice.

Instead of packaged orange juice, drink fresh juice for best results.


Cocoa Butter.

Cocoa butter works as an effective healing agent for bruises like hickeys.

Apply a warm compress on the hickey.

Once the area is warm, apply some cocoa butter.

Massage the area gently for a few minutes.

This will break up the blood clot and stimulate circulation.

Do this several times throughout the day.

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of A hickey │ Home Remedies For Hickey - Duration: 2:45.


The 3 Best Jeep Wrangler Tub Mounted Tire Carriers For 2007 - 2017 JK - Duration: 9:37.

I'm Ryan from and in this video, we're gonna talk all about my picks

for tub mounted tire carriers for your 2007 and up JK.

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to check out other great videos like this

comparing different products in different categories, and of course, to check out other

great Jeep content.

Now, when you are running a larger tire on your Jeep it can pose a problem for carrying

that spare.

When you have a much larger and heavier spare, the factory tire mount just can't stand up

to that.

There are really three problems that you're going to encounter when you try to put a big

heavy spare on that factory mount.

The first problem is that the hinges that hold the tailgate in place can start to sag

under that additional stress and you'll have to pick up on that tailgate every time you

open and close it.

The second issue you can run into is the actual tailgate itself coming apart at the seams.

There are some welds that hold the tailgate together and when you have a lot of weight

hanging off of it those wields can fatigue and break causing rattling.

Finally, the tire carrier itself is only rated for the factory size spare tire and weight.

So when you put a much larger one on there, you're exceeding the weight that that tire

carrier is built to handle and again you can end up with metal fatigue and breaking.

Another issue is that with a much larger aftermarket spare tire, usually the tire is wider and

the wheel has a different backspacing, so everything isn't tight up against the tailgate

like it is from the factory.

That means that tires torquing and moving around again causing metal fatigue.

So a lot of issues that come up when you put in much larger than factory spare tire on

your tire carrier, and by that, I mean even a 33 that's heavy, certainly a 35 or a 37-inch


So there are some solutions to this problems.

One is a bumper mounted tire carrier.

And usually, you'll purchase bumper and the tire carrier together.

The only downside, if you want to call it that, is that you have to first opened the

tire carrier and then open the tailgate, so there are two steps to get into the cargo

area of your Jeep.

Now, some manufacturers have solved that but for the most part, it is just going to be

a two-step operation to get into the cargo area of your Jeep.

Now, the benefit to a tub mounted tire carrier like we're talking about today is that everything

is going to open in one motion, with one hand, just like your tailgate would normally open.

So, a lot of people like these solutions.

Another big benefit to going with a tub mounted tire carrier is that you can pick whatever

bumper you want out there, it doesn't have to come with the tire carrier.

So that's gonna open up some additional options for choosing a bumper.

Today we're gonna talk through three options for tub mounted tire carriers.

The first one we're going to talk about is the Barricade Extreme HD Tire Carrier with


The second one is going to be the Rugged Ridge Spartacus Tire Carrier with the Mount, and

finally the TeraFlex Tire Carrier also with the Mouth.

So let's get into the options.

So the first option I wanna talk about today is this Barricaded HD Tire Carrier with the


This is going to be the least expensive option that we're gonna talk about today, but it

is still a very high-quality option and it has some features that even some of the more

expensive ones are not going to have.

So what you're seeing here are really three main pieces and those pieces are going to

be the ones that solve those three problems that I talked about.

You're going to have stronger hinges, you're gonna have something beef up that tailgate,

and you're gonna have a much stronger and also adjustable tire mount.

Now, the reason that this is a little bit less expensive than some of those other options

is, one, the material that it's made out of, this is going to be steel, whereas some of

those other options are going to be aluminum, and two, these hinges are going to be metal

on metal hinges.

Some of the other ones are going to have a brass insert which is going to help with wear,

make sure that everything moves nice and smoothly for a good long time.

Not to say that there's anything wrong with these hinges, but that is part of the reason

that some of those other options are gonna be a little bit more expensive.

So again, the hinges are gonna be nice and strong, this is going to bolt directly onto

that tailgate beefing up the tailgate, and finally, the mount over here is adjustable

in two different directions, and that's important.

So this is going to be adjustable up and down so that you can set your tire as low as possible.

If you're just running a heavy 33 or a 35-inch tire, you wanna be able to adjust that down

so that it just clears the bumper and that's gonna give you maximum visibility out the

back window of the Jeep.

