Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

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For tonight's final illusion we have the incredible sack of mystery when you put your money in it miss sue

Tigerfest will return after these messages Hey look. It's a commercial. I was telling you guys about are you completely miserable?


Gideon was he really psychic

I think we should go and find out never you're forbidden from

Patronizing the competition no one that lives under my roof is allowed under that

Put your money in Gideon's psychic sack

Let's see what this monster looks like

Hello America my name is a vision. I predict you will soon, I'll say

It came true

And you

That kids an even bigger fraud than Stan

Oh is that permanent I'm unappreciated in my time you mean this one

When I saw you in the audience I said to myself now, there's a kindred spirit someone who appreciates the

Sparkly things in life and peach so sweet

What do you say we step away from here and chat a bit more perhaps in my dressing room Oh makeovers

And what's going on with those fingernails? You look like a Wolverine? I know right?

It's hanging out my new pal Gideon. He's the one dapper little man, Mabel. I don't trust anyone who's

Whoa the fuel from your family's Factory is nuts good thing we both brought our

I'm speaking from the heart from the where now Mabel. I've never felt this close with anyone so so close

Okay, then I guess Mabel pines you have made me the happiest boy in the world

Are you sniffing my hair?

Yeah, okay, we agree on something here

I'm not even gonna wait. It's my lady

Jean-luc, what did we discuss about eye contact yes? Yes?

I've never seen so many Forks and water was bubbles in it. Ah ooh

La la oui oui, little shyster is tailing my great-niece

I wonder what the new name will be for the power couple, maybe Regan Gary Abel make it belly on I

Didn't know I didn't hear about it

No real door

You simply must come in for coffee

But I can't it's imported all the way from Colombia Wow I went to jail there once

Some digs you got here. See it is a fantastic business opportunity. Yes, the mystery shack and the tent of telepathy

We've been at each other's throats for far too little been at each other's throats for far autograph or your own headshot lady, yeah


Mabel tonight state was a complete success and tomorrow's day promises to do you accompany

Gideon to the ballroom dance


So a door of goodness I can verify that that will indeed happen

Hey, how'd it go?

And I do like Gideon as a friend little sister, so I didn't want to hurt his feelings

I just need to get things back to where they used to be you know friends friend, buddy

Pal Chum other word for friend. Oh, I already said pal uh mate how about soul mate?

Quick SID Johnny quicksand Mabel come on it's not like you're gonna have to marry Gideon great news Mabel

You have to marry Gideon oh?

No Mabel Mabel's not here. She's in sweater town. Are you gonna come out of sweater town? Oh?

Different friends, how are you? You look good? You look good? Thanks you. Uh look Gideon

We got to talk Mabel isn't joining you tonight. She things happen bygones. You know so okay, cool. Well then again

Sorry, man, but uh hey thumbs up, huh?

Thumbs up indeed my friend you've done

You've just made the bacon

Hit me dude

Ridge say we want to interview you about whether you've seen anything unusual in this here town since you've arrived

Finally I thought nobody would ever ask. I have notes and theories for sure we'll get in

Dipper pines

I don't even living in this town a week - you like it here. Enjoy the scenery

What do you want from me man listen carefully boy this town has secrets you couldn't begin

Read minds isn't all I can do but but you're a fake. Oh tell me Dipper it this fake

Soon I don't know what's wrong with me

I thought everything was back to normal, but I still feel all grown like Worley Nate Holt a guy with the tattoos

Maybe letting dipper do


And I'm gonna make sure you never lie to me again, I am I

I don't understand

Hey, but we can still be makeover buddies right wouldn't you like that?

Got powers oh this isn't over this isn't the last you'll see of well

I rebuke thee

Rebuke, is that a word the entire plans family have invoke my fury rages again

Sorry Stan I have to side with Gideon on this one

Okay, okay, I can see when I'm not wanted Stan. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need that painting

Yeah, the little mutant swore vengeance on the whole family. I guess he's gonna try to nibble my ankles or something. Oh, yeah

Yeah, how is he gonna destroy us now, huh?

Gideon I still love you. You're wrong. You'll see


Here we are the summerween superstore

Wait there's free candy

Tonight they're gonna run away screaming from Stan Pines master of fright

We're gonna have the best costumes get the most candy


the summerween trickster

Summer what what what the trickster goes door-to-door so the legend goes eating children who lock the summer wheat spirit

Loser candy quiet your discontent children. What's the trickster over here your cape is caught in your fleiss's

too shy

What's up guys oh, I left my jacket here again, hey, what's with the candy? You going trick-or-treating or something well actually I

Course he's not going trick

Hey guys wait maybe I'll see you at the party if you're not too busy playing dress-up

Don't forget myself hello, mr. Pines. You got a cold honey something wrong with your voice there. What do you mean?

Why would you say that?

He's waddles coming with us unless she could but you can till you see dippers costume. It's

Amazing here. He comes now

That is a very good deeper costume. What the hey hey bro, bro. Where's your costume Oh treat?

Dude really you're a little old for this man, sorry good wait

I told you Mabel. I'm just not feeling it tonight I

Apologize for my brother he came down with the case of the grumpy grumps silence

insulted me

For this you must pay with your lives. There's only one way for you to avoid his fate. I

Need a treat if you can collect

500 pieces of candy and bring it to me before the level oh

My gosh Mabel do you know what this means I do?

He's gonna eat us I got a picture

The summerween trickster oh man dude you guys are in crazy bonkers trouble. How are we gonna get that much candy in one night?

There's no way

Here 500 pieces of candy and

Summer wait those kids aren't gonna know what hit them

What can I do for you, we'll have you seen

Real very real guts oh

We've been watching war movies since we were like two years old yeah, now you're like a great may know you

I don't understand why we can't just buy our candy and be done with it that sort of takes the fun out of

Trick-or-treater die and is everybody in costume

chimney sweep

Elephant Man

squeegee and firm oh

And what are you supposed to be?

Actually, I'm not dressed up as anything four pieces of candy. This is gonna. Take forever. We've got up our game tipper

You gotta put on your costume? I told you I'm not up to it Mabel


Too sick to wear a costume

All right you got me kids candy

What scares you two freaks here watch Derek introducing for the first time in public

Jelly I will make you internet famous hey erase that

That's just my face. This is a mask and it's only 8:30 perfect timing

Away - dude, I'm gonna go around and grab the truck soos away

To the final house is a pair of wax oh

Hey, Wendy

What's up, are you coming to the party? What are you doing out here? Oh? I'm I'm on my way. I like watching the trick-or-treaters

Reminds me of when I was a kid okay, then so if it wasn't for this crazy monster

You are gonna ditch me on our favorite holiday

Hmm what happened to the Dipper who used to love Halloween?

That was close Oh

At all 500 pieces look it's down there somewhere. We can still get it

I'm afraid. It's too late. That was your last chance

Hey, are you okay? There are probably some bandages back at the shack

Everyone stay quiet, oh wow you're worried about the monster. I thought all you cared about was Wendy Mabel. You know that's not true


We have to escape what if it sees us falling there was something we could use to cover our bodies and faces with you know

This way



Stop don't you dare

Just cackling heads the voice of a generation

What are you wait, it is you really haven't figured it out yet

Don't you read every year the children of gravity falls throw away all of the rejected candy into the dump

So I seek revenge no one would eat me, but now I'm going to eat you

Think I taste good sure they're all I've ever wanted is for someone to say that I was

Wash off the shame stand still got it

How's it hangin hey Dipper

Wendy I didn't see you at the party where were you uh? Uh? Uh we didn't even get to eat any candy candy


Several wieners about candy or costumes or even scaring people

It's a day when the whole family can get together at one place and celebrate what really matters


evil I

Ate a man alive

For more infomation >> Gravity Falls Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 4 - Red Clock - Duration: 18:45.


Sofia The First Substitute Cedric Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Green Elephant - Duration: 15:56.

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Substitute saturate

Okay class let's try that spell one more time oh

I give up. I'm terrible at Magic good try everyone

- to teach her to teach to borrow sorcery class was I supposed to do that oh dear

How are we going to find a substitute sorcery teacher by tomorrow?

Please mr.. Sekulow can't you see I'm busy brewing an important person yes, but it's only for one day

and we could learn so much for such a

Vexed vibe and without it. I can't finish my potion did I just agree to teach her class?

You're supposed to be teaching us magic yes

Well think of how magical it would be if you all sat there without making a pee we started learning a bouncing spell yesterday

Maybe you could teach us that





Boom alright, I'll show you the spell one more time and that's it

One two three

Is it round Silius oh

It kind of worked. What is the problem?

For series school you know it, I'm Kurt. This is Ellie and I'm a

Princess yeah at noon we're gonna fill your school with so many bubbles. It'll love

It'll be lunch time at hexley Hall come on. I've got a hankering for more pranking, so do I flute you later

How about a little faster?

Best pranksters ever oh yeah

It could close real prep for months if it doesn't ruin the school forever. Well, that's not really my problem. Yes

It is the fairies aren't here, which means you're in charge besides

Hey now run it all back to hexley Hall prank day is over

No way, we're not going back till we've done our bubble price. Oh

Stick them in that chair

Even better, let's stick up to the chair, here's your sting

You're even worse than that cédric guy in enchancia art and that citric guy in enchancia that explains it let's go

Come on Elliot. Uh okay, but you guys we're not any good at magic. She has a point. It's our school

We have to try to protect it come on

Just tell us the spell oh it's no use

Only an advanced sorcerer can undo a sticky spell well if we can't get you free

How are we going to stop those brave school? You will what spell the disappearo spell?

