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Here's mug wet
Well, what did you say so hey what not come to our help
Now baileywick, I want the berries arranged by color and size
Color and size amber. I take some blueberries for you. Oh Thank You Sofia
That was a pretty fun party mine will be even better
I'm having a quadruple layer very Theory cake a band of live musicians and
Laughs I think I'll get in some fencing practice
Yes, let's leave amber to her planning shall we she certainly doesn't need our help speaking of fairies
What should I do with these? Oh?
Where would you like us to put this princess up there as high up as you can get it?
Sorry about that
I've never seen the spines like that before that's because I just invented it you're an inventor. Oh no no, I'm just a kitchen maid
Now I can scrub twice as many pots in half the time wait certainly
Hope this was not the result of one of your silly gizmos Gwen
I'll clean it up and please put that pencil away. You should be working in the kitchen
I've made a special place to work on my kiss Mouse right through here Sofia
Just twist the top of this teapot and it opens the door
Here we are. I just put in some built-in Baker cupcake maker mix and
It's own way that this one it's my dream to be a real inventor someday that Papa says I just embarrassed myself
He says I'm a kitchen maid and that should be good enough for me
But you're so great at inventing Papa was so embarrassed so that's why he doesn't like me making gizmos. He's afraid
I'll just embarrass myself
Like he did
I don't know use other bowls. Do are other bowls have a one-of-a-kind berry design on them
Without my baby bowls like banquet won't be perfect
And if it can't I can't make a gizmo that paints new bowls in time for the banquet
Gizmo, Oh Sophia, what is she talking about? When is an inventor? I thought you were a kitchen maid oh, I am
All right, I'll give it a go and please hurry. There's not much time
I can give you a hand if you like I think I'm going to need it
There this is what the machine will look like
That was fast, that's what we do. Thanks guys it's done
Should we try it out go ahead
Friend of yours uh-huh you all right
What is a black baby doing in the raspberries, let's see what this gizmo can do Glenn
You're supposed to save my party it is Papa
Okay, back to the kitchen with you. Sorry princess Sofia
But now you know why I did not want you to invent gizmos
I did not want to see you fail as I did
I know papa you see it is okay to have big dreams when you're sleeping I
Feel so bad for Gwen yeah, that was one messed-up machine
All right no more mr.. Nice rabbit
You fell down and this screw is right there
You thought it was an acorn you tried to eat it
Look this girl fell out of your bowl fainting his mouse
You can fix everything now. No, I can't Papa was right. I'm no inventor
When you drop a big man's
It really was just one missing screw. Well. We'll just have to make sure you don't get loose again
Are you sure about this Sofia?
Great, what are you doing? Please? Tell me that is not one of your keys Mouse. It's my dream papa. I have to try
It's beautiful this room is still a mess the cake is ruined and the instruments are covered in pain
And there's no time to fix everything
This is makeup to kick
Wow you really found a way, I'd put my gizmos to good use
What a beautiful banquet amber and these remarkable contraption
Has to work in the kitchen all day when she's so good at inventing
maybe there's something I can do about that Mary Papa I
am so proud of you Gwen chef Andre I seem to recall that you used to invent things -
that reminds me an
Well done all right, then none of this would have happened if it wasn't for you
So here the second
Not like it but uh
It was close enough. I think you're ready for this hoedown today princess
Good morning, Sofia morning dad, so I'm afraid there's been a little change of plans
What do you mean the Duke of rambling ham and his daughter joy are coming today?
Great Thank You Sofia I can always count on you. Oh
Clover it was really looking forward to the dance, but it promises a promise
Yeah, who's my new copying spell on worm world so instead of just one loyal companion I can have 20
Clover I have an idea follow me
But that sounds like the tricky spell especially for someone who's not a sorcerer you're right, maybe I should practice it first
That's just what I'm thinking. You gotta tip. I think you've got it princess
But we may need to make four or five more just to be sure
Sorry clover. I don't have much time here goes
I'm Sofia. I'm Sofia so do you just repeat everything I say, so do you just repeat everything I say
huh just kidding
Joy should be here any minute all you need to do is give her this gift and show her around the castle can't wait
Thanks, I'll be back at the end of the day good luck
Have fun at the dance kid
So feel no no no I can't have you telling the real Sofia and ruining all my fun
Opportunity hey jeans
Sofia why'd you do that because it was hilarious?
