Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: The blessing is a result of God's

great love for you. Today on the Believer's Voice

of Victory, Gloria and Kellie Copeland show that the

heart of the Father is revealed through Jesus

and by the Word. Now here's Gloria.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's

Voice of Victory. Kellie's back with us today, and

she's got some good words for us. I'm telling you, the Word's

the bottom line to victory. This is the victory that overcomes

the world, even our faith, and faith comes by hearing, and

hearing by the Word. So pay attention to it. Listen to these

broadcasts. Read your own Bible. Believe and say what it says.

Everything's going to be all right. I like that, don't you

all? KELLIE: I do, too. GLORIA: A-L-L, "all" right. Hallelujah.

KELLIE: Right. I remember one time when we were--I don't

remember what it was. I was concerned about something, and

this was years ago, and I was talking to Dad about it, and he

goes, "It's going to be all right," like, "Are you nuts?

It's going to be all right." And I don't know, somehow the way he

said it, I was like, "Yeah, yeah." And I got in agreement

with that Word. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: So-- GLORIA: And

it was all right. KELLIE: It was all right. GLORIA: Praise God.

KELLIE: It's always all right. And, you know, when we get in

agreement with the Word, it can be all right-- GLORIA: That's

right. KELLIE: --because our getting in it, our agreeing with

it is what makes it true for us. GLORIA: That's true. KELLIE:

It's true. The Word is true. GLORIA: That's our part. That's

our part. KELLIE: Our part is to believe. Jesus said that in

His-- GLORIA: God always does His part. KELLIE: --John 6. He

does. GLORIA: Hallelujah. KELLIE: And so I--we were

talking. We started talking yesterday about how we began to

know the Word. How this family got started knowing Jesus was

when we began to know the Word. You met Jesus on one Word,

really one sentence in the Bible, "Seek ye first the

kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these

things--" GLORIA: That one scripture-- KELLIE: "--will be

added unto you." And you read it and you were like, "Oh!" GLORIA:

"I made it." KELLIE: And something--you hooked into it--

GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: --and it was an open door to

where we sit now. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: Open door to the

family you have. GLORIA: First step. KELLIE: Open door to the

body of healing, healing and--that you have and the

ministry of healing that you've given to others-- GLORIA: Praise

God. KELLIE: --in the Word and the Word that you both have

preached. GLORIA: Our part's simple. God's done the hard

part. KELLIE: He's done all the hard part. And where we mess it

up is when we try to do the hard part. GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: And so we--then you went--the Lord took you from

that word several years. Life just began to gradually change,

probably not drastically, but better. And then you ended up in

Tulsa-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --where you learned Mark 11:23.

GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: And so we were talking about

that yesterday, and we ended up--we didn't get down to Mark

11:23. We started up earlier. But, you know, Jesus had gone

into the temple the day before He went to turn the money

changers over. And He had gone in and looked around, it said.

He didn't say anything. But how did He know that things weren't

right in the temple? By the Word, because He said, "My

Father's house will be known as a house of prayer, a place of

prayer, not this--what you've made it." So just the same way

Jesus--you know, when Jesus--what is true for us is

true for Jesus. He found Himself in the Word, He found His

calling in the Word, He found what things ought to look like

in the Word, not in what religious people said, but in

the Word, and in the scriptures. So we see Jesus do with the

scriptures to know Himself, to know the Father--we see Him do

that the same way that we should do that. GLORIA: That's right.

That's what we do. KELLIE: And it's through His Word.