It'll make their bubbles vanish into thin air

Brilliant now all you do is lift your wall go on your wands world wave


Sorry disappearo

It's almost dude, let's get started

Boy why aren't you trying to spell because I know I can't do it Sofia

We'll have none of that we need all the help we can get wand up Vivian crit is never giving up

You must keep trying until you finally get it right

Now give it another try rinses

Now you try a trivial

Learning magic can be tricky

Occasionally sticky

If you wanted lots of back read

The Sorcerer's secret

Well someone's catching on let's make trouble fill this school

We better hurry

You know what to do

Stop popping our bubbles no wait prankster kid

We have to get them out



Can't eat idea mr. Cedric. Uh except none of us can do that spell Sofia can yeah?

But it'll take more than just me to stop the three of them. No you can do it

Just remember the sorceress secret, okay. I'll try and keep trying

Yeah, I will Royal prep is floating away

Not until you promise to go back to hexley Hall and never prank our school again

Hold the promise to leave and never prank us again, No then we'll just continue until you do

Children what are you all doing outside? Oh Cedric?

Did they do this to you know it was hexley Hall prank day?

Thank you. I can assure you the headmaster of hexley Hall will hear all about this and those pranksters will be punished


He taught us all the spells miss flora and the Sorcerer's secret very impressive

But only a great sorcerer could teach a spell without waving blood the vex fine my potion

Oh my person can wait there are still a few spells I could teach you

King Friday

These pancakes are delicious you pass the fruit, please

I call rolling wheelie shoes

What do you think of that great idea James if you watch where you're going when I'm King?

I'll make sure everyone has what do you mean dad? How would you like to be king for a day?


But how would that work dad you're the King well your mother and I?

Besides I should get to be queen for a day first

I am older by 7 minutes all of you will get a turn really isn't that great amber

I should still be sir you summoned me your majesty. Ah Cedric James is going to be king for the day

you're putting a boy in charge of the entire I

Hope you rule wisely son. I will dad shall we Miranda

Did you hear that ever whatever? I say and I'm going to make sure daddy gets back in time to see it

Then here was he made me clean for a day


She's beyond insulting me the greatest sorcerer in the kingdom reduced to nothing more than a royal babies is our

Where's my you need to read them first and then stamp them with the Royal Seal

I have to read all of them. That sounds like homework. It's King work that could take all day

Oh, is that it baileywick not quite. There's an old abandoned house in the village that might fall down any minute

What am I supposed to do about that well that's for you to decide James?

You're the king a huge one is he causing trouble. No he's asleep, but that's the problem

He's snoring really loud like this

No one told me being cane would be so hard there are so many problems

I don't know how to fix any of them come on James you always come up with great ideas

No, what should we do about the service I have yes your majesty?

You're right Sofia I just have to make everything fun. I'll be the king of fun

I'm not sure. That's what she knows since you give such good advice

How would you like we no longer have to take orders from the king of?

Cedric what are you waiting for come on?


Shh why do we have to be so quiet because loud noises startle the phoenixes which causes them to burn up

But luckily the birds rise again


Know what to do I knew you would we'll have a party what a party to cheer everyone up

It'll be super fun

It does sound fun, but I don't see how it's going to stop the giant four boom goes

The kid - problem solved and double the fun James. I think these ideas might just cause more problems

Don't worry, so the king of fun knows what he's doing sings. How is he Sims Howie's head - cocoa?

People of Dunwiddie I King James declare

This is so much fun

Strikes again yes, but it's just covering up the problem. Not solving it. What's the difference as long as we don't hear the snore

Are you sure that's okay, yes, I want the biggest brightest loud as fireworks

You've ever conjured as your royal adviser advise you not to do this do it

Kicking isn't so hard after all

Head back and check on James

Uh-huh Rollie the whole point of making James King for a day is letting him be king for the whole day

We have to there now. We can't hear the snoring it off

Good news everyone the king of fun ever ever want to wake a sleeping baby giant

If that's the baby, I don't want to meet the peril maybe you can

Shrink the Giant then he won't be able to trample anything right. I think I remember a shrinking spell

He's having not a real game. I'm just looking a fun

Whether it's fun or not

That's what makes a good leader. I guess I got a little carried away I

Got carried away. We've got to find a way to get the baby giant back to the plate

That's a great idea Sophie lyric. We need to deliver him a giant gingerbread cookies

In the ginger barn clearly I

Need a sketch to

Why it's our castle yes the way it looked before James was king for a day

It's relaxing afternoon and spoil James's big day. Whoa all right. Let's go

Here comes James

Look it's a Betty bus AK just for you


Just hope it's sleepy enough ah can you guys play your lullaby?

Do you think he's sleeping there's only one way to find out

Coachmen land here, please

What do you mean Sofia's the one who solved the giant problem not me

She was the real leader today

But James bravely distracted the Giants who let him all the way that took care of every problem on the to-do Scrolls

Almost every problem as King James wishes

Thank you royal adviser Sofia shall we head back to the castle then

Thank You Cedric good job. You're you're welcome your majesty. Oh, Rollie

I told you we didn't need to come home early you were right. I think James is going to make a great King one day

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Substitute Cedric Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Green Elephant - Duration: 15:56.


Dragons Race To The Edge Blindsided Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - BEN WARD - Duration: 17:07.

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For more infomation >> Dragons Race To The Edge Blindsided Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - BEN WARD - Duration: 17:07.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West Callie's Cowgirl Twirl Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Yellow Apple - Duration: 17:07.

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For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Callie's Cowgirl Twirl Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Yellow Apple - Duration: 17:07.


Sofia The First Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Yellow Rabbit - Part 19 - Duration: 44:50.

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Here's mug wet

Well, what did you say so hey what not come to our help

Now baileywick, I want the berries arranged by color and size

Color and size amber. I take some blueberries for you. Oh Thank You Sofia

That was a pretty fun party mine will be even better

I'm having a quadruple layer very Theory cake a band of live musicians and

Laughs I think I'll get in some fencing practice

Yes, let's leave amber to her planning shall we she certainly doesn't need our help speaking of fairies

What should I do with these? Oh?

Where would you like us to put this princess up there as high up as you can get it?

Sorry about that

I've never seen the spines like that before that's because I just invented it you're an inventor. Oh no no, I'm just a kitchen maid

Now I can scrub twice as many pots in half the time wait certainly

Hope this was not the result of one of your silly gizmos Gwen

I'll clean it up and please put that pencil away. You should be working in the kitchen

I've made a special place to work on my kiss Mouse right through here Sofia

Just twist the top of this teapot and it opens the door

Here we are. I just put in some built-in Baker cupcake maker mix and

It's own way that this one it's my dream to be a real inventor someday that Papa says I just embarrassed myself

He says I'm a kitchen maid and that should be good enough for me

But you're so great at inventing Papa was so embarrassed so that's why he doesn't like me making gizmos. He's afraid

I'll just embarrass myself

Like he did

I don't know use other bowls. Do are other bowls have a one-of-a-kind berry design on them

Without my baby bowls like banquet won't be perfect

And if it can't I can't make a gizmo that paints new bowls in time for the banquet

Gizmo, Oh Sophia, what is she talking about? When is an inventor? I thought you were a kitchen maid oh, I am

All right, I'll give it a go and please hurry. There's not much time

I can give you a hand if you like I think I'm going to need it

There this is what the machine will look like

That was fast, that's what we do. Thanks guys it's done

Should we try it out go ahead

Friend of yours uh-huh you all right

What is a black baby doing in the raspberries, let's see what this gizmo can do Glenn

You're supposed to save my party it is Papa


Okay, back to the kitchen with you. Sorry princess Sofia

But now you know why I did not want you to invent gizmos

I did not want to see you fail as I did

I know papa you see it is okay to have big dreams when you're sleeping I

Feel so bad for Gwen yeah, that was one messed-up machine

All right no more mr.. Nice rabbit

You fell down and this screw is right there

You thought it was an acorn you tried to eat it

Look this girl fell out of your bowl fainting his mouse

You can fix everything now. No, I can't Papa was right. I'm no inventor

When you drop a big man's


It really was just one missing screw. Well. We'll just have to make sure you don't get loose again

Are you sure about this Sofia?

Great, what are you doing? Please? Tell me that is not one of your keys Mouse. It's my dream papa. I have to try

It's beautiful this room is still a mess the cake is ruined and the instruments are covered in pain

And there's no time to fix everything


This is makeup to kick

Wow you really found a way, I'd put my gizmos to good use

What a beautiful banquet amber and these remarkable contraption

Has to work in the kitchen all day when she's so good at inventing


maybe there's something I can do about that Mary Papa I

am so proud of you Gwen chef Andre I seem to recall that you used to invent things -

that reminds me an


Well done all right, then none of this would have happened if it wasn't for you

So here the second

Not like it but uh


It was close enough. I think you're ready for this hoedown today princess

Good morning, Sofia morning dad, so I'm afraid there's been a little change of plans

What do you mean the Duke of rambling ham and his daughter joy are coming today?