No, it wasn't oh, right. I changed when just now
We better hurry the dance is about to start
Your favorite Lord has a row
Sorry I'm late just had to take care of a little bit remember last month when I had the inspiration to hold a parade with
200 elephants well I did it with 204
I even had the branch on the other hand not so lucky and that is why I am here your majesty
to humbly request that your royal bill, you are the best king of Duke could ask for a
Simple thank you is enough
You ready to do it. I have really been looking forward to this. I'm so glad I didn't miss it
Really love your amulet. It's so pretty and sparkly oh the thing here take it I
Love it
We're going to prank people play tricks be rotten you know have fun. Mmm. I don't really want to do that why not
princess Sofia
But you gave it to me Shh now close your eyes
And wish I knew I wish will be happy little pebble all I wish for the Amulet of avalor
I wish for are you okay? Oh?
I was just listening to the song. Oh, I wasn't paying attention. What's it about keeping promises?
No, matter. What way better part of this deal dance what dance?
Okay, joy. I'll tell you what I'll give you a tour of the castle, but let's play hydrants
I need you to take me lose after all
Because now all I have to do is get it from that little girl, and she is certainly no match for me
How did you get in here
I think I found it, but if you're here, then who is playing a toy. That's your problem
You are not being very nice. That's because I'm not very nice because it was
What has done it to you and watch you changing your dress
Is everything all right down there mom
Yes, I'm just playing hide and seek princess Sofia is going to fight me any minute now the princess Sofia
What do you think you're doing I have to go to the castle before my dad finds out
No one's playing join, and you have to stand trouble yes later joy. I'd like to talk to my daddy please no
He's very busy right now dear, but they'll be breaking for tea in just few minutes
Brenda exactly, this is a great jumping-off point, but how about adding an arch over here?
There may be some towers
That sophiana barn
Cute he's pre-owned but still in fine condition
I love him. Well then what would you say if I told you you could have him?
Now the real fun begins you so much mr. Cedric for looking after her oh, and you found clover
Wait why are the two ambulance
Take one of these great because we're done
The amulet it's mine, it's all mine
What what is going on Sofia?
So I thought if there were two of me I could do both things
Instead I wound up making a mess of everything
Wasn't it amazing?
mr. Cedric
Sofia but if you make a promise you should always keep it, I know I'm sorry dad I appreciate that
But I don't think I'm the one you owe an apology to been to hootenanny
I'm sure I'll love it excellent. You girls. Go do that while we figure out our bridge. How about this sires?
Stay back it's okay amber
Everything's fine now. What is going on with you today Sofia? I'll tell you everything later the real you
It is the real you right yes, the real me no more comments
All the right moves
It's tremendous there's a swimmer's mode three carriage garage and indoor jousting court, and we've been told it has a very
Enchanting garden. That would be great. I love my music room. I don't want to move well
Maybe your new castle will have a music room too or another room that you like even better crackling clover can play together
And you won't have to think about moving actually I'd really like that
I'm Benji shall we give her a wee sprite welcome
When I first met them I left them in my castle and they made a huge mess
Knocked over the cake both the fruit punch everywhere. They almost ruined my mom's party. What can I say? We've um Sofia?
Why don't I round up crackle and clover, and I'll meet you in there. Okay? Thanks Vivian
So do you guys think you quit Newcastle that my parents would want to turn around and go back to our old one oh
You have come to the right we sprites there are so many things
We could do like we could track mud all over the ceiling or vogel hi Vivian. Thanks for coming Sofia
I'm so glad you could help me move in today
To the garden crackle I have to check something going in I'll be there in a sec okay
You can put that down right here
Something odd about these armor your Majesties
Now Vivian, I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation
for all this, maybe something happened, let's keep unpacking shall we
Why don't we go see your new room, okay?
And this who you curb
Hedgehog and Grand Poobah this here enchanted garden. This is an enchanted garden
Oh, yeah, super enchanted
Have my best
Whoa do you hear the echo the room aches over here, I bet it would sound really great if you played your mandolin there hmm
It's old gentlemen nothing is haunted is it the ghost again?