If you have a small 33 and it's sitting way up high, you can't see out the back window,

and in my opinion, it looks a little bit goofy as well.

So having that up-down adjustability is a very nice feature.

But maybe more important than that, this has in and out adjustability.

So if you have a wide tire, if you have a wheel with a different backspacing and you

don't have that in and out adjustability, you're gonna bolt that tire on and It's not

going to sit up against anything.

So it's gonna be able to torque and move around, that's a lot of weight hanging out there.

And what that can eventually cause is metal fatigue.

So by having this adjustable, you can push the tire nice and tight.

You're actually gonna have it tight enough that there's some sidewall pressure up against

your tailgate reinforcement piece here and that ensures that the tire, the carrier, and

the tailgate are all one solid piece, so nothing's moving around, nothing's rattling, nothing's

squeaking, and also nothing is fatiguing.

So this option, a little bit less expensive because of the hinges and the material but

still fully adjustable, which is just something that I really like.

The next option here is the Rugged Ridge Spartacus HD Tire Carrier Kit, and kit is the name because

these pieces are available independent of each other.

You can get this tailgate reinforcement and the hinge reinforcement, or you can get just

the tire carrier, so there's a couple different options there.

Now, the reason that I've put this one just a little bit above the Barricade option is,

one, this piece here is going to be aluminum which will help keep the weight down a little


And when we're talking about a big heavy spare tire, keeping weight down is definitely going

to do be a good thing.

And the other reason is in the hinges here.

These hinges have a little bit of brass in them so they're going to hold up a little

bit better than those steel on steel ones of the Barricade.

But, for those features, you are going to be spending a little bit more money.

This is going to have a similar style adjustable third brake light mount to the Barricade option,

but this is also going to come with a little bit of wiring so that you can extend that

brake light very easily.

So again, a few additional features that you are getting for the additional money that

you're spending now.

Now, the only drawback to the Rugged Ridge option is right over here in the tire mount.

I said before when we talked about the Barricade, I love the fact that it's double adjustable,

this one is only single adjustable.

Now is the more important of the adjustments.

This will allow you to suck the tire in nice and close, make sure everything is tight so

you don't have any torquing and any metal fatigue, however, it's not going to give you

that up-down adjustability, and like I said, with the Barricade, I like to be able to run

my tire as low to the bumper as possible giving me maximum visibility at the back window of

the Jeep and also aesthetically, I just like that look a little bit better.

So, if you have a little bit of a higher budget, you're okay only having the single adjustable

option, and you want something that's a little lighter weight, and with a little bit of a

beefier hinge, I'd recommend going in with this option from Rugged Ridge.

The TeraFlex HD Hinge Carrier with Adjustable Tire Mount is going to be the last option

that we're going to talk about today.

This is going to be the most expensive option, but also the nicest option, in my opinion.

Teraflex was really the first ones to build a tub mount and tire carrier like this, and

they're still the ones doing it the best, again, in my opinion.

Everything from the construction of this to the finish, to the way that things adjust,

I just really like how this kit is put together.

But, as I said, it's gonna be the most expensive option, you're gonna pay premium for this.

So the hinges over here are going to be very well-built.

They are going to stand up really well to a lot of weight over a very long period of


This main support piece is going to be aluminum, again helping to keep weight down a bit, and

then you have your tire carrier over here.

And the way that this adjusts is something that I really like because it can be a little

bit tough to get that tire nice and tight up against the tire carrier.

It's one of those things where you have to lift your tire on, have the tire carrier just

tight enough so it will slide back but not too tight, then push it another eighth of

an inch, tighten it down.

This is a barrel adjustment, so it's going to have a nut and a bolt on the bottom of

it that's gonna pinch everything together.

But the way that that's design is going to make it a little bit easier to get everything

adjusted and cinched down.

As you can see here you do have three different holes so that you can lower that tire as low

as possible, so you are getting both in, out, and up-down adjustability with this setup.

So, like I said, TeraFlex is the first one to really make something like this.

My opinion, they are still doing it the best.

If you're looking for the highest quality option and you have the budget for it, I would

deftly recommend going with this one.

So those are my picks for the top tub mounted tire carriers for your 07 and up JK.

Today we talked about the Barricade HD Tire Carrier with Mount, which is going to be our

good option, saves you a little bit of money over with some of the others, is fully adjustable,

but maybe the hinges aren't quite as strong and beefy as some of the others.

We also talked about the Rugged Ridge Spartacus HD option with the Mount.