Great Thank You Sofia I can always count on you. Oh

Clover it was really looking forward to the dance, but it promises a promise

Yeah, who's my new copying spell on worm world so instead of just one loyal companion I can have 20

Clover I have an idea follow me

But that sounds like the tricky spell especially for someone who's not a sorcerer you're right, maybe I should practice it first

That's just what I'm thinking. You gotta tip. I think you've got it princess

But we may need to make four or five more just to be sure

Sorry clover. I don't have much time here goes

I'm Sofia. I'm Sofia so do you just repeat everything I say, so do you just repeat everything I say

huh just kidding

Joy should be here any minute all you need to do is give her this gift and show her around the castle can't wait

Thanks, I'll be back at the end of the day good luck

Have fun at the dance kid

So feel no no no I can't have you telling the real Sofia and ruining all my fun

Opportunity hey jeans

Sofia why'd you do that because it was hilarious?

No, it wasn't oh, right. I changed when just now

We better hurry the dance is about to start

Your favorite Lord has a row

Sorry I'm late just had to take care of a little bit remember last month when I had the inspiration to hold a parade with

200 elephants well I did it with 204

I even had the branch on the other hand not so lucky and that is why I am here your majesty

to humbly request that your royal bill, you are the best king of Duke could ask for a

Simple thank you is enough


You ready to do it. I have really been looking forward to this. I'm so glad I didn't miss it

Really love your amulet. It's so pretty and sparkly oh the thing here take it I

Love it

We're going to prank people play tricks be rotten you know have fun. Mmm. I don't really want to do that why not

princess Sofia

But you gave it to me Shh now close your eyes

And wish I knew I wish will be happy little pebble all I wish for the Amulet of avalor

I wish for are you okay? Oh?

I was just listening to the song. Oh, I wasn't paying attention. What's it about keeping promises?

No, matter. What way better part of this deal dance what dance?

Okay, joy. I'll tell you what I'll give you a tour of the castle, but let's play hydrants

I need you to take me lose after all

Because now all I have to do is get it from that little girl, and she is certainly no match for me

How did you get in here

I think I found it, but if you're here, then who is playing a toy. That's your problem

You are not being very nice. That's because I'm not very nice because it was

What has done it to you and watch you changing your dress

Is everything all right down there mom

Yes, I'm just playing hide and seek princess Sofia is going to fight me any minute now the princess Sofia

What do you think you're doing I have to go to the castle before my dad finds out

No one's playing join, and you have to stand trouble yes later joy. I'd like to talk to my daddy please no

He's very busy right now dear, but they'll be breaking for tea in just few minutes

Brenda exactly, this is a great jumping-off point, but how about adding an arch over here?

There may be some towers

That sophiana barn

Cute he's pre-owned but still in fine condition

I love him. Well then what would you say if I told you you could have him?


Now the real fun begins you so much mr. Cedric for looking after her oh, and you found clover

Wait why are the two ambulance

Take one of these great because we're done

The amulet it's mine, it's all mine

What what is going on Sofia?

So I thought if there were two of me I could do both things

Instead I wound up making a mess of everything

Wasn't it amazing?

mr. Cedric

Sofia but if you make a promise you should always keep it, I know I'm sorry dad I appreciate that

But I don't think I'm the one you owe an apology to been to hootenanny

I'm sure I'll love it excellent. You girls. Go do that while we figure out our bridge. How about this sires?

Stay back it's okay amber

Everything's fine now. What is going on with you today Sofia? I'll tell you everything later the real you

It is the real you right yes, the real me no more comments

All the right moves

It's tremendous there's a swimmer's mode three carriage garage and indoor jousting court, and we've been told it has a very

Enchanting garden. That would be great. I love my music room. I don't want to move well

Maybe your new castle will have a music room too or another room that you like even better crackling clover can play together

And you won't have to think about moving actually I'd really like that

I'm Benji shall we give her a wee sprite welcome

When I first met them I left them in my castle and they made a huge mess

Knocked over the cake both the fruit punch everywhere. They almost ruined my mom's party. What can I say? We've um Sofia?

Why don't I round up crackle and clover, and I'll meet you in there. Okay? Thanks Vivian

So do you guys think you quit Newcastle that my parents would want to turn around and go back to our old one oh

You have come to the right we sprites there are so many things

We could do like we could track mud all over the ceiling or vogel hi Vivian. Thanks for coming Sofia

I'm so glad you could help me move in today

To the garden crackle I have to check something going in I'll be there in a sec okay

You can put that down right here

Something odd about these armor your Majesties

Now Vivian, I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation

for all this, maybe something happened, let's keep unpacking shall we

Why don't we go see your new room, okay?

And this who you curb

Hedgehog and Grand Poobah this here enchanted garden. This is an enchanted garden

Oh, yeah, super enchanted


Have my best

Whoa do you hear the echo the room aches over here, I bet it would sound really great if you played your mandolin there hmm

It's old gentlemen nothing is haunted is it the ghost again?

I want to be smart

If he and brought you into this castle yep, and we're just getting warmed up we're about to bring on some serious tomfoolery no


Like a don't like in Bury. Oh yeah, there's a berry that'll make him normal again. Oh, what is it a?

Blueberry great, where is it?

Culvert I need some space

Vivian where'd you go Sofia?

You brought wee sprites into this castle


What do you mean when my mom and I moved to the castle I had to leave my room

My house my friends

I had to leave so many things that I loved I was sad

And I was scared call Murray to like you marry me and chief Gordon, and it made him go completely totally googoo gaga for me

hold me closer crack oh


This is a pretty garden

Let's spread out look for a bush, that's all blue Wow

But it's actually enchanted. Yep, I'm pretty sure that's true oh

Cool I love this garden you do uh-huh and your bedroom was pretty great too wasn't it

He was it really was so maybe

We'll be right back. It's okay. We found him



Asked them to make it seem like the castle was haunted so we wouldn't have to live here

But no, I want to live here. You roll. It away your majesty


Wait mom dad

I so since we're friends in all would you do me a big favor in leave now oh?

No can do we're having way too much fun

Yeah, clover eat the Blues Barry and now he's back to his grumpy wonderful self no more hugs

No more clinging no more following my every move


Great then these are for you fresh from the garden. Thanks

Ella we'll get it for you, I want to leave the castle and go for a long walk

Doesn't that sound nice it sounds

Tremendous let's there you are now can we walk near you I mean with you

He worked mom dad Sophie and I got the Wiis ride out of the castle you did quite right Cecily dear

everything back inside gentlemen

Mom turns out it's enchanting do you mean enchanting don't you do no?

Enchanted as in magical you have to see it

Oh very well, then they're delicious suppose you love them. I love them

It's like I told you dad, it's not just enchanting it's enchanted. I have an idea. Let's have a garden party all right

The princess ballet

That's it

Princess curry your singing sunflowers are extraordinarily enchanting. Thank you, Miss Moore

Oh children we only have a few minutes left of class so I want to share some exciting news with you the day after tomorrow

Royal prep will be hosting it school. We'd like to put on an enchanted Orchestra performance Oh

Bo Derek, thank you and would anyone like to dexhart search to perform a simple

but stunning Bella any takers

I'll do it Bravo ladies, but this dance requires three performers

We can help you learn the stats amber

And I have taken a few classes

And knowing you you'll probably be a prima ballerina by the end of our first rehearsal

Just like your mother gather around budding ballerinas before we begin rehearsal

Let me offer you some words of advice from my very favorite ballet teacher the world-famous then an arabesque

into Alice's side that looks tricky and will end with a


Like that only better got it

Here goes

Are you alright, I'm okay, I'm okay

Come on hurry you can take a little break. No not just yet. I really want to do a perfect pirouette

But it doesn't do you really like it? I made it out of all these cool old things. I found at home

It's nothing

So it is

Don't forget to find a good spot for my sculpture. You got it. Okay guys. Let's get to work

We still have tomorrow when the next day to learn the routine I know I sold, it's enough time SIA Sophia

Khari, my little superstar. How was your day ballet? That's

Wonderful. I can't wait to see you leap and spin just like I used to the thing is I

Haven't really gotten the hang of ready for rehearsal. Oh, I see rehearsals already started. I got here early to practice

Sophia she is really serious about this show serious. I

Can do the quarry?

Okay, let's get back to practice my parents are coming to see me do ballet. Not some silly hop

It's not what she thought it would be she'll be so disappointed in me

Yes, it was some marvelous pure wedding congratulations

Finally I was starting to think I'd never get it now

I can start working on the other dance moves in the route sure there is we can do it. Maybe you and amber

Can you've taken ballet before but this is really hard for me. I think you're gonna do fine carry

Him Sergio Adagio

By what moments our friend needs to learn the arabesque glissade and garage attack and she needs to learn them fast

I don't know how to do any of those moves I

Am very glad to hear

Hmm I see this will require some special training shit. Eh like you have never

Just remember girls in fact I'm not so sure that mop was even part of the sculpture. Yeah

I think it fell out of the janitor's closet oh

Yeah, but I still say it's a lot

My money you certainly learned the way to grande jeté I can even bliss the hut and arabesque

It looks like you girls are ready to rehearse the Indo I could do a pirouette before why did I mess it up now?

Because it takes a lot of practice to get it right every time, and we haven't worked on it in a while

I don't want to almost do it it has to be perfect

He's sorry, I don't think I can be in the show curry


Hi guys the hall looks great


Is that my sculpture what sculpture who air I don't see any sculpture?

