Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

Today we're going to talk about Roth conversions and recharacterizations.

A lot of people are trying to transition money from their IRAs to their Roth's.

The benefit of that is you're taking money that's pre-tax and is going to be

fully taxable in retirement, moving it to after-tax money and thus tax-free upon

withdrawal. The deadline to do Roth conversions in each calendar year is the

year-end. So if you're going to be moving money you've got to get it done by

December 31st. The nice thing about conversions is the ability to undo them.

You can recharacterize should you end up doing more than what you want to.

The deadline to recharacterize and take the money out of the Roth and shift it back

to the traditional IRA is your tax filing deadline. So April 15th.

If you file an extension you've actually got all the way until October 15th

to get that recharacterization finalized. This year is actually a little bit different.

The tax filing deadline was April 18th and if you file an extension you've

actually got all the way till October 16th.

If you need any more information please go to

For more infomation >> What is a Roth Conversion and Recharacterization? - Duration: 1:14.


Days Recap 10/30/17 "EVE REVEALS THAT SHE IS DEIMOS WIFE" Days of Our Lives Recap - Duration: 5:46.

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For more infomation >> Days Recap 10/30/17 "EVE REVEALS THAT SHE IS DEIMOS WIFE" Days of Our Lives Recap - Duration: 5:46.


Full Portman Interview: 'The Party Is In Good Shape' | Meet The Press | NBC News - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> Full Portman Interview: 'The Party Is In Good Shape' | Meet The Press | NBC News - Duration: 9:18.


Audi Q7 3.0 TDI E-TRON QUATTRO SPORT / 15% / PRIJS IS EXCL.BTW - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Audi Q7 3.0 TDI E-TRON QUATTRO SPORT / 15% / PRIJS IS EXCL.BTW - Duration: 1:01.


When the Gospel Is at Stake - Duration: 0:42.

We should be willing to die for those truths that are absolutely essential to the Christian

faith—not for every point of doctrine, not for every dispute.

I mean sometimes we fight over theological issues that we should never be fighting about.

But when it comes to the essential truths like the gospel, then Luther is a hero.

Luther was willing to die.

Luther stood against the world just as Athanasius had done centuries before him.

When it is the truth of the gospel that is at stake, you have to be able to let 'goods

and kindred go, this mortal life also.'

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