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Beauty is the Beast I
May be small who I lack in size I make up for in stainless glowing are you trying to distract me, I'm serious
It's glowing look. Oh oh
a princess must be coming
I'm not going to hurt you
Are you hiding from someone no
Well, you don't have to hide from me
It's okay. Come on out horribly aware that I do not look like a princess
but I
Promise you this morning. I just it sounds like you are cursed
I must have been but I have no idea why and no idea how and no idea what to do?
And I I just want to be myself
My own strengths anymore my handmaidens spotted me like this and now everyone's trying to hunt me down
It connects all the princesses who ever wore it so that must be why I'm here the amulet brought me to help you this time
It's my turn to help another we can figure this out usually when someone gets cursed. It's because they did something bad. Ah
So did you do anything bad?
Everyone knows they're just horrible beasts
You know her everyone does I'm the most famous enchantress and Isleworth yes
I curse you why would you do this now turn me back to normal. Sorry can't do that what?
Don't you know anything about how curses work dear? I think he need true friends?
How can I even find him any guesses go to his house? Oh?
Good you should keep her. I have to go to what goblins
Okay, it's the only bad day. I've ever had, but it is horrible
Hey, at least we know what you have to do Oh ever Lydia
I'm sure she's fine, but to ease the Queen's mind
someone please check on the princess
I'm so afraid goblins are beasts well at the moment. So are you?
Are you okay that goblin was afraid of me wasn't he I think so
Because if we are then maybe the curse will break
Sorry it's never that easy then what am I going to do now?
So let's invite him to one but Sofia
I can't go to a party like this just a little one only for the three of us more like a
Picnic really good idea. I'll wait for you here
But ah no one I
Love all things royal big or small
Cups tea towels tiny spoons open it to the public every other Sunday and on some holidays
It's very sweet of you to share all this. Thank you milady so what kingdom are you from?
Me of course not huh well it does look like a lovely little party
Big ones okay now elephant row Oh
Goblin, goblin goblin took the princess, but the handmaiden said she saw hairy big auntie
Oh, I do love a nice teeth me, too
I'm so sorry. Oh don't be happens to me all the time excuse me
You are quite excused
And I bet you have lots more things in common to party
This sure sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship Smee
You see you're just two people you will find more to add or
Much more to it
So here's a secret
Thank you. I
Don't even know your name. It's Morris and you milady oh, it's um
Charlotte I'll be right back I
Think this is going really well. I know meet him now that I'm getting to know him. He's quite charming
Look footprints Bigfoot, that's the princesses - Yura
Where's the princess
What's going on the royal guards captured Morris why it's too late now
The way he looked at me like
He was so disappointed
But Morris get cap but don't give up you can make it up to him
I don't see how you're going back to the castle. No we're going back to save yours
Where is my daughter
How do we know you're really the princess this could be some kind of trick
Maybe it's just another goblin in cahoots with this one. I'm pretty sure I heard it grunt show yourself
You came for me of course that is not our daughter the princess I
Was cursed and turned into a beast
Because and I hope one day he can forgive me because I would truly be honored to be his friend
The honor would be all mine Princess Charlotte
Thank you Morris. Thank You Princess Charlotte. No one has ever stood up for me like that
I very much like you to be my guest at the summer ball, Sophia. Thank you so much. You're welcome
Can you stay for the ball?
Would love you
But I think my amulet is that I got nothing else on my schedule well
Believe it or not this time my amulet summoned me to help another princess Brickley why he?
Cauldre nation day
One now you're ready look at this outfit, so Ricky. There's still tons to set up
Lots more news
I think so too so what I've never been to a culture nation
Or it's magic sounds like a lot of work. It is, but it's worth it
If everything goes well when I take off on my Raven catcher broom. Just as the moon rises tonight. What's a witch of honor?
It's a special witch friend. I have cues to help me make a potion at the end of the ceremony
I'm trying to decide between the indigo my best a bad witch friend and ruin your special day
Right well what if I keep an eye on Lillian indigo and make sure that they get along today? No matter what?
My good witch friend I was telling you about
Thanks Lily do I know my best friend or what so have you picked your witch of honor yet uh
Not yet, is that so I think both cats are great so no need to argue. Okay. Who are you?
You don't act like a bad witch and you don't look like a good witch I know you'll make the best
Raven catcher broom ever and I say that as your super duper best friend
Who'd love to be or witch of honour so pick me?
Thanks Sofia time to start the ceremony with cheese Oh
I'm so glad okay here goes
Fire fire burning bright ignite the candles like tonight
Now then it's coronation tradition for everyone to help gather straw from a scarecrow
for Lucinda to use in her Raven catcher brew oh
No there they go again
It's okay. I think I know a way to keep them apart. So there won't be any problems. I mean okay mom
I'll go make sure everything's okay between indigo and Lily
Hobos I'm gonna get a picture say rotten cheese
So far so good. Everyone's getting along my best friend will have the best
Best friend
Scarecrow could wreck all the decorations. We've got to do something now say you stinky cheese
icky stinky cheese
Ingredients she needs those to make her potion enhance that scarecrow I
Found an even better spot for the picture in the defining room
Oh looky it's almost moonrise come girls. It's time for the Brina whoever you don't choose
We'll just have to be okay with it
Now my widgets. It's time for you to do the traditional basic dance around this broomstick
Seriously keeping them apart didn't work. So maybe if they do something fun together
They might get along all right guess. It's worth a try
Let the breeze it does
Linda honey the moon will be out soon
Okay mom broom up speed fast in flight. Oh
Don't you want your whistles of hey keep going Lucinda?
I was supposed to say stick where ye may ah I said it wrong
No that broomstick is pretty wicked. I don't mean to judge, but it's getting later by the minute
I think you should pick your witch of own or not Lucinda finally
Okay, Lucinda's gonna be so you should have a good witch of honor
Who's it gonna be yes, whom nothing in the coronation handbook says a witch of honor must be a witch
Sophia it is, but Lucinda really didn't think he'd use me
Now Lucinda with help from her witch of Honor Sofia out of canvasses there's more inside. I'll be back in a jiffy
What do I do what start stirring with the broom and remember to keep stirring as the moon rises now?
I will add one speckled owl feather
two drops of slug slime
One wolf whisker send that princess
Time to go bye-bye for in second
Here an owl yep, you are to
Wait I can fix this and
I'll Lucinda wanted was for her coronation to go well. If you really wanted to act like a good friend
You would have thought more about what Lucinda was not about what you want. You're right. Then show you how to use the wand
All right, I'll try but we better hurry
It's just an itsy flick of the wrist
Way to go good work fixing one problem girls, but what about the Cygnus potion oh the ingredient?
There's only one thing missing. Well. They're similar
I'm sorry Lucinda. You see that come with me. I want to show you something
What's going on here's some crocodile tears new batch of bad sweat for you
And they made us act like really bad friends and not the good kind of bad. Just the bad kind and we feel just awful
It's okay, but you're both this
Some croc tears three both whiskers a touch of toadstool
I did it
I'm a midnight which I want to remember you before you fly off on your own
It's okay, mom you can take as many pictures as you want
You know what? There's no way. I'll forget this moment. Thank you new Raven catcher. So you like that. It's exact
Yeah, it's one of a kind. Oh and you may want to hold on tight Sofia just help
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