Some things might not be in exactly the same place as you had them or even close. We are really sorry

Hey, do you have any other sculptures you want us to mess up hurry back, what's the bleep? I just can't do it Sofia

Doing it is the fun part even if you don't do it perfectly

But my parents will see you having a great time dancing in the shower. Do you think ballet is fun?

Don't you oh I hope you all enjoyed the art exhibit in the hall now on to the next arts night


ladies and gentle kings

My arabesque was wobbly

I completely flubbed my pirouette we don't expect you to do everything perfectly

But mom you were such an amazing ballerina

I'm in ok just go like this with your arms, and hop on your legs like this

The blue girl has landed


That's ok teeny. I should have seen you coming, but like this hmm

Okay have fun everyone bye chief knuckles. See you chief good all right. Oh, that's better

He'll never find me in here


Glorious light at last you must not get out of your cave much so listen up little troll and I'll tell you what I'm on

This place will look great once I do a little decorating and get a lot of those glowing crystal thingies well

maybe you could ask chief knuckles for some I

Don't ask I tell

Trol sorry grandpa, please don't zap me. Are you afraid of the dark?

Anything mister no take this fuck it get me what I want

And no one will get salamander and don't go telling anyone about this you go blabbin and I go zipping just

Bring me those crystals. We're supposed to find you gnarly what happened

Nothing, I just don't want to play anymore

Hmm, are you okay? I'm fine. Oh

It's only an emerald well isn't that a precious gem, but it doesn't glow like a cave crystal

Charlie tired I'm gonna be tired from all this mining

I'm gonna go rest for a while so I can is the other way. Where is he going? I don't know

Do you know what happened the last time someone thought Grotta would understand know what

Put it this way. I wasn't always a mole

This makes me very unhappy and when I'm not happy

It's true I haven't been happy for two years we have to rethink this whole layout flinch

Move the rock sofa back over there again


Mean right away Greta. Oh what am I gonna do Sophia?

I can't just make a bucket of cave crystals appear out of nowhere, and I only have until brothers candle burns out. Let me under

Whom the span Scrolls there stays with me right there it is

Well could you maybe come down here for a minute I need your help

Give me one good reason why I should oh, it's a piece of cake all I need is some diamond dust

So be right next to this sapphire seed of course beauties

This isn't Diamond Dust its eggshell powder


I've dealt with this bossy little cave dwellers before you have they think they're so powerful

But there isn't a fleegle alive who could match swans with a royal sorcerer healthy care of granite for you

Are you sure she's pretty powerful? Oh?

Poppycock I shall make magical mincemeat out of that Fleagle

Everything's in the wrong place

start over start over, but everything is made of stone I

Am Cedric the sensational

Royal sorcerer to king Roland the second and Princess Sofia of enchancia. We've come to ask you to



Don't you have some cave crystals to fetch for me, but but I told you I couldn't find any more. What about the ceiling stars?

Teeny ceiling stars and anyone else who tries to stop me


Guess I've got to give her some of her Sofia do you have a minute I?

Always have time for you Sofia

What is it you see I've got this friend

He's not supposed to tell anyone he has to then chief knuckles

And the other trolls can help your friend stand up to this Fleagle. Do you really think that will stop her I do

Here I just couldn't do it Sofia. I couldn't take our ceiling stars

You don't have to nerely there's another way out of this you have to get help from chief knuckles. Yeah, you leave him alone


Princess I'll take on you instead capture is Francisco

What are you gonna do gnarly I'm gonna take Sofia's advice teeny

But you have to lead the way me why to show this bully of a fleegle that you can't push you around


Here grata you shouldn't sneak up on people like that. That's my job now

There's one thing you should know about trolls legal

Bind very well

Don't mr. Cedric. I'm just so scared of the dark. I have to have those cave crystals

Well there are better ways to get what you want than bossing people around

Really, I know these caves belong to you

But is it okay if I stay here and live in this one you forgot the magic word





You're giving them to me. Why?

Excuse me

But since you're being nicer and everything I wouldn't mind getting turned back to normal huh I suppose you're right Blanche

Thanks for helping me Sofia anytime gnarly

Now how would my new neighbors like to chill it's tastier than it sounds

Nutini on the block

Where are you racing off to Sofia?

For the royal family of tangu a gift for your new palace museum. This was sent to the wrong Kingdom when you're working fine

But one little peek you've hurt, Oh Liam what's so important about this dusty old thing?

I'm princess of yeah well princess Sofia. This is your lucky day

What kind of fantastic princess a wish do you want? No?

come back I

Thought genies were only supposed to grant wishes to the person who lets them out of the lamp

What now miss I've never lets a genius

Your poor little thirsty, I wish it would rain and so it land accounts, please

Kazeem you have to stop granting wishes and you have to get back in your lamp right now. Why would I stop for any horses?

Raining wishes makes people happy

Now how like when you find him madam you betcha madam you betcha, I need your help no, tell me you

And Kadena there he is more, but Genie Patrol is Genie Patrol

I will help you find your missing genie. It is what they do. Okay, thanks

Genie Patrol

Did you have a lamp and now I can't find him well you'll have to talk to a patrolman miss

Cathy and then he grant you three wishes when you let him out no

But he's been granting everyone else's wishes see it's his first time out of the lamp and first timer

Our genies here really just you what no no no no, no, okay? Yeah, you got me

We're a little understaffed now. If this Kazim is a young genie fresh out of the lamp

You probably hasn't learned the genie rules yet hearing you can grant three wishes that's one two three Rule three

When you're done given wishes away


You smell that what it smells like wishes bingo

Just as I suspected

A birthday party what if that mean it means any big crop? You know the party doesn't start until this evening

Oh we know, but we thought we'd come early to watch Sophia and Xander's rehearsal and provide a safety net just in case

Hop on I'll take you to look for Sofia myself oh come on Rollie

Only grant wishes to the person who lets you out of the lamp

Everyone's wishes and I like going to bed at night knowing cookies are bite-sized

I'll let you off with a warning bro, but I'm not going in my lamp, and I'm not warning any rules. I'm

And you can't stop me

Disappear no Sofia only the genie who grants the wish can undo the wish rule 21

Evasive action

Now get back at your lap with your hands up, please caffeine do what he says

Quit kids wish for sergeant fizz to be stuck in out by an adult grit all your wishes

He's getting away come back. I can't only the genie who grants the wish can undo the wish remember rule 21

Wait, are you still there? Yes, and I won't let you down Sarge

Let's catch that

Are you okay, yes, No what happened out here

Been granting wishes all over tango

A lot of wishes Oh Sofia you were supposed to bring the box straight here without

Opening it not to mention tracking down that genie

But I want to fix the mess I caused please give me your Majesties. What could you possibly do princess Sofia?


Come again if I can get Kasim to see how unhappy he's made everyone then maybe he'll undo all his wishes

It's a long shot step right up and make a wish oh

What a beautiful day, I wish we could sit up on that cloud and look what's all that commotion down there

It's all the wishes. I branded see how happy I've made everyone, but are they really happy Kazim, huh?

What do you mean take a closer look grapes you can start by granting my three wishes all right? What's your first?

Wish I wish for you to let sergeant fizz out of your lamp do I have to?

mm-hmm wait search of this

Kazim is ready to follow the genie rules. He's granting my three wishes right now. Is this true yes sergeant

Thank you

Hey, it gets lonely being the only officer in the genie Patrol, but not every wish comes true hmm

But maybe this one can what do you mean? I'll be right back if that's okay both of you, okay?

Now wait just a second. You said it gets lonely being the only Patrol - it won't be the same without you

Partner Sofia it's time for a carpet dance

Well we never rehearsed, but the show must fly on

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Yellow Rabbit - Part 19 - Duration: 44:50.


Little Einsteins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 32 - Blue Pig - Duration: 20:22.

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For more infomation >> Little Einsteins Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 32 - Blue Pig - Duration: 20:22.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 65- Yellow Panda - Duration: 17:58.

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For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 65- Yellow Panda - Duration: 17:58.


Billy Dilley's Super Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 21 - Elise Hunter - Duration: 17:31.

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Pickle meee

Now all right why do we fear stickler later? How about we play some fetch instead?

Eh. I didn't grab it before it passes you by Wow would you look at that lucky bounce a buddy?

Never give back


Care this coupon good for one subscription, too

So familiar here

Yeah playful little scam bites you

Would be so much fun, but I don't know the first thing about proper slug care

What are they hiding

It's time Snuggie had a little quiet time and baby had a little bitty silly time this big

Bad you know Billy will go do some important work

Do I use the damn pickle baby sister

Penny first second third ah was daddy like someone with eating

Okay, it's obvious we both need a break stay

Hi Zeke these spanakopita look lovely got a hard hi Billy. How's it going with sluggy?

Just wasn't meant to be

Why did you have to bring almost any Billy has really made a mess of things this time and it's high time

He does something about it something to wrap socks slash

sculpture of the planet well

Thanks, Billy. I

Won't feed them. Where why do you have that thing on your head and where can I get one? I should have never taken such

Suckee we need to talk I've been doing that

You know

Don't freak out Zeke, I'm not a real talking bush

It's me Billy's little lower. Okay. That's it Billy

Please tell me you're not talking about these shrubs. I call the one with the red berries the red Raschi shrub


Strange weather today hazy yeah total can't pick up this trash

Yeah, because I lost our only two shovels. That's okay

We can use these teaspoons in a quadruple the cleanup of hours

122 teeth leaves of trash in the bag one hundred and twenty two teaspoons of trash you scoop

Platter dactyl, they're not usually afraid of anything. It was a chicken turd act off. Okay that woody anyway

It's swoop down so I ducked and that's when I fell CLE hygienic isolation bubble wait what?

