Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

I think that everyone wants more confidence and higher self-esteem

and I know that I personally used to think about self-esteem as the pinnacle.

If you had high self-esteem, you're gonna get everything you wanted in your life

and I have since reversed on that position because I've seen that, actually, high self-esteem — when it becomes the focus —

can be detrimental and it absolutely has been to me.

So I want to share with you in this video a mindset that not only incorporates self-esteem but I think

supersedes it and is quite frankly, more important that you can incorporate.

In order to get there, I kind of have to talk about what self-esteem is and how it differs from regular confidence

so in order to do this, think of a scenario where you are approaching someone.

Now, this can be someone that you're interested in romantically, it could simply be that your standing at a party,

there's somebody next to you and you'd like to talk to them but that moment of anxiety kicks in.

The person who lacks confidence, their mindset is — "I will be kind to myself as long as this situation goes well. And I don't think it's going to go well."

So in the scenario where they do finally muster up the courage, their mental track is —

"You don't have anything interesting to say. They're probably not wanting to talk to you. Oh my god, that was dumb.

What will you say next? Don't say that; that's stupid." And of course, because they're thinking that,

they behave that and the interaction goes poorly and the cycle continues.

The person that has confidence actually has the same exact mindset which is — "I will be kind to myself as long as this goes well."

The difference is that they have practiced enough times that they think it's going to go well.

So maybe they've watched the channel, they know what they're going to say to

begin with, they have some things that will revive conversation if it goes stale,

and because of that — they feel good, they walk up with a smile on their face

and typically the interaction goes well, and that cycle continues. But of course,

it doesn't always and when it does, the person who lacks or just has confidence beats themself up

which is where we move to self-esteem and this is what I thought was everything.

Self-esteem isn't concerned with necessarily the outcome; it's concerned with the process.

The person with self-esteem says — "I will be kind to myself simply by living up to my own principles and values."

And if you're like me, your principles are authenticity, honesty, doing your best...

so as soon as they move to approach that individual, they have already won —

they're living up to their values, they're trying their best, and when they arrive

there whether or not they know what to say — they feel great, it radiates from them, and that interaction tends to go well;

that's why self-esteem is so powerful.

Now, it's been amazing. This is a level for me that changed my life.

This took me from in-a-job-that-I-didn't-like to pursuing something that I was truly passionate about.

It had me traveling the world with my best friends. It keeps me involved in activities

that quite frankly, I don't have a ton of natural talent in like music and I do it because I love it.

It's not about being really good; it's about the process and the enjoyment that I get.

But there's an issue with self-esteem and I have encountered it firsthand; it's that

sometimes we do not live up to our values — we don't walk up to that person,

we don't do what we should, we're not honest, we're not authentic, we don't try our best —

and in these situations, what I would do is beat myself up,

"Man, you let yourself down. You diminished your self-esteem there. You're not living up to your own values.

You got to do better next time. You have done better in the past but chop-chop, let's make it happen."

Now, I thought that this was great because this is kind of the stick that motivated me to achieve all of the things that I've achieved in my life.

But I started reading a little bit outside my circle and came across a concept that was very different and that I resisted

and it was this concept of self-love unconditionally.

The difference being that where self-esteem said, "I have to live up to my values,"

self-love was just because for no reason at all, you give yourself this feeling of love.

And I resisted it because I thought, "Wait a second.

All of the things that I've done in my life, I did because I was nervous that if I didn't do it, I was kind of gonna have to beat myself up."

I needed that punishment in order to drive action.

We all know that pain is probably the biggest motivator to change so if I just

keep self-loving myself — maybe I won't approach that person, maybe I won't

move to the next level, maybe I'll just sit and stagnate and heap self-love on myself and feel great but accomplish and do nothing and give nothing back to the world.

I was what I feared but I said, "Okay, I'm gonna experiment with it. If that's where I do wind up, I can always switch back,"

and I have to say it was amazing how things changed.