I want to be smart
If he and brought you into this castle yep, and we're just getting warmed up we're about to bring on some serious tomfoolery no
Like a don't like in Bury. Oh yeah, there's a berry that'll make him normal again. Oh, what is it a?
Blueberry great, where is it?
Culvert I need some space
Vivian where'd you go Sofia?
You brought wee sprites into this castle
What do you mean when my mom and I moved to the castle I had to leave my room
My house my friends
I had to leave so many things that I loved I was sad
And I was scared call Murray to like you marry me and chief Gordon, and it made him go completely totally googoo gaga for me
hold me closer crack oh
This is a pretty garden
Let's spread out look for a bush, that's all blue Wow
But it's actually enchanted. Yep, I'm pretty sure that's true oh
Cool I love this garden you do uh-huh and your bedroom was pretty great too wasn't it
He was it really was so maybe
We'll be right back. It's okay. We found him
Asked them to make it seem like the castle was haunted so we wouldn't have to live here
But no, I want to live here. You roll. It away your majesty
Wait mom dad
I so since we're friends in all would you do me a big favor in leave now oh?
No can do we're having way too much fun
Yeah, clover eat the Blues Barry and now he's back to his grumpy wonderful self no more hugs
No more clinging no more following my every move
Great then these are for you fresh from the garden. Thanks
Ella we'll get it for you, I want to leave the castle and go for a long walk
Doesn't that sound nice it sounds
Tremendous let's there you are now can we walk near you I mean with you
He worked mom dad Sophie and I got the Wiis ride out of the castle you did quite right Cecily dear
everything back inside gentlemen
Mom turns out it's enchanting do you mean enchanting don't you do no?
Enchanted as in magical you have to see it
Oh very well, then they're delicious suppose you love them. I love them
It's like I told you dad, it's not just enchanting it's enchanted. I have an idea. Let's have a garden party all right
The princess ballet
That's it
Princess curry your singing sunflowers are extraordinarily enchanting. Thank you, Miss Moore
Oh children we only have a few minutes left of class so I want to share some exciting news with you the day after tomorrow
Royal prep will be hosting it school. We'd like to put on an enchanted Orchestra performance Oh
Bo Derek, thank you and would anyone like to dexhart search to perform a simple
but stunning Bella any takers
I'll do it Bravo ladies, but this dance requires three performers
We can help you learn the stats amber
And I have taken a few classes
And knowing you you'll probably be a prima ballerina by the end of our first rehearsal
Just like your mother gather around budding ballerinas before we begin rehearsal
Let me offer you some words of advice from my very favorite ballet teacher the world-famous then an arabesque
into Alice's side that looks tricky and will end with a
Like that only better got it
Here goes
Are you alright, I'm okay, I'm okay
Come on hurry you can take a little break. No not just yet. I really want to do a perfect pirouette
But it doesn't do you really like it? I made it out of all these cool old things. I found at home
It's nothing
So it is
Don't forget to find a good spot for my sculpture. You got it. Okay guys. Let's get to work
We still have tomorrow when the next day to learn the routine I know I sold, it's enough time SIA Sophia
Khari, my little superstar. How was your day ballet? That's
Wonderful. I can't wait to see you leap and spin just like I used to the thing is I
Haven't really gotten the hang of ready for rehearsal. Oh, I see rehearsals already started. I got here early to practice
Sophia she is really serious about this show serious. I
Can do the quarry?
Okay, let's get back to practice my parents are coming to see me do ballet. Not some silly hop
It's not what she thought it would be she'll be so disappointed in me
Yes, it was some marvelous pure wedding congratulations
Finally I was starting to think I'd never get it now
I can start working on the other dance moves in the route sure there is we can do it. Maybe you and amber
Can you've taken ballet before but this is really hard for me. I think you're gonna do fine carry
Him Sergio Adagio
By what moments our friend needs to learn the arabesque glissade and garage attack and she needs to learn them fast
I don't know how to do any of those moves I
Am very glad to hear
Hmm I see this will require some special training shit. Eh like you have never
Just remember girls in fact I'm not so sure that mop was even part of the sculpture. Yeah
I think it fell out of the janitor's closet oh
Yeah, but I still say it's a lot
My money you certainly learned the way to grande jeté I can even bliss the hut and arabesque
It looks like you girls are ready to rehearse the Indo I could do a pirouette before why did I mess it up now?