You know quarantine is not half bad. Just one question though. It's much better than shoveling garbage

Billy what is that sound?

No need to shout the the blender is for making health smoothies

Huh no mind if I just ranked up what start with a simple cooperative squat

Cooperative squat, that's right buddy first. We join hands

We take us

Nabis yeah 12 hours per deal no see that's for the Fred berries

blueberry bushes a whole nother story

It is gonna do look on the bright side seat bright side. I'm going to explode it can't get any worse

Your innards won't liquefy and rupture though. We can't leave this bubble all right can we

You probably didn't want to change firsts

Out of Shelley's heat-resistant gelatin and the inner mechanisms are convoluted system of levers police switches

Forty three and a half steps to go

18600 at 72

So is the antidote in that giant pile of trash or in the giant sleeping next to the giant pile of trash?

the giant pile of trash

As much as you know I would love to hug right now, I don't think this is the time

Baking well, thanks anyway see, but I'm having branch with Gorger

Touching the secret cork knickknacks is strictly forbidden


It looks like my brunch has some fight in it yet


Sacred relic has been swiped. It's clear from their wound that you fought bravely

But did you get it was thousands of years ago when we corks were still Lucas which came to be known?

as the glorp down from on hari

testify but today marks the end of Dori hug

No you're not yeah, but here perched on a rickety pedestal mm-hmm above a bottomless storm drain


Think I just dropped oh one crosses the corpse and lives to tell the tale kinda hard to tell tales with no


There is one right here

and there's one over the head and picked up the Goblet and swallowed the glorp ah

And what manner of flying creature is?

responsible for this treachery

Yeah, how do you know all right boys when I say the word we destroy that miserable creature is the word?

Cranberry sauce oh, it's please

everyone should know that


He's got both arms there's arms. This is like his hands

Genius Billy you I guess we can go back to the compound now

Not you wait what you promised to find the culprit, which you did

At last a moment away from bumzu where I can do my most favorite

We finally got our glorp was something as foul as sludge

You said what I just said it was your sludge

Well, then we'll just work something a few essentials and get in the wagon nonsense. I've been waiting for this day

Everybody listen it was me you're

Mad I'm absolutely ecstatic now we get to the part where we dispense justice on this dastardly call

Could it be what is this indeed the sacred glorp

Did I see that

Hey find your own pancake hair

It's right this hair belongs to and that's it okay Billy we get it

Wait a second Anaximander is not scheduled to mold for another 17 days

47 minutes


Perfectly normal so the reason for this unscheduled shedding must be my dad's a member had the same

Problem he not only lost all his hair. He also lost his marbles

He became convinced. He was a butterfly

Dad now, but Billy do we have you feeling like your old lovable furry old self in no time

It's so brave whatever is bothered you carried away

You're going about this all wrong. It's so obvious is the thing?

He's worse to poor Anaximander well if I was you and

He's gone

Nataly dad he's

when I was little and suffering from a chronic using skin rash my parents decided to put on a

Musical to show me how much I meant to them it made me feel so

Studies have shown music has a positive effect on brain waves

Maybe the answer to our little pals misery dies in the form of

In the refrigerated warehouse

If that's an act manager then who's

More importantly what's a naked mole-rat doing in Anaximander see?

Hair removal for

Wasn't feeling bad at all he was losing his hair on purpose

I'm glad that Anaximander is okay, and all that means we put on that whole show for nursing

For more infomation >> Billy Dilley's Super Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 21 - Elise Hunter - Duration: 17:31.


An Extremely Goofy Movie Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 2 - Red Dog - Duration: 14:30.

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For more infomation >> An Extremely Goofy Movie Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 2 - Red Dog - Duration: 14:30.


Sofia The First Tea for Too Many Episode 50 - Blue Paw - Duration: 13:46.

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For more infomation >> Sofia The First Tea for Too Many Episode 50 - Blue Paw - Duration: 13:46.


Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Bets Cartoon For Kids Episode 20 - Summer Field - Duration: 28:10.

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Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 48 - Yellow Crab - Duration: 18:02.

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Can't tell you how excited I am for our vacation to Florida tomorrow

It's the parent I made friends with when I first got to Florida I was feeling homesick, and he helped me feel better Koscheck

That's when you feel so parents can live a long long time hmm. I wonder if I'll ever see him again

Suffering side orders of seaweed salad I still need to pack Lobster. We're gonna play on the beach

Teddy Bob was really excited about coming to the beach

Maybe he's homesick

You know like when he was a kid that totally makes sense I get it let your Bob up last time

He was in Florida was the parent I smell a mission. Let's go

Bob said that the Pyrrhic knocked down Bob did say he first met superhero, I want to walk in a garnet

Then we should go on a walk. I love walks

With all these trees this hump

Sorry Nelly are you Bobby's bored? Oh?

Rollie he's not a parent all right

I just saw wings and got it yeah Bob's bird laughs coconuts out of trees and eats grapes and dances and sings

Hey, I heard a bird singing today

I could take it to him singing burns up that old overturned boat my puppy you do something

Just like that you are the best see I'll save and pups in all of Florida

I don't know what rhymes with Florida right Jonathan isn't the right kind of singing bird?

He's a seagull flaps bird as a pair and Bob's bird knocks coconuts out of trees. I know I know Oh

Bingo there's a bird knocking compliments on that tree just like Babu used to do

Thanks for helping us find Bob's burner Jonathan and you to Nelly after to her

Hope you get Bob's bird back to Bob so he can feel better

Come on, Roli. Let's get

He's not moving we need to figure out how to get him to follow us what a delightful picnic at the beach Frank

I just love Florida us for the parrot

Bob said is bird like drapes. We can use them to bring him back to Bob's hotel

Whoa to produce that both look like Bob's border

Olli there can only be one Bob's bird. What a shame repeating things?

So we asked of each of whom was Bob's bird

a bird

You know dancing?

Bob's burger might need a little inspiration we need to sing and dance and maybe Bob's board will decide to

That first I'm saying pretty well, and it's under both the others they're all good dancers to name

suffering side orders of seaweed salad

He said the same thing Bob tears when he's frustrated

Suffering side orders of sea back to Bob so we can surprise it back to Bob surprised

By an appearance at

Oxford they say who I think it is what I'd recognize that voice anywhere

I'm singing and dancing and Wow Oh suffering side orders our ceiling

Flying saucer-like

Saucers are scary

Don't worry, Roley captain dog isn't afraid of flights in dog. Oh, he saves the day

I know you to love captain dog as much as I do so I got us tickets to captain surprise

I can't wait to show you - once we get there


It's a puppy size play area of the city where captain dog lives and you guys get to play around in it

There's even a contest for whoever built the best part of the city, I really hope I win that blue ribbon

What did you hear that captain dog Bob needs us to protect us - happens while he's gone

Kosta was broke. Chloe well if it isn't

Bingo you mean if it isn't Captain jobs in the bar tonight. I'm Colonel catastrophe if this is lieutenant. I'm boys

Sorry Carl catastrophe but boggsville belongs to every dog. Let's see what lieutenant got cast to say about that

It was a brave thing you did capture dog I like being captain dog

Great work today captain Doug the only thing we haven't seen you down

OK, we've got my Dorota fix and now a foreign sauce at her stop you ready captain ah

He did the perfect hose for burying things, and he's the bravest brother in the whole world who's always there when I need him

No, I'm pleased

Captain Rolly

Well looks like you guys had fun and the monorail still working perfectly

Ah, thanks for protecting it for me while I was in

I don't want to be a shark monster. Please be our shark monster sign him a shark monster

Little fellas I like seeing in the morning

You to

Feel that sand on my toes someday

But right now I've got to get to work and invent neat stuff to put in your doghouse

Oh, that's right the gardener's here today. Using the lay flour could be a big

Job come on Roli you and I are going on a mission

Good thing Bob invented these collars for us to put stuff in

Hope whoever


Answers this poor boy away is the Hawaiian name for this necklace made of flowers. Hey, can you just turn that neck flower?

This is exactly what Bob needs for his coat, and it's exactly what?

We can figure out how to get it there

We need something big that flies like a big fly bigger and flier, so let's get to work

What are you doing walking away from me I was talking to you. I'm not walking away from you. You're walking away from me

except neither of us is walking

Nothing contests for dogs. Yeah, we poor Lakers are gonna ride the next way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy

We're gonna be

You two doggies one the surfing contest first place must have got bonus points for being extra huggable you crabby

Really hard for me to think with all that same vibe past my face and into the trophy

In our collars. Yeah, I

Already ate mine on the way here. That's okay. I can share mine. I ate yours, too

Sam that's in my ears, what are you doing? I'm doing that other trick Bob taught us shake no

I meant shake shake, but not to Bob to toe

Let's see there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up for my nap or beg me to be

A shark monster until I finally said okay

Whoa, would you two get in to?