That is going to have some really big nice beefy hinges, but not have quite the adjustability

as the Barricade option, but it is gonna be less expensive than that last option that

we talked about which is the TeraFlex HD Tire Carrier with the Adjustable Mount.

That's going to be our best option, most expensive but very, very well-built, going to hold up

very well, and is also fully adjustable.

Make sure you comment below to let us know which one of those tire carries is your favorite

or your experience with one if you're currently running that on your Jeep.

And also make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to checking out more videos like this,

and some other awesome Jeep content.

[00:09:22] [music]


For more infomation >> The 3 Best Jeep Wrangler Tub Mounted Tire Carriers For 2007 - 2017 JK - Duration: 9:37.


Celebrity New : Jeremy Vuolo: Arrested for Drunkenly Assaulting a COP?! - Duration: 5:19.

Jeremy Vuolo: Arrested for Drunkenly Assaulting a COP?!

If you follow news of her family closely, then youre probably aware that Jinger Duggar has been labeled the resident rebel of the Counting On clan.

Of course, for the most part, the 23-year-olds acts of defiance have been incredibly tame by the standards of the non-Duggar population.

For example, Jingers decision to wear pants despite her familys strict long skirts-only policy is often interpreted as a very mild way of flouting the strict rules under which she was raised.

But while the pants get all the attention, Jingers most salient act of disobedience was her decision to marry Jeremy Vuolo.

If you watched the young couples courtship on Counting On, you know that patriarch Jim Bob Duggar was slow to embrace the idea of his daughter marrying Vuolo.

And it seems that Jim Bobs feelings on the situation havent changed much in the year since Jinger and Jeremy tied the knot. One major issue is that Jeremy and Jim Bob disagree on matters of religious doctrine.

(Jeremy, a Texas-based minister, preaches the doctrine of Calvinism, a tenet that flies in the face of many of Jim Bobs core beliefs. But we now know that theres more to Jim Bobs disapproval than arcane theological disputes.

Vuolo has spoken publicly about his troubled youth in past interviews, but only now do we know the extent to which the 30-year-old rebelled against authority.

Police records recently obtained by Radar Online detail a 2008 incident in which Vuolo was taken into custody for drunkenly harassing a police officer.

"An intoxicated male who appeared to be a friend of the male that was involved was acting belligerent and shouting obscenities while in front of numerous subjects," the reporting officer wrote, adding:. "Identified later as Jeremy Vuolo.

"For no apparent reason, Vuolo walked up to [the officer] and grabbed his right arm/bicep in a forceful manner," the report reads. "Subsequently, Vuolo was arrested and transported back to HQ, where he was booked and later released to a sober friend.

Vuolos BAC was reported as. 13 at the time of his arrest, which is considerably higher than the allowable Duggar family limit of 000. "I was part of the college party scene and was living foolishly," said in an interview last year.

"I'm not perfect, but I sought out accountability and I now see great victory in my life.

Many Duggar fans feel that even though Vuolo has put his (relatively) hard-partying ways behind him, his less-than-godly past goes a long way toward explaining why Jim Bob was so reluctant to give his son-in-law permission to marry his daughter/.

Yes, the incident took place nearly a decade ago, but with the exception of criminal acts that took place within his own immediate family, Jim Bob doesnt forget easily.

For more infomation >> Celebrity New : Jeremy Vuolo: Arrested for Drunkenly Assaulting a COP?! - Duration: 5:19.


One dead in University of Utah shooting as police hunt for suspect # breaking News - Duration: 2:20.

Welcome to Top Daily Breaking News and here is the latest news update for you.

Police are on the hunt for a suspected gunman after one person was killed in a shooting

near the University of Utah Monday night, police said.

Suspect Austin Boutain, 24, is still at large, hours after a victim was fatally shot during

a carjacking at the gate of Red Butte Canyon just east of the school, according to University

of Utah Police Chief Dale Brophy.

Salt Lake City Police received reports of a man with a gunshot wound to the head shortly

after 9 p.m., and students were advised to take shelter with an alert that read, "Shots


Red Butte Canyon.

Shelter in Place."

Boutain's wife was injured when she appeared on campus and reported that her husband assaulted

her while they were camping in the canyon just east of the school, Brophy said.

It remains unclear when Boutain's wife made the report, and how the alleged assault was

linked to the carjacking

Boutain, who was last seen in black clothing and a beanie, has a cross tattoo on his face

and may have also been driving a forest green pick-up truck with a Colorado license plate,

according to the university.