Far from blocking me from growth, I actually experienced a deeper level

of honesty, of authenticity, of trying my best, and

I want to give you some for-instance examples because it's not exactly intuitive.

So as I started being more self-loving if you will, what I've realized is that

there are certainly scenarios in which I don't do that approach thing that we discussed earlier.

Now, to give myself credit, I do it probably more than 99.9% of people on the planet —

I'm very outgoing, I'm very friendly, and when I see someone that I'm interested in, I oftentimes do that.

But there are certainly times when I don't and what I've realized is that

because I pin my self-esteem and I'd ride on that of doing what I know I should when I don't do it which is inevitable, I sometimes hide the reason for myself.

So for instance, I was in the gym. Sam Harris — who was a guy, if you don't know him, who's an intellectual and I look up to him —

was walking down the stairs and rather than say anything, "Hey, Sam, I like book.

Hey, Sam, I've got this channel. Would you like to participate?" — anything — "Hey," I kept quiet.

And as I did, I kind of just justified it in my head which is — "I'm not a super fan

of his and he is busy. He's got his headphones in or whatever," I didn't want to do it.

As I came back to a place of self-love, what I first realized was —

one, in that moment of course if I was in a self-loving place, I would've just said,

"Hey, man, totally random — I know you're busy. I love your book; it's amazing," and let him go on with his day

or maybe I would have said, "By the way, I have this channel; we're doing a breakdown. Would you like to participate?" Who knows?

But I would have been more authentic and more honest.

And that happens in many other situations.

Another thing that I noticed about myself as I started this self-love

that didn't occur to me when I was just on this level of self-esteem is that I have

pervasive validation-seeking behaviors and they're subtle but they're there.

So for instance, I noticed I was out in a public place, I was talking, cracking jokes,

and I'll perhaps crack a joke with a dark sense of humor and some of the people

will laugh but they'll be one person who doesn't and what I've noticed as I come from a place of self-love and self-acceptance is that

I have a tendency to focus on that person rather than the other people who are laughing; meaning that I will spend more time almost trying to win that person over,

to show them that I'm a good guy rather than just hanging out with the people that I click with and I enjoy with that like my sense of humor

and I'm not saying this person is necessarily a killjoy but I will just be subtly

drawn to them so that the people in the room can have a high opinion of me.

And this didn't occur to me — this is important — at the level of self-esteem.

And I think the reason is because I pinned my self-esteem on authenticity and honesty and when there was little breaches of that, I could correct them.

But this is a pervasive big breach that invades and creeps into so many of my interactions in tiny little ways.

And to accept that, that on a fundamental level there's an inauthenticity, would crush my self-esteem — that is not living up to my value.

But when I come from a place of self-love and self-acceptance instead,

I'm able to see that and now I can adjust and I see it again, I've been dating more,

and one of the things that I noticed is I have a tendency to feel guilty when the date doesn't go well

and I feel this tendency to force a second date so that that other person... I don't know... feels good or whatever rather than simply saying,

"Not a match. Nothing wrong with them. Nothing wrong with me. Let's move on and not waste any more of either of our time."

There's this sense of guilt in there and again that's not authentic so I didn't, I think, address it from a level of self-esteem.

I tell you these examples to say that I thought that coming from a place of self-love was going to lead to stultify growth and it couldn't be more the opposite.

I have felt myself more honest, more authentic, and more like I'm trying my honest

best from this place of self-love then from this place of as-long-as-I-live-up-to-my-values. Now let me be clear, self-esteem is awesome.

Absolutely have values and principles and things that are important to you.

I needed that phase in order to drive to those things so I could clarify that,

"Yes, authenticity does matter to me." Confidence. Know your strategies.

It's cool to have domain-level confidence. What I'm suggesting is that you implement at the base of all of this —

this level of bedrock self-love which is unconditional — for no reason at all.