Have the two you guts my toes can talk each one of them would be saying thank you

Thinking about how the two of you and hisy are here all day

And how I wish I could be with you so I invented this to do the kinds of things. I just hi bingo

hi, Roley, I

Call him earth

Which stands for Auto doggy robotic friend if you guys any messed that you make before I get home from work?

So we can have more time to play

It does do

Wanna meet ARF maybe later, I'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean, which means

Think of that yeah

They call that so ours can have fun cleaning it up. Wait a minute you want us to mess this place up. Oh, yeah, okay?

Nice job, I can hardly see the Florida

Oh, but he's not going to have to clean it up because that's right. Are you pleased?

To finish the job

Pippy and ARF made a little bit of a mess so our wishes aren't good help, but ours wasn't programmed to make wishes either

So I guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves

puppy dogs die

Bingo and Rolly made this mess art will clean it all up

Sparkly clean this right after they come out of the washing machine I

Guess my new invention really worked huh, which means all of us have more time to play?

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 48 - Yellow Crab - Duration: 18:02.


Sofia The First Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 79 - Yellow Monkey - Duration: 15:06.

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Big Sleep

I'm very excited only two and I want everything to be perfect that goes in the banquet room quick quickly

Baileywick, did you set up the chocolate milk there?

We go

Now wait until you see where we're sleeping tonight

Yes, the guests I invited princess Hildegard and princess Clio

They're the most popular princesses in the school. Who did you invite Ruby and Jade? Oh?

I don't know them again that this is your first slumber party as a

Princess you do want to make a good impression. Don't you yes, but?

The girls are having a slumber party tonight

Oh, I can already hear the endless giggling now

And we were hoping you could put on a little magic show for that. You Thank You Cedric yes my queen


Believe this fifty only question is how

Ha ha I'll have my little puppets put on the magic show and the one and only trick

And from the kingdom of freezenberg princess Hildegard

I love your tiara absolutely not princess Clio princess Hildegard

Come on in girls our castle steward baileywick, we'll help you all get settled. Thank you

Right this way my little ladies

Your luggage Belize

Jade did you bring the pinecones? Yeah sure did

What are they doing what are they let's see it?

Pinecones are not part of a perfect princess slumber party. Oh, I thought I explained this before

But I guess I'll have to do it again. How would you two like a royal makeover?

We can make it work first the dresses oh, thank you helpful bird friends

Okay, it's time for the first activity fan decorating

Say hi to happy fan, that's Sophia Ruby, can you just paint roses don't make me miss there's no offense

Wanna turn Sofia I need to talk to you the bell that must mean it's time for it

Right let's practice this one more time from the top. Yeah, okay?

I've always wanted to know how many tiaras. Do you have 84 Wow 84 how many down chocolate milk fountain?

Sophia this is so much fun. I'm having the best time. Thanks for inviting us

Welcome to the greatest and only magical puppet show

Do you know any card tricks, I love those hey everybody mom and dad asked me to tell you

It's ruined we're so so sorry so sorry

This was my third favorite count amber

It was just let's go then maybe we can enjoy five minutes of our party without Sofia's

friends getting in the way, so

Who cares what they think

Everyone well, what do you think?

No, I just don't want them to ruin the rest of the party

Hmm yes you do, but now you have to act like them

Princesses don't talk so much or laugh so loud or make so many messes

Just act like them

And the best news is you're not embarrassing me anymore we were embarrassing you

Sophia I'm sorry if we talk too much and laugh too loud for your fancy new friend. You're with us now

But I wanted to be with them I

Told you damn Ruby to act more like the princesses

I was trying to help them fit in but I just made them feel bad it seems to me

The only one who needs to act more like too late to do anything about it well

It's never too late to start acting like a princess and saying you're sorry is a great place to start

Ruby Jade wait

I'm sorry

Please don't leave I thought we were embarrassing you

and I'm really really hoping you'll give me a chance to make it up to you I

Don't know we can start over and have our own slumber party like we used to what do you say?

Who could that be at this late hour


Sophia can I talk to you for a moment?

hmm sure oh

Oh, oh, you know where um pardon me. Well. We're having it

Thank you


It's apprentice

Into a ruby you hold your wand just so say the magic words and flick the wand



All right children you can practice more at home later. I can't I do it right give it another try

Good luck magic is delicious

So I have this sorcery class at school I can never find anything in this mess I

Know I can help clean up your workshop in return for magic lessons hmm

Princess Sofia will you be my apprentice?

yes, all right, then we start tomorrow now off you go I

I'll pour the invisibility potion on myself and disappear

I'll be able to swipe her amulet without her. Even knowing it once the Amulet of avalor is mine

Why do you think we gave you this portrait?

for my birthday

so your mother and I can keep an eye on you a

Sorceress place is by then get that have you little make your mummy Frode

We'll be Cedric all this noise is disturbing the King supper, please keep it down

Yes, yes right after I finish this invisibility pose

Why don't you tidy up in the meantime okay? Now? Let's see

Are you done with your potion yet, mmm I'll finish it later great

Can you show me how to turn a rock into a ruby now magic words in wave you're worn with companies like this

There's no the stone isn't going anywhere. No go ahead. You give it a try

You're learning magic how wonderful you'll have to teach Cedric some when you're done very funny, baileywick

What are you well king Roland needs you right away the?

Key is bragging about how great his kingdom is so I want the castle to look

It's very best could you transform these gloomy old gargoyles and dice? Ah?

Cedric you were supposed to transform the gargoyles not bring them to life. Oh my apologies your majesty

I'll get it right this time don't bother

Sorry your spell didn't work right. Well you missed a spot by the potion cabinet not even once not even half

That's an easy spell I learned it the first week of sorcery school

You're so good at magic mr.. Ceedric. Why couldn't you turn the gargoyles into golden horses anyway?

I better clean up for dinner. See you tomorrow mr. Ceedric


said to me

But on the most incredible display of magic I've ever seen we have a great royal sorcerer - Sofia

Mr.. Ceedric is the best?

And the night after tomorrow it is I can't wait to tell mr.. Ceedric the night after tomorrow

I know isn't that great

So let's get started. Oh, okay

Your sorcery test is tomorrow morning you should go finish studying now mr. Ceedric

Right so that's why the potion wasn't working now all I need to do is add a spoonful of mote moss indeed yes

I did it were me eyes made

If you steal her amulet son see how sad she would be how could you do that to your new friend I

Hope you do the right thing Cedric no no do the wrong thing mama loves you

You must perform all the transformation spells we learned this week good luck

Everyone you may begin

Good luck. Yes, just get ready

Swipes of his amulet and take over the kingdom

Your Majesties may I present this potion will change the kingdom forever oh

This is going to be a disaster. Oh it'll be fine

First things first

He was doing a trick really well like a trick he learned in sorcery school. Hope this works

That was magnificent you saved Sofia's life, Thank You Cedric I

saved her life

Better how nervous you were and it worked everyone finally saw how great you are so Cedric

Let's see that last trick you were talking about a ton to make myself invisible and take over the kingdom

Lots of performance, did you see the looks on their faces?

Here this is for you was it I got a gold star today, and I thought you should get one too. Oh

Whammy you can always take over the kingdom tomorrow

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 79 - Yellow Monkey - Duration: 15:06.


Henry Hugglemonster Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 9 - Emma Dale - Duration: 17:41.

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For more infomation >> Henry Hugglemonster Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 9 - Emma Dale - Duration: 17:41.


Milo Murphy's Law Worked Day Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Lola John - Duration: 18:21.

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For more infomation >> Milo Murphy's Law Worked Day Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Lola John - Duration: 18:21.


Elena Of Avalor Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Blue Shark - Part 36 - Duration: 16:06.

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For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Magic Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Blue Shark - Part 36 - Duration: 16:06.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Pixie Dust Away! Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Yellow Banana - Duration: 17:25.

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Captain what is missing?

Well he did have a late night, maybe he's sleeping in cat Moo oh

My ah he must have gone ashore

without these oh

Dear, what's going on? Where is the captain we need help?

Oh where oh, where is he?


We're good captain bees mr.. Smee. Are you looking for seashells - seashells?

What Oh, No we're looking for Captain Hook Captain Hook is missing

The treacherous captain say matey's will you help us find Captain Hook?

Go where we have no clue what to do we need some sort of clue to tell us where to look for Hook

footprints oh oh

Tick tock croc. He don't like to get him the captain doesn't like him either. Why why would Captain Hook go to


Don't worry captain we're right behind you

We can't follow looks footprints until we get past old tic-tock croc

Maybe he's still tired. I think you're right cubby. Maybe if we sing the croc a lullaby. He'll go back to sleep

Yay-hey we got the track to fall asleep and the blues

It's the cat respec Yoho, what do you know and more footprints? Oh? Thank goodness?

We wave money be a Buccaneer


Wow, but footprints stop in this field without his captain cuddly bear you think the captain's out here trying to get some sleep

Or maybe he never woke up this morning. Maybe he's still asleep back of a giant butterfly


This is an emergency. Don't worry mr.. Smee. I've got just what we need Cakes peanuts away

Here you go Captain Hook mr.. Smee. What is happening?

You were sleepwalking captain and the little sea pups helped find you and save you and anytime you need our help

These blasted puny pirates always have to meddle in my business. We're just on count with us


2 3

You look like a right

Great start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho


That's no volleyball, it's a bouncy bumble. He's really far away from

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest is everybody ready

I got my sword are we getting closer to your home bouncer?