There's--in this week and next, we're going to talk about

knowing Him in His Word and knowing Him in worship. You get

a different--how do I say it? You get a different aspect of

Jesus when you worship than when you read the Word. It's

like--it's a--you get a more full picture when you have both

of those. You have a more full picture when you have--when you

experience Jesus through prayer. You have a more full picture

when you experience Him through all the ways we can experience

Him, which I probably don't even know what all those are, but I'm

learning. But just this week and next, focusing on knowing Him

through His Word, knowing Him through worship, you get a

really full picture of who Jesus is, and not just a knowledge of

who He is in your head, but an intimate knowing Him like we

know each other. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE: And it goes even deeper

than even you and I can know each other because, though I see

the fruit of what's in your heart, I don't know your heart

exactly, but He knows our heart inside and out. GLORIA: That's

right. KELLIE: And He wants us to know His heart inside and

out. And so, really, ultimately--and I probably will

say something similar to this these next two weeks several

times--ultimately, Jesus is here so that we can know what's

inside the Father's heart because there's no way to know

what's inside the Father's heart other than going through Jesus.

And you know, really, I don't even--I'm not even sure that

what's inside the Father's heart is as fully expressed in the

Word of God as we will know when we get so close in and intimate

to Him that we know Him ourselves, the Father. But

Jesus--everything Jesus is doing is pointing us to the Father.

And so everything the Word does points us to Jesus, Who points

us to the Father. It's like the house that Jack built, you know?

Ha. It's a layer upon layer upon layer. For you guys, the layer

started with, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." GLORIA: Mm-hmm.

KELLIE: Then-- GLORIA: That's where we were. KELLIE: That's--I

mean, that you had to have-- GLORIA: We needed things.

KELLIE: --an open door to know Jesus, and that was it. And I

love that our needs--God will use our physical needs to open

the door to Jesus. But we are never to try to get our physical

needs met any other way but through Jesus. Like, He

is--having those physical needs met like you experienced, it

didn't come apart from Jesus. It came through Jesus your needs

were met. And that's how He wants us to be. He doesn't want

us to focus on the need. He wants us to focus on Him,

because when we focus on need, we get all messed up. We get all

off track, and it doesn't work anything. GLORIA: We focus on

what the Word says and then we get everything straight. KELLIE:

Right. And so what the Word says is, though, pointing us to

Jesus. GLORIA: Of course. KELLIE: And so here He says--of

course, He went into the temple, knocked over the money changers'

tables. He's--what is He doing? He is setting His Father's

temple right. He's getting it back to what it should be, a

house of prayer for all nations. It says, "But you've turned it

into a den of thieves. When the leading priests and teachers of

religious law heard what Jesus had done, they began planning to

kill Him--how to kill Him. But they were afraid of Him--"

GLORIA: So it shows you they didn't have a very good

attitude. KELLIE: They're not very smart "--because the people

were so amazed at His teaching. That evening Jesus and His

disciples left the city." Oh, I skipped the whole part where He

cursed the fig tree, didn't I? Verse 12, "The next morning as

they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. He noticed a fig

tree in full leaf a little way off, so he went over to see if

he could find any figs. But there were only leaves because

it was too early in the season for fruit. Then Jesus said to

the tree--" or some translation says, "Jesus answered the tree."

So that tree, you could say that circumstance, was talking to

Him. GLORIA: That's right, and He talked to it. KELLIE: And He

talked to the circumstances. And, you know, He did not curse

that tree. Actually, in the Word, Peter's the one that said

He cursed it. He said, "The tree you cursed has withered and

died." All Jesus said is, "May no one ever eat your fruit

again." He could--that tree could have had fruit. GLORIA:

Well, He didn't do it any good. KELLIE: He didn't do it any

good. But, you know, that tree could have had fruit and no one

ever eat it. But all Jesus said was--that tree answered Him and

Jesus spoke back. Our circumstances talk to us.

GLORIA: And we talk back. KELLIE: I mean, that tree spoke

to Him, and He answered back. When our circumstances talk to

us-- GLORIA: Yeah, we talk back. KELLIE: --we know this pattern.