The Department of Public Safety dispatched a helicopter crew to assist the University

of Utah Police and several authorities, including the FBI, swarmed the area as the manhunt continues.

Police have not yet identified the name or gender of the carjacking victim.

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert issued a statement on Twitter, writing, "Fervent prayers for

all dealing with the #UofUShooting tonight.

Stay safe and follow directions to shelter in place."

Boutain's brother Lee Boutain told the NY Daily News he was shocked to learn his brother

was a suspect in the shooting, since he hadn't heard from the 24-year-old for several months

months since he skipped parole in Wisconsin.

Lee Boutain would not elaborate on his brother's criminal history, although public records

show Austin Boutain has also been arrested in Ohio and Alabama.

That is all from the News Room.

Thanks For Watching and please don't forget to subscribe Top Daily Breaking News.

For more infomation >> One dead in University of Utah shooting as police hunt for suspect # breaking News - Duration: 2:20.


White House denies notion that Kelly's yearning for 'compromise' on slavery is offensive - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> White House denies notion that Kelly's yearning for 'compromise' on slavery is offensive - Duration: 1:17.


Maria Elena Salinas on Leaving Univision: "It's Time for Me to Do Something Different" - Duration: 3:30.

You've announced that you're leaving Univision, what are your

plans? And I'm hoping they include perhaps something you can tell us about

in terms of - I'm just sitting here thinking it would be great for these

stories to be told to people who maybe or not already knowing about them in

your own Univision community.

MARIA ELENA: Right, you might be surprised but there is no plan.

You know yesterday one of the people that look that was honored, Maria Jose,

a journalist that I respect very much. And she says, "So

what's the plan?" "I said are you kidding me?" I thought to do it even because you

have this big plan, I don't have a plan. I know what I what I'd like to do but it's

not a plan. I'll tell you what, I been working for Univision 30 almost 37 years

and my contract ended this year. And I didn't want to renew it

because I think it's time for me to do something different. I guess it's one of

those things where you - when you look at your life and you look at your career,

what you've done and I know that I love my job and I love what I

have done. But at this stage of my life if I want to do something different I

have to do it now. I don't think I can wait a few more years to do something

different. When I saw people that I admire like Barbara Walters or

or Diane Sawyer, you know they didn't do the same thing for thirty six and a half

years. And that doesn't mean that you don't have a career anymore. So I'm

sort of like challenging myself. You know I always tell young people, I always tell

students, you know go after your dreams. So now it's time to for me to practice

what I preach and and go after my dreams. I mean it's never too late to dream.

JANE: Absolutely.


JANE: So I tell my students I'm too old to be this idealistic. MARIA ELENA: So you know I

think that doing this story, and doing a lot of specials that I've done made me

fall in love of this format and made me realize that instead of daily news I

would rather dedicate myself to doing documentaries and long-form specials and

news magazine. And also, you know I grew up, like I said, you know a Chicana in LA

speaking English to Spanish and I want to go back to being that young Chicana in

LA speaking English to Spanish and maybe

there's an opportunity for me to be able to work in both languages. And I would

love to be able to tell these stories to different audiences.

You know because after why you think well are we preaching to the choir? Are

we telling ourselves the stories that we already know? This airs on Univision.

I mean we did it in English and it aired on Fusion. But most of

them are only in Spanish, and you know, yes, I think you know our community wants

to hear the stories about themselves. But how about people that don't know them?

So I'm going to explore the possibilities out there in this

ever-growing media landscape that is changing. There's so many platforms now.

Now people are - I mean I want, I don't know if young people want to see me but I

want them to watch me. JANE: I think they do. MARIA ELENA: And these the ones that were forced by their

parents. I'm so lucky to be - Ramos and I are so lucky good because some

other people say well "You know young people usually don't know journalists."

"Yeah but their parents used to say 'It's time to have dinner a las noticias.

Thank you parents for making your kids watch the news cast.

For more infomation >> Maria Elena Salinas on Leaving Univision: "It's Time for Me to Do Something Different" - Duration: 3:30.


For Instructors: How to Build a Well-Designed Subpage - Duration: 7:40.

As you build your course in Sakai, it's important to make sure your

content is clear and easy for students to navigate.

A great way to keep things organized is by using Sakai's Lessons tool

to structure your course content into weekly subpages.

Subpages provide space where you can design your lessons and

share all kinds of content with students, including documents,...

web links,...

and links to content in other Sakai tools,

such as assignments,...

tests and quizzes,...

and discussion forums.


In this video, we'll build a new subpage to show you

how to incorporate each of these elements.