Bouncer is that his name it is

Look alive me hearties

Those aren't bouncy bumbles

Are you sure this will work captain just bounce around like those blasted pods

We gotta stop them and help our new matey, but we're not bouncy bumbles

What if they get upset when they see us in their home?

Just keep moving forward and the bugs won't even notice us

be careful sir

How can we go after Hawk without slippin and slidin, I've got an idea

We can ski the cross just like I feeder or and got two gold doubloons

Let's grab her and go catch up to that bumblin Captain Hook

Sake bombs mr. Smee


What are you the only pirates doing here anyway stopping you from swiping the treasure of the bouncy bumbles

Who goes there it is I captain Holt I redeem

Hey, I'm police bumble gods

Let them be my boy. Fumble here says that you all are good friends

And you know what any friend of a bumbles perfectly?


There's your pirate feet

Captain Hook no puny pirate orbit ha ha the golden treasure is right where it belongs

Balloons a chest filled to the brim

This is one big emergency let's grab them and go return the bumble Queens treasure

What are you smiling about you big dog friends oh?

Yeah, I want to thank you for saving all my golden treasure, so guess what?

Thanks for helping the bouncy bundles mateys now let's put all our gold doubloon on count with us

1 2 3 4 5 sweet I

Hope I never see another gob of honey nothing the taste sweet smells

Mr.. Smooth, there's a seagull favorite food

Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho

One more time and the winner of the first Never Land coconut rolling race championship is

And maybe not we don't know who this package is for it could be for anybody

Captain I thought you wanted lunch

Oh, I am hungry all right, but I'm even hungrier for treasure

And I'll bet my best book say matey's will you help us deliver this package?

Great keep a lookout for gold doubloons

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. There is give it to me so that we can use it to fly but only in emerge

According to the Mac we start by crossing floating Rock Canyon whoa I better be extra careful with this package

Well go on Smee go get


And got three gold doubloons. Let's grab them and go help Captain Hook. I don't need help from

Hmm something smells good, I think it's coming

Captain Hook

blasted rising water I

Can never get used to riding up a waterfall yeah

The varmint keep pushing us or no it

Sounds like Hook and mr.. Smee are in trouble

Hook it's me from the tick tock croc

Let's grab them and go deliver them

I just need to get away from those pipsqueak Pirates long enough to finally see what's inside this package

That way leads to bouncy Boulder Hill are you two all right?

You need to take better care of your things

According to the map this is it the package there they are

heading towards our cave


know that cave oh

You do which was me I knew we've been here before

This isn't just any cave this is Captain Hook's treasure cave

Shiver me timbers that means this package was meant for and I know what to do

Wanda me treasure cave -

We're not here to plunder

We just want to deliver this package you mean my pants

Right it can finally see what treasure awaits inside for me

Who a note what's it say captain?

Tommy needs I can't wait to sink my teeth into

Here, I guess we should have been more careful when we kept swiping um well

Then everyone even your puny pirates must try some you know I've loved them ever since I was a wee pirate lad


Yummy come on carry with us

One two three crackers for me

More presents from me nice Crocky

Little Red Riding Hood

That sounds like your puppy pals are calling you home patch

Have fun with your pirate puppy crew patch bring the basket of treasure to patch

Yay-hey remember to keep a lookout Gold the blimp didn't leave anything else behind on the beach

Can you believe this the

Pirate lass is bringing a basket of treasure to that mangy mutt

Very thoughtful of her isn't it amazing that she gave it to me

I'm sorry if I woke you ma'am, but I was just delivering this basket to my friend. Oh my dear. I can hardly see you

Could you please come clean mom?

Hmm what a big voice you have your basket of treasure

Mr.. Smee

Patter of puny pirate footsteps behind us and you know how I hate pizza

And that someone is all better hat

I want Patch's basket back. Let's blow damn boo house

Know how the captain get

Slowing me down


Don't those peewee pests have anything better to do than bother me. I'm afraid not Kat

maybe we can hide in that hot well they just got company ah

Someone's coming he could need

Hmm bears live here, so let's pretend. We're bears like this

shiver me bear claws oh

Right we got hook out of hiding and we got three more gold doubloons. It's time you gave up

Captain Hook never gives up take another step, and I'll toss your basket into this bottomless pit

Blasted mutts all of them

That adds up to one big emergency

It's all the treasure you yeah

One two three four five six

Crackers I knew I could teach a new dog old tricks

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Pixie Dust Away! Top Cartoon For Kids And Children - Yellow Banana - Duration: 17:25.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 323 - Duration: 20:47.



You were right Elena it was worth the hike even if there was no path well there used to be one

But I haven't been up here in

41 years

What is that this wand belonged to Cherie key the sorceress who invaded avalor?

The one who put you in that amulet I would still be trapped in that amulet today if it wasn't for a brave young

princess named


You okay, so that was weird it was like I just had a dream, but I was wide awake

It's called daydreaming. I do it all the time

Children come on Sofia. Yeah. We'd better get home, and I better get to the secret library

The kids will be here any minute, Miranda. We have to figure out where we're taking

I wish to be small

The lost princess of avalor like the Amulet of avalor

Was made by a powerful reason who

The Royal wizard of avalor well I was a Royal wizard before I turn myself into him

There once lived a young princess named

Elena on her 15th birthday

Her mother dated Avalon, she attacked the king and queen then set her sights upon the palace

Princess Elena bravely chose to face shrieky on her own

And that is how the princess will not be sad your amulet

Princess inside my amulets, and she's been there for 41 years

But these I searched the globe for years until I grew too old to continue

And use the last of my magic to transform myself into this book

So that someday you must travel to my home in a velour and salmon my channel wait

I have to do what go to my home in a velour and salmon my channel

Elena tested many princesses before you she granted them powers and curses

But you are the only one she chose and she has been preparing you

Avalor sounds great what an adventure it could be and good for the kingdom just as long as we get to go shopping

We'll take the Royal Dahlia

As the trade winds begin to blow there's so much better

We're here, you're very wake up what's going on?

Quite a site is it not the kingdom of our Lord

It's the royal custom to greet the king or queen when visiting a new kingdom Sophia. We have to meet her. Yes, isn't it exciting?

Don't sneak up on me like that. It's Damon can't you see I'm putting on my best face for our visitors. Oh?

Should I come back when you are finished orderly Kingdom in the world nothing is out of place?

Everyone does what they're told

no unruliness

Esteban we sent the royal guards ahead to offer encouragement perfect


They liked her even more me keep my distance amber yes

You honor us with such a warm reception queen shiriki that is the a valoran way king Roland

After your princess


This is my throne room

I spend most of my time here, so what do you think that's quite a throne?

Thank you, so I I mean the Queen had the chef's prepare a small taste of the local cuisine oh

It's such a lovely view from up here Queen shriek

Oh, those are Jack winds magical creatures of legend majestic symbols of avalor

But you can't boss us around mess with a jack when you get the claws, that's it enough is enough

Let's finish our meal inside shall we hmm

Food tastes better when we take it from Sheree keypads Pawlik and good this mind always supply

excuse me oh


didn't he split after Sheree key took over who can blame him she probably would have zapped him like the king and queen and

Princess Elena oh

Now what do we look like flying horses? Do you see a saddle on his back relax you two?

What's your name Sofia?


This is gonna take some getting used to

Hold on Jordan and sounded better, too. What do you mean?

She outlawed music

Why because she wanted everyone to forget the old avalor you could always hear Mew?

In the streets of the city

Although now it is quiet

Hello can I help you hi?

Was this Alok Azhar's house? Well that could have gone better? How do you know what a channel is oh?

Well that was my mom you were just talking to I'm Matteo wait. You are a la kazar scream son

You know my grandfather my mother told me the story so many times. I memorized it follow me. Where are we going to my workshop?

So there are no wizards and avalor not anymore my grandma hit all my grandpa's things down here, but my mother

Never wanted anything to do with it, so it's sadly a the channel exactly a spirit animal

It's like a guide to all the magical stuff in the world that we can't see like princess Elena

It was my grandpa's channel who figured out she was in the amulet. Maybe ten um

appear to us animal spirit of Allah

Sar hellooo Inara alcazar

Greetings from the spirit world

Today oh mighty channel you honor us with your presence

Hey, I know you're excited. You're the princess. It's kind of free Elena. I guess so

Alright then now here's what you gotta do wait - I just once you've got the wand you just wrap the amulet around

It and put him on the crown of oz' Luna the crown of hair as a Luna

He was a great healer who could undo our


Now I've got some spirit animal wisdom for you hmm

Just because you're the one doesn't mean you're the only one how great was that I summoned my first channel

Hey nice move and when the farmer followed her into the jungle she turned into a Jaguar

What's really here? You are princess you were out there awhile Sofia the Jaqueline sang me a song yes

They can't seem to stop doing that

Well Armando is no you won't her mondo

Morty your grace why not if there's some kind of law against dancing

Sofia no one would pass a law against dance if we must let me fetch the guitar great

This is how you dance the samba Rosa

Queen shrieky will you dance with me?

So sorry your grace. I'm so clumsy you're not dancing we can dispose of that now st bud

Sophia I don't want to play hide-and-seek it'll be fun amber

What are you up to Sophia?

I'll explain later, but I need you both to hide as long as you can it's important you got it

So why won't you tell us it's for your own good. I got it. Why darling Sophia?