We know what to do because we know Jesus here. And I think

when you begin to read deeper into it, to know Jesus, you

begin to realize things more about Jesus in here than just a

rule or a regulation. When you see the heart of Jesus behind

something, His heart was here and, "No tree talking to me, I'm

answering back." That gives us the courage and the ability and

the understanding to answer back to things that try to talk to

us. GLORIA: Well, remember that what Jesus was doing there was

teaching just like we are. KELLIE: He was teaching. GLORIA:

He was teaching the people how things work. KELLIE: Yeah.

GLORIA: And they got it and did it. It worked for them. KELLIE:

And, Mom, that's a really good point. But--and, actually,

you've kind of jumped over several--you know, several days'

worth of stuff just to say He was here to teach us. He was

here to teach the disciples. GLORIA: Lead us into all truth,

yeah. KELLIE: And, actually, you have to remember--you know, I

read the Word, and I have the benefit of having read all this

Word. I know more than the disciples did. Sometimes we

don't stop and think about-- GLORIA: Well, they were starting

out. KELLIE: --that we know more literally than the disciples

did. They didn't know what was coming ahead. We know. I think

it's an interesting thing to read the Word like you--like you

said in your book, in "Walk With God," you talked about reading

it like you had never heard it before. GLORIA: Hmm-mm. KELLIE:

Reading it with, you know, just a keen sense of desire to know

Jesus, you'll get more out of it. So anyway, He-- GLORIA:

Well, after Jesus went to the cross, we were in a different

place because He bore the curse, and now all of the good things

belong to us. He hadn't borne the curse-- KELLIE: No. GLORIA:

--before He went to the cross. KELLIE: And He wasn't in them.

He came to deliver the Word to them and go to the cross so that

He could be in them. GLORIA: And every bad thing is under the

curse, lack, sickness, all kinds--all kinds of poverty,

everything bad. If you look up the curse in Deuteronomy 28, you

will not be able to find any bad thing that you haven't already

been delivered from through Jesus taking the curse for you,

for you, for you. He took it for us so that we could be free. Now

it's up to us to find out about how to be free, what the Word

says to receive it, believe it, do it, act on it, because I

remember--I know the Lord loved us just as much before we made

Jesus the Lord of our lives, but He couldn't bless us because we

didn't know anything. We weren't living after the Word of God. We

didn't know to live after the Word of God. But after we got

born again and we began to sit under Brother Hagin, who taught

us how to obey the Word in the truth, everything began to

change. And it's still changed, and we're blessed, and you can

be blessed. All we had to do was find out what the Word says and

do--agree with it; say it, believe it, take it. It's a good

way. It's a good thing. Hallelujah. And you were raised

that way. But, of course, Ken and I were not raised that way.

He and his parents were good people. They knew the Lord, but

they didn't understand about faith until after we were--Ken

was grown. And even after we were married, we began to learn

about faith from Kenneth Hagin, and that changed everything.

Glory to God. KELLIE: And in that, Mom, just to stop and

think just a minute, why did He even do all that? Why is all the

sickness and lack and disease and all that under the curse of

the law? Why has God declared, "That's not okay"? That's what

the curse of the law is. It's like, "This stuff is not for

you." GLORIA: Every sickness, every disease is under the

curse. KELLIE: It's because He loves us. So people get so

focused on, you know, "I'm trying to walk with God. I'm

trying to obey, but it's just too hard." Take your mind off of

that and put it onto the fact that the very reason He said

not--He laid out things that we should do and not do-- GLORIA:

That's right. KELLIE: --is not because He wanted us to keep a

bunch of rules, it's because He loved us. GLORIA: Sure. KELLIE:

And He wants us to walk in the blessed side of truth. The curse

is a truth. It's the truth. GLORIA: It's true, it's there.