Here's a site that I'm building for an online computer course.

In the Lessons area, I've already added content

for Weeks One and Two, so let's add a subpage

for Week Three.

I'll click the Add Content button and select Add Subpage.


In the Page title field, I'll give this subpage a name that's

related to the content it'll contain.

For example, I'll call this one Week 3: Searching the Web.

Then we'll click Create.


Sakai automatically takes us to the new subpage,

but we can see where it's been added by clicking Lessons

in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

This takes us back to the main Lessons area and here,

under Week 2, is our new Week 3 subpage.

To help clarify when Week 3 starts and ends,

I'll click its Edit button...

and type the date range in the Item Description box,...

and then click Update Item.


OK, we're ready to add some content to this subpage!

Click Week 3 to open it back up.

From here, we'll be working with the Add Content button

which allows you to add a wide variety of content;

including text; links to documents, presentations and websites; and

links to activities in other Sakai tools.

We'll begin by specifying when this week's assignments are due.

It's possible to have multiple due dates for the week's assignments,

but if you teach online, it's less confusing for students

if there's just one due date for the week, such as

Thursday at 11:00PM.

This allows online students to know when things are due and

establish their weekly schedules.

We'll click the Add Content button and

then Add Text.

I'll type this week's due date,...


and to make it stand out, I'll make the text a little larger...


and apply bold formatting.

Click Save and the due date appears on the subpage.

Next, I'll add this week's learning objective.

Click Add Content and then Add Text.

I'll type a heading, for example, Learning Objective for the Week,

to introduce the objective and then I'll type the objective.

This example has only one, but your subpage might have more.

Then, to create page structure for students whom might use

assistive technology, I'll format the heading as a

Heading 2 by highlighting it...

and selecting Heading 2 from the Paragraph Format

drop-down menu.

There we go, and then click Save.

Our objective appears on the subpage.

Alternatively, you can provide an overview to explain to students the

importance of the week's material.

I'll click the Edit button to add my overview below the objective.


Next, I'll post the reading assignment

for the week.

I could continue to click the Add Content button,

but instead I'll click the Add New Item button --

it looks like a plus sign, ...


and then I'll select Add Text.


I'll type and format some of the text, and just as I did for the

Learning Objective heading earlier, I'll make sure to format this heading

as a Heading 2.


If you have a document to share with students,

you can make it easy for students to view the file by uploading and

creating a link to it.

I have a PDF of an article I'd like to add here,

under the Readings section on our subpage.

I'll click the bottom-most Add New Item button and

select Add Content Links.

In the Item Name field, I'll type a descriptive name

for the file and indicate that this is a PDF.

Then we'll click the Choose Files button

to locate the file,...


and Save.


Sakai saves a copy of the file to the site's Resources area,

and a link to the file appears on the subpage.

If you'd like to add a descriptive note about the file,

click the link's Edit button...

and type a description in the Item Description box,...

and click Update Item.


You can also use the Add Content Links option

to link to a website.

I've already copied the address of an online article

related to this week's content, so I'll provide the title of the article

in the Item Name field, ...

paste the address here in the add a URL field,

and click Save.

As I did earlier, I'll add a descriptive note by

clicking the Edit button.

All right, our subpage is starting to take shape!

Let's take a look at how to add tool links.

Tool links make it easy for students to go directly

to an activity that's been created with another Sakai tool,

such as a forum discussion, a quiz, or an assignment.

In this site, I've already created a Week 3 quiz and published it.

To add a link to the quiz from our subpage,

I'll click the Add new item button and Link to a test or quiz.

I'll select the quiz I want, and click Use Selected Item.


A link to the quiz appears on the subpage;

it will take students directly to the Week 3 quiz,

so they won't need to hunt around for it elsewhere in the site.

I can click the quiz's Edit button to add a note or a description.

In a similar way, if I've created an assignment

in Sakai, for example, a paper students will need

to turn in, I can link to it by clicking the

Add new item button and selecting Link to an assignment.

A list of assignments I've created appears.

I'll select the one for this week, and click Use selected item.

As with other items I've placed on the subpage,

I'll add a description for this assignment by

clicking the Edit button.

If you've created a discussion topic in Forums,

you can link directly to it, as well, by clicking the

Add new item button and selecting Link to a forum or topic.

Select the topic to link to, ...

and click Use Selected Item.


And again, I can add a note.


This weekly subpage looks like it's complete!

Let's take a look at how it appears in Student View.


It looks good!