Because it takes a lot of practice to get it right every time, and we haven't worked on it in a while
I don't want to almost do it it has to be perfect
He's sorry, I don't think I can be in the show curry
Hi guys the hall looks great
Is that my sculpture what sculpture who air I don't see any sculpture?
Some things might not be in exactly the same place as you had them or even close. We are really sorry
Hey, do you have any other sculptures you want us to mess up hurry back, what's the bleep? I just can't do it Sofia
Doing it is the fun part even if you don't do it perfectly
But my parents will see you having a great time dancing in the shower. Do you think ballet is fun?
Don't you oh I hope you all enjoyed the art exhibit in the hall now on to the next arts night
ladies and gentle kings
My arabesque was wobbly
I completely flubbed my pirouette we don't expect you to do everything perfectly
But mom you were such an amazing ballerina
I'm in ok just go like this with your arms, and hop on your legs like this
The blue girl has landed
That's ok teeny. I should have seen you coming, but like this hmm
Okay have fun everyone bye chief knuckles. See you chief good all right. Oh, that's better
He'll never find me in here
Glorious light at last you must not get out of your cave much so listen up little troll and I'll tell you what I'm on
This place will look great once I do a little decorating and get a lot of those glowing crystal thingies well
maybe you could ask chief knuckles for some I
Don't ask I tell
Trol sorry grandpa, please don't zap me. Are you afraid of the dark?
Anything mister no take this fuck it get me what I want
And no one will get salamander and don't go telling anyone about this you go blabbin and I go zipping just
Bring me those crystals. We're supposed to find you gnarly what happened
Nothing, I just don't want to play anymore
Hmm, are you okay? I'm fine. Oh
It's only an emerald well isn't that a precious gem, but it doesn't glow like a cave crystal
Charlie tired I'm gonna be tired from all this mining
I'm gonna go rest for a while so I can is the other way. Where is he going? I don't know
Do you know what happened the last time someone thought Grotta would understand know what
Put it this way. I wasn't always a mole
This makes me very unhappy and when I'm not happy
It's true I haven't been happy for two years we have to rethink this whole layout flinch
Move the rock sofa back over there again
Mean right away Greta. Oh what am I gonna do Sophia?
I can't just make a bucket of cave crystals appear out of nowhere, and I only have until brothers candle burns out. Let me under
Whom the span Scrolls there stays with me right there it is
Well could you maybe come down here for a minute I need your help
Give me one good reason why I should oh, it's a piece of cake all I need is some diamond dust
So be right next to this sapphire seed of course beauties
This isn't Diamond Dust its eggshell powder
I've dealt with this bossy little cave dwellers before you have they think they're so powerful
But there isn't a fleegle alive who could match swans with a royal sorcerer healthy care of granite for you
Are you sure she's pretty powerful? Oh?
Poppycock I shall make magical mincemeat out of that Fleagle
Everything's in the wrong place
start over start over, but everything is made of stone I
Am Cedric the sensational
Royal sorcerer to king Roland the second and Princess Sofia of enchancia. We've come to ask you to
Don't you have some cave crystals to fetch for me, but but I told you I couldn't find any more. What about the ceiling stars?
Teeny ceiling stars and anyone else who tries to stop me
Guess I've got to give her some of her Sofia do you have a minute I?
Always have time for you Sofia
What is it you see I've got this friend
He's not supposed to tell anyone he has to then chief knuckles
And the other trolls can help your friend stand up to this Fleagle. Do you really think that will stop her I do
Here I just couldn't do it Sofia. I couldn't take our ceiling stars
You don't have to nerely there's another way out of this you have to get help from chief knuckles. Yeah, you leave him alone
Princess I'll take on you instead capture is Francisco
What are you gonna do gnarly I'm gonna take Sofia's advice teeny
But you have to lead the way me why to show this bully of a fleegle that you can't push you around
Here grata you shouldn't sneak up on people like that. That's my job now
There's one thing you should know about trolls legal
Bind very well
Don't mr. Cedric. I'm just so scared of the dark. I have to have those cave crystals
Well there are better ways to get what you want than bossing people around
Really, I know these caves belong to you
But is it okay if I stay here and live in this one you forgot the magic word
You're giving them to me. Why?