I don't care how badly you fail; I don't care if you don't try.

That level of self-love will not only make you just feel nice, it will actually push you

to be your best self in ways that are truly and, have been for me, mind-boggling.

Now, this video is already getting long. I want to give you things that you can do

to begin to implement this so I have two recommendations and one announcement.

The first is to say that there are two audiobooks I want to recommend — courtesy of our sponsor Audible who sponsored this video.

Those are Love Yourself like Your Life Depends on it by Kamal Ravikant

and Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden.

And if you've not read either of them, I will tell you a bit about them in just a second

but you can access them via Audible if you sign up with our link below which is

With that, you get a free 30-day trial and you can choose to listen to one of those audiobooks for free if this is your first time signing up.

Audible also has an unbeatable selection of audiobooks and it makes it super easy to

have more books in your life which I think is incredibly important.

It's especially nice because if you have to commute to work where you're driving and

you're in public transportation, you can still feed your brain with these really good gems.

So, Kamal Ravikant's book — excellent primer for self-love.

Nathaniel Branden's Six Pillars of Self-Esteem — even though it has self-esteem in the title,

I think it borders on self-love especially the parts about self-acceptance and self-consciousness

and those have fantastic exercises for cultivating this and developing it inside of you.

So if you want to sign up for Audible, you'll get access to a huge, huge library of audiobooks

and you get that free one with a 30-day trial so I highly, highly recommend checking out one of those two.

In addition, this is the announcement — I've been working probably for the last year, nearly, and a half on a course called Emotional Mastery.

I am super excited for it and I'm going to launch it next week

and it really does deal in part with this concept of self-love.

It's a tough course to describe because, really, in the same way that I didn't see these issues prior to doing these exercises, that's kind of what the course is about.

There's things in our life that we don't necessarily recognize our holding us back

and when we do see them, it's shocking that they've been there all along but they surprise us

and when we remove them, there's a level of happy and joy and freedom and achievement that flows from that

that's just tough to conceive of beforehand so that's really as difficult as I describe what the course is about.

If you're interested in it and want to know more, you can sign up for our email list

where we'll be releasing that course next week so I hope that you have found this video interesting.

Let me know. This is the kind of stuff that I've been thinking a lot about lately.

And of course, if you like this video, subscribe to the channel.

We're going to have a new breakdown coming out on Thursday and then

some more in this vein probably next Monday so I hope you like this and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Why Self-Esteem Is Overrated - Duration: 11:36.


What is Bitcoin? - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> What is Bitcoin? - Duration: 1:08.


Is That A Right Stock To Invest? - Duration: 18:31.

Hey guys "Is that a right stock to invest? how can we check in less than five minutes"

Let us find out right now. Hey guys, this is Naveen.

Once the famous investor Mr. Warren Buffet said there are two rules to make money in the stock

market. Rule number one never lose money, rule number two never forget rule

number one. Let us find out how to avoid losing money in the stock market.

Friends, many times we buy stocks based on somebody's recommendation. Either we

don't know what to check or we don't have enough time to check through the

financial information of the company. There can be a big time gap since when

it was recommended or it is not clear from the article when it is recommended

to buy. Sometimes it can be a situation where big investors who want to reduce

their stake, they are attracting retail investors through these kind of

recommendations. Many times we buy stocks when the market is too hot. We see that

market is keep on running. Our heart burns since we did not buy enough or

not bought anything yet. Hastily we rush to buy some stocks based on the name or

somebody's recommendation or what is trending in the news. Many times we buy

stocks when the stocks starts to fall without understanding why it is falling. We

always wanted to buy that stock but it was very expensive,

now that it has started falling it is time to buy, we go and buy but how sure

are we that it will continue to perform well in the coming days, how sure are we

that the stock is not going down permanently

due to the issues with the company. Even if the market crashes tomorrow the stock