I don't know how you pulled that off

Shiriki never lets anyone get close to her look at her girl look sweet as sugar, but she's got some skill the statue is inside

Whoa man they really let the place go

Where's the statue well legend has it you need to swim across the enchanted waters for the magic to work

Be the mermaid would really come in handy right about now

Whoa, did you see that I wish that must be

Right I have to put the amulet and wand on the crown of oz' Luna

Princess Elena

You forget how to walk

Thank You

Elena I can't believe you're really back either can I I was in the amulet so long?

I thought I might never get out, but here. I am with my all nice. I can once again see

My dream has come true. I

Okay, I'll see you back in the city. Where are you going to give Cherie key a taste of her own magic let's go

You want me to go with you thanks, but I've got this

The time has come to pay for your crimes crimes

What crimes then I'm here to take mine back?

But avalara has been so much better without you why ruin a good thing?

It takes more than a wand to make you a sorceress your spell has echoed in my mind for 40 years Haruki

I know it by heart

Bravissima, what is this?

I've never seen this painting before oh, that's no ordinary painting Elena. That's how alec has our protect Esteban


This cannot be a step on you were stuck in that amulet a long time you Cesar

Found ya

George stop Adam

Captured by nightfall her and that little princess leave Sophia out of this

And lock them up while you're at it. Yeah, but I couldn't get the spell right and shiriki has your family now

She has my family. I'm so sorry. No she is hajeck lock your arrow

The prisoners were secure Chancellor Stefan those prisoners are royalty and you will treat them as such

Yes, Chancellor


And her grandparents raised me like a son, and I think about what happened to them every day

So I do not need you to remind me. I remand Oh

Elena what happened back there

She was filthy and our parents were on their way home for dinner

So I asked her to change and she comes back wearing a clean dress

but her hands she still had a smudge on her cheek I

Guess I missed a spot

We have the spell that can get them out you're down there in the basement

Practicing magic day and night you think I don't know this but Elena

I must warn you to bring them out with shigeaki still in power

Rafa did you hear they're saying that princess Elena has returned Oh?

Hurry hurry come inside. I have to be careful

I will take on surety my safe

Thank you, all of you, but this is my fight. Not yours. I'm the one who must face her

You know all this time. I was stuck in the amulet. I thought I was alone, but you're right Sofia

It doesn't have to be that way. I have all of you yeah

Not that I ever snuck out when I wasn't supposed to

Princess Elena

Hey there. You look like a nice guy who just wants to do the right thing

I do I mean I do ya know, but she has to see the both of you one of us has to watch the prisoners

Armando I need you to distract the guard hello excuse me

Dad this is princess Alina gift. It was you who made the amulet glow yes

I needed someone young enough to get close to Cherie key without making her suspicious, but brave and clever enough to get me out on

Where is princess Elena Queen shiriki?

When I helped you invade avalor you promised me that no one in my family would be hurt. I also pronged

Put up with you buzzards outside, but not in my palace

But it's so comfy in here isn't whoa clock we Lali. Oh boy

That's a tongue twister the tail Oh

Oh, it's you

Isabella, I never should have let Alec I said put us in that painting. Uh can we talk about this later? We have to go?

Everyone hurry don't get used to it

I'm not running away from Cherokee again Elena. We're not running away, I Willa

Josey but the children should return to the ship where it's safe, we'll be okay dad. We won't be alone everyone's coming

What do you mean everyone?

Hey Zuri


What what is that sound?

They're coming your majesty who's coming all of avalor oh

Stop right there, I'll take care of them brace yourself

They're just too many tree. I'm just gonna go over here now cowards enough

What are you doing in a touch?

The crown goes to you

You will be a great ruler villain can you'll have your grandfather at night to help for everything Elena I

Guess this belongs to you

Sofia I want you to have it for all you've done for avalor, but I was always on our side

but I could not let Cherie key find a way to destroy that painting our family was seen there and so I

pretended to follow

Any time you need a ride princess, I'm your ja Qin let every Bell in a velour ring

We are


Thus began the reign of Princess Elena and with it a new age of joy and prosperity for all of avalor

wonderful I would

Thank you for all you have done Sofia and this is for the journey

Which brings me to this I need to figure out what to do with the pieces of her wand

Well, you couldn't just toss them off the cliff. Thanks, Naomi

What our friends and grand counselors for?

So should we head back down? Are you sure you don't need more rest, then we better go the kingdoms, not gonna rule itself, right?

The farmer in the Dell I the derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 323 - Duration: 20:47.


101 Dalmatians The Series Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 72 - Blue Monkey - Duration: 18:00.

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Stick my nose in that Yeah, right

My sweety big it's real not knowing where it comes from is half the fun

Forget it. I'm ordering game sucks Rupali be fat. It's the tree fix

If I didn't know different, I'd swear she weren't no pig

Roll you eat too much roll you see

I'm telling you son. We'd make the perfect pair I

Just don't know so

Tell me

Number no work. Oh why be

Because you need somebody would appreciate you and I needed Protege oh

She's the apple of my

My little puddin pie, but let's face it. She'll never be half the big you are

Think about it son

Don't rush into anything

What do you mean you're moving out tonight? I told adult waters stay wild I appreciate ya

Yeah, once you start missing us you'll be back here with your tail between your legs

He will be back

Me today, it's honeymoon phase

Tomorrow Dolores pork you guys come into the big celebration what celebration hey you toad

comfortable party I think so oh

Maybe not I'll try can I get back to you. Well. Hope you meet the bunting son

You're the best ed you giving me a home

Taught me the ropes and now you're gonna throw me a party with your eyes for the dogs now

They're the child for your party. Oh you gotta. Do is get him

I can't take those the course you gained big five

Save it for the chicken a kick

Well it's a new golden boy

Your dad wants me to steal for by family

It isn't steel squeeze me out so that you can be daddy's protege and now you

Won't play his game if you can't stand this thing get to the side

Well well well if it isn't my favorite Pig go to get food

Oh, yeah, got me a 3-hour welcome and speech together


Dead just outside of my loud

Actually daddy by using

Great idea token not only you

Beautifully fragrant, but you're smart ping

Called him slow me what about Cathy she used the words

colossal swine

You know I think that we've entered the third phase if Rolly has graciously decided to give you another chance well

I don't know if we want him back. He did kind of blow us off

I Love You Man

Apprising oh yes, and this this was taken just before my most harrowing mission

operation to die

How'd you like to wait for the day seriously

It looks like swamp some call it that others call it they look for it there

But the colonel said not ever ever ever step foot in there I happen

Where's your sense of adventure where's

We've got to get the scarf back

Nope I

Know it was her

Kitchen sink 57 Chevy

Round and round and round she goes versus the

Well now I'm sure that lucky they're lucky last year's well, kick am set go game

Sorry sold it to the snake

What's what we're not giving up that easy

Leap stairs you will you share with us?

Little suckers

Everything's okay, we just gotta get the scarf back to the car. Oh cadets

Why did you but I will have to consult regarding a suitable punishment cadets dismissed

Well, we're a different girl seeking well. It's a lesson. We've all

My best work yet

Done myself

No no no no lucky especially

Whose idiotic idea was it to put a birdbath in the middle of your driveway

We're here to see how our little video game business is coming along do you know how much money I've invested in it

You deserve to be exact

Hmm memo to myself

Stole a disk

Roger will be in a lot of trouble let's go. Oh gee. You know I'd love to really but

Why don't you tackle the bad guy sorry Rollie

That's where we come in really with

Hmm, what is the big secret over there?

Where is it I knew I dusted here hemiola sees that game she'll screech right over here in that hideous car

March up those stairs


Not so creepy last year tree cats recorded an album of Christmas carols, that's right they became instant stars

Hi Barry take it from the top guys Oh

Cruella sorry if the pups disturbed you oops not just pops

Wow did she say stardom we're gonna be stars

Guys guys this is Cruella the same one wouldn't it pay better

Yeah, but I could get a kibble endorsement deal with unlimited free Chef Falls whoo

Yeah, and I could go. It's rewarding of knowing. I've brought a happy smile

Just arranged a concert to be broadcast on TV all over the globe

We're gonna be on tonight all right you win

I'll do it for the pups

This here's all your fault pubs that car track Roger sign says that all thus

Animals have to be in your stupid show turn darlin

You'll never catch me and such a stupid get up

If we only had time for

Liposuction good morning Cruella ow vision smidgen I'm promoting you to a removal technician


I've decided that this productor clause 15 on page 67 of our contract states that I have power to make all the creative decisions

Including demoting you if you don't like it rich as if I are the pups quit for any reason

At the exact times I've written down here follow the schedule no matter what?

We'll make those ferry runs so miserable. They'll be happy


You're too kind the taking of flash photographs and the throwing of rotten vegetables is playing at better work

Okay, I'm ready

Descend me in the right direction

I'm for the final phase

Follow the schedule

Why show Cruella oh by the way there's somebody here to meet you

This is the VP of tacky animal acts at the network, and he wants you to presage it

I never want to see those mutts again. Oh, but you're their producer their director

You've got this ironclad contract

You guys will always be stars to me

For more infomation >> 101 Dalmatians The Series Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 72 - Blue Monkey - Duration: 18:00.


Mickey And The Roadster Racers Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 57 - Blue Butterfly - Duration: 17:18.

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