KELLIE: It's true, and it is the truth in the sense that, if you

do these things, this is the result. GLORIA: Now, let's think

about--think about the garden. This is probably off our

subject, but-- KELLIE: Nah. GLORIA: We don't care. KELLIE:

We're flowing. GLORIA: There was--Adam and Eve were in the

garden. They had one do-not, "Do not eat of the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil." KELLIE: That was-- GLORIA: Had

they obeyed God and not eaten of the tree of the knowledge of

good and evil, they'd never have known the curse. They chose the

curse when they chose to disobey God. And the curse came on them,

and they fell. And now they're a spirit that--whose life is not

darkness, and the--they have to deal with the curse. And there

was no remedy for that until there was a Savior that came.

And what did the Scripture say? He bore the curse for us. So

Jesus Himself came in the flesh and bore the whole curse in His

own body on the tree, or on the cross, for me, for you--for you.

And we can be free. He made us free from the curse. Isn't that

great? Think about it. Now, all these years, that's held true

with generation after generation. We were made free.

We were made free. We were made free. All we have to do is

receive it and we did. We personally did, and other

people, thousands and thousands, have done that. And if you've

never made Jesus the Lord of your life, then you haven't

accepted the freedom that really belongs to you through Jesus

Christ. Just receive Him and say, "Jesus, I receive you as my

Lord and Savior." Say what I said. I said, "Take my life and

do something with it." I knew nothing much at all about the

Scripture, but I knew that much. And that changed everything in

my life. Everything. KELLIE: And you fell in love with Him.

GLORIA: Oh, of course. And I love--I found out about the

truth, and I love the truth, and I love the Word. And the more I

read, the freer I got, and I received it. Hallelujah. KELLIE:

And what you found out that day was-- GLORIA: And I said I would

never be a preacher's wife. Well, I wouldn't have been in

the normal--in the natural, but it slipped up on me. You know

what I mean? KELLIE: He just--that He--He started you at

the very beginning. We--there is a starting place. I like the way

you said it here. I'm going to find this here. And we will get

through Mark 11 at some point. GLORIA: Sometime we're going to

teach it. KELLIE: But this is really good. This is your book,

"Walk With God." We're giving this away. "You know this is a

growing process. Growing spiritually is like growing

physically." And you go on to talk about how, you know, your

mother doesn't expect you to walk the second that you're

born. "But spiritual things are the same way. You have to walk

with God one day at a time--" GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE:

"--starting where you are today." He doesn't expect you to

start where they are or where I am or where anybody else is.

GLORIA: You have to grow up. KELLIE: You have to grow.

However, because there are people like you guys that have

expounded on the Word and made it so easy, we give--we even

give it away. Because of that, you can grow quicker. GLORIA:

Yeah. KELLIE: "But God doesn't expect you to start anywhere but

the beginning. You have to walk with God one day at a time

starting where you are today. You cannot start where someone

else is." GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: "So don't ever judge

yourself by somebody else's walk. And, conversely, don't

ever judge somebody else by your walk. They're where they are.

You must start where you are, but you have to start. You will

never grow if you do not give God your time, if you do not

spend time in the Word--" GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE:

"--and in prayer. If you do not listen to your spirit, you will

never grow. You have to do certain things to grow. All God

asks of you is that you begin where you are today." It's--it's

so simple. GLORIA: It's a wonderful walk when you--

KELLIE: It's a wonderful walk. GLORIA: --when you get under the

teaching of the Word of God. You go from one blessing to the

next, one freedom to the next. KELLIE: And, really, the same

way this fruit tree--well, let me--let me just read this real

quick. It says, "When they passed by it again, they

noticed--the disciples noticed it had withered from the roots

up. Peter remembered what Jesus had said to the tree on the

previous day and said, 'Look, Rabbi! The fig tree you cursed

has withered and died!' Then Jesus said to the disciples,

'Have faith in God.'" What a simple thing. What a simple--

GLORIA: Believe in God. KELLIE: --way to live. He's saying,

"Look at me. Look at how I did that." Have faith in God. You

want to do that? Have faith in God. You want your words to

matter? Use God's words. Have faith in God. And when you

just--if you look at this verse--I'm going to flip it

around a little bit. The same way that that tree dried up

because God--Jesus spoke to it with power and told it, "No man

will eat fruit of you again--fruit of you again

forever." He spoke that over that tree. Well, He has spoken

other things over us-- GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: --that are

good, not to dry up. He's spoken the blessing. Everything in here

that's for us that's blessing He's spoken for us, but it

operates the same way. GLORIA: "Whosoever shall say." KELLIE:

This-- GLORIA: That's how you get it. KELLIE: That's how you

get it. GLORIA: That's how you manifest it. KELLIE: And Jesus

really is describing what He did to make the roots dry up. But He

also spoke good things over us about--that from the root up,

from the root out, our lives are blessed when we take what He

said and agree with it. Now, He's not undoing any of this to

us apart from us wanting it and receiving it. GLORIA: That's

right. KELLIE: So what we're doing when we say it, is we're

laying hold of the love that He has for us when He says, "You're

blessed," the love He has for us when He says, "You're healed,

your needs are met." When the Word says those things, "No

lack," all the blessings in Deuteronomy 28, when He speaks

those and we lay hold of them and we say them, then it's Him

saying them. It's the Word saying them. He's like, "That's

all you've got to do. Have faith in God." You just say--and He

tells us the process. GLORIA: Believe and say. KELLIE: You can

say to this mountain, "Be lifted up and thrown into the sea," and

it will happen. You can say to debt, "Be lifted up and thrown

into the sea," and it will happen. Sickness, "By his

stripes, I am healed," and it will happen. GLORIA: But the

key, now, you've got to have a--you've got to have Mark 11:22

that says, "Have faith in God." KELLIE: Really believe it will

happen. Yes. Have faith in God. GLORIA: How do you get to where

you believe that? By putting the Word of God where God gives it

to you, says it to you, in your eyes and your ears and it gets

down in your heart, and you bring it back out your mouth and

you take it. KELLIE: Yeah. GLORIA: Healing's mine. Healing

belongs to me. Jesus Himself--I have it in Isaiah that He

Himself bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases. By His

stripes, I was healed. That's mine, Kellie. KELLIE: I take it,

like you say. GLORIA: I'm healed. We take it. KELLIE: We

take it. GLORIA: Kellie and I'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Jesus Is the Expression of the Father's Heart with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 10-31-17) - Duration: 21:51.


☑️ The fight is equal ,thrilling 🏆 TORBJORN BLOMDAHL vs DANIEL SANCHEZ🏆 Billiards 3 cushion - Duration: 1:05:29.

Torbjorn Blomdahl vs Daniel Sanchez

For more infomation >> ☑️ The fight is equal ,thrilling 🏆 TORBJORN BLOMDAHL vs DANIEL SANCHEZ🏆 Billiards 3 cushion - Duration: 1:05:29.


So my friend said this boss was it? - Duration: 4:37.

"A brawl is surely brewing!"

"And BEGIN!"

"A great slam and then some.."


Yeah ok just saying that this aint to bad..bye..

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOooooooo *ded*

"A great slam and then some.."



HA! you thought I was gone? no...I wasn't so in your- wait..nevermind sorry...hope you enjoyed the video!

For more infomation >> So my friend said this boss was it? - Duration: 4:37.


How Kate Middleton's "George" Necklace Is a Tribute to Princess Diana - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> How Kate Middleton's "George" Necklace Is a Tribute to Princess Diana - Duration: 3:12.


Prince George Is Already Sick of School - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Prince George Is Already Sick of School - Duration: 2:17.


How big is the universe? (please turn on subtitles) Asteroids, Planets, Stars, Nebulae, Galaxies - Duration: 4:31.

Credit and Special Thanks go to Ramesh Singh for creating the animation. Go subscribe to his YouTube channel.

He is a man based in India who does animations about the Geology, Geography, and Astronomy.