that we bought should be the one of the last one to crash and should be one of

the first few to recover upon market rebound. With the limited capital to

invest our first and foremost aim should be to protect capital by not buying the

wrong stock then to make the profit without

compromising on return. We want decent quarter and quarter and hence Year on Year

return. So we need to be very certain that we are investing only in right

stocks. Most of us are working professionals we are all seriously short

of time to research, how can we outsmart experienced investors out there in the

market? Let me explain the fastest and easiest way to check if a given stock is

a right stock to invest or not. It is so easy that you just need five minutes to

glance if the company you intend to invest is the right company or not, this

way we are going to eliminate the biggest risk out of our way. In order to

do that we need to briefly understand what to look for in any given stock.

Don't be frightened it is not complicated at all you just

have to know that there is something you need to check, a software tool will help

you to do most of the work. The four most important parameters for any given

companies are these. Number one revenue growth, Number two

net profit growth, Number three earnings per share growth, Number four is the

profit margin. These parameters are so important that you should never ever

forget to check them, no need to by-heart them. I am going to show you a simple way

to check these parameters for free of cost in a very short period of time. We

know that there are so many other parameters to take into consideration

for a given stock but guys these four are top of the list

if these fails you don't need to look into any other parameters. This is bare

minimum requirement, let me explain each of them briefly.....

Number one: Revenue, How much of goods and services companies sold for a period of

time is called revenue in other words how much money company received in total

without deducting any form of expense is called revenue. Let me show you the

revenues of some of the companies in different sectors. Infosys: For the past

10 years the chart looks like this. Don't worry about how to get it, later I am

going to show you the simplest way to get it readily plotted for you to see

The revenue of Infosys technologies for the past 10 years as we see it is

constantly growing. Avanti feeds: See the growth, now you

can understand why this stock is booming

Suzlon, looking at this chart you can tell how predictable is this stock.

Sunpharma: getting stagnant or even started going down? ONGC: A clear downturn? due

to various issues in the oil and gas industries? We understood what is revenue

and looked at revenues of few companies, now let us look at second most important

parameter, net profit, from the revenue explained in

previous slides if we subtract all kind of expenses such as operating cost, tax,

interest, distribution expenses, material expenses and any other kind of expenses

that occurred to the business what is left is called as net profit. We don't

need to calculate this manually the software tool I am going to show you

soon we will get you this information in fraction of minutes. We all know that

businesses depends on profit and growth by profits. Let me show you the

performance of some of the companies we discussed earlier

Infosys, a steady growth or a period of time. Avanti Feeds , it's profit is exploding

exponentially. Suzlon, the chart speaks for itself

SunPharma, is it showing a downturn? ONGC, it was in a clear downturn for past few

years, now is there a sign of recovery? We understood the net profit, now let me

explain the third most important parameter to look into. If we divide the

net profit to the total number of common shares issued in the market, is called as

earnings per share or in short EPS. This is a very important parameter, the value

of the stock you are going to buy is derived from EPS if this is growing the

value of the stock we are going to buy or you're holding is improved

With that in mind, let us check performances of some of the companies

for the EPS. EPS of Infosys, Avanti feeds, Suzlon

Sunpharma and ONGC. These charts clearly shows how was the companies

performing in the past and where they are heading to in the future. That wraps

Earnings Per Share. Now let us look at last and the fourth most important parameter

profit margin

profit margin is percentage of revenue that remained as profit is called profit

margin, Higher the profit margin better the company performance will be, higher the

profit margin lesser the company need to sell to be profitable or need less

efforts to make money in other words if profit margin is higher means company is

placed better in the market like monopolistic. Profit margin may not grow

over the period of time, it should be stable or improving for the companies to

be sustainable. If it is falling means companies facing competition, company

need to sell more to sustain the earning growth, Now let us look at some of the

companies. Profit margin of Infosys, looks like it is sustaining over the years

right? Avanti Feeds, it is keep on growing. Suzlon. Profit margin of SunPharma,

looks like it is losing steam over the years. ONGC, is it deteriorating? The charts