The subpage contains everything students need for the entire week,

laid out clearly, and all in one place.

It should be easy for students to figure out what they'll need to do.

All right!

I think you're ready to use the Lessons tool to build a

subpage of your own.

If you're teaching an online or hybrid course, we strongly recommend

using the Lessons tool to organize your weekly content,

and if you're teaching face-to-face courses,

we think you'll find this tool to be very useful, as well.

If you need assistance with the Lessons tool,

please contact

For more infomation >> For Instructors: How to Build a Well-Designed Subpage - Duration: 7:40.


Tutorial: How to Send Payment for My Child's Appointments - Duration: 2:40.

Welcome back!

In this video. You will learn how to send over payment for your child's appointments.

You will receive invoices of your child's appointments in your email inbox at the end

of the week on Saturday before 1PM.

In this scenario, it is 2PM on a Saturday and you have received a notification on your

phone from Student Success Solutions letting you know an your invoice has landed in your

inbox. Therefore, the first step in sending over payment for your child's appointments

is to open your email inbox and locating that email.

Once you have located the email and opened it up.

Please locate and click the link " INV and number"

Afterwards, you will land on an invoice page detailing your child's appointments. If

there is any incorrect information regarding your child's appointments, please call your

tutor so that you can receive the correct invoice.

Once you confirmed that the details of your child's appointments are correct, you are

ready to send over payment.

To submit payment, on the bottom right corner please click the button "Pay Online"

Afterwards, a pop-up provided by Stripe will allow you enter your payment card information.

After inputting your correct payment card information, please "Click Pay"

After your payment has successfully gone through, you will receive an email receipt for your

records. in addition on this page you can also create a pdf file to save on your computer

for your records.

And that's it!

If at any moment, our system gives you trouble, please leave us a comment below this video

OR email us at Subject line - Online Account Help, so you

are helped right away!

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

For more infomation >> Tutorial: How to Send Payment for My Child's Appointments - Duration: 2:40.


World News Today - AstraZeneca Wins US Approval for Lymphoma Drug - Duration: 2:19.

Thanks For Watching!

For more infomation >> World News Today - AstraZeneca Wins US Approval for Lymphoma Drug - Duration: 2:19.


How To Get Rid Of Tinnitus │ Natural Treatment For Tinnitus - Duration: 3:21.

How to get rid of Tinnitus.

Tinnitus is known as a noise that seems to originate inside the ear or head.

It really is worth remembering that Tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease.

The most common causes of tinnitus are blocked ear canal with earwax, ear infection, hearing

loss related to getting older and other.

In this video we are talking about best 5 home remedies to get rid of Tinnitus.

Please click the subscribe button and the bell icon for more videos.


Apple Cider Vinegar.

Being an antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent, apple cider vinegar can also be used

to treat any underlying infection that may be contributing to tinnitus.

Apple cider vinegar also balances the alkaline level in the body.

Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a little honey in a glass of water.

Drink this solution two or three times daily until the ringing sensation in the ears stops.



The medicinal and antibacterial properties of onions help treat ear infections causing


Chop one small onion into small pieces.

Microwave the onions for one to two minutes.

Allow it to cool, and then strain out the juice.

Put two or three drops of the juice in the infected ear.

Leave it in the ear for five minutes, and then turn your head to let the juice drain


Do this a few times a week to get rid of tinnitus.



Garlic can be used to treat tinnitus caused by high altitudes or cold weather.

Garlic helps reduce inflammation as well as improve blood circulation.

Fry two crushed garlic cloves in one tablespoon of sesame oil.

After straining and letting it cool, and put two or three drops of the oil into the ear


Do this daily at night before going to bed.

Continue for about one week.

You can also take garlic capsules or use this herb in your cooking.


Holy basil.

Holy basil can be made into a paste and put into the ear to help clear out any bacterial


Blend a handful of basil leaves in a blender making a paste-like mixture.

Press the paste through a strainer with a spoon to extract the juices.

Warm the juice mixture up slightly, about lukewarm.

Drip the holy basil juice into the affected ear using a dropper.

Repeat twice daily for three to four days.


Mustard oil.

Mustard oil is an antifungal agent, so it can help clear infections and boost the immune


Slightly warm a little mustard oil in a microwave.

Put a few drops of warm mustard oil directly into the affected ear.

Allow the oil to sit for five to 10 minutes.

Then tilt your head to the other side so that the oil drains out of the ear.

Remove the softened earwax with the help of an ear bud.

Repeat once daily for a few days.

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