For more infomation >> How big is the universe? (please turn on subtitles) Asteroids, Planets, Stars, Nebulae, Galaxies - Duration: 4:31.


To Finish Dinner or Go See Vicki Gunvalson in Hospital, That Is the Question on The R - Duration: 1:36.

To Finish Dinner or Go See Vicki Gunvalson in Hospital, That Is the Question on The Real Housewives of Orange County

Its time for another round of hospital visit etiquette on The Real Housewives of Orange County. Last year we had Glamis dunes and who did and didnt call/express concern after the buggy accident, now we have Iceland.

At the end of the Monday, Oct. 23 episode, Vicki Gunvalson was rushed away, thinking she was having a heart attack.

Kelly Dodd and Peggy Sulahian were with her in her room when the medics arrived, Kelly was convinced it was a panic attack. What happened next? Seems Lydia McLaughlin made her way to the hospital.

The other women? They went to dinner. Peggys ready to go see Vicki and Kellys going to go visit too, she just wants to eat!.

Do you have to feed your tummy before you see your friend? Yeah, youre selfish, Peggy says in the preview.

Feast your eyes on the awkwardness in the video above, just as Kelly, Meghan King Edmonds, Shannon Beador and Tamra Judge feast on their dinner as Peggy awkwardly stands there.

Somehow, everything devolves when Peggy said she is not going to wait for Kelly to finish dinner because her husband, who is not in Iceland, told her to go to Vicki now.

The episode, which is titled A Case of the Vickis also features a broken friendship on the way to being mended—maybe!—and a drunken night that fractures another bond. The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Mondays, 9 p.m.

(E! and Bravo are both part of the NBCUniversal family.).

For more infomation >> To Finish Dinner or Go See Vicki Gunvalson in Hospital, That Is the Question on The R - Duration: 1:36.


"This is Halloween" Remix - Groundbreaking | Roblox [Halloween Special] - Duration: 3:03.

Happy Halloween!

Music by: Groundbreaking


"Boys and Girls of Every Age"

"Wouldn't you like to see something strange?"

"Come with us and you will see..."

"This, our town of Halloween"

"This is Halloween!"

"This is Halloween!"

"Pumpkins scream in the dead of night"

"This is Halloween!"

"Everybody make a scene"

"Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright"

"It's our town"

"Everybody scream"

"In this town of Halloween"

"I am the one hiding under your bed"

"Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red"

"I am the one hiding under your stairs"

"Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair"

"This is Halloween!"

"This is Halloween!"





"In this town..."

"We call home"

"Everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

"In this town,"

"Don't we love it now"

"Everybody's waiting for the next surprise"

"'Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can"

"Something's waiting no to pounce, and how you'll"


"This is Halloween"

"Red 'n' black, and slimy green"

"Aren't you scared?"

"Well, that's just fine"

"Say it once,"

"Say it twice"

"Take a chance and roll the dice"

"Ride with the moon in the dead of night"

"Everybody scream"

"Everybody scream"

"In our town of Halloween"

"I am the clown with the tear-away face"

"Here in a flash and gone without a trace"

"I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?""

"I am the wind blowing through your hair"

"I am the shadow on the moon at night"

"Filling your dreams to the brim with fright"

"This is Halloween!"

"This is Halloween!"





"Tender lumplings everywhere"

"Life's no fun without a good scare"

"That's our job, but we're not mean"

"In our town of Halloween"

"In this town"

"Don't we love it now?"

"Everybody's waiting for the next surprise"

"Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back"

"And scream like a banshee"

"Make you jump out of your skin"

"This is Halloween,"

"Everybody scream"

"Won't ya please make way for a very special guy"

"Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch"

"Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!"

"This is Halloween!"

"This is Halloweeen!"





"In this town,"

"We call home"

"Everyone hail to the pumpkin song"

'La la la la la la la la la la'

'La la la la la la la la la la'

'La la la la la la la la la la'

'La la la la'


Hope you enjoyed

Happy Halloween!

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