speaks for itself. We need to look into all the four parameters and decide if

the stock is a quality stock or not. We looked at all the four parameters, we

visualized them, now it is time to ask ourself is this the right company to

invest? we need to look at quarterly charts and yearly charts. Quarterly

charts shows early signs of improvements or slowdown and helps us to decide to

buy or sell. In-Short Revenue should be growing, net profit should be growing

earnings per share should be growing year-on-year

and quarter-on-quarter. Profit margin should be stable or growing. All these

parameters, higher the value better the company performances will be. We need to

ask ourself, what am i buying into? After looking at these charts we need to ask

is the business growing year-on-year? is the business growing quarter on quarter?

is the company predictable? and dependable? can the company protect our

investment? can this company going to help us to retire from work peacefully?

Friends with this information in-mind, let us find out how to get these charts

in a fraction of minute painlessly and free of cost. There are multiple ways to

check these parameters quickly, let me demonstrate the fastest way of checking

every time. In order to do this we need to set up one time which is again a very

quick step. First copy the link of a model Microsoft Excel file from the

description below, open an internet browser paste the link and click on the

download button. Note down the location of the downloaded file. Next step go to

Register an account, it is a very quick process

just need to enter email ID and confirm email ID and a password. Once registered

you are automatically logged into the account now go to

upload the file downloaded just before. Now you are ready! The above steps are only one

time requirement we don't need to do this again and again now you can go and

search for the company you would like to see this information, for example Vakrangee

limited, if you scroll through this page you can see lot of information

don't be overwhelmed just click on View consolidated at any location on the page

now go to the top right corner of the page and download the excel file. Once

downloaded you can see there are lot of information again in this page, you just

look at these charts and visualize how this company is

performing. Sales, which is another term for revenue, how the growth Year-on-Year

the bar in the red color are our expectation which is 20 percent


you can adjust that reference, understand how fast the company is growing, in this

case 45 percent year-on-year. Now look at the net profit, again my reference was

about 20 percent, around here we can adjust it to whatever the number you

would like to adjust, let us say 40 percent or 37 percent, yes this company

is growing about 37 percent year-on-year. Look at the EPS

you can adjust the numbers again, about 35% for this company and lastly the

operating margin, you can see initially first two years the operating margin was

very good and later on it has dropped and now it is stabilizing to about 25

percent year-on-year. There are many other charts in this excel file do not

worry about these charts for now, I will explain some of these in the next video.

At this stage you just need to understand how to check the four most

basic information before you buy anything. In this excel sheet there are

six sheets. Profit and loss which is a yearly chart, quarters which is quarterly

chart, you can again see the same information, sales, revenue, net profit

operating margin. Balance sheet is basically showing a return on equity and

return on capital employed, again this is just for visualization at this stage, we

can discuss about it in the upcoming videos

these two are again a very important parameter. Cash flow; how much the company

is holding the cash at the end of the year we can visualize it clearly here in

this chart and customization is basically the information on how to use

this excel sheet and data sheet is a source of information you should never

ever change that sheet, so focus on the four parameters in this excel sheet

sales, net profit, earnings per share and profit margin. Look at year-on-year and

quarter-on-quarter and see how the trend is progressing, from there we can decide

whether this company is going in a positive direction or negative direction

you can check this information for any company in BSE and NSE, just type the

company name in the search bar, download the excel sheet

so, as we can see here in less than a minute we are readily having all the

necessary charts for us to visualize and understand how the companies performing

as we see here the Reliance communication, how the revenue is growing and net profit

and EPS are growing over year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter

Friends thanks for watching, hope this video helps in your investing journey

subscribe comment and share and encourage to come up with more such


watch out this channel for more such videos .... THANK YOU .....

For more infomation >> Is That A Right Stock To Invest? - Duration: 18:31.