Excuse me
But since you're being nicer and everything I wouldn't mind getting turned back to normal huh I suppose you're right Blanche
Thanks for helping me Sofia anytime gnarly
Now how would my new neighbors like to chill it's tastier than it sounds
Nutini on the block
Where are you racing off to Sofia?
For the royal family of tangu a gift for your new palace museum. This was sent to the wrong Kingdom when you're working fine
But one little peek you've hurt, Oh Liam what's so important about this dusty old thing?
I'm princess of yeah well princess Sofia. This is your lucky day
What kind of fantastic princess a wish do you want? No?
come back I
Thought genies were only supposed to grant wishes to the person who lets them out of the lamp
What now miss I've never lets a genius
Your poor little thirsty, I wish it would rain and so it land accounts, please
Kazeem you have to stop granting wishes and you have to get back in your lamp right now. Why would I stop for any horses?
Raining wishes makes people happy
Now how like when you find him madam you betcha madam you betcha, I need your help no, tell me you
And Kadena there he is more, but Genie Patrol is Genie Patrol
I will help you find your missing genie. It is what they do. Okay, thanks
Genie Patrol
Did you have a lamp and now I can't find him well you'll have to talk to a patrolman miss
Cathy and then he grant you three wishes when you let him out no
But he's been granting everyone else's wishes see it's his first time out of the lamp and first timer
Our genies here really just you what no no no no, no, okay? Yeah, you got me
We're a little understaffed now. If this Kazim is a young genie fresh out of the lamp
You probably hasn't learned the genie rules yet hearing you can grant three wishes that's one two three Rule three
When you're done given wishes away
You smell that what it smells like wishes bingo
Just as I suspected
A birthday party what if that mean it means any big crop? You know the party doesn't start until this evening
Oh we know, but we thought we'd come early to watch Sophia and Xander's rehearsal and provide a safety net just in case
Hop on I'll take you to look for Sofia myself oh come on Rollie
Only grant wishes to the person who lets you out of the lamp
Everyone's wishes and I like going to bed at night knowing cookies are bite-sized
I'll let you off with a warning bro, but I'm not going in my lamp, and I'm not warning any rules. I'm
And you can't stop me
Disappear no Sofia only the genie who grants the wish can undo the wish rule 21
Evasive action
Now get back at your lap with your hands up, please caffeine do what he says
Quit kids wish for sergeant fizz to be stuck in out by an adult grit all your wishes
He's getting away come back. I can't only the genie who grants the wish can undo the wish remember rule 21
Wait, are you still there? Yes, and I won't let you down Sarge
Let's catch that
Are you okay, yes, No what happened out here
Been granting wishes all over tango
A lot of wishes Oh Sofia you were supposed to bring the box straight here without
Opening it not to mention tracking down that genie
But I want to fix the mess I caused please give me your Majesties. What could you possibly do princess Sofia?
Come again if I can get Kasim to see how unhappy he's made everyone then maybe he'll undo all his wishes
It's a long shot step right up and make a wish oh
What a beautiful day, I wish we could sit up on that cloud and look what's all that commotion down there
It's all the wishes. I branded see how happy I've made everyone, but are they really happy Kazim, huh?
What do you mean take a closer look grapes you can start by granting my three wishes all right? What's your first?
Wish I wish for you to let sergeant fizz out of your lamp do I have to?
mm-hmm wait search of this
Kazim is ready to follow the genie rules. He's granting my three wishes right now. Is this true yes sergeant
Thank you
Hey, it gets lonely being the only officer in the genie Patrol, but not every wish comes true hmm
But maybe this one can what do you mean? I'll be right back if that's okay both of you, okay?
Now wait just a second. You said it gets lonely being the only Patrol - it won't be the same without you
Partner Sofia it's time for a carpet dance
Well we never rehearsed, but the show must fly on
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