Is a Fifth Halloweentown Movie in the Works? - Duration: 2:21.

Is a Fifth Halloweentown Movie in the Works?

We have the ultimate treat for Halloweentown fans. After Disney Channel announced they were set to remake Hocus Pocus, we couldnt help but wonder about the networks iconic witch franchise, Halloweentown, which has released four movies between 1998-2006.

Is there any chance we could also see a fifth installment hit the small screen anytime soon?  Sheri Singer, the executive producer behind the Halloweentown franchise, exclusively told E! News shed like to do a fifth movie.

Id have to get Disney Channel to get on-board, but I would like to, she said. I have ideas of how I would do it.

There was some talk about a year and a half ago but then it didnt happen. Halloweentown first premiered in 1998, and the movie will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year.

Singer had hoped to do something for the milestone but we would have already needed to get started in order to do that, so I dont know. I think its a really good idea.

Theres nothing to say that I wont drive them crazy and ask them again!. Are you listening, Disney Channel?  And Singer has some ideas of what shed like to do with a fifth movie, if the network was interested.

I think it could be done as a musical, she said, also revealing, Theres also ways to do a prequel.

Its not something I havent brought up before. (Perhaps a prequel centering on a young Aggie, with the late Debbie Reynolds granddaughter Billie Lourd taking on the role? Start looking up spells ASAP!) If they were to do a fifth movie focusing on Piper-Cromwell siblings, Singer said theyd probably have to recast a few roles.

I probably wouldnt have the younger kids be the same actors because some of them arent even acting. I think Kimberly, if she wanted and we could make a deal, could certainly be the mother and Judy could be the grandmother..

Brown, who did not appear in the fourth installment, Return to Halloweentown, with Sara Paxton taking over the role of Marnie in a controversial recast, said shes never been spoken to directly about returning to the franchise, she is open to reprising her iconic role.  Im open to anything at this point, she told us.

I think its so cool that fans still want to see where the story would go. I think thats so cool. I would say Im open to anything. Its cool that thats even a question people are asking these days..

Would you want to see a fifth Halloweentown? Would you want it to focus on Marnie as a mom or be a prequel? Sound off in the comments and tweet your thoughts to @tbrick2 & @eonlineTV.

For more infomation >> Is a Fifth Halloweentown Movie in the Works? - Duration: 2:21.


Polypharmacy: Is It the new normal for the elderly patient? - Duration: 1:38.

Polypharmacy, or one person taking 5 or more medications, is an epidemic among the elderly.

This can seriously impact a patient's health, and can lead to adverse drug reactions, or ADR's.

Why is polypharmacy so common?

It varies.

The elderly often have more than one clinician and may not report all their medication.

Many clinicians have different opinions on treatment, so patients might receive multiple,

and sometimes conflicting, medications.

Because prescription medications have side effects, patients look to other over-the-counter

drugs to treat symptoms.

Elderly patients with memory loss or dementia may confuse frequency and dosage of medicine.

But remember: When paired with other drugs, seemingly harmless medications like Pepto-Bismol

and aspirin can be dangerous.

In fact, ADRs lead to about 140,000 fatalities each year.

By knowing the risks and staying alert, medical professionals can ensure their elderly patients

aren't being over-medicated.

To reduce polypharmacy.

Instruct patients to bring all medications to appointments: prescriptions, over-the-counter,

herbal, and supplements.

Screen for unnecessary drugs at each visit.

Prescribe drugs with better or less side effects, or simplify drug regimens.

Ensure the patient thoroughly understands their drug regimen by providing clear written instructions.

To learn more about CEUFast Nursing CE's polypharmacy course, visit

For more infomation >> Polypharmacy: Is It the new normal for the elderly patient? - Duration: 1:38.


Supercar 2018, Porsche Panamera Turbo Is the Ultimate $150,000 Luxury - Duration: 23:19.

Please subscribe to the channel to watch the latest video. Thanks You!

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